Release Notes for the Imprudence Viewer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.2.1 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Imprudence 1.2.1 is a small bugfix release, which updates and fixes some libraries that are distributed with Imprudence. Please see the Imprudence 1.2.0 Release Notes for information about the changes in Imprudence 1.2. CHANGES * Updated OpenAL on Windows to fix error messages flooding the logs. * Recompiled GStreamer, GStreamer plugins, and liboil on Linux, to use the correct version of glibc. * libxml2 is now distributed with Imprudence on Linux. It was accidently left out of past releases. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.2.0 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A BRIEF GUIDE TO IMPRUDENCE 1.2 Imprudence 1.2 adds many new features, fixes, and improvements to the viewer experience. Here are a just few of the new features and improvements since Imprudence 1.1: * Backup your builds, your scripts, and your avatar's shape. If you created it, you have the right to back it up or move it to a different grid. * Double-click Teleport and Autopilot. We've taken the popular double-click teleport feature and improved upon it. The default behavior can now be set in Preferences > Input & Camera. We've also added an ignorable confirmation dialog to reduce the chance of accidental teleportations. * Improved minimap with built-in radar. The minimap now has enhanced zooming and panning, a built-in avatar radar to see who is nearby, plus optional chat notices when avatars enter or leave chat range or the sim. (Enable minimap notify in Preferences > General.) * Improved OpenSim support. We've added a list of popular grids to connect to, as well as a grid manager so you can add your own. You can also enjoy many building benefits when using OpenSim, such as the ability to build and edit prims larger than 10m on a side! * Restrained Life support. Thanks to RLVa by Kitty Barnett, Imprudence now supports the Restrained Life API for BDSM items and scripted gadgets. * Windlight toolbar. We've added a new tab along the bottom of the screen for quick access to your Windlight presets and certain graphics options. We've also added a variety of Windlight presets from Ana Lutetia, CodeBastard Redgrave, and Torley Linden! * Numerous other features that improve the viewer experience, such as double-click to wear attachments in Inventory, optional vertical IM tabs (in Preferences > Communication), unread IM count, search inventory by creator or description, better profile window layout, select default chat channel, Link/Unlink in the Build window, sim avatar counts on the World Map, and many more. KNOWN ISSUES * "Advanced > Logout" may cause issues and is unsupported. Use at your own risk. * If you use the "--loginuri" command line flag, you need to also use "--login FirstName LastName Password" to bypass the login screen, or your server setting will be ignored. * Remaining issues from 1.2.0 beta 2: - Property lines for land parcels flash when you have selected an avatar in the minimap radar. - Many new UI additions only provide English text. We'd love to have some bilingual users help us translate them. If you can help, please post in the forums. - OpenSim 0.6.4 or lower causes the viewer to crash when other avatars are present. We strongly encourage all OpenSim grid operators to upgrade to OpenSim 0.6.5 or higher. - "File > Upload & Import" should have a confirmation dialog warning people about how much it will cost to upload all the textures. CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes, as compared to Imprudence 1.2.0 beta 2. FEATURES / IMPROVEMENTS * Added saving and loading scripts to disk in the script editor. Thanks to the Meerkat team for this feature, and McCabe for porting it. * Added avatar shape Import/Export. You can only export shapes that you created and have full perms for. Thanks to the Meerkat team for this feature, and McCabe for porting and tweaking it. * Added an option for vertical IM tabs (Preferences > Communication > Vertical IM tabs). Thanks to the Emerald team for this feature, and McCabe for porting it. * The 'minimap radar can now be hidden via the arrow button in the bottom left corner of the minimap. Thanks so much for that, Jacek! * You can now search inventory by item description (Inventory > Search > By Description). Thanks to the Emerald team for this feature, and McCabe for porting it. * Added new options to configure double-click teleport and autopilot in Preferences > Input & Camera, and Disabled double-click teleport by default. Thanks, Jacek! - For the old "Double-Click Teleport" behavior, set Double-Click Action to "Autopilot", and Autopilot Style to "Teleport". - For the old "Double-Click Autopilot" behavior, set Double-Click Action to "Autopilot", and Autopilot Style to "Move". - Note: Autopilot Style also affects "Go Here/Go To" in the pie menu. * The Windlight Water window now has next/previous preset buttons, like the Sky window does. Thanks, McCabe! * Added "Max Particles" slider to the Windlight/Graphics tab on the bottom toolbar. Thanks, McCabe! * Added Check All/Uncheck All to the Make Outfit window. Thanks to the Meerkat team for this feature, and McCabe for porting it. * Windows only: Added "History" button to the IM and Group Chat windows to view your past chat logs with that person/group. Thanks to the Emerald team for this feature, and McCabe for porting and tweaking it. * Updated RLVa to 1.0.5e. Thanks for the update, Kitty Barnett! * Raised the World Map maximum teleport height to 4096m (it was 1000m). Thanks, McCabe! BUG FIXES * Fixed RLVa not initializing in certain instances. Thanks, Kitty Barnett! * Fixed copy & paste and file selection dialogs not working for some Linux users. Thanks, Jacek! * Fixed "avatar_skeleton.xml cannot be parsed" error. You rock, Lilly Zenovka! * Fixed muting objects with same name as avatar mutes ScriptDialogs from avatar. Thanks for the patch, Geneko Nemeth! * Fixed some Build Math issues, related to the boost library. Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed Hide Group Titles option not working. Thanks, McCabe and Geneko! * Partial fix for the parcel border flashing when a name is selected in the minimap radar. Thanks, McCabe! * Partial fix for avatar names not displaying at heighs above 1024m. Thanks, McCabe! * Set the upper limit of the chat channel selector to 1,000,000 (1 million) to work around a tricky rounding bug with higher channel numbers. To chat on higher channels, use e.g. "/1234567890 hi" in chat. Thanks, Jacek! * Fixed the login screen's grid selector box displaying the wrong grid after logging out. Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed grid selection box not remembering the last logged in grid (defaulted to secondlife). Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed grid selection box not updating the splash screen. Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed some branding issues in alerts and notifications ("Second Life" where it should be "Imprudence"). Thanks, Jacek! * Fixed "Sunset" mislabeled as "Midday" in Windlight Toolbar. Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed several compilation errors and warnings. Thanks to Geneko and Jacek, and to Alissa Sabre for VWR-12620. * Fixed some issues with "Advanced > Consoles > Fast Timers" (SNOW-108, VWR-10214). Thanks for the patch, Robin Cornelius! OTHER CHANGES * Moved "File > Logout" to the Advanced menu and added a note that it's unstable. Use this feature at your own risk! * Disable camera constraints also disables constraints when zooming out/zooming in and editing appearance. Thanks, McCabe! * The keyboard shortcut for View > Advanced Menu is now Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D on Linux. Mac and Windows shortcuts have not changed. Thanks, McCabe! * "Go Here" in the pie menu no longer asks for confirmation. Thanks, Jacek! * Ported the notecard security fix from SL 1.23.5. Thanks to McCabe for porting it. * Tweaked import menu item names: "File > Import Object..." and "File > Import + Upload (L$10 per texture)". Thanks, Jacek! * Added "File > Export Selected Objects". Thanks, Jacek! * Disabled facelight in Appearance mode when local lighting is disabled. Thanks, McCabe! * Combined the Mute and Unmute buttons in the minimap radar. Good idea, McCabe! * Changed the snapshot postcard text not to mention Second Life, like Meerkat does. Thanks to McCabe for porting it. * Applied patch for VWR-6787 by Alissa Sabre - 'none' text in group window not translatable. Thanks, Alissa! * Added "Advanced > Allow Multiple Instances" (allow multiple copies of Imprudence to run at the same time, for testing purposes). Thanks, McCabe! * Changed default UIScaleFactor to 1.002 as a workaround to some font rendering issues. Thanks, McCabe! * Updated the Linux version of fontconfig. Linux users may notice some minor differences in font appearance. Thanks, Jacek! * Updated several other Linux software libraries. Thanks, Jacek! * Finally packaged up the Mac development libraries. It should now be possible for (Intel) Mac users to compile Imprudence if they want to. Thanks for finally tackling that, Jacek! * Updated and fixed copyright and licensing information for many software libraries. Thanks, Jacek! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.2.0 BETA 2 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION: PIE MENU CHANGES * The pie menu when right clicking on objects has been rearranged slightly: - "Buy" now appears in the first menu tier. - "Create" has been renamed "Build" and moved to the second menu tier. - "Return" and "Wear" have new locations in the second menu tier. KNOWN ISSUES * Don't use "File > Logout". It still causes lots of problems: - Logging out causes alerts (pop-up dialogs) to not work, and may even crash the viewer. - Logging out and then logging in to another grid causes the Groups window to show groups from both grids. - In OpenSim, right clicking clothing in the inventory and selecting Edit will cause a crash after logout. - Chat sometimes shows up on the login screen after logging out. * Property lines for land parcels flash when you have selected an avatar in the minimap radar. * OpenSim 0.6.4 or lower causes the viewer to crash when other avatars are present. OpenSim 0.6.6 is recommended. * Remaining issues from the previous 1.2.0 beta version: - Many new UI additions only provide English text. We'd love to have some bilingual users help us translate them. If you can help, please post in the forums. - The custom chat channel number entry doesn't behave properly for channel numbers longer than 6 digits. As a temporary work-around until we fix this, use the old "/NUMBER" (e.g. "/123456789 Hi") and "//" chat commands for chatting on large channel numbers. - The grid selection box on the login screen always defaults to "secondlife" at startup, when it should default to the most recently used grid. - The grid selection box on the login screen always shows "secondlife" after logging out, but behaves like it is still set to the grid you logged out from. - The minimap radar cannot be hidden yet. We're working on it. - The Windlight Water settings window doesn't have previous/next arrows like the Sky window does. - The Windlight toolbar sometimes forgets the last selected preset. - "File > Import" and "File > Upload & Import" may not work correctly for Mac users. - "File > Upload & Import" should have a confirmation dialog warning people about how much it will cost to upload all the textures. * Note for developers: some Linux and Mac libraries are still not packaged/uploaded, which can interfere with compiling Imprudence from source. Jacek is working on it! CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Imprudence 1.2.0 beta). BUG FIXES * Fixed mouseclicks sometimes "jumping" near the edge of the screen in Windows - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed crash when using the Minimap and the silver skin - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed Imprudence 1.2 features missing from the silver skin - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed Imprudence wrongly thinking it was on the Teen Grid. You can now freely wear, edit, and/or take off your underwear again! - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed search showing too few results - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed inability to teleport to Adult regions (or detect them on the map) - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed Advanced Sky only toggling once - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed first preset in Windlight Toolbar toggling Advanced Sky - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed crash when logging out of OpenSim after editing appearance - Armin Weatherwax. * Fixed grid manager adding an unnecessary "/" (forward slash) to grid URLs. You should be able to login to the SL Beta Grid. (You may need to go into the Grid Manager and remove the "/" in the login URI, though.) - Jacek Antonelli. * Fixed unlink button enabling when it shouldn't - McCabe Maxsted and Kitty Barnett. * Fixed inability to unlink when using edit linked parts - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed money change sound and dialog occurring after logging into different grids - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed name box missing from profiles - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed profile account label position - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed profile size overrunning search window - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed UI resize missing reset button in Preferences > General - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed (hopefully) UI resize not playing nice with the Liberation Sans font - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed newly created notecards behaving oddly - McCabe Maxsted. * The "Add..." (add friend) button on the minimap is now grayed out when you have selected someone who is already your friend - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed layout of debug permissions in the tools window - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed some compiling issues with Imprudence 1.2 and Windows - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed "Join Call" button truncated in group IMs - McCabe Maxsted. * Fixed reference to "Second Life" in Preferences > Graphics - McCabe Maxsted. Also, it appears the big crash when logging in/logging out in Windows was fixed with the latest LL server update to 1.30.1. OTHER CHANGES * RLVa version has been updated to 1.0.3e - Kitty Barnett. * Muting an avatar now mutes llDialog boxes from them as well - McCabe Maxsted. * Added llDialog throttle from the Green Life Emerald Viewer. * Added clickable Object say/whisper/shout names from the Green Life Emerald Viewer. * Object IMs are now prefixed with "IM:" in chat - McCabe Maxsted. * Object IMs now have their own color in Preferences > Text Chat - McCabe Maxsted. * Minimap now indicates when an avatar is typing - McCabe Maxsted. * Minimap now announces when an avatar enters chat range (enabled by default; you can change this in Preferences > General) - McCabe Maxsted. * Minimap now announces when an avatar enters the sim (disabled by default; you can change this in Preferences > General) - McCabe Maxsted. * Minimap can now be minimized - McCabe Maxsted. * Minimap now shows the selected avatar's icon over other icons, so you can see it in crowded areas. - McCabe Maxsted. * The minimum value for the Draw Distance slider has been lowered to 32m (from 64m) - McCabe Maxsted. * Added confirmation alert for double click tping and autopilot (can be easily ignored) - McCabe Maxsted. * Updated list of graphics cards Imprudence recognizes - McCabe Maxsted. * Re-added the avatar name box to the Profile window. * New Profile layout should accommodate non-English languages better - McCabe Maxsted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.2.0 BETA -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KNOWN ISSUES * When you try to quit after having logged out at least once, the viewer may crash (Linux & Mac) or not quit (Windows). As a work-around (particularly for Windows users), we recommend not using "File > Logout" until this has been fixed. * Many new UI additions only provide English text. We'd love to have some bilingual users help us translate them. If you can help, please post in the forums. * The custom chat channel number entry doesn't behave properly for channel numbers longer than 6 digits. As a temporary work-around until we fix this, use the old "/NUMBER" (e.g. "/123456789 Hi") and "//" chat commands for chatting on large channel numbers. * The grid selection box on the login screen always defaults to "secondlife" at startup, when it should default to the most recently used grid. * The grid selection box on the login screen always shows "secondlife" after logging out, but behaves like it is still set to the grid you logged out from. * The minimap radar cannot be hidden yet. We're working on it. * The Windlight Water settings window doesn't have previous/next arrows like the Sky window does. * The Windlight toolbar sometimes forgets the last selected preset. * "File > Import" and "File > Upload & Import" may not work correctly for Mac users. CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Imprudence 1.1.0). VERSION HIGHLIGHTS * Object Backup. You can now download objects that you have created and have full permissions for to your computer, and upload them back into the world (or another grid). Thanks to the Meerkat Viewer for developing this feature, and to Armin for helping us import it! * Grid Manager. You can now modify the list of grids available at the login screen. We have further plans for extending this feature, but this will serve for now. Thanks to the Hippo Viewer and Meerkat Viewer for this, and to Armin for helping import it! * Restrained Life support. Imprudence now provides optional support for the Restrained Life API (used by BDSM items and various scripted gadgets). Enable it with "Advanced > Restrained Life Support". Many thanks to Kitty Barnett for developing RLVa and working with us to integrate it into Imprudence! * Radar. The minimap now features a list of nearby avatars. Thanks so much, McCabe and Dale Glass! * Emerald features. We've imported a variety of features from the Green Life Emerald Viewer. Thanks to the Emerald folks for developing these, and McCabe for importing them! - "Advanced > Asset Browser" (Alt-Shift-A). Visual browser for textures in your inventory. - "Advanced > Animation List". Lists the animations you are playing, and allows you to selectively stop them and revoke animation permissions from scripted objects. - "Advanced > Phantom Avatar" (Ctrl-Alt-P). Prevents your avatar from being pushed, but also prevents you from moving. - "Advanced > Ground Sit" (Ctrl-Alt-S). Makes your avatar sit down at your current location. - Build tool shows objects' Last (previous) Owner. - When viewing your own profile, the Profile window indicates which of your groups are hidden. - You can now search your inventory by Creator name. ("Search" menu in the Inventory window.) - You can now double-click on a location in the 3D world to teleport there. - Added "BlockClickSit" debug setting. Set it to true to prevent yourself from sitting on things when you accidently click on them. - Particle chat, which sends a message on channel 9000 when you select an object, for enhanced integration with scripted objects. You can disable this feature by changing the "ParticleChat" setting to False in "Advanced > Debug Settings". BUILDING * You can now choose which kind of grass or tree to rez. Before, it always rezzed a random kind. Thanks to Mana Janus for this! * Added "Link" and "Unlink" to the pie menu for objects. Thanks, McCabe! * Added "Link" and "Unlink" buttons to the Build window. Thanks, McCabe! * Several changes to the main menus. Thanks, McCabe! - "Edit > Duplicate" is now in the Tools menu. - Moved the selection-related options in the Tools menu to a new submenu, "Tools > Selection Options". - The "Tools > Select Tool" submenu has been renamed to "Choose Tool" to avoid confusion with the Selection Options. - "Tools > Set permissions on selected task inventory" has been renamed to "Set Bulk Permissions". * "Advanced > Rendering > Selected Texture Info" now displays partial UUIDs for the textures. Thanks to Henri Beauchamp and McCabe for developing this! * Added "Tools > Selection Options > Hide Selection Outline" (VWR-6918). This can help make it easier to see when editing small objects, and improves performance when selecting a large number of prims. Thanks a bunch, Aimee Trescothick! MAP & MINIMAP * The minimap has many improvements. Our enduring gratitude to Aimee Trescothick for these! - Enhanced zoom behavior and range. - It can be panned with Shift-Click and drag. (Right click the minimap and disable "Center on Camera" if you want to stop it from moving back automatically.) - Hovering the mouse over someone's dot on the minimap will show their name in the tooltip. Right click on a dot and choose "Profile" to open that person's profile window. - Window layout converted to XUI under the hood. * But wait — the minimap has other improvements, too. Thanks to McCabe for these! - Muted avatars are colored gray in the minimap. - Added "Show World Map" to the minimap right-click menu. - Moved "Rotate Mini-Map" to the minimap right-click menu. * The World Map displays the number of avatars in each sim, above the sim's name. That's pretty handy, Jacek and McCabe! MISC. UI * The Communicate window title and "IM Received" popup button now show the number of unread IMs you've received. Nice work, McCabe! * The "About Land" window displays the L$/sqm cost for land for sale. Thanks to Linden Lab for this feature in SL 1.23. * The Resident chooser now has a "Near Me" tab with a list of nearby people (VWR-2681). Thanks to Matthew Dowd, Vadim Bigbear, and Coco Linden for developing this feature. * Double clicking an object in your inventory wears it (or detaches it, if you are already wearing it). Thanks to Nicholaz Beresford and Henri Beauchamp for developing this! * Quick access to Windlight presets and draw distance from the toolbar. You can toggle this in "Preferences > Graphics > Show environment control in toolbar" (a checkbox near the top right corner of the window). Nice work, McCabe! * When listening to audio streams, song info is output to your chat window. You can toggle this in "Preferences > Audio & Video > Show stream info in chat" (a checkbox about halfway down the window). Thanks to Dale Glass for developing this feature! * IM windows inform you when the other person has gone on or offline even if you have turned off "Show online Friend notifications". That's pretty handy, McCabe! * Added "View > Advanced Menu" to toggle the Advanced menu. Thanks, Armin! * The layout of the Profile window has been revamped. Thanks, McCabe! * In the Local Chat window, you can now click the name of objects that IM you to view information about the object and its owner. Thanks to Linden Lab for developing this in SL 1.23. * The Snapshot window can now be minimized. It's the little things, McCabe! * The Windlight sky settings window now has arrow buttons for quickly changing to the previous or next preset in the list. Thanks, McCabe! * "Show HUD Attachments" has been moved back to the View menu, and its shortcut (Alt-Shift-H) has been restored. It was moved to the Advanced menu and lost its shortcut in Imprudence 1.1. Thanks to mashaeilde on the forums for giving us feedback about this! * You can now select a default channel number to chat on, for interacting with scripted devices. Turn on "Preferences > Text Chat > Show custom chat channel" (a checkbox near the bottom of the window), then set the channel using the new number entry field on the chat bar. Channel 0 is normal chat, all other channels are only seen by scripts. You can still chat to other channels using "/1", etc. Thanks to the Emerald Viewer for the inspiration, and to McCabe for the implementation! OTHER * Imprudence 1.2 has been rebased to SL 1.22.11. Previous versions of Imprudence were based on SL 1.21.6. Thanks, Jacek! * Ability to logout without quitting and restarting the viewer (File > Logout). Thanks to the Meerkat Viewer for this! * Several bundled software libraries have been updated to new versions: - Gstreamer, Zlib and Iconv on Windows. Thanks, McCabe! - OpenJPEG on Linux. Thanks, Armin! * The login screen displays the awesome Imprudence logo while the login page is still loading, instead of that smelly old SL logo. Way to go, McCabe! * Linux-style middle mouse paste on Linux viewers. Thanks, Armin! * The maximum bandwidth setting has been raised to 5000kbps, and the default set to 1000kbps. Thanks, McCabe! * Added several new windlight settings by CodeBastard Redgrave, Ana Lutetia, and Torley Linden. Thanks, Codie, Ana, and Torley! * Added the adult_compliant capability, for teleport compatibility with Linden Lab's adult content policy. Thanks for providing a patch for this, Linden Lab! * Added two patches (VWR-11128 and VWR-11138) to support Visual Studio Express. Thanks, Robin Cornelius! BUG FIXES * "Stop All Animations" (aka "Stop Animating My Avatar") only affected your own viewer; other people would still see your avatar being animated (VWR-2850). Thanks to Tofu Linden for fixing that in SL 1.23. * The Resident chooser was showing hair instead of calling cards. Thanks for fixing that, McCabe! * "View > Communicate" wasn't toggling the Communicate window like it was supposed to. Thanks for fixing it, McCabe! * Small textures weren't being cached (VWR-12686). Thanks for fixing that, Robin Cornelius! * Certain malformed animations could cause the viewer to abort with an assertion about the joint number. Thanks to Linden Lab for fixing this in SL 1.23. * The chat history window couldn't be minimized. Thanks, McCabe! * The Contacts window couldn't be toggled with "Edit > Friends" (Ctrl-Shift-F) if it was detached from the Communicate window (VWR-5370). Thanks to Latif Khalifa for making the patch to fix that! * When trying to attach multiple objects at once from your inventory, it would fail with a message, "Cannot complete attachment. An Attachment is pending for that spot". Many thanks to Kitty Barnett for fixing that awful bug! * Teleporting very long distances on OpenSim Hypergrid would sometimes cause weird issues (SVC-2941). Thanks to Mana Janus for the fix! * Avatars would be invisible until you zoomed in on them (in SL 1.22). Thanks for the patch to fix this, Aleric Inglewood! * Special symbols in group titles were appearing as question marks in avatar name tags. McCabe fixed the heck outta that one! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.1.0 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KNOWN ISSUES * Mac users may have problems playing some music or video streams. * Local Chat (aka. Chat History) still stops automatically scrolling down to show new chat if you click it at the same time as a new line of chat arrives. Manually scrolling down to the bottom will start it autoscrolling again. * If you come within range of a looped sound while your volume is muted, the sound won't play when you unmute your volume. As a workaround, move out of range of the sound and then back again to trigger it to play. CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Imprudence 1.1.0 RC2). VERSION HIGHLIGHTS * Mac Version! Thanks, Jacek! (And Thomas Shikami for his OpenAL help!) * Improved pie menus! (Again.) Thanks, McCabe! * Improved sound, music, and video support! Thanks, McCabe and Jacek! UI * The Pie Menus have been reorganized again in response to user feedback. Thanks, McCabe! - Check out the Pie Menus wiki page for pictures and descriptions of all the changes! <> * Ctrl-D has been reverted to Edit > Duplicate. (It had been assigned to World > Create Landmark Here since 1.1.0 RC1.) Thanks, Jacek! * Added several optional confirmation dialogs (i.e. "Are you sure?" popups). Thanks, Jacek! - Teleport Home (via keyboard shortcut, the World menu, or Map window) - Toggle Fullscreen (via keyboard shortcut or the View menu) - Take Off All Clothes (via the Edit menu or the pie menu) - Restore to Last Position (via the inventory context menu) - Mute avatars or objects (via the pie menu or the avatar's Profile) - Note: All of these can be disabled by checking the appropriate box the first time they appear. * Added a separator bar between "Wear" and "Restore to Last Position" on the inventory context menu. Thanks, Jacek! * You can now access the Gestures manager window from the chat bar. (IMP-116). Thanks, Armin Weatherwax! * The top menu bar no longer turns red when connecting to third-party grids. Thanks, McCabe! * The login screen now shows pretty pictures like the SL viewer does. It will display something Imprudence-specific in the future. Thanks, Jacek! BUG FIXES * Fixed PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_GROUP_OBJECTS not being highlighted in the script editor (VWR-8454). Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed a crash when uploading files with non-ASCII characters in path on Linux (VWR-5575). Thanks for the patch, Alissa Sabre! * Fixed two small memory leaks when uploading LSL scripts (VWR-9400). Thanks for the patches, Carjay McGinnis and Henri Beauchamp! * Fixed the "Pay Object" mouse cursor for Linux (it had been showing the "Play Media" cursor) (VWR-10829). Thanks, Jacek! * Fixed the "High Resolution Snapshot" checkbox being visible in cases where it shouldn't have been. Thanks, McCabe! * Backported several bug fixes from the SL 1.22 viewer. Thanks, McCabe! - Fixed: Wrong visualisation of animations (VWR-996). Thanks, Unknown Linden! - Fixed: Reset Scripts in Selection failed if the parent object had no scripts (SVC-2771). Thanks, Si Linden! - Fixed: Prim position appears to be wrong (VWR-3871). Thanks, Unknown Linden! - Fixed: Possible crash in llfloater.cpp. Thanks, Unknown Linden! - Fixed: Possible crash while changing graphics settings. Thanks, Unknown Linden! - Fixed: No way to hide IMs in chat console (VWR-3060). Thanks for the patch, Henri Beauchamp! - Fixed: Texture decoder would try to decode more texture channels than the texture had (VWR-4070). Thanks for the patch, Carjay McGinnis! MISC. * Sounds are no longer downloaded if the volume slider is muted or zero, to conserve bandwidth, etc. (VWR-11674). Thanks for the patch, Zwagoth Klaar! * Tons of work under the hood on GStreamer and OpenAL. You deserve gold medals, McCabe and Jacek! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.1.0 RC2 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KNOWN ISSUES * Mac version is still forthcoming. * Viewer freezes permanently when playing streaming media if the parcel's media type doesn't match the actual stream type. * Viewer may freeze for a few moments when starting or changing music or media stream, especially for slow or dead URLs. * Streaming music and media may not work for some Vista users. Cause is unknown. * Local Chat (aka. Chat History) stops automatically scrolling down to show new chat if you click it at the same time as a new line of chat arrives. Manually scrolling down to the bottom will start it autoscrolling again. CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Imprudence 1.1.0 RC1). BUG FIXES * Fixed a nasty crash when receiving an IM, when the IM history had certain kinds of links in them. Thanks so much for finding and fixing that, Anders Arnholm (Balp Allen)! * Fixed the viewer crashing when opening the Top Scripts window (in the Estate tools). Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed certain types of sounds (footsteps/bumps, gestures, typing, and others) not being affected by volume controls. Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed inventory folders repeatedly expanding after using Quick Filter. Thanks, Jacek! * Fixed the pie menu not showing correct Touch text on scripted objects that had used llSetTouchText. Thanks, McCabe! * Fixed LSL script syntax highlighting for single line comments ("//" style). Thanks, Jacek! * Fixed the viewer not asking if you'd like to play streaming music. Thanks, McCabe! * Streaming media should now work for Linux users running the PulseAudio sound server (e.g. Ubuntu users). Thanks, Jacek! UI * HUD attachments now have a separate pie menu from regular attachments, with a layout similar to the pre-1.1.0 attachments pie menu. Thanks, McCabe! * Items in Advanced > Rendering > Features use "Alt-Shift-F#" instead of "Ctrl-Alt-F#", to avoid conflicts with Linux system keyboard commands. Muchos gracias, McCabe! * Removed the Pause button in the music control tab, since it had the same effect as Stop anyway. Thanks, McCabe! MISC * A lot of cleaning and polishing GStreamer stuff under the hood. Thanks for all the effort, McCabe! * Song title and artist are printed to the debug console when music streams change songs. That information will be displayed in the UI in a future version. Thanks, Armin Weatherwax! * The Help > About Imprudence window now lists your version of Gstreamer. How handy, McCabe! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.1.0 RC1 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NOTICE: POTENTIALLY DISRUPTIVE UI CHANGES This version contains many changes to the UI, including changes to the names and locations of buttons and menu items. You should expect the UI (especially the pie menus) to feel awkward at first, while your brain and muscle memory adjust to the changes. We think you will find the new layouts to be more usable in the long run, once the initial re-learning period passes. Stick with it! :) In particular, please be aware of the following: * There have been major reorganization of all pie menus! * Some Advanced menu items have been moved to other locations: - "Advanced > Rebake Textures" is now "Edit > Refresh Appearance". - "Advanced > Disable Camera Constraints" is now in the "Input/Camera" section of Preferences. - "Advanced > High Resolution Snapshots" is now in the Snapshot window. - "View > Show HUD Attachments" is now "Advanced > Rendering > Features > HUD Attachments". * Some rarely-used menu items have been removed: - "Advanced > Compress Snapshots to disk" * Some shortcuts have changed: - Added Ctrl-B (View > Web Browser) - Added Ctrl-D (World > Create Landmark Here) - Removed Shift-Alt-H (View > Show HUD Attachments, which has been moved; see above) * The "Invite" and "Leave" buttons in the Groups window have switched positions (to move "Leave" further away from "Activate"). See the CHANGES section below for details, plus other UI and non-UI changes in this version. KNOWN ISSUES * There is no Mac version! We need a volunteer Mac developer to help with this! * All platforms still lack voice chat. (But you can add it back with a simple trick...) * The sub-menus inside the "Advanced > Rendering" menu (i.e. Types, Features, Info Displays, and Render Tests) sometimes get hidden behind the Advanced menu when they open. This is scheduled to be fixed in a future version; in the meantime, you can work around it by clicking the tear-off stript at the top of the Rendering menu, moving it to the left side of the screen, and then opening the desired sub-menu. CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Imprudence 1.0.0). FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS * Windows and Linux versions now support sound effects and streaming audio and video with OpenAL and Gstreamer! Thanks to Tofu Linden for his OpenAL patch, Unknown Linden(s) for their Gstreamer work, and McCabe and Jacek for pounding on it with hammers! * New "Quick Filter" list in the Inventory window. Thanks for adding that, Jacek! * New "Worn Items" tab in the Inventory window (VWR-2199). Thanks for the patch, Vadim Bigbear! * New math expressions support in the Build window's Object and Texture tabs (VWR-675). Thanks for the patch, Aimee Trescothick! See the Build Math Expressions wiki page for details and examples for using this cool feature! MENUS * Reorganized and improved the pie menus a lot (details below). Thanks, McCabe! - Replaced "Go" with "Inventory" in the pie menu for your avatar mesh. - Moved "Create" to "More > Build" in the pie menu for objects, and moved "Buy" up to the top level. "Take" is now always "Take". - The pie menu for your own attachments is now more consistent with the pie menu for your avatar mesh. This helps users with prim-based avatars / lots of body-covering attachments. (Attachment-specific options are under "More >".) - Renamed "Report Abuse..." label to "Abuse..." so it doesn't overrun the pie menu. - "Mute" option moved from 6 o'clock to avoid accidental clicks. - Added "Create Landmark" to the pie menu for the ground (IMP-38). Thanks for the patch, Armin Weatherwax! - Added "Report Abuse" to the pie menu for avatars besides yourself (VWR-8179). Thanks for the patch, Asuka Neely! * Moved some commonly-used "Advanced" options to more prominent locations (details below) (IMP-18). Thanks for doing that, McCabe! - Moved "Rebake Textures" to "Edit > Refresh Appearance". - Moved "Disable Camera Constraints" to be in the "Input/Camera" section of Preferences. - Moved "High Resolution Snapshots" to the Snapshot window. * Added menu item and shortcut to open the built-in web browser ("View > Web Browser", Ctrl-B). Thanks, McCabe! * Removed "Advanced > Compress Snapshot to disk", since it's useless. Thanks, McCabe! * Added shortcut (Ctrl-D) to create a new landmark. Also, a message, "You created a landmark at _____", will appear in chat history when creating a landmark. Thanks, McCabe! * Moved "View > Show HUD Attachments" to "Advanced > Rendering > Features > HUD Attachments", and removed its keyboard shortcut. INVENTORY * Added "Restore to World" to right click menu on Objects in inventory (if the sim supports it) (IMP-36). Thanks, Unknown Linden! (This action returns the object to the location in-world where it was before being taken / returned to your inventory.) * Added "Discard" buttons for incoming landmarks, and notecards that you created (IMP-30). Thanks for the patches, Henri Beauchamp, and thanks to Balp Allen for pointing them out! BUILDING * High-up prims no longer fall to 256m height when moved outworld (VWR-9352). Thanks for the patch, Aimee Trescothick! * Fixed Local ruler mode being oriented incorrectly for linked objects (VWR-1582). Thanks, Jacek! * Added "Tools > Select Only Copyable Objects" menu item. Thanks, McCabe! MAP / MINIMAP * Friends now appear yellow on the minimap (VWR-3336). Thanks for the patch, Aimee Trescothick! * You can now double-click in the minimap to teleport to that location (IMP-34). Thanks for the patch, Armin Weatherwax! * The Map window now supports teleports up to a height of 4096m (VWR-7331). Thanks for the patch, Peter Lameth! * Minimap and Map glyph colors can now be set in colors.xml. Thanks, McCabe! OTHER UI * Added syntax highlighting for C-style comments ("/* ... */") in LSL scripts (SVC-2631). Thanks for the patch, Felix Duesenburg! * Added Home page functionality in the web browser ("Home", "Set As Home"). Thanks, McCabe! * Clicking "Set As Home" informs you of a successful homepage change. * Switched the positions of the "Invite" and "Leave" buttons in the Groups panel, so the "Leave" button isn't right next to the "Activate" button. Thanks, McCabe! * The "Offer Teleport" button in the IM window has been moved to the left, next to "Profile". Thanks, McCabe! * Added "Drag and drop inventory item here to send" text to the IM window. That functionality was already present in the SL viewer, but almost no one knew about it! Thanks, McCabe! * Added an "Ignore" button to friendship requests (VWR-4826). Thanks, McCabe! * The "invite to group" window now displays the group name in the title. Thanks, McCabe! MISC * Fixed the right/bottom edit arrows on HUDs not working (VWR-5518). Thanks for describing the fix, Zi Ree! * Fixed avatars being darker than prims; this matches the changes in SL 1.22 (VWR-8012). Thanks to CG Linden for pointing to the fix! * Lip sync for voice chat is enabled by default ("Advanced > Character > Enable Lip Sync"). Thanks, McCabe! * The colors.xml files (for setting skin colors) now has helpful comments describing each entry, to help skin creators. Thanks, McCabe! * Beacons no longer stay enabled between sessions, to help users who accidently enable them. Thanks, McCabe! * The wind sound is now disabled by default, and doesn't waste CPU time generating white noise when it's off. You can re-enable wind by changing the "MuteWind" debug setting to FALSE. Thanks, McCabe! * Added TGA as an available image format for saving snapshots. Thanks, McCabe! * llLoadUrl scripts now opens in either the built-in browser or your external browser, depending on your preference. Thanks, McCabe! * The URL highlighter now includes closing parentheses ")" as part of the link (VWR-8773). Thanks, Qarl Linden! * Windows: Running straight from the .exe uses "settings_imprudence.xml" file. Thanks, McCabe! * Windows: Crash dump files are named with "Imprudence" instead of "Second Life". Thanks yet again, McCabe, you busy beaver! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.0.0 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KNOWN ISSUES * Still no sound or voice yet. * Login screen misleadingly displays the last grid you had selected even if you use the --loginuri command line option (IMP-29). * The menus for non-English languages still say "Second Life" in some places where they should say "Imprudence" (IMP-27). CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Imprudence 1.0.0 RC2): * Rendering: Windows version ships with OpenJPEG 1.3. This fixes the issue of skirts and some uploaded images appearing half-transparent. Thanks to McCabe and everyone who helped us identify and test that! * UI: Added support for displaying a test version identifier (e.g. RC2) at the login screen and About Imprudence, to help people tell the test versions apart. (Note: you won't see it in this release, because this isn't a test version!) Thanks to McCabe for adding that! * UI: Rebranded the Help menu at the login screen to match the main Help menu (IMP-23). Thanks to Balp Allen for reporting that, and McCabe for fixing it! * UI: The "Release Notes" link in About Imprudence now takes you to the release notes on the Imprudence wiki, instead of to a bogus page on the Second Life wiki. Thanks to McCabe and Jacek for doing that! * UI: Grid selector at the login screen no longer has a duplicate entry (IMP-24). Thanks to Balp Allen for fixing that! * Misc.: Fixed the viewer stupidly creating a 'url_history.xml' file in 'C:\' on Windows, and perhaps in '/' (root) on Mac (VWR-5808). Thanks to McCabe for fixing that! * Code: Patched two small memory leaks when uploading scripts (VWR-9400). Thanks to Carjay McGinnis and Henri Beauchamp for making those patches! * Code: Patched two minor code cleanliness issues (VWR-10759, VWR-10837). Thanks to Aleric Inglewood for making those patches! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.0.0 RC2 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KNOWN ISSUES * Some users have reported that system skirts (not attachments) and some uploaded images with alpha channels appear partially transparent all over, instead of being opaque in some places and transparent in others. You can fix this by upgrading to OpenJPEG 1.3. Future Imprudence releases will have the new OpenJPEG included in the regular download. * The grid selection list on the login screen displays a duplicate entry (e.g. two "SL Main Grid" entries). This is harmless, and a PITA to fix. * Still no sound or voice yet. CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Imprudence 1.0.0 RC1): * Rendering: Applied a likely fix for VWR-8920 (disappearing attachments when zoomed in). Please let us know in the forums whether this fixes the issue for you. Thanks to an unknown Linden for the fix, and to Strife Onizuka for pointing to it! * Rendering: Applied a likely fix for VWR-9358 (problems with palletized textures). Please [ let us know in the forums] whether this fixes the issue for you. Thanks to Angus Boyd for suggesting the fix! * Misc UI.: Grid selection list on the login page has been embraced and cleaned up. It now lists 3 options: SL Main Grid, SL Beta Grid, and Local OpenSim (if you run OpenSim on your computer). It will be made customizable in a future version. Thanks to Jacek for sprucing that up! * Misc: Fixed the debug console window always showing up. Thanks to McCabe for fixing it, and to an unknown Linden's testing code for causing it in the first place! * Misc: Fixed the Windows viewer crashing when clicking on certain links in embedded web pages (VWR-4828). Thanks to Nyx Linden for pointing to the updated LLMozLib! * Misc: Fixed the Windows installer giving an error when launching the viewer after installation. Thanks to McCabe for fixing that! * Misc: Imprudence now uses a separate directory from Second Life for storing the cache, settings, and chat logs. This fixes the viewer clearing the cache the first time it's run. On Linux, it's the '.imprudence' directory in your home directory, and on Mac and Windows it's the 'Imprudence' directory in your Application Data directory. Thanks to Jacek for doing this! * Misc: Fixed the Search window clearing itself out when closed and re-opened. Thanks to Samantha Poindexter for reporting the problem, to McCabe for fixing it, and to an unknown Linden's testing code for causing it in the first place! * Building: Fixed the Silver skin's Build floater not matching the one from the Classic skin. Thanks to Damien Fate for reporting the problem, and to Jacek for fixing it! * Code: Fixed several bits of sloppy Linden code that blocked compiling with gcc 4.3. Thanks to Alissa Sabre for suggesting the fix to VWR-9507, and Stephen Zenith for patches IMP-11 and IMP-12! * Misc UI.: Changed Group UI to use "Resident" or "Member" instead of "Person", for consistency (VWR-9007). Thanks to McCabe for sprucing that up! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.0.0 RC1 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WHAT TO EXPECT * Many small usability improvements. The goal of Imprudence is to make significant usability improvements over the standard SL viewer, but for this first release our focus has simply been to get the project established. You'll find many small improvements scattered throughout the viewer, almost all of them programmed by SL Residents and submitted as patches to JIRA, but which LL has not (at least yet) accepted. Future versions of Imprudence will feature more significant improvements made specifically for this project. * New fonts. Imprudence uses different fonts than regular SL, because SL's fonts are proprietary and very expensive to license. The new fonts might make things seem "not quite right" at first, since your eye expects the old font you normally see in SL. We do think you'll enjoy the new fonts once you get used to them. (For the curious, the fonts used are Liberation Sans for the UI, and Bitstream Vera Mono for the script editor.) * No sound or voice. This release of Imprudence doesn't have any sound or voice support, because the software libraries SL uses for those things are proprietary and can't be used with open-source viewers. We hope to add back sound support using OpenAL for the next version of Imprudence. We're not sure yet when we'll be able to add voice back in. * Slightly slower texture loading. Textures may load slightly slower than they do in regular SL. Once again, this is because the texture software library SL uses by default (Kakadu / KDU) is proprietary, so we're using OpenJPEG, which is open source but not quite as speedy. The difference shouldn't be a major issue. CHANGES This version of Imprudence includes the following changes (as compared to Second Life viewer 1.21.6): * Building: You can now "Slice" (aka. Dimple / Profile Cut) the Box, Cylinder, and Prism prim types directly, without needing to switch to Sphere and back. (VWR-7827; thanks McCabe Maxsted!) * Stability: Several patches by Nicholaz Beresford to fix memory leaks and improve stability. (VWR-2003, VWR-2683, VWR-2685, VWR-3877, and VWR-3878; thanks Nicholaz!) * Misc.: The "Advanced" menu is now written in XUI, so you can edit shortcuts in that menu by editing the XML file, instead of needing to recompile the viewer from source. (Note: The file to edit is skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml) (VWR-2896; thanks Jacek Antonelli!) * Social: Added "Invite..." button to the Groups section of the Communicate panel, to make it easier to invite people to the selected group. (VWR-8024; thanks McCabe Maxsted!) * Building: Up and down arrows change Path Cut / Profile Cut by increments of 0.025 instead of 0.05, to make it easier to path-cut boxes in half, etc. (VWR-7877; thanks McCabe Maxsted!) * Misc. UI: Added "Return Object" to the Tools menu, to make it easier to return objects that are hard to right-click on. (VWR-1363; thanks McCabe Maxsted!) * Social: Added "Offer Teleport" button to the IM window. (VWR-2072; thanks Paul Churchill!) * Building: Added "Tools > Set permissions on selected task inventory" menu item, to set perms on multiple in-world objects and/or their contents. This will have a nicer UI later. (VWR-5082; thanks Michelle2 Zenovka!) * Misc. UI: Several usability and UI layout improvements to the land tools floater. (VWR-8430; thanks Aimee Trescothick!) * Misc. UI: Added "Flycam" button that appears when you are in flycam mode (using a joystick or SpaceNavigator); click it to cancel flycam mode. (VWR-8341; thanks Aimee Trescothick!) * Building: Rephrased "Select Texture" to the more accurate and descriptive phrase "Select Faces to Texture". (Inspired by VWR-5962; thanks McCabe Maxsted and Jacek Antonelli!) * Building: Increased maximum settable transparency from 90% to 100% in the Textures tab. (Thanks Jacek Antonelli!) * Social: "Offer Teleport" buttons throughough the UI are now always clickable, even for avatars who are not on your friends list or who appear offline. (Thanks Jacek Antonelli!) * Misc.: Changed the application name, logo, login page, etc. to Imprudence. * Misc.: Imprudence has its own version numbers, starting at 1.0.0. Use "Help > About Imprudence" to check the SL source version it's based on. * Misc.: Disabled FMOD, KDU, and Vivox (SLVoice) proprietary software. * Misc.: Changed fonts to Liberation Sans and Bitstream Vera Mono. KNOWN ISSUES * Windows: At the end of the installer, if you leave the "Launch Imprudence Viewer" checkbox enabled and press "Finish", you will receive an error message and it will not automatically start the viewer. But this does not harm anything, and starting the viewer yourself (e.g. from the desktop shortcut) should work fine. * Windows: When the viewer is started, a text console window will appear displaying debug information, and then be covered by the main viewer window. This will be disabled in future releases. You can disable it manually by opening "Advanced > Debug Settings" and changing "ShowConsoleWindow" to false, then restarting the viewer. * Windows: The viewer may crash when clicking links in embedded web pages, including certain sections of the Search window and the "Web" section of avatar profiles. We hope to fix this in the future. To work around it for now, just avoid clicking on links in embedded web pages in the viewer. * All Platforms: The viewer may be (very) slow to start the first time, as it clears the cache. * All Platforms: When using the Silver skin, the Tools (aka Build) floater doesn't have the new features (e.g. transparency up to 100%, smaller path cut increment), and improperly displays the land tools brush size combo box on every build tab.