#include "evas_common.h" #include typedef struct _Evas_Object_Table_Data Evas_Object_Table_Data; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Table_Option Evas_Object_Table_Option; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Table_Cache Evas_Object_Table_Cache; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Table_Iterator Evas_Object_Table_Iterator; typedef struct _Evas_Object_Table_Accessor Evas_Object_Table_Accessor; struct _Evas_Object_Table_Option { Evas_Object *obj; unsigned short col, row, colspan, rowspan, end_col, end_row; struct { Evas_Coord w, h; } min, max; struct { double h, v; } align; struct { Evas_Coord l, r, t, b; } pad; Eina_Bool expand_h : 1; /* XXX required? */ Eina_Bool expand_v : 1; /* XXX required? */ Eina_Bool fill_h : 1; Eina_Bool fill_v : 1; }; struct _Evas_Object_Table_Cache { struct { struct { double h, v; } weights; struct { int h, v; } expands; struct { Evas_Coord w, h; } min; } total; struct { double *h, *v; } weights; struct { Evas_Coord *h, *v; } sizes; struct { Eina_Bool *h, *v; } expands; double ___pad; // padding to make sure doubles at end can be aligned }; struct _Evas_Object_Table_Data { Evas_Object_Smart_Clipped_Data base; Eina_List *children; struct { Evas_Coord h, v; } pad; struct { double h, v; } align; struct { int cols, rows; } size; Evas_Object_Table_Cache *cache; Evas_Object_Table_Homogeneous_Mode homogeneous; Eina_Bool hints_changed : 1; Eina_Bool expand_h : 1; Eina_Bool expand_v : 1; Eina_Bool is_mirrored : 1; }; struct _Evas_Object_Table_Iterator { Eina_Iterator iterator; Eina_Iterator *real_iterator; const Evas_Object *table; }; struct _Evas_Object_Table_Accessor { Eina_Accessor accessor; Eina_Accessor *real_accessor; const Evas_Object *table; }; #define EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET(o, ptr) \ Evas_Object_Table_Data *ptr = evas_object_smart_data_get(o) #define EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(o, ptr) \ EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET(o, ptr); \ if (!ptr) \ { \ CRIT("no widget data for object %p (%s)", \ o, evas_object_type_get(o)); \ abort(); \ return; \ } #define EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, ptr, val) \ EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET(o, ptr); \ if (!ptr) \ { \ CRIT("No widget data for object %p (%s)", \ o, evas_object_type_get(o)); \ abort(); \ return val; \ } static const char EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_OPTION_KEY[] = "|EvTb"; static Eina_Bool _evas_object_table_iterator_next(Evas_Object_Table_Iterator *it, void **data) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; if (!eina_iterator_next(it->real_iterator, (void **)&opt)) return EINA_FALSE; if (data) *data = opt->obj; return EINA_TRUE; } static Evas_Object * _evas_object_table_iterator_get_container(Evas_Object_Table_Iterator *it) { return (Evas_Object *)it->table; } static void _evas_object_table_iterator_free(Evas_Object_Table_Iterator *it) { eina_iterator_free(it->real_iterator); free(it); } static Eina_Bool _evas_object_table_accessor_get_at(Evas_Object_Table_Accessor *it, unsigned int idx, void **data) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt = NULL; if (!eina_accessor_data_get(it->real_accessor, idx, (void **)&opt)) return EINA_FALSE; if (data) *data = opt->obj; return EINA_TRUE; } static Evas_Object * _evas_object_table_accessor_get_container(Evas_Object_Table_Accessor *it) { return (Evas_Object *)it->table; } static void _evas_object_table_accessor_free(Evas_Object_Table_Accessor *it) { eina_accessor_free(it->real_accessor); free(it); } static Evas_Object_Table_Cache * _evas_object_table_cache_alloc(int cols, int rows) { Evas_Object_Table_Cache *cache; int size; size = sizeof(Evas_Object_Table_Cache) + ((cols + rows) * (sizeof(double) + sizeof(Evas_Coord) + sizeof(Eina_Bool))); cache = malloc(size); if (!cache) { ERR("Could not allocate table cache %dx%d (%d bytes): %s", cols, rows, size, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } cache->weights.h = (double *)(cache + 1); cache->weights.v = (double *)(cache->weights.h + cols); cache->sizes.h = (Evas_Coord *)(cache->weights.v + rows); cache->sizes.v = (Evas_Coord *)(cache->sizes.h + cols); cache->expands.h = (Eina_Bool *)(cache->sizes.v + rows); cache->expands.v = (Eina_Bool *)(cache->expands.h + cols); return cache; } static void _evas_object_table_cache_free(Evas_Object_Table_Cache *cache) { free(cache); } static void _evas_object_table_cache_reset(Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { Evas_Object_Table_Cache *c = priv->cache; int size; c->total.expands.v = 0; c->total.expands.h = 0; c->total.min.w = 0; c->total.min.h = 0; size = ((priv->size.rows + priv->size.cols) * (sizeof(double) + sizeof(Evas_Coord) + sizeof(Eina_Bool))); memset(c + 1, 0, size); } static void _evas_object_table_cache_invalidate(Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { priv->hints_changed = 1; if (priv->cache) { _evas_object_table_cache_free(priv->cache); priv->cache = NULL; } } static Evas_Object_Table_Option * _evas_object_table_option_get(Evas_Object *o) { return evas_object_data_get(o, EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_OPTION_KEY); } static void _evas_object_table_option_set(Evas_Object *o, const Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt) { evas_object_data_set(o, EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_OPTION_KEY, opt); } static Evas_Object_Table_Option * _evas_object_table_option_del(Evas_Object *o) { return evas_object_data_del(o, EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_OPTION_KEY); } static void _on_child_del(void *data, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *child, void *einfo __UNUSED__) { Evas_Object *table = data; evas_object_table_unpack(table, child); } static void _on_child_hints_changed(void *data, Evas *evas __UNUSED__, Evas_Object *child __UNUSED__, void *einfo __UNUSED__) { Evas_Object *table = data; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(table, priv); _evas_object_table_cache_invalidate(priv); evas_object_smart_changed(table); } static void _evas_object_table_child_connect(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *child) { evas_object_event_callback_add (child, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _on_child_del, o); evas_object_event_callback_add (child, EVAS_CALLBACK_CHANGED_SIZE_HINTS, _on_child_hints_changed, o); } static void _evas_object_table_child_disconnect(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *child) { evas_object_event_callback_del_full (child, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _on_child_del, o); evas_object_event_callback_del_full (child, EVAS_CALLBACK_CHANGED_SIZE_HINTS, _on_child_hints_changed, o); } static void _evas_object_table_calculate_cell(const Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h) { Evas_Coord cw, ch; *w -= opt->pad.l + opt->pad.r; if (*w < opt->min.w) cw = opt->min.w; else if ((opt->max.w > -1) && (*w > opt->max.w)) cw = opt->max.w; else if (opt->fill_h) cw = *w; else cw = opt->min.w; *h -= opt->pad.t + opt->pad.b; if (*h < opt->min.h) ch = opt->min.h; else if ((opt->max.h > -1) && (*h > opt->max.h)) ch = opt->max.h; else if (opt->fill_v) ch = *h; else ch = opt->min.h; *x += opt->pad.l; if (cw != *w) { *x += (*w - cw) * opt->align.h; *w = cw; } *y += opt->pad.t; if (ch != *h) { *y += (*h - ch) * opt->align.v; *h = ch; } } static void _evas_object_table_calculate_hints_homogeneous(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { Eina_List *l; Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; Evas_Coord minw, minh, o_minw, o_minh; Eina_Bool expand_h, expand_v; o_minw = 0; o_minh = 0; minw = 0; minh = 0; expand_h = 0; expand_v = 0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt) { Evas_Object *child = opt->obj; Evas_Coord child_minw, child_minh, cell_minw, cell_minh; double weightw, weighth; evas_object_size_hint_min_get(child, &opt->min.w, &opt->min.h); evas_object_size_hint_max_get(child, &opt->max.w, &opt->max.h); evas_object_size_hint_padding_get (child, &opt->pad.l, &opt->pad.r, &opt->pad.t, &opt->pad.b); evas_object_size_hint_align_get(child, &opt->align.h, &opt->align.v); evas_object_size_hint_weight_get(child, &weightw, &weighth); child_minw = opt->min.w + opt->pad.l + opt->pad.r; child_minh = opt->min.h + opt->pad.t + opt->pad.b; cell_minw = (child_minw + opt->colspan - 1) / opt->colspan; cell_minh = (child_minh + opt->rowspan - 1) / opt->rowspan; opt->expand_h = 0; if ((weightw > 0.0) && ((opt->max.w < 0) || ((opt->max.w > -1) && (opt->min.w < opt->max.w)))) { opt->expand_h = 1; expand_h = 1; } opt->expand_v = 0; if ((weighth > 0.0) && ((opt->max.h < 0) || ((opt->max.h > -1) && (opt->min.h < opt->max.h)))) { opt->expand_v = 1; expand_v = 1; } opt->fill_h = 0; if (opt->align.h < 0.0) { opt->align.h = 0.5; opt->fill_h = 1; } opt->fill_v = 0; if (opt->align.v < 0.0) { opt->align.v = 0.5; opt->fill_v = 1; } /* greatest mininum values, with paddings */ if (minw < cell_minw) minw = cell_minw; if (minh < cell_minh) minh = cell_minh; /* greatest mininum values, without paddings */ if (o_minw < opt->min.w) o_minw = opt->min.w; if (o_minh < opt->min.h) o_minh = opt->min.h; } if (priv->homogeneous == EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_ITEM) { if (o_minw < 1) { ERR("homogeneous table based on item size but no " "horizontal mininum size specified! Using expand."); expand_h = 1; } if (o_minh < 1) { ERR("homogeneous table based on item size but no " "vertical mininum size specified! Using expand."); expand_v = 1; } } minw = priv->size.cols * (minw + priv->pad.h) - priv->pad.h; minh = priv->size.rows * (minh + priv->pad.v) - priv->pad.v; priv->hints_changed = 0; priv->expand_h = expand_h; priv->expand_v = expand_v; if ((minw > 0 ) || (minh > 0)) evas_object_size_hint_min_set(o, minw, minh); // XXX hint max? } static void _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_homogeneous_sizes_item(const Evas_Object *o, const Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h) { Evas_Coord minw, minh; Eina_Bool expand_h, expand_v; evas_object_size_hint_min_get(o, &minw, &minh); expand_h = priv->expand_h; expand_v = priv->expand_v; if (*w < minw) expand_h = 0; if (!expand_h) { *x += (*w - minw) * priv->align.h; *w = minw; } if (*h < minh) expand_v = 0; if (!expand_v) { *y += (*h - minh) * priv->align.v; *h = minh; } } static void _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_homogeneous_sizes(const Evas_Object *o, const Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h, Evas_Coord *cellw, Evas_Coord *cellh) { evas_object_geometry_get(o, x, y, w, h); if (priv->homogeneous == EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_ITEM) _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_homogeneous_sizes_item (o, priv, x, y, w, h); *cellw = (*w + priv->size.cols - 1) / priv->size.cols; *cellh = (*h + priv->size.rows - 1) / priv->size.rows; } static void _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_homogeneous(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { Evas_Coord x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0, ww, hh, cellw = 0, cellh = 0; Eina_List *l; Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_homogeneous_sizes (o, priv, &x, &y, &w, &h, &cellw, &cellh); ww = w - ((priv->size.cols - 1) * priv->pad.h); hh = h - ((priv->size.rows - 1) * priv->pad.v); if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt) { Evas_Object *child = opt->obj; Evas_Coord cx, cy, cw, ch, cox, coy, cow, coh; cx = x + ((opt->col * ww) / priv->size.cols); cw = x + (((opt->col + opt->colspan) * ww) / priv->size.cols) - cx; cy = y + ((opt->row * hh) / priv->size.rows); ch = y + (((opt->row + opt->rowspan) * hh) / priv->size.rows) - cy; cx += (opt->col) * priv->pad.h; cy += (opt->row) * priv->pad.v; cox = cx; coy = cy; cow = cw; coh = ch; _evas_object_table_calculate_cell(opt, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch); if (cw > cow) { cx = cox; cw = cow; } if (ch > coh) { cy = coy; ch = coh; } if (priv->is_mirrored) { evas_object_move(opt->obj, x + w - (cx - x + cw), cy); } else { evas_object_move(child, cx, cy); } evas_object_resize(child, cw, ch); } } static void _evas_object_table_smart_calculate_homogeneous(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { if (priv->hints_changed) _evas_object_table_calculate_hints_homogeneous(o, priv); _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_homogeneous(o, priv); } static int _evas_object_table_count_expands(const Eina_Bool *expands, int start, int end) { const Eina_Bool *itr = expands + start, *itr_end = expands + end; int count = 0; for (; itr < itr_end; itr++) { if (*itr) count++; } return count; } static Evas_Coord _evas_object_table_sum_sizes(const Evas_Coord *sizes, int start, int end) { const Evas_Coord *itr = sizes + start, *itr_end = sizes + end; Evas_Coord sum = 0; for (; itr < itr_end; itr++) sum += *itr; return sum; } static void _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_noexpand(Evas_Coord *sizes, int start, int end, Evas_Coord space) { Evas_Coord *itr = sizes + start, *itr_end = sizes + end - 1; Evas_Coord step; int units; /* XXX move to fixed point math and spread errors among cells */ units = end - start; step = space / units; for (; itr < itr_end; itr++) *itr += step; *itr += space - step * (units - 1); } static void _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_expand(Evas_Coord *sizes, int start, int end, Evas_Coord space, const Eina_Bool *expands, int expand_count, double *weights, double weighttot) { Evas_Coord *itr = sizes + start, *itr_end = sizes + end; const Eina_Bool *itr_expand = expands + start; Evas_Coord step = 0, last_space = 0; int total = 0, i = start; /* XXX move to fixed point math and spread errors among cells */ if (weighttot > 0.0) { step = space / expand_count; last_space = space - step * (expand_count - 1); } for (; itr < itr_end; itr++, itr_expand++, i++) { if (weighttot <= 0.0) { if (*itr_expand) { expand_count--; if (expand_count > 0) *itr += step; else { *itr += last_space; break; } } } else { if (*itr_expand) { expand_count--; if (expand_count > 0) { step = (weights[i] / weighttot) * space; *itr += step; total += step; } else { *itr += space - total; break; } } } } } static void _evas_object_table_calculate_hints_regular(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; Evas_Object_Table_Cache *c; Eina_List *l; double totweightw = 0.0, totweighth = 0.0; int i; if (!priv->cache) { priv->cache = _evas_object_table_cache_alloc (priv->size.cols, priv->size.rows); if (!priv->cache) return; } c = priv->cache; _evas_object_table_cache_reset(priv); /* cache interesting data */ memset(c->expands.h, 1, priv->size.cols); memset(c->expands.v, 1, priv->size.rows); memset(c->weights.h, 0, priv->size.cols); memset(c->weights.v, 0, priv->size.rows); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt) { Evas_Object *child = opt->obj; double weightw, weighth; evas_object_size_hint_min_get(child, &opt->min.w, &opt->min.h); evas_object_size_hint_max_get(child, &opt->max.w, &opt->max.h); evas_object_size_hint_padding_get (child, &opt->pad.l, &opt->pad.r, &opt->pad.t, &opt->pad.b); evas_object_size_hint_align_get(child, &opt->align.h, &opt->align.v); evas_object_size_hint_weight_get(child, &weightw, &weighth); opt->expand_h = 0; if ((weightw > 0.0) && ((opt->max.w < 0) || ((opt->max.w > -1) && (opt->min.w < opt->max.w)))) opt->expand_h = 1; opt->expand_v = 0; if ((weighth > 0.0) && ((opt->max.h < 0) || ((opt->max.h > -1) && (opt->min.h < opt->max.h)))) opt->expand_v = 1; opt->fill_h = 0; if (opt->align.h < 0.0) { opt->align.h = 0.5; opt->fill_h = 1; } opt->fill_v = 0; if (opt->align.v < 0.0) { opt->align.v = 0.5; opt->fill_v = 1; } if (!opt->expand_h) memset(c->expands.h + opt->col, 0, opt->colspan); else { for (i = opt->col; i < opt->col + opt->colspan; i++) c->weights.h[i] += (weightw / (double)opt->colspan); } if (!opt->expand_v) memset(c->expands.v + opt->row, 0, opt->rowspan); else { for (i = opt->row; i < opt->row + opt->rowspan; i++) c->weights.v[i] += (weighth / (double)opt->rowspan); } } for (i = 0; i < priv->size.cols; i++) totweightw += c->weights.h[i]; for (i = 0; i < priv->size.rows; i++) totweighth += c->weights.v[i]; /* calculate sizes for each row and column */ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt) { Evas_Coord tot, need; /* handle horizontal */ tot = _evas_object_table_sum_sizes(c->sizes.h, opt->col, opt->end_col); need = opt->min.w + opt->pad.l + opt->pad.r; if (tot < need) { Evas_Coord space = need - tot; int count; count = _evas_object_table_count_expands (c->expands.h, opt->col, opt->end_col); if (count > 0) _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_expand (c->sizes.h, opt->col, opt->end_col, space, c->expands.h, count, c->weights.h, totweightw); else _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_noexpand (c->sizes.h, opt->col, opt->end_col, space); } /* handle vertical */ tot = _evas_object_table_sum_sizes(c->sizes.v, opt->row, opt->end_row); need = opt->min.h + opt->pad.t + opt->pad.b; if (tot < opt->min.h) { Evas_Coord space = need - tot; int count; count = _evas_object_table_count_expands (c->expands.v, opt->row, opt->end_row); if (count > 0) _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_expand (c->sizes.v, opt->row, opt->end_row, space, c->expands.v, count, c->weights.v, totweighth); else _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_noexpand (c->sizes.v, opt->row, opt->end_row, space); } } c->total.weights.h = totweightw; c->total.weights.v = totweighth; c->total.expands.h = _evas_object_table_count_expands (c->expands.h, 0, priv->size.cols); c->total.expands.v = _evas_object_table_count_expands (c->expands.v, 0, priv->size.rows); c->total.min.w = _evas_object_table_sum_sizes (c->sizes.h, 0, priv->size.cols); c->total.min.h = _evas_object_table_sum_sizes (c->sizes.v, 0, priv->size.rows); c->total.min.w += priv->pad.h * (priv->size.cols - 1); c->total.min.h += priv->pad.v * (priv->size.rows - 1); if ((c->total.min.w > 0) || (c->total.min.h > 0)) evas_object_size_hint_min_set(o, c->total.min.w, c->total.min.h); // XXX hint max? } static void _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_regular(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; Evas_Object_Table_Cache *c; Eina_List *l; Evas_Coord *cols = NULL, *rows = NULL; Evas_Coord x, y, w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(o, &x, &y, &w, &h); c = priv->cache; /* handle horizontal */ if ((c->total.expands.h <= 0) || (c->total.min.w >= w)) { x += (w - c->total.min.w) * priv->align.h; w = c->total.min.w; cols = c->sizes.h; } else { int size = priv->size.cols * sizeof(Evas_Coord); cols = malloc(size); if (!cols) { ERR("Could not allocate temp columns (%d bytes): %s", size, strerror(errno)); goto end; } memcpy(cols, c->sizes.h, size); _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_expand (cols, 0, priv->size.cols, w - c->total.min.w, c->expands.h, c->total.expands.h, c->weights.h, c->total.weights.h); } /* handle vertical */ if ((c->total.expands.v <= 0) || (c->total.min.h >= h)) { y += (h - c->total.min.h) * priv->align.v; h = c->total.min.h; rows = c->sizes.v; } else { int size = priv->size.rows * sizeof(Evas_Coord); rows = malloc(size); if (!rows) { ERR("could not allocate temp rows (%d bytes): %s", size, strerror(errno)); goto end; } memcpy(rows, c->sizes.v, size); _evas_object_table_sizes_calc_expand (rows, 0, priv->size.rows, h - c->total.min.h, c->expands.v, c->total.expands.v, c->weights.v, c->total.weights.v); } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt) { Evas_Object *child = opt->obj; Evas_Coord cx, cy, cw, ch; cx = x + opt->col * (priv->pad.h); cx += _evas_object_table_sum_sizes(cols, 0, opt->col); cw = _evas_object_table_sum_sizes(cols, opt->col, opt->end_col); cy = y + opt->row * (priv->pad.v); cy += _evas_object_table_sum_sizes(rows, 0, opt->row); ch = _evas_object_table_sum_sizes(rows, opt->row, opt->end_row); _evas_object_table_calculate_cell(opt, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch); if (priv->is_mirrored) { evas_object_move(opt->obj, x + w - (cx - x + cw), cy); } else { evas_object_move(child, cx, cy); } evas_object_resize(child, cw, ch); } end: if (cols != c->sizes.h) { if (cols) free(cols); } if (rows != c->sizes.v) { if (rows) free(rows); } } static void _evas_object_table_smart_calculate_regular(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv) { if (priv->hints_changed) _evas_object_table_calculate_hints_regular(o, priv); _evas_object_table_calculate_layout_regular(o, priv); } EVAS_SMART_SUBCLASS_NEW("Evas_Object_Table", _evas_object_table, Evas_Smart_Class, Evas_Smart_Class, evas_object_smart_clipped_class_get, NULL) static void _evas_object_table_smart_add(Evas_Object *o) { EVAS_SMART_DATA_ALLOC(o, Evas_Object_Table_Data) priv->pad.h = 0; priv->pad.v = 0; priv->align.h = 0.5; priv->align.v = 0.5; priv->size.cols = 0; priv->size.rows = 0; priv->cache = NULL; priv->homogeneous = EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_NONE; priv->hints_changed = 1; priv->expand_h = 0; priv->expand_v = 0; _evas_object_table_parent_sc->add(o); } static void _evas_object_table_smart_del(Evas_Object *o) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET(o, priv); Eina_List *l; l = priv->children; while (l) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt = l->data; _evas_object_table_child_disconnect(o, opt->obj); _evas_object_table_option_del(opt->obj); free(opt); l = eina_list_remove_list(l, l); } if (priv->cache) { _evas_object_table_cache_free(priv->cache); priv->cache = NULL; } _evas_object_table_parent_sc->del(o); } static void _evas_object_table_smart_resize(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { Evas_Coord ow, oh; evas_object_geometry_get(o, NULL, NULL, &ow, &oh); if ((ow == w) && (oh == h)) return; evas_object_smart_changed(o); } static void _evas_object_table_smart_calculate(Evas_Object *o) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(o, priv); if ((priv->size.cols < 1) || (priv->size.rows < 1)) { DBG("Nothing to do: cols=%d, rows=%d", priv->size.cols, priv->size.rows); return; } if (priv->homogeneous) _evas_object_table_smart_calculate_homogeneous(o, priv); else _evas_object_table_smart_calculate_regular(o, priv); } static void _evas_object_table_smart_set_user(Evas_Smart_Class *sc) { sc->add = _evas_object_table_smart_add; sc->del = _evas_object_table_smart_del; sc->resize = _evas_object_table_smart_resize; sc->calculate = _evas_object_table_smart_calculate; } EAPI Evas_Object * evas_object_table_add(Evas *evas) { return evas_object_smart_add(evas, _evas_object_table_smart_class_new()); } EAPI Evas_Object * evas_object_table_add_to(Evas_Object *parent) { Evas *evas; Evas_Object *o; evas = evas_object_evas_get(parent); o = evas_object_table_add(evas); evas_object_smart_member_add(o, parent); return o; } EAPI void evas_object_table_homogeneous_set(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object_Table_Homogeneous_Mode homogeneous) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(o, priv); if (priv->homogeneous == homogeneous) return; priv->homogeneous = homogeneous; _evas_object_table_cache_invalidate(priv); evas_object_smart_changed(o); } EAPI Evas_Object_Table_Homogeneous_Mode evas_object_table_homogeneous_get(const Evas_Object *o) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, 0); return priv->homogeneous; } EAPI void evas_object_table_align_set(Evas_Object *o, double horizontal, double vertical) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(o, priv); if (priv->align.h == horizontal && priv->align.v == vertical) return; priv->align.h = horizontal; priv->align.v = vertical; evas_object_smart_changed(o); } EAPI void evas_object_table_align_get(const Evas_Object *o, double *horizontal, double *vertical) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET(o, priv); if (priv) { if (horizontal) *horizontal = priv->align.h; if (vertical) *vertical = priv->align.v; } else { if (horizontal) *horizontal = 0.5; if (vertical) *vertical = 0.5; } } EAPI void evas_object_table_padding_set(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord horizontal, Evas_Coord vertical) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(o, priv); if (priv->pad.h == horizontal && priv->pad.v == vertical) return; priv->pad.h = horizontal; priv->pad.v = vertical; _evas_object_table_cache_invalidate(priv); evas_object_smart_changed(o); } EAPI void evas_object_table_padding_get(const Evas_Object *o, Evas_Coord *horizontal, Evas_Coord *vertical) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET(o, priv); if (priv) { if (horizontal) *horizontal = priv->pad.h; if (vertical) *vertical = priv->pad.v; } else { if (horizontal) *horizontal = 0; if (vertical) *vertical = 0; } } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_table_pack_get(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *child, unsigned short *col, unsigned short *row, unsigned short *colspan, unsigned short *rowspan) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, 0); opt = _evas_object_table_option_get(child); if (!opt) { if (col) *col = 0; if (row) *row = 0; if (colspan) *colspan = 0; if (rowspan) *rowspan = 0; return EINA_FALSE; } if (col) *col = opt->col; if (row) *row = opt->row; if (colspan) *colspan = opt->colspan; if (rowspan) *rowspan = opt->rowspan; return EINA_TRUE; } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_table_pack(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *child, unsigned short col, unsigned short row, unsigned short colspan, unsigned short rowspan) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, 0); if (rowspan < 1) { ERR("rowspan < 1"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (colspan < 1) { ERR("colspan < 1"); return EINA_FALSE; } opt = _evas_object_table_option_get(child); if (!opt) { opt = malloc(sizeof(*opt)); if (!opt) { ERR("could not allocate table option data."); return EINA_FALSE; } } opt->obj = child; opt->col = col; opt->row = row; opt->colspan = colspan; opt->rowspan = rowspan; opt->end_col = col + colspan; opt->end_row = row + rowspan; if (evas_object_smart_parent_get(child) == o) { Eina_Bool need_shrink = EINA_FALSE; if (priv->size.cols < opt->end_col) priv->size.cols = opt->end_col; else need_shrink = EINA_TRUE; if (priv->size.rows < opt->end_row) priv->size.rows = opt->end_row; else need_shrink = EINA_TRUE; if (need_shrink) { Eina_List *l; Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt2; int max_row = 0, max_col = 0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt2) { if (max_col < opt2->end_col) max_col = opt2->end_col; if (max_row < opt2->end_row) max_row = opt2->end_row; } priv->size.cols = max_col; priv->size.rows = max_row; } } else { opt->min.w = 0; opt->min.h = 0; opt->max.w = 0; opt->max.h = 0; opt->align.h = 0.5; opt->align.v = 0.5; opt->pad.l = 0; opt->pad.r = 0; opt->pad.t = 0; opt->pad.b = 0; opt->expand_h = 0; opt->expand_v = 0; priv->children = eina_list_append(priv->children, opt); if (priv->size.cols < opt->end_col) priv->size.cols = opt->end_col; if (priv->size.rows < opt->end_row) priv->size.rows = opt->end_row; _evas_object_table_option_set(child, opt); evas_object_smart_member_add(child, o); _evas_object_table_child_connect(o, child); } _evas_object_table_cache_invalidate(priv); evas_object_smart_changed(o); return EINA_TRUE; } static void _evas_object_table_remove_opt(Evas_Object_Table_Data *priv, Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt) { Eina_List *l; int max_row, max_col, was_greatest; max_row = 0; max_col = 0; was_greatest = 0; l = priv->children; while (l) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *cur_opt = l->data; if (cur_opt != opt) { if (max_col < cur_opt->end_col) max_col = cur_opt->end_col; if (max_row < cur_opt->end_row) max_row = cur_opt->end_row; l = l->next; } else { Eina_List *tmp = l->next; priv->children = eina_list_remove_list(priv->children, l); if ((priv->size.cols > opt->end_col) && (priv->size.rows > opt->end_row)) break; else { was_greatest = 1; l = tmp; } } } if (was_greatest) { priv->size.cols = max_col; priv->size.rows = max_row; } } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_table_unpack(Evas_Object *o, Evas_Object *child) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, 0); if (o != evas_object_smart_parent_get(child)) { ERR("cannot unpack child from incorrect table!"); return EINA_FALSE; } opt = _evas_object_table_option_del(child); if (!opt) { ERR("cannot unpack child with no packing option!"); return EINA_FALSE; } _evas_object_table_child_disconnect(o, child); _evas_object_table_remove_opt(priv, opt); evas_object_smart_member_del(child); free(opt); _evas_object_table_cache_invalidate(priv); evas_object_smart_changed(o); return EINA_TRUE; } EAPI void evas_object_table_clear(Evas_Object *o, Eina_Bool clear) { Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(o, priv); EINA_LIST_FREE(priv->children, opt) { _evas_object_table_child_disconnect(o, opt->obj); _evas_object_table_option_del(opt->obj); evas_object_smart_member_del(opt->obj); if (clear) evas_object_del(opt->obj); free(opt); } priv->size.cols = 0; priv->size.rows = 0; _evas_object_table_cache_invalidate(priv); evas_object_smart_changed(o); } EAPI void evas_object_table_col_row_size_get(const Evas_Object *o, int *cols, int *rows) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET(o, priv); if (priv) { if (cols) *cols = priv->size.cols; if (rows) *rows = priv->size.rows; } else { if (cols) *cols = -1; if (rows) *rows = -1; } } EAPI Eina_Iterator * evas_object_table_iterator_new(const Evas_Object *o) { Evas_Object_Table_Iterator *it; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, NULL); if (!priv->children) return NULL; it = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Table_Iterator)); if (!it) return NULL; EINA_MAGIC_SET(&it->iterator, EINA_MAGIC_ITERATOR); it->real_iterator = eina_list_iterator_new(priv->children); it->table = o; it->iterator.next = FUNC_ITERATOR_NEXT(_evas_object_table_iterator_next); it->iterator.get_container = FUNC_ITERATOR_GET_CONTAINER(_evas_object_table_iterator_get_container); it->iterator.free = FUNC_ITERATOR_FREE(_evas_object_table_iterator_free); return &it->iterator; } EAPI Eina_Accessor * evas_object_table_accessor_new(const Evas_Object *o) { Evas_Object_Table_Accessor *it; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, NULL); if (!priv->children) return NULL; it = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Table_Accessor)); if (!it) return NULL; EINA_MAGIC_SET(&it->accessor, EINA_MAGIC_ACCESSOR); it->real_accessor = eina_list_accessor_new(priv->children); it->table = o; it->accessor.get_at = FUNC_ACCESSOR_GET_AT(_evas_object_table_accessor_get_at); it->accessor.get_container = FUNC_ACCESSOR_GET_CONTAINER(_evas_object_table_accessor_get_container); it->accessor.free = FUNC_ACCESSOR_FREE(_evas_object_table_accessor_free); return &it->accessor; } EAPI Eina_List * evas_object_table_children_get(const Evas_Object *o) { Eina_List *new_list = NULL, *l; Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, NULL); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt) new_list = eina_list_append(new_list, opt->obj); return new_list; } Evas_Object * evas_object_table_child_get(const Evas_Object *o, unsigned short col, unsigned short row) { Eina_List *l; Evas_Object_Table_Option *opt; EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(o, priv, NULL); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(priv->children, l, opt) if (opt->col == col && opt->row == row) return opt->obj; return NULL; } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_object_table_mirrored_get(const Evas_Object *obj) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN_VAL(obj, priv, EINA_FALSE); return priv->is_mirrored; } EAPI void evas_object_table_mirrored_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool mirrored) { EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(obj, priv); if (priv->is_mirrored != mirrored) { priv->is_mirrored = mirrored; _evas_object_table_smart_calculate(obj); } }