0.3 (2010-10-04) * general - improved support for utf8 filenames - use default color palette in graphs when not defined - automatic alignment of graph legend - show static error image when plugin is not supported (remove php_gd dependency) * config settings: - rrdtool executable - rrdtool options - default graph time range - show load averages on overview page - browser cache time for graph images * plugins (new): - apache - bind - conntrack - hddtemp - memcached - netlink - nfs - ntpd - nut - ping - tcpconns - uptime - vmem - wireless * plugins (updated): - interface: traffic in bytes (instead of bits) - irq: use default color palette - memory: locked state (Solaris) - processes: ability to monitor specific processes - processes: fork rate 0.2 (2010-01-02) - new layout and styling (thanks to Daniel Von Fange) - fancy ajax to expand/collapse plugin information - make width/height of a graph configurable - linux 2.4 kernel support - swap_io support - unixsock flush support 0.1 (2009-09-24) - initial release