The menus along the top of the screen work like menus in most programs: Click on a menu to open it, then click on the menu item to select it.

Open each menu and look over the different menu items as you read the descriptions.

- The File menu handles uploading audio clips and textures, taking screenshots and quitting.
- The Edit menu lets you do the usual Edit menu tasks like cut, copy, paste and find, plus edit some Second Life specific things, like your avatar, groups and preferences.
- The View menu handles what you see on your screen, and lets you display things like flying controls and your Linden Dollar account history.
- The World menu creates landmarks, lets you set your home location and enables you to teleport home.
- The Tools menu provides access to many of the advanced creation tools that you can use to build your own objects -- or even a home.
- The Help menu lets you access this and other help screens.

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