/** * @file reflection_tut.cpp * @date May 2006 * @brief Reflection unit tests. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include <tut/tut.hpp> #include "linden_common.h" #include "lltut.h" #include "reflective.h" #include "metaclasst.h" #include "metapropertyt.h" //#include "referencemetaproperty.h" #include "stdtypes.h" //#include "reflectivemetapropertyt.h" namespace tut { class TestAggregatedData : public LLReflective { public: TestAggregatedData() {;} virtual const LLMetaClass& getMetaClass() const; private: }; class TestReflectionData : public LLReflective { public: TestReflectionData() : mInt(42), mString("foo"), mNullPtr(NULL), mPtr(new TestAggregatedData()), mRef(*(new TestAggregatedData)) {;} virtual ~TestReflectionData() {delete mPtr;} virtual const LLMetaClass& getMetaClass() const; static U32 getPropertyCount() {return 5;} private: friend class LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>; S32 mInt; std::string mString; TestAggregatedData* mNullPtr; TestAggregatedData* mPtr; TestAggregatedData mObj; TestAggregatedData& mRef; }; } template <> void LLMetaClassT<tut::TestReflectionData>::reflectProperties(LLMetaClass& meta_class) { reflectProperty(meta_class, "mInt", &tut::TestReflectionData::mInt); reflectProperty(meta_class, "mString", &tut::TestReflectionData::mString); reflectPtrProperty(meta_class, "mNullPtr", &tut::TestReflectionData::mNullPtr); reflectPtrProperty(meta_class, "mPtr", &tut::TestReflectionData::mPtr); reflectProperty(meta_class, "mObj", &tut::TestReflectionData::mObj); //reflectProperty(meta_class, "mRef", &tut::TestReflectionData::mRef); // AARGH! } namespace tut { // virtual const LLMetaClass& TestReflectionData::getMetaClass() const { return LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); } const LLMetaClass& TestAggregatedData::getMetaClass() const { return LLMetaClassT<TestAggregatedData>::instance(); } } namespace tut { typedef tut::test_group<TestReflectionData> TestReflectionGroup; typedef TestReflectionGroup::object TestReflectionObject; TestReflectionGroup gTestReflectionGroup("reflection"); template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<1>() { // Check properties can be found. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); const LLMetaProperty* null = NULL; ensure_not_equals(meta_class.findProperty("mInt"), null); ensure_not_equals(meta_class.findProperty("mString"), null); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<2>() { // Check non-existent property cannot be found. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); const LLMetaProperty* null = NULL; ensure_equals(meta_class.findProperty("foo"), null); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<3>() { // Check integer property has correct value. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); ensure_equals(meta_class.findProperty("mInt")->getLLSD(this).asInteger(), 42); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<4>() { // Check string property has correct value. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); ensure_equals(meta_class.findProperty("mString")->getLLSD(this).asString(), std::string("foo")); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<5>() { // Check NULL reference property has correct value. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); const LLReflective* null = NULL; ensure_equals(meta_class.findProperty("mNullPtr")->get(this), null); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<6>() { // Check reference property has correct value. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); const LLReflective* null = NULL; const LLReflective* ref = meta_class.findProperty("mPtr")->get(this); ensure_not_equals(ref, null); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<7>() { // Check reflective property has correct value. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); const LLReflective* null = NULL; const LLReflective* ref = meta_class.findProperty("mObj")->get(this); ensure_not_equals(ref, null); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<8>() { // Check property count. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); ensure_equals(meta_class.getPropertyCount(), TestReflectionData::getPropertyCount()); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<9>() { // Check property iteration. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); U32 count = 0; LLMetaClass::PropertyIterator iter; for(iter = meta_class.beginProperties(); iter != meta_class.endProperties(); ++iter) { ++count; } ensure_equals(count, TestReflectionData::getPropertyCount()); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<10>() { // Check meta classes of different types do not compare equal. const LLMetaClass* reflection_data_meta_class = &(LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance()); const LLMetaClass* aggregated_data_meta_class = &(LLMetaClassT<TestAggregatedData>::instance()); ensure_not_equals(reflection_data_meta_class, aggregated_data_meta_class); } template<> template<> void TestReflectionObject::test<11>() { // Check class cast checks. const LLMetaClass& meta_class = LLMetaClassT<TestReflectionData>::instance(); TestAggregatedData* aggregated_data = new TestAggregatedData(); LLMetaClass::PropertyIterator iter; U32 exception_count = 0; for(iter = meta_class.beginProperties(); iter != meta_class.endProperties(); ++iter) { try { const LLMetaProperty* property = (*iter).second; const LLReflective* reflective = property->get(aggregated_data); // Wrong reflective type, should throw exception. // useless op to get rid of compiler warning. reflective = NULL; } catch(...) { ++exception_count; } } ensure_equals(exception_count, getPropertyCount()); } }