LIBG3D: This library loads 3D models from various file formats. Its aim is to support basic import functionality for as much formats as possible. More complete support is better, of course, and the long time goal. To help developing plugins and for general use, too, there are a lot of basic 3d manipulation function, including vector and matrix math, common file reading stuff, transformations and 3d primitive support. SUPPORTED FILETYPES: +-------+---+---+---+---+---------------------------------------------+ |\ feat.| i | c | t | n | s | | \ | m | o | e | o | u +-----------------------------------------+ | \ | p | l | x | r | b | | | \ | o | o | t | m | o | | | \ | r | r | u | a | b | | | \ | t | s | r | l | j | | | type \| | | e | s | s | Program | +-------+---+---+---+---+---+-----------------------------------------+ | .3mf | x | x | | | | 3D Metafile | | .3ds | x | x | p | | | 3D Studio | | .ac | x | x | x | | x | AC3D | | .acc | x | x | x | | x | AC3D with triangle strips (TORCS) | | .ar | x | | | | x | Racer container files | | .ase | x | | p | x | | ASCII Scene Exporter (3D Studio) | | .b3d | x | x | | | | ?? (3D MetaFile format) | | .car | x | | | | x | VDrift car description | | .cob | x | x | | | | Caligari TrueSpace | | .dof | x | x | p | x | | Racer model files | | .dxf | x | | | | | AutoCAD | | .flt | p | | | | | OpenFlight (in Progress, experimental) | | .glb | x | x | x | x | | UltimateStunts models | | .iob | x | x | | | | Impulse Turbo Silver / Imagine | | .iv | p | | | | | SGI Inventor (ascii only) | | .joe | x | | x | x | | VDrift v3 .joe car models | | .lcd | x | x | | | | LeoCAD | | .lw | x | x | | | | LightWave | | .lwb | x | x | | | | LightWave | | .lwo | x | x | | | | LightWave | | .mb | p | | | | x | Maya (binary) | | .md2 | x | | | | | id Software Quake II | | .md3 | x | x | x | ? | | id Software Quake III | | .mon | p | | | | | Monzoom (Reflections) (experimental) | | .nff | x | x | | x | | Neutral File Format | | .obj | x | x | | | | Alias Wavefront Maya | | .prj | x | ? | | | | 3D Studio | | .q3o | x | x | x | | | Quick3D Object | | .q3s | x | x | x | | | Quick3D Scene | | .r3 | p | | | | | Reflections 3 (experimental) | | .r4 | p | | | | | Reflections 4 (experimental) | | .stl | p | | | | | Standard Tessellation Language | | .stla | p | | | | | Standard Tessellation Language (ASCII) | | .stlb | p | | | | | Standard Tessellation Language (binary) | | .wrl | x | x | | | | VRML World (VRML 1 only and incomplete) | +-------+---+---+---+---+---------------------------------------------+ x: implemented p: partly done (strange results) Wishlist: also see type docs ex.avail. status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .wrl (VRML 2.0) yes yes not started yet .x3d (X3D) yes yes not started yet .max (3D Studio MAX) no yes probably not (no docs, no clue) .blend (Blender) (yes) yes difficult format, low priority .w3d (Shockwave 3D) no yes not started yet .c4d (Cinema 4D) no yes not started yet .br4 (Brice 4) no yes not started yet .x (DirectX) ? yes not started yet .3dm (Rhino 2) ? yes not started yet other model plugins: * heightfield: generates a landscape from an image * test: some tests (primitives, transformation...) * rbh: experimental, maybe Discworld Noir models (or no 3D at all ;)) IMAGE PLUGINS: * bmp: Windows Bitmap, uncompressed, only 8-bit tested * sgi: SGI RGB files, uncompressed & RLE, 8, 24, 32 bit * GdkPixbuf: everything GdkPixbuf can load, GTK 2.x required