--- pagetitle: "G'day world!" pagehistory: https://sledjhamr.org/cgit/notYetAnotherWiki/log/testing/index.md --- I've been around since the early sixties, but no one ever noticed.  You really should have tried to pay attention though, I'm awesome.  I try to help the world, but that's not what everyone wants me to do.$_$ Well, the people in charge of this poor defenseless world of ours. *** # Spaces Can it *handle* my _usual_ two **space** sentence breaks? Let's test it.$_$ Not by default. The \\ before a space turns it into a "a literal unicode nonbreaking space character" which looks invisible in the source.  \--ascii should output the HTML code far that.$_$ Except doesn't actually work. Also a \\ at the end of a line turns into a line break, though they get wrapped in paragraph tags.$_$ lol Take two.$_$ And now for something completely different.  It's not consistant, need to manually put in the nbsp a few times above.  Ah, it only works for the first one per line. \ ## Strike out Test ~~strike~~ --out--.$_$ Needs the extension. ### URL [untalenz](https://untalenz.rocks/) https://sledjhamr.org/ # Lists * zero * 1 * two - zero - 1 - two No way to say "here is the end of the list" without putting something **else** here?$_$ Ah a comment will work, or anything else. 1. one 2. 2 0. 0 1. one 2. 2 Autonumbering? Nope. B-( 0. zero 1 two # images ![alt text](Connie_click-me.gif "title") ![figcaption](Connie_click-me.gif "title") # code a simple indented code block *hi* - one Plus some extra text. ~~~ < > ~~~ ~~~lua -- Show some Lua code here, may even be highlighted right. print("G'day world!") -- Let's see what happens with the HTML output by cmark, then gets rendered by the web browser, inside my CSS styled pre code thingy that cmark produces. For a very very very loooong line. Needs to be much longer. What else can I add to this already quite long line to get it to trigger being overly long? I need even mooooooore??? print'The problem here is that I have to use CSS to style these things, coz cmark wont let me at the style stuff as far as I can see. But using CSS web browsers think the nmall box STILL extends all the way to the end of the content, but the scroll works anyway. So it's fucking up the size of the container.' ~~~ > # What is a blockquote? > Still don't know. lol > > Just another useless way to eat space I guess.$_$ shrugs