/** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * RRDtool 1.4.5 Copyright by Tobi Oetiker, 1997-2010 * * Convert to javascript: Manuel Sanmartin **/ "use strict"; /** * RrdTimeError * @constructor */ var RrdTimeError = function (message) { this.prototype = Error.prototype; this.name = "RrdTimeError"; this.message = (message) ? message : "Error"; }; /** * RrdTime * @constructor */ var RrdTime = function(tspec) /* parser */ { var date = new Date(); var hr = 0; this.tspec = tspec; this.tokens = (tspec+'').match(/[0-9]+|[A-Za-z]+|[:.+-\/]/g); this.toklen = this.tokens.length; this.tokidx = 0; this.token = null; this.tokid = 0; this.specials = RrdTime.VARIOUSWORDS; /* establish the default time reference */ this.type = RrdTime.ABSOLUTE_TIME; this.offset = 0; this.tm_sec = date.getSeconds(); this.tm_min = date.getMinutes(); this.tm_hour = date.getHours(); this.tm_mday = date.getDate(); this.tm_mon = date.getMonth(); this.tm_year = date.getFullYear()-1900; this.tm_wday = date.getDay(); this.gettok(); switch (this.tokid) { case RrdTime.PLUS: case RrdTime.MINUS: break; /* jump to OFFSET-SPEC part */ case RrdTime.EPOCH: this.type = RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_EPOCH; /* falls through */ case RrdTime.START: case RrdTime.END: if (this.tokid === RrdTime.EPOCH) this.type = RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_START_TIME; else this.type = RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_END_TIME; this.tm_sec = 0; this.tm_min = 0; this.tm_hour = 0; this.tm_mday = 0; this.tm_mon = 0; this.tm_year = 0; /* falls through */ case RrdTime.NOW: var time_reference = this.tokid; this.gettok(); if (this.tokid == RrdTime.PLUS || this.tokid == RrdTime.MINUS) break; if (time_reference != RrdTime.NOW) { throw new RrdTimeError("'start' or 'end' MUST be followed by +|- offset"); } else if (this.tokid != RrdTime.EOF) { throw new RrdTimeError("if 'now' is followed by a token it must be +|- offset"); } break; case RrdTime.NUMBER: /* Only absolute time specifications below */ var hour_sv = this.tm_hour; var year_sv = this.tm_year; this.tm_hour = 30; this.tm_year = 30000; this.tod(); this.day(); if (this.tm_hour == 30 && this.tm_year != 30000) this.tod(); if (this.tm_hour == 30) this.tm_hour = hour_sv; if (this.tm_year == 30000) this.tm_year = year_sv; break; case RrdTime.JAN: case RrdTime.FEB: case RrdTime.MAR: case RrdTime.APR: case RrdTime.MAY: case RrdTime.JUN: case RrdTime.JUL: case RrdTime.AUG: case RrdTime.SEP: case RrdTime.OCT: case RrdTime.NOV: case RrdTime.DEC: this.day(); if (this.tokid != RrdTime.NUMBER) break; this.tod(); break; case RrdTime.TEATIME: hr += 4; /* falls through */ case RrdTime.NOON: hr += 12; /* falls through */ case RrdTime.MIDNIGHT: this.tm_hour = hr; this.tm_min = 0; this.tm_sec = 0; this.gettok(); this.day(); break; default: throw new RrdTimeError("unparsable time: "+this.token+" "+this.sct); } /* ugly case statement */ /* * the OFFSET-SPEC part * (NOTE, the sc_tokid was prefetched for us by the previous code) */ if (this.tokid == RrdTime.PLUS || this.tokid == RrdTime.MINUS) { this.specials = RrdTime.TIMEMULTIPLIERS; /* switch special words context */ while (this.tokid == RrdTime.PLUS || this.tokid == RrdTime.MINUS || this.tokid == RrdTime.NUMBER) { if (this.tokid == RrdTime.NUMBER) { this.plus_minus(-1); } else { this.plus_minus(this.tokid); } this.gettok(); /* We will get EOF eventually but that's OK, since token() will return us as many EOFs as needed */ } } /* now we should be at EOF */ if (this.tokid != RrdTime.EOF) throw new RrdTimeError("unparsable trailing text: '..."+this.token+"'"); // if (this.type == RrdTime.ABSOLUTE_TIME) // if (mktime(&ptv->tm) == -1) // FIXME ?? // panic(e("the specified time is incorrect (out of range?)")); }; RrdTime.EOF = -1; RrdTime.MIDNIGHT = 0; RrdTime.NOON = 1; RrdTime.TEATIME = 2; RrdTime.PM = 3; RrdTime.AM = 4; RrdTime.YESTERDAY = 5; RrdTime.TODAY = 6; RrdTime.TOMORROW = 7; RrdTime.NOW = 8; RrdTime.START = 9; RrdTime.END = 10; RrdTime.EPOCH = 11; RrdTime.SECONDS = 12; RrdTime.MINUTES = 13; RrdTime.HOURS = 14; RrdTime.DAYS = 15; RrdTime.WEEKS = 16; RrdTime.MONTHS = 17; RrdTime.YEARS = 18; RrdTime.MONTHS_MINUTES = 19; RrdTime.NUMBER = 20; RrdTime.PLUS = 21; RrdTime.MINUS = 22; RrdTime.DOT = 23; RrdTime.COLON = 24; RrdTime.SLASH = 25; RrdTime.ID = 26; RrdTime.JUNK = 27; RrdTime.JAN = 28; RrdTime.FEB = 29; RrdTime.MAR = 30; RrdTime.APR = 31; RrdTime.MAY = 32; RrdTime.JUN = 33; RrdTime.JUL = 34; RrdTime.AUG = 35; RrdTime.SEP = 36; RrdTime.OCT = 37; RrdTime.NOV = 38; RrdTime.DEC = 39; RrdTime.SUN = 40; RrdTime.MON = 41; RrdTime.TUE = 42; RrdTime.WED = 43; RrdTime.THU = 44; RrdTime.FRI = 45; RrdTime.SAT = 46; RrdTime.VARIOUSWORDS = { "midnight": RrdTime.MIDNIGHT, /* 00:00:00 of today or tomorrow */ "noon": RrdTime.NOON, /* 12:00:00 of today or tomorrow */ "teatime": RrdTime.TEATIME, /* 16:00:00 of today or tomorrow */ "am": RrdTime.AM, /* morning times for 0-12 clock */ "pm": RrdTime.PM, /* evening times for 0-12 clock */ "tomorrow": RrdTime.TOMORROW, "yesterday": RrdTime.YESTERDAY, "today": RrdTime.TODAY, "now": RrdTime.NOW, "n": RrdTime.NOW, "start": RrdTime.START, "s": RrdTime.START, "end": RrdTime.END, "e": RrdTime.END, "epoch": RrdTime.EPOCH, "jan": RrdTime.JAN, "feb": RrdTime.FEB, "mar": RrdTime.MAR, "apr": RrdTime.APR, "may": RrdTime.MAY, "jun": RrdTime.JUN, "jul": RrdTime.JUL, "aug": RrdTime.AUG, "sep": RrdTime.SEP, "oct": RrdTime.OCT, "nov": RrdTime.NOV, "dec": RrdTime.DEC, "january": RrdTime.JAN, "february": RrdTime.FEB, "march": RrdTime.MAR, "april": RrdTime.APR, // "may": RrdTime.MAY, "june": RrdTime.JUN, "july": RrdTime.JUL, "august": RrdTime.AUG, "september": RrdTime.SEP, "october": RrdTime.OCT, "november": RrdTime.NOV, "december": RrdTime.DEC, "sunday": RrdTime.SUN, "sun": RrdTime.SUN, "monday": RrdTime.MON, "mon": RrdTime.MON, "tuesday": RrdTime.TUE, "tue": RrdTime.TUE, "wednesday": RrdTime.WED, "wed": RrdTime.WED, "thursday": RrdTime.THU, "thu": RrdTime.THU, "friday": RrdTime.FRI, "fri": RrdTime.FRI, "saturday": RrdTime.SAT, "sat": RrdTime.SAT }; RrdTime.TIMEMULTIPLIERS = { "second": RrdTime.SECONDS, /* seconds multiplier */ "seconds": RrdTime.SECONDS, /* (pluralized) */ "sec": RrdTime.SECONDS, /* (generic) */ "s": RrdTime.SECONDS, /* (short generic) */ "minute": RrdTime.MINUTES, /* minutes multiplier */ "minutes": RrdTime.MINUTES, /* (pluralized) */ "min": RrdTime.MINUTES, /* (generic) */ "m": RrdTime.MONTHS_MINUTES, /* (short generic) */ "hour": RrdTime.HOURS, /* hours ... */ "hours": RrdTime.HOURS, /* (pluralized) */ "hr": RrdTime.HOURS, /* (generic) */ "h": RrdTime.HOURS, /* (short generic) */ "day": RrdTime.DAYS, /* days ... */ "days": RrdTime.DAYS, /* (pluralized) */ "d": RrdTime.DAYS, /* (short generic) */ "week": RrdTime.WEEKS, /* week ... */ "weeks": RrdTime.WEEKS, /* (pluralized) */ "wk": RrdTime.WEEKS, /* (generic) */ "w": RrdTime.WEEKS, /* (short generic) */ "month": RrdTime.MONTHS, /* week ... */ "months": RrdTime.MONTHS, /* (pluralized) */ "mon": RrdTime.MONTHS, /* (generic) */ "year": RrdTime.YEARS, /* year ... */ "years": RrdTime.YEARS, /* (pluralized) */ "yr": RrdTime.YEARS, /* (generic) */ "y": RrdTime.YEARS /* (short generic) */ }; RrdTime.ABSOLUTE_TIME = 0; RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_START_TIME = 1; RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_END_TIME = 2; RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_EPOCH = 3; RrdTime.prototype.gettok = function () { if (this.tokidx >= this.toklen) { this.tokid = RrdTime.EOF; } else { this.token = this.tokens[this.tokidx]; this.tokidx++; if (!isNaN(this.token)) { this.tokid = RrdTime.NUMBER; this.token = parseInt(this.token, 10); } else if (this.token === ':') { this.tokid = RrdTime.COLON; } else if (this.token === '.') { this.tokid = RrdTime.DOT; } else if (this.token === '+') { this.tokid = RrdTime.PLUS; } else if (this.token === '/') { this.tokid = RrdTime.SLASH; } else if (this.token === '-') { this.tokid = RrdTime.MINUS; } else { this.tokid = RrdTime.ID; if (this.token in this.specials) this.tokid = this.specials[this.token]; } } return this.tokid; }; RrdTime.prototype.plus_minus = function (doop) { var op = RrdTime.PLUS; var prev_multiplier = -1; var delta; if (doop >= 0) { op = doop; if (this.gettok() != RrdTime.NUMBER) throw new RrdTimeError("There should be number after '"+(op == RrdTime.PLUS ? '+' : '-')+"'"); prev_multiplier = -1; /* reset months-minutes guessing mechanics */ } /* if doop is < 0 then we repeat the previous op with the prefetched number */ delta = this.token; if (this.gettok() == RrdTime.MONTHS_MINUTES) { /* hard job to guess what does that -5m means: -5mon or -5min? */ switch (prev_multiplier) { case RrdTime.DAYS: case RrdTime.WEEKS: case RrdTime.MONTHS: case RrdTime.YEARS: this.tokid = RrdTime.MONTHS; break; case RrdTime.SECONDS: case RrdTime.MINUTES: case RrdTime.HOURS: this.tokid = RrdTime.MINUTES; break; default: if (delta < 6) /* it may be some other value but in the context of RRD who needs less than 6 min deltas? */ this.tokid = RrdTime.MONTHS; else this.tokid = RrdTime.MINUTES; } } prev_multiplier = this.tokid; switch (this.tokid) { case RrdTime.YEARS: this.tm_year += ( op == RrdTime.PLUS) ? delta : -delta; return; case RrdTime.MONTHS: this.tm_mon += ( op == RrdTime.PLUS) ? delta : -delta; return; case RrdTime.WEEKS: delta *= 7; /* falls through */ case RrdTime.DAYS: this.tm_mday += ( op == RrdTime.PLUS) ? delta : -delta; return; case RrdTime.HOURS: this.offset += (op == RrdTime.PLUS) ? delta * 60 * 60 : -delta * 60 * 60; return; case RrdTime.MINUTES: this.offset += (op == RrdTime.PLUS) ? delta * 60 : -delta * 60; return; case RrdTime.SECONDS: this.offset += (op == RrdTime.PLUS) ? delta : -delta; return; default: /*default unit is seconds */ this.offset += (op == RrdTime.PLUS) ? delta : -delta; return; } throw new RrdTimeError("well-known time unit expected after "+delta); }; RrdTime.prototype.tod = function() /* tod() computes the time of day (TIME-OF-DAY-SPEC) */ { var hour, minute = 0; var tlen; /* save token status in case we must abort */ var tokid_sv = this.tokid; tlen = (this.token+"").length; /* first pick out the time of day - we assume a HH (COLON|DOT) MM time */ if (tlen > 2) return; hour = this.token; this.gettok(); if (this.tokid == RrdTime.SLASH || this.tokid == RrdTime.DOT) { /* guess we are looking at a date */ this.tokid = tokid_sv; this.token = hour; return; } if (this.tokid == RrdTime.COLON) { if (this.gettok() != RrdTime.NUMBER) throw new RrdTimeError("Parsing HH:MM syntax, expecting MM as number, got none"); minute = this.token; if (minute > 59) throw new RrdTimeError("parsing HH:MM syntax, got MM = "+minute+" (>59!)"); this.gettok(); } /* check if an AM or PM specifier was given */ if (this.tokid == RrdTime.AM || this.tokid == RrdTime.PM) { if (hour > 12) { throw new RrdTimeError("there cannot be more than 12 AM or PM hours"); } if (this.tokid == RrdTime.PM) { if (hour != 12) /* 12:xx PM is 12:xx, not 24:xx */ hour += 12; } else { if (hour == 12) /* 12:xx AM is 00:xx, not 12:xx */ hour = 0; } this.gettok(); } else if (hour > 23) { /* guess it was not a time then ... */ this.tokid = tokid_sv; this.token = hour; return; } this.tm_hour = hour; this.tm_min = minute; this.tm_sec = 0; if (this.tm_hour == 24) { this.tm_hour = 0; this.tm_mday++; } }; RrdTime.prototype.assign_date = function(mday, mon, year) { if (year > 138) { if (year > 1970) { year -= 1900; } else { throw new RrdTimeError("invalid year "+year+" (should be either 00-99 or >1900)"); } } else if (year >= 0 && year < 38) { year += 100; /* Allow year 2000-2037 to be specified as */ } /* 00-37 until the problem of 2038 year will */ /* arise for unices with 32-bit time_t :) */ if (year < 70) throw new RrdTimeError("won't handle dates before epoch (01/01/1970), sorry"); this.tm_mday = mday; this.tm_mon = mon; this.tm_year = year; }; RrdTime.prototype.day = function () { var mday = 0, wday, mon, year = this.tm_year; switch (this.tokid) { case RrdTime.YESTERDAY: this.tm_mday--; /* falls through */ case RrdTime.TODAY: this.gettok(); break; case RrdTime.TOMORROW: this.tm_mday++; this.gettok(); break; case RrdTime.JAN: case RrdTime.FEB: case RrdTime.MAR: case RrdTime.APR: case RrdTime.MAY: case RrdTime.JUN: case RrdTime.JUL: case RrdTime.AUG: case RrdTime.SEP: case RrdTime.OCT: case RrdTime.NOV: case RrdTime.DEC: mon = (this.tokid - RrdTime.JAN); if (this.gettok() != RrdTime.NUMBER) throw new RrdTimeError("the day of the month should follow month name"); mday = this.token; if (this.gettok() == RrdTime.NUMBER) { year = this.token; this.gettok(); } else { year = this.tm_year; } this.assign_date(mday, mon, year); break; case RrdTime.SUN: case RrdTime.MON: case RrdTime.TUE: case RrdTime.WED: case RrdTime.THU: case RrdTime.FRI: case RrdTime.SAT: wday = (this.tokid - RrdTime.SUN); this.tm_mday += (wday - this.tm_wday); this.gettok(); break; case RrdTime.NUMBER: mon = this.token; if (mon > 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60) { this.localtime(mon); this.gettok(); break; } if (mon > 19700101 && mon < 24000101) { /*works between 1900 and 2400 */ var str = this.token + ''; year = parseInt(str.substr(0,4),10); mon = parseInt(str.substr(4,2),10); mday = parseInt(str.substr(6,2),10); this.gettok(); } else { this.gettok(); if (mon <= 31 && (this.tokid == RrdTime.SLASH || this.tokid == RrdTime.DOT)) { var sep = this.tokid; if (this.gettok() != RrdTime.NUMBER) throw new RrdTimeError("there should be "+(RrdTime.DOT ? "month" : "day")+" number after '"+(RrdTime.DOT ? '.' : '/')+"'"); mday = this.token; if (this.gettok() == sep) { if (this.gettok() != RrdTime.NUMBER) throw new RrdTimeError("there should be year number after '"+(sep == RrdTime.DOT ? '.' : '/')+"'"); year = this.token; this.gettok(); } if (sep == RrdTime.DOT) { var x = mday; mday = mon; mon = x; } } } mon--; if (mon < 0 || mon > 11) throw new RrdTimeError("did you really mean month "+(mon+1)+"?"); if (mday < 1 || mday > 31) throw new RrdTimeError("I'm afraid that "+mday+" is not a valid day of the month"); this.assign_date(mday, mon, year); break; } }; RrdTime.prototype.localtime = function (tm) { var date = new Date(tm*1000); this.tm_sec = date.getSeconds(); this.tm_min = date.getMinutes(); this.tm_hour = date.getHours(); this.tm_mday = date.getDate(); this.tm_mon = date.getMonth(); this.tm_year = date.getFullYear()-1900; this.tm_wday = date.getDay(); }; RrdTime.prototype.mktime = function() { var date = new Date(this.tm_year+1900, this.tm_mon, this.tm_mday, this.tm_hour, this.tm_min, this.tm_sec); return Math.round(date.getTime()/1000.0); }; RrdTime.proc_start_end = function(start_t, end_t) { var start, end; if (start_t.type == RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_END_TIME && end_t.type == RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_START_TIME) throw new RrdTimeError("the start and end times cannot be specified relative to each other"); if (start_t.type == RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_START_TIME) throw new RrdTimeError("the start time cannot be specified relative to itself"); if (end_t.type == RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_END_TIME) throw new RrdTimeError("the end time cannot be specified relative to itself"); if (start_t.type == RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_END_TIME) { end = end_t.mktime() + end_t.offset; var tmtmp = new Date(end*1000); tmtmp.setDate(tmtmp.getDate()+start_t.tm_mday); tmtmp.setMonth(tmtmp.getMonth()+start_t.tm_mon); tmtmp.setFullYear(tmtmp.getFullYear()+start_t.tm_year); start = Math.round(tmtmp.getTime()/1000.0) + start_t.offset; } else { start = start_t.mktime() + start_t.offset; } if (end_t.type == RrdTime.RELATIVE_TO_START_TIME) { start = start_t.mktime() + start_t.offset; var tmtmp = new Date(start*1000); tmtmp.setDate(tmtmp.getDate()+end_t.tm_mday); tmtmp.setMonth(tmtmp.getMonth()+end_t.tm_mon); tmtmp.setFullYear(tmtmp.getFullYear()+end_t.tm_year); end = Math.round(tmtmp.getTime()/1000.0) + end_t.offset; } else { end = end_t.mktime() + end_t.offset; } return [start, end]; };