/** * @file llfloaterreporter.cpp * @brief Bug and abuse reports. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include <sstream> // self include #include "llfloaterreporter.h" // linden library includes #include "llassetstorage.h" #include "llcachename.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llgl.h" // for renderer #include "llinventory.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "llsys.h" #include "llversion.h" #include "message.h" #include "v3math.h" // viewer project includes #include "llagent.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llinventoryview.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "lltexturectrl.h" #include "llscrolllistctrl.h" #include "llimview.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lldispatcher.h" #include "llviewertexteditor.h" #include "llviewerobject.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "llfloaterrate.h" #include "lltooldraganddrop.h" #include "llfloatermap.h" #include "lluiconstants.h" #include "llcallingcard.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "lltoolobjpicker.h" #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" // for LLResourceData #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llviewerimagelist.h" #include "llworldmap.h" #include "llfilepicker.h" #include "llfloateravatarpicker.h" #include "lldir.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include "llviewerbuild.h" #include "llvieweruictrlfactory.h" #include "viewer.h" const U32 INCLUDE_SCREENSHOT = 0x01 << 0; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Globals //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this map keeps track of current reporter instances // there can only be one instance of each reporter type LLMap< EReportType, LLFloaterReporter* > gReporterInstances; // keeps track of where email is going to - global to avoid a pile // of static/non-static access outside my control namespace { static BOOL gEmailToEstateOwner = FALSE; static BOOL gDialogVisible = FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLFloaterReporter::LLFloaterReporter( const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect, const std::string& title, EReportType report_type) : LLFloater(name, rect, title), mReportType(report_type), mObjectID(), mScreenID(), mAbuserID(), mDeselectOnClose( FALSE ), mPicking( FALSE), mPosition(), mCopyrightWarningSeen( FALSE ) { if (report_type == BUG_REPORT) { gUICtrlFactory->buildFloater(this, "floater_report_bug.xml"); } else { gUICtrlFactory->buildFloater(this, "floater_report_abuse.xml"); } LLViewerRegion *regionp = gAgent.getRegion(); if (regionp) { childSetText("sim_field", regionp->getName() ); childSetText("abuse_location_edit", regionp->getName() ); } LLButton* pick_btn = LLUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(this, "pick_btn"); if (pick_btn) { // XUI: Why aren't these in viewerart.ini? pick_btn->setImages( "UIImgFaceUUID", "UIImgFaceSelectedUUID" ); childSetAction("pick_btn", onClickObjPicker, this); } if (report_type != BUG_REPORT) { // abuser name is selected from a list LLLineEditor* le = (LLLineEditor*)getCtrlByNameAndType("abuser_name_edit", WIDGET_TYPE_LINE_EDITOR); le->setEnabled( FALSE ); } childSetAction("select_abuser", onClickSelectAbuser, this); childSetAction("send_btn", onClickSend, this); childSetAction("cancel_btn", onClickCancel, this); enableControls(TRUE); // convert the position to a string LLVector3d pos = gAgent.getPositionGlobal(); if (regionp) { pos -= regionp->getOriginGlobal(); } setPosBox(pos); gReporterInstances.addData(report_type, this); // Upload a screenshot, but don't draw this floater. setVisible(FALSE); uploadScreenshot(); setVisible(TRUE); // Default text to be blank childSetText("object_name", ""); childSetText("owner_name", ""); childSetFocus("summary_edit"); mDefaultSummary = childGetText("details_edit"); gDialogVisible = TRUE; // only request details for abuse reports (not BUG reports) if (report_type != BUG_REPORT) { // send a message and ask for information about this region - // result comes back in processRegionInfo(..) LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessage("RequestRegionInfo"); msg->nextBlock("AgentData"); msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID()); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); }; } // static void LLFloaterReporter::processRegionInfo(LLMessageSystem* msg) { U32 region_flags; msg->getU32("RegionInfo", "RegionFlags", region_flags); gEmailToEstateOwner = ( region_flags & REGION_FLAGS_ABUSE_EMAIL_TO_ESTATE_OWNER ); if ( gDialogVisible ) { if ( gEmailToEstateOwner ) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseEmailEO"); } else gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseEmailLL"); }; } // virtual LLFloaterReporter::~LLFloaterReporter() { gReporterInstances.removeData(mReportType); // child views automatically deleted mObjectID = LLUUID::null; if (mPicking) { closePickTool(this); } mPosition.setVec(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); std::for_each(mMCDList.begin(), mMCDList.end(), DeletePointer() ); mMCDList.clear(); if (gSelectMgr) { gSelectMgr->deselectTransient(); } gDialogVisible = FALSE; } // virtual void LLFloaterReporter::draw() { // this is set by a static callback sometime after the dialog is created. // Only disable screenshot for abuse reports to estate owners - bug reports always // allow screenshots to be taken. if ( gEmailToEstateOwner && ( mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) ) { childSetValue("screen_check", FALSE ); childSetEnabled("screen_check", FALSE ); } else { childSetEnabled("screen_check", TRUE ); } LLFloater::draw(); } void LLFloaterReporter::enableControls(BOOL enable) { childSetEnabled("category_combo", enable); // bug reports never include the chat history if (mReportType != BUG_REPORT) { childSetEnabled("chat_check", enable); } childSetEnabled("screen_check", enable); childDisable("screenshot"); childSetEnabled("pick_btn", enable); childSetEnabled("summary_edit", enable); childSetEnabled("details_edit", enable); childSetEnabled("send_btn", enable); childSetEnabled("cancel_btn", enable); } void LLFloaterReporter::getObjectInfo(const LLUUID& object_id) { // TODO -- // 1 need to send to correct simulator if object is not // in same simulator as agent // 2 display info in widget window that gives feedback that // we have recorded the object info // 3 can pick avatar ==> might want to indicate when a picked // object is an avatar, attachment, or other category mObjectID = object_id; if (LLUUID::null != mObjectID) { // get object info for the user's benefit LLViewerObject* objectp = NULL; objectp = gObjectList.findObject( mObjectID ); if (objectp) { if ( objectp->isAttachment() ) { objectp = (LLViewerObject*)objectp->getRoot(); } // correct the region and position information LLViewerRegion *regionp = objectp->getRegion(); if (regionp) { childSetText("sim_field", regionp->getName()); LLVector3d global_pos; global_pos.setVec(objectp->getPositionRegion()); setPosBox(global_pos); } if (objectp->isAvatar()) { // we have the information we need LLString object_owner; LLNameValue* firstname = objectp->getNVPair("FirstName"); LLNameValue* lastname = objectp->getNVPair("LastName"); if (firstname && lastname) { object_owner.append(firstname->getString()); object_owner.append(1, ' '); object_owner.append(lastname->getString()); } else { object_owner.append("Unknown"); } childSetText("object_name", object_owner); childSetText("owner_name", object_owner); } else { // we have to query the simulator for information // about this object LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; U32 request_flags = (mReportType == BUG_REPORT) ? BUG_REPORT_REQUEST : COMPLAINT_REPORT_REQUEST; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RequestObjectPropertiesFamily); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ObjectData); msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_RequestFlags, request_flags ); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ObjectID, mObjectID); LLViewerRegion* regionp = objectp->getRegion(); msg->sendReliable( regionp->getHost() ); } } } } // static void LLFloaterReporter::onClickSelectAbuser(void *userdata) { LLFloaterReporter *self = (LLFloaterReporter *)userdata; gFloaterView->getParentFloater(self)->addDependentFloater(LLFloaterAvatarPicker::show(callbackAvatarID, userdata, FALSE, TRUE )); } // static void LLFloaterReporter::callbackAvatarID(const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<LLUUID>& ids, void* data) { LLFloaterReporter* self = (LLFloaterReporter*) data; if (ids.empty() || names.empty()) return; // this should never be called in a bug report but here for safety. if ( self->mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { self->childSetText("abuser_name_edit", names[0] ); self->mAbuserID = ids[0]; self->refresh(); }; } // static void LLFloaterReporter::onClickSend(void *userdata) { LLFloaterReporter *self = (LLFloaterReporter *)userdata; // only do this for abuse reports if ( self->mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { if ( ! self->mCopyrightWarningSeen ) { LLString details_lc = self->childGetText("details_edit"); LLString::toLower( details_lc ); LLString summary_lc = self->childGetText("summary_edit"); LLString::toLower( summary_lc ); if ( details_lc.find( "copyright" ) != std::string::npos || summary_lc.find( "copyright" ) != std::string::npos ) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseContainsCopyright"); self->mCopyrightWarningSeen = TRUE; return; }; }; }; if (self->mPicking) { closePickTool(self); } self->sendReport(); } // static void LLFloaterReporter::onClickCancel(void *userdata) { LLFloaterReporter *self = (LLFloaterReporter *)userdata; // reset flag in case the next report also contains this text self->mCopyrightWarningSeen = FALSE; if (self->mPicking) { closePickTool(self); } self->close(); } // static void LLFloaterReporter::onClickObjPicker(void *userdata) { LLFloaterReporter *self = (LLFloaterReporter *)userdata; gToolObjPicker->setExitCallback(LLFloaterReporter::closePickTool, self); gToolMgr->setTransientTool(gToolObjPicker); self->mPicking = TRUE; self->childSetText("object_name", ""); self->childSetText("owner_name", ""); LLButton* pick_btn = LLUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(self, "pick_btn"); if (pick_btn) pick_btn->setToggleState(TRUE); } // static void LLFloaterReporter::closePickTool(void *userdata) { LLFloaterReporter *self = (LLFloaterReporter *)userdata; LLUUID object_id = gToolObjPicker->getObjectID(); self->getObjectInfo(object_id); gToolMgr->clearTransientTool(); self->mPicking = FALSE; LLButton* pick_btn = LLUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(self, "pick_btn"); if (pick_btn) pick_btn->setToggleState(FALSE); } // static void LLFloaterReporter::showFromMenu(EReportType report_type) { if (gReporterInstances.checkData(report_type)) { // ...bring that window to front LLFloaterReporter *f = gReporterInstances.getData(report_type); f->open(); } else { LLFloaterReporter *f; if (BUG_REPORT == report_type) { f = LLFloaterReporter::createNewBugReporter(); } else if (COMPLAINT_REPORT == report_type) { f = LLFloaterReporter::createNewAbuseReporter(); } else { llwarns << "Unknown LLViewerReporter type : " << report_type << llendl; return; } f->center(); if (report_type == BUG_REPORT) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportBug"); } else { // popup for abuse reports is triggered elsewhere } // grab the user's name LLString fullname; gAgent.buildFullname(fullname); f->childSetText("reporter_field", fullname); } } // static void LLFloaterReporter::showFromObject(const LLUUID& object_id) { LLFloaterReporter* f = createNewAbuseReporter(); f->center(); f->setFocus(TRUE); // grab the user's name LLString fullname; gAgent.buildFullname(fullname); f->childSetText("reporter_field", fullname); // Request info for this object f->getObjectInfo(object_id); // Need to deselect on close f->mDeselectOnClose = TRUE; f->open(); } // static LLFloaterReporter* LLFloaterReporter::getReporter(EReportType report_type) { LLFloaterReporter *self = NULL; if (gReporterInstances.checkData(report_type)) { // ...bring that window to front self = gReporterInstances.getData(report_type); } return self; } LLFloaterReporter* LLFloaterReporter::createNewAbuseReporter() { return new LLFloaterReporter("complaint_reporter", LLRect(), "Report Abuse", COMPLAINT_REPORT); } //static LLFloaterReporter* LLFloaterReporter::createNewBugReporter() { return new LLFloaterReporter("bug_reporter", LLRect(), "Report Bug", BUG_REPORT); } void LLFloaterReporter::setPickedObjectProperties(const char *object_name, const char *owner_name) { childSetText("object_name", object_name); childSetText("owner_name", owner_name); } void LLFloaterReporter::sendReport() { LLViewerRegion *regionp = gAgent.getRegion(); if (!regionp) return; // Ensure user selected a category from the list LLSD category_sd = childGetValue("category_combo"); U8 category = (U8)category_sd.asInteger(); if (category == 0) { if ( mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseSelectCategory"); } else { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportBugSelectCategory"); } return; } if ( mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { if ( childGetText("abuser_name_edit").empty() ) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseAbuserNameEmpty"); return; }; if ( childGetText("abuse_location_edit").empty() ) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseAbuserLocationEmpty"); return; }; }; if ( childGetText("summary_edit").empty() ) { if ( mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseSummaryEmpty"); } else { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportBugSummaryEmpty"); } return; }; if ( childGetText("details_edit") == mDefaultSummary ) { if ( mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportAbuseDetailsEmpty"); } else { gViewerWindow->alertXml("HelpReportBugDetailsEmpty"); } return; }; // reset flag in case the next report also contains this text mCopyrightWarningSeen = FALSE; U32 check_flags = 0; if (childGetValue("screen_check")) { check_flags |= INCLUDE_SCREENSHOT; } LLMessageSystem *msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_UserReport); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ReportData); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_ReportType, (U8) mReportType); msg->addU8(_PREHASH_Category, category); msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Position, mPosition); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_CheckFlags, (U8) check_flags); // only send a screenshot ID if we're asked too and the email is // going to LL - Estate Owners cannot see the screenshot asset LLSD screenshot_id = LLUUID::null; if (childGetValue("screen_check")) { if ( mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { if ( gEmailToEstateOwner == FALSE ) { screenshot_id = childGetValue("screenshot"); } } else { screenshot_id = childGetValue("screenshot"); }; }; msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ScreenshotID, screenshot_id); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ObjectID, mObjectID); msg->addUUID("AbuserID", mAbuserID ); msg->addString("AbuseRegionName", ""); msg->addUUID("AbuseRegionID", LLUUID::null); std::ostringstream summary; if (!gInProductionGrid) { summary << "Preview "; } LLString category_name; LLComboBox* combo = LLUICtrlFactory::getComboBoxByName(this, "category_combo"); if (combo) { category_name = combo->getSimpleSelectedItem(); // want label, not value } #if LL_WINDOWS const char* platform = "Win"; const char* short_platform = "O:W"; #elif LL_DARWIN const char* platform = "Mac"; const char* short_platform = "O:M"; #elif LL_LINUX const char* platform = "Lnx"; const char* short_platform = "O:L"; #else const char* platform = "???"; const char* short_platform = "O:?"; #endif if ( mReportType == BUG_REPORT) { summary << short_platform << " V" << LL_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << LL_VERSION_MINOR << "." << LL_VERSION_PATCH << "." << LL_VIEWER_BUILD << " (" << regionp->getName() << ")" << "[" << category_name << "] " << "\"" << childGetValue("summary_edit").asString() << "\""; } else { summary << "" << " |" << regionp->getName() << "|" // region reporter is currently in. << " (" << childGetText("abuse_location_edit") << ")" // region abuse occured in (freeform text - no LLRegionPicker tool) << " [" << category_name << "] " // updated category << " {" << childGetText("abuser_name_edit") << "} " // name of abuse entered in report (chosen using LLAvatarPicker) << " \"" << childGetValue("summary_edit").asString() << "\""; // summary as entered }; msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Summary, summary.str().c_str()); std::ostringstream details; if (mReportType != BUG_REPORT) { details << "V" << LL_VERSION_MAJOR << "." // client version moved to body of email for abuse reports << LL_VERSION_MINOR << "." << LL_VERSION_PATCH << "." << LL_VIEWER_BUILD << std::endl << std::endl; } LLString object_name = childGetText("object_name"); LLString owner_name = childGetText("owner_name"); if (!object_name.empty() && !owner_name.empty()) { details << "Object: " << object_name << "\n"; details << "Owner: " << owner_name << "\n"; } if ( mReportType != BUG_REPORT ) { details << "Abuser name: " << childGetText("abuser_name_edit") << " \n"; details << "Abuser location: " << childGetText("abuse_location_edit") << " \n"; }; details << childGetValue("details_edit").asString(); msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Details, details.str() ); char version_string[MAX_STRING]; sprintf(version_string, "%d.%d.%d %s %s %s %s", LL_VERSION_MAJOR, LL_VERSION_MINOR, LL_VERSION_PATCH, platform, gSysCPU.getFamily().c_str(), gGLManager.mGLRenderer.c_str(), gGLManager.mDriverVersionVendorString.c_str()); msg->addString("VersionString", version_string); msg->sendReliable(regionp->getHost()); close(); } void LLFloaterReporter::uploadScreenshot() { const S32 IMAGE_WIDTH = 1024; const S32 IMAGE_HEIGHT = 768; LLString filename("report_screenshot.bmp"); if( !gViewerWindow->saveSnapshot( filename, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { return; } // Generate the temporary filename std::string temp_filename = gDirUtilp->getTempFilename(); // try to create the upload file if (!LLViewerImageList::createUploadFile(filename, temp_filename, IMG_CODEC_BMP )) { llwarns << "Unable to upload report screenshot " << filename << ":\n\n" << LLImageBase::getLastError() << "\n" << llendl; if(LLFile::remove(temp_filename.c_str()) == -1) { lldebugs << "unable to remove temp file" << llendl; } LLFilePicker::instance().reset(); } else { // create a resource data LLResourceData* data = NULL; data = new LLResourceData; data->mInventoryType = LLInventoryType::IT_NONE; data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID.generate(); data->mAssetInfo.mUuid = data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID.makeAssetID(gAgent.getSecureSessionID()); if (BUG_REPORT == mReportType) { //data->mAssetInfo.mType = LLAssetType::AT_BUG_REPORT_SCREENSHOT; data->mAssetInfo.mType = LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE; data->mPreferredLocation = LLAssetType::EType(-1); } else if (COMPLAINT_REPORT == mReportType) { //data->mAssetInfo.mType = LLAssetType::AT_COMPLAINT_REPORT_SCREENSHOT; data->mAssetInfo.mType = LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE; data->mPreferredLocation = LLAssetType::EType(-2); } else { llwarns << "Unknown LLFloaterReporter type" << llendl; } data->mAssetInfo.mCreatorID = gAgentID; data->mAssetInfo.setName("screenshot_name"); data->mAssetInfo.setDescription("screenshot_descr"); llinfos << "*** Uploading: " << llendl; llinfos << "Type: " << LLAssetType::lookup(data->mAssetInfo.mType) << llendl; llinfos << "File: " << filename << llendl; llinfos << "Dest: " << temp_filename << llendl; llinfos << "Name: " << data->mAssetInfo.getName() << llendl; llinfos << "Desc: " << data->mAssetInfo.getDescription() << llendl; gAssetStorage->storeAssetData(temp_filename.c_str(), data->mAssetInfo.mTransactionID, data->mAssetInfo.mType, LLFloaterReporter::uploadDoneCallback, (void*)data, TRUE); } } // static void LLFloaterReporter::uploadDoneCallback(const LLUUID &uuid, void *user_data, S32 result) // StoreAssetData callback (fixed) { LLResourceData* data = (LLResourceData*)user_data; if(result >= 0) { EReportType report_type = UNKNOWN_REPORT; if (data->mPreferredLocation == -1) { report_type = BUG_REPORT; } else if (data->mPreferredLocation == -2) { report_type = COMPLAINT_REPORT; } else { llwarns << "Unknown report type : " << data->mPreferredLocation << llendl; } LLFloaterReporter *self = getReporter(report_type); if (self) { LLTexturePicker* texture = LLUICtrlFactory::getTexturePickerByName(self, "screenshot"); if (texture) { texture->setImageAssetID(uuid); texture->setDefaultImageAssetID(uuid); texture->setCaption("Screenshot"); } self->mScreenID = uuid; llinfos << "Got screen shot " << uuid << llendl; } } else // if(result >= 0) { LLStringBase<char>::format_map_t args; args["[REASON]"] = std::string(LLAssetStorage::getErrorString(result)); gViewerWindow->alertXml("ErrorUploadingReportScreenshot", args); std::string err_msg("There was a problem uploading a report screenshot"); err_msg += " due to the following reason: " + args["[REASON]"]; llwarns << err_msg << llendl; } delete data; } void LLFloaterReporter::setPosBox(const LLVector3d &pos) { mPosition.setVec(pos); LLString pos_string = llformat("{%.1f, %.1f, %.1f}", mPosition.mV[VX], mPosition.mV[VY], mPosition.mV[VZ]); childSetText("pos_field", pos_string); } void LLFloaterReporter::setDescription(const LLString& description, LLMeanCollisionData *mcd) { LLFloaterReporter *self = gReporterInstances[COMPLAINT_REPORT]; if (self) { self->childSetText("details_edit", description); for_each(self->mMCDList.begin(), self->mMCDList.end(), DeletePointer()); self->mMCDList.clear(); if (mcd) { self->mMCDList.push_back(new LLMeanCollisionData(mcd)); } } } void LLFloaterReporter::addDescription(const LLString& description, LLMeanCollisionData *mcd) { LLFloaterReporter *self = gReporterInstances[COMPLAINT_REPORT]; if (self) { LLTextEditor* text = LLUICtrlFactory::getTextEditorByName(self, "details_edit"); if (text) { text->insertText(description); } if (mcd) { self->mMCDList.push_back(new LLMeanCollisionData(mcd)); } } }