---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaJIT ARM disassembler module. -- -- Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Mike Pall. All rights reserved. -- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is a helper module used by the LuaJIT machine code dumper module. -- -- It disassembles most user-mode ARMv7 instructions -- NYI: Advanced SIMD and VFP instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local type = type local sub, byte, format = string.sub, string.byte, string.format local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub local concat = table.concat local bit = require("bit") local band, bor, ror, tohex = bit.band, bit.bor, bit.ror, bit.tohex local lshift, rshift, arshift = bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Opcode maps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local map_loadc = { shift = 9, mask = 7, [5] = { shift = 0, mask = 0 -- NYI VFP load/store. }, _ = { shift = 0, mask = 0 -- NYI ldc, mcrr, mrrc. }, } local map_datac = { shift = 24, mask = 1, [0] = { shift = 9, mask = 7, [5] = { shift = 0, mask = 0 -- NYI VFP data. }, _ = { shift = 0, mask = 0 -- NYI cdp, mcr, mrc. }, }, "svcT", } local map_loadcu = { shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI unconditional CP load/store. } local map_datacu = { shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI unconditional CP data. } local map_simddata = { shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI SIMD data. } local map_simdload = { shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI SIMD load/store, preload. } local map_preload = { shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI preload. } local map_media = { shift = 20, mask = 31, [0] = false, { --01 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "sadd16DNM", "sasxDNM", "ssaxDNM", "ssub16DNM", "sadd8DNM", false, false, "ssub8DNM", }, { --02 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "qadd16DNM", "qasxDNM", "qsaxDNM", "qsub16DNM", "qadd8DNM", false, false, "qsub8DNM", }, { --03 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "shadd16DNM", "shasxDNM", "shsaxDNM", "shsub16DNM", "shadd8DNM", false, false, "shsub8DNM", }, false, { --05 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "uadd16DNM", "uasxDNM", "usaxDNM", "usub16DNM", "uadd8DNM", false, false, "usub8DNM", }, { --06 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "uqadd16DNM", "uqasxDNM", "uqsaxDNM", "uqsub16DNM", "uqadd8DNM", false, false, "uqsub8DNM", }, { --07 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "uhadd16DNM", "uhasxDNM", "uhsaxDNM", "uhsub16DNM", "uhadd8DNM", false, false, "uhsub8DNM", }, { --08 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "pkhbtDNMU", false, "pkhtbDNMU", { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "sxtb16DMU", _ = "sxtab16DNMU", }, "pkhbtDNMU", "selDNM", "pkhtbDNMU", }, false, { --0a shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "ssatDxMu", "ssat16DxM", "ssatDxMu", { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "sxtbDMU", _ = "sxtabDNMU", }, "ssatDxMu", false, "ssatDxMu", }, { --0b shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "ssatDxMu", "revDM", "ssatDxMu", { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "sxthDMU", _ = "sxtahDNMU", }, "ssatDxMu", "rev16DM", "ssatDxMu", }, { --0c shift = 5, mask = 7, [3] = { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "uxtb16DMU", _ = "uxtab16DNMU", }, }, false, { --0e shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "usatDwMu", "usat16DwM", "usatDwMu", { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "uxtbDMU", _ = "uxtabDNMU", }, "usatDwMu", false, "usatDwMu", }, { --0f shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "usatDwMu", "rbitDM", "usatDwMu", { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "uxthDMU", _ = "uxtahDNMU", }, "usatDwMu", "revshDM", "usatDwMu", }, { --10 shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = { shift = 5, mask = 7, "smuadNMS", "smuadxNMS", "smusdNMS", "smusdxNMS", }, _ = { shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "smladNMSD", "smladxNMSD", "smlsdNMSD", "smlsdxNMSD", }, }, false, false, false, { --14 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = "smlaldDNMS", "smlaldxDNMS", "smlsldDNMS", "smlsldxDNMS", }, { --15 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = { shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = "smmulNMS", _ = "smmlaNMSD", }, { shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = "smmulrNMS", _ = "smmlarNMSD", }, false, false, false, false, "smmlsNMSD", "smmlsrNMSD", }, false, false, { --18 shift = 5, mask = 7, [0] = { shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = "usad8NMS", _ = "usada8NMSD", }, }, false, { --1a shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "sbfxDMvw", }, { --1b shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "sbfxDMvw", }, { --1c shift = 5, mask = 3, [0] = { shift = 0, mask = 15, [15] = "bfcDvX", _ = "bfiDMvX", }, }, { --1d shift = 5, mask = 3, [0] = { shift = 0, mask = 15, [15] = "bfcDvX", _ = "bfiDMvX", }, }, { --1e shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "ubfxDMvw", }, { --1f shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "ubfxDMvw", }, } local map_load = { shift = 21, mask = 9, { shift = 20, mask = 5, [0] = "strtDL", "ldrtDL", [4] = "strbtDL", [5] = "ldrbtDL", }, _ = { shift = 20, mask = 5, [0] = "strDL", "ldrDL", [4] = "strbDL", [5] = "ldrbDL", } } local map_load1 = { shift = 4, mask = 1, [0] = map_load, map_media, } local map_loadm = { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = { shift = 23, mask = 3, [0] = "stmdaNR", "stmNR", { shift = 16, mask = 63, [45] = "pushR", _ = "stmdbNR", }, "stmibNR", }, { shift = 23, mask = 3, [0] = "ldmdaNR", { shift = 16, mask = 63, [61] = "popR", _ = "ldmNR", }, "ldmdbNR", "ldmibNR", }, } local map_data = { shift = 21, mask = 15, [0] = "andDNPs", "eorDNPs", "subDNPs", "rsbDNPs", "addDNPs", "adcDNPs", "sbcDNPs", "rscDNPs", "tstNP", "teqNP", "cmpNP", "cmnNP", "orrDNPs", "movDPs", "bicDNPs", "mvnDPs", } local map_mul = { shift = 21, mask = 7, [0] = "mulNMSs", "mlaNMSDs", "umaalDNMS", "mlsDNMS", "umullDNMSs", "umlalDNMSs", "smullDNMSs", "smlalDNMSs", } local map_sync = { shift = 20, mask = 15, -- NYI: brackets around N. R(D+1) for ldrexd/strexd. [0] = "swpDMN", false, false, false, "swpbDMN", false, false, false, "strexDMN", "ldrexDN", "strexdDN", "ldrexdDN", "strexbDMN", "ldrexbDN", "strexhDN", "ldrexhDN", } local map_mulh = { shift = 21, mask = 3, [0] = { shift = 5, mask = 3, [0] = "smlabbNMSD", "smlatbNMSD", "smlabtNMSD", "smlattNMSD", }, { shift = 5, mask = 3, [0] = "smlawbNMSD", "smulwbNMS", "smlawtNMSD", "smulwtNMS", }, { shift = 5, mask = 3, [0] = "smlalbbDNMS", "smlaltbDNMS", "smlalbtDNMS", "smlalttDNMS", }, { shift = 5, mask = 3, [0] = "smulbbNMS", "smultbNMS", "smulbtNMS", "smulttNMS", }, } local map_misc = { shift = 4, mask = 7, -- NYI: decode PSR bits of msr. [0] = { shift = 21, mask = 1, [0] = "mrsD", "msrM", }, { shift = 21, mask = 3, "bxM", false, "clzDM", }, { shift = 21, mask = 3, "bxjM", }, { shift = 21, mask = 3, "blxM", }, false, { shift = 21, mask = 3, [0] = "qaddDMN", "qsubDMN", "qdaddDMN", "qdsubDMN", }, false, { shift = 21, mask = 3, "bkptK", }, } local map_datar = { shift = 4, mask = 9, [9] = { shift = 5, mask = 3, [0] = { shift = 24, mask = 1, [0] = map_mul, map_sync, }, { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "strhDL", "ldrhDL", }, { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "ldrdDL", "ldrsbDL", }, { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "strdDL", "ldrshDL", }, }, _ = { shift = 20, mask = 25, [16] = { shift = 7, mask = 1, [0] = map_misc, map_mulh, }, _ = { shift = 0, mask = 0xffffffff, [bor(0xe1a00000)] = "nop", _ = map_data, } }, } local map_datai = { shift = 20, mask = 31, -- NYI: decode PSR bits of msr. Decode imm12. [16] = "movwDW", [20] = "movtDW", [18] = { shift = 0, mask = 0xf00ff, [0] = "nopv6", _ = "msrNW", }, [22] = "msrNW", _ = map_data, } local map_branch = { shift = 24, mask = 1, [0] = "bB", "blB" } local map_condins = { [0] = map_datar, map_datai, map_load, map_load1, map_loadm, map_branch, map_loadc, map_datac } -- NYI: setend. local map_uncondins = { [0] = false, map_simddata, map_simdload, map_preload, false, "blxB", map_loadcu, map_datacu, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local map_gpr = { [0] = "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "sp", "lr", "pc", } local map_cond = { [0] = "eq", "ne", "hs", "lo", "mi", "pl", "vs", "vc", "hi", "ls", "ge", "lt", "gt", "le", "al", } local map_shift = { [0] = "lsl", "lsr", "asr", "ror", } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Output a nicely formatted line with an opcode and operands. local function putop(ctx, text, operands) local pos = ctx.pos local extra = "" if ctx.rel then local sym = ctx.symtab[ctx.rel] if sym then extra = "\t->"..sym elseif band(ctx.op, 0x0e000000) ~= 0x0a000000 then extra = "\t; 0x"..tohex(ctx.rel) end end if ctx.hexdump > 0 then ctx.out(format("%08x %s %-5s %s%s\n", ctx.addr+pos, tohex(ctx.op), text, concat(operands, ", "), extra)) else ctx.out(format("%08x %-5s %s%s\n", ctx.addr+pos, text, concat(operands, ", "), extra)) end ctx.pos = pos + 4 end -- Fallback for unknown opcodes. local function unknown(ctx) return putop(ctx, ".long", { "0x"..tohex(ctx.op) }) end -- Format operand 2 of load/store opcodes. local function fmtload(ctx, op, pos) local base = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 16), 15)] local x, ofs local ext = (band(op, 0x04000000) == 0) if not ext and band(op, 0x02000000) == 0 then ofs = band(op, 4095) if band(op, 0x00800000) == 0 then ofs = -ofs end if base == "pc" then ctx.rel = ctx.addr + pos + 8 + ofs end ofs = "#"..ofs elseif ext and band(op, 0x00400000) ~= 0 then ofs = band(op, 15) + band(rshift(op, 4), 0xf0) if band(op, 0x00800000) == 0 then ofs = -ofs end if base == "pc" then ctx.rel = ctx.addr + pos + 8 + ofs end ofs = "#"..ofs else ofs = map_gpr[band(op, 15)] if ext or band(op, 0xfe0) == 0 then elseif band(op, 0xfe0) == 0x60 then ofs = format("%s, rrx", ofs) else local sh = band(rshift(op, 7), 31) if sh == 0 then sh = 32 end ofs = format("%s, %s #%d", ofs, map_shift[band(rshift(op, 5), 3)], sh) end if band(op, 0x00800000) == 0 then ofs = "-"..ofs end end if ofs == "#0" then x = format("[%s]", base) elseif band(op, 0x01000000) == 0 then x = format("[%s], %s", base, ofs) else x = format("[%s, %s]", base, ofs) end if band(op, 0x01200000) == 0x01200000 then x = x.."!" end return x end -- Disassemble a single instruction. local function disass_ins(ctx) local pos = ctx.pos local b0, b1, b2, b3 = byte(ctx.code, pos+1, pos+4) local op = bor(lshift(b3, 24), lshift(b2, 16), lshift(b1, 8), b0) local operands = {} local suffix = "" local last, name, pat ctx.op = op ctx.rel = nil local cond = rshift(op, 28) local opat if cond == 15 then opat = map_uncondins[band(rshift(op, 25), 7)] else if cond ~= 14 then suffix = map_cond[cond] end opat = map_condins[band(rshift(op, 25), 7)] end while type(opat) ~= "string" do if not opat then return unknown(ctx) end opat = opat[band(rshift(op, opat.shift), opat.mask)] or opat._ end name, pat = match(opat, "^([a-z0-9]*)(.*)") for p in gmatch(pat, ".") do local x = nil if p == "D" then x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 12), 15)] elseif p == "N" then x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 16), 15)] elseif p == "S" then x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 8), 15)] elseif p == "M" then x = map_gpr[band(op, 15)] elseif p == "P" then if band(op, 0x02000000) ~= 0 then x = ror(band(op, 255), 2*band(rshift(op, 8), 15)) else x = map_gpr[band(op, 15)] if band(op, 0xff0) ~= 0 then operands[#operands+1] = x local s = map_shift[band(rshift(op, 5), 3)] local r = nil if band(op, 0xf90) == 0 then if s == "ror" then s = "rrx" else r = "#32" end elseif band(op, 0x10) == 0 then r = "#"..band(rshift(op, 7), 31) else r = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 8), 15)] end if name == "mov" then name = s; x = r elseif r then x = format("%s %s", s, r) else x = s end end end elseif p == "L" then x = fmtload(ctx, op, pos, false) elseif p == "B" then local addr = ctx.addr + pos + 8 + arshift(lshift(op, 8), 6) if cond == 15 then addr = addr + band(rshift(op, 23), 2) end ctx.rel = addr x = "0x"..tohex(addr) elseif p == "R" then if band(op, 0x00200000) ~= 0 and #operands == 1 then operands[1] = operands[1].."!" end local t = {} for i=0,15 do if band(rshift(op, i), 1) == 1 then t[#t+1] = map_gpr[i] end end x = "{"..concat(t, ", ").."}" elseif p == "W" then x = band(op, 0x0fff) + band(rshift(op, 4), 0xf000) elseif p == "T" then x = "#0x"..tohex(band(op, 0x00ffffff), 6) elseif p == "U" then x = band(rshift(op, 7), 31) if x == 0 then x = nil end elseif p == "u" then x = band(rshift(op, 7), 31) if band(op, 0x40) == 0 then if x == 0 then x = nil else x = "lsl #"..x end else if x == 0 then x = "asr #32" else x = "asr #"..x end end elseif p == "v" then x = band(rshift(op, 7), 31) elseif p == "w" then x = band(rshift(op, 16), 31) elseif p == "x" then x = band(rshift(op, 16), 31) + 1 elseif p == "X" then x = band(rshift(op, 16), 31) - last + 1 elseif p == "K" then x = "#0x"..tohex(band(rshift(op, 4), 0x0000fff0) + band(op, 15), 4) elseif p == "s" then if band(op, 0x00100000) ~= 0 then suffix = "s"..suffix end else assert(false) end if x then last = x if type(x) == "number" then x = "#"..x end operands[#operands+1] = x end end return putop(ctx, name..suffix, operands) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Disassemble a block of code. local function disass_block(ctx, ofs, len) if not ofs then ofs = 0 end local stop = len and ofs+len or #ctx.code ctx.pos = ofs ctx.rel = nil while ctx.pos < stop do disass_ins(ctx) end end -- Extended API: create a disassembler context. Then call ctx:disass(ofs, len). local function create_(code, addr, out) local ctx = {} ctx.code = code ctx.addr = addr or 0 ctx.out = out or io.write ctx.symtab = {} ctx.disass = disass_block ctx.hexdump = 8 return ctx end -- Simple API: disassemble code (a string) at address and output via out. local function disass_(code, addr, out) create_(code, addr, out):disass() end -- Return register name for RID. local function regname_(r) return map_gpr[r] end -- Public module functions. module(...) create = create_ disass = disass_ regname = regname_