#!/usr/bin/env luajit --[[ Read the README file for what this is all about. If there is no README or similar, then you can find the link to the source below. Normally I define functions and globals at the top, but here I'm interleaving them. ]] local Lunamark = require("lunamark") -- https://github.com/jgm/lunamark local Lpeg = require("lpeg") -- https://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html Lunamark uses this, so we can to. local RE = require("re") -- Part of lpeg. https://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/re.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some global data. local GlobalMetaData = { dlr = '$', perc = '%', devuanCinnabarDark = '#310202', devuanCinnabarLight = '#510505', devuanDarkPurpyDark = '#33313b', devuanDarkPurpyLight = '#3c3a45', devuanDeepSeaDark = '#132f40', devuanDeepSeaLight = '#1a4562', devuanSaphireDark = '#004489', devuanSaphireLight = '#00509f', devuanDevuanDark = '#000000', devuanDevuanLight = '#ffffff', -- HTML link colours. Naturally HTML5 deprecated the simple version, replacing it with less simple CSS. -- has alink, link, vlink; CSS has active, link, visited, and hover. devuanDevuanalink = '#03a4ff', devuanDevuanlink = '#0076b6', devuanDevuanvlink = '#6aa4db', devuanDevuanhlink = '#03a4ff', devuanSDevuanalink = '#98c3db', devuanSDevuanlink = '#ffffff', devuanSDevuanvlink = '#ffffff', devuanSDevuanhlink = '#98c3db', karenPurple = '#8800ff', onefangPurple = '#cc00ff', PinkFloyd = '#AA00AA', DeepPurple = '#220022', -- From an ancient site of mine, which went from PinkFloyd to DeepPurple as a background gradient. favicon = 'nYAW_icon.png', logo = 'nYAW.png', footer = 'Powered by notYetAnotherWiki version 0.0.  ', } local Files, Subs, xLinks = {}, {}, {} local Template = '' local h = io.open("default.template", 'r') if nil ~= h then Template = h:read('*a') h:close() else print('oops! No such file ' .. 'default.template') end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Useful functions, part 0. -- A simple table.subtable = subtable wont work, you end up with a reference so that changes to the later get applied to the former. local derefiTable = function(t, strip) local argh = {} for l, y in ipairs(t) do if (l ~= y.name) and strip then table.insert(argh, y) end end return argh end local derefTable = function(t, strip) local argh = {} for l, y in pairs(t) do argh[l] = y end return argh end local writeString = function(base, body) local a, e = io.open(base, 'w') if nil == a then print('Could not open ' .. base .. ' - ' .. e) else a:write(body) a:close() end end -- String together the bits array into a path string. Or the other way around. lol local stringBits = function(l) local bits = {} local last = 1 for j = 1, #l do if '/' == string.sub(l, j, j) then table.insert(bits, string.sub(l, last, j - 1)) last = j + 1 end end return bits, string.sub(l, last) end -- Put a value into the Files or Subs table, creating things if needed. local toFile = function(name, key, value) if nil == Files[name] then local bits, bit = stringBits(name) local path = '' Files[name] = {} Files[name].bits = bits Files[name].bit = bit for i, d in ipairs(bits) do if '' ~= path then path = path .. '/' end path = path .. d end Files[name].path = path -- Files[name].body = '' if ("Foswiki" == bits[1]) or ("PmWiki" == bits[1]) then Files[name].ogWiki = bits[1] end end if nil ~= key then Files[name][key] = value end for i, v in ipairs{'metadata', 'bits', } do if nil == Files[name][v] then Files[name][v] = {} end end -- Open the files and do the initial cleanups. local body = '' if '.md' ~= string.sub(name, -3, -1) then h = io.open(name .. '.md', 'r') if nil ~= h then -- print('Parsing ' .. name .. '.md') body = h:read('*a') ; h:close() -- Deal with my typical double spaced sentence endings, and other things. local result = RE.compile( [=[{~ ( {[.?!]{" "}} -> '%1 ' / -- ' ' gets turned into hex 0xA0 by parse(). So feed it another metadata token that gets translated to  . Seems we now skip this issue. {[\\]{['"|$]}} -> '%2 ' / -- Do the same for fixing the \' \" \| etc mess pandoc left. {"[" {([^]])+} "]{.foswiki" {([^FG}])+} "FG}" } -> "%2" / {"::: {."[A-Za-z_. ]+"}"} -> '' / {":::"} -> '' / {"-noComment-"} -> ' -- ' / {"{#"[A-Za-z_]+"}"} -> '' / . )* ~}]=], { } ):match(body) body = result -- {""} -> '' / -- {"[$]"} -> '$dlr$' / -- Replace $, coz otherwise it confuses things later. body = RE.gsub(body, '{[$]}', '$dlr$') -- {"[%]"} -> '$perc$' / -- Gotta be done after the %1's above. otherwise screws things up when included above. -- body = RE.gsub(body, '{[%]}', '$perc$') -- Coz otherwise stray % trip up the capture part. end Files[name].body = body end end local toSub = function(name, key, value) if nil == Subs[name] then local bits, bit = stringBits(name) local path = '' Subs[name] = {} table.insert(bits, bit) Subs[name].bits = bits Subs[name].bit = bit for i, d in ipairs(bits) do if '' ~= path then path = path .. '/' end path = path .. d end Subs[name].path = path end if nil ~= key then Subs[name][key] = value end for i, v in ipairs{'metadata', 'bits', 'files', 'subs'} do if nil == Subs[name][v] then Subs[name][v] = {} end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actually start doing things. -- Create the base of everything.md here, so it gets picked up as usual in the file scan. h = io.open('everything.md', 'w') if nil ~= h then h:close() else print("Can't open everything.md for writing.") end -- Scan the subdirectories looking for our files. local Directory = arg[1] toSub('') if nil == Directory then Directory = '.' end for l in io.popen('find -L ' .. Directory .. ' -name "*.HTM" -type f,l -printf "%P\n"'):lines() do -- print('pandoc converting ' .. l .. ' -> ' .. string.sub(l, 1, -4) .. 'md') -- Open the HTM files and do the initial cleanups, then pandoc them. h = io.open(l, 'r') if nil ~= h then local body = h:read('*a') ; h:close() if 'Foswiki' == string.sub(l, 1, 7) then -- Strip out the actual content. local beg, en = RE.find(body, [['
']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, en + 1) end beg, en = RE.find(body, [['
']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, en + 1) end beg, en = RE.find(body, [['
']]) if nil ~= beg then if ' -- ' == string.sub(body, en + 1, en + 4) then beg, en = RE.find(body, '[%nl]', en + 4) body = string.sub(body, en + 1) end end beg, en = RE.find(body, [['
']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, 1, beg - 1) end -- beg, en = RE.find(body, [['
']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, 1, en + 1) end beg, en = RE.find(body, [['
']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, 1, beg - 1) end beg, en = RE.find(body, [['
']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, 1, beg - 1) end -- Some clean ups. local result = RE.compile( [[{~ ( {'class="foswikiCurrentTopicLink"'} -> blank / {'class="foswikiNewLink"'} -> blank / {" -- "} -> '-noComment-' / -- {"-- " ([^%nl])* } -> blank / {'
'} -> blank / {'rel="nofollow"'} -> blank / {"rel='nofollow'"} -> blank / {"target='_blank'"} -> blank / {"
" ([%nl])* } -> blank / {'style="' ([^"])+ '"'} -> '' / {"style='" ([^'])+ "'"} -> '' / . )* ~}]], { blank = function(a) return '' end } ):match(body) body = result -- body = RE.gsub(body, [=[{""}]=], '') -- FIXME writeString(l .. '_NEW', body) elseif 'PmWiki' == string.sub(l, 1, 6) then local beg, en = RE.find(body, [['']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, en + 2) end beg, en = RE.find(body, [["div id='wikitext'>"]]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, en + 2) end beg, en = RE.find(body, [["
"]]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, 1, beg - (2 + 9)) end -- There's a
to get rid of to. beg, en = RE.find(body, [['']]) if nil ~= beg then body = string.sub(body, 1, beg - 2) end local result = RE.compile( [[{~ ( {"class='categorylink'"} -> blank / {"class='createlink'"} -> blank / {"class='createlinktext'"} -> blank / {"class='escaped'"} -> blank / {"class='diffmarkup'"} -> blank / {"class='selflink'"} -> blank / {"class='urllink'"} -> blank / {"

"} -> blank / {"
"} -> blank / {"class='wikilink'"} -> blank / {'rel="nofollow"'} -> blank / {"rel='nofollow'"} -> blank / {"target='_blank'"} -> blank / {'style="' ([^"])+ '"'} -> '' / {"style='" ([^'])+ "'"} -> '' / {" "
' .. string.sub(l, 1, -4) .. 'md')

if '.' ~= Directory then
    for l in io.popen('find -L . -name "*.md" -type f,l -printf "%P\n"'):lines() do
	toFile(string.gsub(l, '%.md$', ''))

-- Can add in a distant directory to, for putting it's results in the current directory.
for l in io.popen('find -L ' .. Directory .. ' -name "*.md" -type f,l -printf "%P\n"'):lines() do
    local n = string.gsub(l, '%.md$', '')
    if nil == Files[n] then toFile(n) end

-- Gotta figure out all the files and subs first.  File and sub metadata comes along for the ride, coz we need them later.
local NewMeta = {}
for name, file in pairs(Files) do
    local bitter, path = '', ''
    local bits, bit = file.bits, file.bit
    local ln = #bits
    local body, metadata = '', {}

    -- Go through our bits, construct Subs with bits.
    if ln > 0 then bitter = bits[1] end
    if '' ~= bitter then Subs[''].subs[bitter] = bitter end	-- "bitter end" was entirely by accident, I'm keeping it.  B-)
    for i, d in ipairs(bits) do
	if '' ~= path then path = path .. '/' end
	path = path .. d
	if i < ln 		then
	    Subs[path].subs[bits[i + 1]] = bits[i + 1]
	    table.remove(Subs[path].bits, #bits)

    if '.md' == string.sub(name, -3, -1) then
	-- This is a metadata only file, no content, stash the matadata.
	local h1 = io.open(name .. '.md')
	if nil == h1 then print('Could not open ' .. name .. '.md') else
	    for l in h1:lines() do
		for k, v in string.gmatch(l, "(%w+)%s*=%s*(.+)") do 
		    if nil == v then
			print(name .. ' ' .. k)
			metadata[k] = v
	if '.md' == name                          then toSub(path, 'metadata', metadata)
	elseif '/.md' == string.sub(name, -4, -1) then toSub(path, 'metadata', metadata)
--	else                                           toFile(string.sub(name, 1, -4), 'metadata', metadata)
	else						NewMeta[string.sub(name, 1, -4)] = metadata	-- Coz we can't add to Files here.
	Files[name] = nil

-- FIXED - Lua doesn't like modifying the thing you are pair()ing, like we want to do in the last loop.
for name, file in pairs(NewMeta) do
    if nil == Files[name] then toFile(name) end
    for k, v in pairs(file) do
	if nil == Files[name].metadata[k] then Files[name].metadata[k] = v end

-- Fix up subs now we have all the file bits.
for name, file in pairs(Files) do
    if '.md' ~= string.sub(name, -3, -1) then
	table.insert(Subs[file.path].files, file.bit)

-- These functions assume the above file and sub scan has completed.

-- Which page in this directory should we show?
-- NOTE - only looking for the .md files we scanned for before, any stray HTML, html, HTM, and htm files will get ignored.
local whichPage = function(f)
    local fl = ''
    if nil ~= Subs[f] then
	if nil ~= Subs[f].whichPage then return Subs[f].whichPage end
	if nil ~= Subs[f].files then
	    if 1 == #(Subs[f].files) then	fl = Subs[f].files[1] else
		-- Standard files to search for.
		for i, v in ipairs{'about', 'readme', 'index', 'homepage', 'mainpage', 'webhome'} do
		    for j, w in ipairs(Subs[f].files) do
			if v == string.lower(w) then
			    fl = w
		    if '' ~= fl then break end
		-- If nothing else, just grab the first one.
		if ('' == fl) and (nil ~= Subs[f].files[1]) then fl = Subs[f].files[1] end
    if '' ~= fl then fl = fl .. '.HTML' ; Subs[f].whichPage = fl end
    return fl

-- Figure out the original title and link for the original wiki.
local whichWiki = function(metadata)
    local title, link = '', ''
    if 'PmWiki'  == metadata.ogWiki then
	title = metadata.ogBase .. '.'    .. metadata.ogFile
	link  = metadata.ogURL  .. '/?n=' .. metadata.ogBase .. '.' .. metadata.ogFile
    if 'Foswiki' == metadata.ogWiki then
	title = metadata.ogBase .. '/'    .. metadata.ogFile
	link  = metadata.ogURL  .. '/'    .. metadata.ogBase .. '/' .. metadata.ogFile
    return title, link

-- Calculate a link from the source directory to the destination directory.
local linkFrom = function(source, dest)
    -- Evil hacks!
    if 'Profiles' == dest then dest = 'PmWiki/Profiles' end
    if 'Onefang'  == dest then dest = 'PmWiki/Onefang' end

    if source == dest then return '' end
    local depth = 0
    local lnk = ''
    if source ~= dest then
	if nil == Subs[source] then
--	    print('!!!! No idea where to find source ' .. source)
	    return 'DUNNO'
	if nil == Subs[dest] then
	    if dest == Subs[source].bit then
		return ''
--		print('!!!! No idea where to find dest   ' .. dest .. ' from ' .. Subs[source].path .. ' / ' .. Subs[source].bit)
		return 'DUNNO'
	local s = Subs[source].bits
	local d = Subs[dest].bits
	local sl = #s
	local dl = #d

	if 0 == dl then
	    depth = sl
	    for i, v in ipairs(s) do
		if (nil == d[i]) or (v ~= d[i]) then
		    depth = i
	-- depth is where they DON'T match.
	local m = depth - 1
	if 0 > m then m = 0 end
	lnk = string.rep('../', sl - m)
	if 0 ~= (m + 1) then lnk = lnk .. table.concat(d, '/', m + 1, dl) end
    return lnk

-- More of this actually doing things nonsense.

-- Create an "everything" page, for URL links to every file.HTML.
local Bdy = '# All the pages\n\n| page | converted | original page | last edited UTC | \n| ---- | --------- | ------- | --------------- | '
Pages = {}
for name, file in pairs(Files) do
    local metadata = derefTable(Files[name].metadata, true)
    if ('everything' ~= name) then
	local ln, fw, pw, ts = 'DUNNO', '', '', ''
	local title, link = whichWiki(metadata)
	link = string.gsub(link, 'https://', 'HTTPS://')	-- Prevent this one from being converted.
	if 'PmWiki'  == metadata.ogWiki then pw = 'PmWiki  [' .. title .. '](' .. link .. ')' end
	if 'Foswiki' == metadata.ogWiki then fw = 'Foswiki [' .. title .. '](' .. link .. ')' end
	if nil       ~= metadata.timestamp then ts = metadata.timestamp end
	if nil ~= file.bit   then ln = file.bit
	table.insert(Pages, '\n| ' .. name .. ' | [' .. ln .. '](<' .. name .. '.HTML>) | ' .. fw .. '  ' .. pw .. ' | ' .. ts .. ' |')

	-- Track our external links.
	if (nil ~= metadata.ogBase) and (nil ~= metadata.ogFile) then
	    local n = metadata.ogBase
	    if 'PmWiki'  == metadata.ogWiki then n = n .. '.' else n = n .. '/' end
	    xLinks[n .. metadata.ogFile] = file.path
table.sort(Pages, function(a, b) return (string.lower(a) < string.lower(b))  end)
for i, f in ipairs(Pages) do
    Bdy = Bdy .. f
h = io.open('everything.md', 'a+')
if nil ~= h then
    print("Can't open everything.md for writing.")
toFile('everything', 'body', Bdy)

-- Loop through Subs, doing whichPage and inheritance.
-- It gets to testing/even/deeper BEFORE it gets to testing/even sometimes.  So sort them.
SUBS = {}
for name, sub in pairs(Subs) do
    table.insert(SUBS, sub)
table.sort(SUBS, function(a, b) return (string.lower(a.path) < string.lower(b.path))  end)
for n, sub in pairs(SUBS) do
    local name = sub.path
    sub.whichPage = whichPage(name)
    local metadata = sub.metadata
    for i, s in pairs(sub.subs) do
	local nm = i
	if '' ~= name then nm = name .. '/' .. i end
	for k, v in pairs(metadata) do
	    if nil == Subs[nm].metadata[k] then
		if ('favicon' == k) or ('logo' == k) then
		    Subs[nm].metadata[k] = linkFrom(nm, name) .. v
		    if 'hidden' ~= k then	-- Don't inherit hidden.
			Subs[nm].metadata[k] = v

-- Files inheritance.
for name, file in pairs(Files) do
    if '' ~= file.body then
	local mdata = Subs[file.path].metadata
	for k, v in pairs(mdata) do
	    if nil == file.metadata[k] then
		Files[name].metadata[k] = v

-- Setup the lunarmark stuff.
local LunamarkOpts = {
-- This list is copied from the lunamark source code, until I discover a way to discover it.  The descriptions are useful to.
    containers=false,            -- Put sections in containers (e.g. div or section tags)
    slides=false,                -- Like containers, but do not nest them
    startnum=true,               -- Start number of an ordered list is significant
    smart=false,                 -- Smart typography (quotes, dashes, ellipses)
    preserve_tabs=true,          -- Don't expand tabs to spaces
    notes=true,                  -- Footnotes
    inline_notes=true,           -- Inline footnotes
    definition_lists=true,       -- Definition lists
    citations=true,              -- Citations
    citation_nbsps=true,         -- Turn spacing into non-breaking spaces in citations
    fenced_code_blocks=true,     -- Fenced code blocks
    lua_metadata=true,           -- Lua metadata
    pandoc_title_blocks=true,    -- Pandoc style title blocks
    hash_enumerators=true,       -- may be used as ordered list enumerator
    fancy_lists=true,            -- Pandoc style fancy lists
    task_list=true,              -- GitHub-Flavored Markdown task list
    strikeout=true,              -- Strike-through with double tildes
    mark=true,                   -- Highlight with double equals
    subscript=true,              -- Subscripted text between tildes
    superscript=true,            -- Superscripted text between circumflexes
    bracketed_spans=true,        -- Spans with attributes
    fenced_divs=true,            -- Divs with attributes
    raw_attribute=true,          -- Raw pass-through on code elements
    fenced_code_attributes=true, -- Fenced code block attributes
    link_attributes=true,        -- Link attributes
    pipe_tables=true,            -- PHP Markdown Extra pipe table support
    table_captions=true,         -- Table caption syntax extension
    header_attributes=true,      -- Header attributes
    line_blocks=true,            -- Line blocks
    escaped_line_breaks=true,    -- Pandoc-style escaped hard line breaks
local Writer = Lunamark.writer.html5.new(LunamarkOpts)

-- Can override the various writer functions, there's something for each of the basic HTML elements.
local Context = {}			-- Coz can't otherwise pass context through to the deeper Lunamark functions I'm overriding.
-- Fix up the links.
local OgWriterLink = Writer.link	-- So we can call the original from within mine, we are just changing the URL.
function Writer.link(lab, url, tit)
    if ('https://wiki.devuan.org/' ~= url) and ('https://fos.wiki.devuan.org/' ~= url) then
	local label = lab
	local uri = url
	if 'string' ~= type(lab) then label = type(lab) end
	for i, p in ipairs{'https://wiki.devuan.org/?n=', 'https://wiki.devuan.org?n=', 'https://fos.wiki.devuan.org/'} do
	    if p == string.sub(url, 1, #p) then
		local ur = string.sub(url, #p + 1)
-- TODO - could probably replace some of this mess with RE.gsub() and friends.  Meh, it works.
		local f4, f5, tk1 = string.find(ur, '?', 1, true)
		if fail ~= f4 then
		    local u = string.sub(ur, 1, f4 - 1)
		    ur = u
		if nil == Context.path then
		    url = string.gsub(ur, '%.', '/', 1)
		    local xlnk = xLinks[string.gsub(ur, '%..*', '', 1)]
		    if nil == xlnk then xlnk = string.gsub(ur, '%..*', '', 1) end
		    if '' ~= Context.path then xlnk = linkFrom(Context.path, xlnk) end
		    if '/' == string.sub(xlnk, 1, 1) then xlnk = string.sub(xlnk, 2) end
		    if ('' ~= xlnk) and ('/' ~= string.sub(xlnk, -1)) then xlnk = xlnk .. '/' end
		    if 'DUNNO/' == xlnk then print('OOPS! Page not found - ' .. Context.path .. ' / ' .. Context.bit .. ' ' .. url .. ' -> ' .. xlnk .. ' ' .. string.gsub(ur, '.*%.', '', 1) .. '.HTML') end
		    url = xlnk .. string.gsub(ur, '.*%.', '', 1) .. '.HTML'
    return OgWriterLink(lab, url, tit)
local Parse = Lunamark.reader.markdown.new(Writer, LunamarkOpts)

-- Loop through the files we found and actually create their HTML files.
for name, file in pairs(Files) do
    local body, metadata = Files[name].body, derefTable(Files[name].metadata, true)
    local bits, bit = Files[name].bits, Files[name].bit
    local ln = #bits
    local result = ''

    if '' ~= body then
	-- Figure out this pages trail links.
	metadata.home = linkFrom(file.path, '') .. Subs[''].whichPage
	metadata.trail = ''
	for i, b in ipairs(bits) do
	    local p = table.concat(bits, '/', 1, i)
	    if i < #bits then
		metadata.trail = metadata.trail .. '' .. b .. ' 👣   '
		linkFrom(file.path, table.concat(bits, '/', 1, i))
		metadata.trail = metadata.trail ..  b .. '   '

	-- Figure out this pages header links.
	metadata.header = ''
	subs = {}
	for i, f in pairs(Subs[file.path].subs) do
	    table.insert(subs, f)
	table.sort(subs, function(a, b) return (string.lower(a) < string.lower(b))  end)
	for i, f in ipairs(subs) do
	    local pth = file.path
	    if '' ~= file.path then pth = file.path .. '/' end
	    if 'true' ~= Subs[pth .. f].metadata.hidden then
		metadata.header = metadata.header .. '' .. f .. '   '

	-- Figure out this pages menu links.
	metadata.menu = ''
	if nil == metadata.title then metadata.title = bit end
	if nil ~= Subs[file.path].files then table.sort(Subs[file.path].files, function(a, b) return (string.lower(a) < string.lower(b))  end)  end
	for i, f in ipairs(Subs[file.path].files) do
	    local title, url = nil, nil
	    if '' == file.path then
		title = Files[f].metadata.title
		url   = Files[f].metadata.URL
		title = Files[file.path .. '/' .. f].metadata.title
		url   = Files[file.path .. '/' .. f].metadata.URL
	    if nil == title then title = f end
	    if bit == f then		metadata.menu = metadata.menu .. '

' .. title .. '

' else if nil ~= url then metadata.menu = metadata.menu .. '

' .. title .. ' ☝

' else metadata.menu = metadata.menu .. '

' .. title .. '

' end end end -- Figure out this pages footer links. metadata.footer = GlobalMetaData.footer if nil ~= metadata.pagehistory then metadata.history = '

Page history

' else metadata.history = '' end if nil ~= metadata.sourcecode then metadata.footer = 'source code     ' .. metadata.footer end if nil ~= metadata.feedatom then metadata.footer = 'atom feed     ' .. metadata.footer end if metadata.footer ~= GlobalMetaData.footer then metadata.footer = 'Web site ' .. metadata.footer end -- Add a link to the original page. if nil ~= metadata.ogURL then local title, link = whichWiki(metadata) link = string.gsub(link, 'https://', 'HTTPS://') -- Prevent this one from being converted. metadata.footer = 'Original page, maybe you can edit it.   ' .. metadata.footer end metadata.footer = '

' .. metadata.footer .. '

' -- Do our own metadata replacement, it's simple and works better. local temp = Template -- Toss the body in first, so the scan can deal with it to. -- NOTE - this is where we actually parse the markup into HTML. Context = file local bd, md = Parse(body) -- The md is a table of extracted metadata, not likely to be any, and we wont do anything with it. bd = RE.gsub(bd, '{[%]}', '$perc$') -- Coz otherwise stray % trip up the capture part. temp = RE.gsub(temp, '"$body$"', bd) -- The actual metadata replacement. result = RE.compile ('{~ ({[$][A-Za-z_]+[$]} -> meta / .)* ~}', { meta = function(a) a = string.sub(a, 2, -2) local md = metadata[a] if nil == md then md = GlobalMetaData[a] if nil == md then md = a end end return md end } ):match(temp) -- Write the file. if '' ~= result then -- print('From ' .. name .. '.md -> ' .. base) writeString(name .. '.HTML', result) end end end