#include <algorithm>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <list>

#include "lluuid.h"

#include "rlvhelper.h"

// ============================================================================
 * RlvEvent
 * ========
 * Passed to observer event handlers (contains the same paramaters as RlvHandler::processXXXCommand)

class RlvEvent
	RlvEvent(const LLUUID& uuid, const RlvCommand& rlvCmd) : m_UUID(uuid), m_rlvCmd(rlvCmd) {}
	virtual ~RlvEvent() {}

	const LLUUID&		getSenderID() const	{ return m_UUID; };
	const RlvCommand&	getCommand() const	{ return m_rlvCmd; };

	RlvCommand m_rlvCmd;

// ============================================================================
 * RlvObserver
 * ===========
 * Provides a way to extend the existing command set without changing the main RlvHandler class
 * Steps:
 *   - derive your class from RlvObserver
 *   - override any of the event functions you need
 *   - add it as an observer: gRlvHandler.addObserver(new RlbObserverDerivedClass());
 *   - done
 * Notes:
 *   - as long as you don't call gRlvHandler.remObserver() your class will be cleaned up from
 *     RlvEventEmitter destructor (see below)
 *   - event handlers are called only if RlvHandler didn't handle it so while you can
 *     add a new command @foobar=n, you won't get called for @detach=n
 *   - event handlers are called *after* the command is added so a call to 
 *     RlvHandler::hasBehaviour("foobar") would return TRUE
 *   - return TRUE if you handled the command (won't get passed on to the next observer)
 *     return FALSE if you didn't handle the command (gets passed on to the next observer)

class RlvObserver
	virtual ~RlvObserver() {}

	typedef RlvEvent EventType;

	virtual BOOL onAddCommand(const EventType& rlvEvent)    { return FALSE; }
	virtual BOOL onRemoveCommand(const EventType& rlvEvent) { return FALSE; }
	virtual BOOL onReplyCommand(const EventType& rlvEvent)  { return FALSE; }
	virtual BOOL onForceCommand(const EventType& rlvEvent)  { return FALSE; }

// ============================================================================
 * RlvEventEmitter
 * ===============
 * Essentially a slightly modified eventEmitter (see lleventemitter.h)
 * Changes:
 *   - if an event handler returns TRUE then no further observers are notified
 *   - cleans up the (remaining) observers in the destructor

template < class T >
class RlvEventEmitter
		typedef typename T::EventType EventType;
		typedef std::list< T* > ObserverContainer;
		typedef BOOL ( T::*observerMethod )( const EventType& );

		ObserverContainer observers;

		RlvEventEmitter() { };


		BOOL addObserver ( T* observerIn )
			if ( ! observerIn )
				return FALSE;

			// check if observer already exists
			if ( std::find ( observers.begin (), observers.end (), observerIn ) != observers.end () )
				return FALSE;

			// save it
			observers.push_back ( observerIn );

			return true;

		BOOL remObserver ( T* observerIn )
			if ( ! observerIn )
				return FALSE;

			observers.remove ( observerIn );

			return TRUE;

		void clearObservers()
			typename std::list< T* >::iterator iter = observers.begin ();

			while (iter != observers.end ())
				delete *iter;


		BOOL update ( observerMethod method, const EventType& msgIn )
			typename std::list< T* >::iterator iter = observers.begin ();

			BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
			while ( (iter != observers.end ()) && (fContinue) )
				fContinue = !( ( ( *iter )->*method ) ( msgIn ) );

			return !fContinue;

// ============================================================================

class RlvBehaviourObserver
	virtual ~RlvBehaviourObserver() {}
	virtual void changed(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd, bool fInternal) = 0;

// ============================================================================

class RlvBehaviourNotifyObserver : public RlvBehaviourObserver
	virtual ~RlvBehaviourNotifyObserver() { }

	void changed(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd, bool fInternal)
		if ( (fInternal) || ((RLV_TYPE_ADD != rlvCmd.getParamType()) && (RLV_TYPE_REMOVE != rlvCmd.getParamType())) )

		std::string strCmd = rlvCmd.asString();
		std::string strNotify = llformat("/%s=%c", strCmd.c_str(), (RLV_TYPE_ADD == rlvCmd.getParamType()) ? 'n' : 'y');

		for (std::multimap<LLUUID, notifyData>::const_iterator itNotify = m_Notifications.begin(); 
				itNotify != m_Notifications.end(); ++itNotify)
			if ( (itNotify->second.strFilter.empty()) || (std::string::npos != strCmd.find(itNotify->second.strFilter)) )
				rlvSendChatReply(itNotify->second.nChannel, strNotify);

	void addNotify(const LLUUID& idObj, S32 nChannel, const std::string& strFilter)
		m_Notifications.insert(std::pair<LLUUID, notifyData>(idObj, notifyData(nChannel, strFilter)));

	void clearNotify(const LLUUID& idObj)

	bool hasNotify()
		return (m_Notifications.size() != 0);

	void removeNotify(const LLUUID& idObj, S32 nChannel, const std::string& strFilter)
		for (std::multimap<LLUUID, notifyData>::iterator itNotify = m_Notifications.lower_bound(idObj), 
				endNotify = m_Notifications.upper_bound(idObj); itNotify != endNotify; ++itNotify)
			if ( (itNotify->second.nChannel == nChannel) && (itNotify->second.strFilter == strFilter) )
	struct notifyData
		S32         nChannel;
		std::string strFilter;
		notifyData(S32 channel, const std::string& filter) : nChannel(channel), strFilter(filter) {}
	std::multimap<LLUUID, notifyData> m_Notifications;

// ============================================================================