diff options
authoronefang2019-11-06 16:26:01 +1000
committeronefang2019-11-06 16:26:01 +1000
commit5014544e8f1bc2fea5be383a60904bd5b1ee9d16 (patch)
parentNot being able to open lua resalts files for the output generators isn't crit... (diff)
Add a web page output generator.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apt-panopticon-report-web.lua b/apt-panopticon-report-web.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ece9e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apt-panopticon-report-web.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
1#!/usr/bin/env luajit
3local args = {...}
5verbosity = -1
6local logFile
9--[[ Ordered table iterator, allow to iterate on the natural order of the keys of a table.
10 From http://lua-users.org/wiki/SortedIteration
11 ]]
12function __genOrderedIndex( t )
13 local orderedIndex = {}
14 for key in pairs(t) do
15 table.insert( orderedIndex, key )
16 end
17 table.sort( orderedIndex )
18 return orderedIndex
20function orderedNext(t, state)
21 -- Equivalent of the next function, but returns the keys in the alphabetic
22 -- order. We use a temporary ordered key table that is stored in the
23 -- table being iterated.
25 local key = nil
26 --print("orderedNext: state = "..tostring(state) )
27 if state == nil then
28 -- the first time, generate the index
29 t.__orderedIndex = __genOrderedIndex( t )
30 key = t.__orderedIndex[1]
31 else
32 -- fetch the next value
33 for i = 1,table.getn(t.__orderedIndex) do
34 if t.__orderedIndex[i] == state then
35 key = t.__orderedIndex[i+1]
36 end
37 end
38 end
40 if key then
41 return key, t[key]
42 end
44 -- no more value to return, cleanup
45 t.__orderedIndex = nil
46 return
48function orderedPairs(t)
49 -- Equivalent of the pairs() function on tables. Allows to iterate
50 -- in order
51 return orderedNext, t, nil
55local results = {}
57local log = function(v, t, s, prot, test, host)
58 local x = ""
59 if nil == prot then prot = "" end
60 if nil ~= test then x = x .. test else test = "" end
61 if nil ~= host then
62 if #x > 0 then x = x .. " " end
63 x = x .. host
64 end
65 if #x > 0 then
66 t = t .. "(" .. x .. ")"
67 end
68 if v <= verbosity then
69 if 3 <= verbosity then t = os.date() .. " " .. t end
70 print(t .. ": " .. s)
71 end
72 if nil ~= logFile then
73 logFile:write(os.date() .. " " .. t .. ": " .. s .. "\n")
74 logFile:flush()
75 end
77local D = function(s) log(3, "DEBUG ", s) end
78local I = function(s) log(2, "INFO ", s) end
79local W = function(s, p, t, h) log(1, "WARNING ", s, p, t, h) end
80local E = function(s, p, t, h) log(0, "ERROR ", s, p, t, h) end
81local C = function(s) log(-1, "CRITICAL", s) end
83local faulty = ""
84local status = function(host, results, typ)
85 local result = ""
86 local e = 0
87 local w = 0
88 if nil ~= results[typ] then
89 e = results[typ].errors
90 w = results[typ].warnings
91 for k, v in pairs(results[typ]) do
92 if "table" == type(v) then
93 e = e + v.errors
94 w = w + v.warnings
95 end
96 end
97 else
98 for k, v in pairs(results) do
99 if "table" == type(v) then
100 for i, u in pairs(v) do
101 if "table" == type(u) then
102 if typ == i then
103 e = e + u.errors
104 w = w + u.warnings
105 end
106 end
107 end
108 end
109 end
110 end
112 if 0 < e then result = e .. " <font color='red'><b>error</b></font>" end
113 if 1 == e then result = e .. " <font color='red'><b>error</b></font>" end
114 if 0 < w then
115 if 0 < e then result = result .. ", " end
116 if 1 == w then
117 result = result .. w .. " <font color='blue'><b>warning</b></font>"
118 else
119 result = result .. w .. " <font color='blue'><b>warnings</b></font>"
120 end
121 end
122 if "[OK]" ~= result then
123 if 0 < e then
124 result = "[<font color='red'><b>FAILED</b></font>] (" .. result .. ")"
125 faulty = faulty .. host .. " (" .. typ .. ")<br>\n"
126 elseif 0 < w then
127 result = "[<font color='green'><b>OK</b></font>] (" .. result .. ")"
128 else
129 result = "[<font color='green'><b>OK</b></font>]"
130 end
131 end
132 return result
135local collate = function(host, ip, results)
136 local f = "results/" .. host .. "_" .. ip .. ".lua"
137 local rfile, e = io.open(f, "r")
138 if nil == rfile then I("opening " .. f .. " file - " .. e) else
139 rfile:close()
140 local rs = loadfile(f)()
141 for k, v in pairs(rs) do
142 if "table" == type(v) then
143 for i, u in pairs(v) do
144 if "table" == type(u) then
145 for h, t in pairs(u) do
146 local a = results[k][h]
147 if nil == a then a = 0 end
148 results[k][h] = a + t
149 end
150 else
151 local a = results[k][i]
152 if nil == a then a = 0 end
153 results[k][i] = a + u
154 end
155 end
156 else
157 local a = results[k]
158 if nil == a then a = 0 end
159 results[k] = a + v
160 end
161 end
162 end
163 return results
167local mirrors = loadfile("results/mirrors.lua")()
169local file, e = io.open("results/Report-web.html", "w+")
170if nil == file then C("opening mirrors file - " .. e) else
171 file:write( "<html><head>\n" ..
172 "</head><body>" ..
173 "Check date: " .. os.date("!%a %b %d %T %Z %Y") .. "\n<br>\n")
174 for k, v in orderedPairs(mirrors) do
175 local results = loadfile("results/" .. k .. ".lua")()
176 file:write(" " .. k .. ".... ")
177 local IPs = v.IPs
178 for i, u in pairs(IPs) do
179 if "table" == type(u) then
180 for h, t in pairs(u) do
181 results = collate(k, h, results)
182 end
183 else
184 results = collate(k, i, results)
185 end
186 end
187-- local http = status(k, results, "http")
188-- local https = status(k, results, "https")
189 local dns = "[<font color='yellow'><b>skip</b></font>]"
190 local integrity = "[<font color='yellow'><b>skip</b></font>]"
191 local protocol = status(k, results, "Protocol")
192 local sanity = "[<font color='yellow'><b>skip</b></font>]"
193 local updated = "[<font color='yellow'><b>skip</b></font>]"
194 file:write(" DNS-RR: " .. dns .. " Integrity: " .. integrity .. " Protocol: " .. protocol .. " URL-sanity: " .. sanity .. " Updated: " .. updated .. "\n<br>\n")
195 end
196 file:write( "==== faulty mirrors: ====<br>\n<br>\n" .. faulty)
197 file:write( "\n<br>\nLast Failure: NOT WRITTEN YET<br>\n<br>")
198 file:write( "\n<br>\n\n</body></html>\n")
199 file:close()