2008-12-12 Balp Allen * Bumped version to RC3 * Applied patches from Henri's CoolViewer: Possible to discard much more given items. 2008-12-13 Jacek Antonelli * linden/scripts/build_version.py: Version string generator now includes test label. This is used for naming packages on Linux, among other things. * linden/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h: Bumped version to 1.1.0 alpha. 2008-11-24 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/newview/llfloatergroupinvite.cpp: Add group name to group invite window. * linden/indra/newview/llfloatergroupinvite.h: Ditto. 2008-11-23 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/notify.xml: VWR-4826 (ability to ignore friendship offers). * linden/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml: Beacons no longer persist between sessions. That distressed users who accidentally enabled them, since not even relogging would disable them. * linden/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_instant_message.xml: Moved 'Offer Teleport' in IM to be on the left side. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_groups.xml: Switched Invite and Leave buttons in group panel. 2008-11-22 McCabe Maxsted * linden\indra\newview\skins\default\colors_base.xml: Added full comments to default skin colors. * linden\indra\newview\skins\silver\colors_base.xml: Added full comments to silver skin colors. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.0.0 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2008-12-12 Jacek Antonelli * Imprudence 1.0.0 finalized. * RELEASE_NOTES.txt: Added release notes. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Ditto. * linden/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h: Blanked the test version string. Not RC anymore. * linden/install.xml: Windows build uses OpenJPEG 1.3. Fixes half-opaque skirts/textures issue. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: README.txt will stay that name; README-linux.txt removed. 2008-12-11 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp: Simplified release notes URL scheme. Now uses e.g. "wiki/Release Notes/1.0.0-RC2", which is set up as a wiki redirect. * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp: Fixed bad string comparison (rel notes url) [#28] Reported by Balp Allen. 2008-12-10 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp: Fix grid selector having a duplicate entry. [#24] Patch by Balp Allen. * linden/indra/newview/llpanellogin.h: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llurlhistory.cpp: Better warning when url_history.xml save fails. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.cpp: Fixed bad string comparison (grid code name). [#22] Reported by Balp Allen. 2008-12-06 Jacek Antonelli * ChangeLog: Added banners in ChangeLog to set versions apart. Entries should be placed in the section for the version into which they were merged. Entries within a section should be sorted chronologically. This is important for keeping track of changes which weren't merged until a later release than they were written. (Mixing them in chronologically would cause confusion about which changes were included in a release.) * linden/indra/llmessage/llhttpclient.cpp: VWR-9400b (memleak whenever an LSL script is uploaded) Patch by Henri Beauchamp. * linden/indra/llmessage/llhttpclient.cpp: VWR-9400 (memleak whenever an LSL script is uploaded) Patch by Carjay McGinnis. * linden/indra/llimage/llimagetga.cpp: VWR-10837 (use delete [] in LLImageTGA) Patch by Aleric Inglewood. * linden/indra/llmedia/llmediaimplgstreamer.cpp: VWR-10759 (use delete [] in LLMediaImplGStreamer) Patch by Aleric Inglewood. 2008-12-06 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h: Added test version info. * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp: Ditto. 2008-12-05 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/llcommon/llsecondlifeurls.cpp: Changed Release Notes link to point to Imprudence. * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_login.xml: Rebranded login menu. [#23] * linden/indra/newview/llurlhistory.cpp: Fixed blank url_history.xml creation. (VWR-5808) 2008-12-01 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Fixed indentation for 'skins' prefix. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Doc packaging moved to platform-independent manifest. * Imported license files for libraries and artwork. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.0.0 RC2 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2008-12-04 Jacek Antonelli * Imprudence 1.0.0 RC2 released. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.cpp: Use for local opensim, not 2008-11-30 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Package up README.txt, etc. on Linux. * linden/indra/llmedia/llmediamanager.cpp: Disable llmozlib-dependent code when not available. Patch by Stephen Zenith. [#12] * linden/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.cpp: Fixed passing nonliteral strings to *printf functions. gcc 4.3 rejects that as being unsafe. Patch by Stephen Zenith. [#11] * linden/indra/linux_crash_logger/llcrashloggerlinux.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/lscript/lscript_compile/lscript_tree.cpp: Ditto. 2008-11-29 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp: Remove preprocessor condition for grid selector. The grid selector on the login screen will always show, instead of only showing when the viewer was compiled as LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD. * linden/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp: Stop console window from always showing up. 2008-11-29 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterdirectory.cpp: Fixed search window not refreshing in RelWithDebInfo builds. 2008-11-25 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp: Rearranged grid selectors so main grid is first. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp: Added "code name" field for grid selections. The code name is used to fetch the proper splash page. This decouples the user-visible label from the name expected by the SL web server. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.h: Ditto. 2008-11-24 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp: Changed the grid selector options at login. Renamed "Agni" to "SL Main Grid", etc. and removed private LL grids from the list. Also added "Local OpenSim" option. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llviewernetwork.h: Ditto. 2008-11-21 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/lldrawable.cpp: Likely fix for VWR-8920 (disappearing attachments). From http://svn.secondlife.com/trac/linden/changeset/1393 2008-11-19 McCabe Maxsted * linden/install.xml: Fixed inworld browser crash in Windows. 2008-11-18 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/llcrashlogger/llcrashlogger.cpp: Changed to Imprudence.exec_marker to match llappviewer.cpp. * linden/indra/llcrashlogger/llcrashlogger.cpp: Changed app dir (for cache, etc.) to Imprudence. * linden/indra/llvfs/lldir.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/llvfs/lldir_mac.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp: Ditto. 2008-11-18 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_group_invite.xml: VWR-9007: Group UI uses "Person" instead of "Resident". * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_group_roles.xml: Ditto. 2008-11-18 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/llrender/llrender.h: Fix VWR-9507: bad typedef breaks build on gcc 4.3. Suggested by Alissa Sabre. * linden/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp: Likely fix for VWR-9358 (palletized textures). Suggested by Angus Boyd. 2008-11-16 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/skins/silver/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml: Removed floater_tools.xml from silver skin. It was out of sync with the default version, and the only changes that LL had made to it were tiny tweaks to button size and position. It will now correctly inherit from default skin. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- 1.0.0 RC1 -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2008-11-15 Jacek Antonelli * Imprudence 1.0.0 RC1 released. 2008-11-05 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Remove reference to nonexistent First Look Mac icon. 2008-11-04 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/mac_crash_logger/CMakeLists.txt: Fix Mac crash logger & updater missing Info.plist. Suggested by Aimee Trescothick (Aimee Walton). * linden/indra/mac_updater/CMakeLists.txt: Ditto. 2008-11-02 Jacek Antonelli * linden/scripts/build_version.py: Script finds Imprudence version numbers for packaging. * linden/indra/lib/python/indra/util/llversion.py: Ditto. 2008-11-01 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/llwindow/llwindowsdl.cpp: Use Imprudence icon on Linux. * linden/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt: Package up Imprudence icons. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/res/imprudence_icon.png Imported Imprudence icon graphics. * linden/indra/newview/res-sdl/imprudence_icon.BMP Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Package only our free fonts. 2008-10-31 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml: Use Vera Mono and Liberation Sans fonts. 2008-10-17 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/cmake/FMOD.cmake: Disable fmod by default. You can give -DFMOD=ON at configure time to turn it on. * linden/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt: Use FMOD_LIBRARY variable. It's there for a reason. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Commented out fmod from viewer manifest. Commented out kdu from viewer manifest. Commented out vivox / SLVoice from viewer manifest. * Updated to SL source 1.21.6. 2008-10-17 McCabe Maxsted * linden\indra\newview\skins\default\xui\en-us\menu_viewer.xml: Rebranded the Help menu to point to Imprudence sites, removed issue tracker. * linden\indra\newview\skins\default\xui\en-us\alerts.xml: Ditto. * linden\indra\newview\llappviewer.cpp: Fixed windows compile bug. 2008-10-14 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/installers/windows/installer_template.nsi: Rebranded Windows-specific installer/support files. Replaced instances of "Second Life" with "Imprudence", etc. * linden/indra/newview/installers/windows/lang_de.nsi: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/installers/windows/lang_en-us.nsi: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/installers/windows/lang_ja.nsi: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/installers/windows/lang_ko.nsi: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/res/viewerRes.rc: Ditto. * linden/indra/copy_win_scripts/start-client.py: Ditto. * linden/indra/win_updater/updater.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/mac_updater/mac_updater.cpp: Rebranded Mac-specific installer/support files. Replaced instances of "Second Life" with "Imprudence", etc. * linden/indra/newview/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/Info-SecondLife.plist: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/SecondLife.nib/objects.xib: Ditto. * linden/indra/cmake/UnixInstall.cmake: Rebranded Linux-specific installer/support files. Replaced instances of "Second Life" with "Imprudence", etc. * linden/indra/linux_crash_logger/llcrashloggerlinux.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/linux_tools/handle_secondlifeprotocol.sh: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/linux_tools/wrapper.sh: Ditto. * linden/indra/CMakeLists.txt: Rebranded platform-independent/shared installer/support files. Replaced instances of "Second Life" with "Imprudence", etc. * linden/indra/cmake/00-Common.cmake: Ditto. * linden/indra/develop.py: Ditto. * linden/indra/llcrashlogger/llcrashlogger.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/ViewerInstall.cmake: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Ditto. 2008-10-01 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h: Added Imprudence-specific version numbers. * linden/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llpanellogin.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterabout.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/llcommon/llversionviewer.h: Changed viewer and channel name to "Imprudence". * linden/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/cmake/Variables.cmake: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml: Ditto. 2008-09-28 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp: Added event callbacks for Attached Lights and Attached Particles. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml: Updated XUI menu entries for Attached Lights and Attached Particles to use the new event callbacks. Those menu entries now work. * Updated to SL source 1.21.2. 2008-09-23 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterfriends.cpp: 'Offer Teleport' button in friends list is now enabled even when the selected user(s) appear to be offline. Mostly for consistency, but also to allow a work-around for times when presence is flakey. 2008-09-22 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llpanelavatar.cpp (setOnlineStatus): 'Offer Teleport' button in avatar profile is now always enabled, regardless of whether the other person is known to be online. * linden/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp: 'Offer Teleport' button in IM panel is now always enabled, regardless of whether the other person is known to be online. Fixes crash introduced by VWR-2072 when IMing someone not on your friends list, and makes the feature useful in more cases. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml: Increased maximum settable transparency from 90% to 100%. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml: Changed "Select Texture" to "Select Faces to Texture". 2008-09-22 Aimee Trescothick * linden/indra/newview/lloverlaybar.cpp: VWR-8341: Bring back a UI indicator of 'Flycam' text. * linden/indra/newview/lloverlaybar.h: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_overlaybar.xml: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml: VWR-8430: Usability improvements to the land tools floater. * linden/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llfloatertools.h: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llpanelland.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llpanelland.h: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/lltoolbrush.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/alerts.xml: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml: Ditto. 2008-09-21 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml: Reindented and cleaned up menu XML for code readability. 2008-09-20 Michelle2 Zenovka * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.h: VWR-5082: 'Set permissions on selected task inventory' feature. * linden/indra/newview/llfloaterbulkpermission.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_bulk_perms.xml: Ditto. 2008-09-20 Paul Churchill * linden/indra/newview/llimpanel.cpp: VWR-2072: New Feature -> UI -> IM -> Teleport (other person) Button. * linden/indra/newview/llimpanel.h: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_instant_message.xml: Ditto. 2008-09-19 Gigs Taggart * linden/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml: VWR-2331: Terraform tool variable "strength". Contributing authors: Gigs Taggart, Aimee Trescothick, Which Linden. * linden/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/llfloatertools.h: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/lltoolbrush.cpp: Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml: Ditto. 2008-09-19 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_groups.xml: VWR-8024: simplify group invites: invite to group from groups list. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml: VWR-1363: Add "Return Object" to the Tools menu. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml: VWR-7877: Change the default cut increment from 0.05 to 0.025. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_groups.xml: VWR-8024: simplify group invites: invite to group from groups list. 2008-09-19 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp: VWR-2947: Create event callbacks for Advanced menu functions. Part of VWR-2896: Convert "Advanced" menu to XUI. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml: VWR-2948: Create XUI-based Advanced menu. Part of VWR-2896: Convert "Advanced" menu to XUI. * linden/indra/SConstruct: New optional SConstruct flag to specify an exact path to build directory: BUILD_DIR. For convenience until we switch to CMake. * linden/indra/SConstruct: VWR-2865: New SConstruct flag to (not) make tarball after compiling. For convenience until we switch to CMake. * linden/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py: Ditto. 2008-09-17 Nicholaz Beresford * linden/indra/newview/llviewerjointattachment.h (LLViewerJoint): VWR-2685: Possible crash in bounding box (getBoundingBoxAgent()) from hud attachments. * linden/indra/newview/llfloateractivespeakers.cpp (updateSpeakerList): VWR-2683: Possible crash accessing dead llviewerregion. * linden/indra/newview/llviewerobjectlist.cpp (killObjects): Ditto. * linden/indra/newview/lltooldraganddrop.cpp (dragOrDrop): VWR-2003: Possible crash in lltooldraganddrop.cpp. 2008-09-16 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/lltexturecache.cpp (purgeTextureFilesTimeSliced): Skip "N files scheduled for deletion" message when nothing scheduled. 2008-09-16 Nicholaz Beresford * linden/indra/newview/lltexturecache.cpp: VWR-3878: Purging cache textures causes viewer to pause for many seconds, with heavy disk activity. * linden/indra/newview/lltexturecache.h: Ditto. * linden/indra/llmessage/llassetstorage.cpp: VWR-3877: A nasty possible memory overwrite and two minor leaks. 2008-09-07 McCabe Maxsted * linden/indra/newview/llpanelobject.cpp: VWR-7827: Allow Dimple/Profile Cut for boxes and box-based prims in the UI. * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml: Ditto. 2008-09-07 Jacek Antonelli * linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml: VWR-8056: Clean up menu_viewer.xml (main menu XUI).