datadir = $config['datadir']; $this->rrdtool = $config['rrdtool']; $this->cache = $config['cache']; $this->parse_get(); $this->rrd_files(); $this->identifiers = $this->file2identifier($this->files); } function generate_colors() { $base = array( array(255, 0, 0), array( 0, 255, 0), array( 0, 0, 255), array(255, 120, 0), array(255, 0, 120), array( 0, 255, 120), array(120, 255, 0), array(120, 0, 255), array( 0, 120, 255)); $this->colors = array(); $n = 0; $p = 0; foreach($base as $b) { $n = $p; for($i = 100; $i >= 20; $i -= 30) { $this->colors[$n] = sprintf('%02x%02x%02x', $b[0] * $i / 100, $b[1] * $i / 100, $b[2] * $i / 100); $n += count($base); } $p++; } } # parse $_GET values function parse_get() { $this->args = array( 'host' => $_GET['h'], 'plugin' => $_GET['p'], 'pinstance' => $_GET['pi'], 'type' => $_GET['t'], 'tinstance' => $_GET['ti'], ); $this->seconds = $_GET['s']; } function validate_color($color) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{6}$/', $color)) return '000000'; else return $color; } function get_faded_color($fgc, $bgc='ffffff', $percent=0.25) { $fgc = $this->validate_color($fgc); if (!is_numeric($percent)) $percent=0.25; $rgb = array('r', 'g', 'b'); $fg[r] = hexdec(substr($fgc,0,2)); $fg[g] = hexdec(substr($fgc,2,2)); $fg[b] = hexdec(substr($fgc,4,2)); $bg[r] = hexdec(substr($bgc,0,2)); $bg[g] = hexdec(substr($bgc,2,2)); $bg[b] = hexdec(substr($bgc,4,2)); foreach ($rgb as $pri) { $c[$pri] = dechex(round($percent * $fg[$pri]) + ((1.0 - $percent) * $bg[$pri])); if ($c[$pri] == '0') $c[$pri] = '00'; } return $c[r].$c[g].$c[b]; } function rrd_files() { $files = $this->get_filenames(); foreach($files as $filename) { $basename=basename($filename,'.rrd'); $instance=substr($basename,strpos($basename,'-')+1); $this->tinstances[] = $instance; $this->files[$instance] = $filename; } sort($this->tinstances); ksort($this->files); } function get_filenames() { $identifier = sprintf('%s/%s%s%s/%s%s%s', $this->args['host'], $this->args['plugin'], strlen($this->args['pinstance']) ? '-' : '', $this->args['pinstance'], $this->args['type'], strlen($this->args['tinstance']) ? '-' : '', $this->args['tinstance']); $wildcard = strlen($this->args['tinstance']) ? '.' : '[-.]*'; $files = glob($this->datadir .'/'. $identifier . $wildcard . 'rrd'); return $files; } function file2identifier($files) { foreach($files as $key => $file) { if (is_file($file)) { $files[$key] = basename($files[$key], '.rrd'); } } return $files; } function rrd_graph($debug=false) { $graphdata = $this->rrd_gen_graph(); if(!$debug) { # caching if (is_numeric($this->cache) && $this->cache > 0) header("Expires: " . date(DATE_RFC822,strtotime($this->cache." seconds"))); header("content-type: image/png"); $graphdata = implode(' ', $graphdata); echo `$graphdata`; } else { print '
			print '
'; } } function rrd_options() { $rrdgraph[] = $this->rrdtool; $rrdgraph[] = 'graph - -a PNG'; $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('-w %d', is_numeric($this->width) ? $this->width : 400); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('-h %d', is_numeric($this->heigth) ? $this->heigth : 175); $rrdgraph[] = '-l 0'; $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('-t "%s on %s"', $this->rrd_title, $this->args['host']); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('-v "%s"', $this->rrd_vertical); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('-s -%d', is_numeric($this->seconds) ? $this->seconds : 86400); return $rrdgraph; } function rrd_get_sources() { # is the source spread over multiple files? if (is_array($this->files) && count($this->files)>1) { # and must it be ordered? if (is_array($this->order)) { $this->tinstances = array_intersect($this->order, $this->tinstances); } # use tinstances as sources if(is_array($this->data_sources) && count($this->data_sources)>1) { $sources = array(); foreach($this->tinstances as $f) { foreach($this->data_sources as $s) { $sources[] = $f . '-' . $s; } } } else { $sources = $this->tinstances; } $sources = str_replace('.', '_', $sources); } # or one file with multiple data_sources else { # use data_sources as sources $sources = $this->data_sources; } $this->fill_ds_names($sources); return $sources; } function fill_ds_names($sources) { $max = 0; foreach ($sources as $source) { if(strlen($source) > $max) { $max = strlen($source); } } if($max > 0) { $fmt = sprintf("%%-%ds", $max); foreach ($sources as $source) { if(!isset($this->ds_names[$source])) { $this->ds_names[$source] = sprintf($fmt, $source); } } } } function rrd_gen_graph() { $rrdgraph = $this->rrd_options(); $sources = $this->rrd_get_sources(); $i=0; foreach ($this->tinstances as $tinstance) { foreach ($this->data_sources as $ds) { $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('DEF:min_%s="%s":%s:MIN', crc32hex($sources[$i]), $this->files[$tinstance], $ds); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('DEF:avg_%s="%s":%s:AVERAGE', crc32hex($sources[$i]), $this->files[$tinstance], $ds); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('DEF:max_%s="%s":%s:MAX', crc32hex($sources[$i]), $this->files[$tinstance], $ds); $i++; } } if(count($this->files)<=1) { $c = 0; foreach ($sources as $source) { $color = is_array($this->colors) ? (isset($this->colors[$source])?$this->colors[$source]:$this->colors[$c++]): $this->colors; $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('AREA:max_%s#%s', crc32hex($source), $this->get_faded_color($color)); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('AREA:min_%s#%s', crc32hex($source), 'ffffff'); break; # only 1 area to draw } } $c = 0; foreach ($sources as $source) { $dsname = $this->ds_names[$source] != '' ? $this->ds_names[$source] : $source; $color = is_array($this->colors) ? (isset($this->colors[$source])?$this->colors[$source]:$this->colors[$c++]): $this->colors; $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('LINE1:avg_%s#%s:\'%s\'', crc32hex($source), $this->validate_color($color), $dsname); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:min_%s:MIN:\'%s Min,\'', crc32hex($source), $this->rrd_format); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:avg_%s:AVERAGE:\'%s Avg,\'', crc32hex($source), $this->rrd_format); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:max_%s:MAX:\'%s Max,\'', crc32hex($source), $this->rrd_format); $rrdgraph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:avg_%s:LAST:\'%s Last\\l\'', crc32hex($source), $this->rrd_format); } return $rrdgraph; } } ?>