; First is default LoadLanguageFile "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language files\English.nlf" ; subtitle on license text caption LangString LicenseSubTitleUpdate ${LANG_ENGLISH} " Update" LangString LicenseSubTitleSetup ${LANG_ENGLISH} " Setup" ; installation directory text LangString DirectoryChooseTitle ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Installation Directory" LangString DirectoryChooseUpdate ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Select the Second Life directory to update to version ${VERSION_LONG}.(XXX):" LangString DirectoryChooseSetup ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Select the directory to install Second Life in:" ; CheckStartupParams message box LangString CheckStartupParamsMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Could not find the program '$INSTPROG'. Silent update failed." ; installation success dialog LangString InstSuccesssQuestion ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Start Second Life now?" ; remove old NSIS version LangString RemoveOldNSISVersion ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Checking for old version..." ; check windows version LangString CheckWindowsVersionDP ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Checking Windows version..." LangString CheckWindowsVersionMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} 'Second Life only supports Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Mac OS X.$\n$\nAttempting to install on Windows $R0 can result in crashes and data loss.$\n$\nInstall anyway?' ; checkifadministrator function (install) LangString CheckAdministratorInstDP ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Checking for permission to install..." LangString CheckAdministratorInstMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} 'You appear to be using a "limited" account.$\nYou must be an "administrator" to install Second Life.' ; checkifadministrator function (uninstall) LangString CheckAdministratorUnInstDP ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Checking for permission to uninstall..." LangString CheckAdministratorUnInstMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} 'You appear to be using a "limited" account.$\nYou must be an "administrator" to uninstall Second Life.' ; checkifalreadycurrent LangString CheckIfCurrentMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} "It appears that Second Life ${VERSION_LONG} is already installed.$\n$\nWould you like to install it again?" ; closesecondlife function (install) LangString CloseSecondLifeInstDP ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Waiting for Second Life to shut down..." LangString CloseSecondLifeInstMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Second Life can't be installed while it is already running.$\n$\nFinish what you're doing then select OK to close Second Life and continue.$\nSelect CANCEL to cancel installation." ; closesecondlife function (uninstall) LangString CloseSecondLifeUnInstDP ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Waiting for Second Life to shut down..." LangString CloseSecondLifeUnInstMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Second Life can't be uninstalled while it is already running.$\n$\nFinish what you're doing then select OK to close Second Life and continue.$\nSelect CANCEL to cancel." ; removecachefiles LangString RemoveCacheFilesDP ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Deleting cache files in Documents and Settings folder" ; delete program files LangString DeleteProgramFilesMB ${LANG_ENGLISH} "There are still files in your SecondLife program directory.$\n$\nThese are possibly files you created or moved to:$\n$INSTDIR$\n$\nDo you want to remove them?" ; uninstall text LangString UninstallTextMsg ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will uninstall Second Life ${VERSION_LONG} from your system."