#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define Uses_SCIM_DEBUG #define Uses_SCIM_BACKEND #define Uses_SCIM_IMENGINE_MODULE #define Uses_SCIM_HOTKEY #define Uses_SCIM_PANEL_CLIENT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "scim_imcontext.h" using namespace scim; struct _EcoreIMFContextISFImpl { EcoreIMFContextISF *parent; IMEngineInstancePointer si; Ecore_X_Window client_window; Evas *client_canvas; Ecore_IMF_Input_Mode input_mode; WideString preedit_string; AttributeList preedit_attrlist; Ecore_IMF_Autocapital_Type autocapital_type; int preedit_caret; int cursor_x; int cursor_y; int cursor_pos; bool use_preedit; bool is_on; bool shared_si; bool preedit_started; bool preedit_updating; bool need_commit_preedit; bool uppercase; bool prediction_allow; EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *next; }; /* Input Context handling functions. */ static EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *new_ic_impl (EcoreIMFContextISF *parent); static void delete_ic_impl (EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *impl); static void delete_all_ic_impl (void); static EcoreIMFContextISF *find_ic (int id); /* private functions */ static void panel_slot_reload_config (int context); static void panel_slot_exit (int context); static void panel_slot_update_lookup_table_page_size(int context, int page_size); static void panel_slot_lookup_table_page_up (int context); static void panel_slot_lookup_table_page_down (int context); static void panel_slot_trigger_property (int context, const String &property); static void panel_slot_process_helper_event (int context, const String &target_uuid, const String &helper_uuid, const Transaction &trans); static void panel_slot_move_preedit_caret (int context, int caret_pos); static void panel_slot_select_candidate (int context, int cand_index); static void panel_slot_process_key_event (int context, const KeyEvent &key); static void panel_slot_commit_string (int context, const WideString &wstr); static void panel_slot_forward_key_event (int context, const KeyEvent &key); static void panel_slot_request_help (int context); static void panel_slot_request_factory_menu (int context); static void panel_slot_change_factory (int context, const String &uuid); static void panel_req_focus_in (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void panel_req_update_factory_info (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void panel_req_update_spot_location (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void panel_req_show_help (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void panel_req_show_factory_menu (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); /* Panel iochannel handler*/ static bool panel_initialize (void); static void panel_finalize (void); static Eina_Bool panel_iochannel_handler (void *data, Ecore_Fd_Handler *fd_handler); /* utility functions */ static bool filter_hotkeys (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic, const KeyEvent &key); static void turn_on_ic (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void turn_off_ic (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void set_ic_capabilities (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void initialize (void); static void finalize (void); static void open_next_factory (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void open_previous_factory (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic); static void open_specific_factory (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic, const String &uuid); static void initialize_modifier_bits (Display *display); static unsigned int scim_x11_keymask_scim_to_x11 (Display *display, uint16 scimkeymask); static XKeyEvent createKeyEvent (Display *display, Window &win, Window &winRoot, bool press, int keycode, int modifiers); static void _x_send_key_event (const KeyEvent &key); static void attach_instance (const IMEngineInstancePointer &si); /* slot functions */ static void slot_show_preedit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si); static void slot_show_aux_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si); static void slot_show_lookup_table (IMEngineInstanceBase *si); static void slot_hide_preedit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si); static void slot_hide_aux_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si); static void slot_hide_lookup_table (IMEngineInstanceBase *si); static void slot_update_preedit_caret (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, int caret); static void slot_update_preedit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const WideString &str, const AttributeList &attrs); static void slot_update_aux_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const WideString &str, const AttributeList &attrs); static void slot_commit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const WideString &str); static void slot_forward_key_event (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const KeyEvent &key); static void slot_update_lookup_table (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const LookupTable &table); static void slot_register_properties (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const PropertyList &properties); static void slot_update_property (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const Property &property); static void slot_beep (IMEngineInstanceBase *si); static void slot_start_helper (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const String &helper_uuid); static void slot_stop_helper (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const String &helper_uuid); static void slot_send_helper_event (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const String &helper_uuid, const Transaction &trans); static bool slot_get_surrounding_text (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, WideString &text, int &cursor, int maxlen_before, int maxlen_after); static bool slot_delete_surrounding_text (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, int offset, int len); static void reload_config_callback (const ConfigPointer &config); static void fallback_commit_string_cb (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const WideString &str); static void caps_mode_check (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, Eina_Bool force); /* Local variables declaration */ static String _language; static EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *_used_ic_impl_list = 0; static EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *_free_ic_impl_list = 0; static EcoreIMFContextISF *_ic_list = 0; static KeyboardLayout _keyboard_layout = SCIM_KEYBOARD_Default; static int _valid_key_mask = SCIM_KEY_AllMasks; static FrontEndHotkeyMatcher _frontend_hotkey_matcher; static IMEngineHotkeyMatcher _imengine_hotkey_matcher; static IMEngineInstancePointer _default_instance; static ConfigModule *_config_module = 0; static ConfigPointer _config; static BackEndPointer _backend; static EcoreIMFContextISF *_focused_ic = 0; static bool _scim_initialized = false; static int _instance_count = 0; static int _context_count = 0; static IMEngineFactoryPointer _fallback_factory; static IMEngineInstancePointer _fallback_instance; static PanelClient _panel_client; static Ecore_Fd_Handler *_panel_iochannel_read_handler = 0; static Ecore_Fd_Handler *_panel_iochannel_err_handler = 0; static Ecore_X_Window _client_window = 0; static bool _on_the_spot = true; static bool _shared_input_method = false; static Eina_Bool autocap_allow = EINA_FALSE; static Display *__current_display = 0; static int __current_alt_mask = Mod1Mask; static int __current_meta_mask = 0; static int __current_super_mask = 0; static int __current_hyper_mask = 0; static int __current_numlock_mask = Mod2Mask; // A hack to shutdown the immodule cleanly even if im_module_exit () is not called when exiting. class FinalizeHandler { public: FinalizeHandler () { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "FinalizeHandler::FinalizeHandler ()\n"; } ~FinalizeHandler () { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "FinalizeHandler::~FinalizeHandler ()\n"; isf_imf_context_shutdown (); } }; static FinalizeHandler _finalize_handler; static unsigned int utf8_offset_to_index(const char *str, int offset) { int index = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) { eina_unicode_utf8_get_next(str, &index); } return index; } static unsigned int get_time (void) { unsigned int tint; struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; /* is not used since ages */ gettimeofday (&tv, &tz); tint = tv.tv_sec * 1000; tint = tint / 1000 * 1000; tint = tint + tv.tv_usec / 1000; return tint; } /* Function Implementations */ static EcoreIMFContextISFImpl * new_ic_impl (EcoreIMFContextISF *parent) { EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *impl = NULL; if (_free_ic_impl_list != NULL) { impl = _free_ic_impl_list; _free_ic_impl_list = _free_ic_impl_list->next; } else { impl = new EcoreIMFContextISFImpl; if (impl == NULL) return NULL; } impl->uppercase = false; impl->autocapital_type = ECORE_IMF_AUTOCAPITAL_TYPE_NONE; impl->next = _used_ic_impl_list; _used_ic_impl_list = impl; impl->parent = parent; return impl; } static void delete_ic_impl (EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *impl) { EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *rec = _used_ic_impl_list, *last = 0; for (; rec != 0; last = rec, rec = rec->next) { if (rec == impl) { if (last != 0) last->next = rec->next; else _used_ic_impl_list = rec->next; rec->next = _free_ic_impl_list; _free_ic_impl_list = rec; rec->parent = 0; rec->si.reset (); rec->client_window = 0; rec->preedit_string = WideString (); rec->preedit_attrlist.clear (); return; } } } static void delete_all_ic_impl (void) { EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *it = _used_ic_impl_list; while (it != 0) { _used_ic_impl_list = it->next; delete it; it = _used_ic_impl_list; } it = _free_ic_impl_list; while (it != 0) { _free_ic_impl_list = it->next; delete it; it = _free_ic_impl_list; } } static EcoreIMFContextISF * find_ic (int id) { EcoreIMFContextISFImpl *rec = _used_ic_impl_list; while (rec != 0) { if (rec->parent && rec->parent->id == id) return rec->parent; rec = rec->next; } return 0; } static Eina_Bool analyze_surrounding_text(Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx) { char *plain_str = NULL; char *markup_str = NULL; const char *puncs[3] = {". ", "! ", "? "}; Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; int cursor_pos = 0; int i = 0; Eina_Unicode *tail = NULL; Eina_Unicode *ustr = NULL; Eina_Unicode *uni_puncs[3]; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim; if (!ctx) return EINA_FALSE; context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (!context_scim || !context_scim->impl) return EINA_FALSE; switch (context_scim->impl->autocapital_type) { case ECORE_IMF_AUTOCAPITAL_TYPE_NONE: return EINA_FALSE; case ECORE_IMF_AUTOCAPITAL_TYPE_ALLCHARACTER: return EINA_TRUE; default: break; } for (i=0; i<3; i++) uni_puncs[i] = eina_unicode_utf8_to_unicode(puncs[i], NULL); ecore_imf_context_surrounding_get(ctx, &markup_str, &cursor_pos); if (!markup_str) goto done; if (cursor_pos == 0) { ret = EINA_TRUE; goto done; } // Convert into plain string plain_str = evas_textblock_text_markup_to_utf8(NULL, markup_str); if (!plain_str) goto done; // Convert string from utf8 to unicode ustr = eina_unicode_utf8_to_unicode(plain_str, NULL); if (!ustr) goto done; if (cursor_pos >= 1) { if (context_scim->impl->autocapital_type == ECORE_IMF_AUTOCAPITAL_TYPE_WORD) { if (ustr[cursor_pos-1] == ' ') { ret = EINA_TRUE; goto done; } } // Check paragraph separator and carrage return
if ((ustr[cursor_pos-1] == 0x2029) || (ustr[cursor_pos-1] == '\n')) { ret = EINA_TRUE; goto done; } } // check punctuation if (cursor_pos >= 2) { tail = eina_unicode_strndup(ustr+cursor_pos-2, 2); if (tail) { for (i=0; i<3; i++) { if (!eina_unicode_strcmp(tail, uni_puncs[i])) { ret = EINA_TRUE; break; } } free(tail); tail = NULL; } } done: if (ustr) free(ustr); if (markup_str) free(markup_str); if (plain_str) free(plain_str); for (i=0; i<3; i++) if (uni_puncs[i]) free(uni_puncs[i]); return ret; } static void caps_mode_check(Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, Eina_Bool force) { Eina_Bool uppercase; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim; if (!ctx) return; context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (autocap_allow == EINA_FALSE) return; // Check autocapital type if (!context_scim || !context_scim->impl) return; if (analyze_surrounding_text(ctx)) uppercase = EINA_TRUE; else uppercase = EINA_FALSE; if (force) context_scim->impl->uppercase = uppercase; else if (context_scim->impl->uppercase != uppercase) context_scim->impl->uppercase = uppercase; } static void feed_key_event (Evas *evas, const char *str, Eina_Bool fake) { char key_string[128] = {0}; unsigned int timestamp = 0; if (!fake) timestamp = get_time (); if (strncmp (str, "KeyRelease+", 11) == 0) { strncpy(key_string, str + 11, strlen(str)-11); evas_event_feed_key_up (evas, key_string, key_string, NULL, NULL, timestamp, NULL); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << " evas_event_feed_key_up ()...\n"; } else { strncpy(key_string, str, strlen(str)); evas_event_feed_key_down (evas, key_string, key_string, NULL, NULL, timestamp, NULL); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << " evas_event_feed_key_down ()...\n"; } } /* Public functions */ /** * isf_imf_context_new * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * Create a instance of type EcoreIMFContextISF. * * Return value: A pointer to the newly created EcoreIMFContextISF instance */ EAPI EcoreIMFContextISF * isf_imf_context_new (void) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; char *env; Ecore_X_Display *display = ecore_x_display_get (); if (!display) { std::cerr << "ecore_x_display_get () failed !!!"; return NULL; } EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = new EcoreIMFContextISF; if (context_scim == NULL) { std::cerr << "memory allocation failed in " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return NULL; } context_scim->id = _context_count++; if (!_scim_initialized) { initialize (); _scim_initialized = true; } env = getenv("ECORE_IMF_AUTOCAPITAL_ALLOW"); if (env) autocap_allow = !!atoi(env); return context_scim; } /** * isf_imf_shutdown * * It will be called when the scim im module is unloaded by ecore. It will do some * cleanup job. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_shutdown (void) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (_scim_initialized) { _scim_initialized = false; finalize (); } } EAPI void isf_imf_context_add (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF*)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (!context_scim) return; context_scim->impl = NULL; if (_backend.null ()) return; IMEngineInstancePointer si; // Use the default instance if "shared input method" mode is enabled. if (_shared_input_method && !_default_instance.null ()) { si = _default_instance; SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "use default instance: " << si->get_id () << " " << si->get_factory_uuid () << "\n"; } // Not in "shared input method" mode, or no default instance, create an instance. if (si.null ()) { IMEngineFactoryPointer factory = _backend->get_default_factory (_language, "UTF-8"); if (factory.null ()) return; si = factory->create_instance ("UTF-8", _instance_count++); if (si.null ()) return; attach_instance (si); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "create new instance: " << si->get_id () << " " << si->get_factory_uuid () << "\n"; } // If "shared input method" mode is enabled, and there is no default instance, // then store this instance as default one. if (_shared_input_method && _default_instance.null ()) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "update default instance.\n"; _default_instance = si; } context_scim->ctx = ctx; context_scim->impl = new_ic_impl (context_scim); if (context_scim->impl == NULL) { std::cerr << "memory allocation failed in " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return; } context_scim->impl->si = si; context_scim->impl->client_window = 0; context_scim->impl->client_canvas = NULL; context_scim->impl->preedit_caret = 0; context_scim->impl->cursor_x = 0; context_scim->impl->cursor_y = 0; context_scim->impl->cursor_pos = -1; context_scim->impl->is_on = false; context_scim->impl->shared_si = _shared_input_method; context_scim->impl->use_preedit = _on_the_spot; context_scim->impl->preedit_started = false; context_scim->impl->preedit_updating = false; context_scim->impl->need_commit_preedit = false; if (!_ic_list) context_scim->next = NULL; else context_scim->next = _ic_list; _ic_list = context_scim; if (_shared_input_method) context_scim->impl->is_on = _config->read (String (SCIM_CONFIG_FRONTEND_IM_OPENED_BY_DEFAULT), context_scim->impl->is_on); _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); _panel_client.register_input_context (context_scim->id, si->get_factory_uuid ()); set_ic_capabilities (context_scim); _panel_client.send (); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "input context created: id = " << context_scim->id << "\n"; } EAPI void isf_imf_context_del (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (!_ic_list) return; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF*)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim) { if (context_scim->id != _ic_list->id) { EcoreIMFContextISF * pre = _ic_list; EcoreIMFContextISF * cur = _ic_list->next; while (cur != NULL) { if (cur->id == context_scim->id) { pre->next = cur->next; break; } pre = cur; cur = cur->next; } } else _ic_list = _ic_list->next; } if (context_scim && context_scim->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); if (context_scim == _focused_ic) context_scim->impl->si->focus_out (); // Delete the instance. EcoreIMFContextISF *old_focused = _focused_ic; _focused_ic = context_scim; context_scim->impl->si.reset (); _focused_ic = old_focused; if (context_scim == _focused_ic) { _panel_client.turn_off (context_scim->id); _panel_client.focus_out (context_scim->id); } _panel_client.remove_input_context (context_scim->id); _panel_client.send (); if (context_scim->impl->client_window) isf_imf_context_client_window_set (ctx, NULL); if (context_scim->impl) { delete_ic_impl (context_scim->impl); context_scim->impl = 0; } } if (context_scim == _focused_ic) _focused_ic = 0; if (context_scim) { delete context_scim; context_scim = 0; } } /** * isf_imf_context_client_canvas_set * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @canvas: the client canvas * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Set the client canvas for the Input Method Context; this is the canvas * in which the input appears. * * The canvas type can be determined by using the context canvas type. * Actually only canvas with type "evas" (Evas *) is supported. This canvas * may be used in order to correctly position status windows, and may also * be used for purposes internal to the Input Method Context. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_client_canvas_set (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, void *canvas) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim->impl->client_canvas != (Evas*) canvas) context_scim->impl->client_canvas = (Evas*)canvas; } /** * isf_imf_context_client_window_set * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @window: the client window * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Set the client window for the Input Method Context; this is the Ecore_X_Window * when using X11, Ecore_Win32_Window when using Win32, etc. * * This window is used in order to correctly position status windows, * and may also be used for purposes internal to the Input Method Context. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_client_window_set (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, void *window) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim->impl->client_window != (Ecore_X_Window)((Ecore_Window)window)) { context_scim->impl->client_window = (Ecore_X_Window)((Ecore_Window)window); if ((context_scim->impl->client_window != 0) && (context_scim->impl->client_window != _client_window)) _client_window = context_scim->impl->client_window; } } /** * isf_imf_context_reset * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Notify the Input Method Context that a change such as a change in cursor * position has been made. This will typically cause the Input Method Context * to clear the preedit state. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_reset (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim == _focused_ic) { WideString wstr = context_scim->impl->preedit_string; _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); context_scim->impl->si->reset (); _panel_client.send (); if (context_scim->impl->need_commit_preedit) { if (wstr.length ()) { ecore_imf_context_commit_event_add (context_scim->ctx, utf8_wcstombs (wstr).c_str ()); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(context_scim->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_COMMIT, (void *)utf8_wcstombs(wstr).c_str()); } _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); _panel_client.send (); } } } /** * isf_imf_context_focus_in * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Notify the Input Method Context that the widget to which its correspond has gained focus. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_focus_in (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx) { EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (!context_scim) return; SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__<< "(" << context_scim->id << ")...\n"; if (_focused_ic) { if (_focused_ic == context_scim) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "It's already focused.\n"; //isf_imf_context_cursor_position_set (ctx, 0); return; } SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "Focus out previous IC first: " << _focused_ic->id << "\n"; if (_focused_ic->ctx) isf_imf_context_focus_out (_focused_ic->ctx); } bool need_cap = false; bool need_reset = false; bool need_reg = false; if (context_scim && context_scim->impl) { _focused_ic = context_scim; _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); // Handle the "Shared Input Method" mode. if (_shared_input_method) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "shared input method.\n"; IMEngineFactoryPointer factory = _backend->get_default_factory (_language, "UTF-8"); if (!factory.null ()) { if (_default_instance.null () || _default_instance->get_factory_uuid () != factory->get_uuid ()) { _default_instance = factory->create_instance ("UTF-8", _default_instance.null () ? _instance_count++ : _default_instance->get_id ()); attach_instance (_default_instance); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "create new default instance: " << _default_instance->get_id () << " " << _default_instance->get_factory_uuid () << "\n"; } context_scim->impl->shared_si = true; context_scim->impl->si = _default_instance; context_scim->impl->is_on = _config->read (String (SCIM_CONFIG_FRONTEND_IM_OPENED_BY_DEFAULT), context_scim->impl->is_on); context_scim->impl->preedit_string.clear (); context_scim->impl->preedit_attrlist.clear (); context_scim->impl->preedit_caret = 0; context_scim->impl->preedit_started = false; need_cap = true; need_reset = true; need_reg = true; } } else if (context_scim->impl->shared_si) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "exit shared input method.\n"; IMEngineFactoryPointer factory = _backend->get_default_factory (_language, "UTF-8"); if (!factory.null ()) { context_scim->impl->si = factory->create_instance ("UTF-8", _instance_count++); context_scim->impl->preedit_string.clear (); context_scim->impl->preedit_attrlist.clear (); context_scim->impl->preedit_caret = 0; context_scim->impl->preedit_started = false; attach_instance (context_scim->impl->si); need_cap = true; need_reg = true; context_scim->impl->shared_si = false; SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "create new instance: " << context_scim->impl->si->get_id () << " " << context_scim->impl->si->get_factory_uuid () << "\n"; } } context_scim->impl->si->set_frontend_data (static_cast (context_scim)); if (need_reg) _panel_client.register_input_context (context_scim->id, context_scim->impl->si->get_factory_uuid ()); if (need_cap) set_ic_capabilities (context_scim); if (need_reset) context_scim->impl->si->reset (); panel_req_focus_in (context_scim); panel_req_update_spot_location (context_scim); panel_req_update_factory_info (context_scim); if (context_scim->impl->is_on) { _panel_client.turn_on (context_scim->id); _panel_client.hide_preedit_string (context_scim->id); _panel_client.hide_aux_string (context_scim->id); _panel_client.hide_lookup_table (context_scim->id); context_scim->impl->si->focus_in (); } else { _panel_client.turn_off (context_scim->id); } _panel_client.send (); } } /** * isf_imf_context_focus_out * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Notify the Input Method Context that the widget to which its correspond has lost focus. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_focus_out (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx) { EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (!context_scim) return; SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << context_scim->id << ")...\n"; if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim == _focused_ic) { WideString wstr = context_scim->impl->preedit_string; if (context_scim->impl->need_commit_preedit) { if (wstr.length ()) { ecore_imf_context_commit_event_add (context_scim->ctx, utf8_wcstombs (wstr).c_str ()); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(context_scim->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_COMMIT, (void *)utf8_wcstombs(wstr).c_str()); } _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); _panel_client.send (); } _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); context_scim->impl->si->focus_out (); context_scim->impl->si->reset (); _panel_client.turn_off (context_scim->id); _panel_client.focus_out (context_scim->id); _panel_client.send (); _focused_ic = 0; } } /** * isf_imf_context_cursor_location_set * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @x: x position of New cursor. * @y: y position of New cursor. * @w: the width of New cursor. * @h: the height of New cursor. * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Notify the Input Method Context that a change in the cursor location has been made. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_cursor_location_set (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); Ecore_Evas *ee; int canvas_x, canvas_y; if (cw == 0 && ch == 0) return; if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim == _focused_ic) { // Don't update spot location while updating preedit string. if (context_scim->impl->preedit_updating) return; if (!context_scim->impl->client_canvas) return; ee = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(context_scim->impl->client_canvas); if (!ee) return; ecore_evas_geometry_get (ee, &canvas_x, &canvas_y, NULL, NULL); if (context_scim->impl->cursor_x != canvas_x + cx || context_scim->impl->cursor_y != canvas_y + cy + ch) { context_scim->impl->cursor_x = canvas_x + cx; context_scim->impl->cursor_y = canvas_y + cy + ch; _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); panel_req_update_spot_location (context_scim); _panel_client.send (); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "new cursor location = " << context_scim->impl->cursor_x << "," << context_scim->impl->cursor_y << "\n"; } } } /** * isf_imf_context_use_preedit_set * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @use_preedit: Whether the IM context should use the preedit string. * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Set whether the IM context should use the preedit string to display feedback. * If is 0 (default is 1), then the IM context may use some other method to * display feedback, such as displaying it in a child of the root window. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_use_preedit_set (Ecore_IMF_Context* ctx, Eina_Bool use_preedit) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " = " << (use_preedit ? "true" : "false") << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF*)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (!_on_the_spot) return; if (context_scim && context_scim->impl) { bool old = context_scim->impl->use_preedit; context_scim->impl->use_preedit = use_preedit; if (context_scim == _focused_ic) { _panel_client.prepare (context_scim->id); if (old != use_preedit) set_ic_capabilities (context_scim); if (context_scim->impl->preedit_string.length ()) slot_show_preedit_string (context_scim->impl->si); _panel_client.send (); } } } EAPI void isf_imf_context_preedit_string_with_attributes_get (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, char** str, Eina_List **attrs, int *cursor_pos) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF*)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim->impl->is_on) { String mbs = utf8_wcstombs (context_scim->impl->preedit_string); if (str) { if (mbs.length ()) *str = strdup (mbs.c_str ()); else *str = strdup (""); } if (cursor_pos) { *cursor_pos = context_scim->impl->preedit_caret; } if (attrs) { if (mbs.length ()) { int start_index, end_index; int wlen = context_scim->impl->preedit_string.length (); Ecore_IMF_Preedit_Attr *attr = NULL; AttributeList::const_iterator i; bool *attrs_flag = new bool [mbs.length ()]; memset (attrs_flag, 0, mbs.length () *sizeof (bool)); for (i = context_scim->impl->preedit_attrlist.begin (); i != context_scim->impl->preedit_attrlist.end (); ++i) { start_index = i->get_start (); end_index = i->get_end (); if (end_index <= wlen && start_index < end_index && i->get_type () != SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE_NONE) { start_index = utf8_offset_to_index (mbs.c_str (), i->get_start ()); end_index = utf8_offset_to_index (mbs.c_str (), i->get_end ()); if (i->get_type () == SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE) { attr = (Ecore_IMF_Preedit_Attr *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_IMF_Preedit_Attr)); if (attr == NULL) continue; attr->start_index = start_index; attr->end_index = end_index; if (i->get_value () == SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE_UNDERLINE) { attr->preedit_type = ECORE_IMF_PREEDIT_TYPE_SUB1; *attrs = eina_list_append(*attrs, (void *)attr); } else if (i->get_value () == SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE_REVERSE) { attr->preedit_type = ECORE_IMF_PREEDIT_TYPE_SUB2; *attrs = eina_list_append(*attrs, (void *)attr); } else if (i->get_value () == SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE_HIGHLIGHT) { attr->preedit_type = ECORE_IMF_PREEDIT_TYPE_SUB3; *attrs = eina_list_append(*attrs, (void *)attr); } else { free (attr); } switch(i->get_value()) { case SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE_UNDERLINE: case SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE_REVERSE: case SCIM_ATTR_DECORATE_HIGHLIGHT: // Record which character has attribute. for (int pos = start_index; pos < end_index; ++pos) attrs_flag [pos] = 1; break; default: break; } } else if (i->get_type () == SCIM_ATTR_FOREGROUND) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(4) << "SCIM_ATTR_FOREGROUND\n"; } else if (i->get_type () == SCIM_ATTR_BACKGROUND) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(4) << "SCIM_ATTR_BACKGROUND\n"; } } } // Add underline for all characters which don't have attribute. for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < mbs.length (); ++pos) { if (!attrs_flag [pos]) { int begin_pos = pos; while (pos < mbs.length () && !attrs_flag [pos]) ++pos; // use REVERSE style as default attr = (Ecore_IMF_Preedit_Attr *)calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_IMF_Preedit_Attr)); if (attr == NULL) continue; attr->preedit_type = ECORE_IMF_PREEDIT_TYPE_SUB2; attr->start_index = begin_pos; attr->end_index = pos; *attrs = eina_list_append(*attrs, (void *)attr); } } delete [] attrs_flag; } } } else { if (str) *str = strdup (""); if (cursor_pos) *cursor_pos = 0; if (attrs) *attrs = NULL; } } /** * isf_imf_context_preedit_string_get * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @str: the preedit string * @cursor_pos: the cursor position * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * To get the preedit string of the input method. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_preedit_string_get (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, char** str, int *cursor_pos) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF*)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim->impl->is_on) { String mbs = utf8_wcstombs (context_scim->impl->preedit_string); if (str) { if (mbs.length ()) *str = strdup (mbs.c_str ()); else *str = strdup (""); } if (cursor_pos) *cursor_pos = context_scim->impl->preedit_caret; } else { if (str) *str = strdup (""); if (cursor_pos) *cursor_pos = 0; } } /** * isf_imf_context_cursor_position_set * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @cursor_pos: New cursor position in characters. * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Notify the Input Method Context that a change in the cursor position has been made. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_cursor_position_set (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, int cursor_pos) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim == _focused_ic) { // Don't update spot location while updating preedit string. if (context_scim->impl->preedit_updating) return; if (context_scim->impl->cursor_pos != cursor_pos) { context_scim->impl->cursor_pos = cursor_pos; caps_mode_check(ctx, EINA_FALSE); } } } /** * isf_imf_context_input_mode_set * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @input_mode: the input mode * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * To set the input mode of input method. The definition of Ecore_IMF_Input_Mode * is in Ecore_IMF.h. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_input_mode_set (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, Ecore_IMF_Input_Mode input_mode) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF*)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl) context_scim->impl->input_mode = input_mode; } /** * isf_imf_context_prediction_allow_set * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @use_prediction: Whether the IM context should use the prediction. * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Set whether the IM context should use the prediction. */ EAPI void isf_imf_context_prediction_allow_set (Ecore_IMF_Context* ctx, Eina_Bool prediction) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " = " << (prediction ? "true" : "false") << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim->impl->prediction_allow != prediction) context_scim->impl->prediction_allow = prediction; } EAPI void isf_imf_context_autocapital_type_set (Ecore_IMF_Context* ctx, Ecore_IMF_Autocapital_Type autocapital_type) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " = " << autocapital_type << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *context_scim = (EcoreIMFContextISF *)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); if (context_scim && context_scim->impl && context_scim->impl->autocapital_type != autocapital_type) context_scim->impl->autocapital_type = autocapital_type; } /** * isf_imf_context_filter_event * @ctx: a #Ecore_IMF_Context * @type: The type of event defined by Ecore_IMF_Event_Type. * @event: The event itself. * Return value: %TRUE if the input method handled the key event. * * This function will be called by Ecore IMF. * * Allow an Ecore Input Context to internally handle an event. If this function * returns 1, then no further processing should be done for this event. Input * methods must be able to accept all types of events (simply returning 0 if * the event was not handled), but there is no obligation of any events to be * submitted to this function. */ EAPI Eina_Bool isf_imf_context_filter_event (Ecore_IMF_Context *ctx, Ecore_IMF_Event_Type type, Ecore_IMF_Event *event) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = (EcoreIMFContextISF*)ecore_imf_context_data_get (ctx); Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE; if (ic == NULL || ic->impl == NULL) return ret; KeyEvent key; if (type == ECORE_IMF_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { Ecore_IMF_Event_Key_Down *ev = (Ecore_IMF_Event_Key_Down *)event; scim_string_to_key (key, ev->key); if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_SHIFT) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_ShiftMask; if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_CTRL) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_ControlMask; if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_ALT) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_AltMask; if (ev->locks & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_LOCK_CAPS) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_CapsLockMask; if (ev->locks & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_LOCK_NUM) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_NumLockMask; } else if (type == ECORE_IMF_EVENT_KEY_UP) { Ecore_IMF_Event_Key_Up *ev = (Ecore_IMF_Event_Key_Up *)event; scim_string_to_key (key, ev->key); key.mask = SCIM_KEY_ReleaseMask; if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_SHIFT) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_ShiftMask; if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_CTRL) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_ControlMask; if (ev->modifiers & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_ALT) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_AltMask; if (ev->locks & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_LOCK_CAPS) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_CapsLockMask; if (ev->locks & ECORE_IMF_KEYBOARD_LOCK_NUM) key.mask |=SCIM_KEY_NumLockMask; } else { return ret; } key.mask &= _valid_key_mask; _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); ret = EINA_TRUE; if (!filter_hotkeys (ic, key)) { if (!_focused_ic || !_focused_ic->impl->is_on || !_focused_ic->impl->si->process_key_event (key)) ret = EINA_FALSE; } _panel_client.send (); return ret; } /* Panel Slot functions */ static void panel_slot_reload_config (int context __UNUSED__) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; _config->reload (); } static void panel_slot_exit (int /* context */) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; finalize (); } static void panel_slot_update_lookup_table_page_size (int context, int page_size) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " page_size=" << page_size << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); ic->impl->si->update_lookup_table_page_size (page_size); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_lookup_table_page_up (int context) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); ic->impl->si->lookup_table_page_up (); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_lookup_table_page_down (int context) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); ic->impl->si->lookup_table_page_down (); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_trigger_property (int context, const String &property) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " property=" << property << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); ic->impl->si->trigger_property (property); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_process_helper_event (int context, const String &target_uuid, const String &helper_uuid, const Transaction &trans) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " target=" << target_uuid << " helper=" << helper_uuid << " ic=" << ic << " ic->impl=" << (ic ? ic->impl : 0) << " ic-uuid=" << ((ic && ic->impl) ? ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid () : "" ) << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl && ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid () == target_uuid) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "call process_helper_event\n"; ic->impl->si->process_helper_event (helper_uuid, trans); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_move_preedit_caret (int context, int caret_pos) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " caret=" << caret_pos << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); ic->impl->si->move_preedit_caret (caret_pos); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_select_candidate (int context, int cand_index) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " candidate=" << cand_index << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); ic->impl->si->select_candidate (cand_index); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_process_key_event (int context, const KeyEvent &key) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " key=" << key.get_key_string () << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl && ic->impl->client_canvas) feed_key_event(ic->impl->client_canvas, key.get_key_string().c_str(), EINA_FALSE); } static void panel_slot_commit_string (int context, const WideString &wstr) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " str=" << utf8_wcstombs (wstr) << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { if (_focused_ic != ic) return; ecore_imf_context_commit_event_add (ic->ctx, utf8_wcstombs (wstr).c_str ()); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_COMMIT, (void *)utf8_wcstombs(wstr).c_str()); } } static void panel_slot_forward_key_event (int context, const KeyEvent &key) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " key=" << key.get_key_string () << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl && ic->impl->client_canvas) feed_key_event (ic->impl->client_canvas, key.get_key_string ().c_str (), EINA_TRUE); } static void panel_slot_request_help (int context) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); panel_req_show_help (ic); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_request_factory_menu (int context) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); panel_req_show_factory_menu (ic); _panel_client.send (); } } static void panel_slot_change_factory (int context, const String &uuid) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = find_ic (context); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << context << " factory=" << uuid << " ic=" << ic << "\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { ic->impl->si->reset (); _panel_client.prepare (ic->id); open_specific_factory (ic, uuid); _panel_client.send (); } } /* Panel Requestion functions. */ static void panel_req_show_help (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; String help; help = String ("Smart Common Input Method platform ") + //String (SCIM_VERSION) + String ("\n(C) 2002-2005 James Su \n\n"); if (ic && ic->impl) { IMEngineFactoryPointer sf = _backend->get_factory (ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid ()); if (sf) { help += utf8_wcstombs (sf->get_name ()); help += String (":\n\n"); help += utf8_wcstombs (sf->get_help ()); help += String ("\n\n"); help += utf8_wcstombs (sf->get_credits ()); } _panel_client.show_help (ic->id, help); } } static void panel_req_show_factory_menu (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; std::vector factories; std::vector menu; _backend->get_factories_for_encoding (factories, "UTF-8"); for (size_t i = 0; i < factories.size (); ++ i) { menu.push_back (PanelFactoryInfo ( factories [i]->get_uuid (), utf8_wcstombs (factories [i]->get_name ()), factories [i]->get_language (), factories [i]->get_icon_file ())); } if (menu.size ()) _panel_client.show_factory_menu (ic->id, menu); } static void panel_req_update_factory_info (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (ic && ic->impl && ic == _focused_ic) { PanelFactoryInfo info; if (ic->impl->is_on) { IMEngineFactoryPointer sf = _backend->get_factory (ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid ()); if (sf) info = PanelFactoryInfo (sf->get_uuid (), utf8_wcstombs (sf->get_name ()), sf->get_language (), sf->get_icon_file ()); } else { info = PanelFactoryInfo (String (""), String ("English/Keyboard"), String ("C"), ""); } _panel_client.update_factory_info (ic->id, info); } } static void panel_req_focus_in (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; _panel_client.focus_in (ic->id, ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid ()); } static void panel_req_update_spot_location (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; _panel_client.update_spot_location (ic->id, ic->impl->cursor_x, ic->impl->cursor_y); } static bool filter_hotkeys (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic, const KeyEvent &key) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; bool ret = false; _frontend_hotkey_matcher.push_key_event (key); _imengine_hotkey_matcher.push_key_event (key); FrontEndHotkeyAction hotkey_action = _frontend_hotkey_matcher.get_match_result (); if (hotkey_action == SCIM_FRONTEND_HOTKEY_TRIGGER) { if (!ic->impl->is_on) turn_on_ic (ic); else turn_off_ic (ic); ret = true; } else if (hotkey_action == SCIM_FRONTEND_HOTKEY_ON) { if (!ic->impl->is_on) turn_on_ic (ic); ret = true; } else if (hotkey_action == SCIM_FRONTEND_HOTKEY_OFF) { if (ic->impl->is_on) turn_off_ic (ic); ret = true; } else if (hotkey_action == SCIM_FRONTEND_HOTKEY_NEXT_FACTORY) { open_next_factory (ic); ret = true; } else if (hotkey_action == SCIM_FRONTEND_HOTKEY_PREVIOUS_FACTORY) { open_previous_factory (ic); ret = true; } else if (hotkey_action == SCIM_FRONTEND_HOTKEY_SHOW_FACTORY_MENU) { panel_req_show_factory_menu (ic); ret = true; } else if (_imengine_hotkey_matcher.is_matched ()) { String sfid = _imengine_hotkey_matcher.get_match_result (); open_specific_factory (ic, sfid); ret = true; } return ret; } static bool panel_initialize (void) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; String display_name; { const char *p = getenv ("DISPLAY"); if (p) display_name = String (p); } if (_panel_client.open_connection (_config->get_name (), display_name) >= 0) { int fd = _panel_client.get_connection_number (); _panel_iochannel_read_handler = ecore_main_fd_handler_add (fd, ECORE_FD_READ, panel_iochannel_handler, NULL, NULL, NULL); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << " Panel FD= " << fd << "\n"; return true; } std::cerr << "panel_initialize () failed!!!\n"; return false; } static void panel_finalize (void) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; _panel_client.close_connection (); if (_panel_iochannel_read_handler) { ecore_main_fd_handler_del (_panel_iochannel_read_handler); _panel_iochannel_read_handler = 0; } if (_panel_iochannel_err_handler) { ecore_main_fd_handler_del (_panel_iochannel_err_handler); _panel_iochannel_err_handler = 0; } } static Eina_Bool panel_iochannel_handler (void *data __UNUSED__, Ecore_Fd_Handler *fd_handler) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (fd_handler == _panel_iochannel_read_handler) { if (!_panel_client.filter_event ()) { panel_finalize (); panel_initialize (); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } } else if (fd_handler == _panel_iochannel_err_handler) { panel_finalize (); panel_initialize (); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static void turn_on_ic (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (ic && ic->impl && !ic->impl->is_on) { ic->impl->is_on = true; if (ic == _focused_ic) { panel_req_focus_in (ic); panel_req_update_spot_location (ic); panel_req_update_factory_info (ic); _panel_client.turn_on (ic->id); _panel_client.hide_preedit_string (ic->id); _panel_client.hide_aux_string (ic->id); _panel_client.hide_lookup_table (ic->id); ic->impl->si->focus_in (); } //Record the IC on/off status if (_shared_input_method) _config->write (String (SCIM_CONFIG_FRONTEND_IM_OPENED_BY_DEFAULT), true); if (ic->impl->use_preedit && ic->impl->preedit_string.length ()) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_start_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_START, NULL); ecore_imf_context_preedit_changed_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_CHANGED, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_started = true; } } } static void turn_off_ic (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (ic && ic->impl && ic->impl->is_on) { ic->impl->is_on = false; if (ic == _focused_ic) { ic->impl->si->focus_out (); panel_req_update_factory_info (ic); _panel_client.turn_off (ic->id); } //Record the IC on/off status if (_shared_input_method) _config->write (String (SCIM_CONFIG_FRONTEND_IM_OPENED_BY_DEFAULT), false); if (ic->impl->use_preedit && ic->impl->preedit_string.length ()) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_changed_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_CHANGED, NULL); ecore_imf_context_preedit_end_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_END, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_started = false; } } } static void set_ic_capabilities (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) { unsigned int cap = SCIM_CLIENT_CAP_ALL_CAPABILITIES; if (!_on_the_spot || !ic->impl->use_preedit) cap -= SCIM_CLIENT_CAP_ONTHESPOT_PREEDIT; ic->impl->si->update_client_capabilities (cap); } } static bool check_socket_frontend (void) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; SocketAddress address; SocketClient client; uint32 magic; address.set_address (scim_get_default_socket_frontend_address ()); if (!client.connect (address)) return false; if (!scim_socket_open_connection (magic, String ("ConnectionTester"), String ("SocketFrontEnd"), client, 1000)) return false; return true; } void initialize (void) { std::vector config_list; std::vector engine_list; std::vector load_engine_list; std::vector::iterator it; bool manual = false; bool socket = true; String config_module_name = "simple"; printf("Initializing Ecore SCIM IMModule...\n"); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "Initializing Ecore SCIM IMModule...\n"; // Get system language. _language = scim_get_locale_language (scim_get_current_locale ()); if (socket) { // If no Socket FrontEnd is running, then launch one. // And set manual to false. bool check_result = check_socket_frontend (); if (!check_result) { std::cerr << "Launching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd...\n"; //get modules list scim_get_imengine_module_list (engine_list); for (it = engine_list.begin (); it != engine_list.end (); it++) { if (*it != "socket") load_engine_list.push_back (*it); } const char *new_argv [] = { "--no-stay", 0 }; scim_launch (true, config_module_name, (load_engine_list.size () ? scim_combine_string_list (load_engine_list, ',') : "none"), "socket", (char **)new_argv); manual = false; } // If there is one Socket FrontEnd running and it's not manual mode, // then just use this Socket Frontend. if (!manual) { for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i) { if (check_result) { config_module_name = "socket"; load_engine_list.clear (); load_engine_list.push_back ("socket"); break; } scim_usleep (50000); check_result = check_socket_frontend (); } } } if (config_module_name != "dummy") { //load config module SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "Loading Config module: " << config_module_name << "...\n"; _config_module = new ConfigModule (config_module_name); //create config instance if (_config_module != NULL && _config_module->valid ()) _config = _config_module->create_config (); } if (_config.null ()) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "Config module cannot be loaded, using dummy Config.\n"; if (_config_module) delete _config_module; _config_module = NULL; _config = new DummyConfig (); config_module_name = "dummy"; } reload_config_callback (_config); _config->signal_connect_reload (slot (reload_config_callback)); // create backend _backend = new CommonBackEnd (_config, load_engine_list.size () ? load_engine_list : engine_list); if (_backend.null ()) std::cerr << "Cannot create BackEnd Object!\n"; else _fallback_factory = _backend->get_factory (SCIM_COMPOSE_KEY_FACTORY_UUID); if (_fallback_factory.null ()) _fallback_factory = new DummyIMEngineFactory (); _fallback_instance = _fallback_factory->create_instance (String ("UTF-8"), 0); _fallback_instance->signal_connect_commit_string (slot (fallback_commit_string_cb)); // Attach Panel Client signal. _panel_client.signal_connect_reload_config (slot (panel_slot_reload_config)); _panel_client.signal_connect_exit (slot (panel_slot_exit)); _panel_client.signal_connect_update_lookup_table_page_size (slot (panel_slot_update_lookup_table_page_size)); _panel_client.signal_connect_lookup_table_page_up (slot (panel_slot_lookup_table_page_up)); _panel_client.signal_connect_lookup_table_page_down (slot (panel_slot_lookup_table_page_down)); _panel_client.signal_connect_trigger_property (slot (panel_slot_trigger_property)); _panel_client.signal_connect_process_helper_event (slot (panel_slot_process_helper_event)); _panel_client.signal_connect_move_preedit_caret (slot (panel_slot_move_preedit_caret)); _panel_client.signal_connect_select_candidate (slot (panel_slot_select_candidate)); _panel_client.signal_connect_process_key_event (slot (panel_slot_process_key_event)); _panel_client.signal_connect_commit_string (slot (panel_slot_commit_string)); _panel_client.signal_connect_forward_key_event (slot (panel_slot_forward_key_event)); _panel_client.signal_connect_request_help (slot (panel_slot_request_help)); _panel_client.signal_connect_request_factory_menu (slot (panel_slot_request_factory_menu)); _panel_client.signal_connect_change_factory (slot (panel_slot_change_factory)); if (!panel_initialize ()) std::cerr << "Ecore IM Module: Cannot connect to Panel!\n"; } static void finalize (void) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << "Finalizing Ecore ISF IMModule...\n"; // Reset this first so that the shared instance could be released correctly afterwards. _default_instance.reset (); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "Finalize all IC partially.\n"; while (_used_ic_impl_list) { // In case in "shared input method" mode, // all contexts share only one instance, // so we need point the reference pointer correctly before finalizing. _used_ic_impl_list->si->set_frontend_data (static_cast (_used_ic_impl_list->parent)); isf_imf_context_del (_used_ic_impl_list->parent->ctx); } delete_all_ic_impl (); _fallback_instance.reset (); _fallback_factory.reset (); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << " Releasing BackEnd...\n"; _backend.reset (); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << " Releasing Config...\n"; _config.reset (); if (_config_module) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << " Deleting _config_module...\n"; delete _config_module; _config_module = 0; } _focused_ic = NULL; _ic_list = NULL; _scim_initialized = false; panel_finalize (); } static void open_next_factory (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << ic->id << "\n"; IMEngineFactoryPointer sf = _backend->get_next_factory ("", "UTF-8", ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid ()); if (!sf.null ()) { turn_off_ic (ic); ic->impl->si = sf->create_instance ("UTF-8", ic->impl->si->get_id ()); ic->impl->si->set_frontend_data (static_cast (ic)); ic->impl->preedit_string = WideString (); ic->impl->preedit_caret = 0; attach_instance (ic->impl->si); _backend->set_default_factory (_language, sf->get_uuid ()); _panel_client.register_input_context (ic->id, sf->get_uuid ()); set_ic_capabilities (ic); turn_on_ic (ic); if (_shared_input_method) { _default_instance = ic->impl->si; ic->impl->shared_si = true; } } } static void open_previous_factory (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic) { if (ic == NULL) return; SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << ic->id << "\n"; IMEngineFactoryPointer sf = _backend->get_previous_factory ("", "UTF-8", ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid ()); if (!sf.null ()) { turn_off_ic (ic); ic->impl->si = sf->create_instance ("UTF-8", ic->impl->si->get_id ()); ic->impl->si->set_frontend_data (static_cast (ic)); ic->impl->preedit_string = WideString (); ic->impl->preedit_caret = 0; attach_instance (ic->impl->si); _backend->set_default_factory (_language, sf->get_uuid ()); _panel_client.register_input_context (ic->id, sf->get_uuid ()); set_ic_capabilities (ic); turn_on_ic (ic); if (_shared_input_method) { _default_instance = ic->impl->si; ic->impl->shared_si = true; } } } static void open_specific_factory (EcoreIMFContextISF *ic, const String &uuid) { if (ic == NULL) return; SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << __FUNCTION__ << " context=" << ic->id << "\n"; // The same input method is selected, just turn on the IC. if (ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid () == uuid) { turn_on_ic (ic); return; } IMEngineFactoryPointer sf = _backend->get_factory (uuid); if (uuid.length () && !sf.null ()) { turn_off_ic (ic); ic->impl->si = sf->create_instance ("UTF-8", ic->impl->si->get_id ()); ic->impl->si->set_frontend_data (static_cast (ic)); ic->impl->preedit_string = WideString (); ic->impl->preedit_caret = 0; attach_instance (ic->impl->si); _backend->set_default_factory (_language, sf->get_uuid ()); _panel_client.register_input_context (ic->id, sf->get_uuid ()); set_ic_capabilities (ic); turn_on_ic (ic); if (_shared_input_method) { _default_instance = ic->impl->si; ic->impl->shared_si = true; } } else { // turn_off_ic comment out panel_req_update_factory_info () turn_off_ic (ic); if (ic && ic->impl->is_on) { ic->impl->is_on = false; if (ic == _focused_ic) { ic->impl->si->focus_out (); panel_req_update_factory_info (ic); _panel_client.turn_off (ic->id); } //Record the IC on/off status if (_shared_input_method) _config->write (String (SCIM_CONFIG_FRONTEND_IM_OPENED_BY_DEFAULT), false); if (ic->impl->use_preedit && ic->impl->preedit_string.length ()) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_changed_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_CHANGED, NULL); ecore_imf_context_preedit_end_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_END, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_started = false; } } } } static void initialize_modifier_bits (Display *display) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (__current_display == display) return; __current_display = display; if (display == 0) { __current_alt_mask = Mod1Mask; __current_meta_mask = ShiftMask | Mod1Mask; __current_super_mask = 0; __current_hyper_mask = 0; __current_numlock_mask = Mod2Mask; return; } XModifierKeymap *mods = NULL; ::KeyCode ctrl_l = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Control_L); ::KeyCode ctrl_r = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Control_R); ::KeyCode meta_l = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Meta_L); ::KeyCode meta_r = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Meta_R); ::KeyCode alt_l = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Alt_L); ::KeyCode alt_r = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Alt_R); ::KeyCode super_l = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Super_L); ::KeyCode super_r = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Super_R); ::KeyCode hyper_l = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Hyper_L); ::KeyCode hyper_r = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Hyper_R); ::KeyCode numlock = XKeysymToKeycode (display, XK_Num_Lock); int i, j; mods = XGetModifierMapping (display); if (mods == NULL) return; __current_alt_mask = 0; __current_meta_mask = 0; __current_super_mask = 0; __current_hyper_mask = 0; __current_numlock_mask = 0; /* We skip the first three sets for Shift, Lock, and Control. The remaining sets are for Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, and Mod5. */ for (i = 3; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < mods->max_keypermod; j++) { ::KeyCode code = mods->modifiermap [i * mods->max_keypermod + j]; if (! code) continue; if (code == alt_l || code == alt_r) __current_alt_mask |= (1 << i); else if (code == meta_l || code == meta_r) __current_meta_mask |= (1 << i); else if (code == super_l || code == super_r) __current_super_mask |= (1 << i); else if (code == hyper_l || code == hyper_r) __current_hyper_mask |= (1 << i); else if (code == numlock) __current_numlock_mask |= (1 << i); } } /* Check whether there is a combine keys mapped to Meta */ if (__current_meta_mask == 0) { char buf [32]; XKeyEvent xkey; KeySym keysym_l, keysym_r; xkey.type = KeyPress; xkey.display = display; xkey.serial = 0L; xkey.send_event = False; xkey.x = xkey.y = xkey.x_root = xkey.y_root = 0; xkey.time = 0; xkey.same_screen = False; xkey.subwindow = None; xkey.window = None; xkey.root = DefaultRootWindow (display); xkey.state = ShiftMask; xkey.keycode = meta_l; XLookupString (&xkey, buf, 32, &keysym_l, 0); xkey.keycode = meta_r; XLookupString (&xkey, buf, 32, &keysym_r, 0); if ((meta_l == alt_l && keysym_l == XK_Meta_L) || (meta_r == alt_r && keysym_r == XK_Meta_R)) __current_meta_mask = ShiftMask + __current_alt_mask; else if ((meta_l == ctrl_l && keysym_l == XK_Meta_L) || (meta_r == ctrl_r && keysym_r == XK_Meta_R)) __current_meta_mask = ShiftMask + ControlMask; } XFreeModifiermap (mods); } static unsigned int scim_x11_keymask_scim_to_x11 (Display *display, uint16 scimkeymask) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; unsigned int state = 0; initialize_modifier_bits (display); if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_ShiftMask) state |= ShiftMask; if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_CapsLockMask) state |= LockMask; if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_ControlMask) state |= ControlMask; if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_AltMask) state |= __current_alt_mask; if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_MetaMask) state |= __current_meta_mask; if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_SuperMask) state |= __current_super_mask; if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_HyperMask) state |= __current_hyper_mask; if (scimkeymask & SCIM_KEY_NumLockMask) state |= __current_numlock_mask; return state; } static XKeyEvent createKeyEvent (Display *display, Window &win, Window &winRoot, bool press, int keycode, int modifiers) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; XKeyEvent event; event.display = display; event.window = win; event.root = winRoot; event.subwindow = None; event.time = CurrentTime; event.x = 1; event.y = 1; event.x_root = 1; event.y_root = 1; event.same_screen = EINA_TRUE; event.state = modifiers; event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode (display, keycode); if (press) event.type = KeyPress; else event.type = KeyRelease; event.send_event = EINA_FALSE; event.serial = 0; return event; } static void _x_send_key_event (const KeyEvent &key) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; // Obtain the X11 display. Display *display = XOpenDisplay (NULL); if (display == NULL) { std::cerr << "XOpenDisplay failed\n"; return; } // Get the root window for the current display. Window winRoot = 0;// = XRootWindow (display, 1); // Find the window which has the current keyboard focus. Window winFocus = 0; int revert = RevertToParent; XGetInputFocus (display, &winFocus, &revert); // Send a fake key press event to the window. XSelectInput (display, winFocus, FocusChangeMask|KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask); XMapWindow (display, winFocus); unsigned int modifier = scim_x11_keymask_scim_to_x11 (display, key.mask); XKeyEvent event; if (key.is_key_press ()) { event = createKeyEvent (display, winFocus, winRoot, true, key.code, modifier); XSendEvent (event.display, event.window, True, KeyPressMask, (XEvent *)&event); } else { event = createKeyEvent (display, winFocus, winRoot, false, key.code, modifier); XSendEvent (event.display, event.window, True, KeyReleaseMask, (XEvent *)&event); } XCloseDisplay (display); } static void attach_instance (const IMEngineInstancePointer &si) { si->signal_connect_show_preedit_string ( slot (slot_show_preedit_string)); si->signal_connect_show_aux_string ( slot (slot_show_aux_string)); si->signal_connect_show_lookup_table ( slot (slot_show_lookup_table)); si->signal_connect_hide_preedit_string ( slot (slot_hide_preedit_string)); si->signal_connect_hide_aux_string ( slot (slot_hide_aux_string)); si->signal_connect_hide_lookup_table ( slot (slot_hide_lookup_table)); si->signal_connect_update_preedit_caret ( slot (slot_update_preedit_caret)); si->signal_connect_update_preedit_string ( slot (slot_update_preedit_string)); si->signal_connect_update_aux_string ( slot (slot_update_aux_string)); si->signal_connect_update_lookup_table ( slot (slot_update_lookup_table)); si->signal_connect_commit_string ( slot (slot_commit_string)); si->signal_connect_forward_key_event ( slot (slot_forward_key_event)); si->signal_connect_register_properties ( slot (slot_register_properties)); si->signal_connect_update_property ( slot (slot_update_property)); si->signal_connect_beep ( slot (slot_beep)); si->signal_connect_start_helper ( slot (slot_start_helper)); si->signal_connect_stop_helper ( slot (slot_stop_helper)); si->signal_connect_send_helper_event ( slot (slot_send_helper_event)); si->signal_connect_get_surrounding_text ( slot (slot_get_surrounding_text)); si->signal_connect_delete_surrounding_text ( slot (slot_delete_surrounding_text)); } // Implementation of slot functions static void slot_show_preedit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) { if (ic->impl->use_preedit) { if (!ic->impl->preedit_started) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_start_event_add (_focused_ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(_focused_ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_START, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_started = true; } } else _panel_client.show_preedit_string (ic->id); } } static void slot_show_aux_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.show_aux_string (ic->id); } static void slot_show_lookup_table (IMEngineInstanceBase *si) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.show_lookup_table (ic->id); } static void slot_hide_preedit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) { bool emit = false; if (ic->impl->preedit_string.length ()) { ic->impl->preedit_string = WideString (); ic->impl->preedit_caret = 0; ic->impl->preedit_attrlist.clear (); emit = true; } if (ic->impl->use_preedit) { if (emit) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_changed_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_CHANGED, NULL); } if (ic->impl->preedit_started) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_end_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_END, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_started = false; } } else _panel_client.hide_preedit_string (ic->id); } } static void slot_hide_aux_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.hide_aux_string (ic->id); } static void slot_hide_lookup_table (IMEngineInstanceBase *si) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.hide_lookup_table (ic->id); } static void slot_update_preedit_caret (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, int caret) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic && ic->impl->preedit_caret != caret) { ic->impl->preedit_caret = caret; if (ic->impl->use_preedit) { if (!ic->impl->preedit_started) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_start_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_START, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_started = true; } ecore_imf_context_preedit_changed_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_CHANGED, NULL); } else _panel_client.update_preedit_caret (ic->id, caret); } } static void slot_update_preedit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const WideString & str, const AttributeList & attrs) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic && (ic->impl->preedit_string != str || str.length ())) { ic->impl->preedit_string = str; ic->impl->preedit_attrlist = attrs; if (ic->impl->use_preedit) { if (!ic->impl->preedit_started) { ecore_imf_context_preedit_start_event_add (_focused_ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(_focused_ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_START, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_started = true; } ic->impl->preedit_caret = str.length (); ic->impl->preedit_updating = true; ecore_imf_context_preedit_changed_event_add (ic->ctx); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_PREEDIT_CHANGED, NULL); ic->impl->preedit_updating = false; } else { _panel_client.update_preedit_string (ic->id, str, attrs); } } } static void slot_update_aux_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const WideString & str, const AttributeList & attrs) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.update_aux_string (ic->id, str, attrs); } static void slot_commit_string (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const WideString & str) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->ctx) { ecore_imf_context_commit_event_add (ic->ctx, utf8_wcstombs (str).c_str ()); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_COMMIT, (void *)utf8_wcstombs(str).c_str()); } } static void slot_forward_key_event (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const KeyEvent & key) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && _focused_ic == ic) { if (!_fallback_instance->process_key_event (key)) _x_send_key_event(key); } } static void slot_update_lookup_table (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const LookupTable & table) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.update_lookup_table (ic->id, table); } static void slot_register_properties (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const PropertyList & properties) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.register_properties (ic->id, properties); } static void slot_update_property (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const Property & property) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) _panel_client.update_property (ic->id, property); } static void slot_beep (IMEngineInstanceBase *si __UNUSED__) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; } static void slot_start_helper (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const String &helper_uuid) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " helper= " << helper_uuid << " context=" << (ic ? ic->id : -1) << " ic=" << ic << " ic-uuid=" << ((ic ) ? ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid () : "") << "...\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) _panel_client.start_helper (ic->id, helper_uuid); } static void slot_stop_helper (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const String &helper_uuid) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " helper= " << helper_uuid << " context=" << (ic ? ic->id : -1) << " ic=" << ic << "...\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) _panel_client.stop_helper (ic->id, helper_uuid); } static void slot_send_helper_event (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, const String &helper_uuid, const Transaction &trans) { EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " helper= " << helper_uuid << " context=" << (ic ? ic->id : -1) << " ic=" << ic << " ic-uuid=" << ((ic) ? ic->impl->si->get_factory_uuid () : "") << "...\n"; if (ic && ic->impl) _panel_client.send_helper_event (ic->id, helper_uuid, trans); } static bool slot_get_surrounding_text (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, WideString &text, int &cursor, int maxlen_before, int maxlen_after) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) { char *surrounding = NULL; int cursor_index; if (ecore_imf_context_surrounding_get (_focused_ic->ctx, &surrounding, &cursor_index)) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "Surrounding text: " << surrounding <<"\n"; SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(2) << "Cursor Index : " << cursor_index <<"\n"; WideString before (utf8_mbstowcs (String (surrounding, surrounding + cursor_index))); WideString after (utf8_mbstowcs (String (surrounding + cursor_index))); if (maxlen_before > 0 && ((unsigned int)maxlen_before) < before.length ()) before = WideString (before.begin () + (before.length () - maxlen_before), before.end ()); else if (maxlen_before == 0) before = WideString (); if (maxlen_after > 0 && ((unsigned int)maxlen_after) < after.length ()) after = WideString (after.begin (), after.begin () + maxlen_after); else if (maxlen_after == 0) after = WideString (); text = before + after; cursor = before.length (); return true; } } return false; } static bool slot_delete_surrounding_text (IMEngineInstanceBase *si, int offset, int len) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; EcoreIMFContextISF *ic = static_cast (si->get_frontend_data ()); if (ic && ic->impl && _focused_ic == ic) { Ecore_IMF_Event_Delete_Surrounding ev; ev.ctx = _focused_ic->ctx; ev.n_chars = len; ev.offset = offset; ecore_imf_context_delete_surrounding_event_add (_focused_ic->ctx, offset, len); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(_focused_ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_DELETE_SURROUNDING, &ev); return true; } return false; } static void reload_config_callback (const ConfigPointer &config) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; _frontend_hotkey_matcher.load_hotkeys (config); _imengine_hotkey_matcher.load_hotkeys (config); KeyEvent key; scim_string_to_key (key, config->read (String (SCIM_CONFIG_HOTKEYS_FRONTEND_VALID_KEY_MASK), String ("Shift+Control+Alt+Lock"))); _valid_key_mask = (key.mask > 0)?(key.mask):0xFFFF; _valid_key_mask |= SCIM_KEY_ReleaseMask; // Special treatment for two backslash keys on jp106 keyboard. _valid_key_mask |= SCIM_KEY_QuirkKanaRoMask; _on_the_spot = config->read (String (SCIM_CONFIG_FRONTEND_ON_THE_SPOT), _on_the_spot); _shared_input_method = config->read (String (SCIM_CONFIG_FRONTEND_SHARED_INPUT_METHOD), _shared_input_method); // Get keyboard layout setting // Flush the global config first, in order to load the new configs from disk. scim_global_config_flush (); _keyboard_layout = scim_get_default_keyboard_layout (); } static void fallback_commit_string_cb (IMEngineInstanceBase *si __UNUSED__, const WideString &str) { SCIM_DEBUG_FRONTEND(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "...\n"; if (_focused_ic && _focused_ic->impl) { ecore_imf_context_commit_event_add (_focused_ic->ctx, utf8_wcstombs (str).c_str ()); ecore_imf_context_event_callback_call(_focused_ic->ctx, ECORE_IMF_CALLBACK_COMMIT, (void *)utf8_wcstombs(str).c_str()); } }