#!/usr/bin/env luajit local now = os.time() local APT = require 'apt-panopticommon' local D = APT.D local I = APT.I local T = APT.T local W = APT.W local E = APT.E local C = APT.C local arg, sendArgs = APT.parseArgs({...}) APT.html = true --[[ TODO - What to do about HTTPS://deb.devuan.org/ redirects. Some mirrors give a 404. Sledjhamr gives a 404, coz it's not listening on 443 for deb.devuan.org. Some mirrors give a 200. They shouldn't have the proper certificate, but are giving a result anyway. ]] local defaultURL = {scheme = "http"} local releases = {"jessie", "ascii", "beowulf", "ceres"} local releaseFiles = { -- Release file. "Release", -- 3.7 MB "Release.gpg", -- -- "InRelease", -- 3.7 MB -- "main/binary-all/Packages.xz", -- 2.6 GB for all that changed recently. -- Contents files. -- 3.3 GB -- "main/Contents-all.xz", -- "main/Contents-amd64.xz", -- "main/Contents-arm64.xz", -- "-security/main/Contents-all.xz", -- "-security/main/Contents-amd64.xz", -- "-security/main/Contents-arm64.xz", } local notExist = { "ceres-security" -- This will never exist, it's our code name for the testing suite. } local referenceDebs = { -- Debian package. "merged/pool/DEBIAN/main/d/debian-keyring/debian-keyring_2019.09.24_all.deb", -- Debian security package. NOTE this one should always be redirected? "merged/pool/DEBIAN-SECURITY/updates/main/a/apt/apt-transport-https_1.4.9_amd64.deb", } local referenceDevs = { -- Devuan package. NOTE this one should not get redirected, but that's more a warning than an error. "merged/pool/DEVUAN/main/d/devuan-keyring/devuan-keyring_2017.10.03_all.deb", } local curlStatus = { [1 ] = "Unsupported protocol. This build of curl has no support for this protocol.", [2 ] = "Failed to initialize.", [3 ] = "URL malformed. The syntax was not correct.", [4 ] = "A feature or option that was needed to perform the desired request was not enabled or was explicitly disabled at build-time. To make curl able to do this, you probably need another build of libcurl!", [5 ] = "Couldn't resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved.", [6 ] = "Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.", [7 ] = "Failed to connect to host.", [8 ] = "Weird server reply. The server sent data curl couldn't parse.", [9 ] = "FTP access denied. The server denied login or denied access to the particular resource or directory you wanted to reach. Most often you tried to change to a directory that doesn't exist on the server.", [10] = "While waiting for the server to connect back when an active FTP session is used, an error code was sent over the control connection or similar.", [11] = "FTP weird PASS reply. Curl couldn't parse the reply sent to the PASS request.", [12] = "During an active FTP session while waiting for the server to connect, the CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS (or the internal default) timeout expired.", [13] = "FTP weird PASV reply, Curl couldn't parse the reply sent to the PASV request.", [14] = "FTP weird 227 format. Curl couldn't parse the 227-line the server sent.", [15] = "FTP can't get host. Couldn't resolve the host IP we got in the 227-line.", [16] = "A problem was detected in the HTTP2 framing layer. This is somewhat generic and can be one out of several problems, see the error buffer for details.", [17] = "FTP couldn't set binary. Couldn't change transfer method to binary.", [18] = "Partial file. Only a part of the file was transferred.", [19] = "FTP couldn't download/access the given file, the RETR (or similar) command failed.", [21] = "FTP quote error. A quote command returned error from the server.", [22] = "HTTP page not retrieved. The requested url was not found or returned another error with the HTTP error code being 400 or above. This return code only appears if -f, --fail is used.", [23] = "Write error. Curl couldn't write data to a local filesystem or similar.", [25] = "FTP couldn't STOR file. The server denied the STOR operation, used for FTP uploading.", [26] = "Read error. Various reading problems.", [27] = "Out of memory. A memory allocation request failed.", [28] = "Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions.", [30] = "FTP PORT failed. The PORT command failed. Not all FTP servers support the PORT command, try doing a transfer using PASV instead!", [31] = "FTP couldn't use REST. The REST command failed. This command is used for resumed FTP transfers.", [33] = "HTTP range error. The range \"command\" didn't work.", [34] = "HTTP post error. Internal post-request generation error.", [35] = "SSL connect error. The SSL handshaking failed.", [36] = "FTP bad download resume. Couldn't continue an earlier aborted download.", [37] = "FILE couldn't read file. Failed to open the file. Permissions?", [38] = "LDAP cannot bind. LDAP bind operation failed.", [39] = "LDAP search failed.", [41] = "Function not found. A required LDAP function was not found.", [42] = "Aborted by callback. An application told curl to abort the operation.", [43] = "Internal error. A function was called with a bad parameter.", [45] = "Interface error. A specified outgoing interface could not be used.", [47] = "Too many redirects. When following redirects, curl hit the maximum amount.", [48] = "Unknown option specified to libcurl. This indicates that you passed a weird option to curl that was passed on to libcurl and rejected. Read up in the manual!", [49] = "Malformed telnet option.", [51] = "The peer's SSL certificate or SSH MD5 fingerprint was not OK.", [52] = "The server didn't reply anything, which here is considered an error.", [53] = "SSL crypto engine not found.", [54] = "Cannot set SSL crypto engine as default.", [55] = "Failed sending network data.", [56] = "Failure in receiving network data.", [58] = "Problem with the local certificate.", [59] = "Couldn't use specified SSL cipher.", [60] = "Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates.", [61] = "Unrecognized transfer encoding.", [62] = "Invalid LDAP URL.", [63] = "Maximum file size exceeded.", [64] = "Requested FTP SSL level failed.", [65] = "Sending the data requires a rewind that failed.", [66] = "Failed to initialise SSL Engine.", [67] = "The user name, password, or similar was not accepted and curl failed to log in.", [68] = "File not found on TFTP server.", [69] = "Permission problem on TFTP server.", [70] = "Out of disk space on TFTP server.", [71] = "Illegal TFTP operation.", [72] = "Unknown TFTP transfer ID.", [73] = "File already exists (TFTP).", [74] = "No such user (TFTP).", [75] = "Character conversion failed.", [76] = "Character conversion functions required.", [77] = "Problem with reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?).", [78] = "The resource referenced in the URL does not exist.", [79] = "An unspecified error occurred during the SSH session.", [80] = "Failed to shut down the SSL connection.", [81] = "Socket is not ready for send/recv wait till it's ready and try again. This return code is only returned from curl_easy_recv and curl_easy_send.", [82] = "Could not load CRL file, missing or wrong format (added in 7.19.0).", [83] = "Issuer check failed (added in 7.19.0).", [84] = "The FTP PRET command failed", [85] = "RTSP: mismatch of CSeq numbers", [86] = "RTSP: mismatch of Session Identifiers", [87] = "unable to parse FTP file list", [88] = "FTP chunk callback reported error", [89] = "No connection available, the session will be queued", [90] = "SSL public key does not matched pinned public key", [91] = "Status returned failure when asked with CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS.", [92] = "Stream error in the HTTP/2 framing layer.", [93] = "An API function was called from inside a callback.", [94] = "An authentication function returned an error.", [95] = "A problem was detected in the HTTP/3 layer. This is somewhat generic and can be one out of several problems, see the error buffer for details.", } local socket = require 'socket' local ftp = require 'socket.ftp' local http = require 'socket.http' local url = require 'socket.url' local ip = "" local cor = nil local repoExists = function (r) r = r:match("([%a-]*)") if nil == r then return false end for k, v in pairs(notExist) do if v == r then return false end end return true end local IP = {} gatherIPs = function (host) if nil == IP[host] then local IPs -- Takes about 30 seconds to look up the lot. -- I tested using dig's -f option, it didn't seem much faster. -- The sort -r assumes that deb.devuan.org is the first alphabetically. local dig = io.popen('dig +keepopen +noall +nottlid +answer ' .. host .. ' A ' .. host .. ' AAAA ' .. host .. ' CNAME ' .. host .. ' SRV | sort -r | uniq') repeat IPs = dig:read("*l") if nil ~= IPs then for k, t, v in IPs:gmatch("([%w_%-%.]*)%.%s*IN%s*(%a*)%s*(.*)") do if "." == v:sub(-1, -1) then v = v:sub(1, -2) end if nil == IP[k] then IP[k] = {} end IP[k][v] = t D(" DNS record " .. host .. " == " .. k .. " type " .. t .. " -> " .. v) if t == "CNAME" then gatherIPs(v) IP[k][v] = IP[v] elseif v == "SRV" then print("SVR record found, now what do we do?") end end end until nil == IPs end return IP[host] end -- Returns FTP directory listing local nlst = function (u) local t = {} local p = url.parse(u) p.command = "nlst" p.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t) local r, e = ftp.get(p) return r and table.concat(t), e end local timeouts = 0; local totalTimeouts = 0 checkHEAD = function (host, URL, r, retry, sanity) if nil == r then r = 0 end if nil == retry then retry = 0 end if nil == sanity then sanity = false end local check = "Checking file" local PU = url.parse(URL, defaultURL) local pu = url.parse(PU.scheme .. "://" .. host, defaultURL) if 0 < r then check = "Redirecting to" end if 0 < retry then os.execute("sleep " .. math.random(1, 3)) check = "Retry " .. retry .. " " .. check end if 2 <= timeouts then E("too many timeouts! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host) return end if APT.options.timeouts.value <= (totalTimeouts) then E("Way too many timeouts!", PU.scheme, "", host) return end if 20 <= r then E("too many redirects! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host) return end if APT.options.retries.value <= retry then E("too many retries! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host) return end D(PU.scheme .. " :// " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL) if "https" == PU.scheme and APT.options.roundRobin.value == host then D("Not testing " .. PU.scheme .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " mirrors shouldn't have the correct cert."); return end --[[ Using curl command line - -I - HEAD --connect-to domain:port:IP:port - connect to IP, but use SNI from URL. -header "" - add extra headers. -L - DO follow redirects. --max-redirs n - set maximum redirects, default is 50, -1 = unlimited. --retry n - maximum retries, default is 0, no retries. -o file - write to file instead of stdout. --path-as-is - https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_PATH_AS_IS.html might be useful for URLSanity. -s silent - don't output progress or error messages. --connect-timeout n - timeout in seconds. Should return with error code 28 on a timeout? -D file - write the received headers to a file. This includes the status code and string. ]] local fname = host .. "_" .. PU.host .. "_" .. PU.path:gsub("/", "_") .. ".txt" local hdr = "" local IP = "" if pu.host ~= PU.host then if "http" == PU.scheme then hdr = '-H "Host: ' .. host .. '"' end IP = '--connect-to "' .. pu.host .. '::' .. PU.host .. ':"' end local cmd = 'ionice -c3 nice -n 19 curl -I --retry 0 -s --path-as-is --connect-timeout ' .. APT.options.timeout.value .. ' --max-redirs 0 ' .. IP .. ' ' .. '-o /dev/null -D results/"HEADERS_' .. fname .. '" ' .. hdr .. ' -w "#%{http_code} %{ssl_verify_result} %{url_effective}\\n" ' .. PU.scheme .. '://' .. host .. PU.path .. ' >>results/"STATUS_' .. fname .. '"' local status, result = APT.execute(cmd) os.execute('cat results/"HEADERS_' .. fname .. '" >>results/"STATUS_' .. fname .. '" 2>/dev/null; rm -f results/"HEADERS_' .. fname .. '" 2>/dev/null') if "0" ~= status then local msg = curlStatus[0 + status] if nil == msg then msg = "UNKNOWN CURL STATUS CODE!" end if ("28" == status) or ("7" == status) then if sanity then T(" TIMEOUT " .. timeouts + 1 .. ", retry " .. retry + 1, PU.scheme, "URLSanity", host) else T(" TIMEOUT " .. timeouts + 1 .. ", retry " .. retry + 1, PU.scheme, "", host) end timeouts = timeouts + 1 else if sanity then E(" The curl command return an error code of " .. status .. " - " .. msg, PU.scheme, "URLSanity", host) else E(" The curl command return an error code of " .. status .. " - " .. msg, PU.scheme, "", host) end end checkHEAD(host, URL, r, retry + 1, sanity) return end local rfile, e = io.open("results/STATUS_" .. fname, "r") local code = "000" local cstr = "" local location = nil if nil == rfile then W("opening results/STATUS_" .. fname .. " file - " .. e) else for line in rfile:lines("*l") do if "#" == line:sub(1, 1) then code = line:sub(2, 4) if ("https" == PU.scheme) and ("0" ~= line:sub(6, 6)) then if sanity then E(" The certificate is invalid.", PU.scheme, "URLSanity", host) else E(" The certificate is invalid.", PU.scheme, "https", host) end end elseif "http" == line:sub(1, 4):lower() then -- -2 coz the headers file gets a \r at the end. cstr = line:sub(14, -2) elseif "location" == line:sub(1, 8):lower() then location = line:sub(11, -2) end end end os.execute('rm -f results/"STATUS_' .. fname .. '" 2>/dev/null') if ("4" == tostring(code):sub(1, 1)) or ("5" == tostring(code):sub(1, 1)) then if sanity then E(" " .. code .. " " .. cstr .. ". " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "URLSanity", host) else E(" " .. code .. " " .. cstr .. ". " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host) end else if not APT.testing(PU.scheme, host) then W("Not supported, but works " .. PU.scheme .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host) end I(" " .. code .. " " .. cstr .. ". " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL) -- timeouts = timeouts - 1 -- Backoff the timeouts count if we managed to get through. if nil ~= location then pu = url.parse(location, defaultURL) if ('http' == location:sub(1, 4)) and (pu.scheme ~= PU.scheme) then -- Sometimes a location sans scheme is returned, this is not a protocol change. if APT.testing("Protocol") then W(" protocol changed during redirect! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " -> " .. location, PU.scheme, "Protocol", host) end end if location == URL then E(" redirect loop! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host) elseif nil == pu.host then I(" relative redirect. " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " -> " .. location) checkHEAD(host, PU.scheme .. "://" .. PU.host .. location, r + 1, retry, sanity) elseif (PU.host == pu.host) or (host == pu.host) then checkHEAD(pu.host, location, r + 1, retry, sanity) else --[[ The hard part here is that we end up throwing ALL of the test files at the redirected location. Not good for deb.debian.org, which we should only be throwing .debs at. What we do is loop through the DNS entries, and only test the specific protocol & file being tested here. This is what I came up with for checking if we are already testing a specific URL. Still duplicates a tiny bit, but much less than the previous find based method. TODO - maybe we can switch to using flock like we do with the other curl calls? ]] C('Commented out code being called in checkHEAD() for redirects that should no longer happen!') --[[ local file = pu.host .. "://" .. pu.path local f = io.popen(string.format('if [ ! -f results/%s.check ] ; then touch results/%s.check; echo -n "check"; fi', file:gsub("/", "_"), file:gsub("/", "_") )):read("*a") if (nil == f) or ("check" == f) then I(" Now checking redirected host " .. file) checkHost(pu.host, pu.host, nil, "redir", pu.path) else D(" Already checking " .. file) end ]] end end end end local checkTimeouts = function(host, scheme, URL) totalTimeouts = totalTimeouts + timeouts; timeouts = 0 checkHEAD(host, scheme .. "://" .. URL) if APT.testing("URLSanity") then URL = URL:gsub("merged/", "merged///") checkHEAD(host, scheme .. "://" .. URL, 0, 0, true) end if nil ~= cor then D('*>* About to resume coroutine after checkHEAD(' .. host .. ' , ' .. scheme .. ' :// ' .. URL .. ')') local ok, message = coroutine.resume(cor) if not ok then cor = nil; print(message) end end if APT.options.timeouts.value <= (totalTimeouts) then E("Way too many timeouts!", scheme, "URLSanity", host) return true end return false end local checkFiles = function (host, ip, path, file) timeouts = 0 if nil == path then path = "" end if nil ~= file then if "redir" == ip then ip = host end I(" Checking IP for file " .. host .. " -> " .. ip .. " " .. path .. " " .. file) if checkTimeouts(host, "http", ip .. path .. "/" .. file) then return end if checkTimeouts(host, "https", ip .. path .. "/" .. file) then return end else I(" Checking IP " .. host .. " -> " .. ip .. " " .. path) for i, s in pairs(releases) do for j, k in pairs(releaseFiles) do if repoExists(s .. k) then if checkTimeouts(host, "http", ip .. path .. "/merged/dists/" .. s .. '/' .. k) then return end if checkTimeouts(host, "https", ip .. path .. "/merged/dists/" .. s .. '/' .. k) then return end end end end for i, s in pairs(referenceDevs) do if checkTimeouts(host, "http", ip .. path .. "/" .. s) then return end if checkTimeouts(host, "https", ip .. path .. "/" .. s) then return end end end end checkHost = function (orig, host, path, ip, file) if nil == host then host = orig end if nil == path then path = "" end if nil == file then file = "" end local ph = url.parse("http://" .. host) if (nil ~= ip) and ("redir" ~= ip) then local po = url.parse("http://" .. orig) if "" ~= file then D("checking redirected file " .. po.host .. " " .. file) checkFiles(po.host, ip, path, file) else checkFiles(po.host, ip, path) end else if orig == host then D("checkHost " .. orig .. "" .. file) if APT.testing("IPv4") then APT.fork("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " -o " .. orig .. path .. " " .. file) end else D("checkHost " .. orig .. " -> " .. host) end end end local addDownload = function(host, URL, f, r, k) local file = k:match(".*/([%w%.%+%-_]*)$") -- Get the filename. if APT.checkFile("results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k) then -- Curls "check timestamp and overwrite file" stuff sucks. -- -R means the destination file gets the timestamp of the remote file. -- Can only do ONE timestamp check per command. -- This doesn't work either. All downloads get all these headers. Pffft -- local status, ts = APT.execute('TZ="GMT" ls -l --time-style="+%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z" results/' .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. ' | cut -d " " -f 6-11') -- f:write('header "If-Modified-Since: ' .. ts:sub(2, -2) .. '"\n') -- Curl will DELETE the existing file if the timestamp fails to download a new one, unless we change directory first, -- which wont work with multiple files in multiple directories. WTF? os.execute(" mv results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. " results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. ".old") end D('Downloading http://' .. host .. URL .. '/merged/dists/' .. r .. '/' .. k) f:write('url "' .. 'http://' .. host .. URL .. '/merged/dists/' .. r .. '/' .. k .. '"\n') f:write('output "results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. r .. '/' .. k .. '"\n') end local postDownload = function(host, r, k) local file = k:match(".*/([%w%.%+%-_]*)$") -- Get the filename. if nil == file then file = k end os.execute("if [ -f results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. ".old ]" .. " && [ ! -f results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. " ]; then cp -a" .. " results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. ".old" .. " results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. "; fi") if APT.checkFile('results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. r .. '/' .. k) then if ".gz" == k:sub(-3, -1) then APT.execute("ionice -c3 nice -n 19 gzip -dfk results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k) end if ".xz" == k:sub(-3, -1) then APT.execute("ionice -c3 nice -n 19 xz -dfk results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. r .. '/' .. k .. " 2>/dev/null") end end end local downloadLock = "flock -n results/curl-" local download = "curl" .. " --connect-timeout " .. APT.options.timeout.value .. " --create-dirs -f -L" .. " --fail-early" .. " --max-time " .. APT.options.maxtime.value .. " --retry " .. APT.options.retries.value .. " -R -v -z 'results/stamp.old' " local downloads = function(host, URL, meta, release, list) if nil == URL then URL = "" end local lock = meta .. "-" .. host .. ".log" local log = " --stderr results/curl-" .. meta .. "-" .. host .. ".log" local cm = "ionice -c3 nice -n 19 " .. downloadLock .. lock .. " " .. download .. log .. " -K results/curl-" .. meta .. '-' .. host .. ".files" if APT.testing("IPv4") and (not APT.testing("IPv6")) then cm = cm .. ' -4' end if (not APT.testing("IPv4")) and APT.testing("IPv6") then cm = cm .. ' -6' end f, e = io.open("results/curl-" .. meta .. '-' .. host .. ".files", "a+") if nil == f then C("opening curl downloads list file - " .. e); return end if nil ~= list then if "" ~= list then if nil ~= release then for l in list:gmatch("\n*([^\n]+)\n*") do addDownload(host, URL, f, release, "/" .. l) end else D('Downloading http://' .. host .. URL .. '/merged/' .. list) f:write('url "' .. 'http://' .. host .. URL .. '/merged/' .. list .. '"\n') f:write('output "results/' .. host .. '/merged/' .. list .. '"\n') end f:close() return end else for i, s in pairs(releases) do for j, k in pairs(releaseFiles) do if repoExists(s .. k) then addDownload(host, URL, f, s, k) end end end end f:close() APT.fork(cm) end local validateURL = function(m) if " " == m.BaseURL:sub(-1, -1) then W("space at end of BaseURL in mirror_list.txt! " .. m.BaseURL, "", "", m.FQDN) m.BaseURL = m.BaseURL:sub(1, -2) end if "/" == m.BaseURL:sub(-1, -1) then W("slash at end of BaseURL in mirror_list.txt! " .. m.BaseURL, "", "", m.FQDN) m.BaseURL = m.BaseURL:sub(1, -2) end local p = url.parse("http://" .. m.BaseURL) if nil == p.path then p.path = '' end if nil ~= p.port then p.authority = authority .. ':' .. p.port end if m.FQDN ~= p.authority then W("Something wrong in FDQN from mirror_list.txt! " .. m.FDQN, "", "", p.authority) end if m.BaseURL ~= (p.authority .. p.path) then W("Something wrong in BaseURL from mirror_list.txt! " .. m.BaseURL, "", "", p.authority) end if (nil ~= p.query) or (nil ~= p.fragment) or (nil ~= p.params) then W("Something wrong in BaseURL from mirror_list.txt, should be nothing after the path! " .. m.BaseURL, "", "", p.authority) end if (nil ~= p.user) or (nil ~= p.userinfo) or (nil ~= p.password) then W("Something wrong in BaseURL from mirror_list.txt, should be no credentials! " .. m.BaseURL, "", "", p.authority) end m.FQDN = p.authority m.BaseURL = p.authority .. p.path return m end local getMirrors = function () local mirrors = {} local host = "" local m = {} local active = true local URL = "http://" .. APT.options.referenceSite.value .. "/mirror_list.txt" I("getting mirrors.") local p, c, h = http.request(URL) if nil == p then E(c .. " fetching " .. URL) else for l in p:gmatch("\n*([^\n]+)\n*") do local t, d = l:match("(%a*):%s*(.*)") d = string.lower(d) if "FQDN" == t then if "" ~= host then mirrors[host] = validateURL(m) m = {} active = true end host = d m[t] = d elseif "Protocols" == t then local prot = {} for w in d:gmatch("(%w+)") do if APT.search(APT.protocols, w:lower()) then prot[w] = true end end m[t] = prot elseif "Active" == t and nil == d:sub(1, 3):find("yes", 1, true) then W("Mirror " .. host .. " is not active - " .. d, "", "", host) active = false m[t] = d -- TODO - Should do some input validation on BaseURL, and everything else. else m[t] = d end end if "" ~= host --[[and active]] then mirrors[host] = validateURL(m) end end if APT.testing("DNSRR") then mirrors[APT.options.roundRobin.value] = { ["Protocols"] = { ["http"] = true; ["https"] = true; }; ["FQDN"] = APT.options.roundRobin.value; ["Active"] = 'yes'; ["BaseURL"] = APT.options.roundRobin.value; } end return mirrors end local postParse = function(host, list) if APT.options.referenceSite.value == host then if nil ~= list then local sem = 'results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_%s.txt' for i, n in pairs(releases) do local f = sem:format(n) if APT.checkFile(f .. '.tmp') then os.execute('mv ' .. f .. '.tmp ' .. f) else os.execute('touch ' .. f) end end end end end local parseDebs = function(host) for i, n in pairs(releases) do local inFile = 'results/NEW_debs_' .. n .. '.txt' local nfile, e = io.open(inFile, "r") if nil == nfile then W("opening " .. inFile .. " file - " .. e) else for l in nfile:lines() do local v, p, sz, sha = l:match(' | (.+) | (pool/.+%.deb) | (%d.+) | (%x.+) |') if nil ~= p then if APT.checkFile('results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p) then local status, fsz = APT.execute('ls -l results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p .. ' | cut -d " " -f 5-5') if APT.testing("Integrity") then if sz ~= fsz:sub(2, -2) then -- The sub bit is to slice off the EOLs at each end. E('Package size mismatch - results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p .. ' should be ' .. sz .. ', but is ' .. fsz:sub(2, -2) .. '.', 'http', 'Integrity', host) else local status, fsha = APT.execute('sha256sum results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p .. ' | cut -d " " -f 1') if sha ~= fsha:sub(2, -2) then E('Package SHA256 sum mismatch - results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p, 'http', 'Integrity', host) end -- TODO - maybe check the PGP key, though packages are mostly not signed. end end if APT.testing("Updated") then if sz ~= fsz:sub(2, -2) then E('Package size mismatch - results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p, 'http', 'Updated', host) end end os.execute('rm -f results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p) else E('Failed to download - results/' .. host .. "/merged/" .. p, 'http', 'Updated', host) end end end end end return nil end local parsePackages = function(host) local list = {inf = 'Packages', parser = parseDebs, out = 'debs', files = {}, nextf = ''} for i, n in pairs(releases) do local inFile = 'results/NEW_' .. list.inf .. '_' .. n .. '.txt' local outFile = 'results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.txt' if APT.options.referenceSite.value == host then outFile = outFile .. '.tmp' end local dFile, e = io.open(inFile, "r") if nil == dFile then W("opening " .. inFile .. " file - " .. e) else for l in dFile:lines() do postDownload(host, n, l) l = '/' .. l local file = l:match(".*/([%w%.%+%-_]*)$") -- Get the filename. local dir = l:sub(1, 0 - (#file + 1)) if "Packages." == file:sub(1, 9) then -- TODO - compare the SHA256 sums in pkgmaster's Release for both the packed and unpacked versions. -- Also note that this might get only a partial download due to maxtime. if APT.options.referenceSite.value == host then local Pp, e = io.open('results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/'.. n .. dir .. 'Packages.parsed', "w+") if nil == Pp then W('opening results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/'.. n .. dir .. 'Packages.parsed' .. ' file - ' .. e) else local pp = {} for l in io.lines('results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/'.. n .. dir .. 'Packages') do if "Package: " == l:sub(1, 9) then if 0 ~= #pp then for i = 1, 5 do if nil == pp[i] then print(host .. " " .. n .. " " .. dir .. " " .. i) else Pp:write(pp[i] .. " | ") end end Pp:write("\n") end pp = {} pp[1] = l:sub(10, -1) elseif "Version: " == l:sub(1, 9) then pp[2] = l:sub(10, -1) elseif "Filename: " == l:sub(1, 10) then pp[3] = l:sub(11, -1) elseif "Size: " == l:sub(1, 6) then pp[4] = l:sub(7, -1) elseif "SHA256: " == l:sub(1, 8) then pp[5] = l:sub(9, -1) end end Pp:close() os.execute('sort results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/'.. n .. dir .. 'Packages.parsed >results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/'.. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted') if APT.checkFile('Packages/' .. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted') then os.execute('diff -U 0 Packages/' .. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted ' .. 'results/' .. APT.options.referenceSite.value .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted ' .. ' | grep -E "^-" | grep -Ev "^\\+\\+\\+|^---" >>results/OLD_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.txt') os.execute('diff -U 0 Packages/' .. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted ' .. 'results/' .. APT.options.referenceSite.value .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted ' .. ' | grep -E "^\\+" | grep -Ev "^\\+\\+\\+|^---" >>results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_TMP_' .. n .. '.txt') else C("Can't find file Packages/" .. n .. dir .. "Packages_parsed-sorted") end os.execute('mkdir -p Packages/' .. n .. dir) os.execute('mv -f results/' .. APT.options.referenceSite.value .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted Packages/' .. n .. dir .. 'Packages_parsed-sorted') end else end os.execute('rm -fr results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. dir .. ' 2>/dev/null') end end if APT.checkFile('results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_TMP_' .. n .. '.txt') then -- Sort by size. os.execute('sort -b -k 9,9 -n results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_TMP_' .. n .. '.txt >results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.sorted.txt') os.execute('grep -s " | pool/DEBIAN/" results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.sorted.txt 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 >' .. outFile) os.execute('grep -s " | pool/DEBIAN-SECURITY/" results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.sorted.txt 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 >>' .. outFile) os.execute('grep -s " | pool/DEVUAN/" results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.sorted.txt 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 >>' .. outFile) os.execute('rm -f results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_TMP_' .. n .. '.txt') end end local nfile, e = io.open(outFile, "r") if nil ~= nfile then -- for l in nfile:lines() do local l = nfile:read('*l') if nil ~= l then local p = l:match('(pool/.*%.deb)') if nil ~= p then table.insert(list.files, p) end end -- end end end postParse(host, list) return list end local parseRelease = function(host) local list = {inf = 'Release', parser = parsePackages, out = 'Packages', files = {}, nextf = 'debs'} for i, n in pairs(releases) do for l, o in pairs(releaseFiles) do if repoExists(i .. o) then postDownload(host, n, o) if (".gpg" == o:sub(-4, -1)) and (APT.checkFile('results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/' .. o)) then if APT.testing("Integrity") then local status, out = APT.execute("gpgv --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/devuan-keyring.gpg results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. n .. '/' .. o .. " results/" .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. n .. '/' .. o:sub(1, -5) .. " 2>/dev/null") if "0" ~= status then E("GPG check failed - " .. host .. "/merged/dists/" .. n .. '/' .. o, "http", "Integrity", host) end -- TODO - should check the PGP sig of InRelease as well. end os.execute('rm results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/' .. o) end end end if APT.checkFile('results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release') then os.execute('sort -k 3 results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release >results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release.SORTED') local outFile = 'results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.txt' if APT.checkFile('results_old/' .. APT.options.referenceSite.value .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release.SORTED') then if APT.options.referenceSite.value == host then outFile = outFile .. '.tmp' os.execute('diff -U 0 results_old/' .. APT.options.referenceSite.value .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release.SORTED ' .. 'results/' .. APT.options.referenceSite.value .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release.SORTED ' .. '| grep -v "@@" | grep "^+" | grep "Packages.xz$" | cut -c 77- >' .. outFile) -- TODO - Maybe check the date in Release, though since they are updated daily, is there any point? Perhaps it's for checking amprolla got run? -- Also check if that date is in the future, apt recently got a check for that, though not sure why. os.execute('rm -f results/' .. host .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release 2>/dev/null; ') else -- TODO - compare to the pkgmaster copy. end -- TODO - if it's not Integrity and not reference, then just do a HEAD check and compare file times? if APT.testing("Integrity") or (APT.options.referenceSite.value == host) then local dfile, e = io.open(outFile, "r") if nil == dfile then W("opening " .. outFile .. " file - " .. e) else for l in dfile:lines() do table.insert(list.files, 'dists/' .. n .. '/' .. l) end end end end end end postParse(host, list) return list end local parseStart = function(host) local list = {inf = '', parser = parseRelease, out = 'Release', files = {}, nextf = 'Packages'} for i, n in pairs(releases) do local outFile = 'results/NEW_' .. list.out .. '_' .. n .. '.txt' for l, o in pairs(releaseFiles) do if repoExists(n .. o) then if APT.options.referenceSite.value == host then local dfile, e = io.open(outFile .. '.tmp', "a+") if nil == dfile then W("opening " .. outFile .. ".tmp file - " .. e) else dfile:write(o .. '\n') end end table.insert(list.files, 'dists/' .. n .. '/' .. o) end end end postParse(host, list) return list end local doDownloads = function(host, path, list) while nil ~= list do if 0 ~= #(list.files) then for j, f in pairs(list.files) do downloads(host, path, list.out, nil, f) end downloads(host, path, list.out, nil, '') --[[ I've seen flock & curl act oddly. Perhaps flock didn't have time to start up? /var/www/html/apt-panopticon/apt-panopticon/results_2019-12-22-15-00 Mon Dec 23 01:02:54 2019 DEBUG : forking ionice -c3 nice -n 19 flock -n results/curl-debs-pkgmaster.devuan.org.log curl --connect-timeout 5 --create-dirs -f -L --fail-early --max-time 300 --retry 3 -R -v -z 'results/stamp.old' --stderr results/curl-debs-pkgmaster.devuan.org.log -K results/curl-debs-pkgmaster.devuan.org.files Mon Dec 23 01:02:54 2019 DEBUG : 0 flock -n results/curl-debs-pkgmaster.devuan.org.log commands still running. Mon Dec 23 01:02:54 2019 DEBUG : *>* Resumed coroutine NO LONGER waiting on - 0 < APT.checkExes(flock -n results/curl-debs-pkgmaster.devuan.org.log Mon Dec 23 01:02:54 2019 DEBUG : *** Doing list.parser() for debs Mon Dec 23 01:02:54 2019 ERROR (http Updated pkgmaster.devuan.org): Failed to download - results/pkgmaster.devuan.org/merged/pool/DEBIAN/main/a/aptly/aptly_1.3.0+ds1-4_amd64.deb drwxr-x--- 2 www-data www-data 4096 2019-12-23 01:02:57.000000000 +1000 aptly -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 7129 2019-12-23 01:03:54.000000000 +1000 curl-debs-pkgmaster.devuan.org.log ]] os.execute('sleep 2') while 0 < APT.checkExes(downloadLock .. list.out .. "-" .. host .. ".log") do D('*<* About to yield coroutine while waiting on - 0 < APT.checkExes(' .. downloadLock .. list.out .. '-' .. host .. '.log') coroutine.yield() D('*>* Resumed coroutine while waiting on - 0 < APT.checkExes(' .. downloadLock .. list.out .. '-' .. host .. '.log') end D('*>* Resumed coroutine NO LONGER waiting on - 0 < APT.checkExes(' .. downloadLock .. list.out .. '-' .. host .. '.log') local min, max, spd = 999999999999, 0 if APT.checkFile("results/curl-" .. list.out .. "-" .. host .. ".log") then for l in io.lines("results/curl-" .. list.out .. "-" .. host .. ".log") do local speed, crrnt = l:match('^%c *%d+ +%d+k? +%d+ +%d+k? +%d+ +%d+ +(%d+k?) +%d+ +[%d%-]+:[%d%-]+:[%d%-]+ +[%d%-]+:[%d%-]+:[%d%-]+ +[%d%-]+:[%d%-]+:[%d%-]+ +(%d+k?)') if nil ~= speed then if 'k' == speed:sub(-1, -1) then speed = speed:sub(1, -2) .. '000' end if 'k' == crrnt:sub(-1, -1) then crrnt = crrnt:sub(1, -2) .. '000' end speed = tonumber(speed) crrnt = tonumber(crrnt) if speed < min and speed ~= 0 then min = speed end if speed > max then max = speed end if crrnt < min and crrnt ~= 0 then min = crrnt end if crrnt > max then max = crrnt end end if l:find('timed out') ~= nil then E(" TIMEOUT " .. timeouts + 1 .. ', details in curl-' .. list.out .. '-' .. host .. '.log', 'http', '', host) timeouts = timeouts + 1 APT.results["timeout"] = true end end end APT.results["speed"] = {min = min, max = max} end if (APT.options.referenceSite.value ~= host) and ('' ~= list.nextf) then local sem = 'results/NEW_' .. list.nextf .. '_%s.txt' for i, n in pairs(releases) do local f = sem:format(n) while not APT.checkFile(f) do D('*<* About to yield coroutine while waiting on - not APT.checkFile(' .. f .. ')') coroutine.yield() D('*>* Resumed coroutine while waiting on - not APT.checkFile(' .. f .. ')') end end end D('*** Doing list.parser() for ' .. list.out) list = list.parser(host) if APT.options.timeouts.value <= (totalTimeouts) then break end end D('*<<* About to end coroutine.') cor = nil end if 0 < #arg then if "/" == arg[1]:sub(-1, -1) then W("slash at end of path! " .. arg[1]) arg[1] = arg[1]:sub(1, -2) end if " " == arg[1]:sub(-1, -1) then W("space at end of path! " .. arg[1]) arg[1] = arg[1]:sub(1, -2) end local pu = url.parse("http://" .. arg[1]) if APT.testing("Integrity") or APT.testing("Updated") then if APT.origin and APT.options.referenceSite.value == pu.host then -- if not APT.keep then os.execute("rm -fr results/" .. pu.host .. " 2>/dev/null") end end end if APT.origin then APT.results["IPs"] = gatherIPs(pu.host) end if nil ~= arg[2] then APT.logFile, e = io.open("results/LOG_" .. pu.host .. "_" .. arg[2] .. ".html", "a+") else APT.logFile, e = io.open("results/LOG_" .. pu.host .. ".html", "a+") end if nil == APT.logFile then C("opening log file - " .. e); return end APT.logPre() I("Starting tests for " .. arg[1] .. " with these tests - " .. table.concat(APT.options.tests.value, ", ")) if nil ~= arg[2] then I(" Using IP " .. arg[2]); ip = arg[2] end if nil ~= arg[3] then I(" Using file " .. arg[3]); end APT.results = APT.padResults(APT.results) if APT.origin then local file = arg[3] if nil == file then file = '' end local path = pu.path if nil == path then path = '' end local ips = APT.results["IPs"] for k, v in pairs(ips) do if "table" == type(v) then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do if v1 == "A" then if APT.testing("IPv4") then APT.fork("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. pu.host .. path .. " " .. k1 .. " " .. file) end elseif v1 == "AAAA" then if APT.testing("IPv6") then APT.fork("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. pu.host .. path .. " " .. k1 .. " " .. file) end end end else if v == "A" then if APT.testing("IPv4") then APT.fork("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. pu.host .. path .. " " .. k .. " " .. file) end elseif v == "AAAA" then if APT.testing("IPv6") then APT.fork("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. pu.host .. path .. " " .. k .. " " .. file) end end end end if APT.testing("Integrity") or APT.testing("Updated") then if APT.origin and (APT.options.roundRobin.value ~= pu.host) then I("Starting file downloads for " .. pu.host) D('*>* About to create coroutine.') cor = coroutine.create(doDownloads) local ok, message = coroutine.resume(cor, pu.host, pu.path, parseStart(pu.host)) if not ok then cor = nil; print(message) end end end checkFiles(pu.host, pu.host, pu.path); else checkHost(pu.host, pu.host, pu.path, arg[2], arg[3]) end while nil ~= cor do os.execute('sleep 10') D('*>* About to resume coroutine before writing results.') local ok, message = coroutine.resume(cor) if not ok then cor = nil; print(message); break end end local f = pu.host if "" ~= ip then f = f .. "_" .. ip end local rfile, e = io.open("results/" .. f .. ".lua", "w+") if nil == rfile then C("opening results file - " .. e) else rfile:write(APT.dumpTable(APT.results, "", "results") .. "\nreturn results\n") rfile:close() end if APT.origin and APT.options.referenceSite.value ~= pu.host then while 0 < APT.checkExes(downloadLock .. "Release-" .. pu.host .. ".log") do os.execute("sleep 10") end while 0 < APT.checkExes(downloadLock .. "package-" .. pu.host .. ".log") do os.execute("sleep 10") end while 0 < APT.checkExes(downloadLock .. "Packages-" .. pu.host .. ".log") do os.execute("sleep 10") end os.execute("sleep 5") if not APT.keep then os.execute("rm -fr results/" .. pu.host .. " 2>/dev/null") end os.execute('rm STATUS_' .. pu.host .. '_* 2>/dev/null') end APT.logPost() APT.logFile:close() else local fadt = io.popen("ls -dl results_old 2>/dev/null | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2") local adt = fadt:read('*l') fadt:close() if nil ~= adt then os.execute('tar -c --xz ' .. adt .. ' -f ' .. adt .. '.tar.xz') end local dt = os.date('!%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M') local fodt = io.popen('TZ="GMT" date -r results/stamp +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M 2>/dev/null', 'r') local odt = fodt:read('*l') fodt:close() if nil ~= odt then os.execute(' rm -f results_old; ln -s results_' .. odt .. ' results_old 2>/dev/null') end if nil ~= dt then os.execute('mkdir -p results_' .. dt .. '; rm -f results; ln -s results_' .. dt .. ' results 2>/dev/null') end os.execute('if [ -f results/stamp ]; then mv results/stamp results/stamp.old; else touch results/stamp.old -t 199901010000; fi; touch results/stamp') os.execute("rm -f results/*.check 2>/dev/null") if not APT.keep then os.execute("rm -f results/*.log 2>/dev/null") os.execute("rm -f results/*.html 2>/dev/null") os.execute("rm -f results/*.txt 2>/dev/null") end APT.logFile, e = io.open("results/LOG_apt-panopticon.html", "a+") if nil == APT.logFile then C("opening log file - " .. e); return end APT.logPre() I("Starting tests " .. table.concat(APT.options.tests.value, ", ")) os.execute("mkdir -p results") APT.mirrors = getMirrors() checkHost(APT.options.referenceSite.value) for k, m in pairs(APT.mirrors) do local pu = url.parse("http://" .. m.BaseURL) if APT.options.referenceSite.value ~= pu.host then checkHost(m.BaseURL) end end while 1 <= APT.checkExes("apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs) do os.execute("sleep 10") end os.execute('rm -f results/*.check; rm STATUS_* 2>/dev/null') for k, v in pairs(APT.mirrors) do local f = 'results/' .. k .. '.lua' if APT.checkFile(f) then results = loadfile(f)() APT.mirrors[k]['IPs'] = results.IPs end end local file, e = io.open("results/mirrors.lua", "w+") if nil == file then C("opening mirrors file - " .. e) else file:write(APT.dumpTable(APT.mirrors, "", "mirrors") .. "\nreturn mirrors\n") file:close() end -- Create the reports. for n, r in pairs(APT.options.reports.value) do if APT.checkFile("apt-panopticon-report-" .. r .. ".lua") then I("Creating " .. r .. " report.") APT.execute("./apt-panopticon-report-" .. r .. ".lua") end end if nil ~= adt then os.execute('rm -fr ' .. adt .. ' 2>/dev/null') end I('Total run time was ' .. (os.time() - now) .. ' seconds.') APT.logPost() APT.logFile:close() end