 * @file llview.cpp
 * @author James Cook
 * @brief Container for other views, anything that draws.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at
 * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"

#include "llview.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>

#include "llrender.h"
#include "llevent.h"
#include "llfontgl.h"
#include "llfocusmgr.h"
#include "llrect.h"
#include "llstl.h"
#include "llui.h"
#include "lluictrl.h"
#include "llwindow.h"
#include "v3color.h"
#include "lluictrlfactory.h"

// for ui edit hack
#include "llbutton.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
#include "lltexteditor.h"
#include "lltextbox.h"

//HACK: this allows you to instantiate LLView from xml with "<view/>" which we don't want
static LLRegisterWidget<LLView> r("view");

BOOL	LLView::sDebugRects = FALSE;
BOOL	LLView::sDebugKeys = FALSE;
S32		LLView::sDepth = 0;
BOOL	LLView::sDebugMouseHandling = FALSE;
std::string LLView::sMouseHandlerMessage;
BOOL	LLView::sEditingUI = FALSE;
BOOL	LLView::sForceReshape = FALSE;
LLView*	LLView::sEditingUIView = NULL;
S32		LLView::sLastLeftXML = S32_MIN;
S32		LLView::sLastBottomXML = S32_MIN;

BOOL LLView::sIsDrawing = FALSE;

LLView::LLView() :
	mSoundFlags(MOUSE_UP), // default to only make sound on mouse up

LLView::LLView(const std::string& name, BOOL mouse_opaque) :
	mSoundFlags(MOUSE_UP), // default to only make sound on mouse up

	const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect, BOOL mouse_opaque, U32 reshape) :
	mSoundFlags(MOUSE_UP), // default to only make sound on mouse up

	//llinfos << "Deleting view " << mName << ":" << (void*) this << llendl;
// 	llassert(LLView::sIsDrawing == FALSE);
	if( gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() == this )
		llwarns << "View holding keyboard focus deleted: " << getName() << ".  Keyboard focus removed." << llendl;
		gFocusMgr.removeKeyboardFocusWithoutCallback( this );

	if( hasMouseCapture() )
		llwarns << "View holding mouse capture deleted: " << getName() << ".  Mouse capture removed." << llendl;
		gFocusMgr.removeMouseCaptureWithoutCallback( this );


	if (mParentView != NULL)

	dispatch_list_t::iterator itor;
	for (itor = mDispatchList.begin(); itor != mDispatchList.end(); ++itor)

	std::for_each(mFloaterControls.begin(), mFloaterControls.end(),
	std::for_each(mDummyWidgets.begin(), mDummyWidgets.end(),

// virtual
BOOL LLView::isView() const
	return TRUE;

// virtual
BOOL LLView::isCtrl() const
	return FALSE;

// virtual
BOOL LLView::isPanel() const
	return FALSE;

// virtual
void LLView::setToolTip(const LLStringExplicit& msg)
	mToolTipMsg = msg;

BOOL LLView::setToolTipArg(const LLStringExplicit& key, const LLStringExplicit& text)
	mToolTipMsg.setArg(key, text);
	return TRUE;

void LLView::setToolTipArgs( const LLStringUtil::format_map_t& args )

// virtual
void LLView::setRect(const LLRect& rect)
	mRect = rect;

void LLView::setUseBoundingRect( BOOL use_bounding_rect ) 
	if (mUseBoundingRect != use_bounding_rect)
        mUseBoundingRect = use_bounding_rect; 

BOOL LLView::getUseBoundingRect()
	return mUseBoundingRect;

// virtual
const std::string& LLView::getName() const
	static const std::string unnamed("(no name)");
	return mName.empty() ? unnamed : mName;

void LLView::sendChildToFront(LLView* child)
	if (child && child->getParent() == this) 
		mChildList.remove( child );

void LLView::sendChildToBack(LLView* child)
	if (child && child->getParent() == this) 
		mChildList.remove( child );

void LLView::moveChildToFrontOfTabGroup(LLUICtrl* child)
	if(mCtrlOrder.find(child) != mCtrlOrder.end())
		mCtrlOrder[child].second = -1 * mNextInsertionOrdinal++;

void LLView::moveChildToBackOfTabGroup(LLUICtrl* child)
	if(mCtrlOrder.find(child) != mCtrlOrder.end())
		mCtrlOrder[child].second = mNextInsertionOrdinal++;

void LLView::addChild(LLView* child, S32 tab_group)
	if (mParentView == child) 
		llerrs << "Adding view " << child->getName() << " as child of itself" << llendl;
	// remove from current parent
	if (child->mParentView) 

	// add to front of child list, as normal

	// add to ctrl list if is LLUICtrl
	if (child->isCtrl())
		// controls are stored in reverse order from render order
		addCtrlAtEnd((LLUICtrl*) child, tab_group);

	child->mParentView = this;

void LLView::addChildAtEnd(LLView* child, S32 tab_group)
	if (mParentView == child) 
		llerrs << "Adding view " << child->getName() << " as child of itself" << llendl;
	// remove from current parent
	if (child->mParentView) 

	// add to back of child list

	// add to ctrl list if is LLUICtrl
	if (child->isCtrl())
		// controls are stored in reverse order from render order
		addCtrl((LLUICtrl*) child, tab_group);
	child->mParentView = this;

// remove the specified child from the view, and set it's parent to NULL.
void LLView::removeChild(LLView* child, BOOL deleteIt)
	if (child->mParentView == this) 
		mChildList.remove( child );
		child->mParentView = NULL;
		if (child->isCtrl())
		if (deleteIt)
			delete child;
		llerrs << "LLView::removeChild called with non-child" << llendl;

void LLView::addCtrlAtEnd(LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group)
								tab_order_t(tab_group, mNextInsertionOrdinal++)));

void LLView::addCtrl( LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group)
	// add to front of list by using negative ordinal, which monotonically increases
								tab_order_t(tab_group, -1 * mNextInsertionOrdinal++)));

void LLView::removeCtrl(LLUICtrl* ctrl)
	child_tab_order_t::iterator found = mCtrlOrder.find(ctrl);
	if(found != mCtrlOrder.end())

LLView::ctrl_list_t LLView::getCtrlList() const
	ctrl_list_t controls;
	for(child_list_const_iter_t iter = mChildList.begin();
		iter != mChildList.end();
	return controls;

LLView::ctrl_list_t LLView::getCtrlListSorted() const
	ctrl_list_t controls = getCtrlList();
	std::sort(controls.begin(), controls.end(), LLCompareByTabOrder(mCtrlOrder));
	return controls;

// This method compares two LLViews by the tab order specified in the comparator object.  The
// code for this is a little convoluted because each argument can have four states:
// 1) not a control, 2) a control but not in the tab order, 3) a control in the tab order, 4) null
bool LLCompareByTabOrder::operator() (const LLView* const a, const LLView* const b) const
	S32 a_score = 0, b_score = 0;
	if(a) a_score--;
	if(b) b_score--;
	if(a && a->isCtrl()) a_score--;
	if(b && b->isCtrl()) b_score--;
	if(a_score == -2 && b_score == -2)
		const LLUICtrl * const a_ctrl = static_cast<const LLUICtrl*>(a);
		const LLUICtrl * const b_ctrl = static_cast<const LLUICtrl*>(b);
		LLView::child_tab_order_const_iter_t a_found = mTabOrder.find(a_ctrl), b_found = mTabOrder.find(b_ctrl);
		if(a_found != mTabOrder.end()) a_score--;
		if(b_found != mTabOrder.end()) b_score--;
		if(a_score == -3 && b_score == -3)
			// whew!  Once we're in here, they're both in the tab order, and we can compare based on that
			return compareTabOrders(a_found->second, b_found->second);
	return (a_score == b_score) ? a < b : a_score < b_score;

BOOL LLView::isInVisibleChain() const
	const LLView* cur_view = this;
		if (!cur_view->getVisible())
			return FALSE;
		cur_view = cur_view->getParent();
	return TRUE;

BOOL LLView::isInEnabledChain() const
	const LLView* cur_view = this;
		if (!cur_view->getEnabled())
			return FALSE;
		cur_view = cur_view->getParent();
	return TRUE;

// virtual
BOOL LLView::canFocusChildren() const
	return TRUE;

void LLView::setTentative(BOOL b)

BOOL LLView::getTentative() const
	return FALSE;

void LLView::setEnabled(BOOL enabled)
	mEnabled = enabled;

BOOL LLView::setLabelArg( const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text )
	return FALSE;

LLRect LLView::getSnapRect() const
	return mRect;

LLRect LLView::getRequiredRect()
	return mRect;

void LLView::onFocusLost()

void LLView::onFocusReceived()

BOOL LLView::focusNextRoot()
	LLView::child_list_t result = LLView::getFocusRootsQuery().run(this);
	return LLView::focusNext(result);

BOOL LLView::focusPrevRoot()
	LLView::child_list_t result = LLView::getFocusRootsQuery().run(this);
	return LLView::focusPrev(result);

// static
BOOL LLView::focusNext(LLView::child_list_t & result)
	LLView::child_list_iter_t focused = result.end();
	for(LLView::child_list_iter_t iter = result.begin();
		iter != result.end();
			focused = iter;
	LLView::child_list_iter_t next = focused;
	next = (next == result.end()) ? result.begin() : ++next;
	while(next != focused)
		// wrap around to beginning if necessary
		if(next == result.end())
			next = result.begin();
			LLUICtrl * ctrl = static_cast<LLUICtrl*>(*next);
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

// static
BOOL LLView::focusPrev(LLView::child_list_t & result)
	LLView::child_list_reverse_iter_t focused = result.rend();
	for(LLView::child_list_reverse_iter_t iter = result.rbegin();
		iter != result.rend();
			focused = iter;
	LLView::child_list_reverse_iter_t next = focused;
	next = (next == result.rend()) ? result.rbegin() : ++next;
	while(next != focused)
		// wrap around to beginning if necessary
		if(next == result.rend())
			next = result.rbegin();
			LLUICtrl * ctrl = static_cast<LLUICtrl*>(*next);
			if (!ctrl->hasFocus())
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

// delete all children. Override this function if you need to
// perform any extra clean up such as cached pointers to selected
// children, etc.
void LLView::deleteAllChildren()
	// clear out the control ordering

	while (!mChildList.empty())
		LLView* viewp = mChildList.front();
		delete viewp; // will remove the child from mChildList

void LLView::setAllChildrenEnabled(BOOL b)
	for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
		LLView* viewp = *child_it;

// virtual
void LLView::setVisible(BOOL visible)
	if ( mVisible != visible )
		if( !visible && (gFocusMgr.getTopCtrl() == this) )
			gFocusMgr.setTopCtrl( NULL );

		mVisible = visible;

		// notify children of visibility change if root, or part of visible hierarchy
		if (!getParent() || getParent()->isInVisibleChain())
			// tell all children of this view that the visibility may have changed
			onVisibilityChange( visible );

// virtual
void LLView::onVisibilityChange ( BOOL new_visibility )
	for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
		LLView* viewp = *child_it;
		// only views that are themselves visible will have their overall visibility affected by their ancestors
		if (viewp->getVisible())
			viewp->onVisibilityChange ( new_visibility );

// virtual
void LLView::translate(S32 x, S32 y)
	mRect.translate(x, y);

// virtual
BOOL LLView::canSnapTo(const LLView* other_view)
	return other_view != this && other_view->getVisible();

// virtual
void LLView::snappedTo(const LLView* snap_view)

BOOL LLView::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	BOOL handled = childrenHandleHover( x, y, mask ) != NULL;
	if( !handled 
		&& blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by " << getName() << llendl;
		handled = TRUE;

	return handled;

std::string LLView::getShowNamesToolTip()
	LLView* view = getParent();
	std::string name;
	std::string tool_tip = mName;

	while (view)
		name = view->getName();

		if (name == "root") break;

		if (view->getToolTip().find(".xml") != std::string::npos)
			tool_tip = view->getToolTip() + "/" +  tool_tip;
			tool_tip = view->getName() + "/" +  tool_tip;

		view = view->getParent();

	return "/" + tool_tip;

BOOL LLView::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, std::string& msg, LLRect* sticky_rect_screen)
	BOOL handled = FALSE;

	std::string tool_tip;

	for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
		LLView* viewp = *child_it;
		S32 local_x = x - viewp->mRect.mLeft;
		S32 local_y = y - viewp->mRect.mBottom;
		// Allow tooltips for disabled views so we can explain to the user why
		// the view is disabled. JC
		if( viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) 
			&& viewp->getVisible() 
			// && viewp->getEnabled()
			&& viewp->handleToolTip(local_x, local_y, msg, sticky_rect_screen ))
			// child provided a tooltip, just return
			if (!msg.empty()) return TRUE;

			// otherwise, one of our children ate the event so don't traverse
			// siblings however, our child did not actually provide a tooltip
            // so we might want to
			handled = TRUE;

	// get our own tooltip
	tool_tip = mToolTipMsg.getString();
	if (
		&& (tool_tip.find(".xml", 0) == std::string::npos) 
		&& (mName.find("Drag", 0) == std::string::npos))
		tool_tip = getShowNamesToolTip();

	BOOL show_names_text_box = LLUI::sShowXUINames && dynamic_cast<LLTextBox*>(this) != NULL;

	// don't allow any siblings to handle this event
	// even if we don't have a tooltip
	if (blockMouseEvent(x, y) || show_names_text_box)
			msg = tool_tip;

			// Convert rect local to screen coordinates
				0, 0,
				&(sticky_rect_screen->mLeft), &(sticky_rect_screen->mBottom) );
				mRect.getWidth(), mRect.getHeight(),
				&(sticky_rect_screen->mRight), &(sticky_rect_screen->mTop) );		
		handled = TRUE;

	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleKey(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent)
	BOOL handled = FALSE;

	if (getVisible() && getEnabled())
		if( called_from_parent )
			// Downward traversal
			handled = childrenHandleKey( key, mask ) != NULL;

		if (!handled)
			handled = handleKeyHere( key, mask );
			if (handled && LLView::sDebugKeys)
				llinfos << "Key handled by " << getName() << llendl;

	if( !handled && !called_from_parent && mParentView)
		// Upward traversal
		handled = mParentView->handleKey( key, mask, FALSE );
	return handled;

// Called from handleKey()
// Handles key in this object.  Checking parents and children happens in handleKey()
BOOL LLView::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask)
	return FALSE;

BOOL LLView::handleUnicodeChar(llwchar uni_char, BOOL called_from_parent)
	BOOL handled = FALSE;

	if (getVisible() && getEnabled())
		if( called_from_parent )
			// Downward traversal
			handled = childrenHandleUnicodeChar( uni_char ) != NULL;

		if (!handled)
			handled = handleUnicodeCharHere(uni_char);
			if (handled && LLView::sDebugKeys)
				llinfos << "Unicode key handled by " << getName() << llendl;

	if (!handled && !called_from_parent && mParentView)
		// Upward traversal
		handled = mParentView->handleUnicodeChar(uni_char, FALSE);

	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleUnicodeCharHere(llwchar uni_char )
	return FALSE;

BOOL LLView::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
							   EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void* cargo_data,
							   EAcceptance* accept,
							   std::string& tooltip_msg)
	// CRO this is an experiment to allow drag and drop into object inventory based on the DragAndDrop tool's permissions rather than the parent
	BOOL handled = childrenHandleDragAndDrop( x, y, mask, drop,
											tooltip_msg) != NULL;
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		*accept = ACCEPT_NO;
		handled = TRUE;
		lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "dragAndDrop handled by LLView " << getName() << llendl;

	return handled;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask,
									   BOOL drop,
									   EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
									   void* cargo_data,
									   EAcceptance* accept,
									   std::string& tooltip_msg)
	LLView* handled_view = FALSE;
	// CRO this is an experiment to allow drag and drop into object inventory based on the DragAndDrop tool's permissions rather than the parent
	if( getVisible() )
//	if( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if( viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) && 
				viewp->getVisible() &&
				viewp->getEnabled() &&
				viewp->handleDragAndDrop(local_x, local_y, mask, drop,
				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

void LLView::onMouseCaptureLost()

BOOL LLView::hasMouseCapture()
	return gFocusMgr.getMouseCapture() == this; 

BOOL LLView::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	BOOL handled = childrenHandleMouseUp( x, y, mask ) != NULL;
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		handled = TRUE;
	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = childrenHandleMouseDown( x, y, mask );
	BOOL handled = (handled_view != NULL);
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		handled = TRUE;
		handled_view = this;

	// HACK If we're editing UI, select the leaf view that ate the click.
	if (sEditingUI && handled_view)
		// need to find leaf views, big hack
		LLButton* buttonp = dynamic_cast<LLButton*>(handled_view);
		LLLineEditor* line_editorp = dynamic_cast<LLLineEditor*>(handled_view);
		LLTextEditor* text_editorp = dynamic_cast<LLTextEditor*>(handled_view);
		LLTextBox* text_boxp = dynamic_cast<LLTextBox*>(handled_view);
		if (buttonp
			|| line_editorp
			|| text_editorp
			|| text_boxp)
			sEditingUIView = handled_view;

	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	BOOL handled = childrenHandleDoubleClick( x, y, mask ) != NULL;
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		handleMouseDown(x, y, mask);
		handled = TRUE;
	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
	BOOL handled = FALSE;
	if( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		handled = childrenHandleScrollWheel( x, y, clicks ) != NULL;
		if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
			handled = TRUE;
	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	BOOL handled = childrenHandleRightMouseDown( x, y, mask ) != NULL;
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		handled = TRUE;
	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	BOOL handled = childrenHandleRightMouseUp( x, y, mask ) != NULL;
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		handled = TRUE;
	return handled;
BOOL LLView::handleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = childrenHandleMiddleMouseDown( x, y, mask );
	BOOL handled = (handled_view != NULL);
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		handled = TRUE;
		handled_view = this;

	return handled;

BOOL LLView::handleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	BOOL handled = childrenHandleMiddleMouseUp( x, y, mask ) != NULL;
	if( !handled && blockMouseEvent(x, y) )
		handled = TRUE;
	return handled;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;
	if (getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if (viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) 
				&& viewp->getVisible()
				&& viewp->getEnabled()
				&& viewp->handleScrollWheel( local_x, local_y, clicks ))
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;

				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;
	if (getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if(viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) &&
				viewp->getVisible() &&
				viewp->getEnabled() &&
				viewp->handleHover(local_x, local_y, mask) )
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;

				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

// Called during downward traversal
LLView* LLView::childrenHandleKey(KEY key, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;

	if ( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			if (viewp->handleKey(key, mask, TRUE))
				if (LLView::sDebugKeys)
					llinfos << "Key handled by " << viewp->getName() << llendl;
				handled_view = viewp;

	return handled_view;

// Called during downward traversal
LLView* LLView::childrenHandleUnicodeChar(llwchar uni_char)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;

	if ( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			if (viewp->handleUnicodeChar(uni_char, TRUE))
				if (LLView::sDebugKeys)
					llinfos << "Unicode character handled by " << viewp->getName() << llendl;
				handled_view = viewp;

	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;

	for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
		LLView* viewp = *child_it;
		S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
		S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;

		if (viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) && 
			viewp->getVisible() && 
			viewp->getEnabled() && 
			viewp->handleMouseDown( local_x, local_y, mask ))
			if (sDebugMouseHandling)
				sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;
			handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;

	if (getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if (viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) &&
				viewp->getVisible() &&
				viewp->getEnabled() &&
				viewp->handleRightMouseDown( local_x, local_y, mask ))
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;
				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMiddleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;

	if (getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if (viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) &&
				viewp->getVisible() &&
				viewp->getEnabled() &&
				viewp->handleMiddleMouseDown( local_x, local_y, mask ))
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;
				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;

	if (getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if (viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) &&
				viewp->getVisible() &&
				viewp->getEnabled() &&
				viewp->handleDoubleClick( local_x, local_y, mask ))
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;
				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;
	if( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if (!viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y))
			if (!viewp->getVisible())
			if (!viewp->getEnabled())
			if (viewp->handleMouseUp( local_x, local_y, mask ))
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;
				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleRightMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;
	if( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if (viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) &&
				viewp->getVisible() &&
				viewp->getEnabled() &&
				viewp->handleRightMouseUp( local_x, local_y, mask ))
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;
				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

LLView* LLView::childrenHandleMiddleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLView* handled_view = NULL;
	if( getVisible() && getEnabled() )
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			if (viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) &&
				viewp->getVisible() &&
				viewp->getEnabled() &&
				viewp->handleMiddleMouseUp( local_x, local_y, mask ))
				if (sDebugMouseHandling)
					sMouseHandlerMessage = std::string("->") + viewp->mName + sMouseHandlerMessage;
				handled_view = viewp;
	return handled_view;

void LLView::draw()
	if (sDebugRects)

		// Check for bogus rectangle
		if (getRect().mRight <= getRect().mLeft
			|| getRect().mTop <= getRect().mBottom)
			llwarns << "Bogus rectangle for " << getName() << " with " << mRect << llendl;

	LLRect rootRect = getRootView()->getRect();
	LLRect screenRect;

	// draw focused control on top of everything else
	LLView* focus_view = gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus();
	if (focus_view && focus_view->getParent() != this)
		focus_view = NULL;

	for (child_list_reverse_iter_t child_iter = mChildList.rbegin(); child_iter != mChildList.rend(); ++child_iter)
		LLView *viewp = *child_iter;

		if (viewp->getVisible() && viewp != focus_view && viewp->getRect().isValid())
			// Only draw views that are within the root view
			if ( rootRect.rectInRect(&screenRect) )
					LLUI::translate((F32)viewp->getRect().mLeft, (F32)viewp->getRect().mBottom, 0.f);


	if (focus_view && focus_view->getVisible())

	// HACK
	if (sEditingUI && this == sEditingUIView)

//Draw a box for debugging.
void LLView::drawDebugRect()
		// drawing solids requires texturing be disabled

		if (mUseBoundingRect)
			LLUI::translate((F32)mBoundingRect.mLeft - (F32)mRect.mLeft, (F32)mBoundingRect.mBottom - (F32)mRect.mBottom, 0.f);

		LLRect debug_rect = mUseBoundingRect ? mBoundingRect : mRect;

		// draw red rectangle for the border
		LLColor4 border_color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
		if (sEditingUI)
			border_color.mV[0] = 1.f;
			border_color.mV[sDepth%3] = 1.f;

		gGL.color4fv( border_color.mV );

			gGL.vertex2i(0, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);
			gGL.vertex2i(0, 0);

			gGL.vertex2i(0, 0);
			gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, 0);

			gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, 0);
			gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);

			gGL.vertex2i(debug_rect.getWidth() - 1, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);
			gGL.vertex2i(0, debug_rect.getHeight() - 1);

		// Draw the name if it's not a leaf node
		if (mChildList.size() && !sEditingUI)
			//char temp[256];
			S32 x, y;
			gGL.color4fv( border_color.mV );
			x = debug_rect.getWidth()/2;
			y = debug_rect.getHeight()/2;
			std::string debug_text = llformat("%s (%d x %d)", getName().c_str(),
										debug_rect.getWidth(), debug_rect.getHeight());
			LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall()->renderUTF8(debug_text, 0, (F32)x, (F32)y, border_color,
												S32_MAX, S32_MAX, NULL, FALSE);

void LLView::drawChild(LLView* childp, S32 x_offset, S32 y_offset, BOOL force_draw)
	if (childp && childp->getParent() == this)

		if ((childp->getVisible() && childp->getRect().isValid()) 
			|| force_draw)
				LLUI::translate((F32)childp->getRect().mLeft + x_offset, (F32)childp->getRect().mBottom + y_offset, 0.f);


void LLView::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
	// compute how much things changed and apply reshape logic to children
	S32 delta_width = width - getRect().getWidth();
	S32 delta_height = height - getRect().getHeight();

	if (delta_width || delta_height || sForceReshape)
		// adjust our rectangle
		mRect.mRight = getRect().mLeft + width;
		mRect.mTop = getRect().mBottom + height;

		// move child views according to reshape flags
		for ( child_list_iter_t child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* viewp = *child_it;
			LLRect child_rect( viewp->mRect );

			if (viewp->followsRight() && viewp->followsLeft())
				child_rect.mRight += delta_width;
			else if (viewp->followsRight())
				child_rect.mLeft += delta_width;
				child_rect.mRight += delta_width;
			else if (viewp->followsLeft())
				// left is 0, don't need to adjust coords
				// BUG what to do when we don't follow anyone?
				// for now, same as followsLeft

			if (viewp->followsTop() && viewp->followsBottom())
				child_rect.mTop += delta_height;
			else if (viewp->followsTop())
				child_rect.mTop += delta_height;
				child_rect.mBottom += delta_height;
			else if (viewp->followsBottom())
				// bottom is 0, so don't need to adjust coords
				// BUG what to do when we don't follow?
				// for now, same as bottom

			S32 delta_x = child_rect.mLeft - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
			S32 delta_y = child_rect.mBottom - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
			viewp->translate( delta_x, delta_y );
			viewp->reshape(child_rect.getWidth(), child_rect.getHeight());

	if (!called_from_parent)
		if (mParentView)
			mParentView->reshape(mParentView->getRect().getWidth(), mParentView->getRect().getHeight(), FALSE);


void LLView::updateBoundingRect()
	if (isDead()) return;

	if (mUseBoundingRect)
		LLRect local_bounding_rect = LLRect::null;

		child_list_const_iter_t child_it;
		for ( child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* childp = *child_it;
			// ignore invisible and "top" children when calculating bounding rect
			// such as combobox popups
			if (!childp->getVisible() || childp == gFocusMgr.getTopCtrl()) 

			LLRect child_bounding_rect = childp->getBoundingRect();

			if (local_bounding_rect.isNull())
				// start out with bounding rect equal to first visible child's bounding rect
				local_bounding_rect = child_bounding_rect;
				// accumulate non-null children rectangles
				if (!child_bounding_rect.isNull())

		mBoundingRect = local_bounding_rect;
		// translate into parent-relative coordinates
		mBoundingRect.translate(mRect.mLeft, mRect.mBottom);
		mBoundingRect = mRect;

	// give parent view a chance to resize, in case we just moved, for example
	if (getParent() && getParent()->mUseBoundingRect)

LLRect LLView::getScreenRect() const
	// *FIX: check for one-off error
	LLRect screen_rect;
	localPointToScreen(0, 0, &screen_rect.mLeft, &screen_rect.mBottom);
	localPointToScreen(getRect().getWidth(), getRect().getHeight(), &screen_rect.mRight, &screen_rect.mTop);
	return screen_rect;

LLRect LLView::getLocalBoundingRect() const
	LLRect local_bounding_rect = getBoundingRect();
	local_bounding_rect.translate(-mRect.mLeft, -mRect.mBottom);

	return local_bounding_rect;

LLRect LLView::getLocalRect() const
	LLRect local_rect(0, getRect().getHeight(), getRect().getWidth(), 0);
	return local_rect;

LLRect LLView::getLocalSnapRect() const
	LLRect local_snap_rect = getSnapRect();
	local_snap_rect.translate(-getRect().mLeft, -getRect().mBottom);
	return local_snap_rect;

BOOL LLView::hasAncestor(const LLView* parentp) const
	if (!parentp)
		return FALSE;

	LLView* viewp = getParent();
		if (viewp == parentp)
			return TRUE;
		viewp = viewp->getParent();

	return FALSE;


BOOL LLView::childHasKeyboardFocus( const std::string& childname ) const
	LLView *child = getChildView(childname, TRUE, FALSE);
	if (child)
		return gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(child);
		return FALSE;


BOOL LLView::hasChild(const std::string& childname, BOOL recurse) const
	return getChildView(childname, recurse, FALSE) != NULL;

// getChildView()
LLView* LLView::getChildView(const std::string& name, BOOL recurse, BOOL create_if_missing) const
	//richard: should we allow empty names?
	//	return NULL;
	child_list_const_iter_t child_it;
	// Look for direct children *first*
	for ( child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
		LLView* childp = *child_it;
		if (childp->getName() == name)
			return childp;
	if (recurse)
		// Look inside each child as well.
		for ( child_it = mChildList.begin(); child_it != mChildList.end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* childp = *child_it;
			LLView* viewp = childp->getChildView(name, recurse, FALSE);
			if ( viewp )
				return viewp;

	if (create_if_missing)
		return createDummyWidget<LLView>(name);
	return NULL;

BOOL LLView::parentPointInView(S32 x, S32 y, EHitTestType type) const 
	return (mUseBoundingRect && type == HIT_TEST_USE_BOUNDING_RECT)
		? mBoundingRect.pointInRect( x, y ) 
		: mRect.pointInRect( x, y ); 

BOOL LLView::pointInView(S32 x, S32 y, EHitTestType type) const 
	return (mUseBoundingRect && type == HIT_TEST_USE_BOUNDING_RECT)
		? mBoundingRect.pointInRect( x + mRect.mLeft, y + mRect.mBottom ) 
		: mRect.localPointInRect( x, y ); 

BOOL LLView::blockMouseEvent(S32 x, S32 y) const
	return mMouseOpaque && pointInView(x, y, HIT_TEST_IGNORE_BOUNDING_RECT);

// virtual
void LLView::screenPointToLocal(S32 screen_x, S32 screen_y, S32* local_x, S32* local_y) const
	*local_x = screen_x - getRect().mLeft;
	*local_y = screen_y - getRect().mBottom;

	const LLView* cur = this;
	while( cur->mParentView )
		cur = cur->mParentView;
		*local_x -= cur->getRect().mLeft;
		*local_y -= cur->getRect().mBottom;

void LLView::localPointToScreen(S32 local_x, S32 local_y, S32* screen_x, S32* screen_y) const
	*screen_x = local_x + getRect().mLeft;
	*screen_y = local_y + getRect().mBottom;

	const LLView* cur = this;
	while( cur->mParentView )
		cur = cur->mParentView;
		*screen_x += cur->getRect().mLeft;
		*screen_y += cur->getRect().mBottom;

void LLView::screenRectToLocal(const LLRect& screen, LLRect* local) const
	*local = screen;
	local->translate( -getRect().mLeft, -getRect().mBottom );

	const LLView* cur = this;
	while( cur->mParentView )
		cur = cur->mParentView;
		local->translate( -cur->getRect().mLeft, -cur->getRect().mBottom );

void LLView::localRectToScreen(const LLRect& local, LLRect* screen) const
	*screen = local;
	screen->translate( getRect().mLeft, getRect().mBottom );

	const LLView* cur = this;
	while( cur->mParentView )
		cur = cur->mParentView;
		screen->translate( cur->getRect().mLeft, cur->getRect().mBottom );

LLView* LLView::getRootView()
	LLView* view = this;
	while( view->mParentView )
		view = view->mParentView;
	return view;

BOOL LLView::deleteViewByHandle(LLHandle<LLView> handle)
	LLView* viewp = handle.get();

	delete viewp;
	return viewp != NULL;

// Moves the view so that it is entirely inside of constraint.
// If the view will not fit because it's too big, aligns with the top and left.
// (Why top and left?  That's where the drag bars are for floaters.)
BOOL LLView::translateIntoRect(const LLRect& constraint, BOOL allow_partial_outside )
	S32 delta_x = 0;
	S32 delta_y = 0;

	if (allow_partial_outside)
		const S32 KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS = 16;

		if( getRect().mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS < constraint.mLeft )
			delta_x = constraint.mLeft - (getRect().mRight - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS);
		if( getRect().mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS > constraint.mRight )
			delta_x = constraint.mRight - (getRect().mLeft + KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS);

		if( getRect().mTop > constraint.mTop )
			delta_y = constraint.mTop - getRect().mTop;
		if( getRect().mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS < constraint.mBottom )
			delta_y = constraint.mBottom - (getRect().mTop - KEEP_ONSCREEN_PIXELS);
		if( getRect().mLeft < constraint.mLeft )
			delta_x = constraint.mLeft - getRect().mLeft;
		if( getRect().mRight > constraint.mRight )
			delta_x = constraint.mRight - getRect().mRight;
			// compensate for left edge possible going off screen
			delta_x += llmax( 0, getRect().getWidth() - constraint.getWidth() );

		if( getRect().mTop > constraint.mTop )
			delta_y = constraint.mTop - getRect().mTop;
		if( getRect().mBottom < constraint.mBottom )
			delta_y = constraint.mBottom - getRect().mBottom;
			// compensate for top edge possible going off screen
			delta_y -= llmax( 0, getRect().getHeight() - constraint.getHeight() );

	if (delta_x != 0 || delta_y != 0)
		translate(delta_x, delta_y);
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

void LLView::centerWithin(const LLRect& bounds)
	S32 left   = bounds.mLeft + (bounds.getWidth() - getRect().getWidth()) / 2;
	S32 bottom = bounds.mBottom + (bounds.getHeight() - getRect().getHeight()) / 2;

	translate( left - getRect().mLeft, bottom - getRect().mBottom );

BOOL LLView::localPointToOtherView( S32 x, S32 y, S32 *other_x, S32 *other_y, LLView* other_view) const
	const LLView* cur_view = this;
	const LLView* root_view = NULL;

	while (cur_view)
		if (cur_view == other_view)
			*other_x = x;
			*other_y = y;
			return TRUE;

		x += cur_view->getRect().mLeft;
		y += cur_view->getRect().mBottom;

		cur_view = cur_view->getParent();
		root_view = cur_view;

	// assuming common root between two views, chase other_view's parents up to root
	cur_view = other_view;
	while (cur_view)
		x -= cur_view->getRect().mLeft;
		y -= cur_view->getRect().mBottom;

		cur_view = cur_view->getParent();

		if (cur_view == root_view)
			*other_x = x;
			*other_y = y;
			return TRUE;

	*other_x = x;
	*other_y = y;
	return FALSE;

BOOL LLView::localRectToOtherView( const LLRect& local, LLRect* other, LLView* other_view ) const
	LLRect cur_rect = local;
	const LLView* cur_view = this;
	const LLView* root_view = NULL;

	while (cur_view)
		if (cur_view == other_view)
			*other = cur_rect;
			return TRUE;

		cur_rect.translate(cur_view->getRect().mLeft, cur_view->getRect().mBottom);

		cur_view = cur_view->getParent();
		root_view = cur_view;

	// assuming common root between two views, chase other_view's parents up to root
	cur_view = other_view;
	while (cur_view)
		cur_rect.translate(-cur_view->getRect().mLeft, -cur_view->getRect().mBottom);

		cur_view = cur_view->getParent();

		if (cur_view == root_view)
			*other = cur_rect;
			return TRUE;

	*other = cur_rect;
	return FALSE;

// virtual
LLXMLNodePtr LLView::getXML(bool save_children) const
	//FIXME: need to provide actual derived type tag, probably outside this method
	LLXMLNodePtr node = new LLXMLNode("view", FALSE);

	node->createChild("name", TRUE)->setStringValue(getName());
	node->createChild("width", TRUE)->setIntValue(getRect().getWidth());
	node->createChild("height", TRUE)->setIntValue(getRect().getHeight());

	LLView* parent = getParent();
	S32 left = getRect().mLeft;
	S32 bottom = getRect().mBottom;
	if (parent) bottom -= parent->getRect().getHeight();

	node->createChild("left", TRUE)->setIntValue(left);
	node->createChild("bottom", TRUE)->setIntValue(bottom);

	U32 follows_flags = getFollows();
	if (follows_flags)
		std::stringstream buffer;
		bool pipe = false;
		if (followsLeft())
			buffer << "left";
			pipe = true;
		if (followsTop())
			if (pipe) buffer << "|";
			buffer << "top";
			pipe = true;
		if (followsRight())
			if (pipe) buffer << "|";
			buffer << "right";
			pipe = true;
		if (followsBottom())
			if (pipe) buffer << "|";
			buffer << "bottom";
		node->createChild("follows", TRUE)->setStringValue(buffer.str());
	// Export all widgets as enabled and visible - code must disable.
	node->createChild("mouse_opaque", TRUE)->setBoolValue(mMouseOpaque );
	if (!mToolTipMsg.getString().empty())
		node->createChild("tool_tip", TRUE)->setStringValue(mToolTipMsg.getString());
	if (mSoundFlags != MOUSE_UP)
		node->createChild("sound_flags", TRUE)->setIntValue((S32)mSoundFlags);

	node->createChild("enabled", TRUE)->setBoolValue(getEnabled());

	if (!mControlName.empty())
		node->createChild("control_name", TRUE)->setStringValue(mControlName);
	return node;

LLView* LLView::fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory)
	LLView* viewp = new LLView();
	viewp->initFromXML(node, parent);
	return viewp;

// static
void LLView::addColorXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, const LLColor4& color,
							const char* xml_name, const char* control_name)
	if (color != LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor(ll_safe_string(control_name)))
		node->createChild(xml_name, TRUE)->setFloatValue(4, color.mV);

std::string LLView::escapeXML(const std::string& xml, std::string& indent)
	std::string ret = indent + "\"" + LLXMLNode::escapeXML(xml);

	//replace every newline with a close quote, new line, indent, open quote
	size_t index = ret.size()-1;
	size_t fnd;
	while ((fnd = ret.rfind("\n", index)) != std::string::npos)
		ret.replace(fnd, 1, "\"\n" + indent + "\"");
		index = fnd-1;

	//append close quote
	return ret;	

// static
LLWString LLView::escapeXML(const LLWString& xml)
	LLWString out;
	for (LLWString::size_type i = 0; i < xml.size(); ++i)
		llwchar c = xml[i];
		case '"':	out.append(utf8string_to_wstring("&quot;"));	break;
		case '\'':	out.append(utf8string_to_wstring("&apos;"));	break;
		case '&':	out.append(utf8string_to_wstring("&amp;"));		break;
		case '<':	out.append(utf8string_to_wstring("&lt;"));		break;
		case '>':	out.append(utf8string_to_wstring("&gt;"));		break;
		default:	out.push_back(c); break;
	return out;

// static
const LLCtrlQuery & LLView::getTabOrderQuery()
	static LLCtrlQuery query;
	if(query.getPreFilters().size() == 0) {
	return query;

// This class is only used internally by getFocusRootsQuery below. 
class LLFocusRootsFilter : public LLQueryFilter, public LLSingleton<LLFocusRootsFilter>
	/*virtual*/ filterResult_t operator() (const LLView* const view, const viewList_t & children) const 
		return filterResult_t(view->isCtrl() && view->isFocusRoot(), !view->isFocusRoot());

// static
const LLCtrlQuery & LLView::getFocusRootsQuery()
	static LLCtrlQuery query;
	if(query.getPreFilters().size() == 0) {
	return query;

void	LLView::userSetShape(const LLRect& new_rect)
	reshape(new_rect.getWidth(), new_rect.getHeight());
	translate(new_rect.mLeft - getRect().mLeft, new_rect.mBottom - getRect().mBottom);

LLView* LLView::findSnapRect(LLRect& new_rect, const LLCoordGL& mouse_dir,
							 LLView::ESnapType snap_type, S32 threshold, S32 padding)
	new_rect = mRect;
	LLView* snap_view = NULL;

	if (!mParentView)
		return NULL;
	S32 delta_x = 0;
	S32 delta_y = 0;
	if (mouse_dir.mX >= 0)
		S32 new_right = mRect.mRight;
		LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_right, mouse_dir, SNAP_RIGHT, snap_type, threshold, padding);
		delta_x = new_right - mRect.mRight;
		snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

	if (mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
		S32 new_left = mRect.mLeft;
		LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_left, mouse_dir, SNAP_LEFT, snap_type, threshold, padding);
		delta_x = new_left - mRect.mLeft;
		snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

	if (mouse_dir.mY >= 0)
		S32 new_top = mRect.mTop;
		LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_top, mouse_dir, SNAP_TOP, snap_type, threshold, padding);
		delta_y = new_top - mRect.mTop;
		snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

	if (mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
		S32 new_bottom = mRect.mBottom;
		LLView* view = findSnapEdge(new_bottom, mouse_dir, SNAP_BOTTOM, snap_type, threshold, padding);
		delta_y = new_bottom - mRect.mBottom;
		snap_view = view ? view : snap_view;

	new_rect.translate(delta_x, delta_y);
	return snap_view;

LLView*	LLView::findSnapEdge(S32& new_edge_val, const LLCoordGL& mouse_dir, ESnapEdge snap_edge, ESnapType snap_type, S32 threshold, S32 padding)
	LLRect snap_rect = getSnapRect();
	S32 snap_pos = 0;
	case SNAP_LEFT:
		snap_pos = snap_rect.mLeft;
		snap_pos = snap_rect.mRight;
	case SNAP_TOP:
		snap_pos = snap_rect.mTop;
		snap_pos = snap_rect.mBottom;

	if (!mParentView)
		new_edge_val = snap_pos;
		return NULL;

	LLView* snap_view = NULL;

	// If the view is near the edge of its parent, snap it to
	// the edge.
	LLRect test_rect = snap_rect;

	S32 x_threshold = threshold;
	S32 y_threshold = threshold;

	LLRect parent_local_snap_rect = mParentView->getLocalSnapRect();

	if (snap_type == SNAP_PARENT || snap_type == SNAP_PARENT_AND_SIBLINGS)
		case SNAP_RIGHT:
			if (llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - test_rect.mRight) <= x_threshold 
				&& (parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - test_rect.mRight) * mouse_dir.mX >= 0)
				snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - padding;
				snap_view = mParentView;
				x_threshold = llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mRight - test_rect.mRight);
		case SNAP_LEFT:
			if (llabs(test_rect.mLeft - parent_local_snap_rect.mLeft) <= x_threshold 
				&& test_rect.mLeft * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
				snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mLeft + padding;
				snap_view = mParentView;
				x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mLeft - parent_local_snap_rect.mLeft);
			if (llabs(test_rect.mBottom - parent_local_snap_rect.mBottom) <= y_threshold 
				&& test_rect.mBottom * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
				snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mBottom + padding;
				snap_view = mParentView;
				y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mBottom - parent_local_snap_rect.mBottom);
		case SNAP_TOP:
			if (llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - test_rect.mTop) <= y_threshold && (parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - test_rect.mTop) * mouse_dir.mY >= 0)
				snap_pos = parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - padding;
				snap_view = mParentView;
				y_threshold = llabs(parent_local_snap_rect.mTop - test_rect.mTop);
			llerrs << "Invalid snap edge" << llendl;

	if (snap_type == SNAP_SIBLINGS || snap_type == SNAP_PARENT_AND_SIBLINGS)
		for ( child_list_const_iter_t child_it = mParentView->getChildList()->begin();
			  child_it != mParentView->getChildList()->end(); ++child_it)
			LLView* siblingp = *child_it;

			if (!canSnapTo(siblingp)) continue;

			LLRect sibling_rect = siblingp->getSnapRect();

			case SNAP_RIGHT:
				if (llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mLeft) <= x_threshold 
					&& (test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mLeft) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
					snap_pos = sibling_rect.mLeft - padding;
					snap_view = siblingp;
					x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mLeft);
				// if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
				else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mTop - (test_rect.mBottom - padding)) <= y_threshold 
					|| llabs(sibling_rect.mBottom - (test_rect.mTop + padding)) <= x_threshold)
					if (llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mRight) <= x_threshold 
						&& (test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mRight) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
						snap_pos = sibling_rect.mRight;
						snap_view = siblingp;
						x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mRight - sibling_rect.mRight);
			case SNAP_LEFT:
				if (llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mRight) <= x_threshold 
					&& (test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mRight) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
					snap_pos = sibling_rect.mRight + padding;
					snap_view = siblingp;
					x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mRight);				
				// if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
				else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mTop - (test_rect.mBottom - padding)) <= y_threshold 
					|| llabs(sibling_rect.mBottom - (test_rect.mTop + padding)) <= y_threshold)
					if (llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mLeft) <= x_threshold 
						&& (test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mLeft) * mouse_dir.mX <= 0)
						snap_pos = sibling_rect.mLeft;
						snap_view = siblingp;
						x_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mLeft - sibling_rect.mLeft);									
			case SNAP_BOTTOM:
				if (llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mTop) <= y_threshold 
					&& (test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mTop) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
					snap_pos = sibling_rect.mTop + padding;
					snap_view = siblingp;
					y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mTop);
				// if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
				else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mRight - (test_rect.mLeft - padding)) <= x_threshold 
					|| llabs(sibling_rect.mLeft - (test_rect.mRight + padding)) <= x_threshold)
					if (llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mBottom) <= y_threshold 
						&& (test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mBottom) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
						snap_pos = sibling_rect.mBottom;
						snap_view = siblingp;
						y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mBottom - sibling_rect.mBottom);
			case SNAP_TOP:
				if (llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mBottom) <= y_threshold 
					&& (test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mBottom) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
					snap_pos = sibling_rect.mBottom - padding;
					snap_view = siblingp;
					y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mBottom);
				// if snapped with sibling along other axis, check for shared edge
				else if (llabs(sibling_rect.mRight - (test_rect.mLeft - padding)) <= x_threshold 
					|| llabs(sibling_rect.mLeft - (test_rect.mRight + padding)) <= x_threshold)
					if (llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mTop) <= y_threshold 
						&& (test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mTop) * mouse_dir.mY <= 0)
						snap_pos = sibling_rect.mTop;
						snap_view = siblingp;
						y_threshold = llabs(test_rect.mTop - sibling_rect.mTop);
				llerrs << "Invalid snap edge" << llendl;

	new_edge_val = snap_pos;
	return snap_view;

// Listener dispatch functions

void LLView::registerEventListener(std::string name, LLSimpleListener* function)
	mDispatchList.insert(std::pair<std::string, LLSimpleListener*>(name, function));

void LLView::deregisterEventListener(std::string name)
	dispatch_list_t::iterator itor = mDispatchList.find(name);
	if (itor != mDispatchList.end())

std::string LLView::findEventListener(LLSimpleListener *listener) const
	dispatch_list_t::const_iterator itor;
	for (itor = mDispatchList.begin(); itor != mDispatchList.end(); ++itor)
		if (itor->second == listener)
			return itor->first;
	if (mParentView)
		return mParentView->findEventListener(listener);
	return LLStringUtil::null;

LLSimpleListener* LLView::getListenerByName(const std::string& callback_name)
	LLSimpleListener* callback = NULL;
	dispatch_list_t::iterator itor = mDispatchList.find(callback_name);
	if (itor != mDispatchList.end())
		callback = itor->second;
	else if (mParentView)
		callback = mParentView->getListenerByName(callback_name);
	return callback;

LLControlVariable *LLView::findControl(const std::string& name)
	control_map_t::iterator itor = mFloaterControls.find(name);
	if (itor != mFloaterControls.end())
		return itor->second;
	if (mParentView)
		return mParentView->findControl(name);
	return LLUI::sConfigGroup->getControl(name);

const S32 FLOATER_H_MARGIN = 15;
const S32 MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT = 10;
const S32 VPAD = 4;

// static
U32 LLView::createRect(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLRect &rect, LLView* parent_view, const LLRect &required_rect)
	U32 follows = 0;
	S32 x = rect.mLeft;
	S32 y = rect.mBottom;
	S32 w = rect.getWidth();
	S32 h = rect.getHeight();

	U32 last_x = 0;
	U32 last_y = 0;
	if (parent_view)
		last_y = parent_view->getRect().getHeight();
		child_list_t::const_iterator itor = parent_view->getChildList()->begin();
		if (itor != parent_view->getChildList()->end())
			LLView *last_view = (*itor);
			if (last_view->getSaveToXML())
				last_x = last_view->getRect().mLeft;
				last_y = last_view->getRect().mBottom;

	std::string rect_control;
	node->getAttributeString("rect_control", rect_control);
	if (! rect_control.empty())
		LLRect rect = LLUI::sConfigGroup->getRect(rect_control);
		x = rect.mLeft;
		y = rect.mBottom;
		w = rect.getWidth();
		h = rect.getHeight();
	if (node->hasAttribute("left"))
		node->getAttributeS32("left", x);
	if (node->hasAttribute("bottom"))
		node->getAttributeS32("bottom", y);

	// Make your width the width of the containing
	// view if you don't specify a width.
	if (parent_view)
		if(w == 0)
			w = llmax(required_rect.getWidth(), parent_view->getRect().getWidth() - (FLOATER_H_MARGIN) - x);

		if(h == 0)
			h = llmax(MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT, required_rect.getHeight());

	if (node->hasAttribute("width"))
		node->getAttributeS32("width", w);
	if (node->hasAttribute("height"))
		node->getAttributeS32("height", h);

	if (parent_view)
		if (node->hasAttribute("left_delta"))
			S32 left_delta = 0;
			node->getAttributeS32("left_delta", left_delta);
			x = last_x + left_delta;
		else if (node->hasAttribute("left") && node->hasAttribute("right"))
			// compute width based on left and right
			S32 right = 0;
			node->getAttributeS32("right", right);
			if (right < 0)
				right = parent_view->getRect().getWidth() + right;
			w = right - x;
		else if (node->hasAttribute("left"))
			if (x < 0)
				x = parent_view->getRect().getWidth() + x;
				follows |= FOLLOWS_RIGHT;
				follows |= FOLLOWS_LEFT;
		else if (node->hasAttribute("width") && node->hasAttribute("right"))
			S32 right = 0;
			node->getAttributeS32("right", right);
			if (right < 0)
				right = parent_view->getRect().getWidth() + right;
			x = right - w;
			// left not specified, same as last
			x = last_x;

		if (node->hasAttribute("bottom_delta"))
			S32 bottom_delta = 0;
			node->getAttributeS32("bottom_delta", bottom_delta);
			y = last_y + bottom_delta;
		else if (node->hasAttribute("top"))
			// compute height based on top
			S32 top = 0;
			node->getAttributeS32("top", top);
			if (top < 0)
				top = parent_view->getRect().getHeight() + top;
			h = top - y;
		else if (node->hasAttribute("bottom"))
			if (y < 0)
				y = parent_view->getRect().getHeight() + y;
				follows |= FOLLOWS_TOP;
				follows |= FOLLOWS_BOTTOM;
			// if bottom not specified, generate automatically
			if (last_y == 0)
				// treat first child as "bottom"
				y = parent_view->getRect().getHeight() - (h + VPAD);
				follows |= FOLLOWS_TOP;
				// treat subsequent children as "bottom_delta"
				y = last_y - (h + VPAD);
		x = llmax(x, 0);
		y = llmax(y, 0);
	rect.setOriginAndSize(x, y, w, h);

	return follows;

void LLView::initFromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView* parent)
	// create rect first, as this will supply initial follows flags
	LLRect view_rect;
	U32 follows_flags = createRect(node, view_rect, parent, getRequiredRect());
	// call reshape in case there are any child elements that need to be layed out
	reshape(view_rect.getWidth(), view_rect.getHeight());


	if (node->hasAttribute("control_name"))
		std::string control_name;
		node->getAttributeString("control_name", control_name);
		setControlName(control_name, NULL);

	if (node->hasAttribute("tool_tip"))
		std::string tool_tip_msg;
		node->getAttributeString("tool_tip", tool_tip_msg);

	if (node->hasAttribute("enabled"))
		BOOL enabled;
		node->getAttributeBOOL("enabled", enabled);
	if (node->hasAttribute("visible"))
		BOOL visible;
		node->getAttributeBOOL("visible", visible);

	if (node->hasAttribute("hover_cursor"))
		std::string cursor_string;
		node->getAttributeString("hover_cursor", cursor_string);
		mHoverCursor = getCursorFromString(cursor_string);

	node->getAttributeBOOL("use_bounding_rect", mUseBoundingRect);
	node->getAttributeBOOL("mouse_opaque", mMouseOpaque);

	node->getAttributeS32("default_tab_group", mDefaultTabGroup);
	reshape(view_rect.getWidth(), view_rect.getHeight());

void LLView::parseFollowsFlags(LLXMLNodePtr node)
	if (node->hasAttribute("follows"))

		std::string follows;
		node->getAttributeString("follows", follows);

		typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
		boost::char_separator<char> sep("|");
		tokenizer tokens(follows, sep);
		tokenizer::iterator token_iter = tokens.begin();

		while(token_iter != tokens.end())
			const std::string& token_str = *token_iter;
			if (token_str == "left")
			else if (token_str == "right")
			else if (token_str == "top")
			else if (token_str == "bottom")
			else if (token_str == "all")

// static
LLFontGL* LLView::selectFont(LLXMLNodePtr node)
	std::string font_name, font_size, font_style;
	U8 style = 0;
	if (node->hasAttribute("font"))
		node->getAttributeString("font", font_name);
	if (node->hasAttribute("font_size"))
		node->getAttributeString("font_size", font_size);

	if (node->hasAttribute("font_style"))
		node->getAttributeString("font_style", font_style);
		style = LLFontGL::getStyleFromString(font_style);

	if (node->hasAttribute("font-style"))
		node->getAttributeString("font-style", font_style);
		style = LLFontGL::getStyleFromString(font_style);

	if (font_name.empty())
		return NULL;

	LLFontDescriptor desc(font_name, font_size, style);
	LLFontGL* gl_font = LLFontGL::getFont(desc);

	return gl_font;

// static
LLFontGL::HAlign LLView::selectFontHAlign(LLXMLNodePtr node)
	LLFontGL::HAlign gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::LEFT;

	if (node->hasAttribute("halign"))
		std::string horizontal_align_name;
		node->getAttributeString("halign", horizontal_align_name);
		gl_hfont_align = LLFontGL::hAlignFromName(horizontal_align_name);
	return gl_hfont_align;

// static
LLFontGL::VAlign LLView::selectFontVAlign(LLXMLNodePtr node)
	LLFontGL::VAlign gl_vfont_align = LLFontGL::BASELINE;

	if (node->hasAttribute("valign"))
		std::string vert_align_name;
		node->getAttributeString("valign", vert_align_name);
		gl_vfont_align = LLFontGL::vAlignFromName(vert_align_name);
	return gl_vfont_align;

// static
LLFontGL::StyleFlags LLView::selectFontStyle(LLXMLNodePtr node)
	LLFontGL::StyleFlags gl_font_style = LLFontGL::NORMAL;

	if (node->hasAttribute("style"))
		std::string style_flags_name;
		node->getAttributeString("style", style_flags_name);

		if (style_flags_name == "normal")
			gl_font_style = LLFontGL::NORMAL;
		else if (style_flags_name == "bold")
			gl_font_style = LLFontGL::BOLD;
		else if (style_flags_name == "italic")
			gl_font_style = LLFontGL::ITALIC;
		else if (style_flags_name == "underline")
			gl_font_style = LLFontGL::UNDERLINE;
		//else leave left
	return gl_font_style;

bool LLView::setControlValue(const LLSD& value)
	std::string ctrlname = getControlName();
	if (!ctrlname.empty())
		LLUI::sConfigGroup->setValue(ctrlname, value);
		return true;
	return false;

void LLView::setControlName(const std::string& control_name, LLView *context)
	if (context == NULL)
		context = this;

	if (!mControlName.empty())
		llwarns << "setControlName called twice on same control!" << llendl;
		mControlConnection.disconnect(); // disconnect current signal
	// Register new listener
	if (!control_name.empty())
		LLControlVariable *control = context->findControl(control_name);
		if (control)
			mControlName = control_name;
			mControlConnection = control->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&controlListener, _1, getHandle(), std::string("value")));

// static
bool LLView::controlListener(const LLSD& newvalue, LLHandle<LLView> handle, std::string type)
	LLView* view = handle.get();
	if (view)
		if (type == "value")
			return true;
		else if (type == "enabled")
			return true;
		else if (type == "visible")
			return true;
	return false;

void LLView::addBoolControl(const std::string& name, bool initial_value)
	mFloaterControls[name] = new LLControlVariable(name, TYPE_BOOLEAN, initial_value, std::string("Internal floater control"));

LLControlVariable *LLView::getControl(const std::string& name)
	control_map_t::iterator itor = mFloaterControls.find(name);
	if (itor != mFloaterControls.end())
		return itor->second;
	return NULL;

void	LLView::setValue(const LLSD& value)

LLSD	LLView::getValue() const 
	return LLSD();

LLView* LLView::createWidget(LLXMLNodePtr xml_node) const
	// forward requests to ui ctrl factory
	return LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->createCtrlWidget(NULL, xml_node);

// LLWidgetClassRegistry


void LLWidgetClassRegistry::registerCtrl(const std::string& tag, LLWidgetClassRegistry::factory_func_t function)
	std::string lower_case_tag = tag;
	mCreatorFunctions[lower_case_tag] = function;

BOOL LLWidgetClassRegistry::isTagRegistered(const std::string &tag)
	return mCreatorFunctions.find(tag) != mCreatorFunctions.end();

LLWidgetClassRegistry::factory_func_t LLWidgetClassRegistry::getCreatorFunc(const std::string& ctrl_type)
	factory_map_t::const_iterator found_it = mCreatorFunctions.find(ctrl_type);
	if (found_it == mCreatorFunctions.end())
		return NULL;
	return found_it->second;