/** * @file llpanel.cpp * @brief LLPanel base class * * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. */ // Opaque view with a background and a border. Can contain LLUICtrls. #include "linden_common.h" #include "llpanel.h" #include "llalertdialog.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "llmenugl.h" //#include "llstatusbar.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "llcontrol.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lluictrl.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llviewborder.h" #include "llbutton.h" LLPanel::panel_map_t LLPanel::sPanelMap; LLPanel::alert_queue_t LLPanel::sAlertQueue; void LLPanel::init() { // mRectControl mBgColorAlpha = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "DefaultBackgroundColor" ); mBgColorOpaque = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "FocusBackgroundColor" ); mDefaultBtnHighlight = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "DefaultHighlightLight" ); mBgVisible = FALSE; mBgOpaque = FALSE; mBorder = NULL; mDefaultBtn = NULL; setIsChrome(FALSE); //is this a decorator to a live window or a form? mLastTabGroup = 0; // add self to handle->panel map sPanelMap[mViewHandle] = this; setTabStop(FALSE); } LLPanel::LLPanel() : mRectControl() { init(); } LLPanel::LLPanel(const LLString& name) : LLUICtrl(name, LLRect(0, 0, 0, 0), TRUE, NULL, NULL), mRectControl() { init(); } LLPanel::LLPanel(const LLString& name, const LLRect& rect, BOOL bordered) : LLUICtrl(name, rect, TRUE, NULL, NULL), mRectControl() { init(); if (bordered) { addBorder(); } } LLPanel::LLPanel(const LLString& name, const LLString& rect_control, BOOL bordered) : LLUICtrl(name, LLUI::sConfigGroup->getRect(rect_control), TRUE, NULL, NULL), mRectControl( rect_control ) { init(); if (bordered) { addBorder(); } } void LLPanel::addBorder(LLViewBorder::EBevel border_bevel, LLViewBorder::EStyle border_style, S32 border_thickness) { mBorder = new LLViewBorder( "panel border", LLRect(0, mRect.getHeight(), mRect.getWidth(), 0), border_bevel, border_style, border_thickness ); mBorder->setSaveToXML(false); addChild( mBorder ); } LLPanel::~LLPanel() { if( !mRectControl.empty() ) { LLUI::sConfigGroup->setRect( mRectControl, mRect ); } sPanelMap.erase(mViewHandle); } // virtual EWidgetType LLPanel::getWidgetType() const { return WIDGET_TYPE_PANEL; } // virtual LLString LLPanel::getWidgetTag() const { return LL_PANEL_TAG; } // virtual BOOL LLPanel::isPanel() { return TRUE; } // virtual BOOL LLPanel::postBuild() { return TRUE; } // virtual void LLPanel::clearCtrls() { LLView::ctrl_list_t ctrls = getCtrlList(); for (LLView::ctrl_list_t::iterator ctrl_it = ctrls.begin(); ctrl_it != ctrls.end(); ++ctrl_it) { LLUICtrl* ctrl = *ctrl_it; ctrl->setFocus( FALSE ); ctrl->setEnabled( FALSE ); ctrl->clear(); } } void LLPanel::setCtrlsEnabled( BOOL b ) { LLView::ctrl_list_t ctrls = getCtrlList(); for (LLView::ctrl_list_t::iterator ctrl_it = ctrls.begin(); ctrl_it != ctrls.end(); ++ctrl_it) { LLUICtrl* ctrl = *ctrl_it; ctrl->setEnabled( b ); } } void LLPanel::draw() { if( getVisible() ) { // draw background if( mBgVisible ) { //RN: I don't see the point of this S32 left = 0;//LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH; S32 top = mRect.getHeight();// - LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH; S32 right = mRect.getWidth();// - LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH; S32 bottom = 0;//LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH; if (mBgOpaque ) { gl_rect_2d( left, top, right, bottom, mBgColorOpaque ); } else { gl_rect_2d( left, top, right, bottom, mBgColorAlpha ); } } if( mDefaultBtn) { if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus( this ) && mDefaultBtn->getEnabled()) { LLUICtrl* focus_ctrl = gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus(); BOOL focus_is_child_button = focus_ctrl->getWidgetType() == WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON && static_cast(focus_ctrl)->getCommitOnReturn(); // only enable default button when current focus is not a return-capturing button mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(!focus_is_child_button); } else { mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(FALSE); } } LLView::draw(); } } void LLPanel::refresh() { // do nothing by default // but is automatically called in setFocus(TRUE) } void LLPanel::setDefaultBtn(LLButton* btn) { if (mDefaultBtn && mDefaultBtn->getEnabled()) { mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(FALSE); } mDefaultBtn = btn; if (mDefaultBtn) { mDefaultBtn->setBorderEnabled(TRUE); } } void LLPanel::setDefaultBtn(const LLString& id) { LLButton *button = LLUICtrlFactory::getButtonByName(this, id); if (button) { setDefaultBtn(button); } else { setDefaultBtn(NULL); } } BOOL LLPanel::handleKey(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent) { BOOL handled = FALSE; if (getVisible() && getEnabled()) { if( (mask == MASK_SHIFT) && (KEY_TAB == key)) { //SHIFT-TAB LLView* cur_focus = gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus(); if (cur_focus && gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this)) { LLView* focus_root = cur_focus; while(cur_focus->getParent()) { cur_focus = cur_focus->getParent(); if (cur_focus->isFocusRoot()) { // this is the root-most focus root found so far focus_root = cur_focus; } } handled = focus_root->focusPrevItem(FALSE); } else if (!cur_focus && mIsFocusRoot) { handled = focusLastItem(); if (!handled) { setFocus(TRUE); handled = TRUE; } } } else if( (mask == MASK_NONE ) && (KEY_TAB == key)) { //TAB LLView* cur_focus = gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus(); if (cur_focus && gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this)) { LLView* focus_root = cur_focus; while(cur_focus->getParent()) { cur_focus = cur_focus->getParent(); if (cur_focus->isFocusRoot()) { focus_root = cur_focus; } } handled = focus_root->focusNextItem(FALSE); } else if (!cur_focus && mIsFocusRoot) { handled = focusFirstItem(); if (!handled) { setFocus(TRUE); handled = TRUE; } } } } if (!handled) { handled = LLView::handleKey(key, mask, called_from_parent); } return handled; } void LLPanel::addCtrl( LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group) { mLastTabGroup = tab_group; LLView::addCtrl(ctrl, tab_group); // propagate chrome to children only if they have not been flagged as chrome if (!ctrl->getIsChrome()) { ctrl->setIsChrome(getIsChrome()); } } void LLPanel::addCtrlAtEnd( LLUICtrl* ctrl, S32 tab_group) { mLastTabGroup = tab_group; LLView::addCtrlAtEnd(ctrl, tab_group); if (!ctrl->getIsChrome()) { ctrl->setIsChrome(getIsChrome()); } } BOOL LLPanel::handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent ) { BOOL handled = FALSE; if( getVisible() && getEnabled() && gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this) && KEY_ESCAPE == key ) { gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(NULL, NULL); return TRUE; } if( getVisible() && getEnabled() && gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this) && !called_from_parent ) { LLUICtrl* cur_focus = gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus(); // If we have a default button, click it when // return is pressed, unless current focus is a return-capturing button // in which case *that* button will handle the return key if (cur_focus && !(cur_focus->getWidgetType() == WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON && static_cast(cur_focus)->getCommitOnReturn())) { // RETURN key means hit default button in this case if (key == KEY_RETURN && mask == MASK_NONE && mDefaultBtn != NULL && mDefaultBtn->getVisible() && mDefaultBtn->getEnabled()) { mDefaultBtn->onCommit(); handled = TRUE; } } if (key == KEY_RETURN && mask == MASK_NONE) { // set keyboard focus to self to trigger commitOnFocusLost behavior on current ctrl if (cur_focus && cur_focus->acceptsTextInput()) { cur_focus->onCommit(); handled = TRUE; } } } return handled; } void LLPanel::requires(LLString name, EWidgetType type) { mRequirements[name] = type; } BOOL LLPanel::checkRequirements() { BOOL retval = TRUE; LLString message; for (requirements_map_t::iterator i = mRequirements.begin(); i != mRequirements.end(); ++i) { if (!this->getCtrlByNameAndType(i->first, i->second)) { retval = FALSE; message += i->first + " " + LLUICtrlFactory::getWidgetType(i->second) + "\n"; } } if (!retval) { LLString::format_map_t args; args["[COMPONENTS]"] = message; args["[FLOATER]"] = getName(); llwarns << getName() << " failed requirements check on: \n" << message << llendl; alertXml("FailedRequirementsCheck", args); } return retval; } //static void LLPanel::alertXml(LLString label, LLString::format_map_t args) { sAlertQueue.push(LLAlertInfo(label,args)); } //static BOOL LLPanel::nextAlert(LLAlertInfo &alert) { if (!sAlertQueue.empty()) { alert = sAlertQueue.front(); sAlertQueue.pop(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void LLPanel::setFocus(BOOL b) { if( b ) { if (!gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this)) { //refresh(); if (!focusFirstItem()) { LLUICtrl::setFocus(TRUE); } onFocusReceived(); } } else { if( this == gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() ) { gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus( NULL, NULL ); } else { //RN: why is this here? LLView::ctrl_list_t ctrls = getCtrlList(); for (LLView::ctrl_list_t::iterator ctrl_it = ctrls.begin(); ctrl_it != ctrls.end(); ++ctrl_it) { LLUICtrl* ctrl = *ctrl_it; ctrl->setFocus( FALSE ); } } } } void LLPanel::setBackgroundColor(const LLColor4& color) { mBgColorOpaque = color; } LLColor4 LLPanel::getBackgroundColor() { return mBgColorOpaque; } void LLPanel::setTransparentColor(const LLColor4& color) { mBgColorAlpha = color; } void LLPanel::setBorderVisible(BOOL b) { if (mBorder) { mBorder->setVisible( b ); } } LLView* LLPanel::getCtrlByNameAndType(const LLString& name, EWidgetType type) { LLView* view = getChildByName(name, TRUE); if (view) { if (type == WIDGET_TYPE_DONTCARE || view->getWidgetType() == type) { return view; } else { llwarns << "Widget " << name << " has improper type in panel " << mName << "\n" << "Is: \t\t" << view->getWidgetType() << "\n" << "Should be: \t" << type << llendl; } } else { childNotFound(name); } return NULL; } // static LLPanel* LLPanel::getPanelByHandle(LLViewHandle handle) { if (!sPanelMap.count(handle)) { return NULL; } return sPanelMap[handle]; } // virtual LLXMLNodePtr LLPanel::getXML(bool save_children) const { LLXMLNodePtr node = LLView::getXML(); if (mBorder && mBorder->getVisible()) { node->createChild("border", TRUE)->setBoolValue(TRUE); } if (!mRectControl.empty()) { node->createChild("rect_control", TRUE)->setStringValue(mRectControl); } if (!mLabel.empty()) { node->createChild("label", TRUE)->setStringValue(mLabel); } if (save_children) { LLView::child_list_const_reverse_iter_t rit; for (rit = getChildList()->rbegin(); rit != getChildList()->rend(); ++rit) { LLView* childp = *rit; if (childp->getSaveToXML()) { LLXMLNodePtr xml_node = childp->getXML(); node->addChild(xml_node); } } } return node; } LLView* LLPanel::fromXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView* parentp, LLUICtrlFactory *factory) { LLString name("panel"); node->getAttributeString("name", name); LLPanel* panelp = factory->createFactoryPanel(name); // Fall back on a default panel, if there was no special factory. if (!panelp) { panelp = new LLPanel("tab panel"); } panelp->initPanelXML(node, parentp, factory); return panelp; } void LLPanel::initPanelXML(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView *parent, LLUICtrlFactory *factory) { LLString name("panel"); node->getAttributeString("name", name); setName(name); setPanelParameters(node, parent); LLXMLNodePtr child; for (child = node->getFirstChild(); child.notNull(); child = child->getNextSibling()) { factory->createWidget(this, child); } LLString xml_filename; node->getAttributeString("filename", xml_filename); if (!xml_filename.empty()) { factory->buildPanel(this, xml_filename, NULL); } postBuild(); } void LLPanel::setPanelParameters(LLXMLNodePtr node, LLView* parentp) { /////// Rect, follows, tool_tip, enabled, visible attributes /////// initFromXML(node, parentp); /////// Border attributes /////// BOOL border = FALSE; node->getAttributeBOOL("border", border); if (border) { LLViewBorder::EBevel bevel_style = LLViewBorder::BEVEL_OUT; LLViewBorder::getBevelFromAttribute(node, bevel_style); LLViewBorder::EStyle border_style = LLViewBorder::STYLE_LINE; LLString border_string; node->getAttributeString("border_style", border_string); LLString::toLower(border_string); if (border_string == "texture") { border_style = LLViewBorder::STYLE_TEXTURE; } S32 border_thickness = LLPANEL_BORDER_WIDTH; node->getAttributeS32("border_thickness", border_thickness); addBorder(bevel_style, border_style, border_thickness); } /////// Background attributes /////// BOOL background_visible = FALSE; node->getAttributeBOOL("background_visible", background_visible); setBackgroundVisible(background_visible); BOOL background_opaque = FALSE; node->getAttributeBOOL("background_opaque", background_opaque); setBackgroundOpaque(background_opaque); LLColor4 color; color = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "FocusBackgroundColor" ); LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"bg_opaque_color", color); setBackgroundColor(color); color = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "DefaultBackgroundColor" ); LLUICtrlFactory::getAttributeColor(node,"bg_alpha_color", color); setTransparentColor(color); LLString label; node->getAttributeString("label", label); setLabel(label); } void LLPanel::childSetVisible(const LLString& id, bool visible) { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setVisible(visible); } } bool LLPanel::childIsVisible(const LLString& id) const { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return (bool)child->getVisible(); } return false; } void LLPanel::childSetEnabled(const LLString& id, bool enabled) { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setEnabled(enabled); } } void LLPanel::childSetTentative(const LLString& id, bool tentative) { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setTentative(tentative); } } bool LLPanel::childIsEnabled(const LLString& id) const { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return (bool)child->getEnabled(); } return false; } void LLPanel::childSetToolTip(const LLString& id, const LLString& msg) { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setToolTip(msg); } } void LLPanel::childSetRect(const LLString& id, const LLRect& rect) { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setRect(rect); } } bool LLPanel::childGetRect(const LLString& id, LLRect& rect) const { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { rect = child->getRect(); return true; } return false; } void LLPanel::childSetFocus(const LLString& id, BOOL focus) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setFocus(focus); } } BOOL LLPanel::childHasFocus(const LLString& id) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return child->hasFocus(); } else { childNotFound(id); return FALSE; } } void LLPanel::childSetFocusChangedCallback(const LLString& id, void (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*)) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setFocusChangedCallback(cb); } } void LLPanel::childSetCommitCallback(const LLString& id, void (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*), void *userdata ) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setCommitCallback(cb); child->setCallbackUserData(userdata); } } void LLPanel::childSetDoubleClickCallback(const LLString& id, void (*cb)(void*), void *userdata ) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setDoubleClickCallback(cb); if (userdata) { child->setCallbackUserData(userdata); } } } void LLPanel::childSetValidate(const LLString& id, BOOL (*cb)(LLUICtrl*, void*)) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setValidateBeforeCommit(cb); } } void LLPanel::childSetUserData(const LLString& id, void* userdata) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setCallbackUserData(userdata); } } void LLPanel::childSetColor(const LLString& id, const LLColor4& color) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setColor(color); } } LLCtrlSelectionInterface* LLPanel::childGetSelectionInterface(const LLString& id) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return child->getSelectionInterface(); } return NULL; } LLCtrlListInterface* LLPanel::childGetListInterface(const LLString& id) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return child->getListInterface(); } return NULL; } LLCtrlScrollInterface* LLPanel::childGetScrollInterface(const LLString& id) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return child->getScrollInterface(); } return NULL; } void LLPanel::childSetValue(const LLString& id, LLSD value) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setValue(value); } } LLSD LLPanel::childGetValue(const LLString& id) const { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return child->getValue(); } // Not found => return undefined return LLSD(); } BOOL LLPanel::childSetTextArg(const LLString& id, const LLString& key, const LLString& text) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return child->setTextArg(key, text); } return FALSE; } BOOL LLPanel::childSetLabelArg(const LLString& id, const LLString& key, const LLString& text) { LLView* child = getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { return child->setLabelArg(key, text); } return FALSE; } void LLPanel::childSetMinValue(const LLString& id, LLSD min_value) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setMinValue(min_value); } } void LLPanel::childSetMaxValue(const LLString& id, LLSD max_value) { LLUICtrl* child = (LLUICtrl*)getChildByName(id, true); if (child) { child->setMaxValue(max_value); } } void LLPanel::childShowTab(const LLString& id, const LLString& tabname, bool visible) { LLTabContainerCommon* child = LLUICtrlFactory::getTabContainerByName(this, id); if (child) { child->selectTabByName(tabname); } } LLPanel *LLPanel::childGetVisibleTab(const LLString& id) { LLTabContainerCommon* child = LLUICtrlFactory::getTabContainerByName(this, id); if (child) { return child->getCurrentPanel(); } return NULL; } void LLPanel::childSetTabChangeCallback(const LLString& id, const LLString& tabname, void (*on_tab_clicked)(void*, bool), void *userdata) { LLTabContainerCommon* child = LLUICtrlFactory::getTabContainerByName(this, id); if (child) { LLPanel *panel = child->getPanelByName(tabname); if (panel) { child->setTabChangeCallback(panel, on_tab_clicked); child->setTabUserData(panel, userdata); } } } void LLPanel::childSetText(const LLString& id, const LLString& text) { childSetValue(id, LLSD(text)); } void LLPanel::childSetKeystrokeCallback(const LLString& id, void (*keystroke_callback)(LLLineEditor* caller, void* user_data), void *user_data) { LLLineEditor* child = LLUICtrlFactory::getLineEditorByName(this, id); if (child) { child->setKeystrokeCallback(keystroke_callback); if (user_data) { child->setCallbackUserData(user_data); } } } void LLPanel::childSetPrevalidate(const LLString& id, BOOL (*func)(const LLWString &) ) { LLLineEditor* child = LLUICtrlFactory::getLineEditorByName(this, id); if (child) { child->setPrevalidate(func); } } LLString LLPanel::childGetText(const LLString& id) { return childGetValue(id).asString(); } void LLPanel::childSetWrappedText(const LLString& id, const LLString& text, bool visible) { LLTextBox* child = (LLTextBox*)getCtrlByNameAndType(id, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT_BOX); if (child) { child->setVisible(visible); child->setWrappedText(text); } } void LLPanel::childSetAction(const LLString& id, void(*function)(void*), void* value) { LLButton* button = (LLButton*)getCtrlByNameAndType(id, WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON); if (button) { button->setClickedCallback(function, value); } } void LLPanel::childSetActionTextbox(const LLString& id, void(*function)(void*)) { LLTextBox* textbox = (LLTextBox*)getCtrlByNameAndType(id, WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT_BOX); if (textbox) { textbox->setClickedCallback(function); } } void LLPanel::childSetControlName(const LLString& id, const LLString& control_name) { LLView* view = getChildByName(id, TRUE); if (view) { view->setControlName(control_name, NULL); } } //virtual LLView* LLPanel::getChildByName(const LLString& name, BOOL recurse) const { LLView* view = LLUICtrl::getChildByName(name, recurse); if (!view) { childNotFound(name); } return view; } void LLPanel::childNotFound(const LLString& id) const { if (mExpectedMembers.find(id) == mExpectedMembers.end()) { mNewExpectedMembers.insert(id); } } void LLPanel::childDisplayNotFound() { if (mNewExpectedMembers.empty()) { return; } LLString msg; expected_members_list_t::iterator itor; for (itor=mNewExpectedMembers.begin(); itor!=mNewExpectedMembers.end(); ++itor) { msg.append(*itor); msg.append("\n"); mExpectedMembers.insert(*itor); } mNewExpectedMembers.clear(); LLString::format_map_t args; args["[CONTROLS]"] = msg; LLAlertDialog::showXml("FloaterNotFound", args); }