/** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * * Manuel Sanmartin **/ "use strict"; /** * RrdCmdLine * @constructor */ var RrdCmdLine = function() { // if (arguments.lenght === 3) // XXX this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; RrdCmdLine.prototype = { graph: null, init: function (gfx, fetch, line) { this.graph = new RrdGraph(gfx, fetch); this.cmdline(line); }, cmdline: function(line) // FIXME { var i = 0; line = line.replace(/\n/g," "); var lines = line.match(/[^" ]+|"[^"]+"/g); var len = lines.length; while (i < len) { var arg = lines[i]; if (arg.charAt(0) === '"' && arg.charAt(arg.length-1) === '"') arg = arg.substr(1,arg.length-2); if (/^LINE[0-9.]+:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_line(arg); } else if (/^AREA:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_area(arg); } else if (/^DEF:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_def(arg); } else if (/^CDEF:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_cdef(arg); } else if (/^VDEF:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_vdef(arg); } else if (/^GPRINT:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_gprint(arg); } else if (/^COMMENT:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_comment(arg); } else if (/^VRULE:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_vrule(arg); } else if (/^HRULE:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_hrule(arg); } else if (/^TICK:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_tick(arg); } else if (/^TEXTALIGN:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_textaling(arg); } else if (/^SHIFT:/.test(arg)) { this.parse_shift(arg); } else if (arg.charAt(0) === '-') { var strip = 1; if (arg.length > 1 && arg.charAt(1) === '-') { strip = 2; } var option = arg.substr(strip); /* try to parse a flag, otherwise assume --option=value */ if (!this.set_flag(option)) { var value; if (option.indexOf('=') !== -1) { var index = option.indexOf('='); value = option.substr(index + 1); option = option.substr(0, index); } else if (i + 1 < len) { ++i; if (lines[i].charAt(0) === '"' && lines[i].charAt(lines[i].length-1) === '"') value = lines[i].substr(1,lines[i].length-2); else value = lines[i]; } this.set_option(option, value); } } else { throw "Unknown argument: "+arg; } i++; } var start_end = RrdTime.proc_start_end(this.graph.start_t, this.graph.end_t); // FIXME here? this.graph.start = start_end[0]; this.graph.end = start_end[1]; }, /** Returns true when the option is a flag that got consumed. */ set_flag: function(option) { switch (option) { case 'alt-autoscale': case 'A': this.graph.alt_autoscale = true; return true; case 'full-size-mode': case 'D': this.graph.full_size_mode = true; return true; case 'slope-mode': case 'E': this.graph.slopemode = true; return true; case 'force-rules-legend': case 'F': this.graph.force_rules_legend = true; return true; case 'no-legend': case 'g': this.graph.no_legend = true; return true; case 'no-minor': case 'I': this.graph.no_minor = false; return true; case 'interlaced': case 'i': return true; case 'alt-autoscale-min': case 'J': this.graph.alt_autoscale_min = true; return true; case 'only-graph': case 'j': this.graph.only_graph = true; return true; case 'alt-autoscale-max': case 'M': this.graph.alt_autoscale_max = true; return true; case 'no-gridfit': case 'N': this.graph.gridfit = true; return true; case 'logarithmic': case 'o': this.graph.logarithmic = true; return true; case 'pango-markup': case 'P': // im->with_markup = 1; return true; case 'rigid': case 'r': this.graph.rigid = true; return true; case 'alt-y-grid': case 'Y': this.graph.alt_ygrid = true; return true; case 'lazy': case 'z': this.graph.lazy = true; return true; case 'alt-y-mrtg': return true; case 'disable-rrdtool-tag': this.graph.no_rrdtool_tag = true; return true; case 'dynamic-labels': this.graph.dynamic_labels = true; return true; default: /* unrecognized flag, maybe it is an option? */ return false; } }, set_option: function(option, value) { switch(option) { case 'base': case 'b': this.graph.base = parseInt(value, 10); if (this.graph.base !== 1000 && this.graph.base !== 1024) throw 'the only sensible value for base apart from 1000 is 1024'; break; case 'color': case 'c': var index = value.indexOf('#'); if (index === -1) throw "invalid color def format"; var name = value.substr(0,index); if (!this.graph.GRC[name]) throw "invalid color name '"+name+"'" this.graph.GRC[name] = value.substr(index); // FIXME check color break; case 'end': case 'e': this.graph.end_t = new RrdTime(value); // this.graph.end = parseInt(value, 10); break; case 'imginfo': case 'f': // im->imginfo = optarg; break; case 'graph-render-mode': case 'G': // im->graph_antialias break; case 'height': case 'h': this.graph.ysize = parseInt(value, 10); break; case 'units-length': case 'L': this.graph.unitslength = parseInt(value, 10); this.graph.forceleftspace = true; break; case 'lower-limit': case 'l': this.graph.setminval = parseFloat(value) break; case 'zoom': case 'm': this.graph.zoom = parseFloat(value); if (this.graph.zoom <= 0.0) throw "zoom factor must be > 0"; break; case 'font': case 'n': var args = value.split(':'); if (args.length !== 3) throw "invalid text property format"; if (!this.graph.TEXT[args[0]]) throw "invalid fonttag '"+args[0]+"'" if (args[1] > 0) this.graph.TEXT[args[0]].size = args[1]; if (args[2]) this.graph.TEXT[args[0]].font = args[2]; break; case 'font-render-mode': case 'R': // im->font_options: normal light mono break; case 'step': this.graph.step = parseInt(value, 10); break; case 'start': case 's': this.graph.start_t = new RrdTime(value); //this.graph.start = parseInt(value, 10); break; case 'tabwidth': case 'T': this.graph.tabwidth = parseFloat(value); break; case 'title': case 't': this.graph.title = value; break; case 'upper-limit': case 'u': this.graph.setmaxval = parseFloat(value); break; case 'vertical-label': case 'v': this.graph.ylegend = value; break; case 'watermark': case 'W': this.graph.watermark = value; break; case 'width': case 'w': this.graph.xsize = parseInt(value, 10); if (this.graph.xsize < 10) throw "width below 10 pixels"; break; case 'units-exponent': case 'X': this.graph.unitsexponent = parseInt(value, 10); break; case 'x-grid': case 'x': if (value === 'none') { this.graph.draw_x_grid = false; } else { var args = value.split(':'); if (args.length !== 8) throw "invalid x-grid format"; this.graph.xlab_user.gridtm = this.graph.tmt_conv(args[0]); if (this.graph.xlab_user.gridtm < 0) throw "unknown keyword "+args[0]; this.graph.xlab_user.gridst = parseInt(args[1], 10); this.graph.xlab_user.mgridtm = this.graph.tmt_conv(args[2]); if (this.graph.xlab_user.mgridtm < 2) throw "unknown keyword "+args[2]; this.graph.xlab_user.mgridst = parseInt(args[3], 10); this.graph.xlab_user.labtm = this.graph.tmt_conv(args[4]); if (this.graph.xlab_user.labtm < 0) throw "unknown keyword "+args[4]; this.graph.xlab_user.labst = parseInt(args[5], 10); this.graph.xlab_user.precis = parseInt(args[6], 10); this.graph.xlab_user.minsec = 1; this.graph.xlab_form = args[7]; // FIXME : ? join(:) this.graph.xlab_user.stst = this.graph.xlab_form; } break; case 'y-grid': case 'y': if (value === 'none') { this.graph.draw_y_grid = false; } else { var index = value.indexOf(':'); if (index === -1) throw "invalid y-grid format"; this.graph.ygridstep = parseFloat(value.substr(0,index)); if (this.graph.ygridstep <= 0) throw "grid step must be > 0"; this.graph.ylabfact = parseInt(value.substr(index+1), 10); if (this.graph.ylabfact < 1) throw "label factor must be > 0"; } break; case 'units': if (this.graph.force_units) throw "--units can only be used once!"; if (value === 'si') this.graph.force_units_si = true; else throw "invalid argument for --units: "+value; break; case 'right-axis': var index = value.indexOf(':'); if (index === -1) throw "invalid right-axis format expected scale:shift"; this.graph.second_axis_scale = parseFloat(value.substr(0,index)); if(this.graph.second_axis_scale === 0) throw "the second_axis_scale must not be 0"; this.graph.second_axis_shift = parseFloat(value.substr(index+1)); break; case 'right-axis-label': this.graph.second_axis_legend = value; break; case 'right-axis-format': this.graph.second_axis_format = value; break; case 'legend-position': if (value === "north") { this.graph.legendposition = this.graph.LEGEND_POS.NORTH; } else if (value === "west") { this.graph.legendposition = this.graph.LEGEND_POS.WEST; } else if (value === "south") { this.graph.legendposition = this.graph.LEGEND_POS.SOUTH; } else if (value === "east") { this.graph.legendposition = this.graph.LEGEND_POS.EAST; } else { throw "unknown legend-position '"+value+"'"; } break; case 'legend-direction': if (value === "topdown") { this.graph.legenddirection = this.graph.LEGEND_DIR.TOP_DOWN; } else if (value === "bottomup") { this.graph.legenddirection = this.graph.LEGEND_DIR.BOTTOM_UP; } else { throw "unknown legend-position '"+value+"'"; } break; case 'border': this.graph.draw_3d_border = parseInt(value, 10); break; case 'grid-dash': var index = value.indexOf(':'); if (index === -1) throw "expected grid-dash format float:float"; this.graph.grid_dash_on = parseFloat(value.substr(0,index)); this.graph.grid_dash_off = parseFloat(value.substr(index+1)); break; default: throw 'Unknown option "'+option+'"'; } }, // DEF:=::[:step=][:start=