/** * @file llfloatercustomize.cpp * @brief The customize avatar floater, triggered by "Appearance..." * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2008, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llfloatercustomize.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "lliconctrl.h" #include "llresmgr.h" #include "llmorphview.h" #include "llfloatertools.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "lltoolmorph.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llradiogroup.h" #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" #include "llscrollcontainer.h" #include "llscrollingpanellist.h" #include "llsliderctrl.h" #include "lltabcontainervertical.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" #include "llinventoryview.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "llviewerimagelist.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llgenepool.h" #include "llappearance.h" #include "imageids.h" #include "llmodaldialog.h" #include "llassetstorage.h" #include "lltexturectrl.h" #include "lltextureentry.h" #include "llwearablelist.h" #include "llviewerinventory.h" #include "lldbstrings.h" #include "llcolorswatch.h" #include "llglheaders.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llviewermessage.h" #include "llimagejpeg.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llfilepicker.h" //*TODO:translate : The ui xml for this really needs to be integrated with the appearance paramaters // Globals LLFloaterCustomize* gFloaterCustomize = NULL; const F32 PARAM_STEP_TIME_THRESHOLD = 0.25f; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLUndoWearable class LLUndoWearable : public LLUndoBuffer::LLUndoAction { protected: LLAppearance mAppearance; protected: LLUndoWearable() {}; virtual ~LLUndoWearable(){}; public: static LLUndoAction *create() { return new LLUndoWearable(); } void setVisualParam(S32 param_id, F32 weight); void setColor( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4& color ); void setTexture( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const LLUUID& asset_id ); void setWearable( EWearableType type ); virtual void undo() {applyUndoRedo();} virtual void redo() {applyUndoRedo();} void applyUndoRedo(); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLFloaterCustomizeObserver class LLFloaterCustomizeObserver : public LLInventoryObserver { public: LLFloaterCustomizeObserver(LLFloaterCustomize* fc) : mFC(fc) {} virtual ~LLFloaterCustomizeObserver() {} virtual void changed(U32 mask) { mFC->updateScrollingPanelUI(); } protected: LLFloaterCustomize* mFC; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local Constants class LLWearableSaveAsDialog : public LLModalDialog { private: std::string mItemName; void (*mCommitCallback)(LLWearableSaveAsDialog*,void*); void* mCallbackUserData; public: LLWearableSaveAsDialog( const std::string& desc, void(*commit_cb)(LLWearableSaveAsDialog*,void*), void* userdata ) : LLModalDialog( LLStringUtil::null, 240, 100 ), mCommitCallback( commit_cb ), mCallbackUserData( userdata ) { LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_wearable_save_as.xml"); childSetAction("Save", LLWearableSaveAsDialog::onSave, this ); childSetAction("Cancel", LLWearableSaveAsDialog::onCancel, this ); childSetTextArg("name ed", "[DESC]", desc); } virtual void startModal() { LLModalDialog::startModal(); LLLineEditor* edit = getChild<LLLineEditor>("name ed"); if (!edit) return; edit->setFocus(TRUE); edit->selectAll(); } const std::string& getItemName() { return mItemName; } static void onSave( void* userdata ) { LLWearableSaveAsDialog* self = (LLWearableSaveAsDialog*) userdata; self->mItemName = self->childGetValue("name ed").asString(); LLStringUtil::trim(self->mItemName); if( !self->mItemName.empty() ) { if( self->mCommitCallback ) { self->mCommitCallback( self, self->mCallbackUserData ); } self->close(); // destroys this object } } static void onCancel( void* userdata ) { LLWearableSaveAsDialog* self = (LLWearableSaveAsDialog*) userdata; self->close(); // destroys this object } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL edit_wearable_for_teens(EWearableType type) { switch(type) { case WT_UNDERSHIRT: case WT_UNDERPANTS: return FALSE; default: return TRUE; } } class LLMakeOutfitDialog : public LLModalDialog { private: std::string mFolderName; void (*mCommitCallback)(LLMakeOutfitDialog*,void*); void* mCallbackUserData; std::vector<std::pair<std::string,S32> > mCheckBoxList; public: LLMakeOutfitDialog( void(*commit_cb)(LLMakeOutfitDialog*,void*), void* userdata ) : LLModalDialog(LLStringUtil::null,515, 510, TRUE ), mCommitCallback( commit_cb ), mCallbackUserData( userdata ) { LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_new_outfit_dialog.xml"); // Build list of check boxes for( S32 i = 0; i < WT_COUNT; i++ ) { std::string name = std::string("checkbox_") + LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( (EWearableType)i ); mCheckBoxList.push_back(std::make_pair(name,i)); // Hide teen items if (gAgent.isTeen() && !edit_wearable_for_teens((EWearableType)i)) { // hide wearable checkboxes that don't apply to this account std::string name = std::string("checkbox_") + LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( (EWearableType)i ); childSetVisible(name, FALSE); } } // NOTE: .xml needs to be updated if attachments are added or their names are changed! LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( avatar ) { for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator iter = avatar->mAttachmentPoints.begin(); iter != avatar->mAttachmentPoints.end(); ) { LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator curiter = iter++; LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = curiter->second; S32 attachment_pt = curiter->first; BOOL object_attached = ( attachment->getNumObjects() > 0 ); std::string name = std::string("checkbox_") + attachment->getName(); mCheckBoxList.push_back(std::make_pair(name,attachment_pt)); childSetEnabled(name, object_attached); } } childSetAction("Save", onSave, this ); childSetAction("Cancel", onCancel, this ); } BOOL getRenameClothing() { return childGetValue("rename").asBoolean(); } virtual void draw() { BOOL one_or_more_items_selected = FALSE; for( S32 i = 0; i < (S32)mCheckBoxList.size(); i++ ) { if( childGetValue(mCheckBoxList[i].first).asBoolean() ) { one_or_more_items_selected = TRUE; break; } } childSetEnabled("Save", one_or_more_items_selected ); LLModalDialog::draw(); } const std::string& getFolderName() { return mFolderName; } void setWearableToInclude( S32 wearable, S32 enabled, S32 selected ) { if( (0 <= wearable) && (wearable < WT_COUNT) ) { std::string name = std::string("checkbox_") + LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( (EWearableType)wearable ); childSetEnabled(name, enabled); childSetValue(name, selected); } } void getIncludedItems( LLDynamicArray<S32> &wearables_to_include, LLDynamicArray<S32> &attachments_to_include ) { for( S32 i = 0; i < (S32)mCheckBoxList.size(); i++) { std::string name = mCheckBoxList[i].first; BOOL checked = childGetValue(name).asBoolean(); if (i < WT_COUNT ) { if( checked ) { wearables_to_include.put(i); } } else { if( checked ) { S32 attachment_pt = mCheckBoxList[i].second; attachments_to_include.put( attachment_pt ); } } } } static void onSave( void* userdata ) { LLMakeOutfitDialog* self = (LLMakeOutfitDialog*) userdata; self->mFolderName = self->childGetValue("name ed").asString(); LLStringUtil::trim(self->mFolderName); if( !self->mFolderName.empty() ) { if( self->mCommitCallback ) { self->mCommitCallback( self, self->mCallbackUserData ); } self->close(); // destroys this object } } static void onCancel( void* userdata ) { LLMakeOutfitDialog* self = (LLMakeOutfitDialog*) userdata; self->close(); // destroys this object } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLPanelEditWearable enum ESubpart { SUBPART_SHAPE_HEAD = 1, // avoid 0 SUBPART_SHAPE_EYES, SUBPART_SHAPE_EARS, SUBPART_SHAPE_NOSE, SUBPART_SHAPE_MOUTH, SUBPART_SHAPE_CHIN, SUBPART_SHAPE_TORSO, SUBPART_SHAPE_LEGS, SUBPART_SHAPE_WHOLE, SUBPART_SHAPE_DETAIL, SUBPART_SKIN_COLOR, SUBPART_SKIN_FACEDETAIL, SUBPART_SKIN_MAKEUP, SUBPART_SKIN_BODYDETAIL, SUBPART_HAIR_COLOR, SUBPART_HAIR_STYLE, SUBPART_HAIR_EYEBROWS, SUBPART_HAIR_FACIAL, SUBPART_EYES, SUBPART_SHIRT, SUBPART_PANTS, SUBPART_SHOES, SUBPART_SOCKS, SUBPART_JACKET, SUBPART_GLOVES, SUBPART_UNDERSHIRT, SUBPART_UNDERPANTS, SUBPART_SKIRT }; struct LLSubpart { LLSubpart() : mSex( SEX_BOTH ) {} std::string mButtonName; std::string mTargetJoint; std::string mEditGroup; LLVector3d mTargetOffset; LLVector3d mCameraOffset; ESex mSex; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LLPanelEditWearable : public LLPanel, public LLEditMenuHandler { public: LLPanelEditWearable( EWearableType type ); virtual ~LLPanelEditWearable(); virtual BOOL postBuild(); virtual void draw(); virtual BOOL isDirty() const; // LLUICtrl void addSubpart(const std::string& name, ESubpart id, LLSubpart* part ); void addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& default_image_id, BOOL allow_no_texture ); void addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const std::string& name ); const std::string& getLabel() { return LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( mType ); } EWearableType getType() { return mType; } LLSubpart* getCurrentSubpart() { return mSubpartList[mCurrentSubpart]; } ESubpart getDefaultSubpart(); void setSubpart( ESubpart subpart ); void switchToDefaultSubpart(); void setWearable(LLWearable* wearable, U32 perm_mask, BOOL is_complete); void addVisualParamToUndoBuffer( S32 param_id, F32 current_weight ); void setUIPermissions(U32 perm_mask, BOOL is_complete); virtual void setVisible( BOOL visible ); // Inherted methods from LLEditMenuHandler virtual void undo() { mUndoBuffer->undoAction(); } virtual BOOL canUndo() const { return mUndoBuffer->canUndo(); } virtual void redo() { mUndoBuffer->redoAction(); } virtual BOOL canRedo() const { return mUndoBuffer->canRedo(); } // Callbacks static void onBtnSubpart( void* userdata ); static void onBtnTakeOff( void* userdata ); static void onBtnRandomize( void* userdata ); static void onBtnSave( void* userdata ); static void onBtnSaveAs( void* userdata ); static void onSaveAsCommit( LLWearableSaveAsDialog* save_as_dialog, void* userdata ); static void onBtnRevert( void* userdata ); static void onBtnTakeOffDialog( S32 option, void* userdata ); static void onBtnCreateNew( void* userdata ); static void onTextureCommit( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata ); static void onColorCommit( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata ); static void onCommitSexChange( LLUICtrl*, void* userdata ); static void onSelectAutoWearOption(S32 option, void* data); private: EWearableType mType; BOOL mCanTakeOff; std::map<std::string, S32> mTextureList; std::map<std::string, S32> mColorList; std::map<ESubpart, LLSubpart*> mSubpartList; ESubpart mCurrentSubpart; LLUndoBuffer* mUndoBuffer; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLPanelEditWearable::LLPanelEditWearable( EWearableType type ) : LLPanel( LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( type ) ), mType( type ) { const S32 NUM_DISTORTION_UNDO_ENTRIES = 50; mUndoBuffer = new LLUndoBuffer(LLUndoWearable::create, NUM_DISTORTION_UNDO_ENTRIES); } BOOL LLPanelEditWearable::postBuild() { LLAssetType::EType asset_type = LLWearable::typeToAssetType( mType ); std::string icon_name = (asset_type == LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING ? "inv_item_clothing.tga" : "inv_item_skin.tga" ); childSetValue("icon", icon_name); childSetAction("Create New", LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnCreateNew, this ); // If PG, can't take off underclothing or shirt mCanTakeOff = LLWearable::typeToAssetType( mType ) == LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING && !( gAgent.isTeen() && (mType == WT_UNDERSHIRT || mType == WT_UNDERPANTS) ); childSetVisible("Take Off", mCanTakeOff); childSetAction("Take Off", LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnTakeOff, this ); childSetAction("Save", &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnSave, (void*)this ); childSetAction("Save As", &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnSaveAs, (void*)this ); childSetAction("Revert", &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnRevert, (void*)this ); return TRUE; } LLPanelEditWearable::~LLPanelEditWearable() { delete mUndoBuffer; std::for_each(mSubpartList.begin(), mSubpartList.end(), DeletePairedPointer()); // Route menu back to the default if( gEditMenuHandler == this ) { gEditMenuHandler = NULL; } } void LLPanelEditWearable::addSubpart( const std::string& name, ESubpart id, LLSubpart* part ) { if (!name.empty()) { childSetAction(name, &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnSubpart, (void*)id); part->mButtonName = name; } mSubpartList[id] = part; } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnSubpart(void* userdata) { LLFloaterCustomize* floater_customize = gFloaterCustomize; if (!floater_customize) return; LLPanelEditWearable* self = floater_customize->getCurrentWearablePanel(); if (!self) return; ESubpart subpart = (ESubpart) (intptr_t)userdata; self->setSubpart( subpart ); } void LLPanelEditWearable::setSubpart( ESubpart subpart ) { mCurrentSubpart = subpart; for (std::map<ESubpart, LLSubpart*>::iterator iter = mSubpartList.begin(); iter != mSubpartList.end(); ++iter) { LLButton* btn = getChild<LLButton>(iter->second->mButtonName); if (btn) { btn->setToggleState( subpart == iter->first ); } } LLSubpart* part = get_if_there(mSubpartList, (ESubpart)subpart, (LLSubpart*)NULL); if( part ) { // Update the thumbnails we display LLFloaterCustomize::param_map sorted_params; LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); ESex avatar_sex = avatar->getSex(); LLViewerInventoryItem* item; item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gAgent.getWearableInventoryItem(mType); U32 perm_mask = 0x0; BOOL is_complete = FALSE; if(item) { perm_mask = item->getPermissions().getMaskOwner(); is_complete = item->isComplete(); } setUIPermissions(perm_mask, is_complete); BOOL editable = ((perm_mask & PERM_MODIFY) && is_complete) ? TRUE : FALSE; for(LLViewerVisualParam* param = (LLViewerVisualParam *)avatar->getFirstVisualParam(); param; param = (LLViewerVisualParam *)avatar->getNextVisualParam()) { if (param->getID() == -1 || param->getGroup() != VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE || param->getEditGroup() != part->mEditGroup || !(param->getSex() & avatar_sex)) { continue; } // negative getDisplayOrder() to make lowest order the highest priority LLFloaterCustomize::param_map::value_type vt(-param->getDisplayOrder(), LLFloaterCustomize::editable_param(editable, param)); llassert( sorted_params.find(-param->getDisplayOrder()) == sorted_params.end() ); // Check for duplicates sorted_params.insert(vt); } gFloaterCustomize->generateVisualParamHints(NULL, sorted_params); gFloaterCustomize->updateScrollingPanelUI(); // Update the camera gMorphView->setCameraTargetJoint( gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getJoint( part->mTargetJoint ) ); gMorphView->setCameraTargetOffset( part->mTargetOffset ); gMorphView->setCameraOffset( part->mCameraOffset ); gMorphView->setCameraDistToDefault(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AppearanceCameraMovement")) { gMorphView->updateCamera(); } } } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnRandomize( void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gAgent.getWearableInventoryItem(self->mType); if(avatar && item && item->getPermissions().allowModifyBy(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getGroupID()) && item->isComplete()) { // Save current wearable parameters and textures to the undo buffer. LLUndoWearable* action = (LLUndoWearable*)(self->mUndoBuffer->getNextAction()); action->setWearable( self->mType ); ESex old_sex = avatar->getSex(); gFloaterCustomize->spawnWearableAppearance( self->mType ); gFloaterCustomize->updateScrollingPanelList(TRUE); ESex new_sex = avatar->getSex(); if( old_sex != new_sex ) { // Updates radio button gSavedSettings.setU32("AvatarSex", (new_sex == SEX_MALE) ); // Assumes that we're in the "Shape" Panel. self->setSubpart( SUBPART_SHAPE_WHOLE ); } } } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnTakeOff( void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; LLWearable* wearable = gAgent.getWearable( self->mType ); if( !wearable ) { return; } gAgent.removeWearable( self->mType ); } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnSave( void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; gAgent.saveWearable( self->mType ); } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnSaveAs( void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; LLWearable* wearable = gAgent.getWearable( self->getType() ); if( wearable ) { LLWearableSaveAsDialog* save_as_dialog = new LLWearableSaveAsDialog( wearable->getName(), onSaveAsCommit, self ); save_as_dialog->startModal(); // LLWearableSaveAsDialog deletes itself. } } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onSaveAsCommit( LLWearableSaveAsDialog* save_as_dialog, void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( avatar ) { gAgent.saveWearableAs( self->getType(), save_as_dialog->getItemName(), FALSE ); } } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnRevert( void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; gAgent.revertWearable( self->mType ); } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnCreateNew( void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; gViewerWindow->alertXml("AutoWearNewClothing", onSelectAutoWearOption, self); } void LLPanelEditWearable::onSelectAutoWearOption(S32 option, void* data) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) data; LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if(avatar) { // Create a new wearable in the default folder for the wearable's asset type. LLWearable* wearable = gWearableList.createNewWearable( self->getType() ); LLAssetType::EType asset_type = wearable->getAssetType(); LLUUID folder_id; // regular UI, items get created in normal folder folder_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(asset_type); // Only auto wear the new item if the AutoWearNewClothing checkbox is selected. LLPointer<LLInventoryCallback> cb = option == 0 ? new WearOnAvatarCallback : NULL; create_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getSessionID(), folder_id, wearable->getTransactionID(), wearable->getName(), wearable->getDescription(), asset_type, LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE, wearable->getType(), wearable->getPermissions().getMaskNextOwner(), cb); } } void LLPanelEditWearable::addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const std::string& name ) { childSetCommitCallback(name, LLPanelEditWearable::onColorCommit, this); mColorList[name] = te; } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onColorCommit( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; LLColorSwatchCtrl* color_ctrl = (LLColorSwatchCtrl*) ctrl; LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( avatar ) { LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te = (LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex)(self->mColorList[ctrl->getName()]); LLColor4 old_color = avatar->getClothesColor( te ); const LLColor4& new_color = color_ctrl->get(); if( old_color != new_color ) { // Save the old version to the undo stack LLUndoWearable* action = (LLUndoWearable*)(self->mUndoBuffer->getNextAction()); action->setColor( te, old_color ); // Set the new version avatar->setClothesColor( te, new_color, TRUE ); gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates(); } } } void LLPanelEditWearable::addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& default_image_id, BOOL allow_no_texture ) { childSetCommitCallback(name, LLPanelEditWearable::onTextureCommit, this); LLTextureCtrl* texture_ctrl = getChild<LLTextureCtrl>(name); if (texture_ctrl) { texture_ctrl->setDefaultImageAssetID(default_image_id); texture_ctrl->setAllowNoTexture( allow_no_texture ); // Don't allow (no copy) or (no transfer) textures to be selected. texture_ctrl->setImmediateFilterPermMask(PERM_NONE);//PERM_COPY | PERM_TRANSFER); texture_ctrl->setNonImmediateFilterPermMask(PERM_NONE);//PERM_COPY | PERM_TRANSFER); } mTextureList[name] = te; } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onTextureCommit( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; LLTextureCtrl* texture_ctrl = (LLTextureCtrl*) ctrl; LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( avatar ) { LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te = (LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex)(self->mTextureList[ctrl->getName()]); // Save the old version to the undo stack LLViewerImage* existing_image = avatar->getTEImage( te ); if( existing_image ) { LLUndoWearable* action = (LLUndoWearable*)(self->mUndoBuffer->getNextAction()); action->setTexture( te, existing_image->getID() ); } // Set the new version LLViewerImage* image = gImageList.getImage( texture_ctrl->getImageAssetID() ); if( image->getID().isNull() ) { image = gImageList.getImage(IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR); } avatar->setLocTexTE( te, image, TRUE ); gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } } ESubpart LLPanelEditWearable::getDefaultSubpart() { switch( mType ) { case WT_SHAPE: return SUBPART_SHAPE_WHOLE; case WT_SKIN: return SUBPART_SKIN_COLOR; case WT_HAIR: return SUBPART_HAIR_COLOR; case WT_EYES: return SUBPART_EYES; case WT_SHIRT: return SUBPART_SHIRT; case WT_PANTS: return SUBPART_PANTS; case WT_SHOES: return SUBPART_SHOES; case WT_SOCKS: return SUBPART_SOCKS; case WT_JACKET: return SUBPART_JACKET; case WT_GLOVES: return SUBPART_GLOVES; case WT_UNDERSHIRT: return SUBPART_UNDERSHIRT; case WT_UNDERPANTS: return SUBPART_UNDERPANTS; case WT_SKIRT: return SUBPART_SKIRT; default: llassert(0); return SUBPART_SHAPE_WHOLE; } } void LLPanelEditWearable::draw() { if( gFloaterCustomize->isMinimized() ) { return; } LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( !avatar ) { return; } if( gFloaterCustomize->isFrontmost() && !gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() ) { // Route menu to this class gEditMenuHandler = this; } LLWearable* wearable = gAgent.getWearable( mType ); BOOL has_wearable = (wearable != NULL ); BOOL is_dirty = isDirty(); BOOL is_modifiable = FALSE; BOOL is_copyable = FALSE; BOOL is_complete = FALSE; LLViewerInventoryItem* item; item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gAgent.getWearableInventoryItem(mType); if(item) { const LLPermissions& perm = item->getPermissions(); is_modifiable = perm.allowModifyBy(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getGroupID()); is_copyable = perm.allowCopyBy(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getGroupID()); is_complete = item->isComplete(); } childSetEnabled("Save", is_modifiable && is_complete && has_wearable && is_dirty); childSetEnabled("Save As", is_copyable && is_complete && has_wearable); childSetEnabled("Revert", has_wearable && is_dirty ); childSetEnabled("Take Off", has_wearable ); childSetVisible("Take Off", mCanTakeOff ); childSetVisible("Create New", !has_wearable ); childSetVisible("not worn instructions", !has_wearable ); childSetVisible("no modify instructions", has_wearable && !is_modifiable); for (std::map<ESubpart, LLSubpart*>::iterator iter = mSubpartList.begin(); iter != mSubpartList.end(); ++iter) { if( has_wearable && is_complete && is_modifiable ) { childSetEnabled(iter->second->mButtonName, iter->second->mSex & avatar->getSex() ); } else { childSetEnabled(iter->second->mButtonName, FALSE ); } } childSetVisible("square", !is_modifiable); childSetVisible("title", FALSE); childSetVisible("title_no_modify", FALSE); childSetVisible("title_not_worn", FALSE); childSetVisible("title_loading", FALSE); childSetVisible("path", FALSE); if(has_wearable && !is_modifiable) { // *TODO:Translate childSetVisible("title_no_modify", TRUE); childSetTextArg("title_no_modify", "[DESC]", std::string(LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( mType ))); for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mTextureList.begin(); iter != mTextureList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, FALSE ); } for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mColorList.begin(); iter != mColorList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, FALSE ); } } else if(has_wearable && !is_complete) { // *TODO:Translate childSetVisible("title_loading", TRUE); childSetTextArg("title_loading", "[DESC]", std::string(LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( mType ))); std::string path; const LLUUID& item_id = gAgent.getWearableItem( wearable->getType() ); gInventory.appendPath(item_id, path); childSetVisible("path", TRUE); childSetTextArg("path", "[PATH]", path); for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mTextureList.begin(); iter != mTextureList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, FALSE ); } for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mColorList.begin(); iter != mColorList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, FALSE ); } } else if(has_wearable && is_modifiable) { childSetVisible("title", TRUE); childSetTextArg("title", "[DESC]", wearable->getName() ); std::string path; const LLUUID& item_id = gAgent.getWearableItem( wearable->getType() ); gInventory.appendPath(item_id, path); childSetVisible("path", TRUE); childSetTextArg("path", "[PATH]", path); for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mTextureList.begin(); iter != mTextureList.end(); ++iter ) { std::string name = iter->first; LLTextureCtrl* texture_ctrl = getChild<LLTextureCtrl>(name); S32 te_index = iter->second; childSetVisible(name, is_copyable && is_modifiable && is_complete ); if (texture_ctrl) { const LLTextureEntry* te = avatar->getTE(te_index); if( te && (te->getID() != IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR) ) { texture_ctrl->setImageAssetID( te->getID() ); } else { texture_ctrl->setImageAssetID( LLUUID::null ); } } } for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mColorList.begin(); iter != mColorList.end(); ++iter ) { std::string name = iter->first; S32 te_index = iter->second; childSetVisible(name, is_modifiable && is_complete ); childSetEnabled(name, is_modifiable && is_complete ); LLColorSwatchCtrl* ctrl = getChild<LLColorSwatchCtrl>(name); if (ctrl) { ctrl->set(avatar->getClothesColor( (LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex)te_index ) ); } } } else { // *TODO:Translate childSetVisible("title_not_worn", TRUE); childSetTextArg("title_not_worn", "[DESC]", std::string(LLWearable::typeToTypeLabel( mType ))); for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mTextureList.begin(); iter != mTextureList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, FALSE ); } for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mColorList.begin(); iter != mColorList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, FALSE ); } } childSetVisible("icon", has_wearable && is_modifiable); LLPanel::draw(); } void LLPanelEditWearable::setWearable(LLWearable* wearable, U32 perm_mask, BOOL is_complete) { if( wearable ) { setUIPermissions(perm_mask, is_complete); } mUndoBuffer->flushActions(); } void LLPanelEditWearable::addVisualParamToUndoBuffer( S32 param_id, F32 current_weight ) { LLUndoWearable* action = (LLUndoWearable*)(mUndoBuffer->getNextAction()); action->setVisualParam( param_id, current_weight ); } void LLPanelEditWearable::switchToDefaultSubpart() { setSubpart( getDefaultSubpart() ); } void LLPanelEditWearable::setVisible(BOOL visible) { LLPanel::setVisible( visible ); if( !visible ) { // Route menu back to the default if( gEditMenuHandler == this ) { gEditMenuHandler = NULL; } for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mColorList.begin(); iter != mColorList.end(); ++iter ) { // this forces any open color pickers to cancel their selection childSetEnabled(iter->first, FALSE ); } } } BOOL LLPanelEditWearable::isDirty() const { LLWearable* wearable = gAgent.getWearable( mType ); if( !wearable ) { return FALSE; } if( wearable->isDirty() ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // static void LLPanelEditWearable::onCommitSexChange( LLUICtrl*, void* userdata ) { LLPanelEditWearable* self = (LLPanelEditWearable*) userdata; LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if (!avatar) { return; } if( !gAgent.isWearableModifiable(self->mType)) { return; } ESex new_sex = gSavedSettings.getU32("AvatarSex") ? SEX_MALE : SEX_FEMALE; LLViewerVisualParam* param = (LLViewerVisualParam*)avatar->getVisualParam( "male" ); if( !param ) { return; } self->addVisualParamToUndoBuffer( param->getID(), param->getWeight() ); param->setWeight( (new_sex == SEX_MALE), TRUE ); avatar->updateSexDependentLayerSets( TRUE ); avatar->updateVisualParams(); gFloaterCustomize->clearScrollingPanelList(); // Assumes that we're in the "Shape" Panel. self->setSubpart( SUBPART_SHAPE_WHOLE ); gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } void LLPanelEditWearable::setUIPermissions(U32 perm_mask, BOOL is_complete) { BOOL is_copyable = (perm_mask & PERM_COPY) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL is_modifiable = (perm_mask & PERM_MODIFY) ? TRUE : FALSE; childSetEnabled("Save", is_modifiable && is_complete); childSetEnabled("Save As", is_copyable && is_complete); childSetEnabled("Randomize", is_modifiable && is_complete); childSetEnabled("sex radio", is_modifiable && is_complete); for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mTextureList.begin(); iter != mTextureList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, is_copyable && is_modifiable && is_complete ); } for( std::map<std::string, S32>::iterator iter = mColorList.begin(); iter != mColorList.end(); ++iter ) { childSetVisible(iter->first, is_modifiable && is_complete ); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLScrollingPanelParam class LLScrollingPanelParam : public LLScrollingPanel { public: LLScrollingPanelParam( const std::string& name, LLViewerJointMesh* mesh, LLViewerVisualParam* param, BOOL allow_modify ); virtual ~LLScrollingPanelParam(); virtual void draw(); virtual void setVisible( BOOL visible ); virtual void updatePanel(BOOL allow_modify); static void onSliderMouseDown(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata); static void onSliderMoved(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata); static void onSliderMouseUp(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata); static void onHintMinMouseDown(void* userdata); static void onHintMinHeldDown(void* userdata); static void onHintMaxMouseDown(void* userdata); static void onHintMaxHeldDown(void* userdata); static void onHintMinMouseUp(void* userdata); static void onHintMaxMouseUp(void* userdata); void onHintMouseDown( LLVisualParamHint* hint ); void onHintHeldDown( LLVisualParamHint* hint ); F32 weightToPercent( F32 weight ); F32 percentToWeight( F32 percent ); public: LLViewerVisualParam* mParam; LLVisualParamHint* mHintMin; LLVisualParamHint* mHintMax; static S32 sUpdateDelayFrames; protected: LLTimer mMouseDownTimer; // timer for how long mouse has been held down on a hint. F32 mLastHeldTime; BOOL mAllowModify; }; //static S32 LLScrollingPanelParam::sUpdateDelayFrames = 0; const S32 BTN_BORDER = 2; const S32 PARAM_HINT_WIDTH = 128; const S32 PARAM_HINT_HEIGHT = 128; const S32 PARAM_HINT_LABEL_HEIGHT = 16; const S32 PARAM_PANEL_WIDTH = 2 * (3* BTN_BORDER + PARAM_HINT_WIDTH + LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH); const S32 PARAM_PANEL_HEIGHT = 2 * BTN_BORDER + PARAM_HINT_HEIGHT + PARAM_HINT_LABEL_HEIGHT + 4 * LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH; LLScrollingPanelParam::LLScrollingPanelParam( const std::string& name, LLViewerJointMesh* mesh, LLViewerVisualParam* param, BOOL allow_modify ) : LLScrollingPanel( name, LLRect( 0, PARAM_PANEL_HEIGHT, PARAM_PANEL_WIDTH, 0 ) ), mParam(param), mAllowModify(allow_modify) { LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_scrolling_param.xml"); S32 pos_x = 2 * LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH; S32 pos_y = 3 * LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH + SLIDERCTRL_HEIGHT; F32 min_weight = param->getMinWeight(); F32 max_weight = param->getMaxWeight(); mHintMin = new LLVisualParamHint( pos_x, pos_y, PARAM_HINT_WIDTH, PARAM_HINT_HEIGHT, mesh, param, min_weight); pos_x += PARAM_HINT_WIDTH + 3 * BTN_BORDER; mHintMax = new LLVisualParamHint( pos_x, pos_y, PARAM_HINT_WIDTH, PARAM_HINT_HEIGHT, mesh, param, max_weight ); mHintMin->setAllowsUpdates( FALSE ); mHintMax->setAllowsUpdates( FALSE ); childSetValue("param slider", weightToPercent(param->getWeight())); childSetLabelArg("param slider", "[DESC]", param->getDisplayName()); childSetEnabled("param slider", mAllowModify); childSetCommitCallback("param slider", LLScrollingPanelParam::onSliderMoved, this); // *TODO::translate std::string min_name = param->getMinDisplayName(); std::string max_name = param->getMaxDisplayName(); childSetValue("min param text", min_name); childSetValue("max param text", max_name); LLButton* less = getChild<LLButton>("less"); if (less) { less->setMouseDownCallback( LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMinMouseDown ); less->setMouseUpCallback( LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMinMouseUp ); less->setHeldDownCallback( LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMinHeldDown ); less->setHeldDownDelay( PARAM_STEP_TIME_THRESHOLD ); } LLButton* more = getChild<LLButton>("more"); if (more) { more->setMouseDownCallback( LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMaxMouseDown ); more->setMouseUpCallback( LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMaxMouseUp ); more->setHeldDownCallback( LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMaxHeldDown ); more->setHeldDownDelay( PARAM_STEP_TIME_THRESHOLD ); } setVisible(FALSE); setBorderVisible( FALSE ); } LLScrollingPanelParam::~LLScrollingPanelParam() { delete mHintMin; delete mHintMax; } void LLScrollingPanelParam::updatePanel(BOOL allow_modify) { LLViewerVisualParam* param = mHintMin->getVisualParam(); childSetValue("param slider", weightToPercent( param->getWeight() ) ); mHintMin->requestUpdate( sUpdateDelayFrames++ ); mHintMax->requestUpdate( sUpdateDelayFrames++ ); mAllowModify = allow_modify; childSetEnabled("param slider", mAllowModify); childSetEnabled("less", mAllowModify); childSetEnabled("more", mAllowModify); } void LLScrollingPanelParam::setVisible( BOOL visible ) { if( getVisible() != visible ) { LLPanel::setVisible( visible ); mHintMin->setAllowsUpdates( visible ); mHintMax->setAllowsUpdates( visible ); if( visible ) { mHintMin->setUpdateDelayFrames( sUpdateDelayFrames++ ); mHintMax->setUpdateDelayFrames( sUpdateDelayFrames++ ); } } } void LLScrollingPanelParam::draw() { if( gFloaterCustomize->isMinimized() ) { return; } childSetVisible("less", mHintMin->getVisible()); childSetVisible("more", mHintMax->getVisible()); // Draw all the children except for the labels childSetVisible( "min param text", FALSE ); childSetVisible( "max param text", FALSE ); LLPanel::draw(); // Draw the hints over the "less" and "more" buttons. glPushMatrix(); { const LLRect& r = mHintMin->getRect(); F32 left = (F32)(r.mLeft + BTN_BORDER); F32 bot = (F32)(r.mBottom + BTN_BORDER); glTranslatef(left, bot, 0.f); mHintMin->draw(); } glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); { const LLRect& r = mHintMax->getRect(); F32 left = (F32)(r.mLeft + BTN_BORDER); F32 bot = (F32)(r.mBottom + BTN_BORDER); glTranslatef(left, bot, 0.f); mHintMax->draw(); } glPopMatrix(); // Draw labels on top of the buttons childSetVisible( "min param text", TRUE ); drawChild(getChild<LLView>("min param text"), BTN_BORDER, BTN_BORDER); childSetVisible( "max param text", TRUE ); drawChild(getChild<LLView>("max param text"), BTN_BORDER, BTN_BORDER); } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onSliderMoved(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { LLSliderCtrl* slider = (LLSliderCtrl*) ctrl; LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; LLViewerVisualParam* param = self->mParam; F32 current_weight = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getVisualParamWeight( param ); F32 new_weight = self->percentToWeight( (F32)slider->getValue().asReal() ); if (current_weight != new_weight ) { gAgent.getAvatarObject()->setVisualParamWeight( param, new_weight, TRUE); gAgent.getAvatarObject()->updateVisualParams(); } } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onSliderMouseDown(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; LLViewerVisualParam* param = self->mParam; // store existing values in undo buffer F32 current_weight = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getVisualParamWeight( param ); if( gFloaterCustomize ) { LLPanelEditWearable* panel = gFloaterCustomize->getCurrentWearablePanel(); if( panel ) { panel->addVisualParamToUndoBuffer( param->getID(), current_weight ); } } } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onSliderMouseUp(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; // store namevalue gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates( self->mHintMin, self->mHintMax ); } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMinMouseDown( void* userdata ) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; self->onHintMouseDown( self->mHintMin ); } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMaxMouseDown( void* userdata ) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; self->onHintMouseDown( self->mHintMax ); } void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMouseDown( LLVisualParamHint* hint ) { // morph towards this result F32 current_weight = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getVisualParamWeight( hint->getVisualParam() ); // if we have maxed out on this morph, we shouldn't be able to click it if( hint->getVisualParamWeight() != current_weight ) { // store existing values in undo buffer if( gFloaterCustomize ) { LLPanelEditWearable* panel = gFloaterCustomize->getCurrentWearablePanel(); if( panel ) { panel->addVisualParamToUndoBuffer( hint->getVisualParam()->getID(), current_weight ); } } mMouseDownTimer.reset(); mLastHeldTime = 0.f; } } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMinHeldDown( void* userdata ) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; self->onHintHeldDown( self->mHintMin ); } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMaxHeldDown( void* userdata ) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; self->onHintHeldDown( self->mHintMax ); } void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintHeldDown( LLVisualParamHint* hint ) { F32 current_weight = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getVisualParamWeight( hint->getVisualParam() ); if (current_weight != hint->getVisualParamWeight() ) { const F32 FULL_BLEND_TIME = 2.f; F32 elapsed_time = mMouseDownTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() - mLastHeldTime; mLastHeldTime += elapsed_time; F32 new_weight; if (current_weight > hint->getVisualParamWeight() ) { new_weight = current_weight - (elapsed_time / FULL_BLEND_TIME); } else { new_weight = current_weight + (elapsed_time / FULL_BLEND_TIME); } // Make sure we're not taking the slider out of bounds // (this is where some simple UI limits are stored) F32 new_percent = weightToPercent(new_weight); LLSliderCtrl* slider = getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("param slider"); if (slider) { if (slider->getMinValue() < new_percent && new_percent < slider->getMaxValue()) { gAgent.getAvatarObject()->setVisualParamWeight( hint->getVisualParam(), new_weight, TRUE); gAgent.getAvatarObject()->updateVisualParams(); slider->setValue( weightToPercent( new_weight ) ); } } } } // static void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMinMouseUp( void* userdata ) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; F32 elapsed_time = self->mMouseDownTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if (avatar) { LLVisualParamHint* hint = self->mHintMin; if (elapsed_time < PARAM_STEP_TIME_THRESHOLD) { // step in direction F32 current_weight = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getVisualParamWeight( hint->getVisualParam() ); F32 range = self->mHintMax->getVisualParamWeight() - self->mHintMin->getVisualParamWeight(); // step a fraction in the negative directiona F32 new_weight = current_weight - (range / 10.f); F32 new_percent = self->weightToPercent(new_weight); LLSliderCtrl* slider = self->getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("param slider"); if (slider) { if (slider->getMinValue() < new_percent && new_percent < slider->getMaxValue()) { avatar->setVisualParamWeight(hint->getVisualParam(), new_weight, TRUE); slider->setValue( self->weightToPercent( new_weight ) ); } } } // store namevalue gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates( self->mHintMin, self->mHintMax ); } void LLScrollingPanelParam::onHintMaxMouseUp( void* userdata ) { LLScrollingPanelParam* self = (LLScrollingPanelParam*) userdata; F32 elapsed_time = self->mMouseDownTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if (avatar) { LLVisualParamHint* hint = self->mHintMax; if (elapsed_time < PARAM_STEP_TIME_THRESHOLD) { // step in direction F32 current_weight = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getVisualParamWeight( hint->getVisualParam() ); F32 range = self->mHintMax->getVisualParamWeight() - self->mHintMin->getVisualParamWeight(); // step a fraction in the negative direction F32 new_weight = current_weight + (range / 10.f); F32 new_percent = self->weightToPercent(new_weight); LLSliderCtrl* slider = self->getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("param slider"); if (slider) { if (slider->getMinValue() < new_percent && new_percent < slider->getMaxValue()) { avatar->setVisualParamWeight(hint->getVisualParam(), new_weight, TRUE); slider->setValue( self->weightToPercent( new_weight ) ); } } } // store namevalue gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); } LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates( self->mHintMin, self->mHintMax ); } F32 LLScrollingPanelParam::weightToPercent( F32 weight ) { LLViewerVisualParam* param = mParam; return (weight - param->getMinWeight()) / (param->getMaxWeight() - param->getMinWeight()) * 100.f; } F32 LLScrollingPanelParam::percentToWeight( F32 percent ) { LLViewerVisualParam* param = mParam; return percent / 100.f * (param->getMaxWeight() - param->getMinWeight()) + param->getMinWeight(); } const std::string& LLFloaterCustomize::getEditGroup() { return getCurrentWearablePanel()->getCurrentSubpart()->mEditGroup; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLFloaterCustomize // statics EWearableType LLFloaterCustomize::sCurrentWearableType = WT_SHAPE; struct WearablePanelData { WearablePanelData(LLFloaterCustomize* floater, EWearableType type) : mFloater(floater), mType(type) {} LLFloaterCustomize* mFloater; EWearableType mType; }; LLFloaterCustomize::LLFloaterCustomize() : LLFloater(std::string("customize")), mScrollingPanelList( NULL ), mGenePool( NULL ), mInventoryObserver(NULL), mNextStepAfterSaveAllCallback( NULL ), mNextStepAfterSaveAllUserdata( NULL ) { gSavedSettings.setU32("AvatarSex", (gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getSex() == SEX_MALE) ); mResetParams = new LLVisualParamReset(); // create the observer which will watch for matching incoming inventory mInventoryObserver = new LLFloaterCustomizeObserver(this); gInventory.addObserver(mInventoryObserver); LLCallbackMap::map_t factory_map; factory_map["Shape"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_SHAPE) ) ); factory_map["Skin"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_SKIN) ) ); factory_map["Hair"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_HAIR) ) ); factory_map["Eyes"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_EYES) ) ); factory_map["Shirt"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_SHIRT) ) ); factory_map["Pants"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_PANTS) ) ); factory_map["Shoes"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_SHOES) ) ); factory_map["Socks"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_SOCKS) ) ); factory_map["Jacket"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_JACKET) ) ); factory_map["Gloves"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_GLOVES) ) ); factory_map["Undershirt"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_UNDERSHIRT) ) ); factory_map["Underpants"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_UNDERPANTS) ) ); factory_map["Skirt"] = LLCallbackMap(createWearablePanel, (void*)(new WearablePanelData(this, WT_SKIRT) ) ); LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildFloater(this, "floater_customize.xml", &factory_map); } BOOL LLFloaterCustomize::postBuild() { childSetAction("Make Outfit", LLFloaterCustomize::onBtnMakeOutfit, (void*)this); childSetAction("Save All", LLFloaterCustomize::onBtnSaveAll, (void*)this); childSetAction("Close", LLFloater::onClickClose, (void*)this); // Wearable panels initWearablePanels(); // Tab container childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Shape", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_SHAPE ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Skin", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_SKIN ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Hair", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_HAIR ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Eyes", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_EYES ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Shirt", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_SHIRT ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Pants", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_PANTS ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Shoes", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_SHOES ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Socks", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_SOCKS ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Jacket", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_JACKET ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Gloves", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_GLOVES ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Undershirt", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_UNDERSHIRT ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Underpants", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_UNDERPANTS ); childSetTabChangeCallback("customize tab container", "Skirt", onTabChanged, (void*)WT_SKIRT ); // Remove underwear panels for teens if (gAgent.isTeen()) { LLTabContainer* tab_container = getChild<LLTabContainer>("customize tab container"); if (tab_container) { LLPanel* panel; panel = tab_container->getPanelByName("Undershirt"); if (panel) tab_container->removeTabPanel(panel); panel = tab_container->getPanelByName("Underpants"); if (panel) tab_container->removeTabPanel(panel); } } // Scrolling Panel initScrollingPanelList(); childShowTab("customize tab container", "Shape", true); return TRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void LLFloaterCustomize::setCurrentWearableType( EWearableType type ) { if( LLFloaterCustomize::sCurrentWearableType != type ) { LLFloaterCustomize::sCurrentWearableType = type; S32 type_int = (S32)type; if( gFloaterCustomize && gFloaterCustomize->mWearablePanelList[type_int]) { std::string panelname = gFloaterCustomize->mWearablePanelList[type_int]->getName(); gFloaterCustomize->childShowTab("customize tab container", panelname); gFloaterCustomize->switchToDefaultSubpart(); } } } // static void LLFloaterCustomize::onBtnSaveAll( void* userdata ) { gAgent.saveAllWearables(); } // static void LLFloaterCustomize::onBtnSnapshot( void* userdata ) { // Trigger noise, but not animation send_sound_trigger(LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("UISndSnapshot")), 1.0f); LLPointer<LLImageRaw> raw = new LLImageRaw; BOOL success = gViewerWindow->rawSnapshot(raw, gViewerWindow->getWindowWidth(), gViewerWindow->getWindowHeight(), TRUE, // keep window aspect ratio FALSE, FALSE, // UI in snapshot off FALSE); // do_rebuild off if (!success) return; LLPointer<LLImageJPEG> jpeg_image = new LLImageJPEG; success = jpeg_image->encode(raw, 0.0f); if(!success) return; std::string filepath("C:\\snapshot"); filepath += ".jpg"; success = jpeg_image->save(filepath); } // static void LLFloaterCustomize::onBtnMakeOutfit( void* userdata ) { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if(avatar) { LLMakeOutfitDialog* dialog = new LLMakeOutfitDialog( onMakeOutfitCommit, NULL ); // LLMakeOutfitDialog deletes itself. for( S32 i = 0; i < WT_COUNT; i++ ) { BOOL enabled = (gAgent.getWearable( (EWearableType) i ) != NULL); BOOL selected = (enabled && (WT_SHIRT <= i) && (i < WT_COUNT)); // only select clothing by default if (gAgent.isTeen() && !edit_wearable_for_teens((EWearableType)i)) { dialog->setWearableToInclude( i, FALSE, FALSE ); } else { dialog->setWearableToInclude( i, enabled, selected ); } } dialog->startModal(); } } // static void LLFloaterCustomize::onMakeOutfitCommit( LLMakeOutfitDialog* dialog, void* userdata ) { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if(avatar) { LLDynamicArray<S32> wearables_to_include; LLDynamicArray<S32> attachments_to_include; // attachment points dialog->getIncludedItems( wearables_to_include, attachments_to_include ); gAgent.makeNewOutfit( dialog->getFolderName(), wearables_to_include, attachments_to_include, dialog->getRenameClothing() ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static void* LLFloaterCustomize::createWearablePanel(void* userdata) { WearablePanelData* data = (WearablePanelData*)userdata; EWearableType type = data->mType; LLPanelEditWearable* panel; if ((gAgent.isTeen() && !edit_wearable_for_teens(data->mType) )) { panel = NULL; } else { panel = new LLPanelEditWearable( type ); } data->mFloater->mWearablePanelList[type] = panel; delete data; return panel; } void LLFloaterCustomize::initWearablePanels() { LLSubpart* part; ///////////////////////////////////////// // Shape LLPanelEditWearable* panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_SHAPE ]; // body part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_body"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.1f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-2.5f, 0.5f, 0.8f); panel->addSubpart( "Body", SUBPART_SHAPE_WHOLE, part ); // head supparts part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_head"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f ); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f ); panel->addSubpart( "Head", SUBPART_SHAPE_HEAD, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_eyes"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f ); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f ); panel->addSubpart( "Eyes", SUBPART_SHAPE_EYES, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_ears"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f ); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f ); panel->addSubpart( "Ears", SUBPART_SHAPE_EARS, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_nose"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f ); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f ); panel->addSubpart( "Nose", SUBPART_SHAPE_NOSE, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_mouth"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f ); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f ); panel->addSubpart( "Mouth", SUBPART_SHAPE_MOUTH, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_chin"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f ); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f ); panel->addSubpart( "Chin", SUBPART_SHAPE_CHIN, part ); // torso part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mTorso"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_torso"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.f, 0.15f, 0.3f); panel->addSubpart( "Torso", SUBPART_SHAPE_TORSO, part ); // legs part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "shape_legs"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, -0.5f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.6f, 0.15f, -0.5f); panel->addSubpart( "Legs", SUBPART_SHAPE_LEGS, part ); panel->childSetCommitCallback("sex radio", LLPanelEditWearable::onCommitSexChange, panel); panel->childSetAction("Randomize", &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnRandomize, panel); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Skin panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_SKIN ]; part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "skin_color"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f); panel->addSubpart( "Skin Color", SUBPART_SKIN_COLOR, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "skin_facedetail"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f); panel->addSubpart( "Face Detail", SUBPART_SKIN_FACEDETAIL, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "skin_makeup"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f); panel->addSubpart( "Makeup", SUBPART_SKIN_MAKEUP, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "skin_bodydetail"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, -0.2f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-2.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); panel->addSubpart( "Body Detail", SUBPART_SKIN_BODYDETAIL, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, "Head Tattoos", LLUUID::null, TRUE ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, "Upper Tattoos", LLUUID::null, TRUE ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, "Lower Tattoos", LLUUID::null, TRUE ); panel->childSetAction("Randomize", &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnRandomize, panel); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Hair panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_HAIR ]; part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "hair_color"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.10f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.4f, 0.05f, 0.10f); panel->addSubpart( "Color", SUBPART_HAIR_COLOR, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "hair_style"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.10f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.4f, 0.05f, 0.10f); panel->addSubpart( "Style", SUBPART_HAIR_STYLE, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "hair_eyebrows"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f); panel->addSubpart( "Eyebrows", SUBPART_HAIR_EYEBROWS, part ); part = new LLSubpart(); part->mSex = SEX_MALE; part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "hair_facial"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f); panel->addSubpart( "Facial", SUBPART_HAIR_FACIAL, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget(LLVOAvatar::TEX_HAIR, "Texture", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultHairUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->childSetAction("Randomize", &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnRandomize, panel); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Eyes panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_EYES ]; part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mHead"; part->mEditGroup = "eyes"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.05f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-0.5f, 0.05f, 0.07f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_EYES, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget(LLVOAvatar::TEX_EYES_IRIS, "Iris", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultEyesUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->childSetAction("Randomize", &LLPanelEditWearable::onBtnRandomize, panel); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Shirt panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_SHIRT ]; part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mTorso"; part->mEditGroup = "shirt"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.f, 0.15f, 0.3f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_SHIRT, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_SHIRT, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultShirtUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_SHIRT, "Color/Tint" ); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Pants panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_PANTS ]; part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "pants"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, -0.5f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.6f, 0.15f, -0.5f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_PANTS, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget(LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_PANTS, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultPantsUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_PANTS, "Color/Tint" ); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Shoes panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_SHOES ]; if (panel) { part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "shoes"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, -0.5f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.6f, 0.15f, -0.5f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_SHOES, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_SHOES, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultShoesUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_SHOES, "Color/Tint" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Socks panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_SOCKS ]; if (panel) { part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "socks"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, -0.5f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.6f, 0.15f, -0.5f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_SOCKS, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_SOCKS, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultSocksUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_SOCKS, "Color/Tint" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Jacket panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_JACKET ]; if (panel) { part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mTorso"; part->mEditGroup = "jacket"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-2.f, 0.1f, 0.3f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_JACKET, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_JACKET, "Upper Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultJacketUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_JACKET, "Lower Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultJacketUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_JACKET, "Color/Tint" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Skirt panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_SKIRT ]; if (panel) { part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "skirt"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, -0.5f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.6f, 0.15f, -0.5f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_SKIRT, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_SKIRT, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultSkirtUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_SKIRT, "Color/Tint" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Gloves panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_GLOVES ]; if (panel) { part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mTorso"; part->mEditGroup = "gloves"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.f, 0.15f, 0.f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_GLOVES, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_GLOVES, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultGlovesUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_GLOVES, "Color/Tint" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Undershirt panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_UNDERSHIRT ]; if (panel) { part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mTorso"; part->mEditGroup = "undershirt"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.f, 0.15f, 0.3f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_UNDERSHIRT, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultUnderwearUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, "Color/Tint" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Underpants panel = mWearablePanelList[ WT_UNDERPANTS ]; if (panel) { part = new LLSubpart(); part->mTargetJoint = "mPelvis"; part->mEditGroup = "underpants"; part->mTargetOffset.setVec(0.f, 0.f, -0.5f); part->mCameraOffset.setVec(-1.6f, 0.15f, -0.5f); panel->addSubpart( LLStringUtil::null, SUBPART_UNDERPANTS, part ); panel->addTextureDropTarget( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, "Fabric", LLUUID( gSavedSettings.getString( "UIImgDefaultUnderwearUUID" ) ), FALSE ); panel->addColorSwatch( LLVOAvatar::TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, "Color/Tint" ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLFloaterCustomize::~LLFloaterCustomize() { llinfos << "Destroying LLFloaterCustomize" << llendl; delete mGenePool; delete mResetParams; gInventory.removeObserver(mInventoryObserver); delete mInventoryObserver; } void LLFloaterCustomize::switchToDefaultSubpart() { getCurrentWearablePanel()->switchToDefaultSubpart(); } void LLFloaterCustomize::spawnWearableAppearance(EWearableType type) { if( !mGenePool ) { mGenePool = new LLGenePool(); } LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( avatar ) { mGenePool->spawn( type ); } } void LLFloaterCustomize::draw() { if( isMinimized() ) { LLFloater::draw(); return; } // only do this if we are in the customize avatar mode // and not transitioning into or out of it // *TODO: This is a sort of expensive call, which only needs // to be called when the tabs change or an inventory item // arrives. Figure out some way to avoid this if possible. updateInventoryUI(); LLScrollingPanelParam::sUpdateDelayFrames = 0; childSetEnabled("Save All", isDirty() ); LLFloater::draw(); } BOOL LLFloaterCustomize::isDirty() const { for(S32 i = 0; i < WT_COUNT; i++) { if( mWearablePanelList[i] && mWearablePanelList[i]->isDirty() ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // static void LLFloaterCustomize::onTabChanged( void* userdata, bool from_click ) { EWearableType wearable_type = (EWearableType) (intptr_t)userdata; LLFloaterCustomize::setCurrentWearableType( wearable_type ); } void LLFloaterCustomize::onClose(bool app_quitting) { // since this window is potentially staying open, push to back to let next window take focus gFloaterView->sendChildToBack(this); handle_reset_view(); // Calls askToSaveAllIfDirty } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const S32 LOWER_BTN_HEIGHT = 18 + 8; const S32 FLOATER_CUSTOMIZE_BUTTON_WIDTH = 82; const S32 FLOATER_CUSTOMIZE_BOTTOM_PAD = 30; const S32 LINE_HEIGHT = 16; const S32 HEADER_PAD = 8; const S32 HEADER_HEIGHT = 3 * (LINE_HEIGHT + LLFLOATER_VPAD) + (2 * LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH) + HEADER_PAD; void LLFloaterCustomize::initScrollingPanelList() { LLScrollableContainerView* scroll_container = getChild<LLScrollableContainerView>("panel_container"); // LLScrollingPanelList's do not import correctly // mScrollingPanelList = LLUICtrlFactory::getScrollingPanelList(this, "panel_list"); mScrollingPanelList = new LLScrollingPanelList(std::string("panel_list"), LLRect()); if (scroll_container) { scroll_container->setScrolledView(mScrollingPanelList); scroll_container->addChild(mScrollingPanelList); } } void LLFloaterCustomize::clearScrollingPanelList() { if( mScrollingPanelList ) { mScrollingPanelList->clearPanels(); } } void LLFloaterCustomize::generateVisualParamHints(LLViewerJointMesh* joint_mesh, LLFloaterCustomize::param_map& params) { // sorted_params is sorted according to magnitude of effect from // least to greatest. Adding to the front of the child list // reverses that order. if( mScrollingPanelList ) { mScrollingPanelList->clearPanels(); param_map::iterator end = params.end(); for(param_map::iterator it = params.begin(); it != end; ++it) { mScrollingPanelList->addPanel( new LLScrollingPanelParam( "LLScrollingPanelParam", joint_mesh, (*it).second.second, (*it).second.first) ); } } } void LLFloaterCustomize::setWearable(EWearableType type, LLWearable* wearable, U32 perm_mask, BOOL is_complete) { llassert( type < WT_COUNT ); gSavedSettings.setU32("AvatarSex", (gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getSex() == SEX_MALE) ); LLPanelEditWearable* panel = mWearablePanelList[ type ]; if( panel ) { panel->setWearable(wearable, perm_mask, is_complete); updateScrollingPanelList((perm_mask & PERM_MODIFY) ? is_complete : FALSE); } } void LLFloaterCustomize::updateScrollingPanelList(BOOL allow_modify) { if( mScrollingPanelList ) { LLScrollingPanelParam::sUpdateDelayFrames = 0; mScrollingPanelList->updatePanels(allow_modify ); } } void LLFloaterCustomize::askToSaveAllIfDirty( void(*next_step_callback)(BOOL proceed, void* userdata), void* userdata ) { if( isDirty()) { // Ask if user wants to save, then continue to next step afterwards mNextStepAfterSaveAllCallback = next_step_callback; mNextStepAfterSaveAllUserdata = userdata; // Bring up view-modal dialog: Save changes? Yes, No, Cancel gViewerWindow->alertXml("SaveClothingBodyChanges", LLFloaterCustomize::onSaveAllDialog, this); return; } // Try to move to the next step if( next_step_callback ) { next_step_callback( TRUE, userdata ); } } // static void LLFloaterCustomize::onSaveAllDialog( S32 option, void* userdata ) { LLFloaterCustomize* self = (LLFloaterCustomize*) userdata; BOOL proceed = FALSE; switch( option ) { case 0: // "Save All" gAgent.saveAllWearables(); proceed = TRUE; break; case 1: // "Don't Save" { EWearableType cur = getCurrentWearableType(); gAgent.revertAllWearables(); setCurrentWearableType( cur ); proceed = TRUE; } break; case 2: // "Cancel" break; default: llassert(0); break; } if( self->mNextStepAfterSaveAllCallback ) { self->mNextStepAfterSaveAllCallback( proceed, self->mNextStepAfterSaveAllUserdata ); } } // fetch observer class LLCurrentlyWorn : public LLInventoryFetchObserver { public: LLCurrentlyWorn() {} ~LLCurrentlyWorn() {} virtual void done() { /* no operation necessary */} }; void LLFloaterCustomize::fetchInventory() { // Fetch currently worn items LLInventoryFetchObserver::item_ref_t ids; LLUUID item_id; for(S32 type = (S32)WT_SHAPE; type < (S32)WT_COUNT; ++type) { item_id = gAgent.getWearableItem((EWearableType)type); if(item_id.notNull()) { ids.push_back(item_id); } } // Fire & forget. The mInventoryObserver will catch inventory // updates and correct the UI as necessary. LLCurrentlyWorn worn; worn.fetchItems(ids); } void LLFloaterCustomize::updateInventoryUI() { BOOL all_complete = TRUE; BOOL is_complete = FALSE; U32 perm_mask = 0x0; LLPanelEditWearable* panel; LLViewerInventoryItem* item; for(S32 i = 0; i < WT_COUNT; ++i) { item = NULL; panel = mWearablePanelList[i]; if(panel) { item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gAgent.getWearableInventoryItem(panel->getType()); } if(item) { is_complete = item->isComplete(); if(!is_complete) { all_complete = FALSE; } perm_mask = item->getPermissions().getMaskOwner(); } else { is_complete = false; perm_mask = 0x0; } if(i == sCurrentWearableType) { if(panel) { panel->setUIPermissions(perm_mask, is_complete); } BOOL is_vis = panel && item && is_complete && (perm_mask & PERM_MODIFY); childSetVisible("panel_container", is_vis); } } childSetEnabled("Make Outfit", all_complete); } void LLFloaterCustomize::updateScrollingPanelUI() { LLPanelEditWearable* panel = mWearablePanelList[sCurrentWearableType]; if(panel) { LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gAgent.getWearableInventoryItem(panel->getType()); if(item) { U32 perm_mask = item->getPermissions().getMaskOwner(); BOOL is_complete = item->isComplete(); updateScrollingPanelList((perm_mask & PERM_MODIFY) ? is_complete : FALSE); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLUndoWearable void LLUndoWearable::setVisualParam( S32 param_id, F32 weight) { mAppearance.clear(); mAppearance.addParam( param_id, weight ); } void LLUndoWearable::setTexture( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const LLUUID& asset_id ) { mAppearance.clear(); mAppearance.addTexture( te, asset_id ); } void LLUndoWearable::setColor( LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4& color ) { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( !avatar ) { return; } const char* param_name[3]; if( avatar->teToColorParams( te, param_name ) ) { mAppearance.clear(); LLVisualParam* param; param = avatar->getVisualParam( param_name[0] ); if( param ) { mAppearance.addParam( param->getID(), color.mV[VX] ); } param = avatar->getVisualParam( param_name[1] ); if( param ) { mAppearance.addParam( param->getID(), color.mV[VY] ); } param = avatar->getVisualParam( param_name[2] ); if( param ) { mAppearance.addParam( param->getID(), color.mV[VZ] ); } } } void LLUndoWearable::setWearable( EWearableType type ) { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( !avatar ) { return; } mAppearance.clear(); for( LLVisualParam* param = avatar->getFirstVisualParam(); param; param = avatar->getNextVisualParam() ) { LLViewerVisualParam* viewer_param = (LLViewerVisualParam*)param; if( (viewer_param->getWearableType() == type) && (viewer_param->getGroup() == VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) ) { mAppearance.addParam( viewer_param->getID(), viewer_param->getWeight() ); } } for( S32 te = 0; te < LLVOAvatar::TEX_NUM_ENTRIES; te++ ) { if( LLVOAvatar::getTEWearableType( te ) == type ) { LLViewerImage* te_image = avatar->getTEImage( te ); if( te_image ) { mAppearance.addTexture( te, te_image->getID() ); } } } } void LLUndoWearable::applyUndoRedo() { LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject(); if( !avatar ) { return; } ESex old_sex = avatar->getSex(); // Parameters for (LLAppearance::param_map_t::iterator iter = mAppearance.mParamMap.begin(); iter != mAppearance.mParamMap.end(); ++iter) { S32 param_id = iter->first; F32 weight = iter->second; F32 existing_weight = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->getVisualParamWeight( param_id ); avatar->setVisualParamWeight(param_id, weight, TRUE); iter->second = existing_weight; } // Textures for( S32 i = 0; i < LLVOAvatar::TEX_NUM_ENTRIES; i++ ) { const LLUUID& image_id = mAppearance.mTextures[i]; if( !image_id.isNull() ) { LLViewerImage* existing_image = avatar->getTEImage( i ); if( existing_image ) { const LLUUID& existing_asset_id = existing_image->getID(); avatar->setLocTexTE( i, gImageList.getImage( mAppearance.mTextures[i] ), TRUE ); mAppearance.mTextures[i] = existing_asset_id; } } } avatar->updateVisualParams(); ESex new_sex = avatar->getSex(); if( old_sex != new_sex ) { gSavedSettings.setU32( "AvatarSex", (new_sex == SEX_MALE) ); avatar->updateSexDependentLayerSets( TRUE ); } LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates(); if( gFloaterCustomize ) { gFloaterCustomize->updateScrollingPanelList(TRUE); } gAgent.sendAgentSetAppearance(); }