pagetitle: "notYetAnotherWiki"
pagehistory: https://sledjhamr.org/cgit/notYetAnotherWiki/log/index.md

notYetAnotherWiki is not another wiki, at least not yet. It'll be much
more than that, eventually.

## not a wiki, yet

So to start with it's not a wiki.  It's currently a way to create a web
site with [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org/) wiki markup, using git to
update the content.

So it's not a wiki, yet.

## barely a wiki

Next comes accounts and online editing of content with the web pages. 
It'll then barely be a wiki.

# Yet Another Wiki

The missing bit is talk pages, which requires some sort of archiving chat
system built into the thing.  Now it's Yet Another Wiki.

# not Yet Another Wiki

Finally comes the magic, so it's "not Yet Another Wiki", it's much more
than that.

A web forum is basically a web based chat system with archiving.  We got
that now, we can just say it's a web forum as well.  Just leave off the
wiki page bit.

Only difference between an instant messaging system and a web forum is
how fast it runs.  So just make this fast, then we can call it an instant
messaging system.

Put email behind a web forum, you got a mailing list with a web archive. 
Some of them support email anyway.

An issue tracker is basically a wiki type page with the forum style
messages, and often an email control system.  Only that last bit needs to
be added.

A lot of projects will put together all of these things to support their
users.  Different systems, different accounts, same info.  Too much "Oh,
that's in the forum somewhere" on the mailing list or whatever.

notYetAnotherWiki puts it all together as a single system, with multiple
ways of using it depending on what the users want, and ways of organising
the useful info that makes it's way into the system one way or another.

Someone comes into your chat system, asking for help, within minutes
people are helping out and come up with a working solution.  After a few
other people turn up with the same problem, the existing conversations
are moved to the documentation section, where the original participants
and others can polish it into proper documentation about solving what has
suddenly become a common problem.  Every one knows where to find it, on
the one system.  They can chat about it, on the one system.

## What does it do already?

Currently it'll scan the current directory and subdirectories looking for
.md files in CommonMark syntax.  This should cover some MarkDown
variations.  Then it produces .HTML files converted from these .md files,
and links them all together into a web site.

Any .md file that is just the beginning metadata block doesn't get
rendered into HTML, but is global metadata for this directory and subs,
though the subs can override this with their own metadata.md files.

git is used to store the .md files, and provides edit history.  Added on
the footer is links to cgit, which is used to store the files in git on
your server.  This provides acces to the source code, history, and ATOM
feed for the site.

It can also scan an external directory and merge that with the current
one, but this isn't tested yet.

## other stuff

The font femkeklaver.ttf was used for making the nYAW logo.