 * @file llsd_new_tut.cpp
 * @date   February 2006
 * @brief LLSD unit tests
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include <tut/tut.h>
#include "linden_common.h"
#include "lltut.h"

#include "llsdtraits.h"
#include "llstring.h"

namespace tut
	class SDCleanupCheck
		U32	mOutstandingAtStart;
		SDCleanupCheck() : mOutstandingAtStart(LLSD::outstandingCount()) { }
				LLSD::outstandingCount(), mOutstandingAtStart);

	class SDAllocationCheck : public SDCleanupCheck
		std::string mMessage;
		U32 mExpectedAllocations;
		U32 mAllocationAtStart;
		SDAllocationCheck(const std::string& message, int expectedAllocations)
			: mMessage(message),
			{ }
			ensure_equals(mMessage + " SDAllocationCheck",
				LLSD::allocationCount() - mAllocationAtStart,
	struct SDTestData {
		template<class T>
		static void ensureTypeAndValue(const char* msg, const LLSD& actual,
			T expectedValue)
			LLSDTraits<T> traits;
			std::string s(msg);
			ensure(			s + " type",	traits.checkType(actual));
			ensure_equals(	s + " value",	traits.get(actual), expectedValue);
	typedef test_group<SDTestData>	SDTestGroup;
	typedef SDTestGroup::object		SDTestObject;

	SDTestGroup sdTestGroup("LLSD(new)");
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<1>()
		// construction and test of undefined
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD u;
		ensure("is undefined", u.isUndefined());
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<2>()
		// setting and fetching scalar types
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v;
		v = true;		ensureTypeAndValue("set true", v, true);
		v = false;		ensureTypeAndValue("set false", v, false);
		v = true;		ensureTypeAndValue("set true again", v, true);
		v = 42;			ensureTypeAndValue("set to 42", v, 42);
		v = 0;			ensureTypeAndValue("set to zero", v, 0);
		v = -12345;		ensureTypeAndValue("set to neg", v, -12345);
		v = 2000000000;	ensureTypeAndValue("set to big", v, 2000000000);
		v = 3.14159265359;
						ensureTypeAndValue("set to pi", v, 3.14159265359);
						ensure_not_equals("isn't float", v.asReal(),
		v = 6.7e256;	ensureTypeAndValue("set to big", v, 6.7e256);
		v = nullUUID;	ensureTypeAndValue("set to null UUID", v, nullUUID);
		v = newUUID;	ensureTypeAndValue("set to new UUID", v, newUUID);
		v = nullUUID;	ensureTypeAndValue("set to null again", v, nullUUID);
		// strings must be tested with three (!) types of string objects
		std::string s = "now is the time";
		LLString ls = "for all good zorks";
		const char* cs = "to come to the air of their planet";

		v = s;			ensureTypeAndValue("set to std::string", v, s);		
		v = ls;			ensureTypeAndValue("set to LLString", v, ls);
		v = cs;			ensureTypeAndValue("set to const char*", v, cs);
		LLDate epoch;
		LLDate aDay("2001-10-22T10:11:12.00Z");
		v = epoch;		ensureTypeAndValue("set to epoch", v, epoch);
		v = aDay;		ensureTypeAndValue("set to a day", v, aDay);
		LLURI path("http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ambleside/57/104/26/");
		v = path;		ensureTypeAndValue("set to a uri", v, path);
		const char source[] = "once in a blue moon";
		std::vector<U8> data;
		copy(&source[0], &source[sizeof(source)], back_inserter(data));
		v = data;		ensureTypeAndValue("set to data", v, data);
		ensure("reset to undefined", v.type() == LLSD::TypeUndefined);
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<3>()
		// construction via scalar values
		// tests both constructor and initialize forms
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD b1(true);	ensureTypeAndValue("construct boolean", b1, true);
		LLSD b2 = true;	ensureTypeAndValue("initialize  boolean", b2, true);
		LLSD i1(42);	ensureTypeAndValue("construct int", i1, 42);
		LLSD i2 =42;	ensureTypeAndValue("initialize  int", i2, 42);
		LLSD d1(1.2);	ensureTypeAndValue("construct double", d1, 1.2);
		LLSD d2 = 1.2;	ensureTypeAndValue("initialize double", d2, 1.2);
		LLSD u1(newUUID);
						ensureTypeAndValue("construct UUID", u1, newUUID);
		LLSD u2 = newUUID;
						ensureTypeAndValue("initialize UUID", u2, newUUID);
		LLSD ss1(std::string("abc"));
						ensureTypeAndValue("construct std::string", ss1, "abc");
		LLSD ss2 = std::string("abc");
						ensureTypeAndValue("initialize std::string",ss2, "abc");
		LLSD sl1(LLString("def"));
						ensureTypeAndValue("construct LLString", sl1, "def");
		LLSD sl2 = LLString("def");
						ensureTypeAndValue("initialize LLString", sl2, "def");
		LLSD sc1("ghi");
						ensureTypeAndValue("construct const char*", sc1, "ghi");
		LLSD sc2 = "ghi";
						ensureTypeAndValue("initialize const char*",sc2, "ghi");

		LLDate aDay("2001-10-22T10:11:12.00Z");
		LLSD t1(aDay);	ensureTypeAndValue("construct LLDate", t1, aDay);
		LLSD t2 = aDay;	ensureTypeAndValue("initialize LLDate", t2, aDay);

		LLURI path("http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ambleside/57/104/26/");
		LLSD p1(path);	ensureTypeAndValue("construct LLURI", p1, path);
		LLSD p2 = path;	ensureTypeAndValue("initialize LLURI", p2, path);

		const char source[] = "once in a blue moon";
		std::vector<U8> data;
		copy(&source[0], &source[sizeof(source)], back_inserter(data));
		LLSD x1(data);	ensureTypeAndValue("construct vector<U8>", x1, data);
		LLSD x2 = data;	ensureTypeAndValue("initialize vector<U8>", x2, data);
	void checkConversions(const char* msg, const LLSD& v,
		LLSD::Boolean eBoolean, LLSD::Integer eInteger,
		LLSD::Real eReal, const LLSD::String& eString)
		std::string s(msg);
		ensure_equals(s+" to bool",	v.asBoolean(),	eBoolean);
		ensure_equals(s+" to int",	v.asInteger(),	eInteger);
		if (eReal == eReal)
			ensure_equals(s+" to real",	v.asReal(),		eReal);
			ensure_equals(s+" to string",	v.asString(),	eString);
// TODO: Fix on windows....
#ifndef LL_WINDOWS
# if !defined(fpclassify) && __GNUC__ >= 3
# else
# endif
			int left  = FPCLASSIFY_NAMESPACE fpclassify(v.asReal());
			int right = FPCLASSIFY_NAMESPACE fpclassify(eReal);

			ensure_equals(s+" to real", 	left, 			right);
			ensure_equals(s+" to string",	v.asString(),	eString);
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<4>()
		// conversion between undefined and basic scalar types:
		//	boolean, integer, real and string
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v;			checkConversions("untitled", v, false, 0, 0.0, "");
		v = false;		checkConversions("false", v, false, 0, 0.0, "");
		v = true;		checkConversions("true", v, true, 1, 1.0, "true");
		v = 0;			checkConversions("zero", v, false, 0, 0.0, "0");
		v = 1;			checkConversions("one", v, true, 1, 1.0, "1");
		v = -33;		checkConversions("neg33", v, true, -33, -33.0, "-33");
		v = 0.0;		checkConversions("0.0", v, false, 0, 0.0, "0");
		v = 0.5;		checkConversions("point5", v, true, 0, 0.5, "0.5");
		v = 0.9;		checkConversions("point9", v, true, 0, 0.9, "0.9");
		v = -3.9;		checkConversions("neg3dot9", v, true, -3, -3.9, "-3.9");
		v = sqrt(-1.0);	checkConversions("NaN", v, false, 0, sqrt(-1.0), "nan");
		v = "";			checkConversions("empty", v, false, 0, 0.0, "");
		v = "0";		checkConversions("digit0", v, true, 0, 0.0, "0");
		v = "10";		checkConversions("digit10", v, true, 10, 10.0, "10");
		v = "-2.345";	checkConversions("decdigits", v,
							true, -2, -2.345, "-2.345");
		v = "apple";	checkConversions("apple", v, true, 0, 0.0, "apple");
		v = "33bob";	checkConversions("digialpha", v, true, 0, 0.0, "33bob");
		v = " ";		checkConversions("space", v, true, 0, 0.0, " ");
		v = "\n";		checkConversions("newline", v, true, 0, 0.0, "\n");
	template<class T>
	void checkRoundTrip(const std::string& msg, const LLSD& actual,
		const char* sExpected, T vExpected)
		std::string str = actual.asString();
		if (sExpected) {
			ensure_equals(msg + " string", str, sExpected);
		LLSD u(str);
		LLSDTraits<T> traits;
		ensure_equals(msg + " value", traits.get(u), vExpected);
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<5>()
		// conversion of String to and from UUID, Date and URI.
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v;
		v = nullUUID;	checkRoundTrip("null uuid", v,
							"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", nullUUID);
		v = someUUID;	checkRoundTrip("random uuid", v, 0, someUUID);
		LLDate epoch;
		LLDate beta("2003-04-30T04:00:00Z");
		LLDate oneOh("2003-06-23T04:00:00Z");
		v = epoch;		checkRoundTrip("epoch date", v, 0, epoch);
		v = beta;		checkRoundTrip("beta date", v,
							"2003-04-30T04:00:00Z", beta);
		v = oneOh;		checkRoundTrip("1.0 date", v,
							"2003-06-23T04:00:00Z", oneOh);
		LLURI empty;
		LLURI path("http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ambleside/57/104/26/");
		LLURI mail("mailto:zero.linden@secondlife.com");
		v = empty;		checkRoundTrip("empty URI", v, 0, empty);
		v = path;		checkRoundTrip("path URI", v,
		v = mail;		checkRoundTrip("mail URI", v,
							"mailto:zero.linden@secondlife.com", mail);
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<6>()
		// copy construction and assignment
		// checking for shared values after constr. or assignment
		// checking in both the same type and change of type case
		SDCleanupCheck check;
			LLSD v = 42;
			LLSD w0(v);
			ensureTypeAndValue("int constr.", w0, 42);
			LLSD w1(v);
			w1 = 13;
			ensureTypeAndValue("int constr. change case 1", w1, 13);
			ensureTypeAndValue("int constr. change case 2", v, 42);
			LLSD w2(v);
			v = 7;
			ensureTypeAndValue("int constr. change case 3", w2, 42);
			ensureTypeAndValue("int constr. change case 4", v, 7);

			LLSD v = 42;
			LLSD w1(v);
			w1 = "bob";
			ensureTypeAndValue("string constr. change case 1", w1, "bob");
			ensureTypeAndValue("string constr. change case 2", v, 42);
			LLSD w2(v);
			v = "amy";
			ensureTypeAndValue("string constr. change case 3", w2, 42);
			ensureTypeAndValue("string constr. change case 4", v, "amy");

			LLSD v = 42;
			LLSD w0;
			w0 = v;
			ensureTypeAndValue("int assign", w0, 42);
			LLSD w1;
			w1 = v;
			w1 = 13;
			ensureTypeAndValue("int assign change case 1", w1, 13);
			ensureTypeAndValue("int assign change case 2", v, 42);
			LLSD w2;
			w2 = v;
			v = 7;
			ensureTypeAndValue("int assign change case 3", w2, 42);
			ensureTypeAndValue("int assign change case 4", v, 7);

			LLSD v = 42;
			LLSD w1;
			w1 = v;
			w1 = "bob";
			ensureTypeAndValue("string assign change case 1", w1, "bob");
			ensureTypeAndValue("string assign change case 2", v, 42);
			LLSD w2;
			w2 = v;
			v = "amy";
			ensureTypeAndValue("string assign change case 3", w2, 42);
			ensureTypeAndValue("string assign change case 4", v, "amy");
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<7>()
		// Test assignment and casting to various scalar types.  These
		// assignments should invoke the right conversion without it being
		// mentioned explicitly.  The few exceptions are marked SAD.
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v("  42.375");
		bool b = false;
		b = v;				ensure_equals("assign to bool", b, true);
		b = (bool)v;		ensure_equals("cast to bool", b, true);
		int i = 99;
		i = v;				ensure_equals("assign to int", i, 42);
		i = (int)v;			ensure_equals("cast to int", i, 42);
		double d = 3.14159;
		d = v;				ensure_equals("assign to double", d, 42.375);
		d = (double)v;		ensure_equals("cast to double", d, 42.375);
		std::string s = "yo";
// SAD	s = v;				ensure_equals("assign to string", s, "  42.375");
		s = (std::string)v;	ensure_equals("cast to string", s, "  42.375");

		LLString t = "yo";
// SAD	t = v;				ensure_equals("assign to LLString", t, "  42.375");
		t = (LLString)v;	ensure_equals("cast to LLString", t, "  42.375");
		std::string uuidStr = "b1e50c2b-b627-4d23-8a86-a65d97b6319b";
		v = uuidStr;
		u = v;
					ensure_equals("assign to LLUUID", u, LLUUID(uuidStr));
// SAD	u = (LLUUID)v;
//					ensure_equals("cast to LLUUID", u, LLUUID(uuidStr));
		std::string dateStr = "2005-10-24T15:00:00Z";
		v = dateStr;
		LLDate date;
		date = v;
					ensure_equals("assign to LLDate", date.asString(), dateStr);
// SAD	date = (LLDate)v;
//					ensure_equals("cast to LLDate", date.asString(), dateStr);
		std::string uriStr = "http://secondlife.com";
		v = uriStr;
		LLURI uri;
		uri = v;
					ensure_equals("assign to LLURI", uri.asString(), uriStr);
// SAD 	uri = (LLURI)v;
//					ensure_equals("cast to LLURI", uri.asString(), uriStr);
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<8>()
		// Test construction of various scalar types from LLSD.
		// Test both construction and initialization forms.
		// These should invoke the right conversion without it being
		// mentioned explicitly.  The few exceptions are marked SAD.
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v("  42.375");
		bool b1(v);		ensure_equals("contruct bool", b1, true);
		bool b2 = v;	ensure_equals("initialize bool", b2, true);
		int i1(v);		ensure_equals("contruct int", i1, 42);
		int i2 = v;		ensure_equals("initialize int", i2, 42);
		double d1(v);	ensure_equals("contruct double", d1, 42.375);
		double d2 = v;	ensure_equals("initialize double", d2, 42.375);
		std::string s1(v);
		std::string s2 = v;
						ensure_equals("contruct string", s1, "  42.375");
						ensure_equals("initialize string", s2, "  42.375");

		LLString t1(v);
		LLString t2 = v.asString();		// SAD
						ensure_equals("contruct LLString", t1, "  42.375");
						ensure_equals("initialize LLString", t2, "  42.375");

		std::string uuidStr = "b1e50c2b-b627-4d23-8a86-a65d97b6319b";
		v = uuidStr;
		LLUUID uuid1(v.asUUID());		// SAD
		LLUUID uuid2 = v;
				ensure_equals("contruct LLUUID", uuid1, LLUUID(uuidStr));
				ensure_equals("initialize LLUUID", uuid2, LLUUID(uuidStr));

		std::string dateStr = "2005-10-24T15:00:00Z";
		v = dateStr;
		LLDate date1(v.asDate());		// SAD
		LLDate date2 = v;
				ensure_equals("contruct LLDate", date1.asString(), dateStr);
				ensure_equals("initialize LLDate", date2.asString(), dateStr);
		std::string uriStr = "http://secondlife.com";
		v = uriStr;
		LLURI uri1(v.asURI());			// SAD
		LLURI uri2 = v;
				ensure_equals("contruct LLURI", uri1.asString(), uriStr);
				ensure_equals("initialize LLURI", uri2.asString(), uriStr);
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<9>()
		// test to make sure v is interpreted as a bool in a various
		// scenarios.
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v = "0";
		// magic value that is interpreted as boolean true, but integer false!
		ensure_equals("trinary operator bool", (v ? true : false), true);
		ensure_equals("convert to int, then bool",
											((int)v ? true : false), false);

			ensure("if converted to bool", true);
			fail("bool did not convert to a bool in if statement.");

			fail("bool did not convert to a bool in negated if statement.");
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<10>()
		// map operations
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v;
		ensure("undefined has no members", !v.has("amy"));
		ensure("undefined get() is undefined", v.get("bob").isUndefined());
		v = LLSD::emptyMap();
		ensure("empty map is a map", v.isMap());
		ensure("empty map has no members", !v.has("cam"));
		ensure("empty map get() is undefined", v.get("don").isUndefined());
		v.insert("eli", 43);
		ensure("insert converts to map", v.isMap());
		ensure("inserted key is present", v.has("eli"));
		ensureTypeAndValue("inserted value", v.get("eli"), 43);
		v.insert("fra", false);
		ensure("first key still present", v.has("eli"));
		ensure("second key is present", v.has("fra"));
		ensureTypeAndValue("first value", v.get("eli"), 43);
		ensureTypeAndValue("second value", v.get("fra"), false);
		ensure("first key now gone", !v.has("eli"));
		ensure("second key still present", v.has("fra"));
		ensure("first value gone", v.get("eli").isUndefined());
		ensureTypeAndValue("second value sill there", v.get("fra"), false);
		ensure("second key now gone", !v.has("fra"));
		ensure("second value gone", v.get("fra").isUndefined());
		v["gil"] = (std::string)"good morning";
		ensure("third key present", v.has("gil"));
		ensureTypeAndValue("third key value", v.get("gil"), "good morning");
		const LLSD& cv = v;	// FIX ME IF POSSIBLE
		ensure("missing key", cv["ham"].isUndefined());
		ensure("key not present", !v.has("ham"));
		LLSD w = 43;
		const LLSD& cw = w;	// FIX ME IF POSSIBLE
		int i = cw["ian"];
		ensureTypeAndValue("other missing value", i, 0);
		ensure("other missing key", !w.has("ian"));
		ensure("no conversion", w.isInteger());
		LLSD x;
		x = v;
		ensure("copy map type", x.isMap());
		ensureTypeAndValue("copy map value gil", x.get("gil"), "good morning");
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<11>()
		// array operations
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD v;
		ensure_equals("undefined has no size", v.size(), 0);
		ensure("undefined get() is undefined", v.get(0).isUndefined());
		v = LLSD::emptyArray();
		ensure("empty array is an array", v.isArray());
		ensure_equals("empty array has no size", v.size(), 0);
		ensure("empty map get() is undefined", v.get(0).isUndefined());
		ensure_equals("appened array size", v.size(), 3);
		ensure("append array is an array", v.isArray());
		ensureTypeAndValue("append 0", v[0], 88);
		ensureTypeAndValue("append 1", v[1], "noodle");
		ensureTypeAndValue("append 2", v[2], true);
		v.insert(0, 77);
		v.insert(2, "soba");
		v.insert(4, false);
		ensure_equals("inserted array size", v.size(), 6);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post insert 0", v[0], 77);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post insert 1", v[1], 88);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post insert 2", v[2], "soba");
		ensureTypeAndValue("post insert 3", v[3], "noodle");
		ensureTypeAndValue("post insert 4", v[4], false);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post insert 5", v[5], true);
		ensureTypeAndValue("get 1", v.get(1), 88);
		v.set(1, "hot");
		ensureTypeAndValue("set 1", v.get(1), "hot");
		ensure_equals("post erase array size", v.size(), 5);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post erase 0", v[0], 77);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post erase 1", v[1], "hot");
		ensureTypeAndValue("post erase 2", v[2], "soba");
		ensureTypeAndValue("post erase 3", v[3], false);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post erase 4", v[4], true);
		ensure_equals("size after append", v.size(), 6);
		ensureTypeAndValue("post append 5", v[5], 34);

		LLSD w;
		w = v;
		ensure("copy array type", w.isArray());
		ensure_equals("copy array size", w.size(), 6);
		ensureTypeAndValue("copy array 0", w[0], 77);
		ensureTypeAndValue("copy array 1", w[1], "hot");
		ensureTypeAndValue("copy array 2", w[2], "soba");
		ensureTypeAndValue("copy array 3", w[3], false);
		ensureTypeAndValue("copy array 4", w[4], true);
		ensureTypeAndValue("copy array 5", w[5], 34);

	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<12>()
		// no sharing
		SDCleanupCheck check;
		LLSD a = 99;
		LLSD b = a;
		a = 34;
		ensureTypeAndValue("top level original changed",	a, 34);
		ensureTypeAndValue("top level copy unaltered",		b, 99);
		b = a;
		b = 66;
		ensureTypeAndValue("top level original unaltered",	a, 34);
		ensureTypeAndValue("top level copy changed",		b, 66);

		a[0] = "uno";
		a[1] = 99;
		a[2] = 1.414;
		b = a;
		a[1] = 34;
		ensureTypeAndValue("array member original changed",	a[1], 34);
		ensureTypeAndValue("array member copy unaltered",	b[1], 99);
		b = a;
		b[1] = 66;
		ensureTypeAndValue("array member original unaltered", a[1], 34);
		ensureTypeAndValue("array member copy changed",		b[1], 66);
		a["alpha"] = "uno";
		a["beta"] = 99;
		a["gamma"] = 1.414;
		b = a;
		a["beta"] = 34;
		ensureTypeAndValue("map member original changed",	a["beta"], 34);
		ensureTypeAndValue("map member copy unaltered",		b["beta"], 99);
		b = a;
		b["beta"] = 66;
		ensureTypeAndValue("map member original unaltered",	a["beta"], 34);
		ensureTypeAndValue("map member copy changed",		b["beta"], 66);
	template<> template<>
	void SDTestObject::test<13>()
		// sharing implementation
		SDCleanupCheck check;
			SDAllocationCheck check("copy construct undefinded", 0);
			LLSD v;
			LLSD w = v;
			SDAllocationCheck check("assign undefined", 0);
			LLSD v;
			LLSD w;
			w = v;
			SDAllocationCheck check("assign integer value", 1);
			LLSD v = 45;
			v = 33;
			v = 0;

			SDAllocationCheck check("copy construct integer", 1);
			LLSD v = 45;
			LLSD w = v;

			SDAllocationCheck check("assign integer", 1);
			LLSD v = 45;
			LLSD w;
			w = v;
			SDAllocationCheck check("avoids extra clone", 2);
			LLSD v = 45;
			LLSD w = v;
			w = "nice day";

	/* TO DO:
		conversion of undefined to UUID, Date, URI and Binary
		conversion of undefined to map and array
		test map operations
		test array operations
		test array extension
		test copying and assign maps and arrays (clone)
		test iteration over map
		test iteration over array
		test iteration over scalar

		test empty map and empty array are indeed shared
		test serializations