data_sources = array('used', 'free'); $obj->order = array('used', 'free'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'used' => 'Used', 'free' => 'Free', ); $obj->colors = array( 'used' => '00e000', 'free' => '0000ff', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Memcached Memory Usage'; $obj->rrd_vertical = ucfirst($CONFIG['datasize']); $obj->scale = $CONFIG['datasize'] == 'bits' ? 8 : 1; break; # memcached_command-(flush|get|set).rrd case 'memcached_command': require_once 'type/GenericStacked.class.php'; $obj = new Type_GenericStacked($CONFIG); $obj->order = array('flush', 'get', 'set'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'flush' => 'Flush', 'get' => 'Get', 'set' => 'Set', ); $obj->colors = array( 'flush' => '00e000', 'get' => '0000ff', 'set' => 'ffb000', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Memcached Commands'; $obj->rrd_vertical = 'Commands'; break; # memcached_connections-current.rrd case 'memcached_connections': require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG); $obj->data_sources = array('value'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'value' => 'Connections', ); $obj->colors = array( 'percent' => '00b000', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Memcached Number of Connections'; $obj->rrd_vertical = 'Connections'; break; # memcached_items-current.rrd case 'memcached_items': require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG); $obj->data_sources = array('value'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'value ' => 'Items', ); $obj->colors = array( 'value' => '00b000', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Number of Items in Memcached'; $obj->rrd_vertical = 'Items'; break; # memcached_octets.rrd case 'memcached_octets': require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG); $obj->data_sources = array('rx', 'tx'); $obj->order = array('rx', 'tx'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'rx' => 'Receive', 'tx' => 'Transmit', ); $obj->colors = array( 'rx' => '0000ff', 'tx' => '00b000', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Memcached Network Traffic'; $obj->rrd_vertical = ucfirst($CONFIG['datasize']); $obj->scale = $CONFIG['datasize'] == 'bits' ? 8 : 1; break; # memcached_ops-(evictions|hits|misses).rrd case 'memcached_ops': require_once 'type/GenericStacked.class.php'; $obj = new Type_GenericStacked($CONFIG); $obj->order = array('evictions', 'hits', 'misses'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'evictions' => 'Evictions', 'hits' => 'Hits', 'misses' => 'Misses', ); $obj->colors = array( 'evictions' => '00e000', 'hits' => '0000ff', 'misses' => 'ffb000', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Memcached Operations'; $obj->rrd_vertical = 'Commands'; break; # percent-hitratio.rrd case 'percent': require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG); $obj->data_sources = array('percent'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'percent ' => 'Percentage', ); $obj->colors = array( 'percent' => '00e000', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Memcached Hits/Gets Ratio'; $obj->rrd_vertical = 'Percent'; break; # ps_count.rrd case 'ps_count': require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG); $obj->data_sources = array('threads'); $obj->order = array('threads'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'threads' => 'Threads', ); $obj->colors = array( 'threads' => '00b000', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'Memcached number of Threads'; $obj->rrd_vertical = 'Threads'; break; # ps_cputime.rrd case 'ps_cputime': require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG); $obj->data_sources = array('user', 'syst'); $obj->order = array('user', 'syst'); $obj->ds_names = array( 'user' => 'User', 'syst' => 'System', ); $obj->colors = array( 'user' => '00e000', 'syst' => '0000ff', ); $obj->rrd_title = 'CPU Time consumed by the memcached process'; $obj->rrd_vertical = 'Time'; break; } $obj->width = $width; $obj->heigth = $heigth; $obj->rrd_format = '%5.1lf%s'; collectd_flush($obj->identifiers); $obj->rrd_graph();