/** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * * Manuel Sanmartin **/ "use strict"; /** * RrdDataFile * @constructor */ var RrdDataFile = function() { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; RrdDataFile.prototype = { rrdfiles: null, init: function() { this.rrdfiles = {}; }, build: function(gdp, ft_step, rrd) { var cal_start, cal_end; var best_full_rra = 0, best_part_rra = 0, chosen_rra = 0; var best_full_step_diff = 0, best_part_step_diff = 0, tmp_step_diff = 0, tmp_match = 0, best_match = 0; var full_match, rra_base; var first_full = 1; var first_part = 1; var data_ptr; var rows; var cf_idx = gdp.cf; var ds_cnt = rrd.getNrDSs(); var rra_cnt = rrd.getNrRRAs(); for (var i = 0; i < ds_cnt; i++) gdp.ds_namv[i] = rrd.rrd_header.getDSbyIdx(i).getName(); for (var i = 0; i < rra_cnt; i++) { var rra = rrd.getRRAInfo(i); if (RrdGraphDesc.cf_conv(rra.getCFName()) === cf_idx) { cal_end = (rrd.getLastUpdate() - (rrd.getLastUpdate() % (rra.getPdpPerRow() * rra.pdp_step))); cal_start = (cal_end - (rra.getPdpPerRow() * rra.row_cnt * rra.pdp_step)); full_match = gdp.end - gdp.start; tmp_step_diff = Math.abs(ft_step - (rrd.getMinStep() * rra.pdp_cnt)); if (cal_start <= gdp.start) { if (first_full || (tmp_step_diff < best_full_step_diff)) { first_full = 0; best_full_step_diff = tmp_step_diff; best_full_rra = i; } } else { tmp_match = full_match; if (cal_start > gdp.start) tmp_match -= (cal_start - gdp.start); if (first_part || (best_match < tmp_match) || (best_match === tmp_match && tmp_step_diff < best_part_step_diff)) { first_part = 0; best_match = tmp_match; best_part_step_diff = tmp_step_diff; best_part_rra = i; } } } } if (first_full === 0) chosen_rra = best_full_rra; else if (first_part === 0) chosen_rra = best_part_rra; else throw "the RRD does not contain an RRA matching the chosen CF"; var rra_info = rrd.getRRAInfo(chosen_rra); var rra = rrd.getRRA(chosen_rra); ft_step = rrd.rrd_header.pdp_step * rra_info.getPdpPerRow(); gdp.start -= (gdp.start % ft_step); gdp.end += (ft_step - gdp.end % ft_step); rows = (gdp.end - gdp.start) / ft_step + 1; gdp.ds_cnt = ds_cnt; data_ptr = 0; var rra_end_time = (rrd.getLastUpdate() - (rrd.getLastUpdate() % ft_step)); var rra_start_time = (rra_end_time - (ft_step * (rra_info.row_cnt - 1))); /* here's an error by one if we don't be careful */ var start_offset = (gdp.start + ft_step - rra_start_time) / ft_step; var end_offset = (rra_end_time - gdp.end) / ft_step; gdp.data = []; for (i = start_offset; i < rra.row_cnt - end_offset; i++) { if (i < 0) { for (var ii = 0; ii < ds_cnt; ii++) gdp.data[data_ptr++] = Number.NaN; } else if (i >= rra.row_cnt) { for (var ii = 0; ii < ds_cnt; ii++) gdp.data[data_ptr++] = Number.NaN; } else { for (var ii = 0; ii < ds_cnt; ii++) gdp.data[data_ptr++] = rra.getEl(i, ii); } } return ft_step; }, fetch: function(gdp, ft_step) { var rrd; if (gdp.rrd in this.rrdfiles) { rrd = this.rrdfiles[gdp.rrd]; } else { var bf = FetchBinaryURL(gdp.rrd); rrd = new RRDFile(bf); this.rrdfiles[gdp.rrd] = rrd; } return this.build(gdp, ft_step, rrd); } };