/** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * RRDtool 1.4.5 Copyright by Tobi Oetiker, 1997-2010 * * Convert to javascript: Manuel Sanmartin **/ "use strict"; /** * RrdRpnError * @constructor */ var RrdRpnError = function (message) { this.prototype = Error.prototype; this.name = "RrdRpnError"; this.message = (message) ? message : "RPN stack underflow"; }; /** * RrdRpn * @constructor */ var RrdRpn = function (str_expr, gdes) /* parser */ { var steps = -1; var expr; var exprs = str_expr.split(','); this.rpnexpr = str_expr; this.rpnp = []; this.rpnstack = null; for(var i=0, len=exprs.length; i < len; i++) { expr=exprs[i].toUpperCase(); steps++; this.rpnp[steps] = {}; if (!isNaN(expr)) { this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_NUMBER; this.rpnp[steps].val = parseFloat(expr); } else if (expr === '+') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_ADD; else if (expr === '-') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_SUB; else if (expr === '*') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_MUL; else if (expr === '/') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_DIV; else if (expr === '%') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_MOD; else if (expr === 'SIN') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_SIN; else if (expr === 'COS') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_COS; else if (expr === 'LOG') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_LOG; else if (expr === 'FLOOR') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_FLOOR; else if (expr === 'CEIL') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_CEIL; else if (expr === 'EXP') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_EXP; else if (expr === 'DUP') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_DUP; else if (expr === 'EXC') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_EXC; else if (expr === 'POP') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_POP; else if (expr === 'LTIME') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_LTIME; else if (expr === 'LT') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_LT; else if (expr === 'LE') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_LE; else if (expr === 'GT') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_GT; else if (expr === 'GE') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_GE; else if (expr === 'EQ') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_EQ; else if (expr === 'IF') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_IF; else if (expr === 'MIN') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_MIN; else if (expr === 'MAX') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_MAX; else if (expr === 'LIMIT') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_LIMIT; else if (expr === 'UNKN') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_UNKN; else if (expr === 'UN') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_UN; else if (expr === 'NEGINF') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_NEGINF; else if (expr === 'NE') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_NE; else if (expr === 'COUNT') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_COUNT; else if (/PREV\([-_A-Za-z0-9]+\)/.test(expr)) { var match = exprs[i].match(/PREV\(([-_A-Za-z0-9]+)\)/i); if (match.length == 2) { this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_PREV_OTHER; this.rpnp[steps].ptr = this.find_var(gdes, match[1]); // FIXME if -1 } } else if (expr === 'PREV') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_PREV; else if (expr === 'INF') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_INF; else if (expr === 'ISINF') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_ISINF; else if (expr === 'NOW') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_NOW; else if (expr === 'TIME') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_TIME; else if (expr === 'ATAN2') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_ATAN2; else if (expr === 'ATAN') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_ATAN; else if (expr === 'SQRT') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_SQRT; else if (expr === 'SORT') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_SORT; else if (expr === 'REV') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_REV; else if (expr === 'TREND') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_TREND; else if (expr === 'TRENDNAN') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_TRENDNAN; else if (expr === 'PREDICT') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_PREDICT; else if (expr === 'PREDICTSIGMA') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_PREDICTSIGMA; else if (expr === 'RAD2DEG') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_RAD2DEG; else if (expr === 'DEG2RAD') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_DEG2RAD; else if (expr === 'AVG') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_AVG; else if (expr === 'ABS') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_ABS; else if (expr === 'ADDNAN') this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_ADDNAN; else if (/[-_A-Za-z0-9]+/.test(expr)) { this.rpnp[steps].ptr = this.find_var(gdes, exprs[i]); // FIXME if -1 this.rpnp[steps].op = RrdRpn.OP_VARIABLE; } else { return; } } this.rpnp[steps + 1] = {}; this.rpnp[steps + 1].op = RrdRpn.OP_END; }; RrdRpn.OP_NUMBER= 0; RrdRpn.OP_VARIABLE = 1; RrdRpn.OP_INF = 2; RrdRpn.OP_PREV = 3; RrdRpn.OP_NEGINF = 4; RrdRpn.OP_UNKN = 5; RrdRpn.OP_NOW = 6; RrdRpn.OP_TIME = 7; RrdRpn.OP_ADD = 8; RrdRpn.OP_MOD = 9; RrdRpn.OP_SUB = 10; RrdRpn.OP_MUL = 11; RrdRpn.OP_DIV = 12; RrdRpn.OP_SIN = 13; RrdRpn.OP_DUP = 14; RrdRpn.OP_EXC = 15; RrdRpn.OP_POP = 16; RrdRpn.OP_COS = 17; RrdRpn.OP_LOG = 18; RrdRpn.OP_EXP = 19; RrdRpn.OP_LT = 20; RrdRpn.OP_LE = 21; RrdRpn.OP_GT = 22; RrdRpn.OP_GE = 23; RrdRpn.OP_EQ = 24; RrdRpn.OP_IF = 25; RrdRpn.OP_MIN = 26; RrdRpn.OP_MAX = 27; RrdRpn.OP_LIMIT = 28; RrdRpn.OP_FLOOR = 29; RrdRpn.OP_CEIL = 30; RrdRpn.OP_UN = 31; RrdRpn.OP_END = 32; RrdRpn.OP_LTIME = 33; RrdRpn.OP_NE = 34; RrdRpn.OP_ISINF = 35; RrdRpn.OP_PREV_OTHER = 36; RrdRpn.OP_COUNT = 37; RrdRpn.OP_ATAN = 38; RrdRpn.OP_SQRT = 39; RrdRpn.OP_SORT = 40; RrdRpn.OP_REV = 41; RrdRpn.OP_TREND = 42; RrdRpn.OP_TRENDNAN = 43; RrdRpn.OP_ATAN2 = 44; RrdRpn.OP_RAD2DEG = 45; RrdRpn.OP_DEG2RAD = 46; RrdRpn.OP_PREDICT = 47; RrdRpn.OP_PREDICTSIGMA = 48; RrdRpn.OP_AVG = 49; RrdRpn.OP_ABS = 50; RrdRpn.OP_ADDNAN = 51 ; RrdRpn.prototype.find_var = function(gdes, key) { for (var ii = 0, gdes_c = gdes.length; ii < gdes_c; ii++) { if ((gdes[ii].gf == RrdGraphDesc.GF_DEF || gdes[ii].gf == RrdGraphDesc.GF_VDEF || gdes[ii].gf == RrdGraphDesc.GF_CDEF) && gdes[ii].vname == key) { return ii; } } return -1; }; RrdRpn.prototype.compare_double = function(x, y) { var diff = x - y; return (diff < 0) ? -1 : (diff > 0) ? 1 : 0; }; RrdRpn.prototype.fmod = function (x, y) { // http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net // + original by: Onno Marsman // + input by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // * example 1: fmod(5.7, 1.3); // * returns 1: 0.5 var tmp, tmp2, p = 0, pY = 0, l = 0.0, l2 = 0.0; tmp = x.toExponential().match(/^.\.?(.*)e(.+)$/); p = parseInt(tmp[2], 10) - (tmp[1] + '').length; tmp = y.toExponential().match(/^.\.?(.*)e(.+)$/); pY = parseInt(tmp[2], 10) - (tmp[1] + '').length; if (pY > p) p = pY; tmp2 = (x % y); if (p < -100 || p > 20) { l = Math.round(Math.log(tmp2) / Math.log(10)); l2 = Math.pow(10, l); return (tmp2 / l2).toFixed(l - p) * l2; } else { return parseFloat(tmp2.toFixed(-p)); } }; RrdRpn.prototype.calc = function (data_idx, output, output_idx) { var stptr = -1; this.rpnstack = []; for (var rpi = 0; this.rpnp[rpi].op != RrdRpn.OP_END; rpi++) { switch (this.rpnp[rpi].op) { case RrdRpn.OP_NUMBER: this.rpnstack[++stptr] = this.rpnp[rpi].val; break; case RrdRpn.OP_VARIABLE: case RrdRpn.OP_PREV_OTHER: if (this.rpnp[rpi].ds_cnt == 0) { throw new RrdRpnError("VDEF made it into rpn_calc... aborting"); } else { if (this.rpnp[rpi].op == RrdRpn.OP_VARIABLE) { this.rpnstack[++stptr] = this.rpnp[rpi].data[this.rpnp[rpi].pdata]; } else { if ((output_idx) <= 0) this.rpnstack[++stptr] = Number.NaN; else this.rpnstack[++stptr] = this.rpnp[rpi].data[this.rpnp[rpi].pdata - this.rpnp[rpi].ds_cnt]; } if (data_idx % this.rpnp[rpi].step == 0) { this.rpnp[rpi].pdata += this.rpnp[rpi].ds_cnt; } } break; case RrdRpn.OP_COUNT: this.rpnstack[++stptr] = (output_idx + 1); /* Note: Counter starts at 1 */ break; case RrdRpn.OP_PREV: if ((output_idx) <= 0) this.rpnstack[++stptr] = Number.NaN; else this.rpnstack[++stptr] = output[output_idx - 1]; break; case RrdRpn.OP_UNKN: this.rpnstack[++stptr] = Number.NaN; break; case RrdRpn.OP_INF: this.rpnstack[++stptr] = Infinity; break; case RrdRpn.OP_NEGINF: this.rpnstack[++stptr] = -Infinity; break; case RrdRpn.OP_NOW: this.rpnstack[++stptr] = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000); break; case RrdRpn.OP_TIME: this.rpnstack[++stptr] = data_idx; break; case RrdRpn.OP_LTIME: var date = new Date(data_idx*1000); // FIXME XXX this.rpnstack[++stptr] = date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 + data_idx; break; case RrdRpn.OP_ADD: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] + this.rpnstack[stptr]; stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_ADDNAN: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { /* NOOP */ /* this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1]; */ } else { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] + this.rpnstack[stptr]; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_SUB: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] - this.rpnstack[stptr]; stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_MUL: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = (this.rpnstack[stptr - 1]) * (this.rpnstack[stptr]); stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_DIV: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] / this.rpnstack[stptr]; stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_MOD: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.fmod(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] , this.rpnstack[stptr]); stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_SIN: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.sin(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_ATAN: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.atan(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_RAD2DEG: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = 57.29577951 * this.rpnstack[stptr]; break; case RrdRpn.OP_DEG2RAD: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = 0.0174532952 * this.rpnstack[stptr]; break; case RrdRpn.OP_ATAN2: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = Math.atan2(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1], this.rpnstack[stptr]); stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_COS: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.cos(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_CEIL: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.ceil(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_FLOOR: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.floor(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_LOG: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.log(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_DUP: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr + 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; stptr++; break; case RrdRpn.OP_POP: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_EXC: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); { var dummy = this.rpnstack[stptr]; this.rpnstack[stptr] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1]; this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = dummy; } break; case RrdRpn.OP_EXP: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.exp(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_LT: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] < this.rpnstack[stptr] ? 1.0 : 0.0; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_LE: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] <= this.rpnstack[stptr] ? 1.0 : 0.0; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_GT: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] > this.rpnstack[stptr] ? 1.0 : 0.0; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_GE: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] >= this.rpnstack[stptr] ? 1.0 : 0.0; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_NE: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] == this.rpnstack[stptr] ? 0.0 : 1.0; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_EQ: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] == this.rpnstack[stptr] ? 1.0 : 0.0; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_IF: if(stptr < 2) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] = (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 2]) || this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] == 0.0) ? this.rpnstack[stptr] : this.rpnstack[stptr - 1]; stptr--; stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_MIN: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else if (this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] > this.rpnstack[stptr]) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_MAX: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else if (this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] < this.rpnstack[stptr]) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 1] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } stptr--; break; case RrdRpn.OP_LIMIT: if(stptr < 2) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 2])) { } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr - 1])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] = this.rpnstack[stptr - 1]; } else if (isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr])) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] = this.rpnstack[stptr]; } else if (this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] < this.rpnstack[stptr - 1]) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] = Number.NaN; } else if (this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] > this.rpnstack[stptr]) { this.rpnstack[stptr - 2] = Number.NaN; } stptr -= 2; break; case RrdRpn.OP_UN: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = isNaN(this.rpnstack[stptr]) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case RrdRpn.OP_ISINF: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = !isFinite(this.rpnstack[stptr]) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case RrdRpn.OP_SQRT: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.sqrt(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_SORT: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); var spn = this.rpnstack[stptr--]; if(stptr < spn - 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); var array = this.rpnstack.slice(stptr - spn + 1, stptr +1); array.sort(this.compare_double); for (var i=stptr - spn + 1, ii=0; i < (stptr +1) ; i++, ii++) this.rpnstack[i] = array[ii]; // qsort(this.rpnstack + stptr - spn + 1, spn, sizeof(double), rpn_compare_double); break; case RrdRpn.OP_REV: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); var spn = this.rpnstack[stptr--]; if(stptr < spn - 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); var array = this.rpnstack.slice(stptr - spn + 1, stptr +1); array.reverse(); for (var i=stptr - spn + 1, ii=0; i < (stptr +1) ; i++, ii++) this.rpnstack[i] = array[ii]; break; case RrdRpn.OP_PREDICT: case RrdRpn.OP_PREDICTSIGMA: if(stptr < 2) throw new RrdRpnError(); var locstepsize = this.rpnstack[--stptr]; var shifts = this.rpnstack[--stptr]; if(stptr < shifts) throw new RrdRpnError(); if (shifts<0) stptr--; else stptr-=shifts; var val=Number.NaN; var dsstep = this.rpnp[rpi - 1].step; var dscount = this.rpnp[rpi - 1].ds_cnt; var locstep = Math.ceil(locstepsize/dsstep); var sum = 0; var sum2 = 0; var count = 0; /* now loop for each position */ var doshifts=shifts; if (shifts<0) doshifts=-shifts; for(var loop=0;loop=0)&&(offset0) val = sum/count; } else { if (count>1) { val=count*sum2-sum*sum; if (val<0) { val=Number.NaN; } else { val=Math.sqrt(val/(count*(count-1.0))); } } } this.rpnstack[stptr] = val; break; case RrdRpn.OP_TREND: case RrdRpn.OP_TRENDNAN: if(stptr < 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); if ((rpi < 2) || (this.rpnp[rpi - 2].op != RrdRpn.OP_VARIABLE)) { throw new RrdRpnError("malformed trend arguments"); } else { var dur = this.rpnstack[stptr]; var step = this.rpnp[rpi - 2].step; if (output_idx + 1 >= Math.ceil(dur / step)) { var ignorenan = (this.rpnp[rpi].op == RrdRpn.OP_TREND); var accum = 0.0; var i = 0; var count = 0; do { var val = this.rpnp[rpi - 2].data[this.rpnp[rpi - 2].ds_cnt * i--]; if (ignorenan || !isNaN(val)) { accum += val; ++count; } dur -= step; } while (dur > 0); this.rpnstack[--stptr] = (count == 0) ? Number.NaN : (accum / count); } else this.rpnstack[--stptr] = Number.NaN; } break; case RrdRpn.OP_AVG: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); var i = this.rpnstack[stptr--]; var sum = 0; var count = 0; if(stptr < i - 1) throw new RrdRpnError(); while (i > 0) { var val = this.rpnstack[stptr--]; i--; if (isNaN(val)) continue; count++; sum += val; } if (count > 0) this.rpnstack[++stptr] = sum / count; else this.rpnstack[++stptr] = Number.NaN; break; case RrdRpn.OP_ABS: if(stptr < 0) throw new RrdRpnError(); this.rpnstack[stptr] = Math.abs(this.rpnstack[stptr]); break; case RrdRpn.OP_END: break; } } if (stptr != 0) throw new RrdRpnError("RPN final stack size != 1"); output[output_idx] = this.rpnstack[0]; return 0; };