/** * @file llapr.cpp * @author Phoenix * @date 2004-11-28 * @brief Helper functions for using the apache portable runtime library. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llapr.h" apr_pool_t *gAPRPoolp = NULL; // Global APR memory pool apr_thread_mutex_t *gLogMutexp = NULL; apr_thread_mutex_t *gCallStacksLogMutexp = NULL; const S32 FULL_VOLATILE_APR_POOL = 1024 ; //number of references to LLVolatileAPRPool void ll_init_apr() { if (!gAPRPoolp) { // Initialize APR and create the global pool apr_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&gAPRPoolp, NULL); // Initialize the logging mutex apr_thread_mutex_create(&gLogMutexp, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_UNNESTED, gAPRPoolp); apr_thread_mutex_create(&gCallStacksLogMutexp, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_UNNESTED, gAPRPoolp); // Initialize thread-local APR pool support. LLVolatileAPRPool::initLocalAPRFilePool(); } } void ll_cleanup_apr() { LL_INFOS("APR") << "Cleaning up APR" << LL_ENDL; if (gLogMutexp) { // Clean up the logging mutex // All other threads NEED to be done before we clean up APR, so this is okay. apr_thread_mutex_destroy(gLogMutexp); gLogMutexp = NULL; } if (gCallStacksLogMutexp) { // Clean up the logging mutex // All other threads NEED to be done before we clean up APR, so this is okay. apr_thread_mutex_destroy(gCallStacksLogMutexp); gCallStacksLogMutexp = NULL; } if (gAPRPoolp) { apr_pool_destroy(gAPRPoolp); gAPRPoolp = NULL; } apr_terminate(); } // // //LLAPRPool // LLAPRPool::LLAPRPool(apr_pool_t *parent, apr_size_t size, BOOL releasePoolFlag) { mParent = parent ; mReleasePoolFlag = releasePoolFlag ; mMaxSize = size ; mPool = NULL ; createAPRPool() ; } LLAPRPool::~LLAPRPool() { releaseAPRPool() ; } void LLAPRPool::createAPRPool() { if(mPool) { return ; } mStatus = apr_pool_create(&mPool, mParent); ll_apr_warn_status(mStatus) ; if(mMaxSize > 0) //size is the number of blocks (which is usually 4K), NOT bytes. { apr_allocator_t *allocator = apr_pool_allocator_get(mPool); if (allocator) { apr_allocator_max_free_set(allocator, mMaxSize) ; } } } void LLAPRPool::releaseAPRPool() { if(!mPool) { return ; } if(!mParent || mReleasePoolFlag) { apr_pool_destroy(mPool) ; mPool = NULL ; } } apr_pool_t* LLAPRPool::getAPRPool() { if(!mPool) { createAPRPool() ; } return mPool ; } LLVolatileAPRPool::LLVolatileAPRPool(apr_pool_t *parent, apr_size_t size, BOOL releasePoolFlag) : LLAPRPool(parent, size, releasePoolFlag) { mNumActiveRef = 0 ; mNumTotalRef = 0 ; } apr_pool_t* LLVolatileAPRPool::getVolatileAPRPool() { mNumTotalRef++ ; mNumActiveRef++ ; return getAPRPool() ; } void LLVolatileAPRPool::clearVolatileAPRPool() { if(mNumActiveRef > 0) { mNumActiveRef--; if(mNumActiveRef < 1) { if(isFull()) { mNumTotalRef = 0 ; //destroy the apr_pool. releaseAPRPool() ; } else { //This does not actually free the memory, //it just allows the pool to re-use this memory for the next allocation. apr_pool_clear(mPool) ; } } } else { llassert_always(mNumActiveRef > 0) ; } //paranoia check if the pool is jammed. //will remove the check before going to release. llassert_always(mNumTotalRef < (FULL_VOLATILE_APR_POOL << 2)) ; } BOOL LLVolatileAPRPool::isFull() { return mNumTotalRef > FULL_VOLATILE_APR_POOL ; } #ifdef SHOW_ASSERT // This allows the use of llassert(is_main_thread()) to assure the current thread is the main thread. static void* gIsMainThread; bool is_main_thread() { return gIsMainThread == LLVolatileAPRPool::getLocalAPRFilePool(); } #endif // The thread private handle to access the LocalAPRFilePool. apr_threadkey_t* LLVolatileAPRPool::sLocalAPRFilePoolKey; // This should be called exactly once, before the first call to createLocalAPRFilePool. // static void LLVolatileAPRPool::initLocalAPRFilePool() { apr_status_t status = apr_threadkey_private_create(&sLocalAPRFilePoolKey, &destroyLocalAPRFilePool, gAPRPoolp); ll_apr_assert_status(status); // Or out of memory, or system-imposed limit on the // total number of keys per process {PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX} // has been exceeded. // Create the thread-local pool for the main thread (this function is called by the main thread). createLocalAPRFilePool(); #ifdef SHOW_ASSERT gIsMainThread = getLocalAPRFilePool(); #endif } // This should be called once for every thread, before it uses getLocalAPRFilePool. // static void LLVolatileAPRPool::createLocalAPRFilePool() { void* thread_local_data = new LLVolatileAPRPool; apr_status_t status = apr_threadkey_private_set(thread_local_data, sLocalAPRFilePoolKey); llassert_always(status == APR_SUCCESS); } // This is called once for every thread when the thread is destructed. // static void LLVolatileAPRPool::destroyLocalAPRFilePool(void* thread_local_data) { delete reinterpret_cast<LLVolatileAPRPool*>(thread_local_data); } // static LLVolatileAPRPool* LLVolatileAPRPool::getLocalAPRFilePool() { void* thread_local_data; apr_status_t status = apr_threadkey_private_get(&thread_local_data, sLocalAPRFilePoolKey); llassert_always(status == APR_SUCCESS); return reinterpret_cast<LLVolatileAPRPool*>(thread_local_data); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // LLScopedLock // LLScopedLock::LLScopedLock(apr_thread_mutex_t* mutex) : mMutex(mutex) { if(mutex) { if(ll_apr_warn_status(apr_thread_mutex_lock(mMutex))) { mLocked = false; } else { mLocked = true; } } else { mLocked = false; } } LLScopedLock::~LLScopedLock() { unlock(); } void LLScopedLock::unlock() { if(mLocked) { if(!ll_apr_warn_status(apr_thread_mutex_unlock(mMutex))) { mLocked = false; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ll_apr_warn_status(apr_status_t status) { if(APR_SUCCESS == status) return false; char buf[MAX_STRING]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ apr_strerror(status, buf, MAX_STRING); LL_WARNS("APR") << "APR: " << buf << LL_ENDL; return true; } void ll_apr_assert_status(apr_status_t status) { llassert(ll_apr_warn_status(status) == false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // LLAPRFile functions // LLAPRFile::LLAPRFile() : mFile(NULL), mCurrentFilePoolp(NULL) { } LLAPRFile::LLAPRFile(const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags, access_t access_type) : mFile(NULL), mCurrentFilePoolp(NULL) { open(filename, flags, access_type); } LLAPRFile::~LLAPRFile() { close() ; } apr_status_t LLAPRFile::close() { apr_status_t ret = APR_SUCCESS ; if(mFile) { ret = apr_file_close(mFile); mFile = NULL ; } if(mCurrentFilePoolp) { mCurrentFilePoolp->clearVolatileAPRPool() ; mCurrentFilePoolp = NULL ; } return ret ; } apr_status_t LLAPRFile::open(std::string const& filename, apr_int32_t flags, access_t access_type, S32* sizep) { llassert_always(!mFile); llassert_always(!mCurrentFilePoolp); // Access the pool and increment it's reference count. // The reference count of LLVolatileAPRPool objects will be decremented // again in LLAPRFile::close by calling mCurrentFilePoolp->clearVolatileAPRPool(). apr_pool_t* pool; if (access_type == local) { // Use a "volatile" thread-local pool. mCurrentFilePoolp = LLVolatileAPRPool::getLocalAPRFilePool(); pool = mCurrentFilePoolp->getVolatileAPRPool(); } else { llassert(is_main_thread()); pool = gAPRPoolp; } apr_status_t s = apr_file_open(&mFile, filename.c_str(), flags, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS || !mFile) { mFile = NULL ; close() ; if (sizep) { *sizep = 0; } return s; } if (sizep) { S32 file_size = 0; apr_off_t offset = 0; if (apr_file_seek(mFile, APR_END, &offset) == APR_SUCCESS) { llassert_always(offset <= 0x7fffffff); file_size = (S32)offset; offset = 0; apr_file_seek(mFile, APR_SET, &offset); } *sizep = file_size; } return s; } // File I/O S32 LLAPRFile::read(void *buf, S32 nbytes) { llassert_always(mFile) ; apr_size_t sz = nbytes; apr_status_t s = apr_file_read(mFile, buf, &sz); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); return 0; } else { llassert_always(sz <= 0x7fffffff); return (S32)sz; } } S32 LLAPRFile::write(const void *buf, S32 nbytes) { llassert_always(mFile) ; apr_size_t sz = nbytes; apr_status_t s = apr_file_write(mFile, buf, &sz); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); return 0; } else { llassert_always(sz <= 0x7fffffff); return (S32)sz; } } S32 LLAPRFile::seek(apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset) { return LLAPRFile::seek(mFile, where, offset) ; } // //******************************************************************************************************************************* //static components of LLAPRFile // // Used in the static functions below. class LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool { private: LLVolatileAPRPool* mPool; apr_pool_t* apr_pool; public: LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool() : mPool(LLVolatileAPRPool::getLocalAPRFilePool()), apr_pool(mPool->getVolatileAPRPool()) { } ~LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool() { mPool->clearVolatileAPRPool(); } operator apr_pool_t*() const { return apr_pool; } }; //static S32 LLAPRFile::seek(apr_file_t* file_handle, apr_seek_where_t where, S32 offset) { if(!file_handle) { return -1 ; } apr_status_t s; apr_off_t apr_offset; if (offset >= 0) { apr_offset = (apr_off_t)offset; s = apr_file_seek(file_handle, where, &apr_offset); } else { apr_offset = 0; s = apr_file_seek(file_handle, APR_END, &apr_offset); } if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); return -1; } else { llassert_always(apr_offset <= 0x7fffffff); return (S32)apr_offset; } } //static S32 LLAPRFile::readEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes) { apr_file_t* file_handle; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; apr_status_t s = apr_file_open(&file_handle, filename.c_str(), APR_READ|APR_BINARY, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS || !file_handle) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); LL_WARNS("APR") << " while attempting to open file \"" << filename << '"' << LL_ENDL; return 0; } S32 off; if (offset < 0) off = LLAPRFile::seek(file_handle, APR_END, 0); else off = LLAPRFile::seek(file_handle, APR_SET, offset); apr_size_t bytes_read; if (off < 0) { bytes_read = 0; } else { bytes_read = nbytes ; apr_status_t s = apr_file_read(file_handle, buf, &bytes_read); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { LL_WARNS("APR") << " Attempting to read filename: " << filename << LL_ENDL; ll_apr_warn_status(s); bytes_read = 0; } else { llassert_always(bytes_read <= 0x7fffffff); } } apr_file_close(file_handle); return (S32)bytes_read; } //static S32 LLAPRFile::writeEx(const std::string& filename, void *buf, S32 offset, S32 nbytes) { apr_int32_t flags = APR_CREATE|APR_WRITE|APR_BINARY; if (offset < 0) { flags |= APR_APPEND; offset = 0; } apr_file_t* file_handle; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; apr_status_t s = apr_file_open(&file_handle, filename.c_str(), flags, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS || !file_handle) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); LL_WARNS("APR") << " while attempting to open file \"" << filename << '"' << LL_ENDL; return 0; } if (offset > 0) { offset = LLAPRFile::seek(file_handle, APR_SET, offset); } apr_size_t bytes_written; if (offset < 0) { bytes_written = 0; } else { bytes_written = nbytes ; apr_status_t s = apr_file_write(file_handle, buf, &bytes_written); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { LL_WARNS("APR") << " Attempting to write filename: " << filename << LL_ENDL; ll_apr_warn_status(s); bytes_written = 0; } else { llassert_always(bytes_written <= 0x7fffffff); } } apr_file_close(file_handle); return (S32)bytes_written; } //static bool LLAPRFile::remove(const std::string& filename) { apr_status_t s; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; s = apr_file_remove(filename.c_str(), pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); LL_WARNS("APR") << " Attempting to remove filename: " << filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } return true; } //static bool LLAPRFile::rename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& newname) { apr_status_t s; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; s = apr_file_rename(filename.c_str(), newname.c_str(), pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); LL_WARNS("APR") << " Attempting to rename filename: " << filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } return true; } //static bool LLAPRFile::isExist(const std::string& filename, apr_int32_t flags) { apr_file_t* file_handle; apr_status_t s; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; s = apr_file_open(&file_handle, filename.c_str(), flags, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS || !file_handle) { return false; } else { apr_file_close(file_handle); return true; } } //static S32 LLAPRFile::size(const std::string& filename) { apr_file_t* file_handle; apr_finfo_t info; apr_status_t s; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; s = apr_file_open(&file_handle, filename.c_str(), APR_READ, APR_OS_DEFAULT, pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS || !file_handle) { return 0; } else { apr_status_t s = apr_file_info_get(&info, APR_FINFO_SIZE, file_handle); apr_file_close(file_handle) ; if (s == APR_SUCCESS) { return (S32)info.size; } else { return 0; } } } //static bool LLAPRFile::makeDir(const std::string& dirname) { apr_status_t s; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; s = apr_dir_make(dirname.c_str(), APR_FPROT_OS_DEFAULT, pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); LL_WARNS("APR") << " while attempting to make directory: " << dirname << LL_ENDL; return false; } return true; } //static bool LLAPRFile::removeDir(const std::string& dirname) { apr_status_t s; LLScopedVolatileAPRFilePool pool; s = apr_file_remove(dirname.c_str(), pool); if (s != APR_SUCCESS) { ll_apr_warn_status(s); LL_WARNS("APR") << " Attempting to remove directory: " << dirname << LL_ENDL; return false; } return true; } // //end of static components of LLAPRFile //******************************************************************************************************************************* //