#!/usr/bin/env luajit local APT = require 'apt-panopticommon' local D = APT.D local I = APT.I local T = APT.T local W = APT.W local E = APT.E local C = APT.C local arg, sendArgs = APT.parseArgs({...}) local oldest = 0 local fixResults = function(f) if APT.checkFile(f) then local results = loadfile(f)() results = APT.padResults(results) for i, w in pairs(APT.protocols) do tests = results[w] if nil ~= tests.Redirects then tests.redirects = tests.Redirects tests.Redirects = nil elseif nil == tests.redirects then tests.redirects = {} end results[w] = tests end if nil ~= results.Redirects then for i, w in pairs(APT.protocols) do results[w].redirects = results.Redirects end results.Redirects = nil end local rfile, e = io.open(f, "w+") if nil == rfile then C("opening results file - " .. e) else rfile:write(APT.dumpTable(results, "results") .. "\nreturn results\n") rfile:close() end end end local lock = 'apt-panopticon.lock' while APT.checkFile(lock) do os.execute('sleep 10') end os.execute('touch ' .. lock) if -1 < APT.verbosity then print('\nUpacking tarballs and cleaning them.') end local files = io.popen('ls -1 results_*.tar.xz 2>/dev/null; ls -1 results_*/results_*.tar.xz 2>/dev/null') for l in files:lines() do local lsub = l:sub(1, -8) if 0 == oldest then local status, whn = APT.execute('TZ="GMT" ls -d1 --time-style="+%s" ' .. l .. ' | cut -d " " -f 6-6') whn = whn:sub(2, -2) local status, new = APT.execute('TZ="GMT" date -d "' .. whn:sub(9, 18) .. ' ' .. whn:sub(20, 21) .. ':' .. whn:sub(23, 24) .. '" "+%s"') oldest = tonumber("0" .. new:sub(2, -2)) - (60 * 60) if -1 < APT.verbosity then print('\nOldest time is ' .. oldest) end end if -1 < APT.verbosity then io.stdout:write('\r' .. 'tar -xf ' .. l); io.stdout:flush() end os.execute('tar -xf ' .. l) os.execute('rm -f ' .. lsub .. '/*.curl') os.execute('rm -f ' .. lsub .. '/STATUS_*') if APT.checkFile(lsub .. '/mirrors.lua') then APT.mirrors = loadfile(lsub .. "/mirrors.lua")() for k, v in pairs(APT.mirrors) do if APT.options.referenceSite.value ~= k then if APT.checkFile(lsub .. '/' .. k) then os.execute('rm -fr ' .. lsub .. '/' .. k) end else for i, n in pairs(APT.releases) do os.execute( 'rm -f ' .. lsub .. '/' .. k .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release;' .. 'rm -f ' .. lsub .. '/' .. k .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/Release.gpg;' .. 'rm -fr ' .. lsub .. '/' .. k .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/contrib 2>/dev/null;' .. 'rm -fr ' .. lsub .. '/' .. k .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/main 2>/dev/null;' .. 'rm -fr ' .. lsub .. '/' .. k .. '/merged/dists/' .. n .. '/non-free 2>/dev/null') end os.execute('rm -fr ' .. lsub .. '/' .. k .. '/merged/pool') end local results = {} local f = l:sub(1, -8) .. "/" .. k .. ".lua" if APT.checkFile(f) then results = loadfile(f)() results['IPs'] = v.IPs local rfile, e = io.open(f, "w+") if nil == rfile then C("opening results file - " .. e) else rfile:write(APT.dumpTable(results, "results") .. "\nreturn results\n") rfile:close() end end end end local fls = io.popen('ls -1 ' .. lsub .. '/*.lua 2>/dev/null') for k in fls:lines() do fixResults(k) end end if -1 < APT.verbosity then print('\nDeleting old RRD data.') end os.execute('rm -fr rrd') if -1 < APT.verbosity then print('\nRecreating RRD data.') end local files = io.popen('ls -d1 results_*') for l in files:lines() do if ('results_old' ~= l) and ('.tar.xz' ~= l:sub(25, -1)) then if APT.checkFile(l .. '/stamp') then -- local status, whn = APT.execute('TZ="GMT" ls -d1 --time-style="+%s" ' .. l .. ' | cut -d " " -f 6-6') local whn = APT.exe('TZ="GMT" ls -d1 --time-style="+%s" ' .. l .. ' | cut -d " " -f 6-6'):Do() whn = whn:sub(2, -2) -- local status, new = APT.execute('TZ="GMT" date -d "' .. whn:sub(9, 18) .. ' ' .. whn:sub(20, 21) .. ':' .. whn:sub(23, 24) .. '" "+%s"') local new = APT.exe('TZ="GMT" date -d "' .. whn:sub(9, 18) .. ' ' .. whn:sub(20, 21) .. ':' .. whn:sub(23, 24) .. '" "+%s"'):Do() APT.now = tonumber("0" .. new:sub(2, -2)) if 0 ~= APT.now then if APT.checkFile(l .. '/mirrors.lua') then if -1 < APT.verbosity then io.stdout:write('\r' .. l .. ' -> ' .. APT.now); io.stdout:flush() end APT.mirrors = loadfile(l .. "/mirrors.lua")() for k, v in pairs(APT.mirrors) do APT.doRRD(l, k, v, oldest) end else if -1 < APT.verbosity then io.stdout:write('\r' .. l); io.stdout:flush() end end else if -1 < APT.verbosity then io.stdout:write('\r' .. l); io.stdout:flush() end end else if -1 < APT.verbosity then io.stdout:write('\r' .. l); io.stdout:flush() end end end end os.execute('rm ' .. lock) if -1 < APT.verbosity then print('\nRecreating tarballs.') end local files = io.popen('ls -1 results_*/results_*.tar.xz 2>/dev/null') for l in files:lines() do if -1 < APT.verbosity then io.stdout:write('\r' .. 'tar -c --xz ' .. l:sub(20, 43) .. ' -f ' .. l); io.stdout:flush() end os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. l:sub(1, 18) .. '; tar -c --xz ' .. l:sub(20, 43) .. ' -f ' .. l .. '; rm -fr ' .. l:sub(20, 43)) end local files = io.popen('ls -1 results_*.tar.xz 2>/dev/null') for l in files:lines() do if -1 < APT.verbosity then io.stdout:write('\r' .. 'tar -c --xz ' .. l:sub(1, 24) .. ' -f ' .. l:sub(1, 18) .. '/' .. l); io.stdout:flush() end os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. l:sub(1, 18) .. '; tar -c --xz ' .. l:sub(1, 24) .. ' -f ' .. l:sub(1, 18) .. '/' .. l .. '; rm -fr ' .. l:sub(1, 24) .. '; rm -f ' .. l) end if -1 < APT.verbosity then print('\nFinished updating data.') end