/** * @file llscrolllistctrl.cpp * @brief LLScrollListCtrl base class * * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. */ #include <algorithm> #include "linden_common.h" #include "llstl.h" #include "llboost.h" #include "llscrolllistctrl.h" #include "indra_constants.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llclipboard.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llglheaders.h" #include "llresmgr.h" #include "llscrollbar.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "llui.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llwindow.h" #include "llcontrol.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "llresizebar.h" const S32 LIST_BORDER_PAD = 0; // white space inside the border and to the left of the scrollbar const S32 MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH = 20; const S32 LIST_SNAP_PADDING = 5; // local structures & classes. struct SortScrollListItem { SortScrollListItem(const S32 sort_col, BOOL sort_ascending) { mSortCol = sort_col; mSortAscending = sort_ascending; } bool operator()(const LLScrollListItem* i1, const LLScrollListItem* i2) { const LLScrollListCell *cell1; const LLScrollListCell *cell2; cell1 = i1->getColumn(mSortCol); cell2 = i2->getColumn(mSortCol); S32 order = 1; if (!mSortAscending) { order = -1; } BOOL retval = FALSE; if (cell1 && cell2) { retval = ((order * LLString::compareDict(cell1->getText(), cell2->getText())) < 0); } return (retval ? TRUE : FALSE); } protected: S32 mSortCol; S32 mSortAscending; }; // // LLScrollListIcon // LLScrollListIcon::LLScrollListIcon(LLImageGL* icon, S32 width, LLUUID image_id) : mIcon(icon), mImageUUID(image_id.asString()), mColor(LLColor4::white) { if (width) { mWidth = width; } else { mWidth = icon->getWidth(); } } LLScrollListIcon::~LLScrollListIcon() { } void LLScrollListIcon::setColor(const LLColor4& color) { mColor = color; } void LLScrollListIcon::drawToWidth(S32 width, const LLColor4& color, const LLColor4& highlight_color) const { gl_draw_image(0, 0, mIcon, mColor); } // // LLScrollListCheck // LLScrollListCheck::LLScrollListCheck(LLCheckBoxCtrl* check_box, S32 width) { mCheckBox = check_box; LLRect rect(mCheckBox->getRect()); if (width) { rect.mRight = rect.mLeft + width; mCheckBox->setRect(rect); mWidth = width; } else { mWidth = rect.getWidth(); //check_box->getWidth(); } } LLScrollListCheck::~LLScrollListCheck() { delete mCheckBox; } void LLScrollListCheck::drawToWidth(S32 width, const LLColor4& color, const LLColor4& highlight_color) const { mCheckBox->draw(); } BOOL LLScrollListCheck::handleClick() { if ( mCheckBox->getEnabled() ) { LLCheckBoxCtrl::onButtonPress(mCheckBox); } return TRUE; } // // LLScrollListSeparator // LLScrollListSeparator::LLScrollListSeparator(S32 width) : mWidth(width) { } void LLScrollListSeparator::drawToWidth(S32 width, const LLColor4& color, const LLColor4& highlight_color) const { //*FIXME: use dynamic item heights and make separators narrow, and inactive gl_line_2d(5, 8, llmax(5, width - 5), 8, color); } // // LLScrollListText // U32 LLScrollListText::sCount = 0; LLScrollListText::LLScrollListText( const LLString& text, const LLFontGL* font, S32 width, U8 font_style, LLFontGL::HAlign font_alignment, LLColor4& color, BOOL use_color, BOOL visible) : mText( text ), mFont( font ), mFontStyle( font_style ), mFontAlignment( font_alignment ), mWidth( width ), mVisible( visible ), mHighlightCount( 0 ), mHighlightOffset( 0 ) { if (use_color) { mColor = new LLColor4(); mColor->setVec(color); } else { mColor = NULL; } sCount++; // initialize rounded rect image if (!mRoundedRectImage) { mRoundedRectImage = LLUI::sImageProvider->getUIImageByID(LLUUID(LLUI::sAssetsGroup->getString("rounded_square.tga"))); } } LLScrollListText::~LLScrollListText() { sCount--; delete mColor; } void LLScrollListText::setColor(const LLColor4& color) { if (!mColor) { mColor = new LLColor4(); } *mColor = color; } void LLScrollListText::setText(const LLString& text) { mText = text; } void LLScrollListText::drawToWidth(S32 width, const LLColor4& color, const LLColor4& highlight_color) const { // If the user has specified a small minimum width, use that. if (mWidth > 0 && mWidth < width) { width = mWidth; } const LLColor4* display_color; if (mColor) { display_color = mColor; } else { display_color = &color; } if (mHighlightCount > 0) { mRoundedRectImage->bind(); glColor4fv(highlight_color.mV); S32 left = 0; switch(mFontAlignment) { case LLFontGL::LEFT: left = mFont->getWidth(mText.getString(), 0, mHighlightOffset); break; case LLFontGL::RIGHT: left = width - mFont->getWidth(mText.getString(), mHighlightOffset, S32_MAX); break; case LLFontGL::HCENTER: left = (width - mFont->getWidth(mText.getString())) / 2; break; } gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(left - 2, llround(mFont->getLineHeight()) + 1, left + mFont->getWidth(mText.getString(), mHighlightOffset, mHighlightCount) + 1, 1, mRoundedRectImage->getWidth(), mRoundedRectImage->getHeight(), 16); } // Try to draw the entire string F32 right_x; U32 string_chars = mText.length(); F32 start_x = 0.f; switch(mFontAlignment) { case LLFontGL::LEFT: start_x = 0.f; break; case LLFontGL::RIGHT: start_x = (F32)width; break; case LLFontGL::HCENTER: start_x = (F32)width * 0.5f; break; } mFont->render(mText.getWString(), 0, start_x, 2.f, *display_color, mFontAlignment, LLFontGL::BOTTOM, mFontStyle, string_chars, width, &right_x, FALSE, TRUE); } LLScrollListItem::~LLScrollListItem() { std::for_each(mColumns.begin(), mColumns.end(), DeletePointer()); } BOOL LLScrollListItem::handleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { BOOL handled = FALSE; S32 left = 0; S32 right = 0; S32 width = 0; std::vector<LLScrollListCell *>::iterator iter = mColumns.begin(); std::vector<LLScrollListCell *>::iterator end = mColumns.end(); for ( ; iter != end; ++iter) { width = (*iter)->getWidth(); right += width; if (left <= x && x < right ) { handled = (*iter)->handleClick(); break; } left += width; } return handled; } void LLScrollListItem::setNumColumns(S32 columns) { S32 prev_columns = mColumns.size(); if (columns < prev_columns) { std::for_each(mColumns.begin()+columns, mColumns.end(), DeletePointer()); } mColumns.resize(columns); for (S32 col = prev_columns; col < columns; ++col) { mColumns[col] = NULL; } } void LLScrollListItem::setColumn( S32 column, LLScrollListCell *cell ) { if (column < (S32)mColumns.size()) { delete mColumns[column]; mColumns[column] = cell; } else { llerrs << "LLScrollListItem::setColumn: bad column: " << column << llendl; } } LLString LLScrollListItem::getContentsCSV() { LLString ret; S32 count = getNumColumns(); for (S32 i=0; i<count; ++i) { ret += getColumn(i)->getText(); if (i < count-1) { ret += ", "; } } return ret; } void LLScrollListItem::setEnabled(BOOL b) { if (b != mEnabled) { std::vector<LLScrollListCell *>::iterator iter = mColumns.begin(); std::vector<LLScrollListCell *>::iterator end = mColumns.end(); for ( ; iter != end; ++iter) { (*iter)->setEnabled(b); } mEnabled = b; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLScrollListCtrl //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLScrollListCtrl::LLScrollListCtrl(const LLString& name, const LLRect& rect, void (*commit_callback)(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata), void* callback_user_data, BOOL allow_multiple_selection, BOOL show_border ) : LLUICtrl(name, rect, TRUE, commit_callback, callback_user_data), mLineHeight(0), mScrollLines(0), mPageLines(0), mHeadingHeight(20), mMaxSelectable(0), mAllowMultipleSelection( allow_multiple_selection ), mAllowKeyboardMovement(TRUE), mCommitOnKeyboardMovement(TRUE), mCommitOnSelectionChange(FALSE), mSelectionChanged(FALSE), mNeedsScroll(FALSE), mCanSelect(TRUE), mDisplayColumnHeaders(FALSE), mCollapseEmptyColumns(FALSE), mIsPopup(FALSE), mMaxItemCount(INT_MAX), //mItemCount(0), mBackgroundVisible( TRUE ), mDrawStripes(TRUE), mBgWriteableColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "ScrollBgWriteableColor" ) ), mBgReadOnlyColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "ScrollBgReadOnlyColor" ) ), mBgSelectedColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ScrollSelectedBGColor") ), mBgStripeColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ScrollBGStripeColor") ), mFgSelectedColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ScrollSelectedFGColor") ), mFgUnselectedColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ScrollUnselectedColor") ), mFgDisabledColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ScrollDisabledColor") ), mHighlightedColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ScrollHighlightedColor") ), mBorderThickness( 2 ), mOnDoubleClickCallback( NULL ), mOnMaximumSelectCallback( NULL ), mOnSortChangedCallback( NULL ), mHighlightedItem(-1), mBorder(NULL), mDefaultColumn("SIMPLE"), mSearchColumn(0), mNumDynamicWidthColumns(0), mTotalStaticColumnWidth(0), mSortColumn(-1), mSortAscending(TRUE), mSorted(TRUE), mDirty(FALSE), mOriginalSelection(-1), mDrewSelected(FALSE) { mItemListRect.setOriginAndSize( mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD, mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD, mRect.getWidth() - 2*( mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD ) - SCROLLBAR_SIZE, mRect.getHeight() - 2*( mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD ) ); updateLineHeight(); mPageLines = mLineHeight? (mItemListRect.getHeight()) / mLineHeight : 0; // Init the scrollbar LLRect scroll_rect; scroll_rect.setOriginAndSize( mRect.getWidth() - mBorderThickness - SCROLLBAR_SIZE, mItemListRect.mBottom, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, mItemListRect.getHeight()); mScrollbar = new LLScrollbar( "Scrollbar", scroll_rect, LLScrollbar::VERTICAL, getItemCount(), mScrollLines, mPageLines, &LLScrollListCtrl::onScrollChange, this ); mScrollbar->setFollowsRight(); mScrollbar->setFollowsTop(); mScrollbar->setFollowsBottom(); mScrollbar->setEnabled( TRUE ); mScrollbar->setVisible( TRUE ); addChild(mScrollbar); // Border if (show_border) { LLRect border_rect( 0, mRect.getHeight(), mRect.getWidth(), 0 ); mBorder = new LLViewBorder( "dlg border", border_rect, LLViewBorder::BEVEL_IN, LLViewBorder::STYLE_LINE, 1 ); addChild(mBorder); } mColumnPadding = 5; mLastSelected = NULL; } LLScrollListCtrl::~LLScrollListCtrl() { std::for_each(mItemList.begin(), mItemList.end(), DeletePointer()); if( gEditMenuHandler == this ) { gEditMenuHandler = NULL; } } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::setMaxItemCount(S32 max_count) { if (max_count >= getItemCount()) { mMaxItemCount = max_count; } return (max_count == mMaxItemCount); } S32 LLScrollListCtrl::isEmpty() const { return mItemList.empty(); } S32 LLScrollListCtrl::getItemCount() const { return mItemList.size(); } // virtual LLScrolListInterface function (was deleteAllItems) void LLScrollListCtrl::clearRows() { std::for_each(mItemList.begin(), mItemList.end(), DeletePointer()); mItemList.clear(); //mItemCount = 0; // Scroll the bar back up to the top. mScrollbar->setDocParams(0, 0); mScrollLines = 0; mLastSelected = NULL; updateMaxContentWidth(NULL); mDirty = FALSE; } LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::getFirstSelected() const { item_list::const_iterator iter; for(iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; if (item->getSelected()) { return item; } } return NULL; } std::vector<LLScrollListItem*> LLScrollListCtrl::getAllSelected() const { std::vector<LLScrollListItem*> ret; item_list::const_iterator iter; for(iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; if (item->getSelected()) { ret.push_back(item); } } return ret; } S32 LLScrollListCtrl::getFirstSelectedIndex() const { S32 CurSelectedIndex = 0; item_list::const_iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; if (item->getSelected()) { return CurSelectedIndex; } CurSelectedIndex++; } return -1; } LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::getFirstData() const { if (mItemList.size() == 0) { return NULL; } return mItemList[0]; } LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::getLastData() const { if (mItemList.size() == 0) { return NULL; } return mItemList[mItemList.size() - 1]; } std::vector<LLScrollListItem*> LLScrollListCtrl::getAllData() const { std::vector<LLScrollListItem*> ret; item_list::const_iterator iter; for(iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; ret.push_back(item); } return ret; } void LLScrollListCtrl::reshape( S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent ) { LLUICtrl::reshape( width, height, called_from_parent ); S32 heading_size = (mDisplayColumnHeaders ? mHeadingHeight : 0); mItemListRect.setOriginAndSize( mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD, mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD, mRect.getWidth() - 2*( mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD ) - SCROLLBAR_SIZE, mRect.getHeight() - 2*( mBorderThickness + LIST_BORDER_PAD ) - heading_size ); mPageLines = mLineHeight? mItemListRect.getHeight() / mLineHeight : 0; mScrollbar->setVisible(mPageLines < getItemCount()); mScrollbar->setPageSize( mPageLines ); updateColumns(); } // Attempt to size the control to show all items. // Do not make larger than width or height. void LLScrollListCtrl::arrange(S32 max_width, S32 max_height) { S32 height = mLineHeight * (getItemCount() + 1); height = llmin( height, max_height ); S32 width = mRect.getWidth(); reshape( width, height ); } LLRect LLScrollListCtrl::getRequiredRect() { S32 height = mLineHeight * (getItemCount() + 1); S32 width = mRect.getWidth(); return LLRect(0, height, width, 0); } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::addItem( LLScrollListItem* item, EAddPosition pos ) { BOOL not_too_big = getItemCount() < mMaxItemCount; if (not_too_big) { switch( pos ) { case ADD_TOP: mItemList.push_front(item); setSorted(FALSE); break; case ADD_SORTED: if (mSortColumn == -1) { mSortColumn = 0; mSortAscending = TRUE; } mItemList.push_back(item); std::sort(mItemList.begin(), mItemList.end(), SortScrollListItem(mSortColumn, mSortAscending)); break; case ADD_BOTTOM: mItemList.push_back(item); setSorted(FALSE); break; default: llassert(0); mItemList.push_back(item); setSorted(FALSE); break; } updateLineHeight(); mPageLines = mLineHeight ? mItemListRect.getHeight() / mLineHeight : 0; BOOL scrollbar_visible = mPageLines < getItemCount(); if (scrollbar_visible != mScrollbar->getVisible()) { mScrollbar->setVisible(mPageLines < getItemCount()); updateColumns(); } mScrollbar->setPageSize( mPageLines ); mScrollbar->setDocSize( getItemCount() ); updateMaxContentWidth(item); } return not_too_big; } void LLScrollListCtrl::updateMaxContentWidth(LLScrollListItem* added_item) { const S32 HEADING_TEXT_PADDING = 30; const S32 COLUMN_TEXT_PADDING = 20; std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::iterator column_itor; for (column_itor = mColumns.begin(); column_itor != mColumns.end(); ++column_itor) { LLScrollListColumn* column = &column_itor->second; if (!added_item) { // update on all items column->mMaxContentWidth = column->mHeader ? LLFontGL::sSansSerifSmall->getWidth(column->mLabel) + mColumnPadding + HEADING_TEXT_PADDING : 0; item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListCell* cellp = (*iter)->getColumn(column->mIndex); if (!cellp) continue; column->mMaxContentWidth = llmax(LLFontGL::sSansSerifSmall->getWidth(cellp->getText()) + mColumnPadding + COLUMN_TEXT_PADDING, column->mMaxContentWidth); } } else { LLScrollListCell* cellp = added_item->getColumn(column->mIndex); if (!cellp) continue; column->mMaxContentWidth = llmax(LLFontGL::sSansSerifSmall->getWidth(cellp->getText()) + mColumnPadding + COLUMN_TEXT_PADDING, column->mMaxContentWidth); } } } // Line height is the max height of all the cells in all the items. void LLScrollListCtrl::updateLineHeight() { const S32 ROW_PAD = 2; mLineHeight = 0; item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem *itemp = *iter; S32 num_cols = itemp->getNumColumns(); S32 i = 0; for (const LLScrollListCell* cell = itemp->getColumn(i); i < num_cols; cell = itemp->getColumn(++i)) { mLineHeight = llmax( mLineHeight, cell->getHeight() + ROW_PAD ); } } } void LLScrollListCtrl::updateColumns() { mColumnsIndexed.resize(mColumns.size()); std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::iterator column_itor; for (column_itor = mColumns.begin(); column_itor != mColumns.end(); ++column_itor) { LLScrollListColumn *column = &column_itor->second; S32 new_width = column->mWidth; if (column->mRelWidth >= 0) { new_width = (S32)llround(column->mRelWidth*mItemListRect.getWidth()); } else if (column->mDynamicWidth) { new_width = (mItemListRect.getWidth() - mTotalStaticColumnWidth) / mNumDynamicWidthColumns; } if (new_width != column->mWidth) { column->mWidth = new_width; } mColumnsIndexed[column_itor->second.mIndex] = column; } item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem *itemp = *iter; S32 num_cols = itemp->getNumColumns(); S32 i = 0; for (LLScrollListCell* cell = itemp->getColumn(i); i < num_cols; cell = itemp->getColumn(++i)) { if (i >= (S32)mColumnsIndexed.size()) break; cell->setWidth(mColumnsIndexed[i]->mWidth); } } // update headers std::vector<LLScrollListColumn*>::iterator column_ordered_it; S32 left = mItemListRect.mLeft; LLColumnHeader* last_header = NULL; for (column_ordered_it = mColumnsIndexed.begin(); column_ordered_it != mColumnsIndexed.end(); ++column_ordered_it) { if ((*column_ordered_it)->mWidth <= 0) { // skip hidden columns } LLScrollListColumn* column = *column_ordered_it; if (column->mHeader) { last_header = column->mHeader; S32 top = mItemListRect.mTop; S32 right = left + column->mWidth; if (column->mIndex != (S32)mColumnsIndexed.size()-1) { right += mColumnPadding; } right = llmax(left, llmin(mItemListRect.getWidth(), right)); S32 header_width = right - left; last_header->reshape(header_width, mHeadingHeight); last_header->translate(left - last_header->getRect().mLeft, top - last_header->getRect().mBottom); last_header->setVisible(mDisplayColumnHeaders && header_width > 0); left = right; } } // expand last column header we encountered to full list width if (last_header) { S32 header_strip_width = mItemListRect.getWidth() + (mScrollbar->getVisible() ? 0 : SCROLLBAR_SIZE); S32 new_width = llmax(0, mItemListRect.mLeft + header_strip_width - last_header->getRect().mLeft); last_header->reshape(new_width, last_header->getRect().getHeight()); } } void LLScrollListCtrl::setDisplayHeading(BOOL display) { mDisplayColumnHeaders = display; updateColumns(); setHeadingHeight(mHeadingHeight); } void LLScrollListCtrl::setHeadingHeight(S32 heading_height) { mHeadingHeight = heading_height; reshape(mRect.getWidth(), mRect.getHeight()); // Resize mScrollbar->reshape(SCROLLBAR_SIZE, mItemListRect.getHeight() + (mDisplayColumnHeaders ? mHeadingHeight : 0)); } void LLScrollListCtrl::setCollapseEmptyColumns(BOOL collapse) { mCollapseEmptyColumns = collapse; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::selectFirstItem() { BOOL success = FALSE; // our $%&@#$()^%#$()*^ iterators don't let us check against the first item inside out iteration BOOL first_item = TRUE; item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem *itemp = *iter; if( first_item && itemp->getEnabled() ) { if (!itemp->getSelected()) { selectItem(itemp); } success = TRUE; mOriginalSelection = 0; } else { deselectItem(itemp); } first_item = FALSE; } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } return success; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::selectNthItem( S32 target_index ) { // Deselects all other items BOOL success = FALSE; S32 index = 0; target_index = llclamp(target_index, 0, (S32)mItemList.size() - 1); item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem *itemp = *iter; if( target_index == index ) { if( itemp->getEnabled() ) { selectItem(itemp); success = TRUE; mOriginalSelection = target_index; } } else { deselectItem(itemp); } index++; } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } mSearchString.clear(); return success; } void LLScrollListCtrl::swapWithNext(S32 index) { if (index >= ((S32)mItemList.size() - 1)) { // At end of list, doesn't do anything return; } LLScrollListItem *cur_itemp = mItemList[index]; mItemList[index] = mItemList[index + 1]; mItemList[index + 1] = cur_itemp; } void LLScrollListCtrl::swapWithPrevious(S32 index) { if (index <= 0) { // At beginning of list, don't do anything } LLScrollListItem *cur_itemp = mItemList[index]; mItemList[index] = mItemList[index - 1]; mItemList[index - 1] = cur_itemp; } void LLScrollListCtrl::deleteSingleItem(S32 target_index) { if (target_index >= (S32)mItemList.size()) { return; } LLScrollListItem *itemp; itemp = mItemList[target_index]; if (itemp == mLastSelected) { mLastSelected = NULL; } delete itemp; mItemList.erase(mItemList.begin() + target_index); updateMaxContentWidth(NULL); } void LLScrollListCtrl::deleteSelectedItems() { item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter < mItemList.end(); ) { LLScrollListItem* itemp = *iter; if (itemp->getSelected()) { delete itemp; iter = mItemList.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } mLastSelected = NULL; updateMaxContentWidth(NULL); } void LLScrollListCtrl::highlightNthItem(S32 target_index) { if (mHighlightedItem != target_index) { mHighlightedItem = target_index; } } S32 LLScrollListCtrl::selectMultiple( LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> ids ) { item_list::iterator iter; S32 count = 0; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; LLDynamicArray<LLUUID>::iterator iditr; for(iditr = ids.begin(); iditr != ids.end(); ++iditr) { if (item->getEnabled() && (item->getUUID() == (*iditr))) { selectItem(item,FALSE); ++count; break; } } if(ids.end() != iditr) ids.erase(iditr); } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } return count; } S32 LLScrollListCtrl::getItemIndex( LLScrollListItem* target_item ) { S32 index = 0; item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem *itemp = *iter; if (target_item == itemp) { return index; } index++; } return -1; } S32 LLScrollListCtrl::getItemIndex( LLUUID& target_id ) { S32 index = 0; item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem *itemp = *iter; if (target_id == itemp->getUUID()) { return index; } index++; } return -1; } void LLScrollListCtrl::selectPrevItem( BOOL extend_selection) { LLScrollListItem* prev_item = NULL; if (!getFirstSelected()) { selectFirstItem(); } else { item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* cur_item = *iter; if (cur_item->getSelected()) { if (prev_item) { selectItem(prev_item, !extend_selection); } else { reportInvalidInput(); } break; } prev_item = cur_item; } } if ((mCommitOnSelectionChange || mCommitOnKeyboardMovement)) { commitIfChanged(); } mSearchString.clear(); } void LLScrollListCtrl::selectNextItem( BOOL extend_selection) { if (!getFirstSelected()) { selectFirstItem(); } else { item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; if (item->getSelected()) { if (++iter != mItemList.end()) { LLScrollListItem *next_item = *iter; if (next_item) { selectItem(next_item, !extend_selection); } else { reportInvalidInput(); } } break; } } } if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement) { onCommit(); } mSearchString.clear(); } void LLScrollListCtrl::deselectAllItems(BOOL no_commit_on_change) { item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; deselectItem(item); } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange && !no_commit_on_change) { commitIfChanged(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "Simple" interface: use this when you're creating a list that contains only unique strings, only // one of which can be selected at a time. LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::addSimpleItem(const LLString& item_text, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled) { LLScrollListItem* item = NULL; if (getItemCount() < mMaxItemCount) { // simple items have their LLSD data set to their label item = new LLScrollListItem( LLSD(item_text) ); item->setEnabled(enabled); item->addColumn( item_text, gResMgr->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF_SMALL ) ); addItem( item, pos ); } return item; } // Selects first enabled item of the given name. // Returns false if item not found. BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::selectSimpleItem(const LLString& label, BOOL case_sensitive) { //RN: assume no empty items if (label.empty()) { return FALSE; } LLString target_text = label; if (!case_sensitive) { LLString::toLower(target_text); } BOOL found = FALSE; item_list::iterator iter; S32 index = 0; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; // Only select enabled items with matching names LLString item_text = item->getColumn(0)->getText(); if (!case_sensitive) { LLString::toLower(item_text); } BOOL select = !found && item->getEnabled() && item_text == target_text; if (select) { selectItem(item); } found = found || select; index++; } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } return found; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::selectSimpleItemByPrefix(const LLString& target, BOOL case_sensitive) { return selectSimpleItemByPrefix(utf8str_to_wstring(target), case_sensitive); } // Selects first enabled item that has a name where the name's first part matched the target string. // Returns false if item not found. BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::selectSimpleItemByPrefix(const LLWString& target, BOOL case_sensitive) { BOOL found = FALSE; LLWString target_trimmed( target ); S32 target_len = target_trimmed.size(); if( 0 == target_len ) { // Is "" a valid choice? item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; // Only select enabled items with matching names LLScrollListCell* cellp = item->getColumn(mSearchColumn); BOOL select = cellp ? item->getEnabled() && ('\0' == cellp->getText()[0]) : FALSE; if (select) { selectItem(item); found = TRUE; break; } } } else { if (!case_sensitive) { // do comparisons in lower case LLWString::toLower(target_trimmed); } for (item_list::iterator iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; // Only select enabled items with matching names LLScrollListCell* cellp = item->getColumn(mSearchColumn); if (!cellp) { continue; } LLWString item_label = utf8str_to_wstring(cellp->getText()); if (!case_sensitive) { LLWString::toLower(item_label); } // remove extraneous whitespace from searchable label LLWString trimmed_label = item_label; LLWString::trim(trimmed_label); BOOL select = item->getEnabled() && trimmed_label.compare(0, target_trimmed.size(), target_trimmed) == 0; if (select) { // find offset of matching text (might have leading whitespace) S32 offset = item_label.find(target_trimmed); cellp->highlightText(offset, target_trimmed.size()); selectItem(item); found = TRUE; break; } } } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } return found; } const LLString& LLScrollListCtrl::getSimpleSelectedItem(S32 column) const { LLScrollListItem* item; item = getFirstSelected(); if (item) { return item->getColumn(column)->getText(); } return LLString::null; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "StringUUID" interface: use this when you're creating a list that contains non-unique strings each of which // has an associated, unique UUID, and only one of which can be selected at a time. LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::addStringUUIDItem(const LLString& item_text, const LLUUID& id, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled, S32 column_width) { LLScrollListItem* item = NULL; if (getItemCount() < mMaxItemCount) { item = new LLScrollListItem( enabled, NULL, id ); item->addColumn(item_text, gResMgr->getRes(LLFONT_SANSSERIF_SMALL), column_width); addItem( item, pos ); } return item; } LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::addSimpleItem(const LLString& item_text, LLSD sd, EAddPosition pos, BOOL enabled, S32 column_width) { LLScrollListItem* item = NULL; if (getItemCount() < mMaxItemCount) { item = new LLScrollListItem( sd ); item->setEnabled(enabled); item->addColumn(item_text, gResMgr->getRes(LLFONT_SANSSERIF_SMALL), column_width); addItem( item, pos ); } return item; } // Select the line or lines that match this UUID BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::selectByID( const LLUUID& id ) { return selectByValue( LLSD(id) ); } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::setSelectedByValue(LLSD value, BOOL selected) { BOOL found = FALSE; if (selected && !mAllowMultipleSelection) deselectAllItems(TRUE); item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; if (item->getEnabled() && (item->getValue().asString() == value.asString())) { if (selected) { selectItem(item); } else { deselectItem(item); } found = TRUE; break; } } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } return found; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::isSelected(LLSD value) { item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; if (item->getValue().asString() == value.asString()) { return item->getSelected(); } } return FALSE; } LLUUID LLScrollListCtrl::getStringUUIDSelectedItem() { LLScrollListItem* item = getFirstSelected(); if (item) { return item->getUUID(); } return LLUUID::null; } LLSD LLScrollListCtrl::getSimpleSelectedValue() { LLScrollListItem* item = getFirstSelected(); if (item) { return item->getValue(); } else { return LLSD(); } } void LLScrollListCtrl::drawItems() { S32 x = mItemListRect.mLeft; S32 y = mItemListRect.mTop - mLineHeight; // allow for partial line at bottom S32 num_page_lines = mPageLines + 1; LLRect item_rect; LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; { LLLocalClipRect clip(mItemListRect); S32 cur_x = x; S32 cur_y = y; mDrewSelected = FALSE; S32 line = 0; LLColor4 color; S32 max_columns = 0; item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; item_rect.setOriginAndSize( cur_x, cur_y, mScrollbar->getVisible() ? mItemListRect.getWidth() : mItemListRect.getWidth() + mScrollbar->getRect().getWidth(), mLineHeight ); lldebugs << mItemListRect.getWidth() << llendl; if (item->getSelected()) { mDrewSelected = TRUE; } max_columns = llmax(max_columns, item->getNumColumns()); LLRect bg_rect = item_rect; // pad background rectangle to separate it from contents bg_rect.stretch(LIST_BORDER_PAD, 0); if( mScrollLines <= line && line < mScrollLines + num_page_lines ) { if( item->getSelected() && mCanSelect) { // Draw background of selected item LLGLSNoTexture no_texture; glColor4fv(mBgSelectedColor.mV); gl_rect_2d( bg_rect ); color = mFgSelectedColor; } else if (mHighlightedItem == line && mCanSelect) { LLGLSNoTexture no_texture; glColor4fv(mHighlightedColor.mV); gl_rect_2d( bg_rect ); color = (item->getEnabled() ? mFgUnselectedColor : mFgDisabledColor); } else { color = (item->getEnabled() ? mFgUnselectedColor : mFgDisabledColor); if (mDrawStripes && (line%2 == 0) && (max_columns > 1)) { LLGLSNoTexture no_texture; glColor4fv(mBgStripeColor.mV); gl_rect_2d( bg_rect ); } } S32 line_x = cur_x; { S32 num_cols = item->getNumColumns(); S32 cur_col = 0; S32 dynamic_width = 0; S32 dynamic_remainder = 0; if(mNumDynamicWidthColumns > 0) { dynamic_width = (mItemListRect.getWidth() - mTotalStaticColumnWidth) / mNumDynamicWidthColumns; dynamic_remainder = (mItemListRect.getWidth() - mTotalStaticColumnWidth) % mNumDynamicWidthColumns; } for (LLScrollListCell* cell = item->getColumn(0); cur_col < num_cols; cell = item->getColumn(++cur_col)) { S32 cell_width = cell->getWidth(); if(mColumnsIndexed.size() > (U32)cur_col && mColumnsIndexed[cur_col] && mColumnsIndexed[cur_col]->mDynamicWidth) { cell_width = dynamic_width + (--dynamic_remainder ? 1 : 0); cell->setWidth(cell_width); } // Two ways a cell could be hidden if (cell_width < 0 || !cell->getVisible()) continue; LLUI::pushMatrix(); LLUI::translate((F32) cur_x, (F32) cur_y, 0.0f); S32 space_left = mItemListRect.mRight - cur_x; LLColor4 highlight_color = LLColor4::white; F32 type_ahead_timeout = LLUI::sConfigGroup->getF32("TypeAheadTimeout"); highlight_color.mV[VALPHA] = clamp_rescale(mSearchTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(), type_ahead_timeout * 0.7f, type_ahead_timeout, 0.4f, 0.f); cell->drawToWidth( space_left, color, highlight_color ); LLUI::popMatrix(); cur_x += cell_width + mColumnPadding; } } cur_x = line_x; cur_y -= mLineHeight; } line++; } } } void LLScrollListCtrl::draw() { if( getVisible() ) { if (mNeedsScroll) { scrollToShowSelected(); mNeedsScroll = FALSE; } LLRect background(0, mRect.getHeight(), mRect.getWidth(), 0); // Draw background if (mBackgroundVisible) { LLGLSNoTexture no_texture; glColor4fv( getEnabled() ? mBgWriteableColor.mV : mBgReadOnlyColor.mV ); gl_rect_2d(background); } drawItems(); if (mBorder) { mBorder->setKeyboardFocusHighlight(gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() == this); } LLUICtrl::draw(); } } void LLScrollListCtrl::setEnabled(BOOL enabled) { mCanSelect = enabled; setTabStop(enabled); mScrollbar->setTabStop(!enabled && mScrollbar->getPageSize() < mScrollbar->getDocSize()); } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { BOOL handled = FALSE; // Pretend the mouse is over the scrollbar handled = mScrollbar->handleScrollWheel( 0, 0, clicks ); return handled; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::selectItemAt(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (!mCanSelect) return FALSE; BOOL selection_changed = FALSE; LLScrollListItem* hit_item = hitItem(x, y); if( hit_item ) { if( mAllowMultipleSelection ) { if (mask & MASK_SHIFT) { if (mLastSelected == NULL) { selectItem(hit_item); } else { // Select everthing between mLastSelected and hit_item bool selecting = false; item_list::iterator itor; // If we multiselect backwards, we'll stomp on mLastSelected, // meaning that we never stop selecting until hitting max or // the end of the list. LLScrollListItem* lastSelected = mLastSelected; for (itor = mItemList.begin(); itor != mItemList.end(); ++itor) { if(mMaxSelectable > 0 && getAllSelected().size() >= mMaxSelectable) { if(mOnMaximumSelectCallback) { mOnMaximumSelectCallback(mCallbackUserData); } break; } LLScrollListItem *item = *itor; if (item == hit_item || item == lastSelected) { selectItem(item, FALSE); selecting = !selecting; } if (selecting) { selectItem(item, FALSE); } } } } else if (mask & MASK_CONTROL) { if (hit_item->getSelected()) { deselectItem(hit_item); } else { if(!(mMaxSelectable > 0 && getAllSelected().size() >= mMaxSelectable)) { selectItem(hit_item, FALSE); } else { if(mOnMaximumSelectCallback) { mOnMaximumSelectCallback(mCallbackUserData); } } } } else { deselectAllItems(TRUE); selectItem(hit_item); } } else { selectItem(hit_item); } hit_item->handleClick(x - mBorderThickness - LIST_BORDER_PAD, 1, mask); selection_changed = mSelectionChanged; if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } // clear search string on mouse operations mSearchString.clear(); } else { //mLastSelected = NULL; //deselectAllItems(TRUE); } return selection_changed; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { BOOL handled = LLView::childrenHandleMouseDown(x, y, mask) != NULL; if( !handled ) { // set keyboard focus first, in case click action wants to move focus elsewhere setFocus(TRUE); // clear selection changed flag so because user is starting a selection operation mSelectionChanged = FALSE; gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(this); selectItemAt(x, y, mask); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; } return TRUE; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (hasMouseCapture()) { // release mouse capture immediately so // scroll to show selected logic will work gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(NULL); if(mask == MASK_NONE) { selectItemAt(x, y, mask); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; } } // always commit when mouse operation is completed inside list if (mItemListRect.pointInRect(x,y)) { mDirty |= mSelectionChanged; mSelectionChanged = FALSE; onCommit(); } return LLUICtrl::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask); } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { //BOOL handled = FALSE; if(getVisible()) { // Offer the click to the children, even if we aren't enabled // so the scroll bars will work. if (NULL == LLView::childrenHandleDoubleClick(x, y, mask)) { if( mCanSelect && mOnDoubleClickCallback ) { mOnDoubleClickCallback( mCallbackUserData ); } } } return TRUE; } LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::hitItem( S32 x, S32 y ) { // Excludes disabled items. LLScrollListItem* hit_item = NULL; LLRect item_rect; item_rect.setLeftTopAndSize( mItemListRect.mLeft, mItemListRect.mTop, mItemListRect.getWidth(), mLineHeight ); // allow for partial line at bottom S32 num_page_lines = mPageLines + 1; S32 line = 0; item_list::iterator iter; for(iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; if( mScrollLines <= line && line < mScrollLines + num_page_lines ) { if( item->getEnabled() && item_rect.pointInRect( x, y ) ) { hit_item = item; break; } item_rect.translate(0, -mLineHeight); } line++; } return hit_item; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::handleHover(S32 x,S32 y,MASK mask) { BOOL handled = FALSE; if (hasMouseCapture()) { if(mask == MASK_NONE) { selectItemAt(x, y, mask); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; } } else if (mCanSelect) { LLScrollListItem* item = hitItem(x, y); if (item) { highlightNthItem(getItemIndex(item)); } else { highlightNthItem(-1); } } handled = LLUICtrl::handleHover( x, y, mask ); //if( !handled ) //{ // // Opaque // getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW); // lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by " << getName() << llendl; // handled = TRUE; //} return handled; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::handleKeyHere(KEY key,MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent ) { BOOL handled = FALSE; // not called from parent means we have keyboard focus or a child does if (mCanSelect && !called_from_parent) { // Ignore capslock mask = mask; if (mask == MASK_NONE) { switch(key) { case KEY_UP: if (mAllowKeyboardMovement || hasFocus()) { // commit implicit in call selectPrevItem(FALSE); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; handled = TRUE; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (mAllowKeyboardMovement || hasFocus()) { // commit implicit in call selectNextItem(FALSE); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; handled = TRUE; } break; case KEY_PAGE_UP: if (mAllowKeyboardMovement || hasFocus()) { selectNthItem(getFirstSelectedIndex() - (mScrollbar->getPageSize() - 1)); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && !mCommitOnSelectionChange) { onCommit(); } handled = TRUE; } break; case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: if (mAllowKeyboardMovement || hasFocus()) { selectNthItem(getFirstSelectedIndex() + (mScrollbar->getPageSize() - 1)); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && !mCommitOnSelectionChange) { onCommit(); } handled = TRUE; } break; case KEY_HOME: if (mAllowKeyboardMovement || hasFocus()) { selectFirstItem(); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && !mCommitOnSelectionChange) { onCommit(); } handled = TRUE; } break; case KEY_END: if (mAllowKeyboardMovement || hasFocus()) { selectNthItem(getItemCount() - 1); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && !mCommitOnSelectionChange) { onCommit(); } handled = TRUE; } break; case KEY_RETURN: // JC - Special case: Only claim to have handled it // if we're the special non-commit-on-move // type. AND we are visible if (!mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && mask == MASK_NONE && getVisible()) { onCommit(); mSearchString.clear(); handled = TRUE; } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: mSearchTimer.reset(); if (mSearchString.size()) { mSearchString.erase(mSearchString.size() - 1, 1); } if (mSearchString.empty()) { if (getFirstSelected()) { LLScrollListCell* cellp = getFirstSelected()->getColumn(mSearchColumn); if (cellp) { cellp->highlightText(0, 0); } } } else if (selectSimpleItemByPrefix(wstring_to_utf8str(mSearchString), FALSE)) { mNeedsScroll = TRUE; // update search string only on successful match mSearchTimer.reset(); if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && !mCommitOnSelectionChange) { onCommit(); } } break; default: break; } } // TODO: multiple: shift-up, shift-down, shift-home, shift-end, select all } return handled; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::handleUnicodeCharHere(llwchar uni_char, BOOL called_from_parent) { if ((uni_char < 0x20) || (uni_char == 0x7F)) // Control character or DEL { return FALSE; } // perform incremental search based on keyboard input if (mSearchTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > LLUI::sConfigGroup->getF32("TypeAheadTimeout")) { mSearchString.clear(); } // type ahead search is case insensitive uni_char = LLStringOps::toLower((llwchar)uni_char); if (selectSimpleItemByPrefix(wstring_to_utf8str(mSearchString + (llwchar)uni_char), FALSE)) { // update search string only on successful match mNeedsScroll = TRUE; mSearchString += uni_char; mSearchTimer.reset(); if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && !mCommitOnSelectionChange) { onCommit(); } } // handle iterating over same starting character else if (isRepeatedChars(mSearchString + (llwchar)uni_char) && !mItemList.empty()) { // start from last selected item, in case we previously had a successful match against // duplicated characters ('AA' matches 'Aaron') item_list::iterator start_iter = mItemList.begin(); S32 first_selected = getFirstSelectedIndex(); // if we have a selection (> -1) then point iterator at the selected item if (first_selected > 0) { // point iterator to first selected item start_iter += first_selected; } // start search at first item after current selection item_list::iterator iter = start_iter; ++iter; if (iter == mItemList.end()) { iter = mItemList.begin(); } // loop around once, back to previous selection while(iter != start_iter) { LLScrollListItem* item = *iter; LLScrollListCell* cellp = item->getColumn(mSearchColumn); if (cellp) { // Only select enabled items with matching first characters LLWString item_label = utf8str_to_wstring(cellp->getText()); if (item->getEnabled() && LLStringOps::toLower(item_label[0]) == uni_char) { selectItem(item); mNeedsScroll = TRUE; cellp->highlightText(0, 1); mSearchTimer.reset(); if (mCommitOnKeyboardMovement && !mCommitOnSelectionChange) { onCommit(); } break; } } ++iter; if (iter == mItemList.end()) { iter = mItemList.begin(); } } } return TRUE; } void LLScrollListCtrl::reportInvalidInput() { make_ui_sound("UISndBadKeystroke"); } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::isRepeatedChars(const LLWString& string) const { if (string.empty()) { return FALSE; } llwchar first_char = string[0]; for (U32 i = 0; i < string.size(); i++) { if (string[i] != first_char) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void LLScrollListCtrl::selectItem(LLScrollListItem* itemp, BOOL select_single_item) { if (!itemp) return; if (!itemp->getSelected()) { if (mLastSelected) { LLScrollListCell* cellp = mLastSelected->getColumn(mSearchColumn); if (cellp) { cellp->highlightText(0, 0); } } if (select_single_item) { deselectAllItems(TRUE); } itemp->setSelected(TRUE); mLastSelected = itemp; mSelectionChanged = TRUE; } } void LLScrollListCtrl::deselectItem(LLScrollListItem* itemp) { if (!itemp) return; if (itemp->getSelected()) { if (mLastSelected == itemp) { mLastSelected = NULL; } itemp->setSelected(FALSE); LLScrollListCell* cellp = itemp->getColumn(mSearchColumn); if (cellp) { cellp->highlightText(0, 0); } mSelectionChanged = TRUE; } } void LLScrollListCtrl::commitIfChanged() { if (mSelectionChanged) { mDirty = TRUE; mSelectionChanged = FALSE; onCommit(); } } void LLScrollListCtrl::setSorted(BOOL sorted) { mSorted = sorted; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::isSorted() { return mSorted; } // Called by scrollbar //static void LLScrollListCtrl::onScrollChange( S32 new_pos, LLScrollbar* scrollbar, void* userdata ) { LLScrollListCtrl* self = (LLScrollListCtrl*) userdata; self->mScrollLines = new_pos; } // First column is column 0 void LLScrollListCtrl::sortByColumn(U32 column, BOOL ascending) { if (!mSorted || mSortColumn != column) { mSortColumn = column; std::sort(mItemList.begin(), mItemList.end(), SortScrollListItem(mSortColumn, mSortAscending)); setSorted(TRUE); } // just reverse the list if changing sort order if(mSortAscending != ascending) { std::reverse(mItemList.begin(), mItemList.end()); mSortAscending = ascending; } } void LLScrollListCtrl::sortByColumn(LLString name, BOOL ascending) { if (name.empty()) { sortByColumn(mSortColumn, mSortAscending); return; } std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::iterator itor = mColumns.find(name); if (itor != mColumns.end()) { sortByColumn((*itor).second.mIndex, ascending); } } S32 LLScrollListCtrl::getScrollPos() { return mScrollbar->getDocPos(); } void LLScrollListCtrl::setScrollPos( S32 pos ) { mScrollbar->setDocPos( pos ); onScrollChange(mScrollbar->getDocPos(), mScrollbar, this); } void LLScrollListCtrl::scrollToShowSelected() { // don't scroll automatically when capturing mouse input // as that will change what is currently under the mouse cursor if (hasMouseCapture()) { return; } S32 index = getFirstSelectedIndex(); if (index < 0) { return; } LLScrollListItem* item = mItemList[index]; if (!item) { // I don't THINK this should ever happen. return; } S32 lowest = mScrollLines; S32 highest = mScrollLines + mPageLines; if (index < lowest) { // need to scroll to show item setScrollPos(index); } else if (highest <= index) { setScrollPos(index - mPageLines + 1); } } // virtual LLXMLNodePtr LLScrollListCtrl::getXML(bool save_children) const { LLXMLNodePtr node = LLUICtrl::getXML(); // Attributes node->createChild("multi_select", TRUE)->setBoolValue(mAllowMultipleSelection); node->createChild("draw_border", TRUE)->setBoolValue((mBorder != NULL)); node->createChild("draw_heading", TRUE)->setBoolValue(mDisplayColumnHeaders); node->createChild("background_visible", TRUE)->setBoolValue(mBackgroundVisible); node->createChild("draw_stripes", TRUE)->setBoolValue(mDrawStripes); node->createChild("column_padding", TRUE)->setIntValue(mColumnPadding); addColorXML(node, mBgWriteableColor, "bg_writeable_color", "ScrollBgWriteableColor"); addColorXML(node, mBgReadOnlyColor, "bg_read_only_color", "ScrollBgReadOnlyColor"); addColorXML(node, mBgSelectedColor, "bg_selected_color", "ScrollSelectedBGColor"); addColorXML(node, mBgStripeColor, "bg_stripe_color", "ScrollBGStripeColor"); addColorXML(node, mFgSelectedColor, "fg_selected_color", "ScrollSelectedFGColor"); addColorXML(node, mFgUnselectedColor, "fg_unselected_color", "ScrollUnselectedColor"); addColorXML(node, mFgDisabledColor, "fg_disable_color", "ScrollDisabledColor"); addColorXML(node, mHighlightedColor, "highlighted_color", "ScrollHighlightedColor"); // Contents std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::const_iterator itor; std::vector<const LLScrollListColumn*> sorted_list; sorted_list.resize(mColumns.size()); for (itor = mColumns.begin(); itor != mColumns.end(); ++itor) { sorted_list[itor->second.mIndex] = &itor->second; } std::vector<const LLScrollListColumn*>::iterator itor2; for (itor2 = sorted_list.begin(); itor2 != sorted_list.end(); ++itor2) { LLXMLNodePtr child_node = node->createChild("column", FALSE); const LLScrollListColumn *column = *itor2; child_node->createChild("name", TRUE)->setStringValue(column->mName); child_node->createChild("label", TRUE)->setStringValue(column->mLabel); child_node->createChild("width", TRUE)->setIntValue(column->mWidth); } return node; } void LLScrollListCtrl::setScrollListParameters(LLXMLNodePtr node) { // James: This is not a good way to do colors. We need a central "UI style" // manager that sets the colors for ALL scroll lists, buttons, etc. LLColor4 color; if(node->hasAttribute("fg_unselected_color")) { LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"fg_unselected_color", color); setFgUnselectedColor(color); } if(node->hasAttribute("fg_selected_color")) { LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"fg_selected_color", color); setFgSelectedColor(color); } if(node->hasAttribute("bg_selected_color")) { LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"bg_selected_color", color); setBgSelectedColor(color); } if(node->hasAttribute("fg_disable_color")) { LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"fg_disable_color", color); setFgDisableColor(color); } if(node->hasAttribute("bg_writeable_color")) { LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"bg_writeable_color", color); setBgWriteableColor(color); } if(node->hasAttribute("bg_read_only_color")) { LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"bg_read_only_color", color); setReadOnlyBgColor(color); } if (LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"bg_stripe_color", color)) { setBgStripeColor(color); } if (LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"highlighted_color", color)) { setHighlightedColor(color); } if(node->hasAttribute("background_visible")) { BOOL background_visible; node->getAttributeBOOL("background_visible", background_visible); setBackgroundVisible(background_visible); } if(node->hasAttribute("draw_stripes")) { BOOL draw_stripes; node->getAttributeBOOL("draw_stripes", draw_stripes); setDrawStripes(draw_stripes); } if(node->hasAttribute("column_padding")) { S32 column_padding; node->getAttributeS32("column_padding", column_padding); setColumnPadding(column_padding); } } // static LLView* LLScrollListCtrl::fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory) { LLString name("scroll_list"); node->getAttributeString("name", name); LLRect rect; createRect(node, rect, parent, LLRect()); BOOL multi_select = FALSE; node->getAttributeBOOL("multi_select", multi_select); BOOL draw_border = TRUE; node->getAttributeBOOL("draw_border", draw_border); BOOL draw_heading = FALSE; node->getAttributeBOOL("draw_heading", draw_heading); BOOL collapse_empty_columns = FALSE; node->getAttributeBOOL("collapse_empty_columns", collapse_empty_columns); S32 search_column = 0; node->getAttributeS32("search_column", search_column); LLUICtrlCallback callback = NULL; LLScrollListCtrl* scroll_list = new LLScrollListCtrl( name, rect, callback, NULL, multi_select, draw_border); scroll_list->setDisplayHeading(draw_heading); if (node->hasAttribute("heading_height")) { S32 heading_height; node->getAttributeS32("heading_height", heading_height); scroll_list->setHeadingHeight(heading_height); } scroll_list->setCollapseEmptyColumns(collapse_empty_columns); scroll_list->setScrollListParameters(node); scroll_list->initFromXML(node, parent); scroll_list->setSearchColumn(search_column); LLSD columns; S32 index = 0; LLXMLNodePtr child; S32 total_static = 0, num_dynamic = 0; for (child = node->getFirstChild(); child.notNull(); child = child->getNextSibling()) { if (child->hasName("column")) { LLString labelname(""); child->getAttributeString("label", labelname); LLString columnname(labelname); child->getAttributeString("name", columnname); LLString sortname(columnname); child->getAttributeString("sort", sortname); BOOL sort_ascending = TRUE; child->getAttributeBOOL("sort_ascending", sort_ascending); LLString imagename; child->getAttributeString("image", imagename); BOOL columndynamicwidth = FALSE; child->getAttributeBOOL("dynamicwidth", columndynamicwidth); S32 columnwidth = -1; child->getAttributeS32("width", columnwidth); if(!columndynamicwidth) total_static += columnwidth; else ++num_dynamic; F32 columnrelwidth = 0.f; child->getAttributeF32("relwidth", columnrelwidth); LLFontGL::HAlign h_align = LLFontGL::LEFT; h_align = LLView::selectFontHAlign(child); columns[index]["name"] = columnname; columns[index]["sort"] = sortname; columns[index]["sort_ascending"] = sort_ascending; columns[index]["image"] = imagename; columns[index]["label"] = labelname; columns[index]["width"] = columnwidth; columns[index]["relwidth"] = columnrelwidth; columns[index]["dynamicwidth"] = columndynamicwidth; columns[index]["halign"] = (S32)h_align; index++; } } scroll_list->setNumDynamicColumns(num_dynamic); scroll_list->setTotalStaticColumnWidth(total_static); scroll_list->setColumnHeadings(columns); for (child = node->getFirstChild(); child.notNull(); child = child->getNextSibling()) { if (child->hasName("row")) { LLUUID id; child->getAttributeUUID("id", id); LLSD row; row["id"] = id; S32 column_idx = 0; LLXMLNodePtr row_child; for (row_child = child->getFirstChild(); row_child.notNull(); row_child = row_child->getNextSibling()) { if (row_child->hasName("column")) { LLString value = row_child->getTextContents(); LLString columnname(""); row_child->getAttributeString("name", columnname); LLString font(""); row_child->getAttributeString("font", font); LLString font_style(""); row_child->getAttributeString("font-style", font_style); row["columns"][column_idx]["column"] = columnname; row["columns"][column_idx]["value"] = value; row["columns"][column_idx]["font"] = font; row["columns"][column_idx]["font-style"] = font_style; column_idx++; } } scroll_list->addElement(row); } } LLString contents = node->getTextContents(); if (!contents.empty()) { typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer; boost::char_separator<char> sep("\t\n"); tokenizer tokens(contents, sep); tokenizer::iterator token_iter = tokens.begin(); while(token_iter != tokens.end()) { const char* line = token_iter->c_str(); scroll_list->addSimpleItem(line); ++token_iter; } } return scroll_list; } // LLEditMenuHandler functions // virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::copy() { LLString buffer; std::vector<LLScrollListItem*> items = getAllSelected(); std::vector<LLScrollListItem*>::iterator itor; for (itor = items.begin(); itor != items.end(); ++itor) { buffer += (*itor)->getContentsCSV() + "\n"; } gClipboard.copyFromSubstring(utf8str_to_wstring(buffer), 0, buffer.length()); } // virtual BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::canCopy() { return (getFirstSelected() != NULL); } // virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::cut() { copy(); doDelete(); } // virtual BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::canCut() { return canCopy() && canDoDelete(); } // virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::doDelete() { // Not yet implemented } // virtual BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::canDoDelete() { // Not yet implemented return FALSE; } // virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::selectAll() { // Deselects all other items item_list::iterator iter; for (iter = mItemList.begin(); iter != mItemList.end(); iter++) { LLScrollListItem *itemp = *iter; if( itemp->getEnabled() ) { selectItem(itemp, FALSE); } } if (mCommitOnSelectionChange) { commitIfChanged(); } } // virtual BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::canSelectAll() { return getCanSelect() && mAllowMultipleSelection && !(mMaxSelectable > 0 && mItemList.size() > mMaxSelectable); } // virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::deselect() { deselectAllItems(); } // virtual BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::canDeselect() { return getCanSelect(); } void LLScrollListCtrl::addColumn(const LLSD& column, EAddPosition pos) { LLString name = column["name"].asString(); if (mColumns.empty()) { mDefaultColumn = 0; } // if no column name provided, just use ordinal as name if (name.empty()) { std::ostringstream new_name; new_name << mColumnsIndexed.size(); name = new_name.str(); } if (mColumns.find(name) == mColumns.end()) { // Add column mColumns[name] = LLScrollListColumn(column); LLScrollListColumn* new_column = &mColumns[name]; new_column->mParentCtrl = this; new_column->mIndex = mColumns.size()-1; // Add button if (new_column->mWidth > 0 || new_column->mRelWidth > 0 || new_column->mDynamicWidth) { if (new_column->mRelWidth >= 0) { new_column->mWidth = (S32)llround(new_column->mRelWidth*mItemListRect.getWidth()); } else if(new_column->mDynamicWidth) { new_column->mWidth = (mItemListRect.getWidth() - mTotalStaticColumnWidth) / mNumDynamicWidthColumns; } S32 top = mItemListRect.mTop; S32 left = mItemListRect.mLeft; { std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::iterator itor; for (itor = mColumns.begin(); itor != mColumns.end(); ++itor) { if (itor->second.mIndex < new_column->mIndex && itor->second.mWidth > 0) { left += itor->second.mWidth + mColumnPadding; } } } LLString button_name = "btn_" + name; S32 right = left+new_column->mWidth; if (new_column->mIndex != (S32)mColumns.size()-1) { right += mColumnPadding; } LLRect temp_rect = LLRect(left,top+mHeadingHeight,right,top); new_column->mHeader = new LLColumnHeader(button_name, temp_rect, new_column); if(column["image"].asString() != "") { //new_column->mHeader->setScaleImage(false); new_column->mHeader->setImage(column["image"].asString()); } else { new_column->mHeader->setLabel(new_column->mLabel); //new_column->mHeader->setLabel(new_column->mLabel); } //RN: although it might be useful to change sort order with the keyboard, // mixing tab stops on child items along with the parent item is not supported yet new_column->mHeader->setTabStop(FALSE); addChild(new_column->mHeader); new_column->mHeader->setVisible(mDisplayColumnHeaders); // Move scroll to front removeChild(mScrollbar); addChild(mScrollbar); } } updateColumns(); } // static void LLScrollListCtrl::onClickColumn(void *userdata) { LLScrollListColumn *info = (LLScrollListColumn*)userdata; if (!info) return; LLScrollListCtrl *parent = info->mParentCtrl; if (!parent) return; U32 column_index = info->mIndex; LLScrollListColumn* column = parent->mColumnsIndexed[info->mIndex]; bool ascending = column->mSortAscending; if (column->mSortingColumn != column->mName) { if (parent->mColumns.find(column->mSortingColumn) != parent->mColumns.end()) { LLScrollListColumn& info_redir = parent->mColumns[column->mSortingColumn]; column_index = info_redir.mIndex; } } if (column_index == parent->mSortColumn) { ascending = !parent->mSortAscending; } parent->sortByColumn(column_index, ascending); if (parent->mOnSortChangedCallback) { parent->mOnSortChangedCallback(parent->getCallbackUserData()); } } std::string LLScrollListCtrl::getSortColumnName() { LLScrollListColumn* column = mSortColumn >= 0 ? mColumnsIndexed[mSortColumn] : NULL; if (column) return column->mName; else return ""; } void LLScrollListCtrl::clearColumns() { std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::iterator itor; for (itor = mColumns.begin(); itor != mColumns.end(); ++itor) { LLColumnHeader *header = itor->second.mHeader; if (header) { removeChild(header); delete header; } } mColumns.clear(); } void LLScrollListCtrl::setColumnLabel(const LLString& column, const LLString& label) { std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::iterator itor = mColumns.find(column); if (itor != mColumns.end()) { itor->second.mLabel = label; if (itor->second.mHeader) { itor->second.mHeader->setLabel(label); } } } LLScrollListColumn* LLScrollListCtrl::getColumn(S32 index) { if (index < 0 || index >= (S32)mColumnsIndexed.size()) { return NULL; } return mColumnsIndexed[index]; } void LLScrollListCtrl::setColumnHeadings(LLSD headings) { mColumns.clear(); LLSD::array_const_iterator itor; for (itor = headings.beginArray(); itor != headings.endArray(); ++itor) { addColumn(*itor); } } LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::addElement(const LLSD& value, EAddPosition pos, void* userdata) { // ID LLSD id = value["id"]; LLScrollListItem *new_item = new LLScrollListItem(id, userdata); if (value.has("enabled")) { new_item->setEnabled( value["enabled"].asBoolean() ); } new_item->setNumColumns(mColumns.size()); // Add any columns we don't already have LLSD columns = value["columns"]; LLSD::array_const_iterator itor; S32 col_index = 0 ; for (itor = columns.beginArray(); itor != columns.endArray(); ++itor) { LLString column = (*itor)["column"].asString(); if (mColumns.size() == 0) { mDefaultColumn = 0; } LLScrollListColumn* columnp = NULL; // empty columns strings index by ordinal if (column.empty()) { std::ostringstream new_name; new_name << col_index; column = new_name.str(); } std::map<LLString, LLScrollListColumn>::iterator column_itor; column_itor = mColumns.find(column); if (column_itor != mColumns.end()) { columnp = &column_itor->second; } // create new column on demand if (!columnp) { LLSD new_column; new_column["name"] = column; new_column["label"] = column; new_column["width"] = (*itor)["width"]; addColumn(new_column); columnp = &mColumns.find(column)->second; new_item->setNumColumns(mColumns.size()); } S32 index = columnp->mIndex; S32 width = columnp->mWidth; LLFontGL::HAlign font_alignment = columnp->mFontAlignment; LLSD value = (*itor)["value"]; LLString fontname = (*itor)["font"].asString(); LLString fontstyle = (*itor)["font-style"].asString(); LLString type = (*itor)["type"].asString(); BOOL has_color = (*itor).has("color"); LLColor4 color = ((*itor)["color"]); const LLFontGL *font = gResMgr->getRes(fontname); if (!font) { font = gResMgr->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF_SMALL ); } U8 font_style = LLFontGL::getStyleFromString(fontstyle); if (type == "icon") { LLUUID image_id = value.asUUID(); LLImageGL* icon = LLUI::sImageProvider->getUIImageByID(image_id); LLScrollListIcon* cell = new LLScrollListIcon(icon, width, image_id); if (has_color) { cell->setColor(color); } new_item->setColumn(index, cell); } else if (type == "checkbox") { LLCheckBoxCtrl* ctrl = new LLCheckBoxCtrl(value.asString(), LLRect(0, 0, width, width), "label"); LLScrollListCheck* cell = new LLScrollListCheck(ctrl,width); if (has_color) { cell->setColor(color); } new_item->setColumn(index, cell); } else if (type == "separator") { LLScrollListSeparator* cell = new LLScrollListSeparator(width); if (has_color) { cell->setColor(color); } new_item->setColumn(index, cell); } else { LLScrollListText* cell = new LLScrollListText(value.asString(), font, width, font_style, font_alignment); if (has_color) { cell->setColor(color); } new_item->setColumn(index, cell); if (columnp->mHeader && !value.asString().empty()) { columnp->mHeader->setHasResizableElement(TRUE); } } col_index++; } S32 num_columns = mColumns.size(); for (S32 column = 0; column < num_columns; ++column) { if (new_item->getColumn(column) == NULL) { LLScrollListColumn* column_ptr = mColumnsIndexed[column]; new_item->setColumn(column, new LLScrollListText("", gResMgr->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF_SMALL ), column_ptr->mWidth, LLFontGL::NORMAL)); } } addItem(new_item, pos); return new_item; } LLScrollListItem* LLScrollListCtrl::addSimpleElement(const LLString& value, EAddPosition pos, const LLSD& id) { LLSD entry_id = id; if (id.isUndefined()) { entry_id = value; } LLScrollListItem *new_item = new LLScrollListItem(entry_id); const LLFontGL *font = gResMgr->getRes( LLFONT_SANSSERIF_SMALL ); new_item->addColumn(value, font, getRect().getWidth()); addItem(new_item, pos); return new_item; } void LLScrollListCtrl::setValue(const LLSD& value ) { LLSD::array_const_iterator itor; for (itor = value.beginArray(); itor != value.endArray(); ++itor) { addElement(*itor); } } LLSD LLScrollListCtrl::getValue() const { LLScrollListItem *item = getFirstSelected(); if (!item) return LLSD(); return item->getValue(); } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::operateOnSelection(EOperation op) { if (op == OP_DELETE) { deleteSelectedItems(); return TRUE; } else if (op == OP_DESELECT) { deselectAllItems(); } return FALSE; } BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::operateOnAll(EOperation op) { if (op == OP_DELETE) { clearRows(); return TRUE; } else if (op == OP_DESELECT) { deselectAllItems(); } else if (op == OP_SELECT) { selectAll(); } return FALSE; } //virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::setFocus(BOOL b) { mSearchString.clear(); // for tabbing into pristine scroll lists (Finder) if (!getFirstSelected()) { selectFirstItem(); //onCommit(); // SJB: selectFirstItem() will call onCommit() if appropriate } LLUICtrl::setFocus(b); } // virtual BOOL LLScrollListCtrl::isDirty() const { BOOL grubby = mDirty; if ( !mAllowMultipleSelection ) { grubby = (mOriginalSelection != getFirstSelectedIndex()); } return grubby; } // Clear dirty state void LLScrollListCtrl::resetDirty() { mDirty = FALSE; mOriginalSelection = getFirstSelectedIndex(); } //virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::onFocusReceived() { // forget latent selection changes when getting focus mSelectionChanged = FALSE; } //virtual void LLScrollListCtrl::onFocusLost() { if (mIsPopup) { if (getParent()) { getParent()->onFocusLost(); } } if (hasMouseCapture()) { gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(NULL); } LLUICtrl::onFocusLost(); } LLColumnHeader::LLColumnHeader(const LLString& label, const LLRect &rect, LLScrollListColumn* column, const LLFontGL* fontp) : LLComboBox(label, rect, label, NULL, NULL), mColumn(column), mOrigLabel(label), mShowSortOptions(FALSE), mHasResizableElement(FALSE) { mListPosition = LLComboBox::ABOVE; setCommitCallback(onSelectSort); setCallbackUserData(this); mButton->setTabStop(FALSE); // require at least two frames between mouse down and mouse up event to capture intentional "hold" not just bad framerate mButton->setHeldDownDelay(LLUI::sConfigGroup->getF32("ColumnHeaderDropDownDelay"), 2); mButton->setHeldDownCallback(onHeldDown); mButton->setClickedCallback(onClick); mButton->setMouseDownCallback(onMouseDown); mButton->setCallbackUserData(this); mAscendingText = "[LOW]...[HIGH](Ascending)"; mDescendingText = "[HIGH]...[LOW](Descending)"; mList->reshape(llmax(mList->getRect().getWidth(), 110, mRect.getWidth()), mList->getRect().getHeight()); // resize handles on left and right const S32 RESIZE_BAR_THICKNESS = 3; mResizeBar = new LLResizeBar( "resizebar", this, LLRect( mRect.getWidth() - RESIZE_BAR_THICKNESS, mRect.getHeight(), mRect.getWidth(), 0), MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH, S32_MAX, LLResizeBar::RIGHT ); addChild(mResizeBar); mResizeBar->setEnabled(FALSE); } LLColumnHeader::~LLColumnHeader() { } void LLColumnHeader::draw() { if( getVisible() ) { mDrawArrow = !mColumn->mLabel.empty() && mColumn->mParentCtrl->isSorted() && mColumn->mParentCtrl->getSortColumnName() == mColumn->mSortingColumn; BOOL is_ascending = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getSortAscending(); mArrowImage = is_ascending ? LLUI::sImageProvider->getUIImageByID(LLUUID(LLUI::sAssetsGroup->getString("up_arrow.tga"))) : LLUI::sImageProvider->getUIImageByID(LLUUID(LLUI::sAssetsGroup->getString("down_arrow.tga"))); //BOOL clip = mRect.mRight > mColumn->mParentCtrl->getItemListRect().getWidth(); //LLGLEnable scissor_test(clip ? GL_SCISSOR_TEST : GL_FALSE); //LLRect column_header_local_rect(-mRect.mLeft, mRect.getHeight(), mColumn->mParentCtrl->getItemListRect().getWidth() - mRect.mLeft, 0); //LLUI::setScissorRegionLocal(column_header_local_rect); // Draw children LLComboBox::draw(); if (mList->getVisible()) { // sync sort order with list selection every frame mColumn->mParentCtrl->sortByColumn(mColumn->mSortingColumn, getCurrentIndex() == 0); } } } BOOL LLColumnHeader::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (canResize() && mResizeBar->getRect().pointInRect(x, y)) { // reshape column to max content width LLRect column_rect = getRect(); column_rect.mRight = column_rect.mLeft + mColumn->mMaxContentWidth; userSetShape(column_rect); } else { onClick(this); } return TRUE; } void LLColumnHeader::setImage(const LLString &image_name) { if (mButton) { mButton->setImageSelected(image_name); mButton->setImageUnselected(image_name); } } //static void LLColumnHeader::onClick(void* user_data) { LLColumnHeader* headerp = (LLColumnHeader*)user_data; if (!headerp) return; LLScrollListColumn* column = headerp->mColumn; if (!column) return; if (headerp->mList->getVisible()) { headerp->hideList(); } LLScrollListCtrl::onClickColumn(column); // propage new sort order to sort order list headerp->mList->selectNthItem(column->mParentCtrl->getSortAscending() ? 0 : 1); } //static void LLColumnHeader::onMouseDown(void* user_data) { // for now, do nothing but block the normal showList() behavior return; } //static void LLColumnHeader::onHeldDown(void* user_data) { LLColumnHeader* headerp = (LLColumnHeader*)user_data; headerp->showList(); } void LLColumnHeader::showList() { if (mShowSortOptions) { //LLSD item_val = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getFirstData()->getValue(); mOrigLabel = mButton->getLabelSelected(); // move sort column over to this column and do initial sort mColumn->mParentCtrl->sortByColumn(mColumn->mSortingColumn, mColumn->mParentCtrl->getSortAscending()); LLString low_item_text; LLString high_item_text; LLScrollListItem* itemp = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getFirstData(); if (itemp) { LLScrollListCell* cell = itemp->getColumn(mColumn->mIndex); if (cell && cell->isText()) { if (mColumn->mParentCtrl->getSortAscending()) { low_item_text = cell->getText(); } else { high_item_text = cell->getText(); } } } itemp = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getLastData(); if (itemp) { LLScrollListCell* cell = itemp->getColumn(mColumn->mIndex); if (cell && cell->isText()) { if (mColumn->mParentCtrl->getSortAscending()) { high_item_text = cell->getText(); } else { low_item_text = cell->getText(); } } } LLString::truncate(low_item_text, 3); LLString::truncate(high_item_text, 3); LLString ascending_string; LLString descending_string; if (low_item_text.empty() || high_item_text.empty()) { ascending_string = "Ascending"; descending_string = "Descending"; } else { mAscendingText.setArg("[LOW]", low_item_text); mAscendingText.setArg("[HIGH]", high_item_text); mDescendingText.setArg("[LOW]", low_item_text); mDescendingText.setArg("[HIGH]", high_item_text); ascending_string = mAscendingText.getString(); descending_string = mDescendingText.getString(); } S32 text_width = LLFontGL::sSansSerifSmall->getWidth(ascending_string); text_width = llmax(text_width, LLFontGL::sSansSerifSmall->getWidth(descending_string)) + 10; text_width = llmax(text_width, mRect.getWidth() - 30); mList->getColumn(0)->mWidth = text_width; ((LLScrollListText*)mList->getFirstData()->getColumn(0))->setText(ascending_string); ((LLScrollListText*)mList->getLastData()->getColumn(0))->setText(descending_string); mList->reshape(llmax(text_width + 30, 110, mRect.getWidth()), mList->getRect().getHeight()); LLComboBox::showList(); } } //static void LLColumnHeader::onSelectSort(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* user_data) { LLColumnHeader* headerp = (LLColumnHeader*)user_data; if (!headerp) return; LLScrollListColumn* column = headerp->mColumn; if (!column) return; LLScrollListCtrl *parent = column->mParentCtrl; if (!parent) return; if (headerp->getCurrentIndex() == 0) { // ascending parent->sortByColumn(column->mSortingColumn, TRUE); } else { // descending parent->sortByColumn(column->mSortingColumn, FALSE); } // restore original column header headerp->setLabel(headerp->mOrigLabel); } LLView* LLColumnHeader::findSnapEdge(S32& new_edge_val, const LLCoordGL& mouse_dir, ESnapEdge snap_edge, ESnapType snap_type, S32 threshold, S32 padding) { // this logic assumes dragging on right llassert(snap_edge == SNAP_RIGHT); // use higher snap threshold for column headers threshold = llmin(threshold, 15); LLRect snap_rect = getSnapRect(); S32 snap_delta = mColumn->mMaxContentWidth - snap_rect.getWidth(); // x coord growing means column growing, so same signs mean we're going in right direction if (llabs(snap_delta) <= threshold && mouse_dir.mX * snap_delta > 0 ) { new_edge_val = snap_rect.mRight + snap_delta; } else { LLScrollListColumn* next_column = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getColumn(mColumn->mIndex + 1); while (next_column) { if (next_column->mHeader) { snap_delta = (next_column->mHeader->getSnapRect().mRight - next_column->mMaxContentWidth) - snap_rect.mRight; if (llabs(snap_delta) <= threshold && mouse_dir.mX * snap_delta > 0 ) { new_edge_val = snap_rect.mRight + snap_delta; } break; } next_column = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getColumn(next_column->mIndex + 1); } } return this; } void LLColumnHeader::userSetShape(const LLRect& new_rect) { S32 new_width = new_rect.getWidth(); S32 delta_width = new_width - (mRect.getWidth() + mColumn->mParentCtrl->getColumnPadding()); if (delta_width != 0) { S32 remaining_width = delta_width; S32 col; for (col = mColumn->mIndex + 1; col < mColumn->mParentCtrl->getNumColumns(); col++) { LLScrollListColumn* columnp = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getColumn(col); if (!columnp) break; if (columnp->mHeader && columnp->mHeader->canResize()) { // how many pixels in width can this column afford to give up? S32 resize_buffer_amt = llmax(0, columnp->mWidth - MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH); // user shrinking column, need to add width to other columns if (delta_width < 0) { if (!columnp->mDynamicWidth && columnp->mWidth > 0) { // statically sized column, give all remaining width to this column columnp->mWidth -= remaining_width; if (columnp->mRelWidth > 0.f) { columnp->mRelWidth = (F32)columnp->mWidth / (F32)mColumn->mParentCtrl->getItemListRect().getWidth(); } } break; } else { // user growing column, need to take width from other columns remaining_width -= resize_buffer_amt; if (!columnp->mDynamicWidth && columnp->mWidth > 0) { columnp->mWidth -= llmin(columnp->mWidth - MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH, delta_width); if (columnp->mRelWidth > 0.f) { columnp->mRelWidth = (F32)columnp->mWidth / (F32)mColumn->mParentCtrl->getItemListRect().getWidth(); } } if (remaining_width <= 0) { // width sucked up from neighboring columns, done break; } } } } // clamp resize amount to maximum that can be absorbed by other columns if (delta_width > 0) { delta_width -= llmax(remaining_width, 0); } // propagate constrained delta_width to new width for this column new_width = mRect.getWidth() + delta_width - mColumn->mParentCtrl->getColumnPadding(); // use requested width mColumn->mWidth = new_width; // update proportional spacing if (mColumn->mRelWidth > 0.f) { mColumn->mRelWidth = (F32)new_width / (F32)mColumn->mParentCtrl->getItemListRect().getWidth(); } // tell scroll list to layout columns again mColumn->mParentCtrl->updateColumns(); } } void LLColumnHeader::setHasResizableElement(BOOL resizable) { // for now, dynamically spaced columns can't be resized if (mColumn->mDynamicWidth) return; if (resizable != mHasResizableElement) { mHasResizableElement = resizable; S32 num_resizable_columns = 0; S32 col; for (col = 0; col < mColumn->mParentCtrl->getNumColumns(); col++) { LLScrollListColumn* columnp = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getColumn(col); if (columnp->mHeader && columnp->mHeader->canResize()) { num_resizable_columns++; } } S32 num_resizers_enabled = 0; // now enable/disable resize handles on resizable columns if we have at least two for (col = 0; col < mColumn->mParentCtrl->getNumColumns(); col++) { LLScrollListColumn* columnp = mColumn->mParentCtrl->getColumn(col); if (!columnp->mHeader) continue; BOOL enable = num_resizable_columns >= 2 && num_resizers_enabled < (num_resizable_columns - 1) && columnp->mHeader->canResize(); columnp->mHeader->enableResizeBar(enable); if (enable) { num_resizers_enabled++; } } } } void LLColumnHeader::enableResizeBar(BOOL enable) { // for now, dynamically spaced columns can't be resized if (!mColumn->mDynamicWidth) { mResizeBar->setEnabled(enable); } } BOOL LLColumnHeader::canResize() { return getVisible() && (mHasResizableElement || mColumn->mDynamicWidth); }