Follow the instructions below to learn how to move your avatar with the keyboard.
1. Take a look at this chart:
W = Forward
A = Left
E = Fly Up (Jump)
F = Fly toggle
S = Backward
D = Right
C = Fly Down (Duck)
2. Play around with these keys and walk around until you get the hang of it.
If your avatar starts typing instead of walking, press ESC a few times to get out of Chat.
Notice that you can press two keys at a time. For instance, while pressing W to move forward, tap on the D or A keys to turn without stopping.
If you'd rather use your right hand, you can also use the arrow keys:
Up Arrow = Forward
Left Arrow = Left
PageUp = Fly Up (Jump)
Home = Fly toggle
Down Arrow = Backward
Right Arrow = Right
PageDown = Fly Down (Duck)
3. Press the F key.
Your avatar flies.
4. Fly around using the keyboard.
Again, take some time to get the hang of it.
5. Press the F key to stop flying.
If you were up very high, your landing might not be very pretty, but don't worry ... it won't hurt.
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