/* Runnr - a library that deals with running Lua scripts. */ #include "LumbrJack.h" #include "Runnr.h" static Ecore_Idle_Enterer *enterer; static Eina_Clist scripts; static int _send(lua_State *L); static int _receive(lua_State *L); static void _cancel(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread); static const struct luaL_reg runnrFunctions[] = { { "send", _send }, { "receive", _receive }, { NULL, NULL } }; void dumpStack(lua_State *L, int i) { int type = lua_type(L, i); const char *t = lua_typename(L, type); printf("Stack %d is %s", i, t); switch (type) { case LUA_TNONE : break; case LUA_TNIL : break; case LUA_TBOOLEAN : printf(" - %d", lua_toboolean(L, i)); break; case LUA_TNUMBER : printf(" - %f", lua_tonumber(L, i)); break; case LUA_TSTRING : printf(" - %s", lua_tostring(L, i)); break; case LUA_TFUNCTION : break; case LUA_TTHREAD : break; case LUA_TTABLE : { int j; lua_getfield(L, i, "_NAME"); j = lua_gettop(L); if (lua_isstring(L, j)) printf(" - %s", lua_tostring(L, j)); lua_pop(L, 1); break; } case LUA_TUSERDATA : break; case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA : break; default : printf("- unknown!"); break; } printf("\n"); } static int traceBack(lua_State *L) { lua_Debug ar; int i, top = lua_gettop(L), b = 1; // printf("Stack is %d deep\n", top); // for (i = 1; i <= top; i++) // dumpStack(L, i); if (top) printf("Lua error - %s\n", lua_tostring(L, 1)); i = 0; while (lua_getstack(L, i++, &ar)) { if (lua_getinfo(L, "nSlu", &ar)) { if (NULL == ar.name) ar.name = "DUNNO"; printf(" Lua backtrace %d - %s %s %s @ %s : %d\n", i, ar.what, ar.namewhat, ar.name, ar.short_src, ar.currentline); b = 0; } else printf(" Failed to get trace line!\n"); } if (b) printf(" NO BACKTRACE!\n"); return 0; } static void printLuaError(int err, char *string, lua_State *L) { const char *err_type; switch (err) { case LUA_ERRRUN: err_type = "runtime"; break; case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: err_type = "syntax"; break; case LUA_ERRMEM: err_type = "memory allocation"; break; case LUA_ERRERR: err_type = "error handler"; break; default: err_type = "unknown"; break; } printf("Error running - %s, \n %s - %s\n", string, err_type, lua_tostring(L, -1)); } static int panics = 0; static int _panic(lua_State *L) // Stack usage [-0, +0, m] { // If we somehow manage to have multiple panics, it's likely due to being out // of memory in the following lua_tostring() call. panics++; if (panics) printf("Lua PANICS!!!!!"); else printf("Lua PANIC!!!!!: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); // Stack usage [-0, +0, m] // The docs say that this will cause an exit(EXIT_FAILURE) if we return, // and that we we should long jump some where to avoid that. This is only // called for things not called from a protected environment. We always // use pcalls though, except for the library load calls. If we can't load // the standard libraries, then perhaps a crash is the right thing. // // The above is not true when we deal with the threaded stuff, that uses lua_resume(). return 0; } void printScriptsStatus() { int active, pending_total, pending_feedback, pending_short, available; active = ecore_thread_active_get(); pending_total = ecore_thread_pending_total_get(); pending_feedback = ecore_thread_pending_feedback_get(); pending_short = ecore_thread_pending_get(); available = ecore_thread_available_get(); printf("Scripts - active %d available %d pending short jobs %d pending feedback jobs %d pending total %d\n", active, available, pending_short, pending_feedback, pending_total); } void doLuaString(lua_State *L, char *string, char *module) { int _T, _A, err; lua_pushcfunction(L, traceBack); _T = lua_gettop(L); if (luaL_loadstring(L, string)) { const char *err = lua_tostring(L, 1); printf("Error parsing - %s, ERROR %s", string, err); } else { _A = lua_gettop(L); if (module) { lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, module); // Consistancy would be good, just sayin'. if (0 == lua_setfenv(L, _A)) { printf("Error setting environment for - %s", string); return; } } //printf("doLuaString(%s)\n", string); if ((err = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, _T))) printLuaError(err, string, L); } } static void _stopScript(script *s) { scriptMessage *sm0, *sm1; //printf("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_stop(, %s)\n", s->name); if (s->L) lua_close(s->L); s->L = NULL; if (s->timer) ecore_timer_del(s->timer); s->timer = NULL; EINA_CLIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(sm0, sm1, &(s->messages), scriptMessage, node) { eina_clist_remove(&(sm0->node)); free(sm0); } s->status = RUNNR_NOT_STARTED; } static void _workerFunction(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { script *s = data; scriptMessage *msg = NULL; const char *message = NULL; takeScript(s); // if (RUNNR_FINISHED == s->status) // { // releaseScript(s); // return; // } // The documentation is not clear on which thread is which inside and out, // but states that at least for some they are different. // So store the internal one as well. #if THREADIT s->me = thread; #endif if (RUNNR_RESET == s->status) _stopScript(s); if (RUNNR_READY == s->status) { //printf("_workerFunction() READY %s\n", s->name); if ((msg = (scriptMessage *) eina_clist_head(&(s->messages)))) { eina_clist_remove(&(msg->node)); message = msg->message; if (s->L) s->status = RUNNR_RUNNING; else s->status = RUNNR_NOT_STARTED; } } if (RUNNR_NOT_STARTED == s->status) { int err; //printf("_workerFunction() STARTING %s\n", s->name); s->status = RUNNR_RUNNING; s->L = luaL_newstate(); // Sets a standard allocator and panic function. lua_atpanic(s->L, _panic); // TODO - Set our allocator here. luaL_openlibs(s->L); luaL_register(s->L, "Runnr", runnrFunctions); // Store the script struct in its own Lua state, lua_pushlightuserdata(s->L, s); lua_setfield(s->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_SELF"); err = luaL_loadfile(s->L, s->binName); if (err != 0) s->status = RUNNR_FINISHED; gettimeofday(&s->startTime, NULL); } releaseScript(s); if (RUNNR_RUNNING == s->status) { int stat; //printf("_workerFunction() RUNNING %s %s\n", s->name, message); // Resume running the script. // lua_resume() needs a Lua thread, and the initial Lua state is a thread. // Other Lua threads have their own state, but share the environment with the initial state. // In theory lua_resume() is a pcall. if (message) lua_pushstring(s->L, message); stat = lua_resume(s->L, (message) ? 1 : 0); free(msg); takeScript(s); // If the script finished. if (stat == 0) s->status = RUNNR_FINISHED; else if (stat != LUA_YIELD) { printf("lua_resume error at %s\n", s->name); printLuaError(stat, s->name, s->L); s->status = RUNNR_FINISHED; } else { if (eina_clist_count(&s->messages) == 0) s->status = RUNNR_WAIT; else s->status = RUNNR_READY; } releaseScript(s); } takeScript(s); // Start again from the top when Ecore_Thread has a spare thread ready, unless the script finished. if (RUNNR_FINISHED == s->status) { //printf("_workerFunction() FINISHED %s\n", s->name); #if THREADIT ecore_thread_cancel(thread); #else _cancel(s, NULL); #endif } else if (RUNNR_WAIT == s->status) { ;//printf("_workerFunction() WAIT %s\n", s->name); } #if THREADIT else if (RUNNR_READY == s->status) ecore_thread_reschedule(thread); #endif releaseScript(s); } static void _notify(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread, void *message) { script *s = data; if (s->send2server) s->send2server(s, message); free(message); } static void _cancel(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { script *s = data; takeScript(s); _stopScript(s); s->status = RUNNR_FINISHED; eina_clist_remove(&(s->node)); if (s->SID[0]) ecore_thread_global_data_del(s->SID); s->SID[0] = 0; //printf("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_del(, %s)\n", s->name); // TODO - Perhaps have our own deletion callback to pass back? releaseScript(s); #if THREADIT eina_lock_free(&s->mutex); #endif free(s); } #if THREADIT static void _end(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { } #endif static Eina_Bool _enterer(void *data) { script *s, *s1; EINA_CLIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(s, s1, &(scripts), script, node) { takeScript(s); if ((RUNNR_WAIT == s->status) && (eina_clist_count(&s->messages))) { s->status = RUNNR_READY; #if THREADIT ecore_thread_feedback_run(_workerFunction, _notify, _end, _cancel, s, EINA_FALSE); #else _workerFunction(s, NULL); #endif } if ((RUNNR_RESET == s->status) || (RUNNR_READY == s->status) || (RUNNR_RUNNING == s->status) || (RUNNR_NOT_STARTED == s->status)) { #if THREADIT ecore_thread_feedback_run(_workerFunction, _notify, _end, _cancel, s, EINA_FALSE); #else _workerFunction(s, NULL); #endif } releaseScript(s); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } script *scriptAdd(char *file, char *SID, RunnrServerCb send2server, void *data) { script *result; if (!enterer) { eina_clist_init(&(scripts)); enterer = ecore_idler_add(_enterer, NULL); } result = calloc(1, sizeof(script)); gettimeofday(&result->startTime, NULL); strcpy(result->SID, SID); result->status = RUNNR_NOT_STARTED; result->data = data; result->send2server = send2server; strncpy(result->fileName, file, sizeof(result->fileName)); result->name = &result->fileName[strlen(prefix_data_get())]; sprintf(result->binName, "%s.lua.out", result->fileName); #if THREADIT eina_lock_new(&result->mutex); #endif eina_clist_init(&(result->messages)); ecore_thread_global_data_add(result->SID, result, NULL, EINA_FALSE); eina_clist_add_tail(&(scripts), &(result->node)); return result; } static int luaWriter(lua_State *L, const void* p, size_t sz, void* ud) { FILE *out = ud; int result = 0; if (sz != fwrite(p, 1, sz, out)) result = -1; return result; } // TODO - This didn't help the compile time much, perhaps move the rest of the compiling stage into this thread as a callback? static void _compileNotify(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread, void *message) { LuaCompiler *compiler = data; if (compiler->cb) compiler->cb(compiler); } // TODO - Should pass error messages back through a linked list. // To eventually get passed back to the calling app via compiler->cb static void _compileThread(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { LuaCompiler *compiler = data; char name[PATH_MAX]; lua_State *L; FILE *out; int err; if (compiler->parser) compiler->parser(compiler); strcpy(name, compiler->luaName); if ((L = luaL_newstate())) { luaL_openlibs(L); // This ends up pushing a function onto the stack. The function is the compiled code. err = luaL_loadfile(L, name); if (err) { compiler->bugCount++; if (LUA_ERRSYNTAX == err) printf("Lua syntax error in %s: %s\n", name, lua_tostring(L, -1)); else if (LUA_ERRFILE == err) printf("Lua compile file error in %s: %s\n", name, lua_tostring(L, -1)); else if (LUA_ERRMEM == err) printf("Lua compile memory allocation error in %s: %s\n", name, lua_tostring(L, -1)); } else { // Write the compiled code to a file. strcat(name, ".out"); out = fopen(name, "w"); if (out) { err = lua_dump(L, luaWriter, out); if (err) { compiler->bugCount++; printf("Lua compile file error writing to %s\n", name); } fclose(out); } else { compiler->bugCount++; printf("CRITICAL! Unable to open file %s for writing!\n", name); } } } else { compiler->bugCount++; printf("Can't create a new Lua state!\n"); } if (thread) ecore_thread_feedback(thread, compiler); else _compileNotify(compiler, thread, NULL); } void compileScript(LuaCompiler *compiler, int threadIt) { if (threadIt) ecore_thread_feedback_run(_compileThread, _compileNotify, NULL, NULL, compiler, EINA_FALSE); else _compileThread(compiler, NULL); } // Assumes the scripts mutex is taken already. void runScript(script *s) { #if THREADIT if ((RUNNR_NOT_STARTED == s->status) || (RUNNR_FINISHED == s->status)) #endif { #if THREADIT ecore_thread_feedback_run(_workerFunction, _notify, _end, _cancel, s, EINA_FALSE); #else _workerFunction(s, NULL); #endif } } void resetScript(script *s) { takeScript(s); s->status = RUNNR_RESET; releaseScript(s); } script *getScript(char *SID) { script *result = ecore_thread_global_data_find(SID); if (result) { takeScript(result); if (RUNNR_FINISHED == result->status) { releaseScript(result); result = NULL; } } return result; } void takeScript(script *s) { #if THREADIT Eina_Lock_Result result = eina_lock_take(&s->mutex); if (EINA_LOCK_DEADLOCK == result) printf("Script %s IS DEADLOCKED!\n", s->name); if (EINA_LOCK_FAIL == result) printf("Script %s LOCK FAILED!\n", s->name); #endif } void releaseScript(script *s) { #if THREADIT eina_lock_release(&s->mutex); #endif } void send2script(const char *SID, const char *message) { if (SID) { script *s = ecore_thread_global_data_find(SID); if (s) { takeScript(s); if (RUNNR_FINISHED != s->status) { scriptMessage *sm = NULL; if ((sm = malloc(sizeof(scriptMessage)))) { runnrStatus stat; sm->s = s; strcpy((char *) sm->message, message); eina_clist_add_tail(&(s->messages), &(sm->node)); stat = s->status; s->status = RUNNR_READY; if (RUNNR_WAIT == stat) #if THREADIT ecore_thread_feedback_run(_workerFunction, _notify, _end, _cancel, s, EINA_FALSE); #else _workerFunction(s, NULL); #endif } } releaseScript(s); } } } static script *_getSelf(lua_State *L) { script *s; lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_SELF"); s = (script *) lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); return s; } static int _send(lua_State *L) { script *self = _getSelf(L); const char *SID = NULL, *message = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (lua_isstring(L, 1)) SID = lua_tostring(L, 1); if (SID) send2script(SID, message); else { takeScript(self); #if THREADIT ecore_thread_feedback(self->me, strdup(message)); #else _notify(self, NULL, strdup(message)); #endif releaseScript(self); } return 0; } static int _receive(lua_State *L) { script *self = _getSelf(L); takeScript(self); self->status = RUNNR_WAIT; releaseScript(self); return lua_yield(L, 0); } // These are what the various symbols are for each type - // int % // num # // str $ // bool ! // C func & // lightuserdata * // table.field @ Expects an integer and a string. // nil ~ // table {} Starts and stops filling up a new table. // ( Just syntax sugar for call. // call ) Expects an integer, the number of results left after the call. // TODO: Still to do, if we ever use them - // table Some way to specify an arbitrary table, though this sucks, coz C can't deal with them easily. // stack = Get a value from the stack, expects a stack index. // userdata + // thread ^ static char *_push_name(lua_State *L, char *q, int *idx) // Stack usage [-0, +1, e or m] { char *p = q; char temp = '\0'; // A simplistic scan through an identifier, it's wrong, but it's quick, // and we don't mind that it's wrong, coz this is only internal. while (isalnum((int)*q)) q++; temp = *q; *q = '\0'; if (*idx > 0) lua_getfield(L, *idx, p); // Stack usage [-0, +1, e] else { if (p != q) lua_pushstring(L, p); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] else { lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number) (0 - (*idx))); (*idx)--; } } *q = temp; return q; } /* It's the callers job to stash things safely before returning from the Lua to C function call. * Coz things like strings might go away after the stack is freed. */ int pull_lua(lua_State *L, int i, char *params, ...) // Stack usage - // if i is a table // [-n, +n, e] // else // [-0, +0, -] { va_list vl; char *f = strdup(params); char *p = f; int n = 0, j = i, count = 0; Eina_Bool table = EINA_FALSE; if (!f) return -1; va_start(vl, params); if (lua_istable(L, i)) // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] { j = -1; table = EINA_TRUE; } while (*p) { char *q; Eina_Bool get = EINA_TRUE; while (isspace((int)*p)) p++; q = p + 1; switch (*p) { case '%': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, e] if (lua_isnumber(L, j)) // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] { int *v = va_arg(vl, int *); *v = lua_tointeger(L, j); // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] n++; } break; } case '#': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, e] if (lua_isnumber(L, j)) // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] { double *v = va_arg(vl, double *); *v = lua_tonumber(L, j); // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] n++; } break; } case '$': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, e] if (lua_isstring(L, j)) // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] { char **v = va_arg(vl, char **); // We could strdup the string, but that causes leaks. // The problem is that the caller doesn't know if we allocated or not, // since the incoming pointer could already be pointing to a default value. // Lua says the string is valid until it's popped off the stack, // and this is used only in calls to C functions from Lua. // So just document that it's the callers job to stash it safely if needed after returning. *v = (char *) lua_tostring(L, j); n++; } break; } case '!': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, e] if (lua_isboolean(L, j)) // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] { int *v = va_arg(vl, int *); *v = lua_toboolean(L, j); // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] n++; } break; } case '*': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, e] if (lua_islightuserdata(L, j)) // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] { void **v = va_arg(vl, void **); *v = lua_touserdata(L, j); // Stack usage [-0, +0, -] n++; } break; } default: { get = EINA_FALSE; break; } } if (get) { if (table) { // If this is a table, then we pushed a value on the stack, pop it off. lua_pop(L, 1); // Stack usage [-n, +0, -] } else j++; count++; } p = q; } va_end(vl); free(f); if (count > n) n = 0; else if (table) n = 1; return n; } int push_lua(lua_State *L, char *params, ...) // Stack usage [-0, +n, em] { va_list vl; char *f = strdup(params); char *p = f; int n = 0, table = 0, i = -1, needTrace = 0, _T; if (!f) return -1; // Scan ahead looking for ), so we know to put the traceBack function on the stack first. while (*p) { p++; if ('0' == *p) { lua_pushcfunction(L, traceBack); _T = lua_gettop(L); needTrace = 1; break; } } p = f; va_start(vl, params); while (*p) { char *q; Eina_Bool set = EINA_TRUE; while (isspace((int)*p)) p++; q = p + 1; switch (*p) { case '%': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_pushinteger(L, va_arg(vl, int)); // Stack usage [-0, +1, -] break; } case '#': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_pushnumber(L, va_arg(vl, double)); // Stack usage [-0, +1, -] break; } case '$': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] char *t = va_arg(vl, char *); //printf("push_lua %s string %s\n", p, t); lua_pushstring(L, t); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] break; } case '!': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_pushboolean(L, va_arg(vl, int)); // Stack usage [-0, +1, -] break; } case '=': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_pushvalue(L, va_arg(vl, int)); // Stack usage [-0, +1, -] break; } case '@': { int tabl = va_arg(vl, int); char *field = va_arg(vl, char *); if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_getfield(L, tabl, field); // Stack usage [-0, +1, e] break; } case '*': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_pushlightuserdata(L, va_arg(vl, void *)); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] break; } case '&': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_pushcfunction(L, va_arg(vl, void *)); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] break; } case '~': { if (table) q = _push_name(L, q, &i); // Stack usage [-0, +1, m] lua_pushnil(L); // Stack usage [-0, +1, -] break; } case '(': // Just syntax sugar. { set = EINA_FALSE; break; } case ')': { int err; if ((err = lua_pcall(L, n - 1, va_arg(vl, int), _T))) printLuaError(err, params, L); n = 0; set = EINA_FALSE; break; } case '{': { lua_newtable(L); table++; n++; set = EINA_FALSE; break; } case '}': { table--; set = EINA_FALSE; break; } default: { set = EINA_FALSE; break; } } if (set) { if (table > 0) lua_settable(L, -3); // Stack usage [-2, +0, e] else n++; } p = q; } va_end(vl); if (needTrace) lua_remove(L, _T); free(f); return n; }