 * @file llurldispatcher.cpp
 * @brief Central registry for all URL handlers
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at
 * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "llurldispatcher.h"

// viewer includes
#include "llagent.h"			// teleportViaLocation()
#include "llcommandhandler.h"
#include "llfloaterurldisplay.h"
#include "llfloaterdirectory.h"
#include "llfloaterworldmap.h"
#include "llfloatermediabrowser.h"
#include "llpanellogin.h"
#include "llstartup.h"			// gStartupState
#include "llurlsimstring.h"
#include "llweb.h"
#include "llworldmap.h"

// library includes
#include "llsd.h"

const std::string SLURL_SL_HELP_PREFIX		= "secondlife://app.";
const std::string SLURL_SL_PREFIX			= "sl://";
const std::string SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PREFIX	= "secondlife://";
const std::string SLURL_SLURL_PREFIX		= "http://slurl.com/secondlife/";
const std::string SLURL_SLURL_ALT_PREFIX	= "http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/";

const std::string IZURL_IZ_HELP_PREFIX		= "inworldz://app.";
const std::string IZURL_IZ_PREFIX			= "iz://";
const std::string IZURL_INWORLDZ_PREFIX		= "inworldz://";
const std::string IZURL_IZURL_PREFIX		= "http://places.inworldz.com/";

const std::string SLURL_APP_TOKEN = "app/";

class LLURLDispatcherImpl
	static bool isSLURL(const std::string& url);

	static bool isSLURLCommand(const std::string& url);

	static bool dispatch(const std::string& url,
						 LLMediaCtrl* web,
						 bool trusted_browser);
		// returns true if handled or explicitly blocked.

	static bool dispatchRightClick(const std::string& url);

	static bool dispatchCore(const std::string& url, 
							 bool right_mouse,
							 LLMediaCtrl* web,
							 bool trusted_browser);
		// handles both left and right click

	static bool dispatchHelp(const std::string& url, bool right_mouse);
		// Handles sl://app.floater.html.help by showing Help floater.
		// Returns true if handled.

	static bool dispatchApp(const std::string& url,
							bool right_mouse,
							LLMediaCtrl* web,
							bool trusted_browser);
		// Handles secondlife:///app/agent/<agent_id>/about and similar
		// by showing panel in Search floater.
		// Returns true if handled or explicitly blocked.

	static bool dispatchRegion(const std::string& url, bool right_mouse);
		// handles secondlife://Ahern/123/45/67/
		// Returns true if handled.

	static void regionHandleCallback(U64 handle, const std::string& url,
		const LLUUID& snapshot_id, bool teleport);
		// Called by LLWorldMap when a location has been resolved to a
	    // region name

	static void regionNameCallback(U64 handle, const std::string& url,
		const LLUUID& snapshot_id, bool teleport);
		// Called by LLWorldMap when a region name has been resolved to a
		// location in-world, used by places-panel display.

	static bool matchPrefix(const std::string& url, const std::string& prefix);
	static std::string stripProtocol(const std::string& url);

	friend class LLTeleportHandler;

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::isSLURL(const std::string& url)
	if (matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SL_HELP_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SL_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SLURL_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SLURL_ALT_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, IZURL_IZ_HELP_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, IZURL_IZ_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, IZURL_INWORLDZ_PREFIX)) return true;
	if (matchPrefix(url, IZURL_IZURL_PREFIX)) return true;
	return false;

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::isSLURLCommand(const std::string& url)
	if (matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SL_PREFIX + SLURL_APP_TOKEN)
		|| matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PREFIX + "/" + SLURL_APP_TOKEN)
		|| matchPrefix(url, IZURL_IZ_PREFIX + SLURL_APP_TOKEN)
		|| matchPrefix(url, IZURL_INWORLDZ_PREFIX + "/" + SLURL_APP_TOKEN)
		|| matchPrefix(url, IZURL_IZURL_PREFIX + SLURL_APP_TOKEN))
		return true;
	return false;

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatchCore(const std::string& url,
									   bool right_mouse,
									   LLMediaCtrl* web,
									   bool trusted_browser)
	if (url.empty()) return false;
	if (dispatchHelp(url, right_mouse)) return true;
	if (dispatchApp(url, right_mouse, web, trusted_browser)) return true;
	if (dispatchRegion(url, right_mouse)) return true;

	// Inform the user we can't handle this
	std::map<std::string, std::string> args;
	args["SLURL"] = url;
	return false;

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatch(const std::string& url,
								   LLMediaCtrl* web,
								   bool trusted_browser)
	llinfos << "url: " << url << llendl;
	const bool right_click = false;
	return dispatchCore(url, right_click, web, trusted_browser);

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatchRightClick(const std::string& url)
	llinfos << "url: " << url << llendl;
	const bool right_click = true;
	LLMediaCtrl* web = NULL;
	const bool trusted_browser = false;
	return dispatchCore(url, right_click, web, trusted_browser);

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatchHelp(const std::string& url, bool right_mouse)
	if (matchPrefix(url, SLURL_SL_HELP_PREFIX))
		return true;
	return false;

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatchApp(const std::string& url, 
									  bool right_mouse,
									  LLMediaCtrl* web,
									  bool trusted_browser)
	if (!isSLURL(url))
		return false;

	LLURI uri(url);
	LLSD pathArray = uri.pathArray();
	pathArray.erase(0); // erase "app"
	std::string cmd = pathArray.get(0);
	pathArray.erase(0); // erase "cmd"
	bool handled = LLCommandDispatcher::dispatch(
			cmd, pathArray, uri.queryMap(), web, trusted_browser);
	return handled;

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatchRegion(const std::string& url, bool right_mouse)
	if (!isSLURL(url))
		return false;

	// Before we're logged in, need to update the startup screen
	// to tell the user where they are going.
	if (LLStartUp::getStartupState() < STATE_LOGIN_CLEANUP)
		// Parse it and stash in globals, it will be dispatched in
		// We're at the login screen, so make sure user can see
		// the login location box to know where they are going.
		LLPanelLogin::refreshLocation( true );
		return true;

	std::string sim_string = stripProtocol(url);
	std::string region_name;
	S32 x = 128;
	S32 y = 128;
	S32 z = 0;
	LLURLSimString::parse(sim_string, &region_name, &x, &y, &z);

	LLFloaterURLDisplay* url_displayp = LLFloaterURLDisplay::getInstance(LLSD());

	// Request a region handle by name
									  false);	// don't teleport
	return true;

void LLURLDispatcherImpl::regionNameCallback(U64 region_handle, const std::string& url, const LLUUID& snapshot_id, bool teleport)
	std::string sim_string = stripProtocol(url);
	std::string region_name;
	S32 x = 128;
	S32 y = 128;
	S32 z = 0;
	LLURLSimString::parse(sim_string, &region_name, &x, &y, &z);

	LLVector3 local_pos;
	local_pos.mV[VX] = (F32)x;
	local_pos.mV[VY] = (F32)y;
	local_pos.mV[VZ] = (F32)z;

	// determine whether the point is in this region
	if ((x >= 0) && (x < REGION_WIDTH_UNITS) &&
		(y >= 0) && (y < REGION_WIDTH_UNITS))
		// if so, we're done
		regionHandleCallback(region_handle, url, snapshot_id, teleport);

		// otherwise find the new region from the location
		// add the position to get the new region
		LLVector3d global_pos = from_region_handle(region_handle) + LLVector3d(local_pos);

		U64 new_region_handle = to_region_handle(global_pos);
										   url, teleport);

/* static */
void LLURLDispatcherImpl::regionHandleCallback(U64 region_handle, const std::string& url, const LLUUID& snapshot_id, bool teleport)
	std::string sim_string = stripProtocol(url);
	std::string region_name;
	S32 x = 128;
	S32 y = 128;
	S32 z = 0;
	LLURLSimString::parse(sim_string, &region_name, &x, &y, &z);

	// remap x and y to local coordinates
	S32 local_x = x % REGION_WIDTH_UNITS;
	S32 local_y = y % REGION_WIDTH_UNITS;
	if (local_x < 0)
		local_x += REGION_WIDTH_UNITS;
	if (local_y < 0)
		local_y += REGION_WIDTH_UNITS;
	LLVector3 local_pos;
	local_pos.mV[VX] = (F32)local_x;
	local_pos.mV[VY] = (F32)local_y;
	local_pos.mV[VZ] = (F32)z;

	if (teleport)
		LLVector3d global_pos = from_region_handle(region_handle);
		global_pos += LLVector3d(local_pos);
		// display informational floater, allow user to click teleport btn
		LLFloaterURLDisplay* url_displayp = LLFloaterURLDisplay::getInstance(LLSD());

		url_displayp->displayParcelInfo(region_handle, local_pos);
		std::string locationString = llformat("%s %d, %d, %d", region_name.c_str(), x, y, z);

// static
bool LLURLDispatcherImpl::matchPrefix(const std::string& url, const std::string& prefix)
	std::string test_prefix = url.substr(0, prefix.length());
	return test_prefix == prefix;

// static
std::string LLURLDispatcherImpl::stripProtocol(const std::string& url)
	std::string stripped = url;
	if (matchPrefix(stripped, SLURL_SL_HELP_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, SLURL_SL_HELP_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, SLURL_SL_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, SLURL_SL_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, SLURL_SLURL_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, SLURL_SLURL_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, SLURL_SLURL_ALT_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, SLURL_SLURL_ALT_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, IZURL_IZ_HELP_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, IZURL_IZ_HELP_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, IZURL_IZ_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, IZURL_IZ_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, IZURL_INWORLDZ_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, IZURL_INWORLDZ_PREFIX.length());
	else if (matchPrefix(stripped, IZURL_IZURL_PREFIX))
		stripped.erase(0, IZURL_IZURL_PREFIX.length());
	return stripped;

// static
std::string LLURLDispatcher::createGroupJoinLink(const LLUUID& group_id)
	std::string slurl = "";
	if (group_id.notNull())
		slurl = SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PREFIX + "/" + SLURL_APP_TOKEN + "group/" + group_id.asString() + "/about";
	return slurl;

// Teleportation links are handled here because they are tightly coupled
// to URL parsing and sim-fragment parsing
class LLTeleportHandler : public LLCommandHandler
	// Teleport requests *must* come from a trusted browser
	// inside the app, otherwise a malicious web page could
	// cause a constant teleport loop.  JC
	LLTeleportHandler() : LLCommandHandler("teleport", true) { }

	bool handle(const LLSD& tokens, const LLSD& query_map,
				LLMediaCtrl* web)
		// construct a "normal" SLURL, resolve the region to
		// a global position, and teleport to it
		if (tokens.size() < 1) return false;

		// Region names may be %20 escaped.
		std::string region_name = LLURLSimString::unescapeRegionName(tokens[0]);

		// build secondlife://De%20Haro/123/45/67 for use in callback
		std::string url = SLURL_SECONDLIFE_PREFIX;
		for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i)
			url += tokens[i].asString() + "/";
			true);	// teleport
		return true;
LLTeleportHandler gTeleportHandler;


// static
bool LLURLDispatcher::isSLURL(const std::string& url)
	return LLURLDispatcherImpl::isSLURL(url);

// static
bool LLURLDispatcher::isSLURLCommand(const std::string& url)
	return LLURLDispatcherImpl::isSLURLCommand(url);

// static
bool LLURLDispatcher::dispatch(const std::string& url,
							   LLMediaCtrl* web,
							   bool trusted_browser)
	return LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatch(url, web, trusted_browser);

// static
bool LLURLDispatcher::dispatchRightClick(const std::string& url)
	return LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatchRightClick(url);

// static
bool LLURLDispatcher::dispatchFromTextEditor(const std::string& url)
	// *NOTE: Text editors are considered sources of trusted URLs
	// in order to make objectim and avatar profile links in chat
	// history work.  While a malicious resident could chat an app
	// SLURL, the receiving resident will see it and must affirmatively
	// click on it.
	// *TODO: Make this trust model more refined.  JC
	const bool trusted_browser = true;
	LLMediaCtrl* web = NULL;
	return LLURLDispatcherImpl::dispatch(url, web, trusted_browser);

// static
std::string LLURLDispatcher::buildSLURL(const std::string& regionname,
										S32 x, S32 y, S32 z)
	std::string slurl = SLURL_SLURL_PREFIX + regionname + llformat("/%d/%d/%d",x,y,z); 
	slurl = LLWeb::escapeURL( slurl );
	return slurl;