irr::core::aabbox3d< T > | Axis aligned bounding box in 3d dimensional space |
irr::core::map< KeyType, ValueType >::AccessClass | |
irr::core::array< T, TAlloc > | Self reallocating template array (like stl vector) with additional features |
irr::scene::CDynamicMeshBuffer | |
irr::scene::CIndexBuffer | |
irr::core::CMatrix4< T > | 4x4 matrix. Mostly used as transformation matrix for 3d calculations |
irr::scene::CMeshBuffer< T > | Template implementation of the IMeshBuffer interface |
irr::core::list< T >::ConstIterator | List iterator for const access |
irr::core::map< KeyType, ValueType >::ConstIterator | Const Iterator |
irr::scene::CVertexBuffer | |
irr::core::dimension2d< T > | Specifies a 2 dimensional size |
irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh | Interface for an animated mesh |
irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshMD2 | Interface for using some special functions of MD2 meshes |
irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshMD3 | Interface for using some special functions of MD3 meshes |
irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode | Scene node capable of displaying an animated mesh and its shadow |
irr::scene::IAnimationEndCallBack | Callback interface for catching events of ended animations |
irr::io::IArchiveLoader | Class which is able to create an archive from a file |
irr::io::IAttributeExchangingObject | An object which is able to serialize and deserialize its attributes into an attributes object |
irr::io::IAttributes | Provides a generic interface for attributes and their values and the possiblity to serialize them |
irr::scene::IBillboardSceneNode | A billboard scene node |
irr::scene::IBillboardTextSceneNode | A billboard text scene node |
irr::scene::IBoneSceneNode | Interface for bones used for skeletal animation |
irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode | Scene Node which is a (controlable) camera |
irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriter | Interface for writing meshes |
irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriterNames | Callback interface to use custom names on collada writing |
irr::scene::IColladaMeshWriterProperties | Callback interface for properties which can be used to influence collada writing |
irr::scene::ICollisionCallback | Callback interface for catching events of collisions |
irr::gui::ICursorControl | Interface to manipulate the mouse cursor |
irr::scene::IDummyTransformationSceneNode | Dummy scene node for adding additional transformations to the scene graph |
irr::scene::IDynamicMeshBuffer | |
irr::IEventReceiver | Interface of an object which can receive events |
irr::io::IFileArchive | The FileArchive manages archives and provides access to files inside them |
irr::io::IFileList | Provides a list of files and folders |
irr::io::IFileReadCallBack | Callback class for file read abstraction |
irr::io::IFileSystem | The FileSystem manages files and archives and provides access to them |
irr::scene::IGeometryCreator | Helper class for creating geometry on the fly |
irr::video::IGPUProgrammingServices | Interface making it possible to create and use programs running on the GPU |
irr::gui::IGUIButton | GUI Button interface |
irr::gui::IGUICheckBox | GUI Check box interface |
irr::gui::IGUIColorSelectDialog | Standard color chooser dialog |
irr::gui::IGUIComboBox | Combobox widget |
irr::gui::IGUIContextMenu | GUI Context menu interface |
irr::gui::IGUIEditBox | Single line edit box for editing simple text |
irr::gui::IGUIElement | Base class of all GUI elements |
irr::gui::IGUIElementFactory | Interface making it possible to dynamically create GUI elements |
irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment | GUI Environment. Used as factory and manager of all other GUI elements |
irr::gui::IGUIFileOpenDialog | Standard file chooser dialog |
irr::gui::IGUIFont | Font interface |
irr::gui::IGUIFontBitmap | Font interface |
irr::gui::IGUIImage | GUI element displaying an image |
irr::gui::IGUIImageList | Font interface |
irr::gui::IGUIInOutFader | Element for fading out or in |
irr::gui::IGUIListBox | Default list box GUI element |
irr::gui::IGUIMeshViewer | 3d mesh viewing GUI element |
irr::gui::IGUIScrollBar | Default scroll bar GUI element |
irr::gui::IGUISkin | A skin modifies the look of the GUI elements |
irr::gui::IGUISpinBox | Single line edit box + spin buttons |
irr::gui::IGUISpriteBank | Sprite bank interface |
irr::gui::IGUIStaticText | Multi or single line text label |
irr::gui::IGUITab | A tab-page, onto which other gui elements could be added |
irr::gui::IGUITabControl | A standard tab control |
irr::gui::IGUITable | Default list box GUI element |
irr::gui::IGUIToolBar | Stays at the top of its parent like the menu bar and contains tool buttons |
irr::gui::IGUITreeView | Default tree view GUI element |
irr::gui::IGUITreeViewNode | Node for gui tree view |
irr::gui::IGUIWindow | Default moveable window GUI element with border, caption and close icons |
irr::video::IImage | Interface for software image data |
irr::video::IImageLoader | Class which is able to create a image from a file |
irr::video::IImageWriter | Interface for writing software image data |
irr::scene::IIndexBuffer | |
irr::io::IIrrXMLReader< char_type, super_class > | Interface providing easy read access to a XML file |
irr::scene::ILightManager | ILightManager provides an interface for user applications to manipulate the list of lights in the scene |
irr::scene::ILightSceneNode | Scene node which is a dynamic light |
irr::ILogger | Interface for logging messages, warnings and errors |
irr::video::IMaterialRenderer | Interface for material rendering |
irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices | Interface providing some methods for changing advanced, internal states of a IVideoDriver |
irr::scene::IMesh | Class which holds the geometry of an object |
irr::scene::IMeshBuffer | Struct for holding a mesh with a single material |
irr::scene::IMeshCache | The mesh cache stores already loaded meshes and provides an interface to them |
irr::scene::IMeshLoader | Class which is able to load an animated mesh from a file |
irr::scene::IMeshManipulator | An interface for easy manipulation of meshes |
irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode | A scene node displaying a static mesh |
irr::scene::IMeshWriter | Interface for writing meshes |
irr::scene::IMetaTriangleSelector | Interface for making multiple triangle selectors work as one big selector |
irr::core::inttofloat | |
irr::IOSOperator | The Operating system operator provides operation system specific methods and informations |
irr::scene::IParticleAffector | A particle affector modifies particles |
irr::scene::IParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter | A particle emitter which emits particles from mesh vertices |
irr::scene::IParticleAttractionAffector | A particle affector which attracts or detracts particles |
irr::scene::IParticleBoxEmitter | A particle emitter which emits particles from a box shaped space |
irr::scene::IParticleCylinderEmitter | A particle emitter which emits from a cylindrically shaped space |
irr::scene::IParticleEmitter | A particle emitter for using with particle systems |
irr::scene::IParticleFadeOutAffector | A particle affector which fades out the particles |
irr::scene::IParticleGravityAffector | A particle affector which applies gravity to particles |
irr::scene::IParticleMeshEmitter | A particle emitter which emits from vertices of a mesh |
irr::scene::IParticleRingEmitter | A particle emitter which emits particles along a ring shaped area |
irr::scene::IParticleRotationAffector | A particle affector which rotates the particle system |
irr::scene::IParticleSphereEmitter | A particle emitter which emits from a spherical space |
irr::scene::IParticleSystemSceneNode | A particle system scene node for creating snow, fire, exlosions, smoke.. |
irr::scene::IQ3LevelMesh | Interface for a Mesh which can be loaded directly from a Quake3 .bsp-file |
irr::IRandomizer | Interface for generating random numbers |
irr::io::IReadFile | Interface providing read acess to a file |
irr::IReferenceCounted | Base class of most objects of the Irrlicht Engine |
irr::video::IRenderTarget | |
irr::core::irrAllocator< T > | Very simple allocator implementation, containers using it can be used across dll boundaries |
irr::core::irrAllocatorFast< T > | Fast allocator, only to be used in containers inside the same memory heap |
irr::IrrlichtDevice | The Irrlicht device. You can create it with createDevice() or createDeviceEx() |
irr::scene::ISceneCollisionManager | The Scene Collision Manager provides methods for performing collision tests and picking on scene nodes |
irr::scene::ISceneLoader | Class which can load a scene into the scene manager |
irr::scene::ISceneManager | The Scene Manager manages scene nodes, mesh recources, cameras and all the other stuff |
irr::scene::ISceneNode | Scene node interface |
irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimator | Animates a scene node. Can animate position, rotation, material, and so on |
irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS | Special scene node animator for FPS cameras |
irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya | Special scene node animator for Maya-style cameras |
irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse | Special scene node animator for doing automatic collision detection and response |
irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory | Interface for dynamic creation of scene node animators |
irr::scene::ISceneNodeFactory | Interface for dynamic creation of scene nodes |
irr::scene::ISceneUserDataSerializer | Interface to read and write user data to and from .irr files |
irr::scene::quake3::IShader | A Parsed Shader Holding Variables ordered in Groups |
irr::video::IShaderConstantSetCallBack | Interface making it possible to set constants for gpu programs every frame |
irr::scene::quake3::IShaderManager | Manages various Quake3 Shader Styles |
irr::scene::IShadowVolumeSceneNode | Scene node for rendering a shadow volume into a stencil buffer |
irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh | Interface for using some special functions of Skinned meshes |
irr::core::list< T >::Iterator | List iterator |
irr::core::map< KeyType, ValueType >::Iterator | Normal Iterator |
irr::scene::ITerrainSceneNode | A scene node for displaying terrain using the geo mip map algorithm |
irr::scene::ITextSceneNode | A scene node for displaying 2d text at a position in three dimensional space |
irr::video::ITexture | Interface of a Video Driver dependent Texture |
irr::ITimer | Interface for getting and manipulating the virtual time |
irr::scene::ITriangleSelector | Interface to return triangles with specific properties |
irr::scene::IVertexBuffer | |
irr::scene::IVertexManipulator | Interface for vertex manipulators |
irr::video::IVideoDriver | Interface to driver which is able to perform 2d and 3d graphics functions |
irr::video::IVideoModeList | A list of all available video modes |
irr::scene::IVolumeLightSceneNode | |
irr::io::IWriteFile | Interface providing write access to a file |
irr::io::IXMLBase | Empty class to be used as parent class for IrrXMLReader |
irr::io::IXMLWriter | Interface providing methods for making it easier to write XML files |
irr::core::line2d< T > | 2D line between two points with intersection methods |
irr::core::line3d< T > | 3D line between two points with intersection methods |
irr::core::list< T > | Doubly linked list template |
irr::core::map< KeyType, ValueType > | Map template for associative arrays using a red-black tree |
irr::scene::quake3::Noiser | |
irr::core::map< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentFirstIterator | Parent First Iterator |
irr::core::map< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentLastIterator | Parent Last Iterator |
irr::core::plane3d< T > | Template plane class with some intersection testing methods |
irr::scene::quake3::Q3LevelLoadParameter | |
irr::core::quaternion | Quaternion class for representing rotations |
irr::ITimer::RealTimeDate | |
irr::core::rect< T > | Rectangle template |
irr::video::S3DVertex | Standard vertex used by the Irrlicht engine |
irr::video::S3DVertex2TCoords | Vertex with two texture coordinates |
irr::video::S3DVertexTangents | Vertex with a tangent and binormal vector |
irr::scene::SAnimatedMesh | Simple implementation of the IAnimatedMesh interface |
irr::io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions | Struct holding data describing options |
irr::scene::quake3::SBlendFunc | A blend function for a q3 shader |
irr::video::SColor | Class representing a 32 bit ARGB color |
irr::video::SColorf | Class representing a color with four floats |
irr::video::SColorHSL | Class representing a color in HSL format |
irr::gui::SCursorSprite | Structure used to set sprites as cursors |
irr::SEvent | SEvents hold information about an event. See irr::IEventReceiver for details on event handling |
irr::video::SExposedVideoData | Structure for holding data describing a driver and operating system specific data |
irr::SEvent::SGUIEvent | Any kind of GUI event |
irr::gui::SGUISprite | A sprite composed of several frames |
irr::gui::SGUISpriteFrame | A single sprite frame |
irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters | Structure for holding Irrlicht Device creation parameters |
irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh::SJoint | Joints |
irr::SEvent::SJoystickEvent | A joystick event |
irr::SJoystickInfo | Information on a joystick, returned from irr::IrrlichtDevice::activateJoysticks() |
irr::SEvent::SKeyInput | Any kind of keyboard event |
irr::SKeyMap | Struct storing which key belongs to which action |
irr::video::SLight | Structure for holding data describing a dynamic point light |
irr::SEvent::SLogEvent | Any kind of log event |
irr::video::SMaterial | Struct for holding parameters for a material renderer |
irr::video::SMaterialLayer | Struct for holding material parameters which exist per texture layer |
irr::scene::SMD3AnimationInfo | |
irr::scene::SMD3Face | Triangle Index |
irr::scene::SMD3Header | This holds the header info of the MD3 file |
irr::scene::SMD3Mesh | Holding Frames Buffers and Tag Infos |
irr::scene::SMD3MeshBuffer | Holding Frame Data for a Mesh |
irr::scene::SMD3MeshHeader | This holds the header info of an MD3 mesh section |
irr::scene::SMD3QuaternionTag | Hold a tag info for connecting meshes |
irr::scene::SMD3QuaternionTagList | Holds a associative list of named quaternions |
irr::scene::SMD3TexCoord | Texture Coordinate |
irr::scene::SMD3Vertex | Compressed Vertex Data |
irr::scene::SMesh | Simple implementation of the IMesh interface |
irr::scene::quake3::SModifierFunction | |
irr::SEvent::SMouseInput | Any kind of mouse event |
irr::io::SNamedPath | Used in places where we identify objects by a filename, but don't actually work with the real filename |
irr::video::SOverrideMaterial | |
irr::scene::SParticle | Struct for holding particle data |
irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh::SPositionKey | Animation keyframe which describes a new position |
irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh::SRotationKey | Animation keyframe which describes a new rotation |
irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh::SScaleKey | Animation keyframe which describes a new scale |
irr::scene::SSharedMeshBuffer | Implementation of the IMeshBuffer interface with shared vertex list |
irr::scene::SSkinMeshBuffer | A mesh buffer able to choose between S3DVertex2TCoords, S3DVertex and S3DVertexTangents at runtime |
irr::core::string< T, TAlloc > | |
irr::SEvent::SUserEvent | Any kind of user event |
irr::scene::quake3::SVarGroup | |
irr::scene::quake3::SVarGroupList | Holding a group a variable |
irr::scene::quake3::SVariable | |
irr::scene::SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator | Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by the given amount |
irr::scene::SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator | Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor and brightness by a signed amount |
irr::scene::SVertexColorContrastManipulator | Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor |
irr::scene::SVertexColorDesaturateToAverageManipulator | Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values |
irr::scene::SVertexColorDesaturateToLightnessManipulator | Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values |
irr::scene::SVertexColorDesaturateToLuminanceManipulator | Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values |
irr::scene::SVertexColorGammaManipulator | Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by a gamma operation |
irr::scene::SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator | Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values |
irr::scene::SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator | Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values |
irr::scene::SVertexColorInvertManipulator | Vertex manipulator which invertes the RGB values |
irr::scene::SVertexColorScaleManipulator | Vertex manipulator which scales the color values |
irr::scene::SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator | Vertex manipulator to set the alpha value of the vertex color to a fixed value |
irr::scene::SVertexColorSetManipulator | Vertex manipulator to set color to a fixed color for all vertices |
irr::scene::SVertexColorThresholdManipulator | Vertex manipulator to set vertex color to one of two values depending on a given threshold |
irr::scene::SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator | Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex along the normals |
irr::scene::SVertexPositionScaleManipulator | Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex |
irr::scene::SVertexPositionTransformManipulator | Vertex manipulator which transforms the position of the vertex |
irr::scene::SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator | Vertex manipulator which scales the TCoords of the vertex |
irr::scene::SViewFrustum | Defines the view frustum. That's the space visible by the camera |
irr::scene::ISkinnedMesh::SWeight | A vertex weight |
irr::core::triangle3d< T > | 3d triangle template class for doing collision detection and other things |
irr::core::vector2d< T > | 2d vector template class with lots of operators and methods |
irr::core::vector3d< T > | 3d vector template class with lots of operators and methods |
irr::io::xmlChar< T > | |