ABOUT THE SECOND LIFE VIEWER SOURCE ARCHIVE PROJECT This project is a community-maintained archive of Second Life viewer source code releases. For more information about the project, see: http://github.com/jacek/sl-viewer-source-archive/ PURPOSE The purpose of the archive is to provide a base for viewer forks or patch development and a convenient method for viewing and merging the diffs between releases via the Git version control system. CONTENTS The archive contains the full source code for every official, versioned release and release candidate of the Second Life viewer since January 2007, when the viewer code was first released. The archive does not contain the source for betas, "First Look" viewers, dated snapshots, or development branches, because it is infeasible to deduce their ancestral relationship to other versions. The archive also does not contain the viewer artwork or required libraries, for space and licensing reasons. As of this writing, these other resources (as well as all code contained in the archive) are available for download from Linden Research, Inc.: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Source_downloads LICENSE All code in the archive has been released by Linden Research Inc. under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 (plus a special exception). See linden/LICENSE-source.txt for details. DISCLAIMERS AND NOTICES The project and archive are in no way affiliated with Linden Research, Inc. Second Life is a registered trademark of Linden Research, Inc.