/* Should be a Lua skang module, roughly the same as test.lua Seems to be several problems with linking in various OSes, here's some possibly helpful links - http://lua.2524044.n2.nabble.com/C-Lua-modules-not-compatible-with-every-Lua-interpreter-td7647522.html http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaProxyDllFour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492194/how-do-you-create-a-lua-plugin-that-calls-the-c-lua-api?rq=1 http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-01/msg00671.html */ #include "LumbrJack.h" #include "GuiLua.h" static const char *ourName = "test_c"; int skang, _M; static int cfunc (lua_State *L) { double arg1 = luaL_checknumber(L, 1); const char *arg2 = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); PI("Inside %s.cfunc(%f, %s)\n", ourName, arg1, arg2); return 0; } /* local test_c = require 'test_c' Lua's require() function will strip any stuff from the front of the name separated by a hyphen, so 'ClientHamr-GuiLua-test_c' -> 'test_c'. Then it will search through a path, and eventually find this test_c.so (or test_c.dll or whatever), then call luaopen_test_c(), which should return a table. The argument (only thing on the stack) for this function will be 'test_c'. Normally luaL_register() creates a table of functions, that is the table returned, but we want to do something different with skang. */ int luaopen_test_c(lua_State *L) { // In theory, the only thing on the stack now is 'test_c' from the require() call. // pseudo-indices, special tables that can be accessed like the stack - // LUA_GLOBALSINDEX - thread environment, where globals are // LUA_ENVIRONINDEX - C function environment, in this case luaopen_test_c() is the C function // LUA_REGISTRYINDEX - C registry, global, for unique keys use the module name as a string, or a lightuserdata address to a C object in our module. // lua_upvalueindex(n) - C function upvalues // The only locals we care about are skang and _M. // All modules go into package.loaded[name] as well. // skang is essentially a global anyway. // _M we pass back as the result, and our functions get added to it by skang.thingasm() // Not entirely true, _M is a proxy table, getmetatable(_M).__values[cfunc] would be our function. // local skang = require 'skang' lua_getglobal(L, "require"); lua_pushstring(L, SKANG); lua_call(L, 1, 1); lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, SKANG); lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, SKANG); skang = lua_gettop(L); // local _M = skang.moduleBegin('test_c', nil, 'Copyright 2014 David Seikel', '0.1', '2014-03-27 03:57:00', nil, false) push_lua(L, "@ ( $ ~ $ $ $ ~ ! )", skang, MODULEBEGIN, ourName, "Copyright 2014 David Seikel", "0.1", "2014-03-27 03:57:00", 0, 1); _M = lua_gettop(L); // This uses function{} style. // skang.thingasm{_M, 'cfooble,c', 'cfooble help text', 1, widget=\"'edit', 'The cfooble:', 1, 1, 10, 50\", required=true} push_lua(L, "@ ( { = $ $ % $widget !required } )", skang, THINGASM, _M, "cfooble,c", "cfooble help text", 1, "'edit', 'The cfooble:', 1, 1, 10, 50", 1, 0); // skang.thing(_M, 'cbar', 'Help text', 'Default') push_lua(L, "@ ( = $ $ $ )", skang, THINGASM, _M, "cbar", "Help text", "Default", 0); // skang.thingasm(_M, 'cfoo') push_lua(L, "@ ( = $ )", skang, THINGASM, _M, "cfoo", 0); // skang.thingasm(_M, 'cfunc', 'cfunc does nothing really', cfunc, 'number,string') push_lua(L, "@ ( = $ $ & $ )", skang, THINGASM, _M, "cfunc", "cfunc does nothing really", cfunc, "number,string", 0); // skang.moduleEnd(_M) push_lua(L, "@ ( = )", skang, MODULEEND, _M, 0); // Return _M, the table itself, not the index. return 1; }