Evas 1.1.0

Changes since Evas 1.0.0:


    * auto-align feature to textblock
    * mixedwrap wrap mode to textblock
    * harfbuzzsupport for shaping
    * WBMP loader
    * mirror mode for tables
    * proxy abilities to image objects to choose source ro mirror
    * speculative texture cache to the OpenGL engine to avoid texture uploads
    * newline policy setting API to textblock
    * evas_object_ref and evas_object_unref to defer object deletions
    * ICO loader
    * evas_object_image_memfile_set to load images from memory
    * vertical alignment to textblock
    * more shadow directions for text rendering
    * runtime italicizing and boldening of fonts that don't have their own
    * more bidi API support
    * PSD loader
    * generic external-process loader for thins like xcf, pdf, video, ps
    * password mode to textblock
    * GL shader disk cache to avoid re-compilng on start
    * evas_textblock_node_format_list_get. API
    * smart class usage count get API
    * grid layout smart object and API
    * evas_event_thaw_eval to help evaluate state and events on event thaw
    * textblock support for numeric escapes like "<" in markup
    * evas_object_image_extension_can_load_get API
    * evas_object_image_extension_can_load_fast_get API
    * evas_object_image_load_orientation_get API
    * evas_object_image_load_orientation_set API
    * feature to allow tables to repack the same object without error
    * API to get child packing from table
    * is_inside implementation for polygon objects
    * out-of-order open/close tag support in textblock markup
    * support for quoted parameters in tags in textblock markup
    * font_weight and font_style formats
    * font_width font format
    * markup tag to specify language
    * evas_textblock_cursor_range_formats_get API
    * evas_textblock_cursor_visible_range_get API
    * callback prioritization support
    * YUV 601 input support for evas_object_image_data_convert
    * NV12 colorspace for evas image objects
    * MT12 colorspace for evas image objects
    * underline dashing suport to textblock
    * API to get largest image size
    * GL Cocoa engine


    * cursor and selection handling with bidi text
    * many general bid issues with text
    * free bug in key grabs
    * bug when images are scaled to massive sizes (like 1 billion pixels)
    * BMP decode for have more pixels per line than the image does
    * font string parsing bug if font element is too long
    * crash bug in argb8888 to a8 conversion
    * textblock bug with cursors in empty textblocks
    * bug in smart calc array where some objects would be skipped
    * static linking of BMP and TGA loaders
    * bug when GL viewport was set with a NULL context
    * bug when looking for vsync API due to SGI vs EXT differences
    * bug in evas_object_del where DEL callback happened before HIDE
    * yinversion bug on some GL surfaces
    * BMP loader to handle alpha BMPS as solid where all alpha values are 0
    * clipping with evas map issues
    * bug where wrong call was used for freeing a mempool object
    * static linking of GL engine
    * GL engine to handle if someone uses GL contexts outside of evas
    * bug in evas_object_textblock_text_markup_prepend that broke cursors
    * lack of calling pre/post swap callbacks when using OpenGL-ES2
    * some crashes with load options scaling of SVGs in 2nd pass decode
    * segfault with evas_textblock_cursor_content_get
    * libjpeg 8 compilation support on windows
    * evas table to handle weighting correctly and expansion
    * evas table to allow fractional weights, not just 0/1
    * glyph search bug causing inconsitent return values in some cases
    * compile when --disable-async-preload is used
    * callback counter bug
    * grab count and hide bug
    * infintie loop bug when re-inserting objects during pre-render calc
    * evas_object_image_data_convert
    * TGA loader detects false positives less and handles alpha TGAs better
    * repeat event flag not inherited from parent smart like pass events


    * pre-render speed for rectangles if they are invisible
    * code of textblock and font engine
    * textblock layout speed
    * speed and memory usage of textblock
    * cache handler to also use file size, mode and sub-second timestamp
    * textblock to re-layout only paragraphs that have changed
    * homogenous table layout alignment and sizing
    * textblock linebreaking by using liblinebreak
    * image loader to drop out instantly if image file is a directory
    * object allocation to use mempools
    * font engine to use string objects not strings for caching purposes
    * text to display missing unicode char instead of missing glyphs
    * internal file code to use eina_file more
    * jpeg loader to use eina_file
    * jpeg encode and decode quality improved at expense of speed


    * removed quartz, cairo, qtopia and xrender engines. dead.