/** * @file llerror_tut.cpp * @date December 2006 * @brief error unit tests * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llerror.h" namespace { void test_that_error_h_includes_enough_things_to_compile_a_message() { llinfos << "!" << llendl; } } #include <tut/tut.hpp> #include "lltut.h" #include <vector> #include "llerrorcontrol.h" #include "llsd.h" namespace { static bool fatalWasCalled; void fatalCall(const std::string&) { fatalWasCalled = true; } class TestRecorder : public LLError::Recorder { public: TestRecorder() : mWantsTime(false) { } ~TestRecorder() { LLError::removeRecorder(this); } void recordMessage(LLError::ELevel level, const std::string& message) { mMessages.push_back(message); } int countMessages() { return (int) mMessages.size(); } void clearMessages() { mMessages.clear(); } void setWantsTime(bool t) { mWantsTime = t; } bool wantsTime() { return mWantsTime; } std::string message(int n) { std::ostringstream test_name; test_name << "testing message " << n << ", not enough messages"; tut::ensure(test_name.str(), n < countMessages()); return mMessages[n]; } private: typedef std::vector<std::string> MessageVector; MessageVector mMessages; bool mWantsTime; }; } namespace tut { struct ErrorTestData { TestRecorder mRecorder; LLError::Settings* mPriorErrorSettings; ErrorTestData() { fatalWasCalled = false; mPriorErrorSettings = LLError::saveAndResetSettings(); LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG); LLError::setFatalFunction(fatalCall); LLError::addRecorder(&mRecorder); } ~ErrorTestData() { LLError::removeRecorder(&mRecorder); LLError::restoreSettings(mPriorErrorSettings); } void ensure_message_count(int expectedCount) { ensure_equals("message count", mRecorder.countMessages(), expectedCount); } void ensure_message_contains(int n, const std::string& expectedText) { std::ostringstream test_name; test_name << "testing message " << n; ensure_contains(test_name.str(), mRecorder.message(n), expectedText); } void ensure_message_does_not_contain(int n, const std::string& expectedText) { std::ostringstream test_name; test_name << "testing message " << n; ensure_does_not_contain(test_name.str(), mRecorder.message(n), expectedText); } }; typedef test_group<ErrorTestData> ErrorTestGroup; typedef ErrorTestGroup::object ErrorTestObject; ErrorTestGroup errorTestGroup("error"); template<> template<> void ErrorTestObject::test<1>() // basic test of output { llinfos << "test" << llendl; llinfos << "bob" << llendl; ensure_message_contains(0, "test"); ensure_message_contains(1, "bob"); } } namespace { void writeSome() { lldebugs << "one" << llendl; llinfos << "two" << llendl; llwarns << "three" << llendl; llerrs << "four" << llendl; // fatal messages write out and addtional "error" message } }; namespace tut { template<> template<> void ErrorTestObject::test<2>() // messages are filtered based on default level { LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG); writeSome(); ensure_message_contains(0, "one"); ensure_message_contains(1, "two"); ensure_message_contains(2, "three"); ensure_message_contains(3, "error"); ensure_message_contains(4, "four"); ensure_message_count(5); LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_INFO); writeSome(); ensure_message_contains(5, "two"); ensure_message_contains(6, "three"); ensure_message_contains(7, "error"); ensure_message_contains(8, "four"); ensure_message_count(9); LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_WARN); writeSome(); ensure_message_contains(9, "three"); ensure_message_contains(10, "error"); ensure_message_contains(11, "four"); ensure_message_count(12); LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_ERROR); writeSome(); ensure_message_contains(12, "error"); ensure_message_contains(13, "four"); ensure_message_count(14); LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_NONE); writeSome(); ensure_message_count(14); } template<> template<> void ErrorTestObject::test<3>() // error type string in output { writeSome(); ensure_message_contains(0, "DEBUG: "); ensure_message_contains(1, "INFO: "); ensure_message_contains(2, "WARNING: "); ensure_message_does_not_contain(3, "ERROR"); ensure_message_contains(4, "ERROR: "); ensure_message_count(5); } template<> template<> void ErrorTestObject::test<4>() // file abbreviation { std::string thisFile = __FILE__; std::string abbreviateFile = LLError::abbreviateFile(thisFile); ensure_ends_with("file name abbreviation", abbreviateFile, "test/llerror_tut.cpp" ); ensure_does_not_contain("file name abbreviation", abbreviateFile, "indra"); std::string someFile = #if LL_WINDOWS "C:/amy/bob/cam.cpp" #else "/amy/bob/cam.cpp" #endif ; std::string someAbbreviation = LLError::abbreviateFile(someFile); ensure_equals("non-indra file abbreviation", someAbbreviation, someFile); } } namespace { std::string locationString(int line) { std::ostringstream location; location << LLError::abbreviateFile(__FILE__) << "(" << line << ") : "; return location.str(); } std::string writeReturningLocation() { llinfos << "apple" << llendl; int this_line = __LINE__; return locationString(this_line); } std::string writeReturningLocationAndFunction() { llinfos << "apple" << llendl; int this_line = __LINE__; return locationString(this_line) + __FUNCTION__; } std::string errorReturningLocation() { llerrs << "die" << llendl; int this_line = __LINE__; return locationString(this_line); } } namespace tut { template<> template<> void ErrorTestObject::test<5>() // file and line information in log messages { std::string location = writeReturningLocation(); // expecting default to not print location information LLError::setPrintLocation(true); writeReturningLocation(); LLError::setPrintLocation(false); writeReturningLocation(); ensure_message_does_not_contain(0, location); ensure_message_contains(1, location); ensure_message_does_not_contain(2, location); } } /* The following helper functions and class members all log a simple message from some particular function scope. Each function takes a bool argument that indicates if it should log its own name or not (in the manner that existing log messages often do.) The functions all return their C++ name so that test can be substantial mechanized. */ std::string logFromGlobal(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "logFromGlobal: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; return "logFromGlobal"; } static std::string logFromStatic(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "logFromStatic: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; return "logFromStatic"; } namespace { std::string logFromAnon(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "logFromAnon: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; return "logFromAnon"; } } namespace Foo { std::string logFromNamespace(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "Foo::logFromNamespace: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; //return "Foo::logFromNamespace"; // there is no standard way to get the namespace name, hence // we won't be testing for it return "logFromNamespace"; } } namespace { class ClassWithNoLogType { public: std::string logFromMember(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "ClassWithNoLogType::logFromMember: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; return "ClassWithNoLogType::logFromMember"; } static std::string logFromStatic(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "ClassWithNoLogType::logFromStatic: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; return "ClassWithNoLogType::logFromStatic"; } }; class ClassWithLogType { LOG_CLASS(ClassWithLogType); public: std::string logFromMember(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "ClassWithLogType::logFromMember: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; return "ClassWithLogType::logFromMember"; } static std::string logFromStatic(bool id) { llinfos << (id ? "ClassWithLogType::logFromStatic: " : "") << "hi" << llendl; return "ClassWithLogType::logFromStatic"; } }; std::string logFromNamespace(bool id) { return Foo::logFromNamespace(id); } std::string logFromClassWithNoLogTypeMember(bool id) { ClassWithNoLogType c; return c.logFromMember(id); } std::string logFromClassWithNoLogTypeStatic(bool id) { return ClassWithNoLogType::logFromStatic(id); } std::string logFromClassWithLogTypeMember(bool id) { ClassWithLogType c; return c.logFromMember(id); } std::string logFromClassWithLogTypeStatic(bool id) { return ClassWithLogType::logFromStatic(id); } void ensure_has(const std::string& message, const std::string& actual, const std::string& expected) { std::string::size_type n1 = actual.find(expected); if (n1 == std::string::npos) { std::stringstream ss; ss << message << ": " << "expected to find a copy of " << expected << " in actual " << actual; throw tut::failure(ss.str().c_str()); } } typedef std::string (*LogFromFunction)(bool); void testLogName(TestRecorder& recorder, LogFromFunction f, const std::string& class_name = "") { recorder.clearMessages(); std::string name = f(false); f(true); std::string messageWithoutName = recorder.message(0); std::string messageWithName = recorder.message(1); ensure_has(name + " logged without name", messageWithoutName, name); ensure_has(name + " logged with name", messageWithName, name); if (!class_name.empty()) { ensure_has(name + "logged without name", messageWithoutName, class_name); ensure_has(name + "logged with name", messageWithName, class_name); } } } namespace tut { template<> template<> // class/function information in output void ErrorTestObject::test<6>() { testLogName(mRecorder, logFromGlobal); testLogName(mRecorder, logFromStatic); testLogName(mRecorder, logFromAnon); testLogName(mRecorder, logFromNamespace); //testLogName(mRecorder, logFromClassWithNoLogTypeMember, "ClassWithNoLogType"); //testLogName(mRecorder, logFromClassWithNoLogTypeStatic, "ClassWithNoLogType"); // XXX: figure out what the exepcted response is for these testLogName(mRecorder, logFromClassWithLogTypeMember, "ClassWithLogType"); testLogName(mRecorder, logFromClassWithLogTypeStatic, "ClassWithLogType"); } } namespace { std::string innerLogger() { llinfos << "inside" << llendl; return "moo"; } std::string outerLogger() { llinfos << "outside(" << innerLogger() << ")" << llendl; return "bar"; } void uberLogger() { llinfos << "uber(" << outerLogger() << "," << innerLogger() << ")" << llendl; } class LogWhileLogging { public: void print(std::ostream& out) const { llinfos << "logging" << llendl; out << "baz"; } }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const LogWhileLogging& l) { l.print(out); return out; } void metaLogger() { LogWhileLogging l; llinfos << "meta(" << l << ")" << llendl; } } namespace tut { template<> template<> // handle nested logging void ErrorTestObject::test<7>() { outerLogger(); ensure_message_contains(0, "inside"); ensure_message_contains(1, "outside(moo)"); ensure_message_count(2); uberLogger(); ensure_message_contains(2, "inside"); ensure_message_contains(3, "inside"); ensure_message_contains(4, "outside(moo)"); ensure_message_contains(5, "uber(bar,moo)"); ensure_message_count(6); metaLogger(); ensure_message_contains(6, "logging"); ensure_message_contains(7, "meta(baz)"); ensure_message_count(8); } template<> template<> // special handling of llerrs calls void ErrorTestObject::test<8>() { LLError::setPrintLocation(false); std::string location = errorReturningLocation(); ensure_message_contains(0, location + "error"); ensure_message_contains(1, "die"); ensure_message_count(2); ensure("fatal callback called", fatalWasCalled); } } namespace { std::string roswell() { return "1947-07-08T03:04:05Z"; } void ufoSighting() { llinfos << "ufo" << llendl; } } namespace tut { template<> template<> // time in output (for recorders that need it) void ErrorTestObject::test<9>() { LLError::setTimeFunction(roswell); mRecorder.setWantsTime(false); ufoSighting(); ensure_message_contains(0, "ufo"); ensure_message_does_not_contain(0, roswell()); mRecorder.setWantsTime(true); ufoSighting(); ensure_message_contains(1, "ufo"); ensure_message_contains(1, roswell()); } template<> template<> // output order void ErrorTestObject::test<10>() { LLError::setPrintLocation(true); LLError::setTimeFunction(roswell); mRecorder.setWantsTime(true); std::string locationAndFunction = writeReturningLocationAndFunction(); ensure_equals("order is time type location function message", mRecorder.message(0), roswell() + " INFO: " + locationAndFunction + ": apple"); } template<> template<> // multiple recorders void ErrorTestObject::test<11>() { TestRecorder altRecorder; LLError::addRecorder(&altRecorder); llinfos << "boo" << llendl; ensure_message_contains(0, "boo"); ensure_equals("alt recorder count", altRecorder.countMessages(), 1); ensure_contains("alt recorder message 0", altRecorder.message(0), "boo"); LLError::setTimeFunction(roswell); TestRecorder anotherRecorder; anotherRecorder.setWantsTime(true); LLError::addRecorder(&anotherRecorder); llinfos << "baz" << llendl; std::string when = roswell(); ensure_message_does_not_contain(1, when); ensure_equals("alt recorder count", altRecorder.countMessages(), 2); ensure_does_not_contain("alt recorder message 1", altRecorder.message(1), when); ensure_equals("another recorder count", anotherRecorder.countMessages(), 1); ensure_contains("another recorder message 0", anotherRecorder.message(0), when); } } class TestAlpha { LOG_CLASS(TestAlpha); public: static void doDebug() { lldebugs << "add dice" << llendl; } static void doInfo() { llinfos << "any idea" << llendl; } static void doWarn() { llwarns << "aim west" << llendl; } static void doError() { llerrs << "ate eels" << llendl; } static void doAll() { doDebug(); doInfo(); doWarn(); doError(); } }; class TestBeta { LOG_CLASS(TestBeta); public: static void doDebug() { lldebugs << "bed down" << llendl; } static void doInfo() { llinfos << "buy iron" << llendl; } static void doWarn() { llwarns << "bad word" << llendl; } static void doError() { llerrs << "big easy" << llendl; } static void doAll() { doDebug(); doInfo(); doWarn(); doError(); } }; namespace tut { template<> template<> // filtering by class void ErrorTestObject::test<12>() { LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_WARN); LLError::setClassLevel("TestBeta", LLError::LEVEL_INFO); TestAlpha::doAll(); TestBeta::doAll(); ensure_message_contains(0, "aim west"); ensure_message_contains(1, "error"); ensure_message_contains(2, "ate eels"); ensure_message_contains(3, "buy iron"); ensure_message_contains(4, "bad word"); ensure_message_contains(5, "error"); ensure_message_contains(6, "big easy"); ensure_message_count(7); } template<> template<> // filtering by function, and that it will override class filtering void ErrorTestObject::test<13>() { LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG); LLError::setClassLevel("TestBeta", LLError::LEVEL_WARN); LLError::setFunctionLevel("TestBeta::doInfo", LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG); LLError::setFunctionLevel("TestBeta::doError", LLError::LEVEL_NONE); TestBeta::doAll(); ensure_message_contains(0, "buy iron"); ensure_message_contains(1, "bad word"); ensure_message_count(2); } template<> template<> // filtering by file // and that it is overridden by both class and function filtering void ErrorTestObject::test<14>() { LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG); LLError::setFileLevel(LLError::abbreviateFile(__FILE__), LLError::LEVEL_WARN); LLError::setClassLevel("TestAlpha", LLError::LEVEL_INFO); LLError::setFunctionLevel("TestAlpha::doError", LLError::LEVEL_NONE); LLError::setFunctionLevel("TestBeta::doError", LLError::LEVEL_NONE); TestAlpha::doAll(); TestBeta::doAll(); ensure_message_contains(0, "any idea"); ensure_message_contains(1, "aim west"); ensure_message_contains(2, "bad word"); ensure_message_count(3); } template<> template<> // proper cached, efficient lookup of filtering void ErrorTestObject::test<15>() { LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_NONE); TestAlpha::doInfo(); ensure_message_count(0); ensure_equals("first check", LLError::shouldLogCallCount(), 1); TestAlpha::doInfo(); ensure_message_count(0); ensure_equals("second check", LLError::shouldLogCallCount(), 1); LLError::setClassLevel("TestAlpha", LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG); TestAlpha::doInfo(); ensure_message_count(1); ensure_equals("third check", LLError::shouldLogCallCount(), 2); TestAlpha::doInfo(); ensure_message_count(2); ensure_equals("fourth check", LLError::shouldLogCallCount(), 2); LLError::setClassLevel("TestAlpha", LLError::LEVEL_WARN); TestAlpha::doInfo(); ensure_message_count(2); ensure_equals("fifth check", LLError::shouldLogCallCount(), 3); TestAlpha::doInfo(); ensure_message_count(2); ensure_equals("sixth check", LLError::shouldLogCallCount(), 3); } template<> template<> // configuration from LLSD void ErrorTestObject::test<16>() { std::string this_file = LLError::abbreviateFile(__FILE__); LLSD config; config["print-location"] = true; config["default-level"] = "DEBUG"; LLSD set1; set1["level"] = "WARN"; set1["files"][0] = this_file; LLSD set2; set2["level"] = "INFO"; set2["classes"][0] = "TestAlpha"; LLSD set3; set3["level"] = "NONE"; set3["functions"][0] = "TestAlpha::doError"; set3["functions"][1] = "TestBeta::doError"; config["settings"][0] = set1; config["settings"][1] = set2; config["settings"][2] = set3; LLError::configure(config); TestAlpha::doAll(); TestBeta::doAll(); ensure_message_contains(0, "any idea"); ensure_message_contains(0, this_file); ensure_message_contains(1, "aim west"); ensure_message_contains(2, "bad word"); ensure_message_count(3); // make sure reconfiguring works LLSD config2; config2["default-level"] = "WARN"; LLError::configure(config2); TestAlpha::doAll(); TestBeta::doAll(); ensure_message_contains(3, "aim west"); ensure_message_does_not_contain(3, this_file); ensure_message_contains(4, "error"); ensure_message_contains(5, "ate eels"); ensure_message_contains(6, "bad word"); ensure_message_contains(7, "error"); ensure_message_contains(8, "big easy"); ensure_message_count(9); } } /* Tests left: handling of classes without LOG_CLASS live update of filtering from file syslog recorder file recorder cerr/stderr recorder fixed buffer recorder windows recorder mutex use when logging (?) strange careful about to crash handling (?) */