from http://sldev.free.fr/ : "MediaFilter_v3: based on code by Sione Lomu with a couple of bugfixes by Tonya Souther, this improved patch brings media and streaming audio URLs filtering (to prevent IP ripping by so-called security systems which violate the SL TOS by catching your IP and associating your various avatars with it, thus violating your anonimity). Beside empowering your viewer with allow/deny/blacklist/whitelist functions per domain, this improved patch makes the difference between external servers (domains names filtering) and in-world servers (scripted objects with built-in HTTP servers). I also fixed various bugs, security holes and shortcomings, refactored the code and improved it, and added a whitelist/blacklist erasing function."
Imprudence changes: added "MediaFilter" debug to be able to inspect the full url and media texture uuid