#ifndef __LUASL_TREE_H__ #define __LUASL_TREE_H__ #define LUASL_DEBUG 0 #define COMPILE_THREADED 1 #define COMPILE_OUTPUT 0 #define LUASL_DIFF_CHECK 0 #define LUASL_BAD_CHECK 1 #include // So we can have NULL defined. #include #include #include #include "assert.h" #include #include #include #include // For PATH_MAX. #include "LuaSL_lemon_yaccer.h" #define YYERRCODE 256 #define YYDEBUG 1 // http://w-hat.com/stackdepth is a useful discussion about some aspects of the LL parser. typedef struct _allowedTypes allowedTypes; typedef struct _LSL_Token LSL_Token; typedef struct _LSL_Text LSL_Text; typedef struct _LSL_Leaf LSL_Leaf; typedef struct _LSL_Numby LSL_Numby; typedef struct _LSL_Parenthesis LSL_Parenthesis; typedef struct _LSL_Identifier LSL_Identifier; typedef struct _LSL_Statement LSL_Statement; typedef struct _LSL_Block LSL_Block; typedef struct _LSL_Function LSL_Function; typedef struct _LSL_FunctionCall LSL_FunctionCall; typedef struct _LSL_State LSL_State; typedef struct _LSL_Script LSL_Script; extern LSL_Token **tokens; extern int lowestToken; extern int logDom; // Our logging domain. typedef int LSL_Type; typedef enum { OM_LSL, OM_LUA } outputMode; typedef void (*outputToken) (FILE *file, outputMode mode, LSL_Leaf *content); typedef enum { LSL_NONE = 0, LSL_LEFT2RIGHT = 1, LSL_RIGHT2LEFT = 2, LSL_INNER2OUTER = 4, LSL_UNARY = 8, LSL_ASSIGNMENT = 16, LSL_CREATION = 32, LSL_NOIGNORE = 64, LSL_TYPE = 128 } LSL_Flags; // VERY IMPORTANT to keep this in sync with allowedTypes allowed[] from LuaSL_compile.c! typedef enum { OT_nothing, OT_bool, OT_integer, OT_float, OT_key, OT_list, OT_rotation, OT_string, OT_vector, OT_other, OT_boolBool, OT_intBool, OT_intInt, OT_intFloat, OT_floatInt, OT_floatFloat, OT_keyKey, OT_keyString, OT_stringKey, OT_stringString, OT_listList, OT_listBool, OT_listInt, OT_listFloat, OT_listString, OT_intList, OT_floatList, OT_listOther, OT_vectorVector, OT_vectorFloat, OT_vectorRotation, OT_rotationRotation, OT_otherOther, OT_undeclared, OT_invalid } opType; typedef enum { ST_NONE = 0, ST_ASSIGNMENT = 1, // -= *= /= ST_BIT_NOT = 2, // ~ ST_BOOL_NOT = 4, // ! ST_BITWISE = 8, // & | ^ << >> ST_BOOLEAN = 16, // && !! ST_COMPARISON = 32, // < > <= >= ST_CONCATENATION = 64, // = += ST_EQUALITY = 128, // == != ST_ADD = 512, // + ST_SUBTRACT = 1024, // - ST_NEGATE = 2048, // - ST_MULTIPLY = 4096, // * / ST_MODULO = 8192 // % %= } opSubType; typedef enum { MF_NONE = 0, MF_LOCAL = 1, MF_NOASSIGN = 2, // These two are for completely different purposes. This one is for variable definitions with no assignment. MF_ASSIGNEXP = 4, // These two are for completely different purposes. This one is for assignments being used as expressions. MF_WRAPFUNC = 8, MF_PREDEC = 16, MF_PREINC = 32, MF_POSTDEC = 64, MF_POSTINC = 128, MF_LSLCONST = 256, MF_TYPECAST = 512 } miscFlags; struct _allowedTypes { opType result; const char *name; int subTypes; }; struct _LSL_Token { LSL_Type type; opSubType subType; const char *toKen; LSL_Flags flags; outputToken output; }; struct _LSL_Text { const char *text; #if LUASL_DIFF_CHECK Eina_Strbuf *ignorable; #endif }; struct _LSL_Leaf { LSL_Leaf *left; LSL_Leaf *right; LSL_Token *toKen; #if LUASL_DIFF_CHECK Eina_Strbuf *ignorable; #endif int line, column, len; opType basicType; miscFlags flags; union { float floatValue; float vectorValue[3]; float rotationValue[4]; int integerValue; LSL_Numby *numbyValue; LSL_Leaf *listValue; const char *stringValue; opType operationValue; LSL_Parenthesis *parenthesis; LSL_Identifier *identifierValue; LSL_Statement *statementValue; LSL_Block *blockValue; LSL_Function *functionValue; LSL_FunctionCall *functionCallValue; LSL_State *stateValue; LSL_Script *scriptValue; } value; }; struct _LSL_Numby { LSL_Text text; LSL_Type type; union { float floatValue; int integerValue; } value; }; struct _LSL_Parenthesis { LSL_Leaf *contents; #if LUASL_DIFF_CHECK Eina_Strbuf *rightIgnorable; #endif LSL_Type type; miscFlags flags; }; struct _LSL_Identifier // For variables and function parameters. { LSL_Text name; LSL_Statement *definition; Eina_Strbuf *ignorable; const char *sub; LSL_Leaf value; miscFlags flags; }; struct _LSL_Statement { Eina_Clist statement; // For block statement lists, this is the entry. LSL_Text identifier; LSL_Parenthesis *parenthesis; LSL_Leaf *expressions; // A for statement will have three expressions, and two semicolons, everything else has zero or one. LSL_Block *block; LSL_Statement *single; // For single statement "blocks". LSL_Statement *elseBlock; LSL_Type type; // Expression type. #if LUASL_DIFF_CHECK Eina_Strbuf **ignorable; // Can be up to five of these I think. #endif miscFlags flags; }; struct _LSL_Block { LSL_Block *outerBlock; Eina_Clist statements; // For statement lists, this is the HEAD. Eina_Hash *variables; // Those variables in this scope. LSL_Function *function; // A pointer to the function if this block is a function. #if LUASL_DIFF_CHECK Eina_Strbuf *openIgnorable; Eina_Strbuf *closeIgnorable; #endif }; struct _LSL_Function { LSL_Text name; LSL_Text type; const char *state; #if LUASL_DIFF_CHECK // LSL_Leaf *params; // So we store the parenthesis, and their ignorables. // This points to the params leaf, which is a function, pointing to this structure. The actual params are in vars. #endif Eina_Inarray vars; // Eina Inarray has not been released yet (Eina 1.2). LSL_Block *block; miscFlags flags; }; struct _LSL_FunctionCall { LSL_Function *function; Eina_Inarray params; // Eina Inarray has not been released yet (Eina 1.2). Eina_Clist dangler; // Entry for function calls used before the function is defined. LSL_Leaf *call; // This is to stash the details for dangling ones, to search later. // The line and column details are needed for bitching, so we need the leaf. // Also need the stringValue for the search. // On top of all that, the leaf is still used in expressions, so need to keep it around and update it when resolving danglers. }; struct _LSL_State { LSL_Text name; LSL_Text state; LSL_Block *block; Eina_Hash *handlers; }; struct _LSL_Script { const char *name; Eina_Hash *functions; Eina_Hash *states; Eina_Hash *variables; int warningCount; }; /* Tracking variables. There are global variables, block local variables, and function parameters. For outputting Lua, which is the ultimate goal - track order, name, and type. For looking them up during the compile - quick access from name. For validating them during compile - track type. For outputting LSL to double check - track order, name, type, and white space. For executing directly from the AST - track order, name, type, and value. In this case, order is only important for functions. We can assume that names are stringshared. This means we only have to compare pointers. It also means the same name stored at diffferent scopes, must be stored in separate structures, coz the pointers are the same. Order is taken care of by the AST anyway, but for somethings we want to condense the AST down to something more efficient. On the other hand, no need to micro optimise it just yet, we should be able to try out other data structures at a later date, then benchmark them with typical scripts. Right now I see nothing wrong with the current use of hash for script and block variables. The same for script states and functions, as well as state functions. Though in the near future, they will have similar problems to functions I think - the need to track order and white space. Function params got unwieldy. Cleaned that up now. */ /* General design. NOTE We can remove the white space tracking at compile time, as it's only a debugging aid. Will be a performance and memory gain for productidon use. Tracking values on the other hand will still be useful for constants. The compile process starts with turning tokens into AST nodes connected in a tree. During that process the parser wants to condense nodes down to more efficient data structures. This is a good idea, as we will spend a fair amount of time looking up names, no matter which part of the process is important at the time. Once the parser has condensed things down, it only deals with the condensed nodes. So we can get rid of some of the AST parts at this time, so long as we keep the relevant information. This is what the other data structures above are for. Lemon tries to free the no longer needed AST nodes itself, even if we are still using them internally. Need to do something about that. */ // Define the type for flex and lemon. #define YYSTYPE LSL_Leaf typedef struct { LuaCompiler *compiler; void *scanner; // This should be of type yyscan_t, which is typedef to void * anyway, but that does not get defined until LuaSL_lexer.h, which depends on this struct being defined first. LSL_Leaf *ast; LSL_Script script; LSL_State state; #if LUASL_DIFF_CHECK Eina_Strbuf *ignorable; #endif LSL_Leaf *lval; LSL_Block *currentBlock; LSL_Function *currentFunction; Eina_Clist danglingCalls; // HEAD for function calls used before the function is defined. int column, line; int undeclared; boolean inState; } LuaSL_compiler; #ifndef excludeLexer #include "LuaSL_lexer.h" #endif void finishMessage(LuaCompile *compiler, compileMessage *message, int type, int column, int line); boolean compilerSetup(gameGlobals *ourGlobals); void compileLSL(LuaCompiler *compiler); void burnLeaf(void *data); LSL_Leaf *addBlock(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *right); LSL_Leaf *addCrement(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *variable, LSL_Leaf *crement, LSL_Type type); LSL_Leaf *addFor(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *flow, LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *expr0, LSL_Leaf *stat0, LSL_Leaf *expr1, LSL_Leaf *stat1, LSL_Leaf *expr2, LSL_Leaf *right, LSL_Leaf *block); LSL_Leaf *addFunction(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *open, LSL_Leaf *params, LSL_Leaf *close); LSL_Leaf *addFunctionBody(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *function, LSL_Leaf *block); LSL_Leaf *addFunctionCall(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *open, LSL_Leaf *params, LSL_Leaf *close); LSL_Leaf *addIfElse(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *ifBlock, LSL_Leaf *elseBlock); LSL_Leaf *addList(LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *list, LSL_Leaf *right); LSL_Leaf *addNumby(LSL_Leaf *numby); LSL_Leaf *addOperation(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *right); LSL_Leaf *addParameter(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *newParam); LSL_Leaf *addParenthesis(LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *expr, LSL_Type type, LSL_Leaf *rval); LSL_Leaf *addRotVec(LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *list, LSL_Leaf *right); LSL_Leaf *addState(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *state, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *block); LSL_Leaf *addStatement(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *flow, LSL_Leaf *left, LSL_Leaf *expr, LSL_Leaf *right, LSL_Leaf *block, LSL_Leaf *identifier); LSL_Leaf *addTypecast(LSL_Leaf *lval, LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *rval, LSL_Leaf *expr); LSL_Leaf *addVariable(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *type, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *assignment, LSL_Leaf *expr); LSL_Leaf *beginBlock(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *block); LSL_Leaf *checkVariable(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *identifier, LSL_Leaf *dot, LSL_Leaf *sub); LSL_Leaf *collectArguments(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *list, LSL_Leaf *comma, LSL_Leaf *arg); LSL_Leaf *collectParameters(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *list, LSL_Leaf *comma, LSL_Leaf *newParam); LSL_Leaf *collectStatements(LuaSL_compiler *compiler, LSL_Leaf *list, LSL_Leaf *newStatement); void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t)); void ParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt); void Parse(void *yyp, int yymajor, LSL_Leaf *yyminor, LuaSL_compiler *compiler); void ParseFree(void *p, void (*freeProc)(void*)); #endif // __LUASL_LSL_TREE_H__