path: root/linden/indra/newview/skins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'linden/indra/newview/skins')
14 files changed, 1078 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_ao.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_ao.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0731ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_ao.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
2<floater name="geminifloater" title="Animation Overrider">
3 <view_border name="ao_notecard"/>
4 <view_border name="ao_notecard_vis"/>
5 <text name="Give inventory" tool_tip="ZHAO Notiz hier fallen lassen. Konfiguration und Animationen müssen im gleichen Inventar Ordner liegen!">
6 ZHAO II Konfiguration hier fallen lassen.
7 </text>
8 <view_border name="ao_notecard_disp"/>
9 <text name="ao_nc_text" tool_tip="">
10 Aktuell: ITEM
11 </text>
12 <button name="opencard" label="Laden"/>
13 <button name="reloadcard" label="Neuladen"/>
14 <button label="Mehr &gt;&gt;" name="more_btn" tool_tip="Erweiterte Optionen"/>
15 <button label="&lt;&lt; Weniger" name="less_btn" tool_tip="Erweiterte Optionen"/>
16 <check_box label="Anims übersteuern" name="EmeraldAOEnabled"/>
17 <check_box label="Sitzen übersteuern" name="EmeraldAOSitsEnabled"/>
18 <text name="buttons_desc">
19 Stand:
20 </text>
21 <combo_box name="stands" label=""/>
22 <button name="prevstand" tool_tip="vorheriger Stand" label="&lt;&lt;"/>
23 <button name="nextstand" tool_tip="nächster Stand" label="&gt;&gt;"/>
24 <check_box label="zufällige Stand Ani" name="EmeraldAOStandRandomize"/>
25 <check_box label="keine Stand Ani bei Mouselook" name="EmeraldAONoStandsInMouselook"/>
26 <spinner name="standtime" label="Stand Zeit" tool_tip="AO Stand zeit in Sekunden"/>
27 <tab_container label="Default" name="tabcontainer">
28 <panel label="Standard Anis" name="tabdefaultanims">
29 <text name="textdefaultwalk">
30 Standard Gang:
31 </text>
32 <combo_box name="walks" label=""/>
33 <text name="textdefaultrun">
34 Standard Rennen:
35 </text>
36 <combo_box name="runs" label=""/>
37 <text name="textdefaultjump">
38 Standard Sprung:
39 </text>
40 <combo_box name="jumps" label=""/>
41 <text name="textdefaultsit">
42 Standard sitzen:
43 </text>
44 <combo_box name="sits" label=""/>
45 <text name="textdefaultgsit">
46 Standard Bodensitz:
47 </text>
48 <combo_box name="gsits" label=""/>
49 <text name="textdefaultcrouch">
50 Standard geduckt:
51 </text>
52 <combo_box name="crouchs" label=""/>
53 <text name="textdefaultcrouchwalk">
54 Standard geduckt Gang:
55 </text>
56 <combo_box name="cwalks" label=""/>
57 <text name="textdefaultfall">
58 Standard fallen:
59 </text>
60 <combo_box name="falls" label=""/>
61 <text name="textdefaulthover">
62 Standard scheweben:
63 </text>
64 <combo_box name="hovers" label=""/>
65 <text name="textdefaultfly">
66 Standard fliegen:
67 </text>
68 <combo_box name="flys" label=""/>
69 <text name="textdefaultflyslow">
70 Standard langsam fliegen:
71 </text>
72 <combo_box name="flyslows" label=""/>
73 <text name="textdefaultflyup">
74 Standard aufwärts fliegen:
75 </text>
76 <combo_box name="flyups" label=""/>
77 <text name="textdefaultflydown">
78 Standard abwärts fliegen:
79 </text>
80 <combo_box name="flydowns" label=""/>
81 <text name="textdefaultland">
82 Standard landen:
83 </text>
84 <combo_box name="lands" label=""/>
85 <text name="textdefaultstandup">
86 Standard aufstehen:
87 </text>
88 <combo_box name="standups" label=""/>
89 <text name="textdefaultprejump">
90 Standard Pre-Sprung:
91 </text>
92 <combo_box name="prejumps" label=""/>
93 </panel>
95</floater> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_ao.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_ao.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bcc9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_ao.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
3 name="geminifloater"
4 rect_control="AORect"
5 title="Animation Overrider"
6 can_resize="false"
7 can_minimize="true"
8 can_close="true"
9 can_drag_on_left="false"
10 width="610"
11 height="380">
13 <view_border blevel_style="in" border_thickness="0" bottom="-380" follows="left|top" height="380" left="1"
14 mouse_opaque="false" name="ao_notecard" width="610" />
15 <view_border blevel_style="in" bottom="340" follows="left|top" height="16" left="10"
16 mouse_opaque="false" name="ao_notecard_vis" width="180" />
17 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
18 bottom_delta="0" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|top"
19 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="center" height="16" left_delta="0"
20 mouse_opaque="true" name="Give inventory"
21 tool_tip="Drop a ZHAO notecard here. Animations have to be in the same Inventory folder as the notecard." v_pad="2"
22 width="180">
23 Drop a ZHAO II notecard here
24 </text>
25 <view_border blevel_style="in" bottom_delta="-18" follows="left|top" height="16" left_delta="0"
26 mouse_opaque="false" name="ao_notecard_disp" width="180" />
27 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
28 bottom_delta="0" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|top"
29 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="center" height="16" left_delta="0"
30 mouse_opaque="true" name="ao_nc_text"
31 tool_tip="" v_pad="2"
32 width="180">
33 Currently set to: ITEM
34 </text>
36 <button
37 name="opencard"
38 label="Open Notecard"
39 font="SansSerifSmall"
40 left="10"
41 bottom_delta="-30"
42 width="110"
43 height="20"
44 follows="bottom|left"
45 />
46 <button
47 name="reloadcard"
48 label="Reload"
49 font="SansSerifSmall"
50 left="124"
51 bottom_delta="0"
52 width="70"
53 height="20"
54 follows="bottom|left"
55 />
57 <check_box bottom_delta="-24" control_name="AOEnabled" enabled="true"
58 follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false" label="Enable Animations Override" left="10"
59 mouse_opaque="true" name="AOEnabled" radio_style="false" width="90" />
60 <check_box bottom_delta="-18" control_name="AOSitsEnabled" enabled="true"
61 follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="true" label="Enable Sits Override" left="10"
62 mouse_opaque="true" name="AOSitsEnabled" radio_style="false" width="90" />
64 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
65 bottom_delta="-20" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
66 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
67 mouse_opaque="true" name="buttons_desc" v_pad="0" width="180">
68 Stands:
69 </text>
70 <combo_box name="stands" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="-20"/>
71 <button
72 name="prevstand"
73 tool_tip="previous stand"
74 label="&lt;&lt;"
75 font="SansSerifSmall"
76 left="10"
77 bottom_delta="-25"
78 width="90"
79 height="20"
80 follows="bottom|left"
81 />
82 <button
83 name="nextstand"
84 tool_tip="next stand"
85 label="&gt;&gt;"
86 font="SansSerifSmall"
87 left="104"
88 bottom_delta="0"
89 width="90"
90 height="20"
91 follows="bottom|left"
92 />
93 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" control_name="AOStandRandomize" enabled="true"
94 follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false" label="Randomize Stand Order" left="10"
95 mouse_opaque="true" name="AOStandRandomize" radio_style="false" width="200" />
96 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" control_name="AONoStandsInMouselook" enabled="true"
97 follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="true" label="Disable Stands in Mouselook" left="10"
98 mouse_opaque="true" name="AONoStandsInMouselook" radio_style="false" width="180" />
99 <spinner bottom_delta="-20" decimal_digits="2" follows="left|top" height="16" control_name="AOStandInterval"
100 increment="1" initial_val="20" left="10" max_val="9000" min_val="1.00"
101 mouse_opaque="true" name="standtime" label="Stand Time" label_width="80"
102 tool_tip="AO Stand Time in seconds" width="180" />
104 <button
105 name="newcard"
106 label="New Notecard Template"
107 font="SansSerifSmall"
108 left="10"
109 bottom_delta="-32"
110 width="180"
111 height="20"
112 follows="bottom|left"
113 />
115 <button bottom="4" follows="left|bottom" font="SansSerifSmall" halign="center"
116 height="20" label="More &gt;&gt;" left="118"
117 mouse_opaque="true" name="more_btn" scale_image="TRUE"
118 tool_tip="Advanced Options" width="76" />
119 <button bottom_delta="0" follows="left|bottom" font="SansSerifSmall" halign="center"
120 height="20" label="&lt;&lt; Less" left_delta="0"
121 mouse_opaque="true" name="less_btn" scale_image="TRUE"
122 tool_tip="Advanced Options" width="76" />
124 <tab_container label="Default" bottom="6" left="210" mouse_opaque="false" name="tabcontainer" tab_min_width="50" tab_position="top" width="390" height="350" bg_opaque_color="0,0,0,0.0">
125 <panel border="true" left="0" bottom="0" follows="left|top|right|bottom" height="350" label="Default Anims" mouse_opaque="true" name="tabdefaultanims" width="390">
127 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
128 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
129 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
130 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultwalk" v_pad="0" width="180">
131 Default Walk:
132 </text>
133 <combo_box name="walks" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultWalk" />
135 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
136 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
137 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
138 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultrun" v_pad="0" width="180">
139 Default Run:
140 </text>
141 <combo_box name="runs" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultRun" />
142 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
143 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
144 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
145 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultjump" v_pad="0" width="180">
146 Default Jump:
147 </text>
148 <combo_box name="jumps" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultJump" />
149 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
150 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
151 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
152 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultsit" v_pad="0" width="180">
153 Default Sit:
154 </text>
155 <combo_box name="sits" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultSit" />
156 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
157 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
158 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
159 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultgsit" v_pad="0" width="180">
160 Default Groundsit:
161 </text>
162 <combo_box name="gsits" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultGroundSit" />
163 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
164 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
165 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
166 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultcrouch" v_pad="0" width="180">
167 Default Crouch:
168 </text>
169 <combo_box name="crouchs" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultCrouch" />
170 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
171 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
172 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
173 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultcrouchwalk" v_pad="0" width="180">
174 Default Crouchwalk:
175 </text>
176 <combo_box name="cwalks" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultCrouchWalk" />
177 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
178 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
179 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="10"
180 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultfall" v_pad="0" width="180">
181 Default Fall:
182 </text>
183 <combo_box name="falls" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left="10" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultFall" />
184 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
185 bottom_delta="280" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
186 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left="200"
187 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaulthover" v_pad="0" width="180">
188 Default Hover:
189 </text>
190 <combo_box name="hovers" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultHover" />
191 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
192 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
193 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left_delta="0"
194 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultfly" v_pad="0" width="180">
195 Default Fly:
196 </text>
197 <combo_box name="flys" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultFly" />
198 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
199 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
200 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left_delta="0"
201 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultflyslow" v_pad="0" width="180">
202 Default Slow Fly:
203 </text>
204 <combo_box name="flyslows" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultFlySlow" />
205 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
206 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
207 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left_delta="0"
208 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultflyup" v_pad="0" width="180">
209 Default Upward Fly:
210 </text>
211 <combo_box name="flyups" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultFlyUp" />
212 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
213 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
214 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left_delta="0"
215 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultflydown" v_pad="0" width="180">
216 Default Downward Fly:
217 </text>
218 <combo_box name="flydowns" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultFlyDown" />
219 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
220 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
221 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left_delta="0"
222 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultland" v_pad="0" width="180">
223 Default Land:
224 </text>
225 <combo_box name="lands" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultLand" />
226 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
227 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
228 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left_delta="0"
229 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultstandup" v_pad="0" width="180">
230 Default Standup:
231 </text>
232 <combo_box name="standups" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultStandUp" />
233 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
234 bottom_delta="-40" drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|bottom"
235 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="16" left_delta="0"
236 mouse_opaque="true" name="textdefaultprejump" v_pad="0" width="180">
237 Default Pre-Jump:
238 </text>
239 <combo_box name="prejumps" label="" follows="left|top" height="20" left_delta="0" width="180" bottom_delta="0" control_name="AODefaultPreJump" />
240 </panel>
242</floater> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_build_options.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_build_options.xml
index 807caa0..298805d 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_build_options.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_build_options.xml
@@ -1,27 +1,175 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
2<floater bottom="-297" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" 2<floater bottom="-297" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true"
3 can_resize="false" follows="right" height="151" left="298" min_height="151" 3 can_resize="false" follows="right" height="370" min_height="370"
4 min_width="272" mouse_opaque="true" name="build options floater" 4 min_width="530" mouse_opaque="true" name="build options floater"
5 rect_control="FloaterBuildOptionsRect" title="Grid Options" width="272"> 5 rect_control="FloaterBuildOptionsRect" title="Advanced Build Options" width="530">
6 <spinner bottom="-53" control_name="GridResolution" decimal_digits="3" 6
7 <view_border bevel_style="none" border_thickness="1" bottom="-145" follows="top|left" height="105"
8 left="14" name="GridBorder" width="170"/>
9 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
10 bottom_delta="110" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
11 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="10" left_delta="53" mouse_opaque="false"
12 name="text_box7" v_pad="0" width="150"> Grid Options</text>
13 <spinner bottom="-60" decimal_digits="3"
7 follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.1" initial_val="1" 14 follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.1" initial_val="1"
8 label="Grid Unit (meters)" label_width="110" left="14" max_val="5" 15 label="Grid Units (m)" label_width="90" left="21" max_val="5"
9 min_val="0.01" mouse_opaque="true" name="GridResolution" width="170" /> 16 min_val="0.01" mouse_opaque="true" name="GridResolution" width="155" />
10 <spinner bottom_delta="-21" control_name="GridDrawSize" decimal_digits="1" 17 <spinner bottom_delta="-20" decimal_digits="1"
11 follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.5" initial_val="5" 18 follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.5" initial_val="5"
12 label="Grid Extents (meters)" label_width="110" left="14" max_val="50" 19 label="Grid Extents (m)" label_width="90" left_delta="0" max_val="50"
13 min_val="1" mouse_opaque="true" name="GridDrawSize" width="170" /> 20 min_val="1" mouse_opaque="true" name="GridDrawSize" width="155" />
14 <check_box bottom_delta="-21" control_name="GridSubUnit" follows="left|top" 21 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" follows="left|top"
15 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false" 22 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false"
16 label="Enable Sub-Unit Snapping" left="14" mouse_opaque="true" 23 label="Sub-Unit Snapping" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true"
17 name="GridSubUnit" width="200" /> 24 name="GridSubUnit" width="200" />
18 <check_box bottom_delta="-21" control_name="GridCrossSections" follows="left|top" 25 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" follows="left|top"
19 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false" 26 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false"
20 label="Show Cross Sections" left="14" mouse_opaque="true" 27 label="Show Cross Sections" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true"
21 name="GridCrossSection" width="200" /> 28 name="GridCrossSection" width="200" />
22 <slider bottom_delta="-21" can_edit_text="false" control_name="GridOpacity" 29 <slider bottom_delta="-20" can_edit_text="false"
23 decimal_digits="3" follows="left" height="16" increment="0.05" 30 decimal_digits="3" follows="left" height="16" increment="0.05"
24 initial_val="0.7" label="Grid Opacity" left="14" max_val="1" min_val="0" 31 initial_val="0.7" label="Grid Opacity" left_delta="0" max_val="1" min_val="0"
25 mouse_opaque="true" name="GridOpacity" show_text="false" value="0.7" 32 mouse_opaque="true" name="GridOpacity" show_text="false" value="0.7"
26 width="200" /> 33 width="165" />
35 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
36 bottom_delta="-30" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
37 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="10" left="44" mouse_opaque="false"
38 name="text_box3" v_pad="0" width="150"> Object Size</text>
39 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
40 bottom_delta="0" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
41 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="10" left_delta="130" mouse_opaque="false"
42 name="text_box4" v_pad="0" width="150"> Settings</text>
43 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
44 bottom_delta="0" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
45 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="10" left_delta="190" mouse_opaque="false"
46 name="text_box5" v_pad="0" width="150"> Texture</text>
47 <view_border bevel_style="none" border_thickness="1" bottom_delta="-98" follows="top|left" height="90"
48 left="14" name="SizeBorder" width="120" />
49 <view_border bevel_style="none" border_thickness="1" bottom_delta="-0" follows="top|left" height="90"
50 left_delta="134" name="SettingsBorder" width="100" />
51 <view_border bevel_style="none" border_thickness="1" bottom_delta="0" follows="top|left" height="90"
52 left_delta="114" name="TextureBorder" width="250" />
54 <spinner bottom="-200" decimal_digits="5" follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.05"
55 label="X size" label_width="40" left="20" max_val="10" min_val="0.01"
56 mouse_opaque="true" name="X size" width="110" />
57 <spinner bottom_delta="-20" decimal_digits="5" follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.05"
58 label="Y size" label_width="40" left_delta="0" max_val="10" min_val="0.01"
59 mouse_opaque="true" name="Y size" width="110" />
60 <spinner bottom_delta="-20" decimal_digits="5" follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.05"
61 label="Z size" label_width="40" left_delta="0" max_val="10" min_val="0.01"
62 mouse_opaque="true" name="Z size" width="110" />
64 <check_box bottom="-200" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
65 label="Phantom" left="154" mouse_opaque="true" name="PhantomToggle" radio_style="false"
66 width="100" />
67 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
68 label="Physical" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="PhysicalToggle" radio_style="false"
69 width="100" />
70 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
71 label="Temporary" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="TemporaryToggle" radio_style="false"
72 width="100" />
73 <combo_box allow_text_entry="false" bottom_delta="-20" left_delta="1" follows="left|top" height="18"
74 left="10" max_chars="20" mouse_opaque="true" name="material" width="87">
75 <combo_item name="Stone" value="Stone">Stone</combo_item>
76 <combo_item name="Metal" value="Metal">Metal</combo_item>
77 <combo_item name="Glass" value="Glass">Glass</combo_item>
78 <combo_item name="Wood" value="Wood">Wood</combo_item>
79 <combo_item name="Flesh" value="Flesh">Flesh</combo_item>
80 <combo_item name="Plastic" value="Plastic">Plastic</combo_item>
81 <combo_item name="Rubber" value="Rubber">Rubber</combo_item>
82 </combo_box>
84 <texture_picker allow_no_texture="false" bottom="-265" can_apply_immediately="true" default_image_name="Default"
85 follows="left|top" height="80" label="Texture" left="270" mouse_opaque="true"
86 name="texture control" tool_tip="Click to choose a picture"
87 width="64"/>
88 <color_swatch border_color="0.45098, 0.517647, 0.607843, 1" bottom_delta="0" can_apply_immediately="true"
89 color="1, 1, 1, 1" follows="left|top" height="80" label="Color" left_delta="75"
90 mouse_opaque="true" name="colorswatch" tool_tip="Click to open Color Picker" width="64" />
92 <spinner bottom="-200" decimal_digits="0" follows="left|top" height="16" increment="1"
93 label="Alpha" label_width="40" left_delta="70" max_val="100" min_val="0"
94 mouse_opaque="true" name="alpha" width="90" />
95 <spinner bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" decimal_digits="2" follows="left|top" height="16"
96 increment="0.05" label="Glow" label_width="40" left_delta="0" max_val="1"
97 min_val="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="glow" width="90" />
98 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
99 label="Full Bright" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="FBToggle" radio_style="false"
100 width="100" />
101 <combo_box allow_text_entry="false" bottom_delta="-20" follows="left|top" height="18" left_delta="0"
102 max_chars="20" mouse_opaque="true" name="combobox shininess" tool_tip="Set the amount of shine for the object"
103 width="90">
104 <combo_item name="None" value="None"> None</combo_item>
105 <combo_item name="Low" value="Low"> Low</combo_item>
106 <combo_item name="Medium" value="Medium"> Medium</combo_item>
107 <combo_item name="High" value="High"> High</combo_item>
108 </combo_box>
110 <view_border blevel_style="in" bottom_delta="-40" follows="left|top" height="16" left="14"
111 mouse_opaque="false" name="im_give_drop_target_rect" width="400"/>
112 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false" bottom_delta="0"
113 drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="center"
114 height="16" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="Give inventory" tool_tip="Drop an inventory item here."
115 v_pad="2" width="400"> Drop an inventory item here to have it added to the prim contents.</text>
116 <view_border blevel_style="in" bottom_delta="-18" follows="left|top" height="16" left_delta="0"
117 mouse_opaque="false" name="build_item_add_disp_rect" width="400"/>
118 <button bottom_delta="0" enabled="true" font="SansSerif" halign="center" height="20"
119 label="Clear Item" left_delta="405" mouse_opaque="true"
120 name="btn_clear" scale_image="true" width="90" />
121 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false" bottom_delta="0"
122 drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="center"
123 height="16" left="14" mouse_opaque="true" name="build_item_add_disp_rect_txt" tool_tip=""
124 v_pad="2" width="400"> Currently set to: ITEM</text>
125 <check_box name="BuildPrefsEmbedItem" bottom_delta="-25" enabled="true"
126 follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
127 initial_value="false" label="Embed an item into the newly created object" left_delta="0"
128 mouse_opaque="true" radio_style="false" width="270" />
130 <view_border bevel_style="none" border_thickness="1" bottom="-145" follows="top|left" height="105"
131 left="198" name="PivotBorder" width="135"/>
132 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
133 bottom_delta="110" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
134 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="10" left_delta="35" mouse_opaque="false"
135 name="text_box6" v_pad="0" width="150"> Pivot Point</text>
136 <spinner bottom_delta="-25" decimal_digits="5" follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.05"
137 label="X pos" label_width="40" left_delta="-28" mouse_opaque="true" max_val="256"
138 min_val="-256" name="X pos" width="120" />
139 <spinner bottom_delta="-20" decimal_digits="5" follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.05"
140 label="Y pos" label_width="40" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" max_val="256"
141 min_val="-256" name="Y pos" width="120" />
142 <spinner bottom_delta="-20" decimal_digits="5" follows="left|top" height="16" increment="0.05"
143 label="Z pos" label_width="40" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" max_val="256"
144 min_val="-256" name="Z pos" width="120" />
145 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
146 label="Values are percent" left_delta="-5" mouse_opaque="true" tool_tip="Default settings are Percentages and every axis set at 50"
147 name="PivotPercToggle" radio_style="false" width="100" />
149 <check_box bottom_delta="60" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
150 initial_value="true" label="Highlight selected prims" left_delta="143"
151 mouse_opaque="true" name="BuildPrefsRenderHighlight_toggle"
152 radio_style="false" width="270"/>
153 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
154 initial_value="false" label="Show axis on root prim" left_delta="0"
155 mouse_opaque="true" tool_tip="Default behaviour is to show the axis on the center of mass of a linkset. If enabled, the axis will be shown on the root prim of the linkset instead."
156 name="BuildPrefsActualRoot_toggle" radio_style="false" width="270" />
157 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
158 label="Rez objects using land group" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true"
159 tooltip="Rez objects on group land using the land's group (if possible)"
160 name="grouplandrez" radio_style="false" width="270" />
162 <button bottom="2" enabled="true" follows="right|bottom" font="SansSerif"
163 halign="center" height="20" label="Cancel" right="-4"
164 mouse_opaque="true" name="btn_cancel" scale_image="true" width="90" />
165 <button bottom_delta="0" enabled="true" follows="right|bottom" font="SansSerif"
166 halign="center" height="20" label="Apply" left_delta="-93"
167 mouse_opaque="true" name="btn_apply" scale_image="true" width="90" />
168 <button bottom_delta="0" enabled="true" follows="right|bottom" font="SansSerif"
169 halign="center" height="20" label="OK" left_delta="-93"
170 mouse_opaque="true" name="btn_ok" scale_image="true" width="90" />
171 <button bottom_delta="0" enabled="true" follows="left|bottom" font="SansSerif"
172 halign="center" height="20" label="Reset to Defaults"
173 left="2" mouse_opaque="true" name="btn_reset" scale_image="true"
174 width="160" />
27</floater> 175</floater>
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_busy.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_busy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9bd613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_busy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
2<floater name="busy" title="IM Response Options"
3 height="446" width="255" min_height="446" min_width="255"
4 follows="top|right" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false"
5 can_minimize="true" can_resize="false" can_tear_off="false">
7 <check_box bottom="-40" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
8 initial_value="false" label="Announce incoming instant messages" left="10" mouse_opaque="true"
9 name="InstantMessageAnnounceIncoming" radio_style="false" width="270"/>
10 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
11 initial_value="false" label="Steal focus" left_delta="10" mouse_opaque="true" name="InstantMessageAnnounceStealFocus"
12 radio_style="false" width="270"/>
13 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
14 initial_value="false" label="Autorespond to non-friends" left_delta="-10" mouse_opaque="true"
15 name="InstantMessageResponseFriends" radio_style="false" width="270"/>
16 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
17 initial_value="false" label="Autorespond to people you have muted" left_delta="0"
18 mouse_opaque="true" name="InstantMessageResponseMuted" radio_style="false"
19 width="270"/>
20 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
21 initial_value="false" label="Autorespond to anyone" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true"
22 name="InstantMessageResponseAnyone" radio_style="false" width="270"/>
23 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
24 initial_value="false" label="Send as soon as they start typing" left_delta="10" mouse_opaque="true"
25 name="InstantMessageShowOnTyping" radio_style="false" width="270"/>
26 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="26"
27 initial_value="false" label="Don't show IMs you auto-responsed to" left_delta="0"
28 mouse_opaque="true" name="InstantMessageShowResponded" radio_style="false"
29 width="170"/>
30 <check_box bottom_delta="-20" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
31 initial_value="false" label="Autorespond to every message" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true"
32 name="InstantMessageResponseRepeat" radio_style="false" width="270"/>
34 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
35 bottom_delta="-25" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
36 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="20" left_delta="-10" mouse_opaque="false"
37 name="text_box1" v_pad="0" width="425">
38 Response Text:
39 </text>
40 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
41 bottom_delta="-20" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
42 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="20" left_delta="15" mouse_opaque="false"
43 name="text_box_a" v_pad="0" width="425">
44 Use "#f" for recipient's first name
45 </text>
46 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
47 bottom_delta="-20" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
48 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="20" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="false"
49 name="text_box_b" v_pad="0" width="425">
50 Use "#l" for last name
51 </text>
52 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
53 bottom_delta="-20" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
54 h_pad="0" halign="left" height="20" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="false"
55 name="text_box_c" v_pad="0" width="425">
56 Use "#t" for timestamp
57 </text>
59 <text_editor type="string" length="1" bottom_delta="-85" embedded_items="false" enabled="true"
60 follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="75" left_delta="-15" max_length="1100"
61 mouse_opaque="true" name="im_response" width="230" word_wrap="true"/>
63 <check_box bottom_delta="-30" enabled="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
64 initial_value="false" label="Send an item along with the response" left_delta="0"
65 mouse_opaque="true" name="InstantMessageResponseItem" radio_style="false"
66 width="270"/>
68 <view_border blevel_style="in" bottom_delta="-20" follows="left|top" height="16" left_delta="0"
69 mouse_opaque="false" name="im_give_drop_target_rect" width="230"/>
71 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false" bottom_delta="0"
72 drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="center"
73 height="16" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="Give inventory" tool_tip="Drop an inventory item here to have it given along with the auto-response."
74 v_pad="2" width="230">
75 Drop an inventory item here
76 </text>
78 <view_border blevel_style="in" bottom_delta="-18" follows="left|top" height="16" left_delta="0"
79 mouse_opaque="false" name="im_give_disp_rect" width="230"/>
81 <text bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false" bottom_delta="0"
82 drop_shadow_visible="true" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="center"
83 height="16" left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="im_give_disp_rect_txt" tool_tip=""
84 v_pad="2" width="230">
85 Currently set to: ITEM
86 </text>
88 <button bottom_delta="-26" follows="top|right" height="22" label="Cancel"
89 right="-10" name="btn_cancel" tool_tip="" enagled="true" width="80" />
90 <button bottom_delta="0" follows="top|right" height="22" label="OK"
91 right="-90" name="btn_ok" tool_tip="" enabled="true" width="80" />
93</floater> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_image_preview.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_image_preview.xml
index 76c1852..975f650 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_image_preview.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_image_preview.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
2<floater can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="false" 2<floater can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="false"
3 can_resize="false" height="440" min_height="140" min_width="300" 3 can_resize="false" height="450" min_height="450" min_width="300"
4 name="Image Preview" title="" width="300"> 4 name="Image Preview" title="" width="300">
5 <text bottom_delta="-40" follows="top|left" height="15" left="10" name="name_label"> 5 <text bottom_delta="-40" follows="top|left" height="15" left="10" name="name_label">
6 Name: 6 Name:
@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@
53 53
54Try saving image as 24 bit Targa (.tga). 54Try saving image as 24 bit Targa (.tga).
55 </text> 55 </text>
56 <check_box bottom="37" control_name="LosslessJ2CUpload" enabled="false" 56 <check_box bottom="45" control_name="LosslessJ2CUpload" enabled="false"
57 follows="bottom|left" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" 57 follows="bottom|left" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
58 initial_value="false" label="Use lossless compression" left="10" 58 initial_value="false" label="Use lossless compression" left="10"
59 left_delta="2" name="lossless_check" width="280" /> 59 left_delta="2" name="lossless_check" width="280" />
60 <check_box bottom="37" control_name="EmeraldTemporaryUpload" enabled="true" 60 <check_box bottom_delta="-18" control_name="EmeraldTemporaryUpload" enabled="true"
61 follows="bottom|left" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" 61 follows="bottom|left" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
62 initial_value="false" label="Temporary Image (Free)" 62 initial_value="false" label="Temporary Image (Free)"
63 left_delta="155" name="temp_check" width="280" tooltip="Sets the asset to be temporary, meaning its free, but in return, only good for a short time before it ceases to exist." /> 63 left_delta="0" name="temp_check" width="280" tooltip="Sets the asset to be temporary, meaning its free, but in return, only good for a short time before it ceases to exist." />
64 <button bottom="10" follows="bottom|right" height="20" label="Cancel" left="165" 64 <button bottom="5" follows="bottom|right" height="20" label="Cancel" left="165"
65 name="cancel_btn" width="125" /> 65 name="cancel_btn" width="125" />
66 <button bottom="10" follows="bottom|left" height="20" label="Upload (L$[AMOUNT])" 66 <button bottom="5" follows="bottom|left" height="20" label="Upload (L$[AMOUNT])"
67 left="15" name="ok_btn" width="125" /> 67 left="15" name="ok_btn" width="125" />
68</floater> 68</floater>
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml
index 959ebde..52275ea 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/floater_tools.xml
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
119 <check_box bottom_delta="-19" control_name="SnapEnabled" follows="left|top" 119 <check_box bottom_delta="-19" control_name="SnapEnabled" follows="left|top"
120 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="true" label="Use Grid" 120 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="true" label="Use Grid"
121 left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="checkbox snap to grid" width="134" /> 121 left_delta="0" mouse_opaque="true" name="checkbox snap to grid" width="134" />
122 <button bottom_delta="-19" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" 122 <button bottom_delta="-30" follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall"
123 halign="center" valign="center" 123 halign="center" valign="center"
124 height="20" label="Options..." label_selected="Options..." left_delta="20" 124 height="20" label="Build Options" left_delta="20"
125 mouse_opaque="true" name="Options..." scale_image="TRUE" width="80" /> 125 mouse_opaque="true" name="Options..." scale_image="TRUE" width="100" />
126 126
127 127
128<!-- Help text --> 128<!-- Help text -->
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml
index 9c02f07..242cc8f 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/menu_viewer.xml
@@ -346,6 +346,12 @@
346 <on_check control="ShowMiniMap" /> 346 <on_check control="ShowMiniMap" />
347 </menu_item_check> 347 </menu_item_check>
348 <menu_item_separator /> 348 <menu_item_separator />
349 <menu_item_check label="AO" name="AO"
350 shortcut="control|shift|O">
351 <on_click function="View.ToggleAO" userdata="" />
352 <on_check function="View.CheckAO" />
353 </menu_item_check>
354 <menu_item_separator />
349 <menu_item_check name="Statistics Bar" label="Statistics Bar" 355 <menu_item_check name="Statistics Bar" label="Statistics Bar"
350 shortcut="control|shift|1"> 356 shortcut="control|shift|1">
351 <on_click function="ShowFloater" userdata="stat bar" /> 357 <on_click function="ShowFloater" userdata="stat bar" />
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/notifications.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/notifications.xml
index b0deeef..df277ad 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/notifications.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/notifications.xml
@@ -6677,6 +6677,20 @@ Go to the Official Imprudence Forums to discuss the Imprudence Project.
6677 yestext="OK"/> 6677 yestext="OK"/>
6678 </notification> 6678 </notification>
6679 6679
6680 <notification
6681 icon="notify.tga"
6682 name="FirstAO"
6683 type="notify">
6684 For instructions, make a new template in the AO. Use the toolbar to toggle the AO on/off.
6685 </notification>
6687 <notification
6688 icon="notifytip.tga"
6689 name="NoShadows"
6690 type="notifytip">
6691 Shadows cannot be enabled due to your graphics settings being set too low. Make sure your graphics settings are set to Ultra with Basic and Atmospheric Shaders enabled.
6692 </notification>
6680 6694
6681 <!--End Imprudence notifications--> 6695 <!--End Imprudence notifications-->
6682 6696
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_avatar.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_avatar.xml
index ed5282d..dbaf48e 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_avatar.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_avatar.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
3 <tab_container bottom="-511" height="511" left="0" mouse_opaque="false" name="tab" 3 <tab_container bottom="-511" height="511" left="0" mouse_opaque="false" name="tab"
4 tab_min_width="50" tab_position="top" width="419"> 4 tab_min_width="50" tab_position="top" width="419">
5 <panel border="true" bottom="-507" follows="left|top|right|bottom" height="491" 5 <panel border="true" bottom="-507" follows="left|top|right|bottom" height="491"
6 label="2nd Life" left="1" mouse_opaque="true" name="2nd Life" width="418"> 6 label="Avatar" left="1" mouse_opaque="true" name="2nd Life" width="418">
7 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo"> 7 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
335 </text> 335 </text>
336 </panel> 336 </panel>
337 <panel border="true" bottom="-482" follows="left|top|right|bottom" height="466" 337 <panel border="true" bottom="-482" follows="left|top|right|bottom" height="466"
338 label="1st Life" left="1" mouse_opaque="true" name="1st Life" width="418"> 338 label="Real Life" left="1" mouse_opaque="true" name="1st Life" width="418">
339 <texture_picker allow_no_texture="true" bottom="220" can_apply_immediately="false" 339 <texture_picker allow_no_texture="true" bottom="220" can_apply_immediately="false"
340 default_image_name="None" follows="left|top" height="235" label="" 340 default_image_name="None" follows="left|top" height="235" label=""
341 left="12" mouse_opaque="true" name="img" 341 left="12" mouse_opaque="true" name="img"
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_preferences_advanced.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_preferences_advanced.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a3111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_preferences_advanced.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
2<panel border="true" bottom="-409" enabled="true" follows="left|top|right|bottom"
3 height="408" label="Advanced" left="102" mouse_opaque="true"
4 name="advanced_panel" width="517">
6 <!-- Start organizing these when we get enough of 'em - MC -->
8 <check_box bottom="-20" enabled="true"
9 follows="left|top" font="SansSerifSmall" height="16"
10 initial_value="false" label="Disable Login/Logout Screens" left="12"
11 mouse_opaque="true" name="disable_log_screen_check" radio_style="false"
12 width="217" />
13 <check_box bottom_delta="-18" enabled="true" follows="left|top"
14 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false"
15 label="Disable Teleport Screens" left="12" mouse_opaque="true"
16 name="disable_tp_screen_check" radio_style="false" width="217" />
17 <check_box bottom_delta="-25" enabled="true" follows="left|top"
18 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false"
19 label="Show Client Names in Name Tag" left="12" mouse_opaque="true"
20 name="client_name_tag_check" radio_style="false" width="217" />
21 <check_box bottom_delta="-25" enabled="true" follows="left|top"
22 font="SansSerifSmall" height="16" initial_value="false"
23 label="Enable Shadows (WARNING: unstable and requires Ultra graphics)" left="12" mouse_opaque="true"
24 name="shadows_check" radio_style="false" width="217" />
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_preferences_im.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_preferences_im.xml
index 9b18e11..582e230 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_preferences_im.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_preferences_im.xml
@@ -62,8 +62,11 @@
62 <text_editor type="string" length="1" bottom_delta="-60" embedded_items="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" 62 <text_editor type="string" length="1" bottom_delta="-60" embedded_items="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top"
63 font="SansSerifSmall" height="70" left="148" max_length="255" 63 font="SansSerifSmall" height="70" left="148" max_length="255"
64 mouse_opaque="true" name="busy_response" width="330" word_wrap="true" /> 64 mouse_opaque="true" name="busy_response" width="330" word_wrap="true" />
65 <button bottom_delta="-25" follows="top|right" height="22" label="IM Response Options"
66 left="164" name="busy_adv_btn" tool_tip="Auto response options"
67 width="180" />
65 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false" 68 <text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
66 bottom_delta="-33" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top" 69 bottom_delta="-23" drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="true" follows="left|top"
67 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="10" left="12" 70 font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0" halign="left" height="10" left="12"
68 mouse_opaque="false" name="text_box4" v_pad="0" width="128"> 71 mouse_opaque="false" name="text_box4" v_pad="0" width="128">
69 Logging Options: 72 Logging Options:
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@
100 name="log_date_timestamp" radio_style="false" width="237" /> 103 name="log_date_timestamp" radio_style="false" width="237" />
101 <button bottom_delta="-22" follows="right|bottom" font="SansSerif" halign="center" 104 <button bottom_delta="-22" follows="right|bottom" font="SansSerif" halign="center"
102 height="20" label="Change Path" label_selected="Change Path" left="170" 105 height="20" label="Change Path" label_selected="Change Path" left="170"
103 mouse_opaque="true" name="log_path_button" width="90" /> 106 mouse_opaque="true" name="log_path_button" width="96" />
104 <line_editor border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false" bottom_delta="1" 107 <line_editor border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false" bottom_delta="1"
105 drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="false" follows="top|left|right" 108 drop_shadow_visible="true" enabled="false" follows="top|left|right"
106 font="SansSerifSmall" halign="right" height="19" left="248" 109 font="SansSerifSmall" halign="right" height="19" left="248"
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_avatar.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_avatar.xml
index 3c255ac..021aebf 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_avatar.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_avatar.xml
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
2<panel name="Panel Avatar" width="470"> 2<panel name="Panel Avatar" width="470">
3 <tab_container name="tab" width="459"> 3 <tab_container name="tab" width="459">
4 <panel label="2ª Vida" name="2nd Life"> 4 <panel label="2ª Vida" name="2nd Life">
5 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo"> 5 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
9 </string> 9 </string>
10 <string name="AcctTypeResident"> 10 <string name="AcctTypeResident">
11 Residente 11 Residente
12 </string> 12 </string>
13 <string name="AcctTypeTrial"> 13 <string name="AcctTypeTrial">
14 Prueba 14 Prueba
15 </string> 15 </string>
16 <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember"> 16 <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember">
17 Miembro fundador 17 Miembro fundador
18 </string> 18 </string>
19 <string name="AcctTypeEmployee"> 19 <string name="AcctTypeEmployee">
20 Empleado de Linden Lab 20 Empleado de Linden Lab
21 </string> 21 </string>
22 <string name="PaymentInfoUsed"> 22 <string name="PaymentInfoUsed">
23 Ha usado una forma de pago 23 Ha usado una forma de pago
24 </string> 24 </string>
25 <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile"> 25 <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile">
26 Hay infor. de la forma de pago 26 Hay infor. de la forma de pago
27 </string> 27 </string>
28 <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile"> 28 <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile">
29 Sin infor. de la forma de pago 29 Sin infor. de la forma de pago
30 </string> 30 </string>
31 <string name="AgeVerified"> 31 <string name="AgeVerified">
32 Edad verificada 32 Edad verificada
33 </string> 33 </string>
34 <string name="NotAgeVerified"> 34 <string name="NotAgeVerified">
35 Edad no verificada 35 Edad no verificada
36 </string> 36 </string>
37 <text name="Name:"> 37 <text name="Name:">
38 Nombre: 38 Nombre:
39 </text> 39 </text>
40 <text name="online_yes" width="151"> 40 <text name="online_yes" width="151">
41 Conectado en este momento 41 Conectado en este momento
42 </text> 42 </text>
43 <text name="label"> 43 <text name="label">
44 Nacido: 44 Nacido:
45 </text> 45 </text>
46 <line_editor name="born" width="161" /> 46 <line_editor name="born" width="161" />
47 <text name="label2"> 47 <text name="label2">
48 Cuenta: 48 Cuenta:
49 </text> 49 </text>
50 <view_border name="acct_border" width="161" /> 50 <view_border name="acct_border" width="161" />
51 <text name="acct" width="161" /> 51 <text name="acct" width="161" />
52 <text name="partner_label" tool_tip="Compañero/a de Second Life. Para más información, ver www.secondlife.com/partner"> 52 <text name="partner_label" tool_tip="Compañero/a de Second Life. Para más información, ver www.secondlife.com/partner">
53 Compañero/a: 53 Compañero/a:
54 </text> 54 </text>
55 <button label="i" label_selected="i" name="partner_info" tool_tip="Pulse para abrir el perfil del compañero/a" left_delta="84"/> 55 <button label="i" label_selected="i" name="partner_info" tool_tip="Pulse para abrir el perfil del compañero/a" left_delta="84"/>
56 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="partner_help"/> 56 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="partner_help"/>
57 <line_editor name="partner_edit" tool_tip="Compañero/a de Second Life. Para más información, ver www.secondlife.com/partner" width="161"> 57 <line_editor name="partner_edit" tool_tip="Compañero/a de Second Life. Para más información, ver www.secondlife.com/partner" width="161">
59 </line_editor> 59 </line_editor>
60 <text name="Photo:"> 60 <text name="Photo:">
61 Foto: 61 Foto:
62 </text> 62 </text>
63 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Pulse para elegir una imagen"/> 63 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Pulse para elegir una imagen"/>
64 <text name="Groups:"> 64 <text name="Groups:">
65 Grupos: 65 Grupos:
66 </text> 66 </text>
67 <scroll_list name="groups" width="361" /> 67 <scroll_list name="groups" width="361" />
68 <text name="About:"> 68 <text name="About:">
69 Sobre mí: 69 Sobre mí:
70 </text> 70 </text>
71 <text name="(500 chars)"> 71 <text name="(500 chars)">
72 500 caracts. 72 500 caracts.
73 </text> 73 </text>
74 <text_editor name="about" width="361"/> 74 <text_editor name="about" width="361"/>
75 <text name="Give item:"> 75 <text name="Give item:">
76 Dar un ítem: 76 Dar un ítem:
77 </text> 77 </text>
78 <view_border name="drop_target_rect" width="449" /> 78 <view_border name="drop_target_rect" width="449" />
79 <view_border name="drop_target_rect_vis" width="361" /> 79 <view_border name="drop_target_rect_vis" width="361" />
80 <text name="Give inventory" tool_tip="Arrastre hasta aquí ítems del inventario para dárselos a esta persona." width="361"> 80 <text name="Give inventory" tool_tip="Arrastre hasta aquí ítems del inventario para dárselos a esta persona." width="361">
81 Arrastre hasta aquí un ítem del inventario. 81 Arrastre hasta aquí un ítem del inventario.
82 </text> 82 </text>
83 <check_box label="Mostrar en la búsqueda" name="allow_publish" tool_tip="Publicar más información sobre el perfil, como la descripción e imagen en la búsqueda."/> 83 <check_box label="Mostrar en la búsqueda" name="allow_publish" tool_tip="Publicar más información sobre el perfil, como la descripción e imagen en la búsqueda."/>
84 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="?"/> 84 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="?"/>
85 <button label="Localizar en el mapa" label_selected="Localizar en el mapa" name="Find on Map" width="130" /> 85 <button label="Localizar en el mapa" label_selected="Localizar en el mapa" name="Find on Map" width="130" />
86 <button label="Ofrecer teleporte..." label_selected="Ofrecer teleporte..." name="Offer Teleport..." left_delta="137" width="145" /> 86 <button label="Ofrecer teleporte..." label_selected="Ofrecer teleporte..." name="Offer Teleport..." left_delta="137" width="145" />
87 <button label="Añadir como amigo..." label_selected="Añadir como amigo..." name="Add Friend..." left_delta="152"/> 87 <button label="Añadir como amigo..." label_selected="Añadir como amigo..." name="Add Friend..." left_delta="152"/>
88 <button label="Pagar..." label_selected="Pagar..." name="Pay..." width="130" /> 88 <button label="Pagar..." label_selected="Pagar..." name="Pay..." width="130" />
89 <button label="Mensaje Instantáneo..." label_selected="Mensaje Instantáneo..." name="Instant Message..." tool_tip="Mensaje Instantáneo (MI)" left_delta="137" width="145"/> 89 <button label="Mensaje Instantáneo..." label_selected="Mensaje Instantáneo..." name="Instant Message..." tool_tip="Mensaje Instantáneo (MI)" left_delta="137" width="145"/>
90 <button label="Ignorar" label_selected="Ignorar" name="Mute" left_delta="152"/> 90 <button label="Ignorar" label_selected="Ignorar" name="Mute" left_delta="152"/>
91 </panel> 91 </panel>
92 <panel label="Web" name="WebProfile" width="458"> 92 <panel label="Web" name="WebProfile" width="458">
93 <line_editor name="url_edit" width="440" /> 93 <line_editor name="url_edit" width="440" />
94 <flyout_button label="Cargar" label_selected="Cargar" name="load" tool_tip="Cargar este perfil en el navegador incorporado."> 94 <flyout_button label="Cargar" label_selected="Cargar" name="load" tool_tip="Cargar este perfil en el navegador incorporado.">
95 <flyout_button_item name="open_item"> 95 <flyout_button_item name="open_item">
96 En un navegador externo 96 En un navegador externo
97 </flyout_button_item> 97 </flyout_button_item>
98 <flyout_button_item name="home_item"> 98 <flyout_button_item name="home_item">
99 Inicio 99 Inicio
100 </flyout_button_item> 100 </flyout_button_item>
101 </flyout_button> 101 </flyout_button>
102 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="web_profile_help"/> 102 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="web_profile_help"/>
103 <check_box label="Cargar automáticamente las páginas web de los perfiles." name="auto_load" tool_tip="Cargar automáticamente TODAS las páginas web de los perfiles, sin preguntar antes."/> 103 <check_box label="Cargar automáticamente las páginas web de los perfiles." name="auto_load" tool_tip="Cargar automáticamente TODAS las páginas web de los perfiles, sin preguntar antes."/>
104 <text name="status_text"/> 104 <text name="status_text"/>
105 <web_browser name="profile_html" width="440" /> 105 <web_browser name="profile_html" width="440" />
106 </panel> 106 </panel>
107 <panel label="Intereses" name="Interests" width="458"> 107 <panel label="Intereses" name="Interests" width="458">
108 <text name="I Want To:"> 108 <text name="I Want To:">
109 Quiero: 109 Quiero:
110 </text> 110 </text>
111 <check_box label="Construir" name="chk0"/> 111 <check_box label="Construir" name="chk0"/>
112 <check_box label="Explorar" name="chk1"/> 112 <check_box label="Explorar" name="chk1"/>
113 <check_box label="Conocer gente" name="chk2"/> 113 <check_box label="Conocer gente" name="chk2"/>
114 <check_box label="Ser contratado" name="chk6"/> 114 <check_box label="Ser contratado" name="chk6"/>
115 <check_box label="Estar en un grupo" name="chk3"/> 115 <check_box label="Estar en un grupo" name="chk3"/>
116 <check_box label="Comprar" name="chk4"/> 116 <check_box label="Comprar" name="chk4"/>
117 <check_box label="Vender" name="chk5"/> 117 <check_box label="Vender" name="chk5"/>
118 <check_box label="Contratar" name="chk7"/> 118 <check_box label="Contratar" name="chk7"/>
119 <line_editor name="want_to_edit" width="360" /> 119 <line_editor name="want_to_edit" width="360" />
120 <text name="Skills:"> 120 <text name="Skills:">
121 Habilidades: 121 Habilidades:
122 </text> 122 </text>
123 <check_box label="Texturas" name="schk0"/> 123 <check_box label="Texturas" name="schk0"/>
124 <check_box label="Arquitectura" name="schk1"/> 124 <check_box label="Arquitectura" name="schk1"/>
125 <check_box label="Programar eventos" name="schk2"/> 125 <check_box label="Programar eventos" name="schk2"/>
126 <check_box label="Hacer de modelo" name="schk3"/> 126 <check_box label="Hacer de modelo" name="schk3"/>
127 <check_box label="Programar" name="schk4"/> 127 <check_box label="Programar" name="schk4"/>
128 <check_box label="Personalizar personajes" name="schk5"/> 128 <check_box label="Personalizar personajes" name="schk5"/>
129 <line_editor name="skills_edit" width="360" /> 129 <line_editor name="skills_edit" width="360" />
130 <text name="Languages:"> 130 <text name="Languages:">
131 Idiomas: 131 Idiomas:
132 </text> 132 </text>
133 <line_editor name="languages_edit" width="360" /> 133 <line_editor name="languages_edit" width="360" />
134 </panel> 134 </panel>
135 <panel label="Destacados" name="Picks" width="458"> 135 <panel label="Destacados" name="Picks" width="458">
136 <tab_container name="picks tab" width="452" /> 136 <tab_container name="picks tab" width="452" />
137 <text name="Tell everyone about your favorite places in Second Life."> 137 <text name="Tell everyone about your favorite places in Second Life.">
138 Explique a todos sus lugares favoritos de Second Life. 138 Explique a todos sus lugares favoritos de Second Life.
139 </text> 139 </text>
140 <button label="Nuevo..." label_selected="Nuevo..." name="New..."/> 140 <button label="Nuevo..." label_selected="Nuevo..." name="New..."/>
141 <button label="Borrar..." label_selected="Borrar..." name="Delete..."/> 141 <button label="Borrar..." label_selected="Borrar..." name="Delete..."/>
142 <text name="loading_text"> 142 <text name="loading_text">
143 Cargando... 143 Cargando...
144 </text> 144 </text>
145 </panel> 145 </panel>
146 <panel label="Clasificados" name="Classified" width="458"> 146 <panel label="Clasificados" name="Classified" width="458">
147 <tab_container name="classified tab" width="452" /> 147 <tab_container name="classified tab" width="452" />
148 <text name="Place an ad in Second Life&apos;s classified listings."> 148 <text name="Place an ad in Second Life&apos;s classified listings.">
149 Ponga un anuncio en las listas de clasificados de Second Life. 149 Ponga un anuncio en las listas de clasificados de Second Life.
150 </text> 150 </text>
151 <button label="Nuevo..." label_selected="Nuevo..." name="New..."/> 151 <button label="Nuevo..." label_selected="Nuevo..." name="New..."/>
152 <button label="Borrar..." label_selected="Borrar..." name="Delete..."/> 152 <button label="Borrar..." label_selected="Borrar..." name="Delete..."/>
153 <text name="loading_text"> 153 <text name="loading_text">
154 Cargando... 154 Cargando...
155 </text> 155 </text>
156 </panel> 156 </panel>
157 <panel label="1ª Vida" name="1st Life" width="458"> 157 <panel label="1ª Vida" name="1st Life" width="458">
158 <text_editor name="about" width="365" left="75" /> 158 <text_editor name="about" width="365" left="75" />
159 <text name="Photo:"> 159 <text name="Photo:">
160 Foto: 160 Foto:
161 </text> 161 </text>
162 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Pulse para elegir una imagen" left="75" /> 162 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Pulse para elegir una imagen" left="75" />
163 <text name="Info:" width="66"> 163 <text name="Info:" width="66">
164 Información: 164 Información:
165 </text> 165 </text>
166 <text name="(250 chars)" halign="left" left="7"> 166 <text name="(250 chars)" halign="left" left="7">
167 (250 167 (250
168caracts.) 168caracts.)
169 </text> 169 </text>
170 </panel> 170 </panel>
171 <panel label="Mis notas" name="My Notes" width="458"> 171 <panel label="Mis notas" name="My Notes" width="458">
172 <text_editor name="notes edit" width="430"/> 172 <text_editor name="notes edit" width="430"/>
173 <string name="Loading"> 173 <string name="Loading">
174 Cargando... 174 Cargando...
175 </string> 175 </string>
176 <text name="label" width="452"> 176 <text name="label" width="452">
177 Use este espacio para escribir sus notas acerca de esta persona. Lleve un 177 Use este espacio para escribir sus notas acerca de esta persona. Lleve un
178seguimiento del progreso de sus empresas, comparta proyectos, etc. Sólo usted 178seguimiento del progreso de sus empresas, comparta proyectos, etc. Sólo usted
179puede ver estas notas. Ni esta persona ni ninguna otra pueden verlas. 179puede ver estas notas. Ni esta persona ni ninguna otra pueden verlas.
180 </text> 180 </text>
181 </panel> 181 </panel>
182 </tab_container> 182 </tab_container>
183 <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> 183 <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/>
184 <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/> 184 <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/>
185 <button label="Expulsar" label_selected="Expulsar" name="Kick" width="82"/> 185 <button label="Expulsar" label_selected="Expulsar" name="Kick" width="82"/>
186 <button label="Congelar" label_selected="Congelar" name="Freeze" tool_tip="Detener el movimiento y el chat de este residente." width="82"/> 186 <button label="Congelar" label_selected="Congelar" name="Freeze" tool_tip="Detener el movimiento y el chat de este residente." width="82"/>
187 <button label="Descongelar" label_selected="Descongelar" name="Unfreeze" tool_tip="Descongelar al residente" width="82"/> 187 <button label="Descongelar" label_selected="Descongelar" name="Unfreeze" tool_tip="Descongelar al residente" width="82"/>
188 <button label="CSR" label_selected="CSR" name="csr_btn" tool_tip="Abrir la herramienta de servicio al cliente para este residente" width="82"/> 188 <button label="CSR" label_selected="CSR" name="csr_btn" tool_tip="Abrir la herramienta de servicio al cliente para este residente" width="82"/>
189 <string name="ShowOnMapNonFriend"> 189 <string name="ShowOnMapNonFriend">
190 Ver la posición en el mapa. Desactivado porque no están entre sus amigos. 190 Ver la posición en el mapa. Desactivado porque no están entre sus amigos.
191 </string> 191 </string>
192 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOffline"> 192 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOffline">
193 Ver la posición en el mapa. Desactivado porque no están conectados. 193 Ver la posición en el mapa. Desactivado porque no están conectados.
194 </string> 194 </string>
195 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOnline"> 195 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOnline">
196 Ver la posición en el mapa. 196 Ver la posición en el mapa.
197 </string> 197 </string>
198 <string name="TeleportGod"> 198 <string name="TeleportGod">
199 Obligarle a teleportarse hasta su posición. 199 Obligarle a teleportarse hasta su posición.
200 </string> 200 </string>
201 <string name="TeleportPrelude"> 201 <string name="TeleportPrelude">
202 Ofrecer un teleporte hasta su posición. Desactivado hasta que usted no salga de esta Isla. 202 Ofrecer un teleporte hasta su posición. Desactivado hasta que usted no salga de esta Isla.
203 </string> 203 </string>
204 <string name="TeleportNormal"> 204 <string name="TeleportNormal">
205 Ofrecer un teleporte hasta su posición. 205 Ofrecer un teleporte hasta su posición.
206 </string> 206 </string>
207 <string name="Loading"> 207 <string name="Loading">
208 Cargando... 208 Cargando...
209 </string> 209 </string>
210</panel> 210</panel>
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_avatar.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_avatar.xml
index bd1e6b6..a9a7532 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_avatar.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_avatar.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
2<panel name="Panel Avatar" width="470"> 2<panel name="Panel Avatar" width="470">
3 <tab_container name="tab" width="459"> 3 <tab_container name="tab" width="459">
4 <panel label="2nd Life" name="2nd Life" width="458"> 4 <panel label="Avatar" name="2nd Life" width="458">
5 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo"> 5 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
diff --git a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_avatar.xml b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_avatar.xml
index dfc4007..bc45a82 100644
--- a/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_avatar.xml
+++ b/linden/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_avatar.xml
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
2<panel name="Panel Avatar" width="495"> 2<panel name="Panel Avatar" width="495">
3 <tab_container name="tab" width="484"> 3 <tab_container name="tab" width="484">
4 <panel label="2nd Life" name="2nd Life" width="483"> 4 <panel label="Avatar" name="2nd Life" width="483">
5 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo"> 5 <string name="CaptionTextAcctInfo">
9 </string> 9 </string>
10 <string name="AcctTypeResident"> 10 <string name="AcctTypeResident">
11 Residente 11 Residente
12 </string> 12 </string>
13 <string name="AcctTypeTrial"> 13 <string name="AcctTypeTrial">
14 Teste 14 Teste
15 </string> 15 </string>
16 <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember"> 16 <string name="AcctTypeCharterMember">
17 Estatuto do membro 17 Estatuto do membro
18 </string> 18 </string>
19 <string name="AcctTypeEmployee"> 19 <string name="AcctTypeEmployee">
20 Contratado da Linden Lab. 20 Contratado da Linden Lab.
21 </string> 21 </string>
22 <string name="PaymentInfoUsed"> 22 <string name="PaymentInfoUsed">
23 Infor. de pagamento utilizadas 23 Infor. de pagamento utilizadas
24 </string> 24 </string>
25 <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile"> 25 <string name="PaymentInfoOnFile">
26 Infor. de pagamento no arquivo. 26 Infor. de pagamento no arquivo.
27 </string> 27 </string>
28 <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile"> 28 <string name="NoPaymentInfoOnFile">
29 Sem infor. de pagamento no arquivo 29 Sem infor. de pagamento no arquivo
30 </string> 30 </string>
31 <string name="AgeVerified"> 31 <string name="AgeVerified">
32 Idade Verificada 32 Idade Verificada
33 </string> 33 </string>
34 <string name="NotAgeVerified"> 34 <string name="NotAgeVerified">
35 Idade não Verificada 35 Idade não Verificada
36 </string> 36 </string>
37 <text name="Name:"> 37 <text name="Name:">
38 Nome: 38 Nome:
39 </text> 39 </text>
40 <text name="online_yes" width="176"> 40 <text name="online_yes" width="176">
41 Atualmente Online 41 Atualmente Online
42 </text> 42 </text>
43 <text name="label"> 43 <text name="label">
44 Nascido: 44 Nascido:
45 </text> 45 </text>
46 <line_editor name="born" width="186" /> 46 <line_editor name="born" width="186" />
47 <text name="label2"> 47 <text name="label2">
48 Conta: 48 Conta:
49 </text> 49 </text>
50 <view_border name="acct_border" width="186" /> 50 <view_border name="acct_border" width="186" />
51 <text name="acct" width="186" /> 51 <text name="acct" width="186" />
52 <text name="partner_label" tool_tip="Parceiro Second Life. Para mais informações, veja www.secondlife.com/partner"> 52 <text name="partner_label" tool_tip="Parceiro Second Life. Para mais informações, veja www.secondlife.com/partner">
53 Parceiro: 53 Parceiro:
54 </text> 54 </text>
55 <button label="i" label_selected="i" name="partner_info" tool_tip="Clique para abrir o perfil do(a) parceiro(a)" left_delta="64"/> 55 <button label="i" label_selected="i" name="partner_info" tool_tip="Clique para abrir o perfil do(a) parceiro(a)" left_delta="64"/>
56 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="partner_help"/> 56 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="partner_help"/>
57 <line_editor name="partner_edit" tool_tip="Parceiro Second Life. Para mais informações, veja www.secondlife.com/partner" width="186"> 57 <line_editor name="partner_edit" tool_tip="Parceiro Second Life. Para mais informações, veja www.secondlife.com/partner" width="186">
59 </line_editor> 59 </line_editor>
60 <text name="Photo:"> 60 <text name="Photo:">
61 Foto: 61 Foto:
62 </text> 62 </text>
63 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Clique para selecionar uma foto"/> 63 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Clique para selecionar uma foto"/>
64 <text name="Groups:"> 64 <text name="Groups:">
65 Grupos: 65 Grupos:
66 </text> 66 </text>
67 <scroll_list name="groups" width="386" /> 67 <scroll_list name="groups" width="386" />
68 <text name="About:"> 68 <text name="About:">
69 Sobre: 69 Sobre:
70 </text> 70 </text>
71 <text name="(500 chars)"> 71 <text name="(500 chars)">
72 (500 chars) 72 (500 chars)
73 </text> 73 </text>
74 <text_editor name="about" width="386"/> 74 <text_editor name="about" width="386"/>
75 <text name="Give item:"> 75 <text name="Give item:">
76 Doar item: 76 Doar item:
77 </text> 77 </text>
78 <view_border name="drop_target_rect" width="474" /> 78 <view_border name="drop_target_rect" width="474" />
79 <view_border name="drop_target_rect_vis" width="386" /> 79 <view_border name="drop_target_rect_vis" width="386" />
80 <text name="Give inventory" tool_tip="Arraste e solte o item aqui para dá-lo à pessoa desejada." width="386"> 80 <text name="Give inventory" tool_tip="Arraste e solte o item aqui para dá-lo à pessoa desejada." width="386">
81 Arraste e solte o item de inventário aqui. 81 Arraste e solte o item de inventário aqui.
82 </text> 82 </text>
83 <check_box label="Mostrar na busca" name="allow_publish" tool_tip="Publicar informações de perfil adicionais, como descrição e imagem, na Busca."/> 83 <check_box label="Mostrar na busca" name="allow_publish" tool_tip="Publicar informações de perfil adicionais, como descrição e imagem, na Busca."/>
84 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="?"/> 84 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="?"/>
85 <button label="Encontrar no Mapa" label_selected="Encontrar no Mapa" name="Find on Map" width="130" /> 85 <button label="Encontrar no Mapa" label_selected="Encontrar no Mapa" name="Find on Map" width="130" />
86 <button label="Oferecer teletransporte..." label_selected="Oferecer teletransporte..." name="Offer Teleport..." left_delta="137" width="156" /> 86 <button label="Oferecer teletransporte..." label_selected="Oferecer teletransporte..." name="Offer Teleport..." left_delta="137" width="156" />
87 <button label="Adicionar amigo..." label_selected="Adicionar amigo..." name="Add Friend..." left_delta="164"/> 87 <button label="Adicionar amigo..." label_selected="Adicionar amigo..." name="Add Friend..." left_delta="164"/>
88 <button label="Pagar..." label_selected="Pagar..." name="Pay..." width="130" /> 88 <button label="Pagar..." label_selected="Pagar..." name="Pay..." width="130" />
89 <button label="Mensagem Instantânea..." label_selected="Mensagem Instantânea..." name="Instant Message..." tool_tip="Mensagem Instantânea (MI)" left_delta="137" width="156" /> 89 <button label="Mensagem Instantânea..." label_selected="Mensagem Instantânea..." name="Instant Message..." tool_tip="Mensagem Instantânea (MI)" left_delta="137" width="156" />
90 <button label="Mudo" label_selected="Mudo" name="Mute" left_delta="164"/> 90 <button label="Mudo" label_selected="Mudo" name="Mute" left_delta="164"/>
91 </panel> 91 </panel>
92 <panel label="Web" name="WebProfile" width="483"> 92 <panel label="Web" name="WebProfile" width="483">
93 <line_editor name="url_edit" width="465" /> 93 <line_editor name="url_edit" width="465" />
94 <flyout_button label="Carregar" label_selected="Carregar" name="load" tool_tip="Carrega o seu perfil no seu navegador embutido."> 94 <flyout_button label="Carregar" label_selected="Carregar" name="load" tool_tip="Carrega o seu perfil no seu navegador embutido.">
95 <flyout_button_item name="open_item"> 95 <flyout_button_item name="open_item">
96 No navegador externo 96 No navegador externo
97 </flyout_button_item> 97 </flyout_button_item>
98 <flyout_button_item name="home_item"> 98 <flyout_button_item name="home_item">
99 URL de Casa 99 URL de Casa
100 </flyout_button_item> 100 </flyout_button_item>
101 </flyout_button> 101 </flyout_button>
102 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="web_profile_help"/> 102 <button label="?" label_selected="?" name="web_profile_help"/>
103 <check_box label="Carregar automaticamente perfis da web" name="auto_load" tool_tip="Carrega automaticamente todos os perfis da Web sem perguntar antes."/> 103 <check_box label="Carregar automaticamente perfis da web" name="auto_load" tool_tip="Carrega automaticamente todos os perfis da Web sem perguntar antes."/>
104 <web_browser name="profile_html" width="465" /> 104 <web_browser name="profile_html" width="465" />
105 </panel> 105 </panel>
106 <panel label="Interesses" name="Interests" width="483"> 106 <panel label="Interesses" name="Interests" width="483">
107 <text name="I Want To:"> 107 <text name="I Want To:">
108 Eu quero: 108 Eu quero:
109 </text> 109 </text>
110 <check_box label="Construir" name="chk0"/> 110 <check_box label="Construir" name="chk0"/>
111 <check_box label="Explorar" name="chk1"/> 111 <check_box label="Explorar" name="chk1"/>
112 <check_box label="Encontros" name="chk2"/> 112 <check_box label="Encontros" name="chk2"/>
113 <check_box label="Ser contratado" name="chk6"/> 113 <check_box label="Ser contratado" name="chk6"/>
114 <check_box label="Grupo" name="chk3"/> 114 <check_box label="Grupo" name="chk3"/>
115 <check_box label="Comprar" name="chk4"/> 115 <check_box label="Comprar" name="chk4"/>
116 <check_box label="Vender" name="chk5"/> 116 <check_box label="Vender" name="chk5"/>
117 <check_box label="Contratar" name="chk7"/> 117 <check_box label="Contratar" name="chk7"/>
118 <line_editor name="want_to_edit" width="385" /> 118 <line_editor name="want_to_edit" width="385" />
119 <text name="Skills:"> 119 <text name="Skills:">
120 Habilidades: 120 Habilidades:
121 </text> 121 </text>
122 <check_box label="Texturas" name="schk0"/> 122 <check_box label="Texturas" name="schk0"/>
123 <check_box label="Arquitetura" name="schk1"/> 123 <check_box label="Arquitetura" name="schk1"/>
124 <check_box label="Planejador de Eventos" name="schk2"/> 124 <check_box label="Planejador de Eventos" name="schk2"/>
125 <check_box label="Modelador" name="schk3"/> 125 <check_box label="Modelador" name="schk3"/>
126 <check_box label="Programador" name="schk4"/> 126 <check_box label="Programador" name="schk4"/>
127 <check_box label="Personagens customizados" name="schk5"/> 127 <check_box label="Personagens customizados" name="schk5"/>
128 <line_editor name="skills_edit" width="385" /> 128 <line_editor name="skills_edit" width="385" />
129 <text name="Languages:"> 129 <text name="Languages:">
130 Línguas: 130 Línguas:
131 </text> 131 </text>
132 <line_editor name="languages_edit" width="385" /> 132 <line_editor name="languages_edit" width="385" />
133 </panel> 133 </panel>
134 <panel label="Seletor" name="Picks" width="483"> 134 <panel label="Seletor" name="Picks" width="483">
135 <tab_container name="picks tab" width="477" /> 135 <tab_container name="picks tab" width="477" />
136 <text name="Tell everyone about your favorite places in Second Life."> 136 <text name="Tell everyone about your favorite places in Second Life.">
137 Diga a todos os seus lugares favoritos em Second Life. 137 Diga a todos os seus lugares favoritos em Second Life.
138 </text> 138 </text>
139 <button label="Novo..." label_selected="Novo..." name="New..."/> 139 <button label="Novo..." label_selected="Novo..." name="New..."/>
140 <button label="Apagar..." label_selected="Apagar..." name="Delete..."/> 140 <button label="Apagar..." label_selected="Apagar..." name="Delete..."/>
141 <text name="loading_text"> 141 <text name="loading_text">
142 Carregando... 142 Carregando...
143 </text> 143 </text>
144 </panel> 144 </panel>
145 <panel label="Classificados" name="Classified" width="483"> 145 <panel label="Classificados" name="Classified" width="483">
146 <tab_container name="classified tab" width="477" /> 146 <tab_container name="classified tab" width="477" />
147 <text name="Place an ad in Second Life&apos;s classified listings."> 147 <text name="Place an ad in Second Life&apos;s classified listings.">
148 Coloque um anúncio nas listas de classificados do Second Life. 148 Coloque um anúncio nas listas de classificados do Second Life.
149 </text> 149 </text>
150 <button label="Novo..." label_selected="Novo..." name="New..."/> 150 <button label="Novo..." label_selected="Novo..." name="New..."/>
151 <button label="Apagar..." label_selected="Apagar..." name="Delete..."/> 151 <button label="Apagar..." label_selected="Apagar..." name="Delete..."/>
152 <text name="loading_text"> 152 <text name="loading_text">
153 Carregando... 153 Carregando...
154 </text> 154 </text>
155 </panel> 155 </panel>
156 <panel label="1st Life" name="1st Life" width="483"> 156 <panel label="Real Life" name="1st Life" width="483">
157 <text_editor name="about" width="395" /> 157 <text_editor name="about" width="395" />
158 <text name="Photo:"> 158 <text name="Photo:">
159 Foto: 159 Foto:
160 </text> 160 </text>
161 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Clique para selecionar uma foto"/> 161 <texture_picker label="" name="img" tool_tip="Clique para selecionar uma foto"/>
162 <text name="Info:"> 162 <text name="Info:">
163 Sobre: 163 Sobre:
164 </text> 164 </text>
165 <text name="(250 chars)" halign="left" left="7"> 165 <text name="(250 chars)" halign="left" left="7">
166 (250 166 (250
167caracteres) 167caracteres)
168 </text> 168 </text>
169 </panel> 169 </panel>
170 <panel label="Minhas anotações" name="My Notes" width="483"> 170 <panel label="Minhas anotações" name="My Notes" width="483">
171 <text_editor name="notes edit" width="455"/> 171 <text_editor name="notes edit" width="455"/>
172 <string name="Loading"> 172 <string name="Loading">
173 Carregando... 173 Carregando...
174 </string> 174 </string>
175 <text name="label" width="462"> 175 <text name="label" width="462">
176 Use este espaço para falar sobre essa pessoa.Coloque aqui o que desejar, projetos, 176 Use este espaço para falar sobre essa pessoa.Coloque aqui o que desejar, projetos,
177lembretes e etc. Somente você poderá ver essa anotação. Nem esta nem 177lembretes e etc. Somente você poderá ver essa anotação. Nem esta nem
178outras pessoas podem ver as anotações. 178outras pessoas podem ver as anotações.
179 </text> 179 </text>
180 </panel> 180 </panel>
181 </tab_container> 181 </tab_container>
182 <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/> 182 <button label="OK" label_selected="OK" name="OK"/>
183 <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/> 183 <button label="Cancelar" label_selected="Cancelar" name="Cancel"/>
184 <button label="Retirar" label_selected="Retirar" name="Kick"/> 184 <button label="Retirar" label_selected="Retirar" name="Kick"/>
185 <button label="Paralizar" label_selected="Paralizar" name="Freeze" tool_tip="Paraliza o movimento e conversa deste residente."/> 185 <button label="Paralizar" label_selected="Paralizar" name="Freeze" tool_tip="Paraliza o movimento e conversa deste residente."/>
186 <button label="Unfreeze" label_selected="Unfreeze" name="Unfreeze" tool_tip="Libera o residente"/> 186 <button label="Unfreeze" label_selected="Unfreeze" name="Unfreeze" tool_tip="Libera o residente"/>
187 <button label="CSR" label_selected="CSR" name="csr_btn" tool_tip="Abre a ferramenta de cliente para este residente"/> 187 <button label="CSR" label_selected="CSR" name="csr_btn" tool_tip="Abre a ferramenta de cliente para este residente"/>
188 <string name="ShowOnMapNonFriend"> 188 <string name="ShowOnMapNonFriend">
189 Mostra a localização no mapa. 189 Mostra a localização no mapa.
190Desativado porque ainda não é amigo desse residente. 190Desativado porque ainda não é amigo desse residente.
191 </string> 191 </string>
192 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOffline"> 192 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOffline">
193 Mostrar a localidade no mapa. 193 Mostrar a localidade no mapa.
194 Desabilitar porque eles não estão conectados. 194 Desabilitar porque eles não estão conectados.
195 </string> 195 </string>
196 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOnline"> 196 <string name="ShowOnMapFriendOnline">
197 Mostra localização no mapa. 197 Mostra localização no mapa.
198 </string> 198 </string>
199 <string name="TeleportGod"> 199 <string name="TeleportGod">
200 Força teletransporte até a sua localidade. 200 Força teletransporte até a sua localidade.
201 </string> 201 </string>
202 <string name="TeleportPrelude"> 202 <string name="TeleportPrelude">
203 Oferece teletransporte para a sua localidade. 203 Oferece teletransporte para a sua localidade.
204Desativado até que você saia da Ilha da Orientação. 204Desativado até que você saia da Ilha da Orientação.
205 </string> 205 </string>
206 <string name="TeleportNormal"> 206 <string name="TeleportNormal">
207 Oferece teletransporte para a sua localidade. 207 Oferece teletransporte para a sua localidade.
208 </string> 208 </string>
209 <string name="Loading"> 209 <string name="Loading">
210 Carregando... 210 Carregando...
211 </string> 211 </string>
212</panel> 212</panel>