10, 'max_range' => $CONFIG['max-width'] )) : $CONFIG['width']; $height = GET('y') ? filter_var(GET('y'), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array( 'min_range' => 10, 'max_range' => $CONFIG['max-height'] )) : $CONFIG['height']; if ($width === NULL || $height === NULL) { error_log(sprintf('Invalid image dimension, x="%s", y="%s"', urlencode(GET('x')), urlencode(GET('y')) )); error_image(); } if (GET('h') === NULL) { error_image(); } $typesdb = parse_typesdb_file($CONFIG['typesdb']); if ($plugin == 'aggregation') { $aggr = true; $pi = explode("-", GET('pi'), 2); $plugin = GET('p', $pi[0]); } # plugin json if(function_exists('json_decode')) { if (file_exists('plugin/'.$plugin.'.json')) { $json = file_get_contents('plugin/'.$plugin.'.json'); $plugin_json = json_decode($json, true); if (is_null($plugin_json)) error_log('CGP Error: invalid json in plugin/'.$plugin.'.json'); } if (file_exists('plugin/local/'.$plugin.'.json')) { $json = file_get_contents('plugin/local/'.$plugin.'.json'); $plugin_json_local = json_decode($json, true); if (is_null($plugin_json_local)) error_log('CGP Error: invalid json in plugin/local/'.$plugin.'.json'); if (is_array($plugin_json)) { $plugin_json = array_replace_recursive($plugin_json, $plugin_json_local); } else { $plugin_json = $plugin_json_local; } } } if (!isset($plugin_json[$type]['type'])) $plugin_json[$type]['type'] = 'default'; switch ($plugin_json[$type]['type']) { case 'stacked': require_once 'type/GenericStacked.class.php'; $obj = new Type_GenericStacked($CONFIG, GET()); break; case 'io': require_once 'type/GenericIO.class.php'; $obj = new Type_GenericIO($CONFIG, GET()); break; case 'uptime': require_once 'type/Uptime.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Uptime($CONFIG, GET()); break; default: require_once 'type/Default.class.php'; $obj = new Type_Default($CONFIG, GET()); break; } # in case of aggregation, reset pi after initializing $obj to get a correct title if ($aggr) { $_GET['pi'] = GET('pi', $pi[1]); } if (isset($typesdb[$type])) { $obj->data_sources = array(); foreach ($typesdb[$type] as $ds => $property) { $obj->data_sources[] = $ds; } } if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['legend'])) { $obj->order = array(); foreach ($plugin_json[$type]['legend'] as $rrd => $property) { $obj->order[] = $rrd; $obj->legend[$rrd] = isset($property['name']) ? $property['name'] : $rrd; if (isset($property['color'])) $obj->colors[$rrd] = $property['color']; } } if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['title'])) { $obj->rrd_title = str_replace( array('{{PI}}', '{{TI}}', '{{HOST}}'), array(GET('pi'), GET('ti'), GET('h')), $plugin_json[$type]['title'] ); } if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['vertical'])) { $obj->rrd_vertical = $plugin_json[$type]['vertical']; $obj->rrd_vertical = str_replace('{{ND}}', ucfirst($CONFIG['network_datasize']), $obj->rrd_vertical); } if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['rrdtool_opts'])) { $rrdtool_extra_opts = $plugin_json[$type]['rrdtool_opts']; # compatibility with plugins which specify arguments as string if (is_string($rrdtool_extra_opts)) { $rrdtool_extra_opts = explode(' ', $rrdtool_extra_opts); } $obj->rrdtool_opts = array_merge( $obj->rrdtool_opts, $rrdtool_extra_opts ); } if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['datasize']) and $plugin_json[$type]['datasize']) $obj->scale = $CONFIG['network_datasize'] == 'bits' ? 8 : 1; if ($type == 'if_octets') $obj->percentile = $CONFIG['percentile']; if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['scale'])) $obj->scale = $plugin_json[$type]['scale']; if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['base'])) $obj->base = $plugin_json[$type]['base']; if (isset($plugin_json[$type]['legend_format'])) $obj->rrd_format = $plugin_json[$type]['legend_format']; $obj->rrd_graph();