#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "hipporestrequest.h"

#include <curl/curl.h>

#include <stdtypes.h>
#include <llbufferstream.h>
#include <llerror.h>
#include <llhttpclient.h>
#include <llurlrequest.h>
#include <llxmltree.h>

// ********************************************************************
class HippoRestComplete : public LLURLRequestComplete
		HippoRestComplete(HippoRestHandler *handler) :
			mReason("Request completed w/o status")
			delete mHandler;
		// Called once for each header received, prior to httpStatus
		void header(const std::string& header, const std::string& value)
			mHandler->addHeader(header, value);

		// Always called on request completion, prior to complete
		void httpStatus(U32 status, const std::string& reason)
			LLURLRequestComplete::httpStatus(status, reason);
			mStatus = status;
			mReason = reason;

		void complete(const LLChannelDescriptors &channels, const buffer_ptr_t &buffer)
			mHandler->handle(mStatus, mReason, channels, buffer);

		HippoRestHandler *mHandler;
		int mStatus;
		std::string mReason;

// ********************************************************************

static std::string gEmptyString;

void HippoRestHandler::addHeader(const std::string &header, const std::string &content)
	mHeaders[header] = content;

bool HippoRestHandler::hasHeader(const std::string &header) const
	return (mHeaders.find(header) != mHeaders.end());

const std::string &HippoRestHandler::getHeader(const std::string &header) const
	std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;
	it = mHeaders.find(header);
	if (it != mHeaders.end()) {
		return it->second;
	} else {
		return gEmptyString;

// ********************************************************************

void HippoRestHandlerRaw::handle(int status, const std::string &reason,
								 const LLChannelDescriptors &channels,
								 const boost::shared_ptr<LLBufferArray> &body)
	if (status == 200) {
		std::string data;
		LLBufferArray *buffer = body.get();
		LLBufferArray::segment_iterator_t it, end = buffer->endSegment();
		for (it=buffer->beginSegment(); it!=end; ++it)
			if (it->isOnChannel(channels.in()))
				data.append((char*)it->data(), it->size());
	} else {
		llwarns << "Rest request error " << status << ": " << reason << llendl;

void HippoRestHandlerXml::handle(int status, const std::string &reason,
								 const LLChannelDescriptors &channels,
								 const boost::shared_ptr<LLBufferArray> &body)
	if (status == 200) {
		LLXmlTree *tree = new LLXmlTree();
		bool success = tree->parseBufferStart();
		LLBufferArray *buffer = body.get();
		LLBufferArray::segment_iterator_t it, end = buffer->endSegment();
		for (it=buffer->beginSegment(); success && (it!=end); ++it)
			if (it->isOnChannel(channels.in()))
				success = success && tree->parseBuffer((char*)it->data(), it->size());
		success = success && tree->parseBufferFinalize();
		if (success) result(tree);
		delete tree;
	} else {
		llwarns << "Rest request error " << status << ": " << reason << llendl;

// ********************************************************************

class BodyData : public LLIOPipe
		virtual ~BodyData() { }
		virtual const char *getContentMimeType() const = 0;

class BodyDataRaw : public BodyData
		explicit BodyDataRaw(const std::string &data) :
		virtual ~BodyDataRaw() { }
		const char *getContentMimeType() const { return "application/octet-stream"; }
		EStatus process_impl(const LLChannelDescriptors &channels,
							 buffer_ptr_t &buffer, bool &eos,
							 LLSD &context, LLPumpIO *pump)
			LLBufferStream ostream(channels, buffer.get());
			ostream.write(mData.data(), mData.size());
			eos = true;
			return STATUS_DONE;

		std::string mData;

class BodyDataXml : public BodyData
		explicit BodyDataXml(const LLXmlTree *tree) :

		virtual ~BodyDataXml()
			if (mTree) delete mTree;

		const char *getContentMimeType() const { return "application/xml"; }

		EStatus process_impl(const LLChannelDescriptors &channels,
							 buffer_ptr_t &buffer, bool &eos,
							 LLSD &context, LLPumpIO *pump)
			std::string data;
			LLBufferStream ostream(channels, buffer.get());
			ostream.write(data.data(), data.size());
			eos = true;
			return STATUS_DONE;

		const LLXmlTree *mTree;

// ********************************************************************

static void request(const std::string &url,
					LLURLRequest::ERequestAction method,
					BodyData *body,
					HippoRestHandler *handler, float timeout);

// static
void HippoRestRequest::get(const std::string &url,
						   HippoRestHandler *handler, float timeout)
	request(url, LLURLRequest::HTTP_GET, 0, handler, timeout);

// static
void HippoRestRequest::put(const std::string &url, const std::string &body,
						   HippoRestHandler *handler, float timeout)
	request(url, LLURLRequest::HTTP_PUT, new BodyDataRaw(body), handler, timeout);

// static
void HippoRestRequest::put(const std::string &url, const LLXmlTree *body,
						   HippoRestHandler *handler, float timeout)
	request(url, LLURLRequest::HTTP_PUT, new BodyDataXml(body), handler, timeout);

// static
void HippoRestRequest::post(const std::string &url, const std::string &body,
							HippoRestHandler *handler, float timeout)
	request(url, LLURLRequest::HTTP_POST, new BodyDataRaw(body), handler, timeout);

// static
void HippoRestRequest::post(const std::string &url, const LLXmlTree *body,
							HippoRestHandler *handler, float timeout)
	request(url, LLURLRequest::HTTP_POST, new BodyDataXml(body), handler, timeout);

// ********************************************************************

static void request(const std::string &url,
					LLURLRequest::ERequestAction method,
					BodyData *body,
					HippoRestHandler *handler, float timeout)
	if (!LLHTTPClient::hasPump())
		// !!! responder->completed(U32_MAX, "No pump", LLSD());
	LLPumpIO::chain_t chain;

	LLURLRequest *req = new LLURLRequest(method, url);

	// Insert custom headers if the caller sent any
	if (headers.isMap())
		LLSD::map_const_iterator iter = headers.beginMap();
		LLSD::map_const_iterator end  = headers.endMap();
		for (; iter != end; ++iter)
			std::ostringstream header;
			//if the header is "Pragma" with no value
			//the caller intends to force libcurl to drop
			//the Pragma header it so gratuitously inserts
			//Before inserting the header, force libcurl
			//to not use the proxy (read: llurlrequest.cpp)
			static const std::string PRAGMA("Pragma");
			if ((iter->first == PRAGMA) && (iter->second.asString().empty()))
			header << iter->first << ": " << iter->second.asString() ;
			lldebugs << "header = " << header.str() << llendl;

	if ((method != LLURLRequest::HTTP_PUT) && (method != LLURLRequest::HTTP_POST)) {
		std::string accept = "Accept: ";
		accept += handler->getAcceptMimeType();

	req->setCallback(new HippoRestComplete(handler));

	if ((method == LLURLRequest::HTTP_PUT) || (method == LLURLRequest::HTTP_POST)) {
		std::string content = "Content-Type: ";
		content += body->getContentMimeType();

	LLHTTPClient::getPump().addChain(chain, timeout);

// ********************************************************************

static size_t curlWrite(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userData)
	std::string *result = (std::string*)userData;
	size_t bytes = (size * nmemb);
	result->append((char*)ptr, bytes);
	return nmemb;

// static
int HippoRestRequest::getBlocking(const std::string &url, std::string *result)
	llinfos << "Requesting: " << url << llendl;

	char curlErrorBuffer[CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
	CURL* curlp = curl_easy_init();

	curl_easy_setopt(curlp, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);	// don't use SIGALRM for timeouts
	curl_easy_setopt(curlp, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);	// seconds

	curl_easy_setopt(curlp, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curlWrite);
	curl_easy_setopt(curlp, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, result);
	curl_easy_setopt(curlp, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
	curl_easy_setopt(curlp, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, curlErrorBuffer);
	curl_easy_setopt(curlp, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);

	*result = "";
	S32 curlSuccess = curl_easy_perform(curlp);
	S32 httpStatus = 499;
	curl_easy_getinfo(curlp, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpStatus);

	if (curlSuccess != 0) {
		llwarns << "CURL ERROR (HTTP Status " << httpStatus << "): " << curlErrorBuffer << llendl;
	} else if (httpStatus != 200) {
		llwarns << "HTTP Error " << httpStatus << ", but no Curl error." << llendl;
	return httpStatus;