#!/usr/bin/env luajit local args = {...} verbosity = 0 keep = false options = { referenceSite = { typ = "string", help = "", value = "pkgmaster.devuan.org", }, tests = { typ = "table", help = "", value = { "IPv4", "IPv6", -- "ftp", "http", "https", -- "rsync", "DNS-RR", "Protocol", -- "URL-Sanity", -- "Integrity", -- "Updated", }, }, } local defaultURL = {scheme = "http"} local downloadLock = "flock -n results/wget-" local download = "wget --timeout=300 -np -N -r -P results " -- Note wget has a default read timeout of 900 seconds (15 minutes). local releases = {"jessie", "ascii", "beowulf", "ceres"} local releaseFiles = { -- Release file. "/Release", "/InRelease", "/main/binary-all/Packages.gz", -- Contents files. "/main/Contents-all.gz", "/main/Contents-amd64.gz", "/main/Contents-arm64.gz", "-security/main/Contents-all.gz", "-security/main/Contents-amd64.gz", "-security/main/Contents-arm64.gz", } local notExist = { "ceres-security" -- This will never exist, it's our code name for the testing suite. } local referenceDebs = { -- Devuan package. NOTE this one should not get redirected, but that's more a warning than an error. "merged/pool/DEVUAN/main/d/desktop-base/desktop-base_2.0.3_all.deb", -- Debian package. "merged/pool/DEBIAN/main/d/dash/dash_0.5.8-2.4_amd64.deb", -- Debian security package. NOTE this one should always be redirected? "merged/pool/DEBIAN-SECURITY/updates/main/a/apt/apt-transport-https_1.4.9_amd64.deb", } local arg = {} local sendArgs = "" local logFile local socket = require 'socket' local ftp = require 'socket.ftp' local http = require 'socket.http' local url = require 'socket.url' -- Use this to print a table. printTable = function (table, space, name) if "" == space then print(space .. name .. " =") else print(space .. "[" .. name .. "] =") end print(space .. "{") printTableSub(table, space .. " ") if "" == space then print(space .. "}") else print(space .. "},") end end printTableSub = function (table, space) for k, v in pairs(table) do if type(k) == "string" then k = '"' .. k .. '"' end if type(v) == "table" then printTable(v, space, k) elseif type(v) == "string" then print(space .. "[" .. k .. "] = '" .. v .. "';") elseif type(v) == "function" then print(space .. "[" .. k .. "] = function ();") elseif type(v) == "userdata" then print(space .. "userdata " .. "[" .. k .. "];") elseif type(v) == "boolean" then if (v) then print(space .. "boolean " .. "[" .. k .. "] = true;") else print(space .. "boolean " .. "[" .. k .. "] = false;") end else print(space .. "[" .. k .. "] = " .. v .. ";") end end end local log = function(v, t, s) if v <= verbosity then if 3 <= verbosity then t = os.date() .. " " .. t end print(t .. ": " .. s) end if nil ~= logFile then logFile:write(os.date() .. " " .. t .. ": " .. s .. "\n") logFile:flush() end end local D = function(s) log(3, "DEBUG ", s) end local I = function(s) log(2, "INFO ", s) end local W = function(s) log(1, "WARNING ", s) end local E = function(s) log(0, "ERROR ", s) end local C = function(s) log(-1, "CRITICAL", s) end local testing = function(t) for i, v in pairs(options.tests.value) do if t == v then return true end end return false end local checkExes = function (exe) local count = io.popen('ps x | grep "' .. exe .. '" | grep -v " grep " | wc -l'):read("*l") D(count .. " " .. exe .. " commands still running.") return tonumber(count) end local repoExists = function (r) r = r:match("([%a-]*)") if nil == r then return false end for k, v in pairs(notExist) do if v == r then return false end end return true end local IP = {} local gatherIPs = function (host) if nil == IP[host] then local IPs local dig = io.popen('dig +keepopen +noall +nottlid +answer ' .. host .. ' A ' .. host .. ' AAAA ' .. host .. ' CNAME ' .. host .. ' SRV | sort -r | uniq') repeat IPs = dig:read("*l") if nil ~= IPs then for k, t, v in IPs:gmatch("([%w_%-%.]*)%.%s*IN%s*(%a*)%s*(.*)") do if "." == v:sub(-1, -1) then v = v:sub(1, -2) end if nil == IP[k] then IP[k] = {} end IP[k][v] = t end end until nil == IPs end end -- Returns FTP directory listing local nlst = function (u) local t = {} local p = url.parse(u) p.command = "nlst" p.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t) local r, e = ftp.get(p) return r and table.concat(t), e end checkURL = function (host, URL, r) if nil == r then r = 0 end local check = "Checking file" if 0 < r then check = "Redirecting to" -- checkIP(host) end if 10 < r then E("too many redirects! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL) return end local PU = url.parse(URL, defaultURL) D(" " .. PU.scheme .. " :// " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL) if not testing(PU.scheme) then D("not testing " .. PU.scheme .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL); return end local hd = {Host = host} local p, c, h, s = http.request{method = "HEAD", redirect = false, url = URL, headers = hd} if nil == p then E(c .. "! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL) else l = h.location if nil ~= l then local pu = url.parse(l, defaultURL) if l == URL then E("redirect loop! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL) else if nil == pu.host then W("no location host! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " -> " .. l) checkURL(host, PU.scheme .. "://" .. PU.host .. l, r + 1) else if testing("Protocol") and pu.scheme ~= PU.scheme then W("protocol changed during redirect! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " -> " .. l) end checkURL(pu.host, l, r + 1) end end end end end local checkPaths = function (host, ip, path) I(" Checking IP " .. host .. " -> " .. ip .. " " .. path) for i, s in pairs(referenceDebs) do if testing("http") then checkURL(host, "http://" .. ip .. path .. s) end if testing("https") then checkURL(host, "https://" .. ip .. path .. s) end end for i, s in pairs(releases) do for j, k in pairs(releaseFiles) do if testing("http") then checkURL(host, "http://" .. ip .. path .. "merged/dists/" .. s .. k) end if testing("https") then checkURL(host, "https://" .. ip .. path .. "merged/dists/" .. s .. k) end if repoExists(s .. k) then end end end local execute = function (s) D("executing " .. s) os.execute(s) end forkIP = function (orig, host) if nil == host then host = orig end local po = url.parse("http://" .. orig, defaultURL) local ph = url.parse("http://" .. host, defaultURL) gatherIPs(ph.host) for k, v in pairs(IP[ph.host]) do if v == "A" then if testing("IPv4") then execute("sleep 1; ionice -c3 ./mirror-checker.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. host .. " " .. k .. " &") end elseif v == "AAAA" then if testing("IPv6") then execute("sleep 1; ionice -c3 ./mirror-checker.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. host .. " [" .. k .. "] &") end elseif v == "CNAME" then forkIP(orig, k) end end end checkIP = function (orig, host, path, ip) if nil ~= ip then checkPaths(orig, ip, path) else D("checkIP " .. orig .. " " .. host) gatherIPs(host) for k, v in pairs(IP[host]) do if v == "A" then if testing("IPv4") then checkPaths(orig, k, path) end elseif v == "AAAA" then if testing("IPv6") then checkPaths(orig, "[" .. k .. "]", path) end elseif v == "CNAME" then checkIP(orig, k, path) end end end end local checkHost = function (host, path, ip) if nil == path then path = "/" else checkIP(host, host, path, ip) end local downloads = function (cut, host, URL) if 0 ~= cut then cd = " --cut-dirs=" .. cut .. " " else cd = "" end if nil == URL then URL = "/" end local lock = "%s-" .. host .. ".log " local log = " --rejected-log=results/wget-%s_REJECTS-" .. host .. ".log -a results/wget-%s-" .. host .. ".log " I("starting file download commands for " .. host .. " " .. URL) local cm = "ionice -c3 " .. downloadLock .. lock:format("debs") .. download .. log:format("debs", "debs") .. cd for i, s in pairs(referenceDebs) do cm = cm .. " https://" .. host .. URL .. "/" .. s end for i, s in pairs(releases) do execute(cm .. " &") cm = "ionice -c3 " .. downloadLock .. lock:format(s) .. download .. log:format(s, s) .. cd if repoExists(s .. k) then for j, k in pairs(releaseFiles) do cm = cm .. " https://" .. host .. URL .. "/merged/dists/" .. s .. k end end end execute(cm .. " &") end local getMirrors = function () local mirrors = {} local host = "" local m = {} local URL = "https://" .. options.referenceSite.value .. "/mirror_list.txt" I("getting mirrors.") local p, c, h = http.request(URL) if nil == p then E(c .. " fetching " .. URL) else for l in p:gmatch("\n*([^\n]+)\n*") do local t, d = l:match("(%a*):%s*(.*)") if "FQDN" == t then if "" ~= host then mirrors[host] = m m = {} end host = d end m[t] = d end if "" ~= host then mirrors[host] = m end end return mirrors end if 0 ~= #args then local option = "" for i, a in pairs(args) do if ("--help" == a) or ("-h" == a) then print("I should write some docs, huh?") elseif "--version" == a then print("mirror-checker-lua version 0.1 WIP development version") elseif "-v" == a then verbosity = verbosity + 1 sendArgs = sendArgs .. a .. " " elseif "-q" == a then verbosity = -1 sendArgs = sendArgs .. a .. " " elseif "-k" == a then keep = true elseif "--" == a:sub(1, 2) then local s, e = a:find("=") if nil == s then e = -1 end option = a:sub(3, e - 1) local o = options[option] if nil == o then print("Unknown option --" .. option) option = "" else option = a sendArgs = sendArgs .. a .. " " local s, e = a:find("=") if nil == s then e = 0 end option = a:sub(3, e - 1) if "table" == options[option].typ then local result = {} for t in (a:sub(e + 1) .. ","):gmatch("([+%-]?%w*),") do local f = t:sub(1, 1) local n = t:sub(2, -1) if ("+" ~= f) and ("-" ~= f) then table.insert(result, t) end end if 0 ~= #result then options[option].value = result else for t in (a:sub(e + 1) .. ","):gmatch("([+%-]?%w*),") do local f = t:sub(1, 1) local n = t:sub(2, -1) if "+" == f then table.insert(options[option].value, n) elseif "-" == f then local r = {} for i, k in pairs(options[option].value) do if k ~= n then table.insert(r, k) end end options[option].value = r end end end else options[option].value = a end option = "" end elseif "-" == a:sub(1, 1) then print("Unknown option " .. a) else table.insert(arg, a) end end end --printTable(options.tests.value, "", "tests") execute("mkdir -p results") if 0 < #arg then if "/" == arg[1]:sub(-1, -1) then W("slash at end of path! " .. arg[1]) arg[1] = arg[1]:sub(1, -2) end local pu = url.parse("http://" .. arg[1], defaultURL) if nil ~= arg[2] then logFile, e = io.open("results/mirror-checker-lua_" .. pu.host .. "_" .. arg[2] .. ".log", "a+") else logFile, e = io.open("results/mirror-checker-lua_" .. pu.host .. ".log", "a+") end if nil == logFile then C("opening log file - " .. e) end I("Starting tests for " ..pu.host .. " with these tests - " .. table.concat(options.tests.value, ", ")) if nil ~= arg[2] then I(" Using IP " .. arg[2]) end if testing("Integrity") or testing("Updated") then if not keep then execute("rm -fr results/" .. pu.host) end cut = 0 for t in arg[1]:gmatch("(/)") do cut = cut + 1 end downloads(cut, pu.host, pu.path) checkExes("mirror-checker.lua " .. sendArgs) checkExes(downloadLock) end checkHost(pu.host, pu.path, arg[2]) logFile:close() else if not keep then os.execute("rm -f results/*.log") end logFile, e = io.open("results/mirror-checker-lua.log", "a+") if nil == logFile then C("opening log file - " .. e) end I("Starting tests " .. table.concat(options.tests.value, ", ")) execute("mkdir -p results") local mirrors = getMirrors() mirrors[options.referenceSite.value] = nil -- checkHost(options.referenceSite.value) forkIP(options.referenceSite.value) -- checkHost("deb.devuan.org") forkIP("deb.devuan.org") for k, m in pairs(mirrors) do if "/" == m.BaseURL:sub(-1, -1) then W("slash at end of BaseURL in mirror_list.txt! " .. m.BaseURL) m.BaseURL = m.BaseURL:sub(1, -2) end local pu = url.parse("http://" .. m.BaseURL, defaultURL) -- checkHost(pu.host) forkIP(m.BaseURL) checkExes("mirror-checker.lua " .. sendArgs) if testing("Integrity") or testing("Updated") then checkExes(downloadLock) end end while 1 <= checkExes("mirror-checker.lua " .. sendArgs) do os.execute("sleep 30") end if testing("Integrity") or testing("Updated") then while 0 < checkExes(downloadLock) do os.execute("sleep 30") end end logFile:close() end