//Imported by X-Avatar.de //MPLV2 Version 2.3 by Learjeff Innis, based on //MLP MULTI-LOVE-POSE V1.2 - Copyright (c) 2006, by Miffy Fluffy (BSD License) // v2.2 - rotate all props // This script handles props (object rezzed for a given pose) integer Checking = FALSE; // whether doing consistency check integer Line; integer PoseCount; list Poses; // name of each pose with a prop list Positions; // position of prop, indexed as Poses list Props; // name of each prop object, indexed as Poses string Pose; // current pose name integer ChatChan; // chan for talking to object init() { ChatChan = - 1 - (integer)llFrand(-DEBUG_CHANNEL); getRefPos(); } vector RefPos; rotation RefRot; getRefPos() { //reference position RefPos = llGetPos(); RefRot = llGetRot(); integer z = (integer)llGetObjectDesc(); RefPos.z += (float)z/100.0; } string plural(string singular, string plural, integer count) { if (count != 1) { return plural; } return singular; } announce() { llOwnerSay((string)PoseCount + plural(" pose", " poses", PoseCount) + " with props (" + llGetScriptName() + ": " + (string)llGetFreeMemory() + " bytes free)"); } string adjust(integer doOffset, vector pos, vector erot, vector amt) { if (doOffset) { pos += amt/100.; return (vround(pos) + "/" + vround(erot)); } rotation amount = llEuler2Rot(amt * DEG_TO_RAD); erot *= DEG_TO_RAD; rotation oldrot = llEuler2Rot(erot); rotation newrot = oldrot / amount; erot = llRot2Euler(newrot) * RAD_TO_DEG; pos = pos / amount; return(vround(pos) + "/" + vround(erot)); } adjust_all(integer doOffset, vector amt) { integer ix; integer bx; string data; list ldata; vector pos; vector erot; for (ix = 0; ix < llGetListLength(Poses); ++ix) { data = llList2String(Positions, ix); ldata = llParseString2List(data, ["/"], []); pos = (vector)llList2String(ldata, 0); erot = (vector)llList2String(ldata, 1); data = adjust(doOffset, pos, erot, amt); Positions = llListReplaceList(Positions, (list)data, ix, ix); } llOwnerSay("Prop rotation complete"); } string roundData(string data) { list ldata = llParseString2List(data, ["/"], []); return (vround((vector)llList2String(ldata, 0)) + "/" + vround((vector)llList2String(ldata, 1))); } // round a vector's components and return as vector value string string vround(vector vec) { return ("<"+round(vec.x, 3)+","+round(vec.y, 3)+","+round(vec.z, 3)+">"); } string round(float number, integer places) { float shifted; integer rounded; string s; shifted = number * llPow(10.0,(float)places); rounded = llRound(shifted); s = (string)((float)rounded / llPow(10.0,(float)places)); s = llGetSubString(s,0,llSubStringIndex(s, ".")+places); return s; } add_prop(string pose, string prop, string data) { if (llListFindList(Props, (list)pose) != -1) { llOwnerSay("Multiple *.PROPS* entries for pose '" + pose + "'"); } if (llGetInventoryType(prop) != INVENTORY_OBJECT) { llOwnerSay("Warning: can't find prop '" + prop + "' in inventory"); } Poses = (list) pose; Props = (list) prop; Positions = (list) roundData(data); ++PoseCount; } string get_pose_data(string pose) { integer ix = llListFindList(Poses, (list)pose); if (ix == -1) { return ""; } return llList2String(Positions, ix); } save_prop(string pose, string prop, string data) { integer ix = llListFindList(Poses, [pose]); if (ix == -1) { // llSay(0, "new pose"); add_prop(pose, prop, data); // don't expect this to happen return; } // if the prop object name doesn't match, ignore it -- assume it's noise if (llList2String(Props, ix) != prop) { return; } // Data is the change in position since we rezzed it, in global coords // Convert delta to local axes list ldata = llParseString2List(data, ["/"], []); vector pos = (vector) llList2String(ldata, 0); rotation rot = (rotation)llList2String(ldata, 1); pos = pos / RefRot; vector erot = llRot2Euler(rot/RefRot) * RAD_TO_DEG; // Now add to saved data (since it was a delta) ldata = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(Positions, ix), ["/"], []); vector oldpos = (vector)llList2String(ldata, 0); pos += oldpos; data = vround(pos) + "/" + vround(erot); Props = llListReplaceList(Props, (list)prop, ix, ix); Positions = llListReplaceList(Positions, (list)data, ix, ix); string name = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(""); llOwnerSay("| " + pose + " | " + prop + " | " + data); llSetObjectName(name); } rez_prop(string pose) { llSay(ChatChan, "DIE"); integer ix = -1; //(integer)llListFindList(Poses, [pose]); integer ggt =0; for (ggt=0; ggt < llGetListLength(Poses); ggt++) { if (llList2String(Poses,ggt) == pose) { ix = ggt; ggt = llGetListLength(Poses); } } if (ix == -1) { Pose = ""; llSetTimerEvent(0.0); return; } string prop = llList2String(Props, ix); string data = llList2String(Positions, ix); list ldata = llParseString2List(data, ["/"], []); vector pos = (vector)llList2String(ldata, 0); vector erot = (vector)llList2String(ldata, 1); pos = pos * RefRot + RefPos; rotation rot = llEuler2Rot(erot*DEG_TO_RAD) * RefRot; // llSay(0, "rezzing '" + prop + "' at " + (string) pos); llRezAtRoot(prop, pos, <0.,0.,0.>, rot, ChatChan); llSetTimerEvent(60.0); Pose = pose; } dashes() { llOwnerSay("_______________________________________________________________________________"); llOwnerSay(""); } // Globals for reading card config integer ConfigLineIndex; list ConfigCards; // list of names of config cards string ConfigCardName; // name of card being read integer ConfigCardIndex; // index of next card to read key ConfigQueryId; integer next_card() { if (ConfigCardIndex >= llGetListLength(ConfigCards)) { ConfigCards = []; return (FALSE); } ConfigLineIndex = 0; ConfigCardName = llList2String(ConfigCards, ConfigCardIndex); ConfigCardIndex++; ConfigQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(ConfigCardName, ConfigLineIndex); llOwnerSay("Reading " + ConfigCardName); return (TRUE); } default { state_entry() { llSleep(0.25); // give ~run a chance to shut us down string item; ConfigCards = []; integer n = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); while (n-- > 0) { item = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, n); if (llSubStringIndex(item, ".PROPS") != -1) { ConfigCards = (list) item; } } ConfigCardIndex = 0; ConfigCards = llListSort(ConfigCards, 1, TRUE); next_card(); } dataserver(key query_id, string data2) { if (query_id != ConfigQueryId) { return; } if (data2 == EOF) { if (next_card()) { return; } state on; } string data3 = llStringTrim(data2, STRING_TRIM); if (llGetSubString(data3,0,0) != "/" && llStringLength(data3)) { // skip comments and blank lines list ldata = llParseStringKeepNulls(data3, [" | "," | "," | "," | "," |","| ","|"], []); if (llGetListLength(ldata) != 4) { llOwnerSay(llGetScriptName() + ": error in " + ConfigCardName + ":" + (string)ConfigLineIndex + " - need exactly 3 vertical bars - line ignored"); } else { string pose = llList2String(ldata, 1); string prop = llList2String(ldata, 2); string data = llStringTrim(llList2String(ldata, 3), STRING_TRIM); if (data3 == "") { data3 = "<0,0,1>/<0,0,0>"; } add_prop(pose, prop, data3); } } ++ConfigLineIndex; ConfigQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(ConfigCardName, ConfigLineIndex); //read next line of positions notecard } state_exit() { // do one save to indicate actual amount of available memory string position = llList2String(Positions, 0); Positions = llListReplaceList(Positions, [position],0,0); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 2, "OK", (key)""); //msg to menu, in case it's waiting for loading announce(); } } state re_on { state_entry() { state on; } } state on { state_entry() { init(); llListen(ChatChan, "", NULL_KEY, ""); } on_rez(integer arg) { state re_on; } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { // llSay(0, name + ": " + msg); if (Pose == "") { return; } save_prop(Pose, name, msg); announce(); } link_message(integer from, integer num, string str, key dkey) { if (str == "PRIMTOUCH" || num < 0) { return; } if (num == 0) { if (str == "POSEB") { rez_prop((string)dkey); return; } if (str == "REPOS") { getRefPos(); return; } return; } if (num != 1) { return; } if (str == "STOP") { llSay(ChatChan, "DIE"); Pose = ""; llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } if (str == "DUMPPROPS") { dashes(); llOwnerSay("Copy to .PROPS; delete any other *.PROPS* cards"); dashes(); string name = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(""); integer ix; for (ix = 0; ix < PoseCount; ++ix) { string pose = llList2String(Poses, ix); string prop = llList2String(Props, ix); llOwnerSay("| " + pose + " | " + prop + " | " + get_pose_data(pose)); } llSetObjectName(name); dashes(); } else if (llSubStringIndex(str, "REORIENT=") == 0) { // Reorient command (LINKMENU command from .MENUITEMS file) // str format: REORIENT=OFF= or REORIENT=ROT= (in degrees) list parms = llParseString2List(str, ["="], []); vector amount = (vector)llList2String(parms, 2); llWhisper(0, "Adjusting props, please wait"); if (llList2String(parms, 1) == "OFF") { adjust_all(TRUE, amount); } else { adjust_all(FALSE, amount); } llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, "AGAIN", (key)""); llWhisper(0, "Prop adjustment complete"); } else if (str == "SAVEPROP") { llSay(ChatChan, "SAVE"); } } timer() { llSay(ChatChan, "LIVE"); } }