/* vim:set ts=8 sw=3 sts=3 expandtab cino=>5n-2f0^-2{2(0W1st0 :*/ #include "evas_common.h" #include "evas_private.h" #include "Evas_GL.h" struct _Evas_GL { DATA32 magic; Evas *evas; Eina_List *contexts; Eina_List *surfaces; }; struct _Evas_GL_Context { void *data; }; struct _Evas_GL_Surface { void *data; }; EAPI Evas_GL * evas_gl_new(Evas *e) { Evas_GL *evas_gl; MAGIC_CHECK(e, Evas, MAGIC_EVAS); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); evas_gl = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL)); if (!evas_gl) return NULL; evas_gl->magic = MAGIC_EVAS_GL; evas_gl->evas = e; return evas_gl; } EAPI void evas_gl_free(Evas_GL *evas_gl) { MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); // Delete undeleted surfaces while (evas_gl->surfaces) evas_gl_surface_destroy(evas_gl, evas_gl->surfaces->data); // Delete undeleted contexts while (evas_gl->contexts) evas_gl_context_destroy(evas_gl, evas_gl->contexts->data); evas_gl->magic = 0; free(evas_gl); } EAPI Evas_GL_Surface * evas_gl_surface_create(Evas_GL *evas_gl, Evas_GL_Config *config, int width, int height) { Evas_GL_Surface *surf; MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if (!config) { ERR("Invalid Config\n"); return NULL; } surf = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL_Surface)); surf->data = evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_surface_create(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, config, width, height); if (!surf->data) { ERR("Failed creating a surface from the engine\n"); free(surf); return NULL; } // Keep track of the surface creations evas_gl->surfaces = eina_list_prepend(evas_gl->surfaces, surf); return surf; } EAPI void evas_gl_surface_destroy(Evas_GL *evas_gl, Evas_GL_Surface *surf) { // Magic MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if (!surf) { ERR("Trying to destroy a NULL surface pointer!\n"); return; } // Call Engine's Surface Destroy evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_surface_destroy(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, surf->data); // Remove it from the list evas_gl->surfaces = eina_list_remove(evas_gl->surfaces, surf); // Delete the object free(surf); surf = NULL; } EAPI Evas_GL_Context * evas_gl_context_create(Evas_GL *evas_gl, Evas_GL_Context *share_ctx) { Evas_GL_Context *ctx; // Magic MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); // Allocate a context object ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL_Context)); if (!ctx) { ERR("Unable to create a Evas_GL_Context object\n"); return NULL; } // Call engine->gl_create_context if (share_ctx) { ctx->data = evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_context_create(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, share_ctx->data); } else { ctx->data = evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_context_create(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, NULL); } // Set a few variables if (!ctx->data) { ERR("Failed creating a context from the engine\n"); free(ctx); return NULL; } // Keep track of the context creations evas_gl->contexts = eina_list_prepend(evas_gl->contexts, ctx); return ctx; } EAPI void evas_gl_context_destroy(Evas_GL *evas_gl, Evas_GL_Context *ctx) { MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if (!ctx) { ERR("Trying to destroy a NULL context pointer!\n"); return; } // Call Engine's destroy evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_context_destroy(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, ctx->data); // Remove it from the list evas_gl->contexts = eina_list_remove(evas_gl->contexts, ctx); // Delete the object free(ctx); ctx = NULL; } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_gl_make_current(Evas_GL *evas_gl, Evas_GL_Surface *surf, Evas_GL_Context *ctx) { Eina_Bool ret; MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); if ((!surf) || (!ctx)) ret = (Eina_Bool)evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_make_current(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, NULL, NULL); else ret = (Eina_Bool)evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_make_current(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, surf->data, ctx->data); return ret; } EAPI const char * evas_gl_string_query(Evas_GL *evas_gl, int name) { MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); return (const char *)evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_string_query(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, name); } EAPI Evas_GL_Func evas_gl_proc_address_get(Evas_GL *evas_gl, const char *name) { MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); return (Evas_GL_Func)evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_proc_address_get(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, name); } EAPI Eina_Bool evas_gl_native_surface_get(Evas_GL *evas_gl, Evas_GL_Surface *surf, Evas_Native_Surface *ns) { MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return EINA_FALSE; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); return (Eina_Bool)evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_native_surface_get(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output, surf->data, ns); } EAPI Evas_GL_API * evas_gl_api_get(Evas_GL *evas_gl) { MAGIC_CHECK(evas_gl, Evas_GL, MAGIC_EVAS_GL); return NULL; MAGIC_CHECK_END(); return (Evas_GL_API*)evas_gl->evas->engine.func->gl_api_get(evas_gl->evas->engine.data.output); }