 * @file llkeyboardwin32.cpp
 * @brief Handler for assignable key bindings
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "linden_common.h"

#include "llkeyboardwin32.h"

#include "llwindow.h"

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>

	// Set up key mapping for windows - eventually can read this from a file?
	// Anything not in the key map gets dropped
	// Add default A-Z

	// Virtual key mappings from WinUser.h

	KEY cur_char;
	for (cur_char = 'A'; cur_char <= 'Z'; cur_char++)
		mTranslateKeyMap[cur_char] = (KEY)cur_char;

	for (cur_char = '0'; cur_char <= '9'; cur_char++)
		mTranslateKeyMap[cur_char] = (KEY)cur_char;
	// numpad number keys
	for (cur_char = 0x60; cur_char <= 0x69; cur_char++)
		mTranslateKeyMap[cur_char] = (KEY)('0' + (0x60 - cur_char));

	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_SPACE] = ' ';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_1] = ';';
	// When the user hits, for example, Ctrl-= as a keyboard shortcut,
	// Windows generates VK_OEM_PLUS.  This is true on both QWERTY and DVORAK
	// keyboards in the US.  Numeric keypad '+' generates VK_ADD below.
	// Thus we translate it as '='.
	// Potential bug: This may not be true on international keyboards. JC
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_PLUS]   = '=';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_COMMA]  = ',';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_MINUS]  = '-';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_PERIOD] = '.';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_2] = KEY_PAD_DIVIDE;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_3] = '`';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_4] = '[';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_5] = '\\';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_6] = ']';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_OEM_7] = '\'';
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_ESCAPE] = KEY_ESCAPE;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_RETURN] = KEY_RETURN;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_LEFT] = KEY_LEFT;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_RIGHT] = KEY_RIGHT;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_UP] = KEY_UP;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_DOWN] = KEY_DOWN;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_BACK] = KEY_BACKSPACE;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_INSERT] = KEY_INSERT;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_DELETE] = KEY_DELETE;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_SHIFT] = KEY_SHIFT;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_CONTROL] = KEY_CONTROL;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_MENU] = KEY_ALT;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_HOME] = KEY_HOME;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_END] = KEY_END;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_PRIOR] = KEY_PAGE_UP;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_NEXT] = KEY_PAGE_DOWN;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_TAB] = KEY_TAB;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_ADD] = KEY_ADD;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_DIVIDE] = KEY_DIVIDE;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F1] = KEY_F1;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F2] = KEY_F2;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F3] = KEY_F3;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F4] = KEY_F4;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F5] = KEY_F5;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F6] = KEY_F6;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F7] = KEY_F7;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F8] = KEY_F8;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F9] = KEY_F9;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F10] = KEY_F10;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F11] = KEY_F11;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_F12] = KEY_F12;
	mTranslateKeyMap[VK_CLEAR] = KEY_PAD_CENTER;

	// Build inverse map
	std::map<U16, KEY>::iterator iter;
	for (iter = mTranslateKeyMap.begin(); iter != mTranslateKeyMap.end(); iter++)
		mInvTranslateKeyMap[iter->second] = iter->first;

	// numpad map
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x60] = KEY_PAD_INS;	// keypad 0
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x61] = KEY_PAD_END;	// keypad 1
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x62] = KEY_PAD_DOWN;	// keypad 2
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x63] = KEY_PAD_PGDN;	// keypad 3
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x64] = KEY_PAD_LEFT;	// keypad 4
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x65] = KEY_PAD_CENTER;	// keypad 5
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x66] = KEY_PAD_RIGHT;	// keypad 6
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x67] = KEY_PAD_HOME;	// keypad 7
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x68] = KEY_PAD_UP;		// keypad 8
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x69] = KEY_PAD_PGUP;	// keypad 9
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x6A] = KEY_PAD_MULTIPLY;	// keypad *
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x6B] = KEY_PAD_ADD;	// keypad +
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x6D] = KEY_PAD_SUBTRACT;	// keypad -
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x6E] = KEY_PAD_DEL;	// keypad .
	mTranslateNumpadMap[0x6F] = KEY_PAD_DIVIDE;	// keypad /

	for (iter = mTranslateNumpadMap.begin(); iter != mTranslateNumpadMap.end(); iter++)
		mInvTranslateNumpadMap[iter->second] = iter->first;

// Asynchronously poll the control, alt and shift keys and set the
// appropriate states.
// Note: this does not generate edges.
void LLKeyboardWin32::resetMaskKeys()
	// GetAsyncKeyState returns a short and uses the most significant
	// bit to indicate that the key is down.
	if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)
		mKeyLevel[KEY_SHIFT] = TRUE;

	if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)
		mKeyLevel[KEY_CONTROL] = TRUE;

	if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000)
		mKeyLevel[KEY_ALT] = TRUE;

//void LLKeyboardWin32::setModifierKeyLevel( KEY key, BOOL new_state )
//	if( mKeyLevel[key] != new_state )
//	{
//		mKeyLevelFrameCount[key] = 0;
//		if( new_state )
//		{
//			mKeyLevelTimer[key].reset();
//		}
//		mKeyLevel[key] = new_state;
//	}

MASK LLKeyboardWin32::updateModifiers()
	//RN: this seems redundant, as we should have already received the appropriate
	// messages for the modifier keys

	// Scan the modifier keys as of the last Windows key message
	// (keydown encoded in high order bit of short)
	mKeyLevel[KEY_CAPSLOCK] = (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x0001) != 0; // Low order bit carries the toggle state.
	// Get mask for keyboard events
	MASK mask = currentMask(FALSE);
	return mask;

// mask is ignored, except for extended flag -- we poll the modifier keys for the other flags
BOOL LLKeyboardWin32::handleKeyDown(const U16 key, MASK mask)
	KEY		translated_key;
	U32		translated_mask;
	BOOL	handled = FALSE;

	translated_mask = updateModifiers();

	if (translateExtendedKey(key, mask, &translated_key))
		handled = handleTranslatedKeyDown(translated_key, translated_mask);

	return handled;

// mask is ignored, except for extended flag -- we poll the modifier keys for the other flags
BOOL LLKeyboardWin32::handleKeyUp(const U16 key, MASK mask)
	KEY		translated_key;
	U32		translated_mask;
	BOOL	handled = FALSE;

	translated_mask = updateModifiers();

	if (translateExtendedKey(key, mask, &translated_key))
		handled = handleTranslatedKeyUp(translated_key, translated_mask);

	return handled;

MASK LLKeyboardWin32::currentMask(BOOL)

	if (mKeyLevel[KEY_SHIFT])		mask |= MASK_SHIFT;
	if (mKeyLevel[KEY_CONTROL])		mask |= MASK_CONTROL;
	if (mKeyLevel[KEY_ALT])			mask |= MASK_ALT;

	return mask;

void LLKeyboardWin32::scanKeyboard()
	S32 key;
	MSG	msg;
	BOOL pending_key_events = PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD);
	for (key = 0; key < KEY_COUNT; key++)
		// On Windows, verify key down state. JC
		// RN: only do this if we don't have further key events in the queue
		// as otherwise there might be key repeat events still waiting for this key we are now dumping
		if (!pending_key_events && mKeyLevel[key])
			// *TODO: I KNOW there must be a better way of
			// interrogating the key state than this, using async key
			// state can cause ALL kinds of bugs - Doug
			if (key < KEY_BUTTON0)
				// ...under windows make sure the key actually still is down.
				// ...translate back to windows key
				U16 virtual_key = inverseTranslateExtendedKey(key);
				// keydown in highest bit
				if (!pending_key_events && !(GetAsyncKeyState(virtual_key) & 0x8000))
 					//llinfos << "Key up event missed, resetting" << llendl;
					mKeyLevel[key] = FALSE;

		// Generate callback if any event has occurred on this key this frame.
		// Can't just test mKeyLevel, because this could be a slow frame and
		// key might have gone down then up. JC
		if (mKeyLevel[key] || mKeyDown[key] || mKeyUp[key])
			mCurScanKey = key;
			mCallbacks->handleScanKey(key, mKeyDown[key], mKeyUp[key], mKeyLevel[key]);

	// Reset edges for next frame
	for (key = 0; key < KEY_COUNT; key++)
		mKeyUp[key] = FALSE;
		mKeyDown[key] = FALSE;
		if (mKeyLevel[key])

BOOL LLKeyboardWin32::translateExtendedKey(const U16 os_key, const MASK mask, KEY *translated_key)
	if(mNumpadDistinct == ND_NUMLOCK_ON)
		std::map<U16, KEY>::iterator iter = mTranslateNumpadMap.find(os_key);
		if (iter != mTranslateNumpadMap.end())
			*translated_key = iter->second;
			return TRUE;

	BOOL success = translateKey(os_key, translated_key);
	if(mNumpadDistinct != ND_NEVER) {
		if(!success) return success;
		if(mask & MASK_EXTENDED) 
			// this is where we'd create new keycodes for extended keys
			// the set of extended keys includes the 'normal' arrow keys and 
			// the pgup/dn/insert/home/end/delete cluster above the arrow keys
			// see http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646280.aspx

			// only process the return key if numlock is off
			if(((mNumpadDistinct == ND_NUMLOCK_OFF && 
				 !(GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 1)) 
				 || mNumpadDistinct == ND_NUMLOCK_ON) &&
					*translated_key == KEY_RETURN) {
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_RETURN;
			// the non-extended keys, those are in the numpad
			switch (*translated_key) 
				case KEY_LEFT:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_LEFT; break;
				case KEY_RIGHT: 
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_RIGHT; break;
				case KEY_UP: 
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_UP; break;
				case KEY_DOWN:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_DOWN; break;
				case KEY_HOME:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_HOME; break;
				case KEY_END:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_END; break;
				case KEY_PAGE_UP:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_PGUP; break;
				case KEY_PAGE_DOWN:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_PGDN; break;
				case KEY_INSERT:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_INS; break;
				case KEY_DELETE:
					*translated_key = KEY_PAD_DEL; break;
	return success;

U16  LLKeyboardWin32::inverseTranslateExtendedKey(const KEY translated_key)
	// if numlock is on, then we need to translate KEY_PAD_FOO to the corresponding number pad number
	if((mNumpadDistinct == ND_NUMLOCK_ON) && (GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 1))
		std::map<KEY, U16>::iterator iter = mInvTranslateNumpadMap.find(translated_key);
		if (iter != mInvTranslateNumpadMap.end())
			return iter->second;

	// if numlock is off or we're not converting numbers to arrows, we map our keypad arrows
	// to regular arrows since Windows doesn't distinguish between them
	KEY converted_key = translated_key;
	switch (converted_key) 
		case KEY_PAD_LEFT:
			converted_key = KEY_LEFT; break;
		case KEY_PAD_RIGHT: 
			converted_key = KEY_RIGHT; break;
		case KEY_PAD_UP: 
			converted_key = KEY_UP; break;
		case KEY_PAD_DOWN:
			converted_key = KEY_DOWN; break;
		case KEY_PAD_HOME:
			converted_key = KEY_HOME; break;
		case KEY_PAD_END:
			converted_key = KEY_END; break;
		case KEY_PAD_PGUP:
			converted_key = KEY_PAGE_UP; break;
		case KEY_PAD_PGDN:
			converted_key = KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break;
		case KEY_PAD_INS:
			converted_key = KEY_INSERT; break;
		case KEY_PAD_DEL:
			converted_key = KEY_DELETE; break;
			converted_key = KEY_RETURN; break;
	// convert our virtual keys to OS keys
	return inverseTranslateKey(converted_key);
