EOT; if (isset($CONFIG['page_refresh']) && is_numeric($CONFIG['page_refresh'])) { echo << EOT; } if ($CONFIG['graph_type'] == 'canvas') { echo << EOT; } if ($CONFIG['showtime']) { echo << EOT; } echo << EOT; if(!function_exists('json_decode')) { echo << Your php version doesn't support JSON. Your graphs would have looked more beautiful if it did. EOT; } if($CONFIG['version'] == 4) { echo << You are using Collectd 4, which is deprecated by CGP. Graphs like df and interfaces may be incomplete. EOT; } echo << EOT; } function html_end() { global $CONFIG; $git = '/usr/bin/git'; $changelog = $CONFIG['webdir'].'/doc/CHANGELOG'; $version = 'v?'; if (file_exists($git) && is_dir($CONFIG['webdir'].'/.git')) { chdir($CONFIG['webdir']); $version = exec($git.' describe --tags'); } elseif (file_exists($changelog)) { $changelog = file($changelog); $version = explode(' ', $changelog[0]); $version = 'v'.$version[0]; } $html_weburl = htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']); echo << EOT; if ($CONFIG['graph_type'] == 'canvas') { if ($CONFIG['rrd_fetch_method'] == 'async') { $js_async = 'true'; } else { $js_async = 'false'; } echo << EOT; } echo << EOT; } function plugin_header($host, $plugin) { global $CONFIG; printf("


\n", htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), urlencode($host), urlencode($plugin), htmlentities($plugin)); } function plugins_list($host, $selected_plugins = array()) { global $CONFIG; $plugins = collectd_plugins($host); echo '
'; echo '


'; echo '
    '; printf("
  • overview
  • \n", selected_overview($selected_plugins), htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), urlencode($host) ); # first the ones defined as ordered foreach($CONFIG['overview'] as $plugin) { if (in_array($plugin, $plugins)) { printf("
  • %s
  • \n", selected_plugin($plugin, $selected_plugins), htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), urlencode($host), urlencode($plugin), htmlentities($plugin) ); } } # other plugins foreach($plugins as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $CONFIG['overview'])) { printf("
  • %s
  • \n", selected_plugin($plugin, $selected_plugins), htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), urlencode($host), urlencode($plugin), htmlentities($plugin) ); } } echo '
'; echo '
'; } function selected_overview($selected_plugins) { if (count($selected_plugins) > 1) { return 'class="selected" '; } return ''; } function selected_plugin($plugin, $selected_plugins) { if (in_array($plugin, $selected_plugins)) { return 'class="selected" '; } return ''; } function selected_timerange($value1, $value2) { if ($value1 == $value2) { return 'class="selected" '; } return ''; } function host_summary($cat, $hosts) { global $CONFIG; $rrd = new RRDTool($CONFIG['rrdtool']); printf('
', htmlentities($cat)); printf('%s', htmlentities($cat)); echo "\n"; $row_style = array(0 => "even", 1 => "odd"); $host_counter = 0; foreach($hosts as $host) { $host_counter++; printf('', $row_style[$host_counter % 2]); printf('', htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), urlencode($host), htmlentities($host)); if ($CONFIG['showload']) { require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $load = array('h' => $host, 'p' => 'load', 't' => 'load'); $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG, $load); $obj->collectd_flush(); $rrd_info = $rrd->rrd_info($CONFIG['datadir'].'/'.$host.'/load/load.rrd'); # ignore if file does not exist if (!$rrd_info) continue; if (isset($rrd_info['ds[shortterm].last_ds']) && isset($rrd_info['ds[midterm].last_ds']) && isset($rrd_info['ds[longterm].last_ds'])) { $cores = count(group_plugindata(collectd_plugindata($host, 'cpu'))); foreach (array('ds[shortterm].last_ds', 'ds[midterm].last_ds', 'ds[longterm].last_ds') as $info) { $class = ''; if ($cores > 0 && $rrd_info[$info] > $cores * 2) $class = ' class="crit"'; elseif ($cores > 0 && $rrd_info[$info] > $cores) $class = ' class="warn"'; printf('%.2f', $class, $rrd_info[$info]); } } } if ($CONFIG['showmem']) { $rrd_info_mu = $rrd->rrd_info($CONFIG['datadir'].'/'.$host.'/memory/memory-used.rrd'); $rrd_info_mf = $rrd->rrd_info($CONFIG['datadir'].'/'.$host.'/memory/memory-free.rrd'); $rrd_info_bf = $rrd->rrd_info($CONFIG['datadir'].'/'.$host.'/memory/memory-buffered.rrd'); $rrd_info_ca = $rrd->rrd_info($CONFIG['datadir'].'/'.$host.'/memory/memory-cached.rrd'); # ignore if file does not exist if (!$rrd_info_mu || !$rrd_info_mf || !$rrd_info_bf || !$rrd_info_ca) continue; $info='ds[value].last_ds'; if (isset($rrd_info_mu[$info]) && isset($rrd_info_mf[$info]) && isset($rrd_info_bf[$info]) && isset($rrd_info_ca[$info]) ) { $percent_mem = $rrd_info_mu[$info] * 100 / ($rrd_info_mu[$info] + $rrd_info_mf[$info] + $rrd_info_bf[$info] + $rrd_info_ca[$info]); $class = ''; if ($percent_mem > 90) $class = ' class="crit"'; elseif ($percent_mem > 70) $class = ' class="warn"'; printf('%d%%', $class, $percent_mem); } } if ($CONFIG['showtime']) { $rrd_info = $rrd->rrd_info($CONFIG['datadir'].'/'.$host.'/load/load.rrd'); $time = time() - $rrd_info['last_update']; $class = 'wide'; if ($time > 300) $class .= ' crit'; elseif ($time > 60) $class .= ' warn'; printf('', $class, date('c', $rrd_info['last_update']), $time); } print "\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } function breadcrumbs() { $path = ''; if (validate_get(GET('h'), 'h')) $path .= ' - '.ucfirst(GET('h')); if (validate_get(GET('p'), 'p')) $path .= ' - '.ucfirst(GET('p')); if (validate_get(GET('pi'), 'pi')) $path .= ' - '.GET('pi'); if (validate_get(GET('t'), 't') && validate_get(GET('p'), 'p') && GET('t') != GET('p')) $path .= ' - '.GET('t'); if (validate_get(GET('ti'), 'ti')) $path .= ' - '.GET('ti'); return $path; } # generate graph url's for a plugin of a host function graphs_from_plugin($host, $plugin, $overview=false) { global $CONFIG; if (!$plugindata = collectd_plugindata($host, $plugin)) return false; if (!$plugindata = group_plugindata($plugindata)) return false; if (!$plugindata = plugin_sort($plugindata)) return false; foreach ($plugindata as $items) { if ( $overview && isset($CONFIG['overview_filter'][$plugin]) && $CONFIG['overview_filter'][$plugin] !== array_intersect_assoc($CONFIG['overview_filter'][$plugin], $items) ) { continue; } $items['h'] = $host; $time = array_key_exists($plugin, $CONFIG['time_range']) ? $CONFIG['time_range'][$plugin] : $CONFIG['time_range']['default']; if ($CONFIG['graph_type'] == 'canvas') { chdir($CONFIG['webdir']); isset($items['p']) ? $_GET['p'] = $items['p'] : $_GET['p'] = ''; isset($items['pi']) ? $_GET['pi'] = $items['pi'] : $_GET['pi'] = ''; isset($items['t']) ? $_GET['t'] = $items['t'] : $_GET['t'] = ''; isset($items['ti']) ? $_GET['ti'] = $items['ti'] : $_GET['ti'] = ''; $_GET['s'] = $time; include $CONFIG['webdir'].'/graph.php'; } else { printf(''."\n", htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), htmlentities(build_url('detail.php', $items, $time)), htmlentities(build_url('graph.php', $items, $time)) ); } } } # generate an url with GET values from $items function build_url($base, $items, $s=NULL) { global $CONFIG; if (!is_array($items)) return false; if (!is_numeric($s)) $s = $CONFIG['time_range']['default']; // Remove all empty values $items = array_filter($items, 'strlen'); if (!isset($items['s'])) $items['s'] = $s; return "$base?" . http_build_query($items, '', '&'); }