/* vers.dfn - define format of libpng.vers * * Last changed in libpng version 1.5.0 [January 6, 2011] * Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Glenn Randers-Pehrson * * This code is released under the libpng license. * For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer * and license in png.h */ #define HEADER PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-PNGLIB_LIBNAME {global:-PNG_DEFN_END /* NOTE: PNG_JOIN is interpreted by the calling script as a signal to * join the two things on either side, so we can do symbol * substitution within the name, regular C ## joins the pp-tokens, * not their final values. */ #define PNG_EXPORTA(ordinal, type, name, args, attributes)\ PNG_DEFN_MAGIC- SYMBOL_PREFIX PNG_JOIN name;-PNG_DEFN_END #define TRAILER PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-local: *; };-PNG_DEFN_END HEADER #include "../png.h" TRAILER