As you learn to move around in Second Life, you may find that you may want to use one hand on the keyboard to move around while you're using the mouse to do other things. As a result, it's easiest to learn how to move with the mouse and keyboard.

Follow the instructions below to learn how to move your avatar with the keyboard.

1. Take a look at this chart:

W = Forward
S = Backward

A = Left
D = Right

E = Fly Up (Jump)
C = Fly Down (Duck)

F = Fly toggle

2. Play around with these keys and walk around until you get the hang of it.

If your avatar starts typing instead of walking, press ESC a few times to get out of Chat.

Notice that you can press two keys at a time. For instance, while pressing W to move forward, tap on the D or A keys to turn without stopping.

If you'd rather use your right hand, you can also use the arrow keys:

Up Arrow = Forward
Down Arrow = Backward

Left Arrow = Left
Right Arrow = Right

PageUp = Fly Up (Jump)
PageDown = Fly Down (Duck)

Home = Fly toggle

3. Press the F key.

Your avatar flies.

4. Fly around using the keyboard.

Again, take some time to get the hang of it.

5. Press the F key to stop flying.

If you were up very high, your landing might not be very pretty, but don't worry ... it won't hurt.

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