/* love world server - The central server that manages the virtual world. Dedicated to my girl Boots, coz she means the world to me. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LumbrJack.h" #include "Runnr.h" #define WIDTH (512) #define HEIGHT (384) #define TABLE_WIDTH 7 #define TABLE_HEIGHT 42 typedef struct _gameGlobals { Ecore_Evas *ee; // Our window. Evas *canvas; // The canvas for drawing directly onto. Evas_Object *bg; // Our background edje, also the game specific stuff. Evas_Object *edje; // The edje of the background. Ecore_Con_Server *serverLuaSL; Ecore_Con_Server *server; Ecore_Con_Client *client; // TODO - Really should be a bunch of these. Eina_Hash *scripts; const char *address; int port; boolean ui; // Wether we actually start up the UI. } gameGlobals; typedef struct _script { char SID[PATH_MAX]; char fileName[PATH_MAX]; struct timeval startTime; float compileTime; int bugs, warnings; boolean running; } script; int logDom; // Our logging domain. //static int CPUs = 4; static Eina_Strbuf *LuaSLStream; static Eina_Strbuf *clientStream; static int scriptCount = 0; static int compiledCount = 0; static float compileTime = 0.0; static struct timeval startTime; //static int timedEvent = 0; static char *ownerKey = "12345678-1234-4321-abcd-0123456789ab"; static char *ownerName = "onefang rejected"; static const char *names[] = { "bub1", "sh1", "bub2", "sh2", "bub3", "sh3", }; static void _edje_signal_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source) { // gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; } static Eina_Bool anim(void *data) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; Evas_Object *bub, *sh; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h, vw, vh; double t, xx, yy, zz, r, fac; double lx, ly; unsigned int i; evas_output_viewport_get(ourGlobals->canvas, 0, 0, &vw, &vh); r = 48; t = ecore_loop_time_get(); fac = 2.0 / (double)((sizeof(names) / sizeof(char *) / 2)); evas_pointer_canvas_xy_get(ourGlobals->canvas, &x, &y); lx = x; ly = y; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(names) / sizeof(char *) / 2); i++) { bub = evas_object_data_get(ourGlobals->bg, names[i * 2]); sh = evas_object_data_get(ourGlobals->bg, names[(i * 2) + 1]); zz = (((2 + sin(t * 6 + (M_PI * (i * fac)))) / 3) * 64) * 2; xx = (cos(t * 4 + (M_PI * (i * fac))) * r) * 2; yy = (sin(t * 6 + (M_PI * (i * fac))) * r) * 2; w = zz; h = zz; x = (vw / 2) + xx - (w / 2); y = (vh / 2) + yy - (h / 2); evas_object_move(bub, x, y); evas_object_resize(bub, w, h); x = x - ((lx - (x + (w / 2))) / 4); y = y - ((ly - (y + (h / 2))) / 4); evas_object_move(sh, x, y); evas_object_resize(sh, w, h); evas_object_raise(sh); evas_object_raise(bub); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static void _on_delete(Ecore_Evas *ee) { ecore_main_loop_quit(); } static void dirList_compile(const char *name, const char *path, void *data) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; char *ext = rindex(name, '.'); if (ext) { if (0 == strcmp(ext, ".lsl")) { script *me = calloc(1, sizeof(script)); scriptCount++; gettimeofday(&me->startTime, NULL); snprintf(me->SID, sizeof(me->SID), "%08lx-%04lx-%04lx-%04lx-%012lx", random(), random() % 0xFFFF, random() % 0xFFFF, random() % 0xFFFF, random()); snprintf(me->fileName, sizeof(me->fileName), "%s/%s", path, name); eina_hash_add(ourGlobals->scripts, me->SID, me); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, "compile(%s)", me->fileName); } } } static Eina_Bool _timer_cb(void *data) { // gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; char buf[PATH_MAX]; gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Test sim/objects", PACKAGE_DATA_DIR); eina_file_dir_list(buf, EINA_TRUE, dirList_compile, data); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static Eina_Bool _addLuaSL(void *data, int type, Ecore_Con_Event_Server_Add *ev) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; ourGlobals->serverLuaSL = ev->server; // Wait a while before compiling and running scripts. ecore_timer_add(3.0, _timer_cb, ourGlobals); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } // Borrowed from toybox, though it's real slow. // TODO - Replace this quick and dirty llGetNotecardLine() with something using mmap and cached files that assumes more lines will be read soon. char *get_rawline(int fd, long *plen, char end) { char c, *buf = NULL; long len = 0; for (;;) { if (1>read(fd, &c, 1)) break; if (!(len & 63)) buf=realloc(buf, len+65); if ((buf[len++]=c) == end) break; } if (buf) buf[len]=0; if (plen) *plen = len; return buf; } static Eina_Bool _dataLuaSL(void *data, int type, Ecore_Con_Event_Server_Data *ev) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; char buf[PATH_MAX]; char SID[PATH_MAX]; const char *command; char *ext; eina_strbuf_append_length(LuaSLStream, ev->data, ev->size); command = eina_strbuf_string_get(LuaSLStream); while ((ext = index(command, '\n'))) { int length = ext - command; strncpy(SID, command, length + 1); SID[length] = '\0'; eina_strbuf_remove(LuaSLStream, 0, length + 1); ext = index(SID, '.'); if (ext) { script *me; ext[0] = '\0'; command = ext + 1; me = eina_hash_find(ourGlobals->scripts, SID); if (0 == strncmp(command, "compilerWarning(", 16)) { char *temp; char *line; char *column; char *text; strcpy(buf, &command[16]); temp = buf; line = temp; while (',' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; column = ++temp; while (',' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; text = ++temp; while (')' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; PW("%s @ line %s, column %s.", text, line, column); if (me) me->warnings++; } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "compilerError(", 14)) { char *temp; char *line; char *column; char *text; strcpy(buf, &command[14]); temp = buf; line = temp; while (',' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; column = ++temp; while (',' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; text = ++temp; while (')' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; PE("%s @ line %s, column %s.", text, line, column); if (me) me->bugs++; } else if (0 == strcmp(command, "compiled(false)")) PE("The compile of %s failed!", SID); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "compiled(true)")) { if (me) { struct timeval now; me->compileTime = timeDiff(&now, &me->startTime); me->running = TRUE; compiledCount++; compileTime += me->compileTime; // PD("Average compile speed is %f scripts per second", compiledCount / compileTime); if (compiledCount == scriptCount) PD("TOTAL compile speed is %f scripts per second", compiledCount / timeDiff(&now, &startTime)); } // PD("The compile of %s worked, running it now.", SID); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "run()"); } else { // Send back some random or fixed values for testing. if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetKey()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \"%08lx-%04lx-%04lx-%04lx-%012lx\"", random(), random() % 0xFFFF, random() % 0xFFFF, random() % 0xFFFF, random()); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetOwner()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \"%s\"", ownerKey); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetPermissionsKey()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \"%s\"", ownerKey); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetPos()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return {x=128.0, y=128.0, z=128.0}"); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetRot()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return {x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, s=1.0}"); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetFreeMemory()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return 654321"); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetObjectDesc()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \"\""); else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llGetAlpha(", 11)) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return 1.0"); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetInventoryNumber(7)")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return 3"); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetLinkNumber()")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return 1"); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetInventoryName(7, 2)")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \".readme\""); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetInventoryName(7, 1)")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \".POSITIONS\""); else if (0 == strcmp(command, "llGetInventoryName(7, 0)")) sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \".MENUITEMS\""); else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llKey2Name(", 11)) { char *temp; strcpy(buf, &command[12]); temp = buf; while (')' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; if (0 == strcmp(buf, ownerKey)) temp = ownerName; else temp = "Unknown User"; // TODO - Sanitize the name, no telling what weird shit people put in their names. snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "return \"%s\"", temp); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, buf); } // Send "back" stuff on to the one and only client. // TODO - All of these output functions should just use one thing to append stuff to either local or an IM tab. // Love filtering out stuff that should not go there. // Extantz registering any channel it wants to listen to, mostly for client side scripts. // Extantz is then only responsible for the registered channels, it can do what it likes with them. // Dialogs, notifications, and other stuff goes through some other functions. else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llOwnerSay(", 11)) { if (ourGlobals->client) sendBack(ourGlobals->client, SID, command); else PW("No where to send %s", command); } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llWhisper(", 10)) { if (ourGlobals->client) sendBack(ourGlobals->client, SID, command); else PW("No where to send %s", command); } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llRegionSay(", 12)) { if (ourGlobals->client) sendBack(ourGlobals->client, SID, command); else PW("No where to send %s", command); } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llSay(", 6)) { if (ourGlobals->client) sendBack(ourGlobals->client, SID, command); else PW("No where to send %s", command); } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llShout(", 8)) { if (ourGlobals->client) sendBack(ourGlobals->client, SID, command); else PW("No where to send %s", command); // TODO - Temporary so we have a place to log stuff from LSL. PD("SHOUTING %s", command); } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llDialog(", 9)) { if (ourGlobals->client) sendBack(ourGlobals->client, SID, command); else PW("No where to send %s", command); } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llMessageLinked(", 16)) { Eina_Iterator *scripts; script *me; // TODO - For now, just send it to everyone. scripts = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(ourGlobals->scripts); while(eina_iterator_next(scripts, (void **) &me)) { sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, "events.link_message%s", &command[15]); } } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "llGetNotecardLine(", 18)) { char *notecard, *temp, *line, key[PATH_MAX]; int lineNo, fd; strcpy(buf, &command[19]); notecard = buf; temp = notecard; while ('"' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; while (',' != temp[0]) temp++; while (' ' != temp[0]) temp++; line = temp; while (')' != temp[0]) temp++; temp[0] = '\0'; lineNo = atoi(line); snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s/Test sim/objects/onefang%%27s%%20test%%20bed.5cb927d5-1304-4f1a-9947-308251ef2df0/%s", PACKAGE_DATA_DIR, notecard); fd = open(key, O_RDONLY); if (-1 != fd) { Eina_Iterator *scripts; script *me; long len; temp = NULL; do { temp = get_rawline(fd, &len, '\n'); if (temp) { if (temp[len - 1] == '\n') temp[--len] = '\0'; } } while (temp && (0 < lineNo--)); sprintf(key, "%08lx-%04lx-%04lx-%04lx-%012lx", random(), random() % 0xFFFF, random() % 0xFFFF, random() % 0xFFFF, random()); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, SID, "return \"%s\"", key); // TODO - For now, just send it to everyone. scripts = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(ourGlobals->scripts); while(eina_iterator_next(scripts, (void **) &me)) { if (temp) { char buf2[PATH_MAX]; int i, j, len = strlen(temp); // Escape ' and \ characters. for (i = 0, j = 0; i <= len; i++) { if ('\'' == temp[i]) buf2[j++] = '\\'; if ('\\' == temp[i]) buf2[j++] = '\\'; buf2[j++] = temp[i]; } sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, "events.dataserver(\"%s\", '%s')", key, buf2); } else sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, "events.dataserver(\"%s\", \"EndOfFuckingAround\")", key); } close(fd); } } else PI("Script %s sent command %s", SID, command); } } // Get the next blob to check it. command = eina_strbuf_string_get(LuaSLStream); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _delLuaSL(void *data, int type, Ecore_Con_Event_Server_Del *ev) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; if (ev->server) { if (!ourGlobals->ui) ecore_main_loop_quit(); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _addClient(void *data, int type, Ecore_Con_Event_Client_Add *ev) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; ourGlobals->client = ev->client; ecore_con_client_timeout_set(ev->client, 0); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _dataClient(void *data, int type, Ecore_Con_Event_Client_Data *ev) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; // char buf[PATH_MAX]; char SID[PATH_MAX]; const char *command; char *ext; eina_strbuf_append_length(clientStream, ev->data, ev->size); command = eina_strbuf_string_get(clientStream); while ((ext = index(command, '\n'))) { int length = ext - command; strncpy(SID, command, length + 1); SID[length] = '\0'; eina_strbuf_remove(clientStream, 0, length + 1); ext = index(SID, '.'); if (ext) { ext[0] = '\0'; command = ext + 1; if (0 == strncmp(command, "events.touch_start(", 19)) { Eina_Iterator *scripts; script *me; // TODO - For now, just send it to everyone. scripts = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(ourGlobals->scripts); while(eina_iterator_next(scripts, (void **) &me)) { sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, "events.detectedKeys({\"%s\"})", ownerKey); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, "events.detectedNames({\"%s\"})", ownerName); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, "events.touch_start(1)"); } } else if (0 == strncmp(command, "events.listen(", 14)) { Eina_Iterator *scripts; script *me; // TODO - For now, just send it to everyone. scripts = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(ourGlobals->scripts); while(eina_iterator_next(scripts, (void **) &me)) { sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, me->SID, command); } } else PW("Unknown command from client - %s", command); } // Get the next blob to check it. command = eina_strbuf_string_get(clientStream); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _delClient(void *data, int type, Ecore_Con_Event_Client_Del *ev) { gameGlobals *ourGlobals = data; if (ev->client) { Eina_List const *clients; // This is only really for testing, normally it just runs 24/7, or until told to. clients = ecore_con_server_clients_get(ourGlobals->server); if (0 == eina_list_count(clients)) { PD("No more clients, exiting."); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, ownerKey, "exit()"); ecore_main_loop_quit(); } else { PD("Some %d more clients, exiting anyway.", eina_list_count(clients)); sendForth(ourGlobals->serverLuaSL, ownerKey, "exit()"); ecore_main_loop_quit(); } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* put here any init specific to this app like parsing args etc. */ gameGlobals ourGlobals; char *programName = argv[0]; boolean badArgs = FALSE; int result = EXIT_FAILURE; char buf[PATH_MAX]; // TODO - Just a temporary kill command until I can fix the LuaSL hanging on exit bug. system("killall -KILL LuaSL"); sleep(2); sprintf(buf, "%s/LuaSL &", PACKAGE_BIN_DIR); system(buf); sleep(1); memset(&ourGlobals, 0, sizeof(gameGlobals)); ourGlobals.address = ""; ourGlobals.port = 8211; if (eina_init()) { logDom = loggingStartup("love", logDom); ourGlobals.scripts = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL); if (ecore_con_init()) { if ((ourGlobals.serverLuaSL = ecore_con_server_connect(ECORE_CON_REMOTE_TCP, ourGlobals.address, ourGlobals.port, &ourGlobals))) { ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_SERVER_ADD, (Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb) _addLuaSL, &ourGlobals); ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_SERVER_DATA, (Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb) _dataLuaSL, &ourGlobals); ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_SERVER_DEL, (Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb) _delLuaSL, &ourGlobals); LuaSLStream = eina_strbuf_new(); if ((ourGlobals.server = ecore_con_server_add(ECORE_CON_REMOTE_TCP, ourGlobals.address, ourGlobals.port + 1, &ourGlobals))) { // int i; ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_CLIENT_ADD, (Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb) _addClient, &ourGlobals); ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_CLIENT_DATA, (Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb) _dataClient, &ourGlobals); ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_CLIENT_DEL, (Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb) _delClient, &ourGlobals); ecore_con_server_timeout_set(ourGlobals.server, 0); ecore_con_server_client_limit_set(ourGlobals.server, -1, 0); clientStream = eina_strbuf_new(); if (ecore_evas_init()) { if (edje_init()) { // get the arguments passed in while (--argc > 0 && *++argv != '\0') { if (*argv[0] == '-') { // point to the characters after the '-' sign char *s = argv[0] + 1; switch (*s) { case 'u': { ourGlobals.ui = TRUE; break; } default: badArgs = TRUE; } } else badArgs = TRUE; } if (badArgs) { // display the program usage to the user as they have it wrong printf("Usage: %s [-u]\n", programName); printf(" -u: Show the test UI.\n"); } else // else if ((ourGlobals.config) && (ourGlobals.data)) { unsigned int i; Evas_Object *bub, *sh; Ecore_Animator *ani; char *group = "main"; char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (ourGlobals.ui) { /* this will give you a window with an Evas canvas under the first engine available */ ourGlobals.ee = ecore_evas_new(NULL, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, NULL); if (!ourGlobals.ee) { PE("You got to have at least one evas engine built and linked up to ecore-evas for this example to run properly."); edje_shutdown(); ecore_evas_shutdown(); return -1; } ourGlobals.canvas = ecore_evas_get(ourGlobals.ee); ecore_evas_title_set(ourGlobals.ee, "love test harness (snickers)"); ecore_evas_show(ourGlobals.ee); ourGlobals.bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(ourGlobals.canvas); evas_object_color_set(ourGlobals.bg, 255, 255, 255, 255); /* white bg */ evas_object_move(ourGlobals.bg, 0, 0); /* at canvas' origin */ evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(ourGlobals.bg, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); evas_object_resize(ourGlobals.bg, WIDTH, HEIGHT); /* covers full canvas */ evas_object_show(ourGlobals.bg); ecore_evas_object_associate(ourGlobals.ee, ourGlobals.bg, ECORE_EVAS_OBJECT_ASSOCIATE_BASE); evas_object_focus_set(ourGlobals.bg, EINA_TRUE); ourGlobals.edje = edje_object_add(ourGlobals.canvas); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.edj", PACKAGE_DATA_DIR, "love"); if (!edje_object_file_set(ourGlobals.edje, buf, group)) { int err = edje_object_load_error_get(ourGlobals.edje); const char *errmsg = edje_load_error_str(err); PE("Could not load '%s' from %s: %s\n", group, buf, errmsg); evas_object_del(ourGlobals.edje); ecore_evas_free(ourGlobals.ee); edje_shutdown(); ecore_evas_shutdown(); return -2; } evas_object_move(ourGlobals.edje, 0, 0); evas_object_resize(ourGlobals.edje, WIDTH, HEIGHT); evas_object_show(ourGlobals.edje); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/bubble_sh.png", PACKAGE_DATA_DIR); for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(names) / sizeof(char *) / 2); i++) { sh = evas_object_image_filled_add(ourGlobals.canvas); evas_object_image_file_set(sh, buf, NULL); evas_object_resize(sh, 64, 64); evas_object_show(sh); evas_object_data_set(ourGlobals.bg, names[(i * 2) + 1], sh); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/bubble.png", PACKAGE_DATA_DIR); for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(names) / sizeof(char *) / 2); i++) { bub = evas_object_image_filled_add(ourGlobals.canvas); evas_object_image_file_set(bub, buf, NULL); evas_object_resize(bub, 64, 64); evas_object_show(bub); evas_object_data_set(ourGlobals.bg, names[(i * 2)], bub); } ani = ecore_animator_add(anim, &ourGlobals); evas_object_data_set(ourGlobals.bg, "animator", ani); // Setup our callbacks. ecore_evas_callback_delete_request_set(ourGlobals.ee, _on_delete); edje_object_signal_callback_add(ourGlobals.edje, "*", "game_*", _edje_signal_cb, &ourGlobals); } ecore_main_loop_begin(); PD("Fell out of the main loop"); if (ourGlobals.server) ecore_con_server_del(ourGlobals.server); if (ourGlobals.serverLuaSL) ecore_con_server_del(ourGlobals.serverLuaSL); if (ourGlobals.ui) { ecore_animator_del(ani); ecore_evas_free(ourGlobals.ee); } } edje_shutdown(); } else PC("Failed to init edje!"); ecore_evas_shutdown(); } else PC("Failed to init ecore_evas!"); } else PC("Failed to add server!"); } else PC("Failed to connect to server!"); ecore_con_shutdown(); } else PC("Failed to init ecore_con!"); } else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init eina!"); PD("Falling out of main()"); return result; }